United KingdomLondon medical price rise

Still, despite all of this, all of the bad press, I'd rather have the NHS than the American system.

You're added to the list of ex NHS worker expats over here who I know, and they all say they would prefer NHS to the US health system.

Some have bad luck, some have good with the NHS, but there is no way I could complain about them ever again. If you're unemployed or disabled, the NHS is essentially free, and it is free to any foreign national who happens to get sick on their visit.

To top it off, and I have quoted this before, the US health system does not score high in the World Health Organization rankings despite its high cost to individuals. It actually comes #37 -- way below countries such as Chile (#33), Columbia (#22), and even the UK (#18). So what are we paying for? Some would argue you get what you pay for in the UK, but can we say the same about the US? Just like the NHS I'm sure it depends on where you live, but getting rid of the rip off insurance companies (yes, you will get ripped off here too, people!) and doctors in cahoots with drug companies would be a step in the right direction.

(I'm not quite sure why a private clinic price rise has anything to do with the NHS or the government though. As far as I can work out, the civil surgeons over here are making a nice little earner on medicals too.)
Lou LouFemale02007-04-25 14:20:00
United KingdomWhat's the Weather Like Where You Are?
From Yahoo weather:

Today: Sun and clouds mixed. High 58F. Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph.
Tonight: A mix of light rain and snow late. Low near 35F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph.

I don't mind the daytime as I hate hot weather, but at night it's getting to be a bit much for May... :unsure:
Lou LouFemale02007-05-01 11:33:00
United KingdomWhat's the Weather Like Where You Are?
2c this morning with snow flurries. No leaves on trees. Nuttin. But the cat did manage to sh*t in next door's garden this morning so things must be warming up. :yes: Today I'm skiving work and going skiing! :dance:
Lou LouFemale02007-04-18 07:21:00
United KingdomWhat's the Weather Like Where You Are?

Been thinking about you Lou Lou! Last spoke to my Mom yesterday afternoon and at the beginning of our converstation it was mostly raining with a little snow. By the time we hung up - maybe a half hour later - it had turned completely to snow and was starting to stick. I asked her to call me today and let me know if she was snowed in AGAIN but have not heard from her yet. I have thought that this is the last major snow you guys will get at least a half dozen times by now!

Rained a bunch this weekend in DC and very windy today but nothing too horrible if you are not trying to fly anywhere.

If you haven't heard from her it may be because there's a huge power failure north of me. Not sure where it starts from -- it's grim! This better be the last snow we get. Six months of winter is getting to me. :(
Lou LouFemale02007-04-16 15:16:00
United KingdomWhat's the Weather Like Where You Are?

It was an absolutely GLORIOUS day weather-wise, and tomorrow should be more of the same. It's going to get up to 23C!!!!!!!!!!!

I seriously worry about how hot the UK has been the last few years. It's just not right. :wacko:

But maybe I worry cos we had heavy snow all day yesterday and even more forecast for later today. :o That's just not right either. :no:
Lou LouFemale02007-04-16 10:07:00
United KingdomWhat's the Weather Like Where You Are?

Snowing in Buffalo. AGAIN. Ugh. I hate it!

Didn't realise you're in Buffalo, Julez. You lot really DO get hit with lake snow over there. I got caught in storm there about 7 years ago. Crazy weather. It's a nice lil place though. :yes:
Lou LouFemale02007-04-13 08:19:00
United KingdomWhat's the Weather Like Where You Are?

Holy #######! Not *more* snow, Lou Lou! :blink:

I remember how warm it was at Christmas, but when my Mom got home from DC after Easter she had to shovel off her back steps so she could even get in the house. She's lived there for a little over 10 years now and have never seen so much snow.

My in-laws in Montreal joke that they are ready to start using the dog sled because they are sick of digging out their car.

It actually snowed (a dusting) here on Saturday morning but now is just chilly and threatening to rain. Crazy assed weather.

Yup! So your Mum will probably get a bit more than us as she usually does. They've now given us an extra few inches for overnight generous. :rolleyes: It started around 7 here and has been heavy ever since. A friend who has lived here for 30 years says this is the worst mud season he's experienced. It would be nice if we could actually stay in mud season though...this is probably the 4th attempt this month.
Lou LouFemale02007-04-12 09:04:00
United KingdomWhat's the Weather Like Where You Are?

It's shite here too. We still have a ton of snow. It has snowed every day for the past week or so. Some bad, some not so bad. Expecting another storm with 8 inches tomorrow, and snow pretty much forecast for most of next week. I could have mowed the lawn on Christmas day (a very rare event), but we sure are paying for that pleasure now.

