United Kingdombest shipping company to use - UK to US
well I shipped with The Excess Baggage Company. Two 4.5 cuft boxes, and two book boxes cost nearly 400 pounds

And now that they've arrived in the US, Customs are demanding more proof that I'm here to stay. The I-94 expires in April, so thats not enough. The K1 they've never heard of. NOAs for AOS/EAD/AP have left them unimpressed, I've just sent them copies of my EAD and AP. And of course changing my address had thrown them out completely.

If I'd thought it through I'd have shipped it all in my wife's name...

ps, and to cap it all, they asked for "approval notice from the biometrics interview".

Edited by tom_g, 25 March 2008 - 03:08 PM.

tom_gMaleUnited Kingdom2008-03-25 15:05:00
United KingdomUS/UK equivalents
QUOTE (rkl57 @ Mar 27 2008, 05:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (illumine @ Mar 27 2008, 04:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rkl57 @ Mar 27 2008, 12:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Poiteen @ Mar 27 2008, 01:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was always weirded out by the way that places like Walgreens and 7-11's appear to have food, but when you actually look for something to eat, there's no fresh food whatsoever. It's all cans of stuff, and nothing that you'd actually want to eat...

Unless your idea of a good meal is canned spaghetti or rice-a-roni tongue.gif

Hey 7-11 has all kinds of weird hot dogs those gross pasties sold in UK corner shops.

does anyone ever actually eat those hot dogs that sit on those metal rollers all day?

truck drivers!

and my dog quite likes them as well smile.gif

they remind me of the hot dog sellers on the street corners in london, they'd turn my stomach when i saw them. they never throw sausages away, at the end of the day they just leave them in the trolley and warm them up the next day .. sad.gif
tom_gMaleUnited Kingdom2008-03-27 21:33:00
United Kingdom1st time international traveler
QUOTE (rebeccajo @ Mar 25 2008, 01:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh yeah - taxis!

When we were processing everybody was like 'oh don't take the cabs in London they are so expensive'.

We took three cab rides in London in September 2005. The MOST we paid was 9 quid. I'm sorry, but to me that's NOT expensive when you are completely unfamiliar with the city. And the drivers were wonderful with lifting luggage, etc.

Take the taxi!

9 pounds is cheap for a cab ride, but its still 20 bucks. the same as a meal over here. and don't tip cab drivers in the UK, for the love of god... smile.gif

I personally wouldn't flag down a black-cab type taxi, those things are highway robbers. Great for expensing to a business account to set against taxes, bad to pay for using hard-earned dollars at 2-to-1. Use your phone to find a local cab co and use them instead. Ken Livingstone is cracking down on cabs, as well, so you'll get a better quality of cab (i once paid to ride in a clapped out old nissan with a drunk driver who fell out of the cab, and i had to hold the door shut myself)

In central london the tube is perfectly okay, i reckon. late at night (if you're a party animal) you have to do more work to find the night busses. Day time busses are A LOT better than people give them credit for. Especially if you have an oyster card. they go everywhere.

One thing that cracked me up recently was that parking at a train station just outside san francisco was $2 - ALL DAY! laughing.gif I was tempted to park there just to get the receipt to post to my dad. In the UK station car parks are almost as expensive as the trains! laughing.gif
tom_gMaleUnited Kingdom2008-03-25 17:13:00
United Kingdom1st time international traveler
when you get to the UK, there'll be a long walk, a long line at immigration, possibly a ten minute interview, then a long wait at the baggage carosel. Don't panic about it taking so long, its always like that

don't worry when every other bag goes past on the carosel but yours, it'll turn up sooner or later. Don't bother trying to get front place at the carosel, leave that for the pushy people. when you spot your bag just go forwards and cut it off smile.gif

the big UK airports are a massive blur of people and movement and chaos. don't let it get to you, just keep cool and stay focused..

I take it you don't have to drive when you get here? there's nothing quite like getting into a hire car and driving off on the other side of the road through m25 traffic smile.gif

all in all, its cool. just remember that people do it all the time, and its a process that runs smoothly most of the time. And its kind of fun smile.gif
tom_gMaleUnited Kingdom2008-03-25 15:32:00
United Kingdomtransfering funds to US
QUOTE (SMB x2 @ Mar 10 2008, 04:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What sort of slice do XE take, roughly? Just curious like.


They don't charge any fixed fee, they just take a shade on the exchange rates they offer.

Their trading system is pretty damn cool, though, when you're setting up a trade you get to see the rate they're offering, and how much USD or GBP it translates to, and there's a "refresh rates" button which you can press to get the latest.

So as the mid-market rates change on the global forex markets, the rate they offer changes.

It can be quite addictive, pressing that button smile.gif
tom_gMaleUnited Kingdom2008-03-11 17:51:00
United Kingdomtransfering funds to US
QUOTE (English Muffin @ Mar 10 2008, 07:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (WS-JW @ Mar 10 2008, 10:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i'll be flying to the US soon on my K-1 and was wondering what the best way is to go about transfering my money from my barclays account to a US bank. I am probably going to open up a Chase account there. Is it as simple as opening a chase account, then contacting barclays via telephone and asking to transfer? or would I need to do something with barclays in person before I go to US? I was going to keep my english account and use it at atms for the first 3 months until we are married and can set up an account in a joint name. Also, are there any charges for exchanging to US dollars? is so what are they likely to be?

advice appriciated


Getting Barclay's to do it will probably be quite costly. I used and got a very good rate.


another vote for

It takes a bit of setting up - its a few days process - but once its set up and you know what you're doing its great.
tom_gMaleUnited Kingdom2008-03-10 12:40:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (mustang-sally @ Jan 4 2008, 07:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congrats to all the approvals this week. dancin5hr.gif kicking.gif dancin5hr.gif

Best wishes to all those with interviews next week. good.gif

My interview is in 10 days, I'm both nervous and excited right now.ClockWatch2.gif

You'll be a lot more nervous sat in the embassy, time stops while you're waiting for your number... smile.gif

The thing is, though, that my interview felt more like a check to make sure i'd brought in the right paperwork than it did an actual test interview. I mean, my fiancee forgot my birthday and they still approved us. You'll be fine smile.gif
tom_gMaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-04 11:40:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
wooooooooooooohooooooooooooooo!!! biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

approved, and on its way smile.gif

I think i've ran out of stress hormones, though... wacko.gif

A few points:
1. The petition was approved just over 4 months ago, so it had technically expired. The only issue was that we needed a newly signed letter of intent (or, if your I-134 was filled in by your fiance(e) within the last 4 months that will do).
Unfortunately, the letter of intent printed off and signed this morning by malia didn't have a date on it. So after a bit of conferring, the consulate officers decided that I could leave the embassy (with my passport and letter) find her (she was down oxford street) and bring her back into the embassy (she'd brought her passport). After explaining ourselves at every checkpoint we finally got back in, and marched straight back up to window number 14. then in front of the officer, Malia wrote out an "I intend to marry tom" letter, having to ASK me what my birthdate was (very embarrassing!), we handed it in, and we were approved smile.gif

2. The mysterious brown envelope was opened in front of us by the consular official. He pulled out the xray, nodded in approval (presumably at its existance, rather than its content), slid it back in the envelope and handed it to me, still open. I don't know whether its supposed to be sealed or not, I wasn't inclined to quiz the man on the specifics of his job.. He just told me to take it through on the plane in my handluggage. Its an A3 envelope and blatantly isn't going to fit in my bag without some folding operation, though.

