Philippinesconfuse in processing k1 and k2
there is no packet sent thru the mail. it is available online. one note, the K-2 will not need to submit a form DS-156k.

webpage for forms and packets.... http://manila.usemba...v/wwwh3224.html

click the link for K-1/K-2 Interview Preparation Instructions.
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-04-29 12:27:00
PhilippinesMy wife wants to bring her mother over.

It's the Oxycontin talking... :whistle:

maybe he should refrain from posting on immigration topics until he's no longer under the influence. other topics, at least at times it's entertaining...
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-02 22:49:00
PhilippinesMy wife wants to bring her mother over.

By adoption, you can then file as a USC for the minor child as your own child *yours plus wife's) once the USCIS agrees. It is not an easy process. but it has been done many times to bring minor children (brothers and sisters) of a wife's family. This really depends on the family. this does not happen often in Filipino families. This happens frequently in Russia, CIS, and India.

Dareen, have you read about adoption from the links provided in this thread? at least you got one thing right, it is not an easy process.
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-02 19:32:00
PhilippinesMy wife wants to bring her mother over.

AS an LPR, your wife can only petition for her own unmarried children and husband/wife. that is it. Nothing else as an LPR. LPR is very, very limited and is always at the back of the line. USC are given first priority so LPR's can expect an extremely long wait time.

AS a USC, your wife can petition for her children (married or unmarried), parents, AND brothers and sisters including step-sisters and step-brothers. Your wife has to be 21 or older for parents and sibling petitions. Read the I-130 instructions. the rules change for a USC. If you file BOTH petitions at the same time, USCIS will group them together because the child is a minor.

By adoption, you can then file as a USC for the minor child as your own child *yours plus wife's) once the USCIS agrees. It is not an easy process. but it has been done many times to bring minor children (brothers and sisters) of a wife's family. This really depends on the family. this does not happen often in Filipino families. This happens frequently in Russia, CIS, and India.

From USCIS website:
Certain immigrants who because of their close relationship to U.S. citizens are exempt from the numerical limitations imposed on immigration to the United States. Immediate relatives are: spouses of citizens, children (under 21 years of age and unmarried) of citizens, and parents of citizens 21 years of age or older.

see this link for siblings at USCIS:

siblings to USA

for US Citizen,siblings would not be an immediate relative. they would be in family preference category.

can you provide a link to backup your interpretation?
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-02 18:58:00
PhilippinesMy wife wants to bring her mother over.

If the mom is agreeable, you can also petition to adopt the child as your own, then bring the child over that way. Please note MOST Filipino families absolutely HATE this idea. Children are the means to support the parents. Giving a child up for adoption is like giving up your life savings to them.

You CAN Adopt a family member. However, again this is a benefit of a USC not an LPR. Adoption, you have to go through I-800a the I-800, then I-130. You cannot do anything until I-800 is approved. (adopting orphan as I-600a, I 600) there is a process and takes about 2 years. then once approved, you submit as a k-4 visa, then I-129F k-2 visa while I-130 is processing. however, must be a minor child under the age of 16. this does not work for people over the age of 16. This is where the problem is since most Filipinos do not want their children "adopted".

for the correct information, check the Manila Embassy Webpage on adoption...

sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-02 13:46:00
PhilippinesMy wife wants to bring her mother over.

On form I-130 you list all children of you parents. The child being a minor you submit another I-130 for then to follow with the parent at the same time. The child of your parent should also be a sibling to you. The key is to submit both forms at the same time together. This only works IF you are a USC. This is where being a USC has a benefit over an LPR. Please note, you can only bring an immediate relatives as defined by the form I-130.

this is misleading information. the sibling would not be able to come at the same time as the mom...

Note: If your parents have minor children abroad, those children (your siblings) cannot be sponsored on the same petition. See the “Bringing Siblings to Live in the United States as Permanent Residents” page for more information. After your parent becomes a permanent resident, he or she may file a new petition for any qualifying relative - see the “Family of Green Card Holders (Permanent Residents)” page for more on that.
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-02 13:39:00
PhilippinesCFO PDOS - Before or After Visa?

