US Embassy and Consulate Discussioni-134 question
This is what this is for, she doesn't earn enough but I'm bringing a big chunk of savings to make up the difference. But she says there's nowhere on the i-134 to state this. So what do we do?
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-03-12 16:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioni-134 question
Bit of an odd question really but if you have a sole sponsor with a shortfall in income, being made up by the benificiary.
How many i-134's do we need. Does the benificiary need to fill one in if they are providing money for the financial assessment?
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-03-12 16:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS-156 Question 25
I'm just going through all the forms ahead of packet three and have managed to work out everything else but this one I'm not sure of

Q25 on the DS-156 asks for a person in the US who you will be staying with for Business or Tourism

Is this N/A for the K1 or do I enter the details for my Fiancee?

ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-03-20 09:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice Certificates - do you need more than one?
I didn't notice anything on the website that said it wasn't for Scotland when I applied for mine, always reffered to the UK.
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-03-27 11:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical
I'd have thought hospitalisation is any treatment not in out patients, anything with an overnight stay. I had to answer yes to this question, even though this was two operations I had as a baby
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-04-27 16:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical Question
If thats true about the MMR thats one less thing to worry about.
As for the tetnus what I've had says Reraxis, Dip, Tct, IPV
So thats Tetnus, Diptheria and Polio

Which means I'm missing the one for whooping cough

Not really much i can do before the medical i guess.
I'll have a read through that other thread, thanks
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-04-28 15:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical Question
I was hoping to get all my vaccinations signed off at the medical to make the AOS easier
My doctors can't do a proper vacination record, they've written down what I had today and stamped it, but thats as much as I have to take to the knightsbridge doctors.
Which I assume will be enough for the medical, but I guess for AOS I'll just have to get everything photocopied and bring it to America.

So what is a civil surgeon and how much are they going to ####### rape my wallet to sign stuff off from my records. My records again are a bit of a sorepoint as my childhood vacinations are entirely missing, and from them some stuff is on paper and other stuff on the computer so its a bit of an administrative mess
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-04-27 11:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical Question
Got my medical coming up in a couple of weeks so went to my GP to get my injections up to do
I needed chickenpox, tetnus and MMR
As I've already had chickenpox i don't need that one, as far as I know they take your word for that, is this correct?
On the other two, tetnus is no problem, but for the MMR I need two injections, one today and another one can't be for at least a month
Is this going to be a problem for my medical? I can get the second one done after that, but obviously it won't be up to date in two weeks when I have my medical in London
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-04-27 08:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical fail?
Got a call today that the x-ray is clear, thank whoever you believe for that
I swear this last few days has wiped a few years off my life with all the stress
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-05-11 12:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical fail?
There's a problem with the x-ray, I've been back and had another one done. But I won't have the results until after the radiographer looks at it, but we should hear tomorrow.

Words can't describe what we've been through the past two days
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-05-10 15:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNo vaccinations ever - how will this affect the medical??
I've had one dose of MMR and have been told for AOS I need to have had the second one by then
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-05-12 00:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice Report - does it really take the whole 10 days?
From the day I posted mine to recieving the certificate was 16 days, which is pretty much inline with the processing time
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-05-16 10:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical and scheduling...
Don't forget for MMR you need two shots, and they have to be done one month apart
They won't stop you passing the medical but you need the second one and proof of it for AOS
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-05-19 08:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical and scheduling...
You need the age specific ones, there's a link to a list on the visa section of the US embassy website
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-05-19 00:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical and scheduling...
I was there last week and they were scheduling nothing until the begining of June, and that was last Tuesday.
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-05-18 14:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLondon Medical booked...what building?
I had mine there, I was under the impression that most medicals are done there. It's easy as pie to find

Edited by ZedbraGuy, 23 May 2011 - 08:49 AM.

ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-05-23 08:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPhotos needed for Packet 3?
Get the forms in as soon as you can, the processing time is pretty slow at the moment, taking them best part of a month to even acknowlegde reciept of them
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-05-24 08:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTime between medical and interview?
Yes, we've been calling DOS every day for the last week or so. No sign of packet 4 yet

Although I did give work some sort of notice
I told them when I applied in October that I was leaving, and have worked out a date with them today.
So if all goes to plan I quit my job on the 24th June. Seems insane to leave a perfectly good job and then not have one until I can find something in America.... months later
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-05-25 12:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTime between medical and interview?
We got our interview date yesterday
We sent packet 3 on the 30th April
and had the medical on the 6th May

With any luck, I'll be in America in time for independance day
And no, the irony isn't lost on me
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-05-25 08:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTime between medical and interview?
London are taking ages to process packet 3 forms, ours have been with them the past two weeks and we've not been waiting the longest. No interview date yet
ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2011-05-19 12:32:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionCitizenship

I suppose the whole area is something I need to do some reading into.  I was under the impression that to gain US Citizenship you had to lose you foreign citizenship.

Maybe if my wife could apply to become a British Citizen also that might lessen the blow, because then we'd be doing it together, and being together is what brought me here in the first place.

ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2014-02-11 20:39:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionCitizenship

This might seem like a strange question to some and I'm not knocking your decision, but I have noticed that most people on VJ see gaining US citizenship as something of a certainty


My question is why?


I know as a citizen you can vote, but the system is broken so that doesn't really appeal to me

You can commit a felony without being deported, but again as I'm not a criminal that isn't important

So the only other benefit I can see is you remove the need to deal with the USCIS every ten years


I'm not American, I never will be and I am proud of where I come from


But why is it that most people seem to consider it as an inevitable part of the migration process

ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2014-02-10 23:21:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 November 2013 Filers

Got my new green card today


California Service Center (34 applicants, 30 approved - 88%)

VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved

SPECIAL4EVER..........11/01/13......11/06/13......11/27/13......03/12/14(Card received 03/19)
KAIBIL1977............11/04/13......11/??/13......12/02/13......03/10/14(Card received 03/12)
SUNNYCALIFORNIAN......11/04/13......11/05/13......12/02/13......03/24/24(Early Bio 11/18)(Card received 03/31)
HOPE.ANDSUN...........11/04/13......11/05/13......??/??/13......03/14/14(Early Bio 11/21)

IMMIG1234.............11/04/13......11/04/13......11/29/13......03/12/14(Card received 03/19)(Early Bio 11/14)
A&M-FOREVER...........11/05/13......11/07/13......xx/xx/xx......--/--/--(Military, applied from overseas)
REDBLUFF..............11/06/13......11/12/13......12/06/13......03/12/14(Card received 03/20)
ITSC..................11/12/13......11/13/13......12/10/13......03/24/14(Early Bio 12/06)
STJARNA...............11/12/13......11/14/13......12/11/13......03/18/14(Card received 03/26)
JOHN+LOURDELIE........11/12/13......11/15/13......12/06/13......03/17/14(Card received 03/23)
BLITHELY..............11/13/13......11/14/13......12/11/13......03/18/14(Card received 03/26)

PAOJACK...............11/13/13......11/15/13......12/10/13......03/13/14(Card received 03/20)
S & P.................11/14/13......11/18/13......12/13/13......04/08/14(Card received 04/17)
ZEDBRAGUY.............11/14/13......11/18/13......12/13/13......06/05/14(RFE received 04/10, responded 5/23)Card received 6/12)
VIGGY.................11/14/13......11/15/13......12/16/13......--/--/--(Divorce Waiver)(RFE received 05/11, responded 05/28)
GILDAYJASON...........11/15/13......11/18/13......12/13/13......03/24/14(Card received 03/31)
JJJDDDLLL.............11/16/13......11/19/13......12/12/13......03/13/14(Early Bio 12/4)
ASKOLANG .............11/18/13......11/22/13......12/16/13......03/20/14(Card received 03/28)
S/B...................11/19/13......11/21/13......12/24/13......03/18/14(Early Bio 12/17)

RALYSE................11/22/13......11/27/13......12/17/13......05/22/14(RFE received 04/01, responded 05/16)
HEATH AND SORAIA......11/23/13......11/??/13......12/24/13......--/--/--
DAVE AND KINNARI......11/22/13......11/25/13......12/23/13......03/14/14(Card received 03/20)

PRECIOUSONE...........11/25/13......11/26/13......12/24/13......03/18/14(Card received 03/26)
TILEEKA...............11/25/13......11/27/13......12/20/13......04/01/14(Rescheduled Bio 12/30)
DINDO AND PATTY.......11/25/13......11/27/13......12/23/13......03/24/14(Card received 04/01)
LARRY86...............11/25/13......11/27/13......12/24/13......04/16/14(RFE received 03/26, responded 04/09