Went in at 8.11, got out at 10.50. At home at 12.00, beer opened and downed at 12.00:01 smile.gif
tom_gMaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-02 07:07:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Well, today's the day!! smile.gif

Haven't been this nervous for a while!

kick off at 9am...
tom_gMaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-02 01:56:00
United KingdomEngland
QUOTE (saywhat @ Jan 31 2009, 04:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Holed up in Bramhope near Leeds in a hotel. There are rabbits playing outside. I have overdosed on cheshire cheese - timmy taylor beer- currant teacakes-pork pies - and haddock and chips with mushy peas

Bought beef bisto and branston pickle for return journey

Food in the US is total junk but I suppose a chicken is chicken - they sell pork chops that is loin cut in washington- - smells like it's off
Can buy it here in the UK but its almost dog food grade

Washington East of the Cascades is primitive in the exteme but 300 days unbroken blue sky and 8 inches rain pa counts for something

Parking spaces here are tiny and few

Everyone has cold and sneezes on me in the supermarkets... they are striking against italian workers as the Brits are losing jobs faster than the US.. so its not just the US who is not keen on aliens

the cold is damp cold - 20 degrees warmer than washington but feels colder as there is always a breeze and the damp chill goes right through ya

Everything on telly is childish toilet humour with gay inuendo and swanning around all the time

all the presenters are gay or pakistani or 19 or all of these - nothing wrong with that but i am non of these and not represented

I think US telly is ####### but this is worse and the lack of adverts spins it out longer

I reckon my homesick stuff should last another 3 days then i will be back to washington for my 3.5 lite V6 toyota and some wide roads and no litter - I wish I could say less tattoos but washington is at least as bad as england in that regard
The UK pubs are mostly trash along with their drugged, drunken, pierced, hopeless welfare dependant clientelle - but there are some solid alehouses with decent people

Well I hope I cured some homesickness with this assessment !

ps I have forgotten uk money ! the 5p looks like dime and the shilling looks like a nickel - i really have lost my money recognition ! so 5's look like 10's and 10's look like 5's

aaargghhh !!!!!

superb post! smile.gif

Any lingering romantic notions of England can be cured by listening to Gordon Brown denying there is a recession, denying that its labour's fault, denying that the UK is badly hit, proclaiming that the government has been doing the best possible job, is standing up for British workers - the guy makes me sick. Almost makes me want Blair back, at least Blair would lie to me in a nice way. Brown is beneath contempt, beneath assassination even, i wish he would just melt away into an arrogant little puddle of lying blubber and everyone would shrug and carry on...

I miss English pubs. Well, some of them. Not the quasi-violent football supporter pubs, or the pseudo-posh "trendy wine bars", nor the faux-irish-oh-be-gar! drinking dens, nor the bland, DFS-chain-depression Whetherspoons, nor even the front-room local "you must be new around here" uber-locals. The other ones.. mmm.. this might be romanticizing after all. My apologies. It does, however, beat sitting around in the bar in Chillis or Applebies for the lack of anywhere else to sit with a beer, and the US has to develop the concept of The Pint further. Its close, its trying, but there is room for improvement.

Thoughts of England: Litter. Graffiti. Smashed up phone boxes. Parking fines. Smashed up bus stops. graffiti'd bus stops. Litter everywhere. Being charged to park in your own town center to shop in your own local shops. Graffiti on vans, buses, trains, anything that can't move. abandoned cars that have been smashed up, graffiti'd on then fly-tipped. Anyone with an ounce of compassion breaks down in tears - why would you do that? why would you drop that on the floor? what happened here? why do these people do this?

The weather? beautiful looking clouds - granted - impressive 10,000 foot high monoliths of moisture towering, belittling, but by GOD it can rain. I remember the summer before last, my final summer in the UK. We had sun all the way through May, then rain through to September, then some nice autumn sunshine, then rain again till I left in January. Enough even to make a grown man think its Not Fair!. Not after the bay area's near constant heart-warming warmth that lets me wear only a light jacket even today, in early Feb. And if I want real weather? 200 miles away and 6000ft up i have all of Lake Tahoe's snow to play in smile.gif

there are many things i don't like about the US: I'm being forced to grow a gut from too much food and lack of exercise. My pregnant wife and potential son's next six months will cost us about $6k - albeit for stellar care - but if i lose my job? my god, we're in trouble. Big, brown, sticky trouble. Trouble that will be painful, lingering, worry-stricken. But if I keep my job? Happy days - merry middle class grilling-on-the-deck-days. Such a strange balancing act over here: If you perform - and if the right people see you perform - life is sweet. but fall off the log and - seriously - no-one will catch you. The upside - again - is that everyone knows this. This is the American dream: That you, and only you, hold the key to your future. Whether thats a good or a bad thing determines whether its a good or a bad dream smile.gif

When I'm finally a naturalized US Citizen, we'll move back to the UK for a few years, so our child gets a chance to see two cultures, (and thereby, hopefully, learning that there is more commonality in humans than there is difference), but the USA is where I consider myself happiest now.. I feel I'm doing now what my fore-fathers should have done 200+ years ago when people first talked about America. Its not a dream, as such, its just a very nice place to live smile.gif

Sorry about the long post, not many people care for the rantings of an Englishman about England. Certainly not on Superbowl Sunday. but its nice to be able to rant to people who might get it. And after saywhats refreshing dose of reality I couldn't hold back smile.gif

Edited by tom_g, 02 February 2009 - 02:41 AM.

tom_gMaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-02 02:37:00
United KingdomSNOW WATCH!
QUOTE (Marmite Lovers! @ Feb 1 2009, 11:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's crazy we have known about this weather front for days and still the UK has come to a standstill! Buses canceled, schools closed and only one runway open at Heathrow. It drives me nuts. headbonk.gif

Are you going to work? What are the road like in your town?

I'm glad I don't have to go to London.

DID YOU KNOW... that Leicestershire County Council* used to have a fleet of snow-ploughs, immaculately maintained and ready for anything. But they sold them in the late 90s because it looked better on the balance-sheet. And a better looking balance sheet meant an extra 0.01% capital trust allowance, accreditable for next 5 years accrueing on all projects meeting the relevant guidelines**

what a deal. smile.gif

* I know this because my dad used to work for them.

** I may have got some of the terminology wrong, i never really listened that closely.
tom_gMaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-02 02:45:00
United KingdomThe Joys of the US medical system
QUOTE (illumine @ Apr 6 2008, 08:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (toshtishtash @ Apr 6 2008, 12:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have a question... What happens if you have a serious accident (touch and go whether you will survive or not) but you don't have medical insurance?

You're completely screwed, no lie.

"completely screwed" means you're bankcrupted, by the way, not that you you're left to die by the road-side. And being bankcrupted isn't a massive issue over here, you can have good credit again in two years or so. And there ARE free hospitals over here, as well, you just have to do work yourself to find them

The National Insurance comparison is perfectly valid, IMO, its the only way I can track how much I'm paying towards what I consider to be a pathetic health service. Ovebloated, over-measured, over-managed... how many trusts have to have C. Difficile scandals before people admit there's a problem? Maybe the front-line nurses and doctors are totally commited in the UK, but they're working hamstrung, at best, and the overall level of care and attention is dreadful. I'm not going to try to defend US drug companies' pricing policies, except to say that drug discovery is extremely expensive, and when they price it down for foreign markets, they're doing that to HELP the foreign market.

