CanadaRepulsive attraction.
QUOTE (Crikey! @ Feb 22 2008, 06:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IR5FORMUMSIE @ Feb 22 2008, 04:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hands down the worst smell is that of decomposing flesh. It has a certain olfactory signature that you won't soon forget.

blink.gif unsure.gif

Hahaha!! I was thinking the same thing.
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-02-22 06:57:00
CanadaRepulsive attraction.
QUOTE (Nagishkaw @ Feb 21 2008, 05:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And the person who did it seems so proud of their 'accomplishment'. Just nasty.

Sometimes my dog will be laying there sleeping soundly and then she farts... it like wakes her up and she opens her eyes and starts sniffing around... like

"Oh what's that? Do I did it? Did you has a fart? I think I has a gas."

rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-02-21 17:38:00
CanadaRepulsive attraction.
That's the need to find the SOURCE of the smell smile.gif

But then that doesn't explain when you actually know what the source is like "Eew this thing smells gross! Here smell it!"
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-02-21 16:57:00
Canadarejection letter..need advice
QUOTE (Delicia @ Feb 21 2008, 02:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rhymeswithcandi @ Feb 21 2008, 02:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Delicia @ Feb 21 2008, 02:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
When my I-130 was rejected (for signing on the wrong line) I got the NOA-1 rejection notice along with the entire package in the same evelope. The NOA-1 was dated 1 week before it appeared in my mailbox, if that helps you at all.

Sorry to stray off course here but do you really get completely rejected for signing on the wrong line? Yikes!

Yep. I signed the I-130 on the line that is for 'Person Completing the Form' rather than the Petioner line (which is directly above where I signed). I lost over 3 months of time since I originally filed Oct 2007 and didn't get the rejection until January 2008. I just received my NOA-1 for the resubmission and they generated a new case number for me so, I start over as if I had never filed in October.

Did you have to pay the fee again?
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-02-21 14:42:00
Canadarejection letter..need advice
QUOTE (Delicia @ Feb 21 2008, 02:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
When my I-130 was rejected (for signing on the wrong line) I got the NOA-1 rejection notice along with the entire package in the same evelope. The NOA-1 was dated 1 week before it appeared in my mailbox, if that helps you at all.

Sorry to stray off course here but do you really get completely rejected for signing on the wrong line? Yikes!
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-02-21 14:16:00
Canadarejection letter..need advice
QUOTE (shawna7 @ Feb 21 2008, 01:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone.. I got a rejection letter for my I485 packet based on my lawyer not sending the cheques in correctly..USCIS says it takes up to a month for the packet to come back so we can resend..Does anyone know if it actually takes a month? would I be better off to just redo everything and resubmit? did I mention my lawyer is apparently mildly deranged??lol


I'm so sorry this happened to you! That's just terrible. I'm not sure how long it will take to get your package back...

I really hope that lawyer won't be billing you and when she does I hope you tell her to eat worms.
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-02-21 14:00:00
QUOTE (~Laura and Nick~ @ Feb 22 2008, 05:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
After 10 years of putting it off, I passed my driving test today!!!!

I promised myself when I left my ex that I would go back to school and get my high school diploma. I did that last may. I promised myself I would get a great job, I love my job!!! Finally, I promised myself I'd get my license and today I have it.

It may sound simple but these things have been nagging at me for a long time. I'm proud of myself and I feel on top of the world.

Now all I need is an approval and things would be amazing.

Just wanted to share smile.gif
Have a great weekend all!!! good.gif

That's awesome! I know how great that feels. I actually had a similar list after breaking up with my ex a few years back and it felt so good to knock all of them off the list.

Congratulations kicking.gif
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-02-22 17:17:00
CanadaAP Approved!! FINALLY!!

rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-02-29 14:47:00
CanadaAP Approved!! FINALLY!!
QUOTE (kewtbubbles @ Feb 24 2008, 09:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't want to bring you down, but please make sure the post office is aware of you living there.

Also, put a sticker or something with your name on the mailbox if you haven't done so just in case.

My husband's AP Travel Document was also approved. I know this because I check frequently online to check the status on his applications.

Last June in 2007, it was approved and it said that it was sent out, but we never received the approval notice or the travel document. I called and asked about it, but they said it was sent. They said because it wasn't returned to them, someone must've received it. Because of this, they wouldn't be able to send another one!

They actually said to reapply.

