Middle East and North AfricaRegarding: U.S. Embassy Cairo Warden Message 11

most of what I have found is not flying directly from US to Cairo, although I am purposely looking to fly from Orlando to Europe to Cairo bc if I go through JFK most of the flights available to me have 2 layovers where as I can fly from here to Frankfurt have 1 hour and 45 minute layover then to Cairo...looking to waste as little time in transit as possible...spoke with my hubby a lil while ago he said he would meet me at Cairo airport and probably we would spend the night with family there then to Alex the next morning...he is optimistic that by that time even if curfew is still in effect it will be 9p-6a.That is going to be odd seeing as how in Egypt that seems to be the time that the streets really come to life...No complaints though, I will just be thankful to be there with him and the two of us being able to work together on this RFE #######.

Mandyu1- I read your other post as well, I am with appears that he would receive his visa sooner as opposed to later since he had interview prior to the cut off date...I am wishing and praying for the best for the two of you, hopefully his AP would not be lengthy...BTW, I just noticed your pregnancy timeline- Congratulations!

Thank you!! :) That is the main reason why I'm so anxious for him to get here, I have about 4.5 mths to go!

Keep us updated on what route you take. I'm over on SW Florida coast, but I'm about the same distance from Miami and Orlando, I plan on checking those flights as well. I don't think many people pay attention to the curfew, although I know they won't let you leave the airport during that time. My fiance has been out a few times in the evening, but I wouldn't take a change being a foreigner.

Good luck with USCIS, I hope and pray that you get some answers from them soon and this gets resolved.
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2011-02-09 11:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaRegarding: U.S. Embassy Cairo Warden Message 11

The original flights may show as cancellations, but to my knowledge the AirFrance flight (AF508) from Paris to Cairo is still flying with a detour into Beirut so as not to arrive in Cairo outside of curfew hours. I only know all of this because I have a ticket currently, booked in November last year, leaving day after tomorrow - Feb 10. I have been burning up the phone lines to AirFrance, trying to figure out dates to reschedule my trip, etc. You can check the flight status on the AirFrance page. Just look for AF508 and you'll see it there. Good luck to all.

ah ok, hopefully AF will get this resolved for you. The first time I went to egypt that volcano erupted and I had to change my flight around because of that. I know Egypt Air and Emirates is flying into Cairo also, but from other locations. i haven't been able to find one that is flying directly from the US into Cairo.

I think Lufthansa as well...I am now definitely planning on going very soon thanks to the 4 page RFE I received today ( see my other posting in immigration process forum). I can't go until March 4th though, so maybe that is why I am finding this flight....I hope all of us that wish to go soon will find our way and arrive smoothly with our loved ones....let's keep one another posted on this subject of flight availability if possible.

I seen your other post, that is just insane what they are requesting! I hope you can get that cleared up pretty quickly and without any other problems. I know Emirates and Egypt air are also flying into Cairo. Good luck!!
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2011-02-08 22:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaRegarding: U.S. Embassy Cairo Warden Message 11

I am not sure about when the embassy will open for visa business again. :(

I think I may go over next week. AirFrance is still flying into and out of Cairo. Fiancee and my landlord there say things aren't so bad outside of the protest areas. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Good luck and have a safe trip! I looked today at flights that are flying into Cairo and it showed Air France flights as cancelled, but I hope you can get over there. I know British Air is still flying there too, I was thinking when I go back of flying to London and then into Cairo.
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2011-02-08 18:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaRegarding: U.S. Embassy Cairo Warden Message 11

Hello, i think that once they open the embassy again they're gonna continue processing your visa
good luck

thanks good luck to you too!

Does anyone have any news on when the embassy may open again? I happened to call Delta to see when they were going to resume flights to Cairo (because I plan on going back shortly) and was told not before March 27. I hope that doesn't mean the embassy workes will be out until then.
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2011-02-08 15:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaRegarding: U.S. Embassy Cairo Warden Message 11

Hi Amber, i am doing good, I hope you and Ahmed are doing good as well
it seems like they're gonna reshcedule the interviews after things calm down, i don't know when but i hope in the near future, best wishes

Hi everyone, I'm kinda in the same boat. My fiance had his interview on the 12th and was approved and was put in AP. The embassy said he would have this passport this week, however since all of this happened who knows. The DOS said all visa are on hold until the embassy opens again. I know for cases, such as those in Iraq they go thru the embassy in Syria. My guess is if the embassy is closed for a long time they will process them someplace else, but I have no idea where or how long it would take. Good luck to everyone!

