United KingdomBritish TV ~ What Were/Are Your Favourite Shows?
Did anyone watch the new series "Ruddy Hell! It's Harry & Paul"? Not new or groundbreaking comedy but there were some very :lol: moments.
Lou LouFemale02007-04-18 13:37:00
United KingdomBritish TV ~ What Were/Are Your Favourite Shows?

Did you see the twits who put that tiny garage in the middle of the house and still ended up selling for £500k? Ridiculous!


Edited to add: Nova people - Property ladder is the ideal show to get a rather large ratio! :yes:

Edited by Lou Lou, 12 April 2007 - 09:13 AM.

Lou LouFemale02007-04-12 09:11:00
United KingdomBritish TV ~ What Were/Are Your Favourite Shows?

Ahhh Wife Swap. There's TV I don't miss!

It was worth watching the Edwina Currie & John McCririck episode though. Train wreck TV at its finest.

I ended up watching Property Ladder last night after reading about it here. :blush:

Edited by Lou Lou, 12 April 2007 - 09:08 AM.

Lou LouFemale02007-04-12 09:06:00
United KingdomBritish TV ~ What Were/Are Your Favourite Shows?

I miss Louis Theroux documentaries, the guys a genius. But I just found the box set on UK Nova so that's downloading slowly.

:thumbs: There are some great ones in there.

I'll never forget the one with Ann Widdecombe...

Or the Hamiltons... :blink:
Lou LouFemale02007-04-11 10:07:00
United KingdomBritish TV ~ What Were/Are Your Favourite Shows?

I miss Louis Theroux documentaries, the guys a genius. But I just found the box set on UK Nova so that's downloading slowly.

:thumbs: There are some great ones in there.
Lou LouFemale02007-04-11 08:37:00
United KingdomBritish TV ~ What Were/Are Your Favourite Shows?

I thought he still ghost writes on it? Ah well. I still luv him! :luv: Oh yeah, full kudos goes to Stephen Merchant aswell. He can share the crown with Ricky on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday and every other Sunday. :P

Nighty Night was fabulous. Julia Davis is VERY talented.

I think he took a runner from it very quickly at the start as it was inevitably bombing. Shows just don't translate, ya know? I'm sure he coins in some kind of royalty tho!

Nighty Night was one of the most poignant pieces of writing I've seen in a long time. That along with being hilariously warped. She is indeed a very talented bird. :thumbs:
Lou LouFemale02007-04-09 14:35:00
United KingdomBritish TV ~ What Were/Are Your Favourite Shows?

You're only as funny as your script...and the script was written by Ricky Gervais. Even the American, I stand by my earlier observation of Comedy God! :lol:

He only wrote one episode for the American version, and the first series ran the same story lines as the UK one with Gervais's input. I found the first series just didn't translate and it was slow-paced and dull. Really crappy and embarrassing. Since then, it has only got better and is an extremely clever and funny show -- just as much as the UK version. Gervais has little to do with it anymore. The characters Ryan, Toby and Kelly all write for the show.

But having said all that, Gervais wouldn't have gotten very far without his writing partner, Steven Merchant. He's just as much a genius, only taller. ;) Extras was superb.

Did anyone enjoy Nighty Night, or was it just sicko me? I loved that show.

Edited by Lou Lou, 09 April 2007 - 02:25 PM.

Lou LouFemale02007-04-09 14:24:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....

LOVE "wanker"!

It makes me laugh my head off when I see people with that as a surname over here. It was the name of a radio host in Indy and on a sign it had the word Wanker in big letters. Almost peed my pants, I can tell ya! :lol:

A college I briefly worked at here had a Wanker prize giving day. No joke. When I told them, they didn't find it funny. I found it :lol: :lol:
Lou LouFemale02007-06-07 07:05:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....
I'm amazed nobody has listed euphemisms for being drunk. Something us Brits do so well. :whistle: OH teaches English and loves hearing these...I'm sure there are 100s of them but these are the ones I use...

Sh*t Faced
Rat-arsed (Ratted)
Pissed as a fart
Lou LouFemale02007-03-14 07:37:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....

Lauren. "Do I look bovvered?"


That's the one. Innit tho...