It was ridiculous because we definitely didn't receive it, and they said they sent it. We were contemplating on what to do but wasn't sure if we should apply again because we didn't know what was wrong with the not receiving mail problem. How would we know if we would receive it the 2nd time around if we reapplied.

We decided to give it another try, but luckily, my husband's permanent resident green card came yesterday and now we don't have to think about the AP Travel Document or renewing his EAD.

I don't want to bring your hopes down because it's great news that you'll be able to go away on a trip for Easter. But just in case, God forbid, something horrible like this happens to you, make sure your post office knows you live there, and your name's on your mailbox. And if at the end of the day all of this is done and somehow you didn't receive it, give your local district congressman a ring. That's a piece of advice I received from a fellow VisaJourneyer. We were about to send her the information regarding our case when POP out of nowhere, we finally received the green card.

Congratulations on the approval and good luck on the rest of your journey!

Thank you for that advice! Very good point - we live in an apartment and the mailboxes have names on them where the mail carrier puts the mail... Someone on the helpline told me to make sure my name was actually on the mailbox so I had our mailman take the previous tenants' names off and put ours. Hopefully that'll be good. It hasn't come yet but I'm still hopeful it'll be here soon smile.gif

QUOTE (liz_legend @ Feb 24 2008, 09:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
On Feb 20th?!@##@
Are you saying you don't check your status online every hour??????

FOR SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

congrats btw biggrin.gif

Thanks! Well I probably check every 2 hours.

QUOTE (Carlawarla @ Feb 25 2008, 07:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations candi! Safe and happy travels at Easter! rose.gif

Thank you!!
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-02-25 07:15:00
CanadaAP Approved!! FINALLY!!
QUOTE (shawna7 @ Feb 21 2008, 10:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (trailmix @ Feb 21 2008, 10:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (shawna7 @ Feb 21 2008, 08:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
congrats!! thats amazing!! I have only ever once recieved an e-mail from uscis.sad.gif I don't know why they don't update my file online)...I want to be obsessive too!!haha

Congrats candi! Shawna you can be obsessive, you just keep checking the number even though there is no information on there good.gif

hahahaha ok..i'll do that!(we all know I was doing it anyway!!) actually, I have chosen to obsess over THIS site instead!!(A gilr needs an obsession ya know!)

When we can't work this site is a great way to pass the time... it totally does become obsessive.
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-02-21 11:00:00
CanadaAP Approved!! FINALLY!!

Current Status: Approval notice sent.

On February 20, 2008, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I131 APPLICATION FOR USCIS TRAVEL DOCUMENT. Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service.

I get to go home for Easter!! Yippppppeeeeee!
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

**I was actually just going to post a thread about obsessively checking status online with USCIS and I got this great news!**
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-02-21 09:53:00
CanadaI got a puppy!!
SO cute! Puppies are the BEST!

We got ours at a year old so we didn't have to train her but we also missed out on the fun of having a puppy..

Have fun with the little furball.
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-02-22 09:24:00
CanadaLeaving Your Home Behind
QUOTE (T.O_2_FL @ Feb 20 2008, 01:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OMG too funny! You know what! Just for laughs, I'm going to start a topic just for words/pronounciations!

Crikey! you rock! smile.gif

That's an awesome idea! DO it! My husband and I talk about these differences all the time.
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-02-20 13:20:00
CanadaLeaving Your Home Behind
QUOTE (Crikey! @ Feb 20 2008, 12:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have to comment on the teenage girl thing. I endured exactly the same type of thing, but without the "you've moved me to another country" trump card that your girls have. (Mine had another trump card.) I also had the "pleasure" of my mother adding fat to the fire by offering my teenage daughter a place to live. Let me tell you.... TEENAGE GIRLS ARE THE ANTI-CHRIST. I kid you not. I really feel for you ladies. You sound like you're going about things the right way. But you need to have a talk with those people who are giving the girls an out. It is EXTREMELY important that you are all on the same page. If the girls think there's an out, they'll go for it. And all that will happen is that the problems will go with the child, but it will not make things better. Only time and perseverence will resolve it. I would not want to live through that hell again if you paid me millions of dollars. The nice thing is that it ends in a couple of years, and the meanagers suddenly turn into nice people again, but extremely apologetic nice people. Good luck. rose.gif

WELL put!
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-02-20 13:16:00
CanadaLeaving Your Home Behind
Wow, I had no idea that what I'm feeling really isn't all that out of the ordinary. I can relate so much with everyone who's posted. Especially the depression part. I'm not really a depressed person but I feel it sometimes living here. It's like I fit in everywhere but I belong nowhere. That's basically how I feel - alien.

