United KingdomWedding Registries - did anyone use them for gifts for the wedding?
I think the Amazon wish list is a good idea cos you're not restricted to one store and it's not a typical begging list like you see on some invites. That way people could buy you a washing machine, or just a simple CD depending on how big their pocket is.

We didn't have any guests so our prezzie worries were nil which is just what we wanted. I think if we had guests I would have been too embarrassed to receive gifts and would have asked for them to donate to something instead. But we're just a bunch of old hippies here :blush: . At our age, if we haven't already set up house with all the usual gumpf I'd be wondering what the hell we were doing up until then.

If you are already set up and just want the frills, I think lists on sites like Etsy and DaWanda are a great idea. I keep one going for the OH so he doesn't eff up when it comes to birthdays and such. :whistle:
Lou LouFemale02007-07-10 09:59:00
United KingdomShipping from U.K. to U.S.
The majrity of the stuff was just over two years ago but I'm pretty sure the rules haven't changed as I sent some about 8 months ago while I was in the UK again. There is the argument that your non essential personal goods are now also his personal goods if they want to get technical but I'm pretty sure they won't. I'm sure customs didn't even glance at my list but if they did they sure would see that I wasn't try to pull a fast one with them. Jay, have you spoken to anyone at UPS? I found them very helpful sorting it all out but must admit I didn't have a wrorry about the customs bit. It does seem to be these shipping firms that cluck about it more so than anyone else.
Lou LouFemale02006-05-02 08:19:00
United KingdomShipping from U.K. to U.S.
With UPS I certainly didn't have to be in the US to receive them, and they knew exactly why I was shipping the goods. With a 4 day door to door service I just couldn't fault them. It was all sorted a few weeks before I left the UK, and I knew it was all there safely, which meant one less thing to worry about.
Lou LouFemale02006-05-01 21:32:00
United KingdomShipping from U.K. to U.S.
I sent it to my OH as I wasn't going to be there. On the customs I declared them as personal items all over 1 year old. There was also a detailed list of what was in every box. Does that answer your question? I can't remember the forms entirely but I'm sure if I saw one again I'd remember!
Lou LouFemale02006-05-01 13:10:00
United KingdomShipping from U.K. to U.S.
I used UPS and sent them over without me being here. It was no problem. Dealing with FedEx was just a complete pain in the jacksy so I gave up on them. Take as many excess baggages as you can handle as that is definitely the cheapest option. There are usually a few porters around to help you for a tip, especially as most airport trolleys cost $3 a time anyway.
Lou LouFemale02006-04-30 12:13:00
United KingdomShipping from U.K. to U.S.
I agree I liked the speediness of UPS and no hassles as it's door to door.
Lou LouFemale02006-02-21 12:07:00
United KingdomJust poking my head in the door...
QUOTE (rkl57 @ Apr 26 2009, 11:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nice to see you Lou you think there are any downsides to becoming a citizen (I'm thinking specifically about the tax issue) if you move back to the UK.

We will go back one day.....debating citizenship which we will be eligible to apply for in about 6 months time

I think the tax issue is the obvious one. For me not having to face another piece of paperwork when I decide to travel to the US a lot, or indeed return to live was the major draw. I don't honestly see us returning to live but you never know what's around the corner so I want to be prepared if I am faced with that again. I think if I didn't have a US passport I would probably not bother to try and live here again. It's just too much hassle and I'd be kicking myself over and over for not getting the citizenship. headbonk.gif
Lou LouFemale02009-04-28 12:33:00
United KingdomJust poking my head in the door...

Hi! Yeh, I remember you. yes.gif

I haven't needed to get my passport renewed but I see at the top of this forum there is a pinned thread on passport renewal.

I already have citizenship which was one of the major things on the tick list before even thinking about moving!

Hope your next steps are speedy and hassle free. smile.gif
Lou LouFemale02009-04-25 14:20:00
United KingdomJust poking my head in the door...
Hi to all the oldies and newbies. Just poking my head in the forums after a very long time away and wondering how everyone is doing?