And finally, for anyone moving to the US, it shouldn't come as a surprise that the health care system is mercenary. This is not a socialist country, and doesn't pretend to be, the american dream isn't about supporting those who don't wish to dream, its about enabling those who do.

rant over smile.gif

my wife has private medical insurance, by the way. She's had the same provider for so long that its cheaper to pay private than to put her on my insurance. waitresses don't get health benefits, they are expected to keep themselves healthy
tom_gMaleUnited Kingdom2008-04-06 12:53:00
United KingdomThe Joys of the US medical system
well, in the UK I paid 12% of my income to national insurance. Over here I pay almost nothing and my wife pays $350 a month. For that, we both get almost instantaneous access to some of the best hospitals, doctors, equiptment and treatment.

with the NHS, I got either a week to see a doctor who'd give me 5 minutes of his time, maximum. Or I could go to A+E and wait 4 hours. Either way I risked MRSA or C. Difficile because the cleaning was subcontracted out to the lowest bidder many years ago. And that cost 12% of my salary.

The US system is the better deal for me, personally. YMMV.
tom_gMaleUnited Kingdom2008-04-04 22:13:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2014

It is done. I'm a US Citizen. It feels awesome, I'm genuinely proud to be an American, and I'll apply my talents to this country as best I can



The ceremony was somewhat bizarre for my english eyes. It was at the paramount theatre in Oakland, I took the bart train up - left my car at the union city bart parking lot.
There was lots of clapping and speeches, three videos were shown - one of which was a younger-looking Barack Obama welcoming me personally. Then there was singing, more speeches, and more clapping. Flags were everywhere. We had to sing the Star Bangled Banner, which was a little awkward for 99% of us, the 1% carried it through nicely, though.  
They then called out all the countries from whence we came, and we stood up as ours were called. United Kingdom was almost at the end, just Uruguay and Zaire came after. ( I think, I don't remember exactly)
We all put our right hands in the air and said the Oath (at which point we magically transformed into citizens). Then the Pledge of Allegiance, then we clapped again and waved our flags. 
Three people in the row in front of me didn't stand up when their country was called out, and got in trouble for not being standing during the Oath of Allegiance. I'm not sure how they got through the mountains of paperwork and the interview if they didn't understand the instructions, but the officials let them become citizens anyway. 
There was 1004 of us from 93 countries at the ceremony. they gave us all a little flag and an envelope full of instructions on what to do next - passport, voter registration, social security etc. I could have done it all there and then, but 1003 other people were in the queues before me so I just headed back to the bart and went home. Its all doable fairly easily in my own time. 
Thank you Visa Journey - I got all the way through from a K1 Fiance Visa to US Citizenship purely by the resources and the helpfulness of the people on this site. 




USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox
VJ.UserName......|Eligible.|Sent..|Cashd.|NOA...|BioApp|InLine|IntLtr|IntVw.|Oath.....| Field Office

Engineer21.......|04/27/13.|02/24.|03/04.|03/04.|03/28.|04/01.|04/04.|05/13.|07/30/14.| Lawrence, MA
prinambiar.......|--/--/--.|03/02.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Baltimore, MD
PacienciayFe.....|10/13/13.|03/03.|03/13.|03/11.|04/10.|04/14.|07/03.|08/06.|--/--/--.| Queens, NY
Math Man.........|02/05/12.|03/03.|03/10.|03/07.|04/03.|04/07.|04/14.|05/21.|07/30/14.| Lawrence, MA
DanTes ..........|02/25/14.|03/03.|03/11.|03/10.|04/09.|04/28.|04/29.|06/02.|--/--/--.| New Orleans, LA
Coqueta..........|03/10/11.|03/03.|MOrdr.|03/06.|03/28.|04/01.|04/01.|05/06.|07/03/14.| Memphis, TN
HJP..............|12/17/12.|03/03.|03/11.|03/10.|04/04.|04/08.|05/05.|06/05.|07/31/14.| Jacksonville, FL
Sunshinepretty...|--/--/--.|03/03.|--/--.|03/12.|04/09.|04/11.|05/30.|07/01.|07/01/14.| Newark, NJ

Rip_curl.........|--/--/--.|03/04.|03/11.|03/12.|03/26.|05/02.|05/16.|06/21.|06/24/14.| Dallas, TX
Montblanc........|--/--/--.|03/04.|03/11.|03/10.|04/08.|04/10.|05/12.|06/17.|08/01/14.| Philadelphia, PA
*HappyInlove*....|09/20/10.|03/05.|MOrdr.|03/10.|04/07.|04/09.|04/28.|05/27.|08/08/14.| Memphis, TN
JVKn'CVO  .......|01/08/11.|03/07.|03/13.|03/10.|04/02.|--/--.|04/07.|05/15.|07/31/14.| San Antonio, TX
Ontarkieboy1.....|--/--/--.|03/08.|FeeWv.|03/19.|04/15.|04/17.|04/28.|05/29.|--/--/--.| Memphis, TN
Ontarkieboy2.....|--/--/--.|03/08.|FeeWv.|03/19.|04/15.|04/17.|04/28.|05/29.|--/--/--.| Memphis, TN
fumes............|--/--/--.|03/08.|FeeWv.|03/20.|04/17.|04/22.|05/02.|06/02.|07/03/14.| Memphis, TN

Tristanz.........|03/09/14.|03/09.|03/11.|03/11.|03/23.|05/06.|07/11.|08/12.|--/--/--.| Queens, NY 
chantal356.......|--/--/--.|03/10.|03/17.|03/14.|04/15.|04/17.|06/06.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Baltimore, MD
bloomfield.......|--/--/--.|03/10.|--/--.|--/--.|04/02.|05/08.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Atlanta, GA
Wise_Hawk........|--/--/--.|03/10.|--/--.|03/20.|04/14.|04/16.|07/11.|08/12.|--/--/--.| Queens, NY
ByrdNest.........|--/--/--.|03/12.|03/20.|03/20.|04/17.|04/21.|05/27.|07/01.|--/--/--.| Fairfax, VA
Bibi&Beebti......|01/01/14.|03/15.|03/27.|03/27.|05/06.|05/08.|06/22.|07/25.|--/--/--.| Washington, DC
starbeam.........|--/--/--.|03/15.|03/20.|03/20.|03/28.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Houston, TX
CatherineTheGreat|--/--/--.|03/17.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Louisville, KY
Felix01..........|01/06/14.|03/18.|03/27.|03/27.|04/28.|04/30.|06/03.|08/25.|--/--/--.| Hartford, CT
anjp.............|02/17/14.|03/18.|03/25.|03/28.|04/21.|04/22.|04/28.|06/09.|--/--/--.| San Antonio, TX
DeanRShortland...|03/13/14.|03/19.|04/01.|04/01.|04/29.|05/12.|05/23.|06/30.|07/25/14.| Memphis,TN
ninasan..........|03/08/13.|03/20.|03/27.|03/31.|04/22.|04/24.|06/07.|07/15.|--/--/--.| Tampa, FL
K96..............|09/--/11.|03/21.|03/26.|03/27.|04/30.|05/02.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| New York, NY
miggg............|03/22/14.|03/24.|04/01.|03/31.|04/24*|05/20.|06/17.|07/24.|--/--/--.| Washington, DC
rogue320.........|--/--/--.|03/24.|03/31.|--/--.|02/11.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Memphis, TN
yomi0518.........|02/13/11.|03/25.|MOrdr.|03/28.|04/29.|05/02.|06/13.|07/15.|--/--/--.| Oakland Park, FL
rosemont.........|--/--/--.|03/25.|03/28.|03/31.|04/30.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Baltimore, MD
bjrichus.........|--/--/--.|03/26.|03/27.|04/01.|04/21.|04/23.|07/12.|08/12.|--/--/--.| Dallas, TX
Darth Vader Kuu..|03/30/14.|03/29.|04/04.|03/31.|05/01.|05/29.|06/11.|07/17.|--/--/--.| Miami, FL

USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox
VJ.UserName......|Eligible.|Sent..|Cashd.|NOA...|BioApp|InLine|IntLtr|IntVw.|Oath.....| Field Office

Kristel..........|--/--/--.|02/26.|03/06.|03/05.|03/28.|04/01.|--/--.|05/23.|06/25/14.| Chula Vista, CA
ChristinePR......|--/--/--.|02/28.|03/06.|03/10.|03/20.|04/02.|04/14.|05/12.|--/--/--.| San Jose, CA
Suaya415.........|12/18/13.|03/01.|03/07.|03/10.|03/27.|04/04.|04/14.|05/14.|06/19/14.| San Jose, CA
bennobot.........|09/08/13.|03/01.|03/08.|03/03.|03/28.|04/01.|04/01.|05/09.|06/14/14.| St. Paul, MN
Need2know........|04/21/10.|03/03.|03/12.|03/12.|04/18.|04/18.|04/18.|05/19.|06/18/14.| St. Paul, MN

lilacvioletiris..|10/04/13.|03/03.|03/12.|03/11.|04/04.|04/08.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Detroit, MI
VP19.............|02/22/14.|03/03.|03/10.|03/07.|03/31.|04/22.|04/25.|06/02.|--/--/--.| St. Louis, MO
eca31............|--/--/--.|03/04.|--/--.|03/18.|04/11.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Cleveland, OH
Mistere..........|10/26/91.|03/05.|03/13.|03/12.|04/04.|04/25.|06/12.|07/18.|--/--/--.| San Bernardino, CA
Ju&Ja............|--/--/--.|03/05.|--/--.|03/12.|04/22.|04/24.|05/19.|06/20.|--/--/--.| Oxnard, CA
tom_g............|--/--/--.|03/06.|03/14.|03/11.|04/02.|04/04.|05/10.|06/10.|07/16/14.| Oakland, CA
Abby62...........|--/--/--.|03/07.|03/11.|03/14.|04/01.|04/03.|04/12.|05/12.|06/12/14.| Indianapolis, IN
b_fowler.........|05/03/12.|03/07.|03/26.|03/21.|04/14.|04/23.|04/26.|06/05.|07/10/14.| Kansas City, MO
Np19.............|--/--/--.|03/07.|03/13.|03/11.|04/03.|04/07.|05/12.|--/--.|--/--/--.| St. Louis, 
mrs_jaz_h........|11/10/11.|03/11.|--/--.|03/14.|04/08.|04/10.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Detroit, MI
lori7734.........|--/--/--.|03/12.|--/--.|03/19.|04/09.|--/--.|--/--.|06/03.|06/19/14.| Milwaukee, WI
KirstyVQT........|--/--/--.|03/13.|--/--.|03/20.|04/10.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Portland, OR
aneczka..........|12/12/06.|03/14.|03/25.|03/20.|04/02.|04/07.|05/30.|07/01.|07/07/14.| Detroit, MI
BalooSL..........|09/15/13.|03/15.|03/25.|03/21.|04/11.|04/15.|05/08.|06/17.|07/30/14.| San Francisco, CA
yjia0319.........|03/12/14.|03/17.|03/21.|03/26.|04/14.|05/12.|05/12.|06/17.|07/16/14.| Columbus, OH
Chris&Angela.....|03/17/14.|03/19.|03/26.|03/24.|04/14.|05/15.|--/--.|07/02.|07/16/14.| Sacramento, CA
Christi85........|03/09/14.|03/19.|03/27.|03/24.|04/21.|05/07.|06/24.|07/28.|--/--/--.| Chatsworth, CA
Sraj49...........|08/04/13.|03/19.|03/27.|03/31.|04/09.|04/11.|05/30.|07/02.|07/16/14.| Sacramento, CA
ez2007...........|10/29/11.|03/21.|03/26.|03/27.|04/22.|04/24.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Seattle, WA
Newoption........|04/04/09.|03/24.|04/01.|04/01.|04/28.|04/30.|07/09.|08/12.|--/--/--.| San Bernardino, CA
missicy..........|03/21/14.|03/24.|04/02.|03/31.|04/21.|05/20.|07/05.|08/04.|--/--/--.| Chatsworth, CA
shikha_and_howard|03/23/14.|03/24.|04/01.|03/28.|04/18.|05/20.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Phoenix, AZ
KyG..............|04/27/12.|03/24.|04/02.|04/01.|04/21.|04/23.|05/13.|06/17.|07/22/14.| San Jose, CA
AKKWM............|01/03/14.|03/24.|04/02.|03/31.|04/22.|04/24.|05/02.|06/11.|--/--/--.| Las Vegas, NV
can702...........|12/18/13.|03/26.|04/02.|04/07.|04/22.|04/24.|05/08.|06/11.|--/--/--.| Las Vegas, NV
Myles2986........|03/25/14.|03/27.|04/02.|04/01.|04/18.|05/23.|06/03.|07/07.|08/04/14.| Saint Paul, MN




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tom_gMaleUnited Kingdom2014-07-16 14:38:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2014

Oath Ceremony Date letter received, 16th July at 9.15 in Oakland


Time to break out the suit, since i'm not allowed to wear shorts!



N-400: March 2014 Applicants
USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox
VJ.UserName......|Eligible.|Sent..|Cashd.|NOA...|BioApp|InLine|IntLtr|IntVw.|Oath.....| Field Office