I've spent a lot of time away from Canada the past several years, but here I feel so completely isolated, bored and foreign and I've never felt that before.

My husband and I were at a dinner party the other night and someone asked where I was from. When I answered I heard a female's voice behind me "YOU're Canadian? Oh GOD!" and when I turn around she's grabbing her husband and saying to him "SHE's Canadian!" He looked over at me like I was a piece of dirt and just said "Oh"

Sometimes when people find out I'm Canadian I find myself being challenged as being too "Liberal" I love talking politics but I hate that my nationality becomes the spark of political debate where I find myself defending policies and ideologies that are seen as being Canadian.

That sort of stuff doesn't really help. But my skin quickly thickened to that sort of thing.

On top of that, yes I do miss Tim Horton's and Swiss Chalet and good conversation. And I, of course, miss my family immensely. The fact that I have not been able to go home (see HUGE screw up with my AP) or travel at all makes it even more frustrating. I applied for AP in time to go home for Christmas and I STILL haven't gotten it. I broke down and cried several times on the 800 line because it was just so infuriating.

I think part of what makes living here hard for me (personally) is that America IS very different from Canada but it's also very similar - too much so actually. When I lived in Europe and Asia, the novelty of all the differences kept my senses so constantly stimulated that I didn't have much time to miss Canada. The differences were SO vast that they made each day more exciting than the last. Every day was a school day. Every day was an adventure. I'm not experiencing that here - the supermarkets are relatively similar, pop culture and entertainment are nearly identical, the landscape and architecture are alike, the culture is identical at first glance. To me sometimes it's like a stand-in for Canada that, beneath the surface, bares no resemblance to Canada at all. Like an impostor.
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-02-20 13:13:00
CanadaLeaving Your Home Behind
Thanks for sharing that. It was interesting and I can completely relate to it (as I'm sure many others on here can). I met my husband in a similar way (in a 3rd country) and we'll be moving to California (where he is from) in a few months to settle down. I miss Canada and all of my friends and family, and I can relate to your feelings about starting over and making new friends.

Hopefully, you can built a nice network of people in your new home (That's what I'm hoping for myself as well)

Good luck with all of it!

rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-02-19 11:41:00
CanadaWorking for my former (Canadian) employer while waiting for AOS
QUOTE (Crikey! @ Mar 5 2008, 11:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rhymeswithcandi @ Mar 5 2008, 11:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'd actually like to work with my Canadian employer as long as I can even after I have a green card (it's pretty much my dream job). I'd prefer that over pounding the pavement and looking for something comparable.

Good for you. I think that's wonderful. I'd do the same if I could. Congratulations. good.gif


I'm certainly lucky that my employer is willing to work with me given all the circumstances and the fact that I kinda bailed when I got married. My job is a little unconventional so it works I guess.
When I told my mom they wanted me to do some work for them she sounded surprised "Wow they must really like you!" Ouch mom!

Hope it can work out for a while.
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-03-05 12:53:00
CanadaWorking for my former (Canadian) employer while waiting for AOS
QUOTE (Crikey! @ Mar 5 2008, 12:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

And so it begins. happy.gif


All I can find on this in the INA (Immigration and Nationality Act) is pertaining to US employers unlawfully employing aliens.

INA: ACT 274A outlines the law pertaining to US companies or individuals employing non-authorized aliens. It seems pretty specific that there has to be a US employer in the equation in order for it to be an unlawful act.
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-03-05 12:23:00
CanadaWorking for my former (Canadian) employer while waiting for AOS
QUOTE (diadromous mermaid @ Mar 5 2008, 11:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The old VJ thread is correct. If an alien does not have an EAD, any work, while in the USA, for any company whereever the company is located globally is not authorized.

That said, however, you stated that you would not be working while on "US soil", so you are comparing apples and oranges.

Actually, I will be doing work while in the US. I have to set up my meetings from here via email and I will be doing quite a bit of research from here.

Where did you see/ hear this about work not being authorized regardless of company location?
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-03-05 12:03:00
CanadaWorking for my former (Canadian) employer while waiting for AOS
QUOTE (Crikey! @ Mar 5 2008, 11:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The AP instructions specify that the document is applicable for bona fide personal and business reasons. At an Infopass appointment, the officer did not have a problem with me travelling to Canada to work. I also performed contract work from within the US for my former Canadian employer. It is not illegal to do either one of the above. (Despite what some of the raving loonies on here might have you believe.)