Nope, get the hamburger, toppings, fries, and drink all at once. Don't have to go to one stand for the hamburger, and one stand for the toppings, another stand for the fries, and another for the drink.

At good shepherd convent/St. Mary's in Manila you do everything while you are there including paying CFO and getting green check card. (One stop shop, if you have visa, you can even get CFO sticker as well. We opted to get the CFO sticker at airport when we left the country.)

At St. Mary's in Cebu, they break for lunch and have you come back.

At PRISM, you get your processing done quickly because of the number of people going through. But you have to go to CFO to get your certificate (green check card). PRISM takes 2 separate location to do the same thing as St. Mary's. You misunderstand St. Mary's in Manila. It may take 3 to 4 hours, but you do EVERYTHING onsite including CFO sticker if you have your visa. PRISM cannot do this.

We took longer because 1) she did not have her visa yet, 2) she was under 21 3) we brought her parents as well 4) I was also there on site 5) we had time to spare that day, no rush in getting done.

so, St. Mary's is like of like a ....

Posted Image
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-04-28 14:51:00
Philippinesprocessing k1
just to note. the I-134 is not submitted with the 1-129f Petition. you will need it at the interview.
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-03 23:38:00
PhilippinesPassed Interview
belated Congrats. :thumbs:
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-04-29 12:29:00
PhilippinesNeed filipina Advice

Curious why Paul never came back with an update. :unsure:

Checked his profile. :blush:

Read 2 threads he...I mean...she...posted (in). :blink:

I think one lost his VJ posting privileges and the other has taken control. :hehe:

(Kinda hoping the current... poster...will provide the other side to the story. :blush: )

so maybe Paul isn't clueless about AOS...
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-04-19 11:41:00
PhilippinesNeed filipina Advice
the issue that would trouble me the most is you say your family has been very accepting of her, but she has been ungrateful and rude to them. one concern someone might have when coming from overseas is how the will be accepted by their fiance's family. on my last trip to the Philippines, my mom sent a letter to my wife welcoming her into the family. I know that made the transition into life here easier on her. your family has been supportive of your fiance, but is rejecting it. hopefully you will be able to work things out, but this and the other issues need to be resolved for your relationship with her to continue.
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-03-09 13:03:00
PhilippinesBig surprise for my wife and I

Why is that? superstitious? paranoia about privacy? I'm curious...

probably all of the above...

Congrats :thumbs: :thumbs:
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-07 12:26:00
PhilippinesShe's doing it again.

Maybe there is some confusion. Maybe I, don't know all the story. I know she is not a little girl. But for some reason, I believe that she is doing is just some playful thing. Don't be surprised that in two years from now those two will be happier than romeo and juliet and will laugh at this post.

You got to love'em when they act like cute, sweet, and innocent.

you can call puppies playful and cute, not the situation described by the OP of this thread.
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-04-04 12:41:00
PhilippinesShe's doing it again.
please make it stop... :P
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-04-04 11:56:00
PhilippinesShe's doing it again.

You have a cute spoiled girl. Who can ask for more??. She just too playful and cute. I think she is kidding about divorcing. She knows how much you love her and she just want to intimidate you.

Don't screw up with her. Take care.

the Op's post is what you would describe as playful and cute? :wacko: wake up and smell the roses.
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-04-03 11:58:00
Philippinesurgent reply

She has to file an adoption proceedings in court. Since the boy is a relative (her niece by her cousin), it would be very easy for her to adopt him. I am working in a Family Court and we have those cases here. There are cases in our court that petitioners are biological parents but DNA test done at St. Luke's does not match so they require the petitioners to undergo adoption proceedings. Have no idea if the doctor would state that in his medical report. Anyway, good luck to her!

besides adoption, there are other requirements for the child to be eligible for a visa...

sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-11 01:04:00
Philippinesurgent reply

Your friend may have much bigger problems than a K1 visa issue.