Edited by mandyu1, 06 February 2011 - 05:15 PM.

mandyu1FemaleEgypt2011-02-06 17:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaSending Money
Western Union only charges $19.99 for up to $1000 or maybe even more than that. I don't like Money Gram, but thats just my personal opinion. Also, I wired $100 into Mohamed's acct once, but it cost me the same as western union, and took 2-3 days to get into his account. If you send it via Money Gram or Western Union be sure to provide his full name. The first time I sent Mohamed money I only provided his first and last name and with it being so common there was someone in their system that was blocked from receiving funds, it took about 3 days to clear up.
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2011-03-25 20:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaSending Money

For a variety of reasons, I find myself occasionally wanting to send money to my fiance (in Cairo). As my topic subtitle asks, I would like some input on whether this will raise a red flag, if it is legal, etc. We will be getting married this year, filing CR1 at some point, if that makes a difference. Also, if there is a "best" method for sending money to Egypt, I would love to hear input.

Please no comments or speculation on whether I am being hustled, swindled, etc. Sometimes engaged couples have purchases they would like to jointly contribute to, let's leave it at that.

Thank you all in advance.

I have sent my fiance money in Cairo before and the best way I think is to do it western union. I don't think it will raise any red flags, unless of course it's a substantial amount of money. Also, we were never asked about it during the interview and I'm the type of person that doesn't offer information if it can be used both ways (against me or in my favor), unless I'm directly asked about it.
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2011-03-25 13:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaEffects of many visits?

I have 2 older teenagers who stay with their father for the 2-week spans when I am out of the country. I think it's good for their relationships with their father and hope it won't be seen as neglectful on my part. The rest of my time is spent with them when they're not at school.

I haven't been hassled yet at PoE, I hope that it doesn't happen. I guess I will deal with it if it does, though. I guess it's not really a situation most people would understand.

I almost had a slight problem last time entering Egypt. I didn't have any issues until after I got my luggage, then as I was walking to leave the airport the guy checked my passport and started asking me a bunch of questions on why I was there, and if I lived there and what I was bringing with me. I'm not sure if all the visa stamps so close together was an issue.
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2011-03-30 15:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaEffects of many visits?
I attended the interview with my fiance and it was my 3rd trip there in 9 mths. I think it actually helped us. She did ask how many times I had visited and I think was a little surprised by not only how many visits, but by the length of the visits too. I also have children at home, and the only thing I was asked was if they had ever been with me to Egypt, I was honest and said no, basically because every time that I have come it has been during school and I have stayed for long periods of time and I didn't think it was a good idea to bring them with me on my first visit. I'm planning my 4th trip in a couple of weeks, like you I'm very lucky and fortunate to be able to go visit him as often as I can. Good luck!!
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2011-03-30 12:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaNo Internet In Egypt

7:54am...CNN just had breaking news, that another prison in Egypt has escapee's. That is a total of 3 prison's now with breakout's. That's terrifying!

Also, according to Al Jazeera English (just now) over 3000 escaped prisoners have been rearrested and returned. If this is really true it brings a little comfort.
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2011-01-30 08:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaNo Internet In Egypt

7:54am...CNN just had breaking news, that another prison in Egypt has escapee's. That is a total of 3 prison's now with breakout's. That's terrifying!

I know exactly how you feel, we have come so far to be with our loved ones, and are so close and now this happens. Mohamed was approved for his visa just weeks ago, now its just a matter of when he will get it. We are having a baby girl in June and I was really hoping he would be here before then, now I just don't know. Its horrible, waiting and not knowing whats going to happen. I just read that the army arrested Habib Al Adly for opening prison cell doors to create more chaos. Hopefully this puts and end to the escapees.
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2011-01-30 08:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaNo Internet In Egypt
I haven't spoken to my fiance since Thursday evening. I've tried calling my always get a message that the phone is unavailable. I pray that everyone's families are safe, and this comes to an end soon
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2011-01-29 17:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Spouses Poll
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-07-11 07:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

VISA IN HAND!! YAY!! :dancing:

Thats great, Congrats!!! :dance:
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-07-16 13:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance::thumbs:

I am so happy for you, that is great news...and give me great hope since yours took exactly one year. So when is the big soon will your hubby be coming over??? Am off to Egypt in a month to wait out the remainder of the process with mine.