Haha! "Loonies"

Thanks Crikey. You've pretty much confirmed what common sense tells me.

I actually did find an old VJ thread with someone asking a similar question who was told that it was absolutely illegal to work on "US soil" regardless of where the employer was. I also found similar topics on other forums... a lot of people were saying it was a problem but I couldn't find anything in the USCIS wording that implied that at all.

I'd actually like to work with my Canadian employer as long as I can even after I have a green card (it's pretty much my dream job). I'd prefer that over pounding the pavement and looking for something comparable.
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-03-05 11:46:00
CanadaWorking for my former (Canadian) employer while waiting for AOS
Thanks Trailmix!

I don't think I'll be making trips in and out too frequently (maybe every 6 weeks) so if that's the only issue, hopefully I'll be ok.

There was a point months ago when I was having problems with my AP - I was on the phone with a USCIS officer and explaining to him that it was pretty important for me to have AP for a couple of reasons 1. to go home to visit/ collect some of my things 2. travel outside of the country so I could do my job.

He jumped on #2 immediately and it went like this:
Him: (in a tone like "Gotcha! Yer SO busted NOW lady!!") "Wait a minute, you don't have employment authorization and you're WORKING?" I then replied Me: "Um... Yes, I have a CANADIAN employer and for that job I'm required to travel"
Him: "Oh." *owned!*

That exchanged affirmed to me that working for a non-US company while waiting for GC is totally kosher.

My concern is mostly with the travel part and the fact that when I come back home after working I want to be able to tell them that the purpose of my trip was to work... I want to be able to do it without any hassles.

Thanks again trailmix smile.gif
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-03-05 10:43:00
CanadaWorking for my former (Canadian) employer while waiting for AOS
I'm sure this has been covered but I can't find it anywhere.

My former employer in Canada has been asking me to do some work for them since I've been here. Because this requires that I travel outside of the US, I haven't been able to do this as I haven't had my AP.

Now that I have AP, they are asking me to come for 2 weeks and do some work for them. I don't have a greencard yet and my EAD has not yet been approved so I know that employment in the US is out of the question. However, is it a problem to travel to do some contract work while waiting for my greencard and EAD?

Further, is it acceptable if I continue to work for my Canadian employer after my AOS has been approved?

I've heard of people doing work for Canadian companies while still here in the US and can't find anything that says this is a problem. What about traveling to work though?
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-03-05 07:07:00
CanadaMovies that make you cry!
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Mar 3 2008, 07:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's not a movie, but I cried like a baby during Oprah's Big Give Program last night!!

I cried my eyes out when I watched that! The woman who lost her husband - that made me BAWL!
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-03-03 12:17:00
CanadaFavorite Things Now That You're in America?
QUOTE (flames9 @ Feb 25 2008, 06:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Aint no freeways in Saskatchewan!! lol

We don't call them freeways in Toronto either. They're always called by their name - "401" "Don Valley Parkway" or "QEW"
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-02-25 07:19:00
CanadaFavorite Things Now That You're in America?
QUOTE (trailmix @ Feb 24 2008, 03:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rhymeswithcandi @ Feb 24 2008, 01:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I didn't really discover cider until I moved to Nor VA. There is def no shortage of ciders here at all...

Another positive I forgot to add to my list:
Sweet Tea in the south! (it SO beats any "iced tea" you get in Canada)

Details please! What is special about the tea, is it made a different way or with different tea/sweetner. smile.gif

You know, I actually have no idea how they make it (shame) exactly but I know it's amazing! My parents came to visit and my mom couldn't stop going on about how much she loves it. I think it's real brewed tea with sugar in it (opposed to crystals). It tastes just like tea and it's yummy!

Every restaurant has it - in fact if you ask for "iced tea" they'll look at you strangely and might bring a can of Brisk. I'm told it's a Virginia thing but I'm sure they have it in Maryland, West Virginia and South Carolina too.
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-02-24 15:51:00
CanadaFavorite Things Now That You're in America?
QUOTE (trailmix @ Feb 24 2008, 02:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't know if I should really bother or not, but here goes.

The fact that you break people down in to stereotypes/races and then slur them is the problem.

"These are the people who walk back and forth on the street lane while you're waiting at a red light. Walking around your car. I've never seen a Mexican do this".