We got a few snow flurries here but no actual accumulation. I'm pleased about that mainly because all our flowers were starting to throw out shoots. The apple blossom is pooped though, no chance of recovery from that. Just hope we manage to get some fruit this year. :(

The bulbs are shooting under the snow, but every time they get a peek of light, they get blasted with another load again. I've seen odd bouts of snow this late, but not to this amount, and so consistently. Serves us right for living near a ski area. :rolleyes: Last year I was almost close to picking lettuce, and this year my seedlings are sitting in pots arching their backs in the hope to get outside. Not this month, mate. :no:
Lou LouFemale02007-04-11 10:19:00
United KingdomWhat's the Weather Like Where You Are?
It's shite here too. We still have a ton of snow. It has snowed every day for the past week or so. Some bad, some not so bad. Expecting another storm with 8 inches tomorrow, and snow pretty much forecast for most of next week. I could have mowed the lawn on Christmas day (a very rare event), but we sure are paying for that pleasure now.
Lou LouFemale02007-04-11 10:11:00
United KingdomWhat's the Weather Like Where You Are?
After a beautiful sunny week with temperatures as high as a balmy 8c, we're expecting another 3 inches of snow overnight. A couple of feet of it melted away this week and there are even signs of ground in parts of the garden where I dug a path, but the crazy ice fisherman are still out on the lakes.
Lou LouFemale02007-03-24 12:10:00
United KingdomWhat's the Weather Like Where You Are?

ANY one ever grow any asparagus??

We're not going to as we don't plan to stay here for long. It takes ages (3 years from seed, and 2 from crowns, I think) to get a crop, but from then on it will keep providing for years to come. The spears that are left to bloom look lovely -- tall and fern-like.
Lou LouFemale02007-03-19 13:21:00
United KingdomWhat's the Weather Like Where You Are?

We grow veg. We have corn, peppers, potatoes, broccoli, courgettes, toms, strawberries (I know, not veggies), jalapenos, tons of herbs etc etc. One side of the house stays in the sun, so it's perfect.

Can't believe how much snow you've had Lou. I mean we had snow here that lasted a couple of weeks and, as much as I like snow, I was pleased it was gone by the end of the two weeks. Damn girl, you've really been dumped on.

Ohh...another green fingered fellow. Or green thumb as they say over here. :blink: We grow broc, cabbage, sprouts, potatoes, leeks, onion, peppers, toms, garlic, herbs, rocket and various other mesclun stuff, radish, beans, peas....anything that will feed us for the summer and beyond!

The snow has been really bad this late season but on average it is not that much. Considering we didn't have any snow on the ground by Christmas, it has been a rare season indeed. The snow is always around from late December until early April. I fooking hate it. :whistle: Though the cross country skiing has been fun...a ####### on my thighs though. :lol:

I spent a month in Indiana visiting inlaws one summer. Never again - the humidity and heat out there is a killer! Your veg will grow like a dream.
Lou LouFemale02007-03-19 11:48:00
United KingdomWhat's the Weather Like Where You Are?
Ohhh I bleedin hate the weather at the moment. Actually I've hated it for the past 2 months, but that's another matter. It's -4c and glorious sunshine, but later on it's gonna snow again with more snow tonight. This is on top of the foot of snow we got on Friday night/Saturday. Oh, and we have a lovely temperature of -18c to look forward to tomorrow night! I'm used to this and much colder in January, but March? Stop it. Now. :bonk:

I still planted my broc and cabbage seeds to sit in the window and wait though. :P My baby toms are already an inch high. Anyone else grow veg over here? Hardly anyone does in my town...
Lou LouFemale02007-03-19 11:26:00
United KingdomThe Visa Journey UK Pub Quiz Thread!

It's deceptive isn't it? I had two glasses after work once at a pub, I almost left the place on my hands and knees.... :lol:

:lol: We have it in the summer at the traditional poncy Pimms o'clock time. By 6 we're snoozing and not able to move the rest of the evening. :whistle:
Lou LouFemale02007-03-14 09:51:00
United KingdomThe Visa Journey UK Pub Quiz Thread!

Well, considering it is 75f here...I'm making a large jug of Pimms...anyone care for some? Plenty enough to go round....

One of me, four of you...I make that Pimms O'Clock! :lol:

Fluppin eck that's warm. It's 50 here and I'm already getting hot flushes. I'd like celery and cucumber in my Pimms please. I'd be out cold by lunch time if I did actually drink it tho...
Lou LouFemale02007-03-14 09:44:00
United KingdomThe Visa Journey UK Pub Quiz Thread!
1. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
2. I dunno. I would guess none too
3. Julian Clary and Fanny the Wonderdog...was that the dog's name?!
4. It was a Thunderbird, I think...
5. Adrian Edmondson
Lou LouFemale02007-03-14 09:38:00
United KingdomThe Visa Journey UK Pub Quiz Thread!