Sam....hope this means yours is on it's way as well :yes:

Thank you so much!! :) He hasn't received his passport back yet, so until he does I'm not making any concrete plans. The embassy wanted to know if he wanted to redo his TB test so that his visa would be valid longer or if he would be traveling within the next couple of months then he wouldn't have to redo it.

Do you have an interview date yet? I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, I hope it goes smoothly for the both of you!! I think being there too and waiting it out will help your case also. Keep me informed :thumbs:
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2011-05-24 10:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
Finally, after nearly 4 months since our interview, the visa has been issued!!! Thank you everyone for all of your help and support. I wish everyone still waiting all the best!!

***Kinda strange, visa took exactly 1 year from the date VSC received our petition, until the visa was issued (see timeline below)

Edited by mandyu1, 20 May 2011 - 11:17 AM.

mandyu1FemaleEgypt2011-05-20 11:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

thanks mandyu1 and samoray for your support well in my crises you were more than brothers i hope to meet some day in the us

It will be over soon, have a safe trip and welcome to the USA!! :dance:
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2011-04-05 19:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

received this email ,well i finally eilhamdel eilah feel at ease and waiting your inquires to my friends her
Kindly note that your visa was issued on 31 March 201.

thats great news, congrats!! :dance:
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2011-04-04 08:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB


well thanks for what u said well it was really so comforting but it is still the fact the recived my medical on 24 feb and yesterday in an email they told me i am still in AP WHY I DONOT KNOW REALLY EXCEPT I BEGAN TO LOSE HOPE

I know its very frustrating, we are in AP in Cairo as well, its so easy to lose hope. But try and think positive, maybe they received the case back from the states and need to finish some paperwork at the embassy before its finished, and since they are short staffed there is a delay. Do you have anyone here in the states that can contact their senator for you and have them look into it?
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2011-03-18 07:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

actually not all the case but it was said to me it must pass some security checks done in washington dc. but the problem that i ve heard lately that it ended and returned back to the embassy but unfortunately the embassy is closed working with emergency stuff which could result in a some deays
whar really concerned me was the retrogression of fb1 category in the latest visa bulletin but to my surprise
i amnot fb1 anymore althought i am 29 years old as i was converted to IR2 by the embassy i guess under cspa advisory opinion

If the embassy was only working on emergency issues I don't think they would have taken the time to call and tell you to update your medical. I've seen on here many times when they do this the visa is issued shortly after. It wouldn't make sense for them to have you do it all over again if they didn't intend on issuing the visa soon, because then there would be the chance that this one would expire as well.

Good luck!!
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2011-03-16 18:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
Well we had our interview today, Mohamed was approved but the woman said there they had to do some additional processing on it. The strange thing is that they set up an interview date before receiving his documents back, so we brought everything with us today. I posted an overview of the internet on a seperate thread. We seen a young woman, with long, straight, light brown hair. Mohamed and I were both very much ourselves and didn't appear to be nervous. She interview him alone for 5-10 min and then me for about 5 min. In the end she said she believed the relationship was creditable and that he should have his visa in about 4 weeks.
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2011-01-12 13:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

I would suggest u know anything and everything there is to know about each other. Document every single call chat and record. keep every single receipt from ur travel to see him and he needs to be as relaxed as possible and with a clear mind when he gos for his interview. My Allah bless u in your journey