May I reiterate that I CAN sound like her, not that I DO sound like her. I'm a posh bird really. :lol:
Lou LouFemale02007-03-13 09:13:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....
My grandad was a genuine cockney so I do use slang even though I don't really have the accent. I'm probably likely to be heard saying "You muppet" or "Blimey O Riley" the most though. I went to school in South East London so I can sound just like that Catherine Tate character....can't remember her friggin' name. And I swear like a trooper too often. I can't say I've picked up any American slang and gawd help us if I ever get the accent. I think the ole man will file for divorce if I do.
Lou LouFemale02007-03-13 07:17:00
United Kingdommarmite in New York
Definitely Shaws and Wegmans have it. For NYC, Tea & Sympathy on Greenwich Avenue in the West Village may have it too -- they have loads of stuff. Google and give them a call!
Lou LouFemale02007-06-06 15:14:00
United KingdomMeeting Clinton...

seem like it would be a great opportunity.

I'm still kicking myself, KK. :whistle: :blush:
Lou LouFemale02007-06-08 21:58:00
United KingdomMeeting Clinton...

Wow, I would kill for 81 right now! It's supposedly about 95 and muggy here, oh joy. :(

It's also supposed to really storm tonight and then hopefully get cooler. My plants will like the rain though. And Derek and I will like the cooler part when we try and go biking this weekend. :lol:

The Alchemist, sigh. Hopefully we will be back for a visit soon, but my Mom is interested in coming down here to do the whole 400th anniversary of Jamestown thing, so it might not be until fall.

As you know fall is the best time for VT! Yikes to The Alchemist. I LOVE LOVE their beer, but I'm such a cheap date, after 2 pints I am on the floor. Strongest and most flavorful stuff I have ever drunk, and I come from the UK -- a nation of pissheads! Their beer is just AMAZING, isn't it?! I never thought I say it of American local brewed beer (and I even once worked on a beer book!), but geez it is the best. :thumbs: :yes:
Lou LouFemale02007-06-08 21:54:00
United KingdomMeeting Clinton...

Yeah, while I have always liked Bill, I have never been a Hillary fan. She's very smart to be sure, but just seems like an ice queen to me. The complete opposite of Bill, no visible emotions whatsoever. Even her handshake was limp. But, hey, she had just shoke 500 hands prior to mine too, so I will cut her a little slack on that one. :lol:

How's the weather in Vermont, LouLou?

Hottest damn day of the year so far here in DC. Whew.

I guess if my bloke flirted all the time like that, I'd learn to switch off and do my duty too. :yes: :hehe:

VT has been beeyootiful so far. The best I've experienced in the past 7 summers I've spent here. Lots of rain which has made my garden bloom non stop; mild breezy afternoons; and warm evenings. Just bliss! Everywhere else seems to be suffering today but it's only 81 here with a wind good enuff to make you feel like you're at the beach. :thumbs:

I was just in Waterbury yesterday and always think of your mum when I go there! There's a great new coffee place opened up at the station for your next visit, and of course The Alchemist is still down the road from there for a few pints of their best. :D
Lou LouFemale02007-06-08 15:02:00
United KingdomMeeting Clinton...

I love Bill Clinton. *sigh* :blush:

I'm rather partial to him too. I think it is the accent and his voice in general. And he has that "look" about him. Can't explain it any more than that because I really just, well, can't explain it. :wacko:

Oh, it's not just me then. :blush: I dunno what he's got, but he's got it, that's for sure.

My straight, middle class, academic OH's report: "He's better looking in person". :lol:

I know other people who have met him, and they all basically said the same. They were all women mind you, and their general consensus was that "he made you feel like you were the only person in the room". Sounds like a good politician to me. :whistle:

I feel all star struck and I didn't even meet the bloke. :blush:

Yeah, I met Bill and Hillary at their last White House Christmas party however many years ago that is now. Must have been the 500th hand that Bill shook that day, but he totally made me feel that I was the only one in the room, wanted to make sure I was having a good time, etc., etc., etc. He is a complete charmer, although I dunno that I thought he was better looking in person. My date joked that it was only because I look a little like Monica Lewinsky :lol:. But honestly I just think he is one of those type of people that likes to flirt with everyone.

Hillary also ran true to stereotype and was a complete cold fish to me and my date.