Well bully for you - but you know what, no one cares what your preconceived ideas are about Mexicans or any other culture.

"I suppose in retrospect, I should have worded my first post differently. When I lived in Canada, I dealt with multicultural post office staff who were friendly. As soon as I got here, I had crummy service from USPS that was all minorites".

I would hope that in retrospect you would have not posted it at all. As flames mentioned, there is no room in this forum for racist comments - won't listen to it, won't put up with it.

I think Texadian is just negative (period) He/she has just somehow come onto a thread that started out to be a positive list of things in America and turned it into a really negative one.
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-02-24 15:47:00
CanadaFavorite Things Now That You're in America?
QUOTE (derekkj @ Feb 23 2008, 11:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Texanadian @ Feb 23 2008, 12:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hmm, seems people in this thread have more favourite things than I do.

I don't see what the big deal with Target is.
Canada Post was 10x better than USPS.
American TV has more lawyers, pharmaceutical drugs, and Head-On commercials.
No cider anywhere. And the beer is so so.

In the last week, I had two people come and ask me for money. One guy who pulled up to the pump in his car asking for gas money. And another guy in the grocery store asking for food money. Both strike me as odd.

Favourite things here so far?
Cheap shipping and no tax on internet purchases.
No scraping windows or running the defrost in the winter.
The enjoyment of walking outside during "winter."
Can go to a concert without spending the night (ferry + hotel). Much cheaper and faster. Just drive to the show and drive home.
Cheaper investment fees/taxes.
Lastly, paying US prices for books and magazines.

Umm, you may need to move! We watch hockey on TV several times a week AND there is cider in the stores and bars in the DC area. Plus, new coach and Ovechkin means Caps hockey is even worth watching most of the time!

Course, the downside is that you may have to scrape your windshield or run the defrost here. And still just so-so beer.

I do think though that you are the only person I have ever heard say that they like Canadian Post over USPS. : smile.gif

I didn't really discover cider until I moved to Nor VA. There is def no shortage of ciders here at all...

Another positive I forgot to add to my list:
Sweet Tea in the south! (it SO beats any "iced tea" you get in Canada)
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-02-24 15:33:00
CanadaFavorite Things Now That You're in America?
QUOTE (DeadPoolX @ Feb 22 2008, 04:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The interesting thing about Target is that the last time my wife was down here, she said that Target looked almost exactly like Zeller's. Apparently, just about everything in the two stores -- from the layout to the products sold to the color scheme -- resembled each other. Just to see what she was talking about, the last time I was up in Canada, we stopped in a Zeller's and true enough, they do look an awful lot alike.

Oh... and yeah, my wife has also spent an inordinate amount of time looking around Target, which I thought was a little bewildering. I never gave the store much consideration. Although I much prefer it to places like Wal-Mart or Sam's Club. Costco isn't that bad, but the other two? Terrible, just terrible.

My husband and I will not step foot inside a Walmart. Never.

I haven't been to Zellers in YEARS - actually, probably the last time I remember being in Zellers was when I was about 11 years old and a friend and I got caught trying to steal lip gloss - it was totally her! lol I guess it was a little like Target.
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-02-22 16:54:00
CanadaFavorite Things Now That You're in America?
QUOTE (Len_and_Bren @ Feb 22 2008, 12:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Udella&Wiz @ Feb 22 2008, 11:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I heart.gif Targét

QUOTE (T.O_2_FL @ Feb 22 2008, 11:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
TARGET! I just love that store....

oh yea...and my other half of course...he he he tongue.gif

No wonder my life is so empty.... I've never been to Target. Does that make me a bad person???? unsure.gif unsure.gif unsure.gif unsure.gif

No it doesn't make you a bad person at all... but try it. You'll love it. I can spend hours in there. Love.
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-02-22 12:39:00
CanadaFavorite Things Now That You're in America?
QUOTE (bowflex @ Feb 22 2008, 11:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I totally forgot about the horrible hours of the LCBO. When we went with some friends to Toronto for New Years this year, we had to go flying off the 401 and tear around London once we realized the sun was going down and we had minutes to get the beverages for the hotel room haha.

Not to mention the HUGE lines whenever there is a holiday.

My parents live in London... love it there!
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-02-22 11:53:00
CanadaFavorite Things Now That You're in America?
QUOTE (bowflex @ Feb 22 2008, 11:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (T.O_2_FL @ Feb 22 2008, 11:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
TARGET! I just love that store....

oh yea...and my other half of course...he he he tongue.gif

My wife always complains that the dollar stores are MUCH better in Canada, but she ends up staying at Target for hours smile.gif

I seriously HEART Target! A LOT.