thanks for the advice :)
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-08-08 11:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
No I don't hate you, like I said I'm hoping for the best and preparing for the worst. Whatever is meant to be will be. However, I have been doing a lot of research on the embassy and AP, and I have seen where previous K1 visa applicants received their visa's within 2 weeks of the interview, so I know its not immpossible. We will do whatever we have to and deal with whatever comes our way. I know the chance of him being placed in AP is great, but there's nothing wrong with hoping and praying he doesn't :)
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-08-04 14:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
Oh wooow that is crazy, similar name and fiance's name is Mohamed too :whistle: I know its a very common name (actually its the most popular name in the world :) )and I'm hoping we don't have any problems, but I'm trying not to get too excited and just prepare myself. Our case just spent 3 weeks in AP @ NVC and I hope thats the only delay we'll have. I will be going to Egypt soon and spending some months with him there, and attending the interview with him and hopefully we will return together. I also typed up over 100 possible questions with the answers and most of them he knows and doesn't need to look for the answers, but some he needs to study on. Thanks again and welcome to the USA!! :)
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-08-04 12:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
Thanks for the advice! I noticed that you were in AP for quite a while, is there anything in the first interview that you would have done differently? I know that sometimes AP cannot be prevented, but if there is anything we can do to help reduce the chance of falling into this black hole we would like to know.

mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-08-04 12:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
Well it looks like I am now part of this club. Our case has been sent to the embassy and they should be sending my finace Mohamed his packet soon. If anyone has any tips or suggestions I would really appreciate it.

mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-08-04 07:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!...4 page RFE received

I just got back from my infopass appointment, they were very nice and helpful...after reviewing my copy of the I130 I sent and looking up our case the IO concluded that they must have somehow mixed up our case number with another case...he said that he could see no reason or flags that would have caused the RFE we received, that there were no name hits, background investigations were clear...he made a copy of the RFE and initiated an inquiry...I was told that I would receive a letter in response to the inquiry within 15-30 days but that in the meantime his suggestion was that we go ahead and gather all the evidence requested and treat it as though it is a valid RFE but that it is up to us if we want to go ahead and send everything in or wait until we receive their response...All in all it was a good morning and I am feeling much better about this whole thing...Thanks to all who offered suggestions and support, I am getting ready to fly over to Egypt tomorrow night...I'll stay in touch and keep all posted as this evolves..

So glad to hear it went well, what a relief to you and your hubby I'm sure. Now you can go visit him and not have to worry about his mess. Have a safe trip, and have fun!!
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2011-03-03 13:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!...4 page RFE received

Sorry, I have not checked in here for several days....just to update I had to reschedule my appointment due to my work schedule so now I am going this Thursday March 3 at 7:30 am...I will definitely post my results when I get home...a little worried as I was talking with a coworker who has dealt with them quite a bit and says everyone at that office is horribly rude and unhelpful...hoping for the best though..the week will end on a positive note either way as I am flying out Friday night to go spend 10 days with my hubby!!! :dance:

Hope all goes well for you tomorrow, keep us posted!!! And have a safe trip, I'm sooo jealous, but happy for you!!! :dance:
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2011-03-02 17:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!...4 page RFE received

Just it odd that there still is no mention of this being sent to me on the USCIS website when I log into my account nor does it mention it on the automated phone line when I check status? Both only say that case was received Sept 11 and NOA1 sent out, and website lists 9/27 as date of last activity..I already have an infopass appointment on Feb 22, but I was just wondering about this...thanks for all the help and advice so far, I'll keep all posted on progress...

Hey, what happened with your appointment yesterday?
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2011-02-23 13:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!...4 page RFE received

Going to Orlando office to meet with immigration officer on Feb 22 at 8am...hope this helps....should I take everything I sent with I-130 package and also as much as I can from the RFE?

I would take everything and bombard them with it and ask why what you submitted wasn't sufficient, and to prove that no where on the petition did you state your husband was here. Also, I know you said you provided them with proof you lived there and your work history, but do you have anything concrete to prove that you both physically lived at the same address? I'm not trying to play the devils advocate here, but they may argue that just because you lived there doesn't prove you lived as husband and wife. I'm just trying to think and help as much as I can so that they can't come back later and request more documents or delay this more. I would also take what you can for the RFE, but I'm sure you're still going to have to send it in to USCIS.
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2011-02-10 16:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!...4 page RFE received

No we are still in the petition phase waiting for the final approval and NOA2...that is what seems so weird, I've never heard of USCIS requesting the I-864.