I can't believe how the time has flown by. It's 11 years since I first met Mr Lou. 5 year since I moved here. Celebrating our 5th anniversary next month. good.gif

All has been done and dusted with paperwork -- there is always light at the end of the tunnel folks!

Now once the economy does what it should be doing, we're making serious plans to move to Europe. Not quite sure where but that is the next step. As beautiful as Vermont is, the winters are just killing me and I need to be closer to some real culture!

What is everyone else up to?
Lou LouFemale02009-04-24 08:43:00
United KingdomTo the Brits - do you think everything here in the US is too sweet?

Yup, I tend to start them in the morning and let them simmer all day. My Mum used to make the best curry sauces and spaghetti sauces. :thumbs:

Hmm..I think I'm gonna have to make a curry for tonight after all this chat. :P
Lou LouFemale02007-07-19 12:32:00
United KingdomTo the Brits - do you think everything here in the US is too sweet?

I've never the eaten ready meals that often so it wasn't them. It would be things like spaghetti sauce (the ones with the lowest sodium content and no HFCS) and sauces in general. Some sauces I find hard to recreate in the home, but I did make a damn fine spaghetti sauce of my own the other night that hubby loved.

Ahh :yes: that makes sense. I always found those kind of things way too sweet in the UK too. Ragu and all that kinda stuff. Disgusting! I make those kind of things in batches and then freeze them cos they do need to be cooked for ages to taste any good.

What I would give to nip into Camisas on Old Compton St. right now and pick up some olive ciabatta, fresh ricotta ravioli, rocket, mozzarella pepper salad, and their tomato sauce. Sigh....heaven. :cry:
Lou LouFemale02007-07-19 11:46:00
United KingdomTo the Brits - do you think everything here in the US is too sweet?

I'd actually gotten to the point of getting exasperated recently just because I'd cook an evening meal and it tastes bloody sweet. So, I've just simply started making stuff from scratch (which is excellent and long overdue). I don't add any salt or any sugar to it and, I'll admit, it is a welcome change.

Hurrah for non-sweet evening meals! :thumbs:

Now I'm curious what you were cooking that tasted sweet? I'm nosey and wanna know. :P

We've never been convenience food freaks and have (on the most part) always cooked from scratch. Some foods need salt, so search out something like Celtic sea salt. It is not refined and has all the goodness in salt that has always been taken out of evil table salt. It is actually good for you in small doses -- the minerals are excellent.

BBQ is a damn fine way to cook from scratch and tastes great with salads. We make our own marinades -- none of that crappy sauce from bottles. We eat from the BBQ nearly every friggin' night in the summer. Saves cleaning the kitchen too. :thumbs:
Lou LouFemale02007-07-18 09:35:00
United KingdomTo the Brits - do you think everything here in the US is too sweet?

Invest in a good knife as well...we love our bread maker, I got it as a gift several years ago, but cutting it for sandwiches or good toast was the problem! We have a chef friend who I was talking to about this and he gave us this amazing knife as a gift for our has made all the difference.


The best thing to do is actually go to a shop together and test them out. One knife may work for one half but not the other. For example, Wusthofs are slightly lighter and have smaller handles, whereas Henckels have larger handles but with virtually the same blade as Wusthofs. It depends on hand size etc. I love Globals, but they're a ####### to sharpen as the blade is cut differently. We've been slowly growing our knife collection, and if you look after them they will last for life. Ebay have great bargains on the top ranges.

That was a geeks knife post. :blush:
Lou LouFemale02007-07-11 11:14:00
United KingdomTo the Brits - do you think everything here in the US is too sweet?
I refuse to eat anything that has corn syrup in it. If it's too sweet, don't eat it! We don't eat anything processed and only eat at restaurants that are part of a "Fresh Food" network. The other problem over here is the sodium content. It's very scary! The only thing I buy that comes out of a can is tuna in spring water. Everything else we make from scratch. We're very lucky enough to have a good local co-op (oh, how I wish we had a Trader Joes!) and a vegetable garden in the summer months which almost feeds us through the winter (we freeze the veg). The only other shop we use is the offie. ;) Supermarkets are for buying loo roll now. Nowt much else I want in there. :no:
Lou LouFemale02007-03-07 08:35:00
United KingdomDual Citizenship
That story is kind of confusing.