QUOTE (bowflex @ Feb 22 2008, 11:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (trailmix @ Feb 22 2008, 11:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm not living in the U.S. yet, so I have nothing to add, but I think it's a nice idea! Just thinking though, one thing I am looking forward to is having more places to shop from online.

I've pretty much become a hermit since online shopping really got into the mainstream. I hate shopping so I love nothing better than ordering online. Only bad part is I just have to hope that the clothes fit haha.

Oh yes, I forgot about that one - shopping online at places that don't ship to Canada is definitely great.
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-02-22 11:34:00
CanadaFavorite Things Now That You're in America?
Good one bowflex. I like it.

-Being with my American!
-Saturday postal service (definitely!)
-Beer & wine at convenience stores and liquor stores with decent hours (LCBO is pretty but don't miss it too much)
-2nd amendment
-the desert states are GORGEOUS!
-people are really pretty friendly (in a different way but friendly just the same)
-Summer cookouts rock here
-cheaper cigarettes
-Las Vegas!
-Warmer weather (in certain states)
-Cold Stone (if you haven't discovered it yet, go find one!)
-Better speed limits
-Bed Bath and Beyond
-did I already say my American husband!? smile.gif
-Superbowl Sunday parties (not so big in Canada)
-MUCH better Mexican restaurants
-The bliss of ignorance
-Later store hours in some places
-Route 66
-Real Virginia accents
-Better iTunes selection
-The flag pretty much rocks
-Grand Canyon
-My Maryland mutt
-More reasonable cell phone charges (Canadian wireless providers are LEACHES!)

Aaaaaah that actually felt really good to spit out all that positivity!
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-02-22 11:30:00
Canadame so happy......
Awesome! It's so great to get to go back to Canada..

I'm going up on the 21st and I'm SO excited!!
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-03-12 08:04:00
CanadaI Want To See YOU!!!!
It's so cool to see everyone's pics!!!

My pic is in my signature... I also like using... a lot. I do it way too much I think!

Exclamation marks too apparently... I know that drives a lot of people nuts.
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-03-08 17:02:00
Canadaliving on the border - not me, but still need help
I don't think I would report this person to authorities but I would definitely advise him/ her the huge risk involved with what he/ she is doing. Let them know it's absolutely worth it to look into the legal way of doing what they are doing.
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-03-12 08:46:00
CanadaEAD Approved Yesterday!!
Haha! That's what my husband said! Instead, I went straight to the Social Security office to apply for a SS#. It feels so weird - never thought I'd be getting one of those.

It's pure irony that I'm still going to be working for my Canadian employer... it's nice to have the option to apply for work here now though.
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-03-13 06:47:00
CanadaEAD Approved Yesterday!!
Thank you smile.gif
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-03-12 13:08:00
CanadaEAD Approved Yesterday!!
My own question was answered today... I just checked the mail and my card was in the mailbox!!

That was pretty fast!
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-03-12 12:52:00
CanadaEAD Approved Yesterday!!
QUOTE (melusine @ Mar 12 2008, 09:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
cool !
what is that efile about ? can you explain more ?
where? how ? when ?

From the USCIS website, you have an option to electronically (e-file) some of the immigration and benefits forms (opposed to mailing paper forms to the service center). As far as I know, you can e-file Advanced Parole and Employment Authorization forms. I'm not sure which others you can e-file. I THINK e-filed forms go to the National Service Center (at least mine did).

I paid with credit card and it was all done within 45 days. I got my first NOA only a week or so after filing and had my biometrics appointment only 3 weeks later. It was a pretty painless process overall!

Not sure if e-filing is more advantageous than paper filing but for me, I didn't file EAD with my AOS so it worked out nicely.
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-03-12 08:39:00
CanadaEAD Approved Yesterday!!
Now that I've decided to take work with my Canadian employer, my EAD has been approved!! Yaaay!

Anyway, it'll still be nice as I can apply for a SS# now and get a bank account etc... So, even though I won't be looking for a job here soon, it's still great that it was approved so quickly.

Just wanted to let everyone know that my experience with e-file was amazing! It was all approved in 45 days!

SO, I have a quick question, the approval notice was sent out yesterday, does that mean the actual EAD card is on it's way too?
rhymeswithcandiFemaleCanada2008-03-12 06:40:00