)(Card received 04/22)

Vermont Service Center (26 applicants, 21 approved (81%) [11 transfer to CSC])

VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved

BELLENPEPPER..........10/29/13......11/01/13......11/26/13......03/24/14(11/19 Transfer to CSC)(Card received 03/31)
WALVAREZ..............11/02/13......11/05/13......12/11/13......05/08/14(Card received 05/16)
RUNNINGTRACKS.........11/02/13......11/05/13......12/11/13......--/--/--(RFE Received 04/25)
BOBBYA................11/04/13......11/06/13......12/04/13......05/08/14(Early Bio 11/29)(Card received 05/17)
BABSAA................11/04/13......11/??/13......12/11/13......05/27/14(03/14 Transfer to CSC)(RFE received 04/25, responded 05/02)
CARLOS EA.............11/06/13......11/08/13......12/13/13......04/11/14(Early Bio 12/04)(03/14 Transfer to CSC)

DEZAMAN...............11/??/13......11/13/13......12/12/13......04/24/14(03/14 Transfer to CSC)(RFE received 03/28)
ROCK81................11/06/13......11/15/13......12/26/13......04/15/14(03/14 Transfer to CSC)
MLEE..................11/13/13......11/15/13......12/19/13......04/07/14(card received 04/14)

NKS...................11/16/13......11/19/13......??/??/13......05/07/14(Early Bio 12/16)(03/14 Transfer to CSC)
DMAV35................11/14/13......11/19/13......??/??/13......04/25/14(Early Bio 12/02)(03/14 Transfer to CSC)
CODEGEEK..............11/18/13......11/21/13......12/23/13......05/15/14 (card received 05/23)
SF2007................11/18/13......11/21/13......12/19/13......--/--/--(03/14 Transfer to CSC)
KITTY17...............11/19/13......11/21/13......12/24/13......04/28/14(Early Bio 12/05)(03/14 Transfer to CSC)
ROD N CHRISTY.........11/20/13......11/25/13......12/26/13......05/28/14(RFE received 03/17?, responded 03/28?)
ROBERT DE BONDA.......11/22/13......12/02/13......12/20/13......04/24/14(03/14 Transfer to CSC)(Card received 05/03)
EM_VANDAVEER..........11/22/13......11/26/13......12/26/13......04/30/14(03/14 Transfer to CSC) (Card received 05/06)
FIFTH ECHELON.........11/23/13......11/26/13......12/26/13......05/06/14(Early Bio 12/10)

CHARLINELP............11/25/13......11/27/13......12/30/13......05/15/14(Early Bio 12/26)


* Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
* Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and scroll UP) and "Reply" to it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply.
* Please DO NOT change the font, font size, add colors, stuff like that.
* Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.
* Please check that you have not deleted anyone's NAME & DATA. Also please check that you have not deleted the name of the Service Center.

Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your petition
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly.
* If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.


ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2014-06-12 22:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 November 2013 Filers

Got the email this morning.

10 year green card approved!

So relieved!!!!


California Service Center (34 applicants, 29 approved - 85%)

VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved

SPECIAL4EVER..........11/01/13......11/06/13......11/27/13......03/12/14(Card received 03/19)
KAIBIL1977............11/04/13......11/??/13......12/02/13......03/10/14(Card received 03/12)
SUNNYCALIFORNIAN......11/04/13......11/05/13......12/02/13......03/24/24(Early Bio 11/18)(Card received 03/31)
HOPE.ANDSUN...........11/04/13......11/05/13......??/??/13......03/14/14(Early Bio 11/21)

IMMIG1234.............11/04/13......11/04/13......11/29/13......03/12/14(Card received 03/19)(Early Bio 11/14)
A&M-FOREVER...........11/05/13......11/07/13......xx/xx/xx......--/--/--(Military, applied from overseas)
REDBLUFF..............11/06/13......11/12/13......12/06/13......03/12/14(Card received 03/20)
ITSC..................11/12/13......11/13/13......12/10/13......03/24/14(Early Bio 12/06)
STJARNA...............11/12/13......11/14/13......12/11/13......03/18/14(Card received 03/26)
JOHN+LOURDELIE........11/12/13......11/15/13......12/06/13......03/17/14(Card received 03/23)
BLITHELY..............11/13/13......11/14/13......12/11/13......03/18/14(Card received 03/26)

