IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

Hi, I have been lurking around this group for some time. My NOA1 was May 2013. Is there anyone else that is still trudging through this process from that far back? Looking at the spreadsheets it looks like no one is left from the summer. I have had no RFE or checklists and still I think I am way behind everyone else. Anyone else still out there?




August 29, 2013 here.

meg_654Not TellingBulgaria2014-08-26 12:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

Finally got some good news today. We got our case complete, after seeing AOS fee change from "Paid" to "N/A". Called to confirm. Our last scan date was July 1 (mail was received on June 26). It's a relief to be on our way out of the NVC.


CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! And last san date of 07/01 is rather encouraging for the rest of us :joy:

meg_654Not TellingBulgaria2014-08-08 16:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

According to NVC it's not necesary.

Petitioner Documents
If you are applying for an IR5 (Parent of a U.S. Citizen) visa, you are required to provide:

-Original or certified copy of your Petitioners birth certificate

-Original or certified copy of your Petitioners marriage certificate from the Petitioners current and all previous marriages


Thank you NLR! This is just my attempt to ?idiot proof? my IV package, so that no one reviewing it and say: ?Checklist!? I am at a point, where I will gladly give a pint of blood and a kidney just to get this process done and over with.

meg_654Not TellingBulgaria2014-08-08 11:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014


Although the two required petitioner documents for an IR-5 visa is their birth certificate and marriage certificates, if the petitioner in your case is a naturalized US citizen, it may be a good idea to include the Naturalization certificate as well. But not the original, include a certified copy instead. Instructions here on how to obtain one: If the petitioner is going to the interview as well, I'd suggest they bring their original with them. If not, I'd suggest getting two certified copies and having the beneficiary bringing the second copy with them to the interview, just in case.


Thank you, Saylin, for including the link! I will have a copy ready by interview time, just in case. Infopass is scheduled for 08/22.

meg_654Not TellingBulgaria2014-08-08 10:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014


You need to look at the list of documents required in the AOS and IV packages in the wiki linked from post 1 of this thread.


You should NOT send an original certificate of naturalization to anyone. This is a difficult and expensive document to obtain. Keep it somewhere safe.


Thank you stackeria! I am having a huge paranoia moment before I mail the IV packet this afternoon. Needless to say, I don?t trust my sense of sound judgment anymore?

meg_654Not TellingBulgaria2014-08-08 10:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

Has anyone included original naturalization certificate in the IV packet as part of the petitioners documents?


meg_654Not TellingBulgaria2014-08-08 09:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

Has anyone had to submit an apostille to each original document included in the IV packet? All my original docs are in Bulgarian, translated into English and certified, and the interview will be in Bulgaria. There will be no documents issued in a third country. I can't find any requirement, from NVC or Embassy specific, asking for an apostille, but word on the wire is that such is needed, or IV packet will be checklisted. Any one heard of this?  

meg_654Not TellingBulgaria2014-08-06 15:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014



Thank you everyone for all the heartfelt congrats!! It truly means a lot!!!

Cheers! So very happy for both of you!

meg_654Not TellingBulgaria2014-08-06 11:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread

They began delaying the IV fee invoice early May.  It was taking them 30 business (45 calender) days to review documents back then.   :joy:
Well, many people who waited for 30 business days for the IV fee invoice have CC now (myself included).   :star:
Then, some people began sending their IV packages with the AOS bar-coded cover letter.  It may be one of the reasons why it's taking longer (30 business days vs. 60 calender days) for them to review packages now.   :wacko:
They could slow down for any reason such as administrative, training, processing other applications, etc.  Of course, they could speed up for any reason.   :huh:
I guess nobody knows how busy they are.  Only thing we know is that they're asking us to wait for 60 calender days, unfortunately.  :unsure:


IMO, the reason processing went from 30 days, to 30 business days to "at least 60 days", is because the company that runs NVC got the contract from the State Dept. only three months ago - which is when the delay hit. Give them few months for a learning curve and few months to polish the stupid out of their employees, they should become more effective by 2015. I think the ####### they gave us about receiving more approved petitioned from USCIS is the marketing excuse they gave us, since 2013 filers all too familiar with the delay at USCIS stage, which was caused by overflow of DACA petitions. But it makes no sense, DACA's bottleneck to continue on to NVC, since DACA cases are for teens that are already in the US. What do y'all think? I think Obama screwed us with DACA in 2013, and State Department screws us now at the NVC stage by changing contractors in June. Thats my gripe for the day.Scan date 08/12 and I am out of patience.

meg_654Not TellingBulgaria2014-09-30 09:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread

  Wasn't me it always shows up bold for me don't know why. 

  You are so much in my prayers along with your beloved mother, this is just a travesty that I hope is fixed very soon.  God willing an with many prayers going your way. t4582.gif


Thank you dear SOLOENTA! I'm praying for you too.

WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATT WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CONGRATULATIONS SO VERY HAPPY FOR YOU.   I'm crying from happiness your on your way out of this nightmare!!  Thank God in heaven!      m0113.gift9304.gifegyptian.gifegyptian.gifh0403.gifegyptian.gifegyptian.gift9304.gifm0113.gif


:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Hubby said he received a voice mail from Octavio saying we have a case complete. He just called NVC and the rep confirmed that we have a Case complete.
Thanks everyone for your sweet words of encouragment, thanks for sharing in my pains and thanks for standing by me. Soloenta I belief God that you are the next. Samreen, Msc, Romil, Mobar and all my lovely friends here fingers and legs are crossed for your good news.
Am not going anywhere, am still here always for all of you.

EOS4ever, congratulations dear!!!!, I can't possibly tell how happy I am for you. I see this CC as a closed chapter of the book of your life- overall bad chapter but full of suspense, intense feelings and capable of bringing out the best and the worst in a person. But you made it! Chapter closed. Time to move on. I'm so happy for you and your family. Enjoy planning your travels and making your home with your hubbie. May you be abundantly blessed as you go on on your journey TOGETHER :-)

meg_654Not TellingBulgaria2014-09-27 08:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread

    Thank you and wow you are great at this sort of thing and I'm proud of you!  But explain to me please about the e-mail, I'll come out and say it I'm paranoid this process has made me so and I don't want to do anything they can use against us since my husband being Muslim is a mountain we have to try to get over to begin with.   Who does this e-mail go to and what can they do if anything?  Can there be repercussion due to contacting them?  Thank you in advance. :) (L) (L)


It is so very sad that a citizen of the country that is a pillar for equality, diversity, and democracy would even think this way. But to be quite open with all of you on VJ, the same thought has passed through my mind. Yes, this is what USCIS and NVC reduced us to, paranoid folk, some of us married yet living alone, some of us unable to enjoy the warmth a family holiday brings, because we carry the pain of a mother who is old, alone, across seven seas and eight lands.

meg_654Not TellingBulgaria2014-09-26 22:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread
They almost immediately deleted my posts and banned me from all other comments.
IF YOU COMMENT, PLEASE take a screenshot and save it so you can send it to me after for the new web site. I want to feature the CEO of FCi on the page and call out her personal responsibility so these images will be helpful to show that even the private contractors who are part of this mess are conspiring to make us invisible.


Well, the facebook page has deleted the comments few VJers posted minutes ago. It says they are wrapping up third month of their contract for visa support services for the department of state: do you think change of companies is what has caused our delay? I have been at NVC since April and still no end in sight. So it makes me feel that Serco (the previous company) didnt wanna touch my case, because they already knew they dont have the contract and timely processing didnt matter to them anymore. Then FCi Federal took over and they didnt know what to do with my case- being new at the job and learning curve, etc... What do yall think?

Edited by meg_654, 26 September 2014 - 02:43 PM.

meg_654Not TellingBulgaria2014-09-26 14:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread

   Ok then 3 for a new thread, 0 to leave as is and  1 on the fence :D :rofl: :rofl: :dance: :yes: :dance:

I don't mind having a new thread.

meg_654Not TellingBulgaria2014-09-25 19:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Hi all. I posted this in the other NVC thread but the community here will likely be able to help also.  :joy:


I have a question for anybody going through this process for the second time: 


I was a LPR up until recently and I am confused with some of the questions on the DS-260, specifically regarding previous visits and whether LPR is a visa for the terms of this form. I cannot seem to find instructions on this so i'd like to see what the consensus appears to be. 


Do I list entering the US as a permanent resident after going away on vacations as a "visit"?


Is LPR a visa? I cannot find it listed in the drop down menu and can only think it would come under "other- immigrant visa" but then it asks for a visa number. I have only ever had an alien registration number, no visa number. Should I repeat the ARN in the visa number section? 


I suppose these seem like small details and i'm sure the Embassy will discuss it with me if there are issues, but it might be good to get an idea from others before I submit. 



I am in a similar situation with my mom. I listed all POE entries. She got her green card while in the US, so she didn't have immigrant visa number, just an A# and I listed that. Then I was as detailed as possible about her situation, entries in the US as a visitor and then as a LPR, since she was declined a visitor's visa in 2013, after she was not approved for returning PR. I am sure all this will come up during the interview. Best of luck and speedy CC!

Edited by meg_654, 23 September 2014 - 09:43 PM.

meg_654Not TellingBulgaria2014-09-23 21:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread

WHAT!?   :wow:  What's going on with NVC?   :ranting:
NVC is currently reviewing packages they scanned up to Aug 1 according to Facebook.  Since your scan date is July 31, I had a feeling that they reviewed your package yesterday.  If nobody had reviewed your package, how come Jim was able to provide detailed information about the death certificate?   :huh2:
I really don't know what to believe.   :no:   I guess you'll need to wait a little bit more to find out what's going on.   :angry:   Fingers crossed!    :star:


By the way, I appreciate you keep us updated on the Facebook group scan dates, since I am not on FB. Booo-Ha-Ha!

meg_654Not TellingBulgaria2014-09-23 14:09:00