It's hard to tell from your description, but if she did a "simulation of birth" and St. Luke's reported the matter to the authorities, then she could be facing criminal charges and prison time. I'd say that she'd be well advised to consult with an attorney ASAP.

Good luck.


:yes: from DSWD Website..... http://www.fo1.dswd....eases&Itemid=87
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-10 18:17:00
PhilippinesSt. Lukes and Vaccinations

I think you are really bored... :blush:

I guess I'm guilty, the title of the thread and wording of my post were poorly conceived. I guess I was tired of some misinformation i see being posted. I can't use taking any medication as an excuse for my post. :blush:
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-09 13:03:00
PhilippinesSt. Lukes and Vaccinations
there was recently a thread centered around this subject. I saw this stated in a thread in another forum...

Most girls in the Philippines (please note not all.) will claim to be pregnant, or have had relatively recent "encouters" with their fiancee, or will be asked to return in a month for shots when their leaving the Philippines before the date to come back to St. Luke's is to finish the immunization record.

I doubt the validity of this statement. it implies it is true of the majority of female applicants in Manila. curious as to what others think.
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-09 00:04:00
PhilippinesBring them back with me!

(the one year thing I was referring to the K-2 follow me, and not the K-1. I know the K-1 is six months. I am also asking you to look at the K-2 visa time as well. Look at BOTH eve AND Mae. Make sure no other hidden treasure troves of problems come up.)

I still do not think you understand. let me try to clarify. Let's say a K-1 is issued today May 13, 2012. the K-2 is going to be follow to join. then the K-2 Visa must be issued by May 12, 2013. once issued, the K-2 will have up to six months to enter the USA.
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-13 12:22:00
PhilippinesBring them back with me!

His references even states that is the 129 petition, not the visa itself... yet he... oh well ... you know.

he's begining to make me feel like a school teacher, correcting his mistakes.. :lol: I'll give him an E for effort... he's still learning... as we all are. his posts still tend to be too drawn out and wordy.
at least he listened to one suggestion of your's... ;) :thumbs:
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-12 19:44:00
PhilippinesBring them back with me!

from the Us consulate webpage:

The I-129F fiancé(e) petition is a single entry visa that is valid for six months from the date of its approval. " If the petition expires ", a consular officer may revalidate it for another four months (provided that both parties remain legally free to marry).


Keyword is may. I don't know what happened when it expired in February/March. But going through St. Luke's and the interview again seems like a new visa being issued of 6 months versus a revalidation of 4 months.

just for FYI. the revalidate for another four months is for the I-129f Petition Approval Notice, not the Visa. if a visa is expired, it would need to be reissued. there is no revalidation of a visa.

What if the fiancé(e) must delay their arrival in the U.S.?
The K-1 visa is valid for a maximum of six months. If the visa bearer is unable to leave for the United States immediately and the visa expires, a new one may be issued upon written request to the Embassy and the payment of another application fee of US$240.

sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-12 14:59:00
PhilippinesBring them back with me!

Normally, the consulate would renew the visa with no problem.... (the K-2 visa should have had a one-year date to it, this might have also been mis-printed? it seems like everything is the your fiancee though.)

actually the Embassy does not renew visas. they may reissue a visa, which unfortunately involves another visa apllication and fee.
a k-2 Visa validity is the same as a K-1. the one year is if you are choosing follow to join. then the K-2 Visa must be issue within one year of the date the K-1 is issued.
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-12 01:37:00
Philippineshow to apply k-2 visa

what if the child age is 12 yrs old now, and included in the 129f petition and approved..Does she needs to fill up all those forms like in K1?Or i can just set an medical and interview appointment using the same manila case number?,Does she still entitle to bring separate documents for the interview like 156 and 157 etc? ? i am confused, pls i need some information too regarding k2. i am here in the US as K1 but i have a daughter who will join to follow...thank you so much...