Lou Lou can stick a straw in Lisa's drink and nab some.... ;)

Better make it a large one then. ;)
Lou LouFemale02007-03-14 07:38:00
United KingdomThe Visa Journey UK Pub Quiz Thread!
1) The Sun?
2) International Business Machines
3) Thunder & Lightening
4) Iraq
5) Metamorphic
Lou LouFemale02007-03-13 07:25:00
United KingdomThe Visa Journey UK Pub Quiz Thread!

Did I make them too tough this time? Oopsie... :blush:

I'm being polite and letting other people play a round. :whistle:
Lou LouFemale02007-03-07 14:01:00
United KingdomThe Visa Journey UK Pub Quiz Thread!
1) Mansion House
2) Muster (I know this cos I worked with someone who owned them!)
3) 4 (OH plays one which is the only reason I knew!)
4) Green
5) George Best -- I freelanced for Pan!

I need to get out more. ;)

Well done Lou, drink of your choice is yours...what'll you be 'aving luv?

A Bloody Mary seeing as it's early. Ta. :D
Lou LouFemale02007-03-07 08:26:00
United KingdomThe Visa Journey UK Pub Quiz Thread!
1) Iron
2) D
3) Gavin Henson
4) Deciduous
5) Aubergine

I REALLY gotta go to work now. Thanks for the fun morning! :D
Lou LouFemale02007-03-06 13:21:00
United KingdomThe Visa Journey UK Pub Quiz Thread!

1. Roy Hattersley
2. Juliet Bravo
3. Mobile Army Surgical Hospital
4. The Krypton Factor
5. Aresenal

oi! outed!

I gave you these answers!

I love you baybee

Blimey Lisa, why did you bother to ask Dave when all the answers were there infront of you, ya lazy cow. :P ;)

Kudos for knowing about Neil Morrisey -- you must have the memory of an elephant, Dave! Or an avid pub-quizzer extraordinaire. I suspect the latter. B)
Lou LouFemale02007-03-06 13:16:00
United KingdomThe Visa Journey UK Pub Quiz Thread!

P.S. No one has got them all correct....

"Whachoo mean Willis?"

Okay, okay....

Lou LouFemale02007-03-06 13:05:00
United KingdomThe Visa Journey UK Pub Quiz Thread! clarify the "rules".... :P

You can answer if you or your partner is British. Don't want my bouncer over there Loulou, kicking out people left, right and centre...but she does do a good job may I say! :lol:


I'm 6' in my socks so I'd make a good one. :bonk:

The other question is: How many times can you answer? Cos it's all a matter of deduction after a short while. :joy:

I used to play supermarket sweep via email when I worked in an office. They were as many as 20 contestants each day and I never got a stroke of work done before 11am. :blink:
Lou LouFemale02007-03-06 12:54:00
United KingdomThe Visa Journey UK Pub Quiz Thread!
I was waiting for someone to just work it out. lol You may have been right if you had spelt them correctly, Lisa. ;) ain't from the UK, so YOU'RE BARRED. :P
Lou LouFemale02007-03-06 12:37:00
United KingdomThe Visa Journey UK Pub Quiz Thread!

Just checked IMDB 9cheatinfg i know, but neil morrissey appeared in julliet bravo in 1984 but boon didn't start until 1987.

Umm, Mags hasn't announced a winner yet and it aint none of us, but thanks for looking that up. I just guessed. I didn't assume it was right. :P

Liiizzzzzy, I think Lauren and Dave were sitting next to your table cos they got the same one wrong as you. :lol:
Lou LouFemale02007-03-06 11:35:00
United KingdomThe Visa Journey UK Pub Quiz Thread!

I think Mermie should be banned from playing this cos they know everything. :jest:

Is she from the UK?? If she is I won't exclude her....if she isn't......BANNED!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I think so, but I'm not sure she is human. I think she is a superhero or summink like that. ;)

Are you gonna impersonate Peggy Mitchell, then?

"Oi, you're barred"
Lou LouFemale02007-03-06 11:14:00
United KingdomThe Visa Journey UK Pub Quiz Thread!
I think Mermie should be banned from playing this cos they know everything. :jest:

Edited by Lou Lou, 06 March 2007 - 10:32 AM.

Lou LouFemale02007-03-06 10:32:00
United KingdomThe Visa Journey UK Pub Quiz Thread!
1. Roy Hattersley
2. Boon
3. Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (it's 'h' people, not 'u' :lol: )
4. That's a difficult one....Beat The Clock??
5. Arsenal
Lou LouFemale02007-03-06 10:05:00
United KingdomLondon Medical

Wow, has it been that long? Mind you saying that, hubby and I have now been married nearly 5 months. Where DOES the time go?

3 years for us and 9+ years since we met. It still feels like yesterday. I have no idea where the time has gone. I must be getting old. :rolleyes:
Lou LouFemale02007-05-10 22:46:00
United KingdomTreats!