Engineer21.......|04/27/13.|02/24.|03/04.|03/04.|03/28.|04/01.|04/04.|05/13.|--/--/--.| Lawrence, MA
prinambiar.......|--/--/--.|03/02.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Baltimore, MD
PacienciayFe.....|10/13/13.|03/03.|03/13.|03/11.|04/10.|04/14.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Queens, NY
Math Man.........|02/05/12.|03/03.|03/10.|03/07.|04/03.|04/07.|04/14.|05/21.|--/--/--.| Lawrence, MA
DanTes ..........|02/25/14.|03/03.|03/11.|03/10.|04/09.|04/28.|04/29.|06/02.|--/--/--.| New Orleans, LA
Coqueta..........|03/10/11.|03/03.|MOrdr.|03/06.|03/28.|04/01.|04/01.|05/06.|07/03/14.| Memphis, TN
HJP..............|12/17/12.|03/03.|03/11.|03/10.|04/04.|04/08.|05/05.|06/05.|--/--/--.| Jacksonville, FL
Sunshinepretty...|--/--/--.|03/03.|--/--.|03/12.|04/09.|04/11.|05/30.|07/01.|--/--/--.| Newark, NJ
Montblanc........|--/--/--.|03/04.|03/11.|03/10.|04/08.|04/10.|05/12.|06/17.|--/--/--.| Philadelphia, PA
*HappyInlove*....|11/20/10.|03/05.|MOrdr.|03/10.|04/07.|04/09.|04/28.|05/27.|--/--/--.| Memphis, TN
JVKn'CVO  .......|01/08/11.|03/07.|03/13.|03/10.|04/02.|--/--.|04/07.|05/15.|--/--/--.| San Antonio, TX
Ontarkieboy1.....|--/--/--.|03/08.|FeeWv.|03/19.|04/15.|04/17.|04/28.|05/29.|--/--/--.| Memphis, TN
Ontarkieboy2.....|--/--/--.|03/08.|FeeWv.|03/19.|04/15.|04/17.|04/28.|05/29.|--/--/--.| Memphis, TN
fumes............|--/--/--.|03/08.|FeeWv.|03/20.|04/17.|04/22.|05/02.|06/02.|07/03/14.| Memphis, TN
chantal356.......|--/--/--.|03/10.|03/17.|03/14.|04/15.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Baltimore, MD
bloomfield.......|--/--/--.|03/10.|--/--.|--/--.|04/02.|05/08.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Atlanta, GA
Wise_Hawk........|--/--/--.|03/10.|--/--.|03/20.|04/14.|04/16.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Queens, NY
ByrdNest.........|--/--/--.|03/12.|03/20.|03/20.|04/17.|04/21.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Fairfax, VA
Bibi&Beebti......|01/01/14.|03/15.|03/27.|03/27.|05/06.|05/08.|06/22.|07/25.|--/--/--.| Washington, DC
starbeam.........|--/--/--.|03/15.|03/20.|03/20.|03/28.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Houston, TX
CatherineTheGreat|--/--/--.|03/17.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Louisville, KY
Felix01..........|--/--/--.|03/18.|03/27.|03/27.|04/28.|04/30.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Hartford, CT
anjp.............|02/17/14.|03/18.|03/25.|03/28.|04/21.|04/22.|04/28.|06/09.|--/--/--.| San Antonio, TX
DeanRShortland...|03/13/14.|03/19.|04/01.|04/01.|04/29.|05/12.|05/23.|06/30.|--/--/--.| Memphis,TN
ninasan..........|03/08/13.|03/20.|03/27.|03/31.|04/22.|04/24.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Tampa, FL
K96..............|09/--/11.|03/21.|03/26.|03/27.|04/30.|05/02.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| New York, NY
miggg............|03/22/14.|03/24.|04/01.|03/31.|04/24*|05/20.|06/17.|07/24.|--/--/--.| Washington, DC
rogue320.........|--/--/--.|03/24.|03/31.|--/--.|02/11.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Memphis, TN
yomi0518.........|02/13/11.|03/25.|MOrdr.|03/28.|04/29.|05/02.|06/13.|07/15.|--/--/--.| Oakland Park, FL
rosemont.........|--/--/--.|03/25.|03/28.|03/31.|04/30.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Baltimore, MD
bjrichus.........|--/--/--.|03/26.|03/27.|04/01.|04/21.|04/23.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Dallas, TX
Darth Vader Ku...|03/30/14.|03/29.|04/04.|03/31.|05/01.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Miami, FL

--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Long Island City, NY 

USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox
VJ.UserName......|Eligible.|Sent..|Cashd.|NOA...|BioApp|InLine|IntLtr|IntVw.|Oath.....| Field Office

Kristel..........|--/--/--.|02/26.|03/06.|03/05.|03/28.|04/01.|--/--.|05/23.|--/--/--.| Chula Vista, CA
ChristinePR......|--/--/--.|02/28.|03/06.|03/10.|03/20.|04/02.|04/14.|05/12.|--/--/--.| San Jose, CA
Suaya415.........|12/18/13.|03/01.|03/07.|03/10.|03/27.|04/04.|04/14.|05/14.|06/19/14.| San Jose, CA
bennobot.........|09/08/13.|03/01.|03/08.|03/03.|03/28.|04/01.|04/01.|05/09.|06/14/14.| St. Paul, MN

Need2know........|04/21/10.|03/03.|03/12.|03/12.|04/18.|04/18.|04/18.|05/19.|06/18/14.| St. Paul, MN
lilacvioletiris..|10/04/13.|03/03.|03/12.|03/11.|04/04.|04/08.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Detroit, MI
VP19.............|02/22/14.|03/03.|03/10.|03/07.|03/31.|04/22.|04/25.|06/02.|--/--/--.| St. Louis, MO
eca31............|--/--/--.|03/04.|--/--.|03/18.|04/11.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Cleveland, OH
Mistere..........|10/26/91.|03/05.|03/13.|03/12.|04/04.|04/25.|06/12.|07/18.|--/--/--.| San Bernardino, CA
Ju&Ja............|--/--/--.|03/05.|--/--.|03/12.|04/22.|04/24.|05/19.|06/20.|--/--/--.| Oxnard, CA
tom_g............|--/--/--.|03/06.|03/14.|03/11.|04/02.|04/04.|05/10.|06/10.|07/16/14.| Oakland, CA
b_fowler.........|05/03/12.|03/07.|03/26.|03/21.|04/14.|04/23.|04/26.|06/05.|07/10/14.| Kansas City, MO
Np19.............|--/--/--.|03/07.|03/13.|03/11.|04/03.|04/07.|05/12.|--/--.|--/--/--.| St. Louis, 
mrs_jaz_h........|11/10/11.|03/11.|--/--.|03/14.|04/08.|04/10.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Detroit, MI
KirstyVQT........|--/--/--.|03/13.|--/--.|03/20.|04/10.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Portland, OR
aneczka..........|12/12/06.|03/14.|03/25.|03/20.|04/02.|04/07.|05/30.|07/01.|--/--/--.| Detroit, MI
BalooSL..........|09/15/13.|03/15.|03/25.|03/21.|04/11.|04/15.|05/08.|06/17.|--/--/--.| San Francisco, CA
yjia0319.........|03/12/14.|03/17.|03/21.|03/26.|04/14.|05/12.|05/12.|06/17.|--/--/--.| Columbus, OH
Chris&Angela.....|03/17/14.|03/19.|03/26.|03/24.|04/14.|05/15.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Sacramento, CA
Christi85........|03/09/14.|03/19.|03/27.|03/24.|04/21.|05/07.|06/23.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Chatsworth, CA
Sraj49...........|08/04/13.|03/19.|03/27.|03/31.|04/09.|04/11.|05/30.|07/02.|--/--/--.| Sacramento, CA
ez2007...........|10/29/11.|03/21.|03/26.|03/27.|04/22.|04/24.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Seattle, WA
Newoption........|04/04/09.|03/24.|04/01.|04/01.|04/28.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| San Bernardino, CA
missicy..........|03/21/14.|03/24.|04/02.|03/31.|04/21.|05/20.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Chatsworth, CA
shikha_and_howard|03/23/14.|03/24.|04/01.|03/28.|04/18.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Phoenix, AZ
KyG..............|04/27/12.|03/24.|04/02.|04/01.|04/21.|04/23.|05/13.|06/17.|--/--/--.| San Jose, CA
AKKWM............|01/03/14.|03/24.|04/02.|03/31.|04/22.|04/24.|05/02.|06/11.|--/--/--.| Las Vegas, NV
can702...........|12/18/13.|03/26.|04/02.|04/07.|04/22.|04/24.|05/08.|06/11.|--/--/--.| Las Vegas, NV
Myles2986........|03/25/14.|03/27.|04/02.|04/01.|04/18.|05/23.|06/03.|07/07.|--/--/--.| Saint Paul, MN



tom_gMaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-25 19:32:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2014

Interview over successfully!


The bus, a train, wandering round san francisco (i always get everywhere early). Then a few minutes waiting.. and a full 15 minutes early i get called in. She asks for my drivers license, my passport and my greencard. Checks them over and hands them back.