Thank you to all who have responded so far...I literally felt like someone punched me in the stomach when I opened and read the letter...I have known several people over the past few years who have been through this process even with Egyptian spouses and fiances and some of them have had difficulties but I've never heard anything like this...Our relationship is so evident and we provided above and beyond what they ask for for proof, so this really came out of left field....We will be working on the evidence package to send them when I go there, my trip now for early March is definitely on as we both feel it's not longer an option but a necessity...
I would appreciate any insight, advice or help that anyone can offer...Thanks!

I would definately call back in the morning and request a supervisor and be persistant until you speak with one. The people that answer the phone really have no clue as to what is going on and are pretty much helpless. I know USCIS does do some security checks, but from what I understand in CR1 cases, most of the security checks are done at the NVC. I would think you would be more likely to get a request like this from them if something didn't seem right. As you stated they probably messed up your file somewhere along the line. You said you lived in egypt for almost 2 years, but what concrete evidence did you provide them with? Sorry I couldn't be of more help

Keep us updated, good luck!!
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2011-02-08 22:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!...4 page RFE received
Wow that seems a bit much, especially coming from USCIS. But I didn't file for the CR1 so I'm not sure if you're suppose to provide all that from the beginning. I can only imagine how frustrated you are...good luck!!
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2011-02-08 16:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresH E L P please

H-E-L-P please ?

i sent the embassy an e-mail to ask then if they still closed or open, i got this message from them..but i do not know what they mean by saying " The administrative processing of your case is still pending. When completed, it will be posted on the website http://egypt.usembas...r/ivstatus.html with your case number and further "

what is the administrative processing ? i did not even made my interview yet.

here is the message i got from them:

(Kindly note that visa operations are still suspended. The embassy hopes to resume some visa operations by the end of March. The administrative processing of your case is still pending. When completed, it will be posted on the website http://egypt.usembas...r/ivstatus.html with your case number and further instructions. If you are not contacted by end of April, please send us your telephone number by email to )

any one can help me plz and tell me what they mean ?

I think this is a mistake on their end, you are only in administrative processing after you complete the interview. My fiance is in AP and I can check the status of his case on that website, but if you haven't had an interview it will not show up on there. I think they are saying also that by the end of March-April they are going to start to schedule interviews for spouses/children again
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2011-03-21 10:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE evidence
I would submit both and staple them together, that way if anything that was hand written isn't legible they can read it typed.
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2011-03-28 13:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday!!

Good morning MENA!!! Happy Thursday!!! Hey Mandy!! aww your little one is starting preschool... what a wonderful age :luv: .. i hope you have a good day today... everybody else i hope you have a good day too.. but where is everyone that used to post.. i miss you guys :unsure: :crying:

Thanks Wonderful, have a good day too!! I love kids at that age, they're so funny and innocent :luv: We were shopping the other day at Target, and my daugther took him to look at some things, he came back with a pair of girls underpants. I told him no, those are for girls, you're a boy, and he innocently ask.."next time when I'm a girl can I get them?" :lol:

I know, I was thinking the other day its like a ghost town around here :whistle:
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-08-12 09:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday!!
Good morning MENA!!! and Happy Thursday...only 1 more day!! :dance:

This week has been really hectic with work and many things, but its finally calming down to the point I feel I can breath again.
I have some last minute school shopping to do (thankfully 2 of my kids wear uniforms so clothes shopping is easy :) ), and I can't believe my baby will be starting preschool in 11 days :crying:

Hope everyone has a great day!! :)
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-08-12 07:56:00
Middle East and North Africatourist visa for a friend from a MENA country
I think its easier for family such as elder ladies to get a visa than it is for a young middle east man. All you can do is try, but make sure he has strong ties to his home country (work letter, rental agreement, bank account statements, proof of money to pay for his trip). If he doesn't have any evidence of strong ties his chance of getting a visitor visa is not very likely.
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-08-12 18:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaTGIF!!
Oh yeah I forgot it's Friday the 13th...horror fest at my house tonight :D
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-08-13 10:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaTGIF!!
Good Morning MENA!! Its Friday, we made it!! Whoo hooo

Hope everyone has a great day :)

Edited by mandyu1, 13 August 2010 - 08:59 AM.

mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-08-13 08:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's Caturday!
Good morning everyone!! Morning Jackie!!

Good luck at work Jackie :thumbs:

Hope everyone has a great day and weekend!!! :)
mandyu1FemaleEgypt2010-08-14 09:10:00