United Kingdommedical exam help
They don't need 'medical records' they need 'vaccination history'
My doctors gave me a little book like you'd give to a child when they have their pre-school jabs done, this was fine.

But yes, you need the police certificate for the medical, they'll ask if you have it yet when you ring up to book the medical.
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-05-07 04:46:00
United Kingdomnot applicable or N/A
You don't need DS-230 part 2 for a K1 anyway
I believe I used a combination of N/A and None depending on the question
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-05-14 02:46:00
United KingdomTravel Info, Advice and Deals
If I can I always fly to Dallas or LAX, I've gone through other airports before and I find these two make life that bit easier
I also tend to book direct with America Airlines, and I'm hoping to have earnt enough loyalty miles to pay for my one way ticket out there with them as a result.
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-05-22 02:28:00
United KingdomOperator Assisted Visa Information and Nonimmigrant Appointment Booking Service
I think you can only call that number from America, but you can just do what we did. Get the petitioner to pay it and send the money to them with paypal.
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-06-03 00:16:00
United KingdomOperator Assisted Visa Information and Nonimmigrant Appointment Booking Service
After spending probably £10 not getting anywhere I got Karen to call from America, she paid the $16 got through straight away and I spent her the money to pay for it.
So that's my advice to anyone else paying their MRV
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-05-28 04:21:00
United KingdomOperator Assisted Visa Information and Nonimmigrant Appointment Booking Service
I'm all ready for my interview pretty much, just need to pay for it

When is a good time to call?

I've tried several times and get told there are high call volumes and to call back later. Trouble is each call is expensive with the extortionate cost, and I'm just throwing money away trying to call and getting nowhere each time.
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-05-27 12:14:00
United KingdomJust to check!
Yeah thats basically it, but getting through to the embassy is a nightmare, so if you can get your petitioner to use the American number and pay the MRV for you it's probably a good idea. Thats what we did in the end... having wasted time and money trying to get through from the UK
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-06-05 05:09:00
United Kingdomi-129f question
Anything along those lines is good, even UK will do, thats what we put
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-06-07 14:10:00
United KingdomGetting Married In the UK then moving to the US? Will we need Visas?
To Marry in the UK you're supposed to have a visa, but a lot of people don't bother, it's not really inforced. And even if you do get one it doesn't take very long
However, to move to the US whatever method is used you'll need to sponsor the application.
To gain UK residency you'd need to be living together for three years, but thats not really relevant if you don't want to live here
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-06-04 04:39:00
United KingdomPacket 3 again??
They recieved the packet three forms and logged them..... and lost them after that
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-06-13 08:01:00
United KingdomPacket 3 again??
Yeah, I handed them in with all my other documents.
Woman went off to find them, and came back empty handed.
"Do you have the DS-156?'
So I gave her that.... and then she asked for all the rest too, haha

Its taken a while for it to sink in, but for sure i feel a lot better now.
I've started making a list of all my possessions to help when I start labeling boxes and filling out forms for shipping.
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-06-10 13:06:00
United KingdomPacket 3 again??
So I had my interview today.

I was approved, but also found out why they sent out the forms... because they lost my packet three forms!

Good thing i had spares with me
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-06-10 07:02:00
United KingdomPacket 3 again??
I didn't check all the forms, but from what i could see the forms were identical, apart from the DS-156 and that was just because of the barcode
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-06-09 08:02:00
United KingdomPacket 3 again??
We called DOS, they said nothing is wrong and to fill them in again. So I did.... spent almost three hours last night staying up to get them all done.

Probably won't even need them, but we'll see tomorrow I guess
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-06-09 00:20:00
United KingdomPacket 3 again??
My interview is on friday, today I recieved a letter from the embassy in London, and was suprised to find blank copies of all the packet three forms.

The covering letter said further to my enquiry (what enquiry?) to complete the enclosed forms and bring on the day of my interview

Has anyone else had this
Is there something wrong with my packet 3 forms?
If there was how come they scheduled an interview?
If there is something wrong I'll only make the same mistake again as I don't know what it is
I've got copies of the original forms I sent in anyway.... so I can copy them again instead.

What on earth are they playing at??
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-06-08 12:18:00
United KingdomBringing interview date forward?

I only have around 16000 airmiles so I don't know if that was an option. Ho-hum. Thank god for credit cards - I just have to wait for some money back from the lovely wife-to-be before I fly out, so I can pay the thing off.

I had 35,000 already which I guess is what happens when you visit California 5 times. So it only cost me £350 to top mine up. So I'll just have the taxes to pay on top
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-06-10 13:08:00
United KingdomBringing interview date forward?
I actually have found it cheaper to buy a one day ticket using airmiles. I had to buy a few extra ones but the airline was doing a deal so it worked out okay
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-06-08 12:19:00
United KingdomBringing interview date forward?
We asked them about rescheduling and they said only if we want to move it further back, not that it matters much now as mines on Friday :)
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-06-07 08:08:00
United KingdomWhere the hours turn into days, and the days turn into weeks!
Just when you think it's going to start to get easier there's always another suprise. I mean I've been approved now but the stress from making all the arrangements for finishing off at work, arranging for shipping and the insurance, and waiting for my passport to arrive. It's enough to drive you insane. I think really when you think about it, the whole process is going to rule our lives for the best part of two years. Only upside is once you finally get out there at least you have each other to make it easier.