Oh, that's top form celeb gossip. :thumbs: I've never thought of Hillary being a cold fish. :lol: She's one smart cookie, that's for sure.
Lou LouFemale02007-06-07 20:04:00
United KingdomMeeting Clinton...
My straight, middle class, academic OH's report: "He's better looking in person". :lol:

I know other people who have met him, and they all basically said the same. They were all women mind you, and their general consensus was that "he made you feel like you were the only person in the room". Sounds like a good politician to me. :whistle:

I feel all star struck and I didn't even meet the bloke. :blush:
Lou LouFemale02007-06-07 07:01:00
United KingdomMeeting Clinton...
Whoops, sorry, Bill!

Funnily enough, he's already met Hillary!
Lou LouFemale02007-06-06 15:15:00
United KingdomMeeting Clinton...
No, not me, but my OH. Clinton is speaking this afternoon at a "Class Day" where the ole man teaches.

How much am I kicking myself for not even thinking how amazing this opportunity is? OH mumbled it a few months ago and asked if I wanted to come along, and I think I must have been doing something important like plucking a granny hair or something cos I really didn't react that much. I then got so booked up with work, there was no way I could let people down.

Ah well. I will pass on any gossip if it emerges. ;)
Lou LouFemale02007-06-06 15:09:00
United KingdomWe have to fly to Texas

When was the last time you travelled abroad? Do you know what flight you would take? Do you think flying in Business or First Class would help the situation? They have very tempting ways of distracting you!!

I agree. Flying fist class, although expensive, is definitely a less stressful experience. It may be a big load of money (or miles?), but the car that takes you to the airport, the luxury departure and arrival lounges, the 3 course meal, and laid back seats get me every time. ;) I also find it easier as I'm not surrounded by so many people and it feels more like a journey rather than a horrendous cramping experience. Hey, let's face it -- you may as well leave the UK in style seeing as it's such a monumental step for you. A new start into a more positive part of your life? Poodle around and see what options there are for upgrading! You may as well suffer in style. :star:

Edited to add: My friend suffers from terrible flying anxiety and she always gets upgraded when flying. Worth a shot, for sure?

Edited by Lou Lou, 08 June 2007 - 10:12 PM.

Lou LouFemale02007-06-08 22:08:00
United KingdomFood Bargains...
I was sent this link, and they sure do have some real bargains in their specials section.

$13.77 for a case of 48 Flakes plus shipping? How tempted am I? :blush:
Lou LouFemale02007-06-13 10:53:00
United KingdomFlying transatlantic with Zoom

or this new suggested configuration.. :unsure:
Posted Image

That is hideous. :lol: Collect your airmiles for upgrades, people. :thumbs:
Lou LouFemale02007-04-25 11:11:00
United KingdomFlying transatlantic with Zoom

I think watching the people running to the plane is hilarious. ;) So it's not without entertainment.

:lol: I used to watch that too. Heck let's face it, people run to the gate even when they do have allocated seats. Why oh why would you want to spend more time sitting on a plane waiting for everyone else to board? Now that you can't carry your kitchen sink with you to put in the overhead, I'm sure it has stopped some of that craziness.

I just pray that a no-frills airline picks up the UK routes dropped out of Pittsburgh by USAirways and of course if they flew to Stansted that would just be an added bonus :dance: :dance: :dance:

I am too waiting for that day. As much as I hate USAir their Envoy class is quite OK, and the bonus that they flew PIT-LGW was a dream. Flying in and out out of Philly is a nightmare.
Lou LouFemale02007-04-25 08:16:00
United KingdomGuess what? I'm getting a divorce.

Firstly, sorry to hear your news HA. Must be a shock.

I wish everyone would remember there's 2 sides to every story though. This poor guy's been hung, drawn and quartered by a few on here for dropping this bombshell on HA. Maybe his timing was off, maybe he handled it wrong, but I'm sure he had his reasons and we've only heard HA's side.

HA - I presume yesterday you loved and cared for him and he was your husband. Today you want to kill him and he's a loser. If you didn't feel love and care for him, maybe it was you who was faking, as well as him? Anger is one part of a grieving process and I hope it's just one stage you will go through.

He didn't forecfully MAKE you go to or even stay England, so I don't see how you can throw that in his face. As I said in posts before, if you were that unhappy, why didn't you leave?