PAOJACK...............11/13/13......11/15/13......12/10/13......03/13/14(Card received 03/20)
S & P.................11/14/13......11/18/13......12/13/13......04/08/14(Card received 04/17)
ZEDBRAGUY.............11/14/13......11/18/13......12/13/13......06/05/14(RFE received 04/10, responded 5/23)
VIGGY.................11/14/13......11/15/13......12/16/13......--/--/--(Divorce Waiver)(RFE received 05/11, responded 05/28)
GILDAYJASON...........11/15/13......11/18/13......12/13/13......03/24/14(Card received 03/31)
JJJDDDLLL.............11/16/13......11/19/13......12/12/13......03/13/14(Early Bio 12/4)
ASKOLANG .............11/18/13......11/22/13......12/16/13......03/20/14(Card received 03/28)
S/B...................11/19/13......11/21/13......12/24/13......03/18/14(Early Bio 12/17)

RALYSE................11/22/13......11/27/13......12/17/13......05/22/14(RFE received 04/01, responded 05/16)
HEATH AND SORAIA......11/23/13......11/??/13......12/24/13......--/--/--
DAVE AND KINNARI......11/22/13......11/25/13......12/23/13......03/14/14(Card received 03/20)

PRECIOUSONE...........11/25/13......11/26/13......12/24/13......03/18/14(Card received 03/26)
TILEEKA...............11/25/13......11/27/13......12/20/13......04/01/14(Rescheduled Bio 12/30)
DINDO AND PATTY.......11/25/13......11/27/13......12/23/13......03/24/14(Card received 04/01)
LARRY86...............11/25/13......11/27/13......12/24/13......04/16/14(RFE received 03/26, responded 04/09

)(Card received 04/22)

Vermont Service Center (26 applicants, 21 approved (81%) [11 transfer to CSC])

VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved

BELLENPEPPER..........10/29/13......11/01/13......11/26/13......03/24/14(11/19 Transfer to CSC)(Card received 03/31)
WALVAREZ..............11/02/13......11/05/13......12/11/13......05/08/14(Card received 05/16)
RUNNINGTRACKS.........11/02/13......11/05/13......12/11/13......--/--/--(RFE Received 04/25)
BOBBYA................11/04/13......11/06/13......12/04/13......05/08/14(Early Bio 11/29)(Card received 05/17)
BABSAA................11/04/13......11/??/13......12/11/13......05/27/14(03/14 Transfer to CSC)(RFE received 04/25, responded 05/02)
CARLOS EA.............11/06/13......11/08/13......12/13/13......04/11/14(Early Bio 12/04)(03/14 Transfer to CSC)

DEZAMAN...............11/??/13......11/13/13......12/12/13......04/24/14(03/14 Transfer to CSC)(RFE received 03/28)
ROCK81................11/06/13......11/15/13......12/26/13......04/15/14(03/14 Transfer to CSC)
MLEE..................11/13/13......11/15/13......12/19/13......04/07/14(card received 04/14)

NKS...................11/16/13......11/19/13......??/??/13......05/07/14(Early Bio 12/16)(03/14 Transfer to CSC)
DMAV35................11/14/13......11/19/13......??/??/13......04/25/14(Early Bio 12/02)(03/14 Transfer to CSC)
SF2007................11/18/13......11/21/13......12/19/13......--/--/--(03/14 Transfer to CSC)
KITTY17...............11/19/13......11/21/13......12/24/13......04/28/14(Early Bio 12/05)(03/14 Transfer to CSC)
ROD N CHRISTY.........11/20/13......11/25/13......12/26/13......05/28/14(RFE received 03/17?, responded 03/28?)
ROBERT DE BONDA.......11/22/13......12/02/13......12/20/13......04/24/14(03/14 Transfer to CSC)(Card received 05/03)
EM_VANDAVEER..........11/22/13......11/26/13......12/26/13......04/30/14(03/14 Transfer to CSC) (Card received 05/06)
FIFTH ECHELON.........11/23/13......11/26/13......12/26/13......05/06/14(Early Bio 12/10)

CHARLINELP............11/25/13......11/27/13......12/30/13......05/15/14(Early Bio 12/26)


* Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
* Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and scroll UP) and "Reply" to it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply.
* Please DO NOT change the font, font size, add colors, stuff like that.
* Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.
* Please check that you have not deleted anyone's NAME & DATA. Also please check that you have not deleted the name of the Service Center.

Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your petition
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly.
* If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.

ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2014-06-05 19:15:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 November 2013 Filers

How long do they usually take  to responses to RFE's for extra evidence of bona fide relationship?

I know it's only been a week but I have no idea how long it usually takes

ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2014-06-03 19:01:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 November 2013 Filers

Sent my RFE response today

So much paperwork I emptied an entire printer cartridge.

Every piece of paper with both our names on going back three years




California Service Center (34 applicants, 29 approved - 85%)

VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved

SPECIAL4EVER..........11/01/13......11/06/13......11/27/13......03/12/14(Card received 03/19)
KAIBIL1977............11/04/13......11/??/13......12/02/13......03/10/14(Card received 03/12)
SUNNYCALIFORNIAN......11/04/13......11/05/13......12/02/13......03/24/24(Early Bio 11/18)(Card received 03/31)
HOPE.ANDSUN...........11/04/13......11/05/13......??/??/13......03/14/14(Early Bio 11/21)

IMMIG1234.............11/04/13......11/04/13......11/29/13......03/12/14(Card received 03/19)(Early Bio 11/14)
A&M-FOREVER...........11/05/13......11/07/13......xx/xx/xx......--/--/--(Military, applied from overseas)
REDBLUFF..............11/06/13......11/12/13......12/06/13......03/12/14(Card received 03/20)
ITSC..................11/12/13......11/13/13......12/10/13......03/24/14(Early Bio 12/06)
STJARNA...............11/12/13......11/14/13......12/11/13......03/18/14(Card received 03/26)
JOHN+LOURDELIE........11/12/13......11/15/13......12/06/13......03/17/14(Card received 03/23)
BLITHELY..............11/13/13......11/14/13......12/11/13......03/18/14(Card received 03/26)

PAOJACK...............11/13/13......11/15/13......12/10/13......03/13/14(Card received 03/20)
S & P.................11/14/13......11/18/13......12/13/13......04/08/14(Card received 04/17)
ZEDBRAGUY.............11/14/13......11/18/13......12/13/13......--/--/--(RFE received 04/10, responded 5/23)
VIGGY.................11/14/13......11/15/13......12/16/13......--/--/--(Divorce Waiver)(RFE received 05/11)
GILDAYJASON...........11/15/13......11/18/13......12/13/13......03/24/14(Card received 03/31)
JJJDDDLLL.............11/16/13......11/19/13......12/12/13......03/13/14(Early Bio 12/4)
ASKOLANG .............11/18/13......11/22/13......12/16/13......03/20/14(Card received 03/28)
S/B...................11/19/13......11/21/13......12/24/13......03/18/14(Early Bio 12/17)

RALYSE................11/22/13......11/27/13......12/17/13......05/22/14(RFE received 04/01, responded 05/16)
HEATH AND SORAIA......11/23/13......11/??/13......12/24/13......--/--/--
DAVE AND KINNARI......11/22/13......11/25/13......12/23/13......03/14/14(Card received 03/20)

PRECIOUSONE...........11/25/13......11/26/13......12/24/13......03/18/14(Card received 03/26)
TILEEKA...............11/25/13......11/27/13......12/20/13......04/01/14(Rescheduled Bio 12/30)
DINDO AND PATTY.......11/25/13......11/27/13......12/23/13......03/24/14(Card received 04/01)
LARRY86...............11/25/13......11/27/13......12/24/13......04/16/14(RFE received 03/26, responded 04/09

)(Card received 04/22)

Vermont Service Center (26 applicants, 18 approved (69%) [11 transfer to CSC])

VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved

BELLENPEPPER..........10/29/13......11/01/13......11/26/13......03/24/14(11/19 Transfer to CSC)(Card received 03/31)
WALVAREZ..............11/02/13......11/05/13......12/11/13......05/08/14(Card received 05/16)
RUNNINGTRACKS.........11/02/13......11/05/13......12/11/13......--/--/--(RFE Received 04/25)
BOBBYA................11/04/13......11/06/13......12/04/13......05/08/14(Early Bio 11/29)(Card received 05/17)
BABSAA................11/04/13......11/??/13......12/11/13......--/--/--(03/14 Transfer to CSC)(RFE received 04/25, responded 05/02)
CARLOS EA.............11/06/13......11/08/13......12/13/13......04/11/14(Early Bio 12/04)(03/14 Transfer to CSC)