That sounds bad doesn't it? I think I just need to vent today
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-06-13 16:21:00
United Kingdomhow long??
They are sent to texas, it's been that way for a long time now. They get distributed to Vermont or California after that. But it's Texas who process the payment
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-06-13 16:17:00
United KingdomStudent Loans: UK to USA
The student loan repayment rate for the USA is lower than in the UK, because of the lower cost of living. As far as I know (I'll know better next week when I sort this out) you fill out a form which says what you'll be earning and they tell you what payments you need to make.
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-06-23 08:15:00
United KingdomHow long to log packet 3 at embassy
Thats the correct number for calling from the US, and it's much easier to get through that way
You don't need to have paid it before you get your date, we didn't.
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-06-06 12:48:00
United KingdomHow long to log packet 3 at embassy
Recorded delivery is a lot cheaper, and you know if it's got there. Was £1.52 to spend my packet three forms
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-06-02 12:36:00
United KingdomHow long to log packet 3 at embassy
It's been said before that the stuff you get told over the phone isn't very accurate. I think we'll all be hoping that is the case, it certainly is if you look at people getting processed on VJ currently
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-05-11 12:28:00
United KingdomHow long to log packet 3 at embassy
You're not the only person on VJ waiting, we've been told the NOA1 date also plays a factor
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-05-11 00:29:00
United Kingdomprepaying for interview in london embassy
You pay for the interview in advance for K1
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-06-27 01:56:00
United KingdomPOE LAX
I think the boarder official knows better than you

Edited by ZedbraGuy, 02 July 2011 - 10:13 AM.

ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-07-02 10:12:00
United KingdomPOE LAX
It still hasn't quite sunk in that I now live in California, but I thought I'd do a quick post about my experience at LAX
I heard they are on the ball there, and it seems they are. She asked me my financees name and went over what the visa means, etc. The white form is pretty easy but what confused me was the customs form. As am I a US resident or not? Apparently I can say I am, and you have to declare the total value of your luggage as a resident rather than as a visitor.

And if at all possible, don't fly to America the friday of 4th July weekend.... is a bit busy!
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-07-02 10:00:00
United KingdomWhen to book medical?
They asked for my police certificate and even made a copy of it, passport too if I remember right
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-06-14 15:14:00
United KingdomWhen to book medical?
I don't know about the second police certificate question, but as for the medical the sooner you can book the better. There's a good few weeks wait ahead of your appointment. And any time you can save is a definate bonus
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-06-14 12:48:00
United KingdomAny of y'all homesick?
Milky Way here are similar but not the same, and the Mars Bars at Walmart are nothing like Mars Bars
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-07-25 17:12:00
United KingdomWhy did you decide to make the move to the USA and not the other way?
We actually wanted to live in England, and we were going to when they were forecasting a huge crash in the housing market. But that didn't happen. So it came down to two things

The UK has completely stupid house prices
Karen would have to finish her education in the UK, so we'd have to wait another five years
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-04-30 04:07:00
United KingdomFor everyone between NOA2 and interview in London
I only had a couple of days between being logged and getting my date
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-06-16 13:47:00
United KingdomFor everyone between NOA2 and interview in London
Just heard from DX secure, I'll have my passport tomorrow.
I'm really excited to finally have my visa in hand
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-06-15 12:23:00
United KingdomFor everyone between NOA2 and interview in London
My medical took a lot longer than 45 minutes, was waiting around for a long time before the x-ray, and again before seeing the doctor. Didn't see the nurse as I had most of my injections done by my GP already. Still need the second MMR jab. Most of the people were okay, although I found the doctor to be a little rude.

However, i had issues with my x-ray and had to go back a second time. I had very little waiting that time, and they were very nice as I was clearly very stresed amd worried. Checked out okay in the end thankfully. So my advice is give the clinic your work or mobile number in case there are any problems and you have to go back again.
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-06-01 08:51:00
United KingdomFor everyone between NOA2 and interview in London
It also might be of interest that once our packet three was logged there was very little time between that and getting and interview date. A couple of days at the most
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-05-31 12:22:00
United KingdomFor everyone between NOA2 and interview in London
You'll have a few weeks to wait before you get a date, we waited 3 weeks after sending in our packet three forms. Have interview in 2 weeks time
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-05-31 08:26:00
United KingdomYes!! It's another shipping thread
I'm going to be using fox moving and storage, they came up cheaper than sevonseas and they seem to offer a more comprehensive service. Been good responding to emails so far too.
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-06-18 11:08:00
United KingdomWhat is your interview date @ London Embassy?
Same for me, 6 days including the weekend.
Tickets booked 2 weeks to go!
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-06-17 12:27:00
United KingdomWhat is your interview date @ London Embassy?
We were approved on friday
How long does it usually take before you recieve your visa? I don't want to book my flight until I have it, but am hoping to fly pretty soon
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-06-13 14:51:00