I'm not trying to be negative, it just gets to me when people can call others every name under the sun when they don't even know the circumstances. I know the words are said in support for HA, but please guys, name calling??


I agree. It's pretty crappy what has happened, but none of us have been in their relationship. It sounds like both sides had a hard time the last couple of years (going by what HA has posted), and that can make people do stupid things being under so much pressure. It's sad it has come to this end, and of course HA deserves some support, but none of us know beyond that.
Lou LouFemale02007-06-21 10:08:00
United KingdomOur journey is over, so this is goodbye

Congrats and good bye.

It's a two way street ya know.

I missed it too.

I've been here long enough to see oodles of people say they're going, but it don't take long for them to crawl back for more either.
Lou LouFemale02006-10-06 08:19:00
United KingdomDoes anyone else share my joy?
:lol: We all did the Croydon thing then. Geez, wasn't it a nightmare? The other problem was actually trying to find the bleedin road it was on. I'd end up driving around those effing chimneys forever. Happy days. :content:
Lou LouFemale02007-06-24 08:13:00
United KingdomDoes anyone else share my joy?
The closest one to us is 2 hours away in Quebec, Canada. We go now and again just for the excuse to breeze through Duty free and stock up on English Cadburys. :blush: I've been to a couple in the US, and I must say wasn't impressed with how they managed the store. Couldn't find a thing and walked out with nowt. Still, better than the queues you'd have to endure in Croydon on a Saturday afternoon. :rolleyes:
Lou LouFemale02007-06-23 10:30:00
United KingdomU.S. Citizen not allowed in U.K.

This has got to be some kind of phenomenally crafted piss take!! :lol:

It's a pretty darn good one :joy:
Lou LouFemale02006-03-06 22:57:00
United Kingdomflight and arrival info please
I'm not a fan of Philly either but it will be fine -- don't worry. Yes, they are the moodiest barstewards this side of the coast, but just think how lucky you are that you're not them. :yes:

Safe travels. :thumbs:
Lou LouFemale02007-06-23 10:25:00
United KingdomTommy Cooper's English Humour
He was my dad's cousin. :blush:
Lou LouFemale02007-07-07 11:44:00
United KingdomWhere do UKC's buy furniture in the US?
I would say West Elm or CB2 (both online places) would be equivalent to Next & M&S. Modern stuff, clean lines and nothing like the naff ####### most of the stores stock. CB2 also have wonderful prices on kitchen stuff too -- a little more upmarket than Ikea, but still cheap enough to not care if any of it breaks.

Again, we're very much local shoppers, and don't forget antique stores or yard sales. We've got some amazing pieces of furniture that we've restored either with paint or fabric that will last forever. Or take it somewhere local (again!) to get it done there if you're not feeling creative. Another option is Ebay. Great retro stuff on sale for crazy prices if you're into that kind of thing.
Lou LouFemale02007-06-21 10:02:00
United KingdomSlingbox
Blimey, you must be really hooked to the telly if you're getting one. ;)

I do OK with the selection from Nova. Any more than that, and I'd be concerned about my viewing habits. :P
Lou LouFemale02007-07-15 10:01:00
United KingdomThe World’s Best Candy Bars? English, of Course

I have a 49g bar of British Dairy Milk here and it says 27.8g of sugar.

The remains of the galaxy bar I have in the fridge says 56.4 g for 100g of chocolate.

So we're all doomed, doomed I tell you! :P

A Twirl for who can name the character and show that came's an easy one :yes:
Lou LouFemale02007-07-16 15:52:00
United KingdomThe World’s Best Candy Bars? English, of Course

Just out of curiosity, does anyone have a Cadbury bar handy? Hershey's have whopping 33g of sugar in a 60g bar -- that is over half sugar. I'm wondering what the Cadbury and Galaxy numbers are...

I have both at home.... I will post when I am home from work (in about 1 hour or so)

Cant wait to see which is worse.....


My French Canadian Cadbury is 26g of sugar in a 50g bar so that is just over half too.
Lou LouFemale02007-07-16 15:37:00
United KingdomThe World’s Best Candy Bars? English, of Course

I dont do peanut butter.... it sticks to the roof of my mouth and makes me vomit.....