every visa applicant needs to submit visa application form(s). the K-2 will need to submit the DS-156 and DS-157, but not the DS-156k. yes, you will be using the same Manila Case Number.. I had a K-2, but my daughter came at the same time as her mom.
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-18 18:50:00
Philippineshow to apply k-2 visa

Hi VJ's, i got here in Chicago for 3 months now and I entered as fiancee (k-1 visa), im married now and filed the AOS last week, now me and my hubby planned to get my daughter in my counntry, may I asked what are the forms that we need to fill up and whats the procedure for the k-2? thank you

here's a link to the Embassy webpage with links to interview preparation instructions. http://manila.usemba...v/wwwh3224.html

the forms are basically the same as a K-1. the DS-156k is not needed. what is the age of the child? NBI Clearance is not needed if under 16 years old. the child will need a medical. have you decided who will accompany the child to the medical and to the interview?
CFO Website...
here you can find the requirements for registering the child with CFO. IF over age 12, I believe there is a Peer Conseling Session.

hopefully someone will chime in with recent experience scheduling an interview for K-2 follow to join.

Edited by sunandmoon, 15 May 2012 - 12:36 PM.

sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-15 12:35:00
Philippinesroundtrip ticket

thank you..but we do have option to get one way?coz the staff at DELTA air told my fiance that its a must to get roundtrip ticket...grrrrhhhh

yes, you can use a one way ticket.
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-18 22:17:00
Philippinesfood likes and hates
your too hung up on the food being served. the important thing is to have a meal together as a FAMILY.
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-21 11:28:00
Philippinesfood likes and hates

just hope it doesn't get to me if it continues over time....

with this rant, looks like it already has...
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-21 10:09:00
Philippinesfood likes and hates

why do people collect things?". :rofl: last question I will make another post for.....

and look what's happened...
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-19 18:40:00
PhilippinesApplied for K1 and with follow to join kids
a guardian can take the children to the medical and interview.
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-18 14:05:00
Philippinescountry music
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-19 23:29:00
PhilippinesNot sure what to do
just to note, when you pre-register online, there is no data field for date of medical. scuffydog could have avoided alot of the discussion by simply adding you can save alot of time at St. Lukes by using online registration, but instead he chose to keep picking at the bone...


(For U.S. Immigrant Visa Applicants Only)

Upon arrival at SLEC, applicants WILL BE ACCOMMODATED ON A FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED BASIS. NO APPOINTMENT IS NECESSARY. This online registration form aims to reduce registration time by having most of the applicant's information ready upon arrival at the registration area. Pre-registered applicants should only need to have their biometrics captured upon arrival at the reception area.

just to note, no appointment is necessary means walk-in basis.
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-23 11:46:00
PhilippinesOn the Yellow Brick Road to Happiness

Now to the real questions –
Lyn has 2 children that are living with her parents (have been since the death of her previous husband) they are not going to accompany her to the USA. Anything we need to file about that or state about that or?? (Her parents do not want and her kids do not want to leave the Philippines)

Thanks to VJ and everyone for the help.

you must list the children on the I-129f. by that, you are not petitioning the children. they would just be eligible for a derivitive visa (K-2).
at this point in time, I would not state anything about the present plan of the children remaining in the Philippines.
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-24 18:43:00
PhilippinesMy Philippina's Driving Lessons.

sounds like you managed to "marry up" and find someone better then you..... congrats. Hopefully, she will keep on tolerating your "shortfalls" while helping you to know when to "come out of the rain" common sense. Glad she has done so well....