A lot of paper shuffling - a thick 3 inch folder of all my paperwork from K1 onwards - lots of saying "yes thats correct", then an awful lot of saying no ... no ... no ... no ...


Then suddenly with no warning she's asking me what an amendment is... a moment of confusion then i realized this is the test - A change to the constitution, the flag, the president, the constitution, two more easy questions.. then I had to read 5 words and write 8 words.. and I get congratulated. 


All over in 15 minutes. In 30-60 days i'll get a letter about the Oath ceremony in Oakland, and that'll be the end of the journey.




tom_gMaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-10 17:46:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2014

You're creating way too much drama for no reason. New York is slow in general and they have not made an exception for you and put you ahead of anyone for whatever reason. If you check your status, which you do, you will see this message: "When scheduling is complete, you will receive a notice with a time and place for your interview. If you have not received the notice within 90 days of the date above, please call customer service at 1-800-375-5283 for further assistance."

Now, which part exactly did you not get ??

And the word is s-c-h-e-d-u-l-e. You might wanna learn how to spell things because there is a written test too.

Relax and be patient. Good night.




tom_gMaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-03 11:28:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2014

Interview letter received. Anxiety commencing. 


The interview letter has a list of documents to bring. It took me a while to realize that its a fairly generic letter, not everyone has to bring every document listed. Last night had a dream about not having documentation for selective service, and being forced to join the army right there in the interview  :(






N-400: March 2014 Applicants
USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox
VJ.UserName......|Eligible.|Sent..|Cashd.|NOA...|BioApp|InLine|IntLtr|IntVw.|Oath.....| Field Office

Engineer21.......|04/27/13.|02/24.|03/04.|03/04.|03/28.|04/01.|04/04.|05/13.|--/--/--.| Lawrence, MA
prinambiar.......|--/--/--.|03/02.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Baltimore, MD
PacienciayFe.....|10/13/13.|03/03.|03/13.|03/11.|04/10.|04/14.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Queens, NY
Math Man.........|02/05/12.|03/03.|03/10.|03/07.|04/03.|04/07.|04/14.|05/21.|--/--/--.| Lawrence, MA
DanTes ..........|02/25/14.|03/03.|03/11.|03/10.|04/09.|04/28.|04/29.|06/02.|--/--/--.| New Orleans, LA
Coqueta..........|03/10/11.|03/03.|MOrdr.|03/06.|03/28.|04/01.|04/01.|05/06.|--/--/--.| Memphis, TN
HJP..............|12/17/12.|03/03.|03/11.|03/10.|04/04.|04/08.|05/05.|06/05.|--/--/--.| Jacksonville, FL
Sunshinepretty...|--/--/--.|03/03.|--/--.|03/12.|04/09.|04/11.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Newark, NJ
Montblanc........|--/--/--.|03/04.|03/11.|03/10.|04/08.|04/10.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Philadelphia, PA
*HappyInlove*....|11/20/10.|03/05.|MOrdr.|03/10.|04/07.|04/09.|04/28.|05/27.|--/--/--.| Memphis, TN
JVKn'CVO  .......|01/08/11.|03/07.|03/13.|03/10.|04/02.|--/--.|04/07.|05/15.|--/--/--.| San Antonio, TX
Ontarkieboy1.....|--/--/--.|03/08.|FeeWv.|03/19.|04/15.|04/17.|04/28.|05/29.|--/--/--.| Memphis, TN

04/28.|05/29.|--/--/--.| Memphis, TN
fumes............|--/--/--.|03/08.|FeeWv.|03/20.|04/17.|04/22.|05/02.|06/02.|--/--/--.| Memphis, TN
chantal356.......|--/--/--.|03/10.|03/17.|03/14.|04/15.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Baltimore, MD
bloomfield.......|--/--/--.|03/10.|--/--.|--/--.|04/02.|05/08.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Atlanta, GA

Wise_Hawk........|--/--/--.|03/10.|--/--.|03/20.|04/14.|04/16.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Queens, NY
ByrdNest.........|--/--/--.|03/12.|03/20.|03/20.|04/17.|04/21.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Fairfax, VA
Bibi&Beebti......|01/01/14.|03/15.|03/27.|03/27.|05/06.|05/08.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Washington, DC
starbeam.........|--/--/--.|03/15.|03/20.|03/20.|03/28.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Houston, TX
CatherineTheGreat|--/--/--.|03/17.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Louisville, KY
anjp.............|02/17/14.|03/18.|03/25.|03/28.|04/21.|04/22.|04/28.|06/09.|--/--/--.| San Antonio, TX

DeanRShortland...|03/13/14.|03/19.|04/01.|04/01.|04/29.|--/--.|--/--/|--/--.|--/--/--.| Memphis
ninasan..........|03/08/13.|03/20.|03/27.|03/31.|04/22.|04/24.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Tampa, FL
K96..............|09/--/11.|03/21.|03/26.|03/27.|04/30.|05/02.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| New York, NY
miggg............|03/22/14.|03/24.|04/01.|03/31.|04/24*|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Washington, DC
rogue320.........|--/--/--.|03/24.|03/31.|--/--.|02/11.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Memphis, TN
yomi0518.........|02/13/11.|03/25.|MOrdr.|03/28.|04/29.|05/02.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Oakland Park, FL
rosemont.........|--/--/--.|03/25.|03/28.|03/31.|04/30.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Baltimore, MD
bjrichus.........|--/--/--.|03/26.|03/27.|04/01.|04/21.|04/23.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Dallas, TX
Darth Vader Ku...|03/30/14.|03/29.|04/04.|03/31.|05/01.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Miami, FL

USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox
VJ.UserName......|Eligible.|Sent..|Cashd.|NOA...|BioApp|InLine|IntLtr|IntVw.|Oath.....| Field Office