Well if that doesn't take away the craving to eat chocolate, I'm not sure what will. ;)
Lou LouFemale02007-07-16 15:33:00
United KingdomThe World’s Best Candy Bars? English, of Course

Maybe I'm weird but I find Cadbury's and Galaxy (they taste the same to me)

I think this is where lies your problem, HA. Whether you like them or not, they clearly do not taste the same. Refine your palate, girl!

I must admit, after living away from UK chocolate for long enough, whenever I eat it I find it way too sweet. I would probably have the same reaction to US chocolate too, but there's no way in hell anyone would get me to eat it. I've turned to more independent chocolate makers like Rococo and Montezumas. You can't go wrong with prezzies via mail order Hotel Chocolat either. :thumbs:

Just out of curiosity, does anyone have a Cadbury bar handy? Hershey's have whopping 33g of sugar in a 60g bar -- that is over half sugar. I'm wondering what the Cadbury and Galaxy numbers are...

Oh I have a craving for a large bag of Minstrals..... or a Ripple.... Going to ask Mum to bring some over next month when she comes to visit..... Now what can I eat to keep my craving at bay until then????


A teaspoon of unsweetened peanut butter. It works, honest. :yes: Unless you hate nuts or have a nut allergy of course...
Lou LouFemale02007-07-16 15:28:00
United KingdomFriday whinge from the maven

Do baby skunks not have the stench? I didn't know that! (Too bad that wasn't what waddled under my house...!)

Good that the cat stayed away. You never know if the hunter or the wimp personality will show up in such a situation! :lol: (My cat would have wimped out too, I'm quite sure...!)

Well, they probably do, but all adult ones I've come across stink to high heaven so I imagined it hadn't gone into full fledged spray mode yet. But I'm a townie and have no friggin clue about them. All I know is they stink and I don't want them in my house. :lol: The cat refused to come in the office until all evidence was removed and cleaned and now she's happily chasing a moth. Much more her type of prey.
Lou LouFemale02007-07-17 12:33:00
United KingdomFriday whinge from the maven

Well, I was also thinking of Lou Lou's cat for the rabies as well in case the two of them got into it - not to mention what a fight between a cat and a skunk might look like! (Yikes!!)

Oh and don't worry, I don't 'enjoy nature' much anyway. Roughing it, to me, is a Holiday Inn with no cable. BWAHAHAHAHAHA :lol:


Luckily the cat was clinging to the covers as much as me saying there's no way I'm dealing with THAT. She's had her shots too cos there's too much wildlife around here.

It was a baby one so it didn't smell at all which was a huuuge relief. I think it cacked itself cos it realized it really shouldn't have wandered in, bless it.

So, I'm still having trubs loading the pic. Unfortunately it is of the poo, not the skunk, as funnily enough I didn't have a camera with me by the bed. :ph34r: But maybe no one wants to see skunk poo anyway. :lol:

That had me cracking up Lou Lou! Only in Vermont! :lol:

My Mom has had bears, moose, fishers, what she thinks might have been a bobcat, and a cow in her yard. But never a skunk and never in her house.

What the heck is a fisher? I haven't seen a bear yet, but have seen several mooses. Nearly crashed the car out of excitement though. Damn furreners. :blush:
Lou LouFemale02007-07-17 12:26:00
United KingdomFriday whinge from the maven
And for some reason I can't upload the pic. :blush: What am I doing wrong? :unsure:
Lou LouFemale02007-07-17 09:26:00
United KingdomFriday whinge from the maven
May I add to have a Tuesday whinge with blessings.

4am this morning we heard scuffling in the bedroom. Looked at the cat and she's on the bed so it wasn't her. I pushed Mr LL to get up and investigate, and to our horror there was a baby skunk in the bedroom. :o

We leave the door open overnight so the cat can come and go as she pleases. Mr LL has always assured me that a skunk would NEVER come in the :no: Yeah right. :rolleyes:

So the skunk scuttles into the office and we bunker down in the bedroom with the door shut praying it won't do anything. This morning there was no sign of it of course. Phew. But I came into the office and it left a little calling card. You may all be grossed out by it, but thank F it didn't spray. :blink:
Lou LouFemale02007-07-17 09:23:00