And my mum sends them in the mail (naughty I know) she hides them in face cloths like we're transporting crack or something :jest:

:lol: That made me giggle. My Mum double wraps stuff and stick my name on everything, bless her. :blush:
Lou LouFemale02007-05-14 08:48:00
United KingdomDid anyone watch Eurovision?
I watched about 20 mins of it by flicking through each entry. There was no way I could listen to the whole lot. There were some class A costumes tho...oh lordy. :help: As the old man said while he was trying to read a book..."What a load of old sh*t!"

(I've been training him to turn into Gran - he went to school in London for 8 years so he's doing quite a good job. :whistle: :lol: )

Edited by Lou Lou, 14 May 2007 - 08:26 AM.

Lou LouFemale02007-05-14 08:25:00
United KingdomAnyone from the UK bring their US wife/husband to the interview?
I had my interview back in the days when everyone had their medical in the morning, and then trudged over to the embassy for the interview, and then wait for medical results, and then wait for them to stick the visa in the passport. It used to take hours and hours. OH was with me as he lived with me at the time and he's a nosey ####### so wanted to come along. As nipped off to the loo I got called for the interview. The interview was so short, by the time he got back, I was already back in my seat and for a very long time he didn't actually believe I'd been done and dusted until he heard my name called for the passport pick up. :P
Lou LouFemale02007-05-16 17:20:00
United KingdomWho saw 'Have I Got News For You'
Waiting for it to be uploaded, but thanks for the tip off. :thumbs:
Lou LouFemale02007-05-19 08:33:00
United KingdomWhere would I find UK magazine publications in the US?
They have them in the newsagents in Harvard Sq in Mass, but I know that's not any help either. Try your largest university city in the state and call around there. I have no idea if you're near one, but that's all I can think of. They will likely stock them for all the foreign faculty members.
Lou LouFemale02007-05-19 08:32:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!
I think you all need to calm down and eat some chocolate. :yes:

Edited by Lou Lou, 18 May 2007 - 06:57 AM.

Lou LouFemale02007-05-18 06:56:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!

Nah, 70% dark chocolate doesn't have THAT much sugar and fat to have a detrimental effect
(and what's unhealthy about dairy products???)

C'mon, how much sugar does a dark chocolate bar contain?

Very little. A square (10g) of 85% is 1.2g of sugar compared to 10g of Hershey's at 5.5g and 10g of Hershey's dark at 5.25g. Cadbury website is not working for me to check the sugar content. You don't really need to eat more than a square of 85%, and if you do, you're a pig. :P

I'm a bit of a chocolate snob and find G&B chocolate shite. It pisses me off that they need to put cocoa powder in their 85% which gives it a horrible texture. It's turning into cheap grade stuff IMO. You can get 99% chocolate. It is very bitter but really hits the spot when you need it. Sugar is virtually nil so it's not so bad for you at all. I don't know many people that like it though. I'm just a bit weird and do.
Lou LouFemale02007-05-17 08:50:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed
Al, baby, What happened? Last time you were here you were running away from firey wife as she was gonna blast your ####### off with a 9mm and you wanted divorce advice. Did you confiscate the gun?

Like Robin says, we have missed you. I see you're still homesick. Bless yer little cotton socks. :wub:
Lou LouFemale02007-05-21 11:23:00
United KingdomWhat should I buy in the UK?

This is the start of my non food list for when I go home (UK) in Sept.

Hand Towels (the hand towels here are more like guest towel size)
Tea Towels (again the ones here are tiny)
Dish cloths (here they are pretty expensive for what you use them for I love the ones back home which are like 3 for
Duvet Covers (hard to find here and expensive when you do find them).
Cushion covers (i like to be able to take mine off and wash them. The one's you buy here usually are not removable).

Maybe I should get myself a little business going here..........English Linens!! :whistle:

Really good quality duvet covers can be found at West Elm and CB2. Way better than the flowery chintz in most other stores. Same goes for cushion covers. Martha Stewart dishcloths from target are amazingly cheap and last for ages. Tea towels and hand towels can be found at the places I mentioned plus about anywhere else. Way cheaper than the UK too. Yellow dusters are 3 for a $ in the dollar store -- took me ages to find those! I actually bought some tea towels at Etsy. They were hand screen printed. Excellent quality & more unusual than the usual store bought stuff. Actually, I buy a lot of hand made stuff from Etsy. It's amazing!
Lou LouFemale02007-05-23 13:09:00
United KingdomBritish TV ~ What Were/Are Your Favourite Shows?
Did anyone watch the new series "Ruddy Hell! It's Harry & Paul"? Not new or groundbreaking comedy but there were some very :lol: moments.
Lou LouFemale02007-04-18 13:37:00