DEZAMAN...............11/??/13......11/13/13......12/12/13......04/24/14(03/14 Transfer to CSC)(RFE received 03/28)
ROCK81................11/06/13......11/15/13......12/26/13......04/15/14(03/14 Transfer to CSC)
MLEE..................11/13/13......11/15/13......12/19/13......04/07/14(card received 04/14)

NKS...................11/16/13......11/19/13......??/??/13......05/07/14(Early Bio 12/16)(03/14 Transfer to CSC)
DMAV35................11/14/13......11/19/13......??/??/13......04/25/14(Early Bio 12/02)(03/14 Transfer to CSC)
SF2007................11/18/13......11/21/13......12/19/13......--/--/--(03/14 Transfer to CSC)
KITTY17...............11/19/13......11/21/13......12/24/13......04/28/14(Early Bio 12/05)(03/14 Transfer to CSC)
ROD N CHRISTY.........11/20/13......11/25/13......12/26/13......--/--/--(RFE received 03/17?, responded 03/28?)
ROBERT DE BONDA.......11/22/13......12/02/13......12/20/13......04/24/14(03/14 Transfer to CSC)(Card received 05/03)
EM_VANDAVEER..........11/22/13......11/26/13......12/26/13......04/30/14(03/14 Transfer to CSC) (Card received 05/06)
FIFTH ECHELON.........11/23/13......11/26/13......12/26/13......05/06/14(Early Bio 12/10)

CHARLINELP............11/25/13......11/27/13......12/30/13......05/15/14(Early Bio 12/26)


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* Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and scroll UP) and "Reply" to it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply.
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* Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.
* Please check that you have not deleted anyone's NAME & DATA. Also please check that you have not deleted the name of the Service Center.

Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your petition
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly.
* If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.


ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2014-05-24 01:10:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 November 2013 Filers

You'd have thought the fact we own a house together and the fact we are married and still together was quite good proof that we are in a genuine relationship.

ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2014-04-12 10:17:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 November 2013 Filers

obviously all the stuff you have to send, green card, passport, etc


3 months of joint bank account statements

2 years of tax returns - one at our old address

2 Mortgage Statements

Home insurance

2 Water bills

1 Car loan statement - also at old address

2 car titles, Insurance cards


Having had time to sleep on this I am ready to fight.  I am going to send every piece of paper we have, every mortgage statement, water bill, car loan statement, bank statement that I can lay my hands on.  We're also going to get my sons birth certificate which we still haven't sorted out yet, I wished we'd had the time to get that done before but it's hard to get downtown when you have a family to provide for.


First stop will be CVS to buy some more ink or the printer



ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2014-04-12 10:14:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 November 2013 Filers

The annoying thing is it doesn't even specify what kind or evidence and what time frame they need it for.  So seriously what are you expected to do?  Send every bank statement for the last two years?  I'm so pissed off right now I almost want them to send me home, if this is how I'm going to be treated I don't feel like contributing to this country.  But that would cripple us financially and put incredible pressure on our family. 

ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2014-04-11 20:58:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 November 2013 Filers

RFE received today

Apparently our genuinely relationship isn't good enough or them, and they need evidence for the whole time since the marriage

This is going to be a problem as for quite a while we don't have anything, we didn't get a copy of any contract in our apartment and all the utilities which is to say Power and internet had to be in my wife's name .