"Australians, Americans, New Zealanders, Canadians and South Africans who have adopted British nationality are among those likely to be affected."

So at the moment Brits won't be affected, only those who have taken Brit nationality?


"A UK Border Agency spokesman said: “With dual passports, you need to use the passport you bought the ticket with; that is the passport that is registered with Advance Passenger Information. If you don’t use that passport, then you will not be able to travel.” "

If I was buying a ticket in the US to travel to the UK and they wanted me to use my US passport to enter the UK, I'd be happy to, I guess.


"As things stand [people] will not be able to leave Britain on one passport and come back on another.”

Most people here who are dual will not be leaving the UK, but leaving the US to start their journey.


Gah, it all sounds a big mess and like you said will probably be ironed out. I am not losing any more time on it. wink.gif

Lou LouFemale02009-06-05 09:25:00
United KingdomDual Citizenship
Another owner of 2 passports here. smile.gif
Lou LouFemale02009-06-03 11:03:00
United KingdomHow much stuff did/are you shipping from UK to US?
I shipped 7 big boxes via UPS. Very quick and easy and I think it was 4 days door to dsoor. Lots of ####### that I didn't need in the end really...CDs...personal bit n bobs...a few books (sold 500 before I left!)...clothes...stuff that I just couldn't get rid furniture. In the end I could have been more ruthless and only brought 3-4 boxes but that's how it was at the time.
Lou LouFemale02009-05-30 09:22:00
United KingdomJune 13th......Las Vegas, NV
Awww have fun! We had a Vegas quickie wedding. No guests cos we were cheap. wink.gif
Lou LouFemale02009-05-30 09:18:00
United Kingdomintroducing myself :)
Hi Shelby. I'm in Vermont too. smile.gif Been here since 2004 but planning to leave as the winters have finally got to me! wink.gif
Lou LouFemale02009-06-14 08:46:00
United KingdomAnyone FEDEX 25KG+ to the USA from UK?
I used UPS and it was fabulous. Lots of forms to fill in, and list everything in the box. It's all personal so no customs charges are made. They took less than 4 days and no fuss.
Lou LouFemale02009-06-11 11:23:00
United KingdomBritish food stores

I'm a bit digusted with British Delights. I ordered a bunch! of stuff for Craig from them about the 23rd of January I guess and they still haven't even sent it yet. Really really annoying considering how much it costs and I doubt I'll use them again...anyone else have probs with them?

Yep, I stopped using them as they're so slow. And often stuff will be right near the use by date so you can't stash it away. The owner said it's cos customs are so slow getting through imported goods so by the time he gets them they have been sitting around for months. I do feel sorry for him but his delivery service and communication sucks!
Lou LouFemale02006-02-20 09:36:00
United KingdomBritish food stores

Can you really bring this stuff over with you?! I thought it wasnt allowed? If so I'm definately bringing some Ribena back with me when I go home in April.

Yep. I just came back from a trip with a suitcase full of stuff. Mainly oatcakes, digestives, cadbury's, naan for the freezer, and good pasta (cipriani from Sainsburys). I'm a happy bunny :joy:
Lou LouFemale02006-02-16 05:57:00
United KingdomBritish food stores
We drive 2 an half hours to stock up at Trader Joes. Yes, I am sad. But well fed ;)
Lou LouFemale02006-02-13 13:09:00
United KingdomBritish food stores

David is still trying to figure out why the imported British beers at our local liquor store are less expensive than they were in England! :thumbs:

Simple answer. Tax. :yes:
Lou LouFemale02006-02-11 12:34:00
United KingdomBritish food stores
Yep, here in Vermont where, personally I think their local cheese is #######. I don't know why people rave over it. It's very mediocre. I've also seen Neal's Yard cheese in the co-ops in NH. Co-ops are great if you have a good one nearby. I know Trader Joes has cheap stilton too. It's not such top quality but a good price and hits the spot...just about ;)
Lou LouFemale02006-02-04 04:13:00
United KingdomBritish food stores
We can get an excellent range of cheeses from Neal's Yard (including stilton) at our local co-op for $10-13 a pound which is a pretty good deal. I've been chatting up their buyer for years and after pointing out it would include a trip overseas, the cheese counter and beer selection has drastically improved!
Lou LouFemale02006-02-03 17:13:00
United KingdomDrivers License
As everyone has said, check with your state. I didn't even have to get in reverse gear for my test and it was about 5mins long. They may as well have held it around a flipping car park. Judging by the way people drive around here, I'm not surprised the test was piss easy. :rolleyes:
Lou LouFemale02007-06-18 15:04:00
United KingdomHealth care reform, anyone?
Oh, this old chestnut. :bonk: :no:
Lou LouFemale02010-04-19 10:17:00
United KingdomBrits in the USA
QUOTE (Jeraly @ Oct 16 2008, 08:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Lou Lou @ Oct 16 2008, 04:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jeraly @ Oct 16 2008, 01:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yay! Thanks for the review Maven - I am collating all information so I can shortlist a few places - there are so many options it is an arduous task which is why I am starting now! Plus it gives me something to do biggrin.gif

You are welcome to ask me anything about VT as I pretty much know the whole state by now. We got over 150 inches of snow last winter in central VT so if you can stand a six month winter, it could be the place for you. wink.gif Really stunning fall colors this year. I'd like to say that evens it out, but it doesn't quite cut it!

Wow - that is a lot of snow!!! Is that just in central VT? Or do you get less snow in other areas? Three months of snow/winter sounds good but six months would be a bit of a climate change from the desert!! laughing.gif I don't even know how I will cope going back to the UK!!! laughing.gif

The average winter snowfall is around 100 inches I think but don't quote me. Last season we had snow on the ground from mid November to late April. And I don't mean a sprinkle...we were quite a few feet under by the time Christmas rolled around. The season before was pretty rough with a record snowfall of 31 inches in 24 hours. Often snow doesn't really settle until December but frosts start from the odd one in August until April! Southern VT is milder but still pretty damn cold and still loads of snow. We get a few odd crazy winters where the low temperature would be a solid -20c low for a few weeks and barely getting to -10c high. Coldest it hits is around -30c which is crazy nose icicle time. I don't mind the amount of snow, and if you dress right the cold is OK, but the ice is a nightmare. If you want 4 seasons you do get them in VT but winter in the dominant one. Spring is muddy and often wet. Summer can be beautiful but can also be wet like this year, and fall is never long enough. It just gets too cold too early for my liking!

Here is our car after the record snow. The car arial is on the left sticking out of the drift!Attached File  The_Aftermath.jpg   28.16KB   24 downloads

Edited by Lou Lou, 16 October 2008 - 10:16 PM.

Lou LouFemale02008-10-16 22:14:00
United KingdomBrits in the USA
QUOTE (Jeraly @ Oct 16 2008, 01:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yay! Thanks for the review Maven - I am collating all information so I can shortlist a few places - there are so many options it is an arduous task which is why I am starting now! Plus it gives me something to do biggrin.gif

You are welcome to ask me anything about VT as I pretty much know the whole state by now. We got over 150 inches of snow last winter in central VT so if you can stand a six month winter, it could be the place for you. wink.gif Really stunning fall colors this year. I'd like to say that evens it out, but it doesn't quite cut it!
Lou LouFemale02008-10-16 18:16:00
United KingdomBrits in the USA
For some reason I got knocked off the Vermont list. I know, I know, most people don't think it's a state but it is, honest. wink.gif
Lou LouFemale02008-09-24 15:53:00
United KingdomWhat Won't You Miss About The UK?

I for one wont miss the crappy scottish weather...nothin but rain and fog, seldom have any kind of summer there. At least here in the states you can pretty much guarantee yer gonna have a hot summer.

I wont miss the coffee, i've got a taste for General Foods International coffee' favourite being *French Vanilla* yummy.

I do however miss my fairy liquid and DECENT gravy,,,AHHHH BISTO!! :crying:



one of several links to different stores.
I've noticed that some of them sell Fairy liquid.