Kristel..........|--/--/--.|02/26.|03/06.|03/05.|03/28.|04/01.|--/--.|05/23.|--/--/--.| Chula Vista, CA
ChristinePR......|--/--/--.|02/28.|03/06.|03/10.|03/20.|04/02.|04/14.|05/12.|--/--/--.| San Jose, CA
Suaya415.........|12/18/13.|03/01.|03/07.|03/10.|03/27.|04/04.|04/14.|05/14.|--/--/--.| San Jose, CA
bennobot.........|09/08/13.|03/01.|03/08.|03/03.|03/28.|04/01.|04/01.|05/09.|--/--/--.| St. Paul, MN
Need2know........|--/--/--.|03/03.|--/--.|03/12.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| St. Paul, MN
lilacvioletiris..|10/04/13.|03/03.|03/12.|03/11.|04/04.|04/08.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Detroit, MI
VP19.............|02/22/14.|03/03.|03/10.|03/07.|03/31.|04/22.|04/25.|06/02.|--/--/--.| St. Louis, MO
eca31............|--/--/--.|03/04.|--/--.|03/18.|04/11.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Cleveland, OH
Mistere..........|10/26/91.|03/05.|03/13.|03/12.|04/04.|04/25.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| San Bernardino, CA
Ju&Ja............|--/--/--.|03/05.|--/--.|03/12.|04/22.|04/24.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| , CA
tom_g............|--/--/--.|03/06.|03/14.|03/11.|04/02.|04/04.|05/10.|06/10.|--/--/--.| San Francisco, CA
b_fowler.........|05/03/12.|03/07.|03/26.|03/21.|04/14.|04/23.|04/26.|06/05.|--/--/--.| Kansas City, MO
Np19.............|--/--/--.|03/07.|03/13.|03/11.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| St. Louis, MO
mrs_jaz_h........|11/10/11.|03/11.|--/--.|03/14.|04/08.|04/10.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Detroit, MI
KirstyVQT........|--/--/--.|03/13.|--/--.|03/20.|04/10.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Portland, OR
aneczka..........|12/12/06.|03/14.|03/25.|03/20.|04/02.|04/07.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Detroit, MI
BalooSL..........|09/15/13.|03/15.|03/25.|03/21.|04/11.|04/15.|05/08.|--/--.|--/--/--.| San Francisco, CA
yjia0319.........|03/12/14.|03/17.|03/21.|03/26.|04/14.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Columbus, OH
Chris&Angela.....|--/--/--.|03/19.|03/26.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Sacramento, CA
Christi85........|03/09/14.|03/19.|03/27.|03/24.|04/21.|05/07.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Chatsworth, CA
Sraj49...........|08/04/13.|03/19.|03/27.|03/31.|04/09.|04/11.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Sacramento, CA
ez2007...........|10/29/11.|03/21.|03/26.|03/27.|04/22.|04/24.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Seattle, WA
Newoption........|04/04/09.|03/24.|04/01.|04/01.|04/28.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| San Bernardino, CA
missicy..........|03/21/14.|03/24.|04/02.|03/31.|04/21.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Chatsworth, CA
shikha_and_howard|03/23/14.|03/24.|04/01.|03/28.|04/18.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Phoenix, AZ
KyG..............|04/27/12.|03/24.|04/02.|04/01.|04/21.|04/23.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| San Jose, CA
AKKWM............|01/03/14.|03/24.|04/02.|03/31.|04/22.|04/24.|05/02.|06/11.|--/--/--.| Las Vegas, NV
can702...........|12/18/13.|03/26.|04/02.|04/07.|04/22.|04/24.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Las Vegas, NV
Myles2986........|03/25/14.|03/27.|04/02.|04/01.|04/18.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Saint Paul, MN
USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox (Filing Under 319b, 328, or 329 of the INA)
VJ.UserName......|Eligible.|Sent..|Cashd.|NOA...|BioApp|InLine|IntLtr|IntVw.|Oath.....| Field Office

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tom_gMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-12 11:06:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2014

My status updated to scheduled on the 1st May, and I've not yet received the interview letter as of 8th May. 


Getting nervous..

tom_gMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-08 10:35:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2014

When did u apply ffor n400 and when u had your finger prints ? Well I had my fingerprints on 14 april and case update on 16 april I am in line for interview secduall well jow longe u take time for that ?

I am waiting 2 weeks up now and no letter or text come pls update me

And congrats for the update for u and wish u all the best


Fingerprints 2nd April, inline since 4th April, update received 1st May. 

tom_gMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-02 13:04:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2014

Got two text messages yesterday with updates, I'm now scheduled for interview. Just got to wait for the letter. 



tom_gMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-02 10:16:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2014

I got my yellow letter about 2 weeks after I got my interview letter in the mail. 


I have not received any notices about the interview, i've been inline for about 24 days. My case status has not changed since the 4th, even though i got the yellow letter. 


I'm just waiting patiently, it'll all happen when it happens. 

tom_gMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-28 11:23:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2014

Yellow letter received


I need to bring my driver's license or state-issued ID to the interview.

tom_gMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-28 09:30:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)still stuck at NVC
QUOTE (uscandual @ Apr 19 2009, 01:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tÖm©êm @ Apr 19 2009, 02:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mikef @ Apr 17 2009, 10:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
called today, NVC says still in Additional processing stage. 23 days already, too frustrating

you're not alone 'mikef', me and my fiance now very depressed after we knew that its still on AP(Additional Process) let's pray it will get out from NVC soon.

As suggested you really should check out the 'official' stuck AP@NVC thread... http://www.visajourn...howtopic=165644
there are a lot of people who are (or were) in this situation, and you can keep tabs on it by staying in touch with the "support group". You can also follow the link in my signature to see where you stand .. it's sort of like Igor's List for the AP@NVC situation. Both mikef and tÖm©êm are on the list at this point....

Good luck!

Free at last, Free at last, thank God almighty I am Free at last

39 days @ NVC but called tonight and they said Package sent today to BKK good.gif good.gif rofl.gif ohmy.gif

Wow I feel great relief, one more hurdle……

girarmMaleThailand2009-04-20 23:49:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)still stuck at NVC
QUOTE (Ellie-and-David @ Apr 20 2009, 07:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes! Come over to the darkside.

We are all on AP over there, complaining about our petitions being held hostage.

38 days so far for me. Only another 12 or so to go smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

Please follow uscanduals advice and come over and say hi on the above linked thread. We are a very supportive bunch and understand exactly how frustrated you are.

39 days at NVC for AP…. And counting the other thread is great and the link to that spread sheet gave me hope… Everyone should visit that Stuck @ NVC thread and the attached spread sheet…
girarmMaleThailand2009-04-20 14:09:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)still stuck at NVC
QUOTE (mikef @ Apr 17 2009, 07:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
called today, NVC says still in Additional processing stage. 23 days already, too frustrating

Called yesterday still in AP or AR whatever (HELL) 36 days tired and worn out crying.gif
girarmMaleThailand2009-04-18 15:58:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)still stuck at NVC
QUOTE (Y's_habibitk @ Apr 15 2009, 01:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (girarm @ Apr 15 2009, 01:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Same boat for me NVC got my file on March 13th after a March 10th 2nd NOA.... I called yesterday for the Case Number and was told I am in Admin Review.... the very nice lady told me to call back next week and I could find out when it would be forwarded to BKK....
Very Depressing after a 70 day NOA 1 to NOA 2.....

At least it wasnt 254 days waiting for noa2. blush.gif

Now you know where to find a supportive group of folks on the other thread

Hopefully you guys will get released sooner than the 50 (+/- a day) biggrin.gif

Thank God, you are passed that. 254 days that must have been very hard for you.... So I will not complain to much.....
girarmMaleThailand2009-04-16 12:49:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)still stuck at NVC
Same boat for me NVC got my file on March 13th after a March 10th 2nd NOA.... I called yesterday for the Case Number and was told I am in Admin Review.... the very nice lady told me to call back next week and I could find out when it would be forwarded to BKK....
Very Depressing after a 70 day NOA 1 to NOA 2.....
girarmMaleThailand2009-04-15 12:31:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP
QUOTE (uscandual @ Apr 21 2009, 06:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (girarm @ Apr 20 2009, 11:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Free at last, Free at last, thank God almighty I am Free at last

39 days @ NVC but called tonight and they said Package sent today to BKK

Wow I feel great relief, one more hurdle……
I really want to thank you all for the kind words of encouragement that were offered, reading your stories and getting your support was a great help... THANK YOU

Congrats!!! Glad you got out of NVC... good luck with the rest of your journey good.gif

BTW - you may want to check out these other VJ threads-
Sawasdee3 (issues related to K1 filings for Thailand petitioners/beneficiaries): http://www.visajourn...howtopic=175951
Thailand thread (discussion of all things Thailand-related): http://www.visajourn...howtopic=191584

kicking.gif smile.gif Thank you I will check those thread out for sure, I plan on being an information sharing member of this form, hopefully to help those who folow in our footsteps.... kicking.gif

girarmMaleThailand2009-04-21 11:16:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP
Free at last, Free at last, thank God almighty I am Free at last

39 days @ NVC but called tonight and they said Package sent today to BKK

Wow I feel great relief, one more hurdle……
I really want to thank you all for the kind words of encouragement that were offered, reading your stories and getting your support was a great help... THANK YOU

girarmMaleThailand2009-04-20 23:58:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)STUCK @ NVC for AP
crying.gif crying.gif Well misery loves company so I thought I should add my 2 cents to this form… 39 days at NVC for AP…. See I feel better already (not really)
I have read all 102 pages and could really feel every ones pain, I hope we all break free soon…. Till then good luck to all, and to me also as I need it
mad.gif blush.gif crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif
girarmMaleThailand2009-04-20 14:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMy interview experience and observations
QUOTE (ao_cons @ Jun 4 2009, 08:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We got my visa without any problems. Now I'll post my interview experience and observations for others here as well.