In no way was I saying that I have no common sense. In fact I would say that I have an abundance. Which you would most definitely need to do any kind of IT and Network admin work. I just happened to be attracted to someone with a like mind. I wasn't after marrying a child. What I wanted was an equal to share my life with. My shortfalls would be over analysation and attentiveness to situations that border on an OCD. However this makes me extremely organized and helps me to reach logical conclusions to things that would escape some people.
So when I say that in many ways I believe she is over all better and more intelligent person than I am ...... What I am saying is that she is a great and smart woman and I don't foresee any problems with her accomplishing something as simple as driving, and doing it much better than the thousands of teenagers we license every year.


Edited by sunandmoon, 08 May 2012 - 07:08 PM.

sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-08 19:07:00
PhilippinesSt. Luke's Medical Fee Change

Also, please note from the Embassy link:

> Unless it is necessary, do not bring companions due to space limitation at the clinic. :whistle:

but what about the letter... Posted Image
Posted Image
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-25 15:25:00
PhilippinesIn a forum First
it had to be stopped. :protest: otherwise it might have spread like a virus throughout the forum. soon I'd be agreeing with.... ahh, guess I better not go there...
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-26 00:31:00
PhilippinesFinally K2 Arrival here in the USA
Congrats. it's great that you are all together now... :thumbs:
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-30 00:40:00
PhilippinesCan We Schedule the Interview without the NVC Letter?

Of course, I did ask for help before filing. but after getting such lousy help on filing, I haven't paid much attention to the "majority" around here. I read and make my own decisions.

I think your ego is more of a problem, than the lousy help you say you received on VJ. I think it was more of the rush to submit the I-129f as the reason for any of the mistakes with the initial filing. Once, I remember you stating that it was a fact that when a beneficiary is under 21, the parents MUST attend the interview. I told you not true. provide a source. another said they will not even let the parents in the Embassy. so let's see, which was right, the advise on received on VJ or your research? the list can go on and on....

I should be fair and allow you a chance for rebuttal. so exactly what was all the lousy help YOU received before filing? I was a little bored again, so did a little research. let's see. joined VJ on Feb. 21,2011. filed I-129f on Feb 24, 2011. doesn't seem like much time for all the lousy help. to quote from your story...

As soon as I got back, I filed the paperwork. I had already filled out all of the paperwork before leaving, and had taken everything with me. She only had to sign her portion of the paperwork while we were there.

the floor is your's Darren... I expect it will be silent.
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-15 00:24:00
PhilippinesCan We Schedule the Interview without the NVC Letter?

Hmm, let's think on this one.... I did a lot of research on here I found many more detailed descriptions elsewhere at the time then on Visa Journey...... Of course, I did ask for help before filing. but after getting such lousy help on filing, I haven't paid much attention to the "majority" around here. I read and make my own decisions.

I think your ego is more of a problem, than the lousy help you say you received on VJ. I think it was more of the rush to submit the I-129f as the reason for any of the mistakes with the initial filing. Once, I remember you stating that it was a fact that when a beneficiary is under 21, the parents MUST attend the interview. I told you not true. provide a source. another said they will not even let the parents in the Embassy. so let's see, which was right, the advise on received on VJ or your research? the list can go on and on....
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-14 18:47:00
PhilippinesCan We Schedule the Interview without the NVC Letter?

Then after scheduling Interview at Embassy, schedule St. Luke's (online is best), even if you are late in line, you still get an early number. (can't tell you how much time this saves in the morning when you first get there. we were back in line about 50 or so and Gretchen still got a number around 12 because of the per-registration.) Please keep in mind the requirements of St. Luke's when scheduling the medical. Please keep in mind the MEDICAL is the basis for the six month date on the Visa, not the interview itself. St. Lukes line starts at steps and goes south. (the line on the ramp is for returns/callbacks/etc on who have early times on 2nd day.) (there is a great cafe right across the street behind the photoshops.)

just a little note. you do not schedule St.Lukes. it is done on a walk-in basis. you got it right later in your post. preregistering online can save you time when you are at St. lukes.
sunandmoonMalePhilippines2012-05-14 10:20:00