I have them saved at work if you are interested! :)

The Christmas Tree Shop sells Bisto too. I've seen it in a LOT of places. Method dishwashing soap is a good alternative to Fairy Liquid. It really does cut the grease!

I can't stand flavoured coffee. Just the smell of it makes me heave. Whoever thought that was a good idea? *Speeeeew*
Lou LouFemale02007-04-11 08:33:00
United KingdomWhat Won't You Miss About The UK?
I'm another one who doesn't miss the crime either but I did move from London to the sticks. We don't lock our house or our car. I don't lock my bike when I leave it at work or go shopping. I leave skis outside work in winter too. Crime is near on zilch. I was a bit freaked by it at first, but now I love it.

I'm a Marmite lover though it lasts so long there is no fear of ever running out. I was home a few weeks back and picked up a Guinness Marmite. It's yummy too.
Lou LouFemale02007-04-08 19:27:00
United Kingdombisto and oxo cubes,
I still miss decent supermarkets. :(
Lou LouFemale02013-10-09 16:05:00
United KingdomHow have your family and friends reacted to your plans ?

Before I left, she told me how much she was going to miss me.  I told her that I would miss her too.  Obviously, as my best friend, she was the first person who knew about my soon to be fiance.  She was happy initially but then started to say 'How much do you know about this man?'  I was know she was anxious for me and wanted to protect me.  I told her than the process takes some time anyway (in my case, 11 months from NOA1 until entering the US on the K1 visa).  What also annoyed me at the time of telling her was I told her that she could not tell anyone about my plans.  She told at least two other people.  I also think what has happened to me is making her reflect on her own life.  She has a record of dating users.  The last one led her to have to get an IVA!  So now she has no money and the bloke has scarpered.  
I will keep trying.  I ask her for her news in my emails to her as well as giving her my news but I get nothing back.  But I will keep trying.

Ah, that's a shame, Anna. Sounds like you're doing more than enough. Too bad. She's missing out on a good friend.

Lou LouFemale02013-10-13 21:42:00
United KingdomHow have your family and friends reacted to your plans ?
Anna, she could be missing you and not know how to express it. Sure, there is envy mixed in with her feelings. If you want to keep in touch with her, don't give up.
Lou LouFemale02013-10-11 09:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical ... what exactly do they do?
I had my medical done at the infamous Dr Phelan's and yes they did take a quick peek to make sure I had the right bits. It happened in milliseconds so I hardly notcied what he was doing. They have to physically be able to see you are what you say you are. He also gave me a breast exam and he called for a female nurse to be present. It wouldn't have bothered me either way. Doctors have seen it all before, why on earth would anyone imagine they would bother to "take a pervy look or feel" is beyond me.
Lou LouFemale02006-04-05 12:17:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHow long are you going to wait before you apply for citizenship...
As soon as I flippin can. This year...time flies! :clock:
Lou LouFemale02007-04-09 07:55:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHow do I retrieve dates of past trips outside the US?

I have crossed the border oodles of times to Quebec and have no idea how many times it has been over the past few years. My passport never gets stamped either. I'm just going to put that I was a regular visitor to Canada for afternoons, evenings and long weekends over the past few years totaling to approximately x number of times. At least you know how many trips, and I can't imagine approximate dates being a problem. But perhaps someone will come along with some information who's more informed.

Hey Lou Lou,
I thought international trips were only to be noted if they were longer than 24 hours, according to the instructions pamphlet. So, an afternoon or evening in Canada shouldn't count. Correct me if I'm wrong, please.

No, you are right. It's the oodles of day trips that turned into overnight and beyond that I haven't documented. There are just simply too many! But thanks for clarifying. :)
Lou LouFemale02007-05-01 20:05:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHow do I retrieve dates of past trips outside the US?
I have crossed the border oodles of times to Quebec and have no idea how many times it has been over the past few years. My passport never gets stamped either. I'm just going to put that I was a regular visitor to Canada for afternoons, evenings and long weekends over the past few years totaling to approximately x number of times. At least you know how many trips, and I can't imagine approximate dates being a problem. But perhaps someone will come along with some information who's more informed.
Lou LouFemale02007-05-01 11:40:00