Our interview hour was scheduled for 7:30am. We arrived about 30 minutes earlier than that. They wouldn't let my husband in but after explaining he had another purpose at the Embassy, they let us both in. Security will ask if you have a mobile phone and if so, you'll have to check that in . After that, it was straight to the Consulate area. There are signs telling you where immigrant and non-immigrant visa apps go. The interview area itself is a room with half a dozen booths in it. The windows are numbered, so you just go to your window number. During the pre-screening, they took my medical report and verified if I'd sent everything to the NVC (we did). There weren't many of us when I came in.

I waited about 45 minutes more. Several times they told my husband (who was in another area) to leave. That upset him because he wasn't even sitting beside me. He went outside of the sitting area and it looked like he was going outside. I was okay. I was more bored and tired than nervous. About 10 minutes later, I was the first to be called to the interview window. I wasn't asked a lot of questions. They didn't even ask me for proofs of relationship. I got fingerprinted and I signed the DS-230 II and then she told me when to pick up my visa. I went out and my husband was waiting outside. Turned out he'd demanded to speak with a supervisor and told them they'd better try to nuke the place to get him to leave. I guess they just wanted to get rid of him. smile.gif We were done by 8:30am.

Next day, I got a call from a Thai gentleman from the Embassy and was told my visa was ready. We arrived on time. The security wouldn't let me in since the date on my pickup card was different and my name wasn't on their list that day. But I told them someone from the Embassy had called me and if my visa wasn't ready, then someone had to explain that to me. In the Consular Services area, I just handed in my card to someone in the booth. About 30 minutes later, the Thai man who'd called me was handing out the passports and paperwork. He explained he'd wanted me to come earlier in case I wanted my married name on the visa, instead of maiden name. But he assured me it won't be a problem and if I wanted my married surname added, I can contact the immigration officer in my district when in the US. He also gave us the sealed envelope and instructions for my SSN and removal of conditional status. He was very nice and courteous.

I got to chat with a couple of girls there too on our second visit. They were interviewed for about 10 minutes each. The questions weren't difficult, like "What does your husband do for a living?" or "Where did you get married?" So even if you get a longer interview, don't worry because it's not going to be tricky.

As for the guy who's supposed to be scary and unpredictable. I saw only one man and one woman in the immigrant visa windows. I didn't think either was particularly sly or offensive. These folks just want to get the job done and they aren't looking for a long story from you. In fact, it all feels very "routine." Just answer simply, and don't be nervous. It'll be OK!

My advice? Just get your SO with you if possible. Be firm when dealing with the Embassy personnel. Don't disrespect anyone, but don't let them disrespect you either. Even if you can't get to stay together for the interview (which is really simple), you can still make an impact on these people by acting like a "real" couple.


good.gif good.gif Wow, Good News.... Thank you so much for sharing this, it is so good to hear that things are not so bad now.... I was very worried about the interview process, but really feel much better about everything. Again, thank you very much for sharing this with us. kicking.gif kicking.gif wow.gif biggrin.gif

girarmMaleThailand2009-06-05 12:31:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)US Consulate in Mumbai
Just called NVC, got a date of 30th Oct! yay! my case complete date is 23rd Aug BTW... and no email yet.

good luck to everyone!
:dance: :dance: :dance:
pratikfMaleIndia2012-09-14 18:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMumbai Consulate question
Thanks for the response. I have another question:

At some point we have to submit original documents - original birth certificate, original marriage certificate, etc. Where do these have to be submitted? To NVC along with DS-230? or later to Mumbai Consulate / VFS once interview is scheduled? We have only one set of originals, so want to be sure about where to submit them, and if we need to obtain 'certified copies'. Thanks again!
pratikfMaleIndia2012-04-08 15:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMumbai Consulate question

I have a filed I-130 for my wife, and I have a confusion regarding how post-NOA2 things work with respect to Mumbai consulate.

The USCIS/NVC websites (and a lot of posts in this forum) tell me that we can choose an agent via DS-3032, and then it is the NVC that sends the agent Packet 3, and it must be sent back to NVC.

However on Mumbai consulate's website, it states that they send Packet 3, and that DS-230 should be sent back to Mumbai consulate:

Can someone please clarify? The reason I'm asking is because if the forms are supposed to be sent to Mumbai consulate, then it doesn't make any sense to appoint me i.e. the USC as the agent.

pratikfMaleIndia2012-04-01 02:27:00
IMBRA Special TopicsGetting certified police records

So as part of our I-129F petition, my fiancee needs to obtain certified police records about 3 DUIs.

She rang the local police records division and was told she'd need to get a subpoena from her lawyer

This seems a bit overkill, doesn't it? has anyone else had to do this? any idea how much its going to cost?

We have already applied for certified court records showing the dispositions, would they be enough?

I just did this. I had 3 dwai`s a lesser charge doesn`t change anything for your fiancee. She must go to the courthouse whenever it is in session or get a hold of the court clerk. She needs a CERTIFIED CERTIFICATE OF DISPOSITION. Basically says she was charged with xyz paid fines, and papers have an official stamp, or seal. It is not a big deal to get. Go to courts do not do anything with police agencies. If she does not remember the town where it happened check with motor vehicle department. Some of the towns destroy records after 10 years , and this happened to me, but they can write up something for you.
Just got approved for a k-1 through vermont in 22 days so I believe this is an issue blown out of proportion a bit. It costs nothing!!

you beauty!! :) thanks for that, I was getting nervous...

we were ready to file with just the certified court records, showing disposition, but we were getting the police reports ready just in case. You've eased my mind :)
tom_gMaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-26 17:45:00
IMBRA Special TopicsGetting certified police records
So as part of our I-129F petition, my fiancee needs to obtain certified police records about 3 DUIs.

She rang the local police records division and was told she'd need to get a subpoena from her lawyer

This seems a bit overkill, doesn't it? has anyone else had to do this? any idea how much its going to cost?

We have already applied for certified court records showing the dispositions, would they be enough?
tom_gMaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-23 17:11:00
United KingdomOk, tell me if I'm missing something blindingly obvious with this idea (AKA plan 245)....
woo, you're from leicester, me too :)

Are you the beneficiary in all this? And your man is the petitioner? The way I understand it, the petitioner has to have the bank statements, the job and the money, as he will be supporting you. Can anyone clarify this? I'm going to be in kind of the same position, I (the beneficiary) will be earning decent money but my fiancee (the petitioner) probably won't be
tom_gMaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-18 13:56:00
United KingdomMay K1 filing from posting packet 3 to getting packet 4
Cool, I'll give them a call tonight!

thanks for that smile.gif
tom_gMaleUnited Kingdom2007-12-04 08:45:00