The fact we own a house together and have purchased several cars doesn't seem to be good enough


What happens now?  Am I going to be deported?  Because they are asking for stuff we cannot provide


California Service Center (34 applicants, 26 approved - 76%)

VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved

SPECIAL4EVER..........11/01/13......11/06/13......11/27/13......03/12/14(Card received 03/19)
KAIBIL1977............11/04/13......11/??/13......12/02/13......03/10/14(Card received 03/12)
SUNNYCALIFORNIAN......11/04/13......11/05/13......12/02/13......03/24/24(Early Bio 11/18)(Card received 03/31)
HOPE.ANDSUN...........11/04/13......11/05/13......??/??/13......03/14/14(Early Bio 11/21)

IMMIG1234.............11/04/13......11/04/13......11/29/13......03/12/14(Card received 03/19)(Early Bio 11/14)
A&M-FOREVER...........11/05/13......11/07/13......xx/xx/xx......--/--/--(Military, applied from overseas)
REDBLUFF..............11/06/13......11/12/13......12/06/13......03/12/14(Card received 03/20)
ITSC..................11/12/13......11/13/13......12/10/13......03/24/14(Early Bio 12/06)
STJARNA...............11/12/13......11/14/13......12/11/13......03/18/14(Card received 03/26)
JOHN+LOURDELIE........11/12/13......11/15/13......12/06/13......03/17/14(Card received 03/23)
BLITHELY..............11/13/13......11/14/13......12/11/13......03/18/14(Card received 03/26)

PAOJACK...............11/13/13......11/15/13......12/10/13......03/13/14(Card received 03/20)
S & P.................11/14/13......11/18/13......12/13/13......04/08/14
ZEDBRAGUY.............11/14/13......11/18/13......12/13/13......--/--/--(RFE received 04/10)
VIGGY.................11/14/13......11/15/13......12/16/13......--/--/--(Divorce Waiver)
GILDAYJASON...........11/15/13......11/18/13......12/13/13......03/24/14(Card received 03/31)
JJJDDDLLL.............11/16/13......11/19/13......12/12/13......03/13/14(Early Bio 12/4)
ASKOLANG .............11/18/13......11/22/13......12/16/13......03/20/14(Card received 03/28)
S/B...................11/19/13......11/21/13......12/24/13......03/18/14(Early Bio 12/17)

RALYSE................11/22/13......11/27/13......12/17/13......--/--/--(RFE received 04/01)
HEATH AND SORAIA......11/23/13......11/??/13......12/24/13......--/--/--
DAVE AND KINNARI......11/22/13......11/25/13......12/23/13......03/14/14(Card received 03/20)

PRECIOUSONE...........11/25/13......11/26/13......12/24/13......03/18/14(Card received 03/26)
TILEEKA...............11/25/13......11/27/13......12/20/13......04/01/14(Rescheduled Bio 12/30)
DINDO AND PATTY.......11/25/13......11/27/13......12/23/13......03/24/14(Card received 04/01)
LARRY86...............11/25/13......11/27/13......12/24/13......--/--/--(RFE received 03/26)
Vermont Service Center (19 applicants, 4 approved (21%) [8 transfer to CSC])

VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved
BELLENPEPPER..........10/29/13......11/01/13......11/26/13......03/24/14(11/19 Transfer to CSC)(Card received 03/31)
BOBBYA................11/04/13......11/06/13......12/04/13......--/--/--(Early Bio 11/29)
BABSAA................11/04/13......11/??/13......12/11/13......--/--/--(03/14 Transfer to CSC)
CARLOS EA.............11/06/13......11/08/13......12/13/13......04/11/13(Early Bio 12/04)(03/14 Transfer to CSC)
ROCK81................11/06/13......11/15/13......12/26/13......--/--/--(03/14 Transfer to CSC)
SF2007................11/18/13......11/21/13......12/19/13......--/--/--(03/14 Transfer to CSC)
KITTY17...............11/19/13......11/21/13......12/24/13......--/--/--(Early Bio 12/05)(03/14 Transfer to CSC)
ROBERT DE BONDA.......11/22/13......12/02/13......12/20/13......--/--/--(03/14 Transfer to CSC)

EM_VANDAVEER..........11/22/13......11/26/13......12/26/13......--/--/--(03/14 Transfer to CSC)
FIFTH ECHELON.........11/23/13......11/26/13......12/26/13......--/--/--(Early Bio 12/10)
CHARLINELP............11/25/13......11/27/13......12/30/13......--/--/--(Early Bio 12/26)


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Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your petition
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly.
* If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.

ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2014-04-11 19:22:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 November 2013 Filers

Still nothing for us

ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2014-04-09 19:47:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 November 2013 Filers

S & P and I seem to have been somewhat left behind

ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2014-04-03 19:44:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 November 2013 Filers

Looks like they are working on the October filers now so not long to go.  Although I don't think it makes much difference really, it's not like its holding up getting a job or something the AOS did.

ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2014-02-05 20:28:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 November 2013 Filers

Nothing here yet, but the estimated processing times at CSC are still a couple of months down the line and I think VSC are slower

ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2014-01-07 21:47:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 November 2013 Filers

Do we know what the chances of having an interview at this stage are?  I had one for AOS and I really hope I can avoid it this time.  I assume there is a quota and it's luck of the draw.  It does seem however from reading on here that we have pretty solid evidence, we own a home together now so we have various bills, mortgage statements and car titles.  Although I think because we have much more solid evidence we probably submitted less.  Quality over quantity and all that

ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2013-12-21 01:25:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 November 2013 Filers

Got our Biometrics letter today

On the subject of the drivers license I think the DMV made a mess of mine as its expires in 2017, I'm not complaining though




California Service Center (22 applicants)


VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved
SUNNYCALIFORNIAN......11/04/13......11/05/13......12/02/13......--/--/--(Early Bio 11/18)
A&M-FOREVER...........11/05/13......11/07/13......xx/xx/xx......--/--/--(Military, applied from overseas)




S & P.................11/14/13......11/18/13......--/--/13......--/--/--
VIGGY.................11/14/13......11/15/13......--/--/13......--/--/--(Pending Divorce)


ASKOLANG .............11/18/13......11/22/13......--/--/13......--/--/--




DAVE AND KINNARI......11/22/13......11/--/13......--/--/13......--/--/--





Vermont Service Center (10 applicants [1 transfer to CSC])

VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved
BELLENPEPPER..........10/29/13......11/01/13......11/26/13......--/--/--(11/19 Transfer to CSC)
CARLOS EA.............11/06/13......11/08/13......12/13/13......--/--/--



FIFTH ECHELON.........11/23/13......11/--/13......--/--/13......--/--/--





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Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your petition
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly.
* If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.



ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2013-11-27 23:24:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 November 2013 Filers

Check cashed this morning, and the NOA1 was in the mail box when I got home from work



California Service Center (14 applicants)

VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved
SUNNYCALIFORNIAN......11/04/13......11/05/13......12/02/13......--/--/--(Early Bio 11/18)
A&M-FOREVER...........11/05/13......11/07/13......xx/xx/xx......--/--/--(Military, applied from overseas)

S & P.................11/14/13......11/--/13......--/--/13......--/--/--
VIGGY.................11/14/13......11/--/13......--/--/13......--/--/--(Pending Divorce)





Vermont Service Center (9 applicants [1 transfer to CSC?])

VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved


(11/20 Transfer to CSC?)
CARLOS EA.............11/06/13......11/08/13......12/13/13......--/--/--





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Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your petition
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly.
* If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.


quick question - I just got the biometric appointment notice and realized that the case number is now different from what was on the first NOA.


Is that normal? Is the old case number not valid?



ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2013-11-21 21:30:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 November 2013 Filers

Our packet was signed for this morning


California Service Center (9 applicants)


VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved


SUNNYCALIFORNIAN......11/04/13......11/05/13......12/02/13......--/--/--(Early Bio 11/18)

A&M-FOREVER...........11/05/13......11/07/13......xx/xx/xx......--/--/--(Military, applied from overseas)





S & P.................11/14/13......11/--/13......--/--/13......--/--/--




Vermont Service Center (8 applicants)


VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved



CARLOS EA.............11/06/13......11/08/13......--/--/13......--/--/--









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Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your petition
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly.
* If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.




ZedbraGuyMaleEngland2013-11-18 20:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-1 Visa, I-134
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Sep 14 2007, 09:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (wahenie19 @ Sep 14 2007, 05:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Any other suggestions?

If you weren't dealing with Manila, I would say get a joint sponsor but that can be problematic for a K visa in Manila. You're going to need a job to support your wife and pay the costs associated with getting her here. So, get a job, even if it's not a job you like.

Thanks for the suggestions everyone. Yeah Im getting a job of course, I would not start the K1 process if I did not have the funds to do so...which I do have by the way. Just getting nervous about it all. I will still be using my mother as a co-sponsor, is that a problem?
wahenie19MalePhilippines2007-09-14 23:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-1 Visa, I-134
Any other suggestions?
wahenie19MalePhilippines2007-09-14 07:50:00