Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Türk Kahvesi *Turkish Coffee* Cafe*

I have a question and maybe some of you fellow Ameriturks can answer: Why Don't they use Clothes Dryers in Turkey like we do in the USA? I see them very seldom like in a Laundry in a Village but for the Norm... they just don't exist and at first I was going nuts :crying: and then I took up drying the clothes the Turkish way which isn't so bad, unless it rains for 40 days and 40 nights! :help:

OMG that is too funny I have been wondering the same thing. Especially in winter, drying clothes outside or on the roof just does not cut the mustard. AT ALL! I don't know maybe we are just spoiled but when I moved out here, I left my washer and dryer at home so my mother would have a set and OMG within 2 days I was over at Home Depot purchsing new ones. Landry mats SUCK and I just could not live without my dryer and washer for that matter.
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-02-02 13:23:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Türk Kahvesi *Turkish Coffee* Cafe*

Hey all you Ameriturks....

Are we all asleep lately, or just buzy little bees? Any news or updates from anyone regarding their process or anything else for that matter....

Lets see so what is everyone doing this fine January weekend....
It rained here in Bodrum last night like I have never seen... :hehe: and the lightening it was electrifying.......:wacko: Anyway, all kidding aside

Drop by and say Hi and let us know that you are still amongst the living...

I know that we all talked about Ayran and how we either really liked it or really disliked it. The other day while shopping at Metro, We found Ayran flavored with a hint of Mint and Man is it good and very refreshing! :wow:


Hi there,

Just saw your post. I have been a busy bee, been in the hospital 2x this month now, and been to Turkey and back. So, anyway, while I was there, I tried Ayran and loved it. I think it is super yummy but the idea of the mint sounds wonderful. Going to try that for sure. How are you doing? Anything new going on with you?

KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-01-31 14:20:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Türk Kahvesi *Turkish Coffee* Cafe*
Question for any of you who might be able to help (KELLY/ASHLEY):

I am currently going through the I-129F process with my fiance and I have a question that we have been unable to find the answer to. My fiance is currently a student so he has not served in the Turkish military. Is it possible for him to still be approved to get a K-1 Visa to come here eventhough he has not served in the military? Does anyone know the stipulations around this? If he is able to come without serving in the military will there be any restrictions that could be imposed upon him? I.E if he was approved for the visa to come here, could they hold him if he returned home later on and require him to pay monies to the Turkish government in lieu of serving, or could they hold him there and refuse him the right to return home until he serves?

Any information anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated.

KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-01-09 00:51:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Türk Kahvesi *Turkish Coffee* Cafe*
I just wanted to say merhaba to everyone and wish everyone a fantastic 2011! I hope everyone is doing well!

KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-01-03 06:34:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Türk Kahvesi *Turkish Coffee* Cafe*



Hey there, sorry you are having a pissy day today but I totally understand. But, I hope you can turn your focus into packing and getting ready for your trip and enjoying your time with your husband. That is what is important right now, and yes while waiting on USCIS is frustrating and a total pain in the ####, just stay positive and hopefully you will have some information when you get home.

So when do you leave for your trip? You must be so freaking excited! Please have a wonderful time and safe travels!
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2010-12-24 13:47:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Türk Kahvesi *Turkish Coffee* Cafe*

Good Morning Ladies (and husbands too)!

It's Christmas Eve today and I'm thinking of the dream I had last night. My Lola (grandmother) passed when I was still a child and I not only resemble her when she was young, but her spirit is really familiar because we seem to be so much alike. I really miss her; I have many of her things and I love the memories. Last night while in prayer, I thanked God for the VJ friends here and asked that each of us "For Christmas have a sign, a message or a blessing in a translation we each can understand." Since many of us are away from our Askim, the holidays can be lonely and cold, instead of warm and beautiful. It doesn't have to be that way. We just need a little heavenly reminder, that we are not ALONE. :innocent:

Last night I had a dream I picked up my Bible as usual and when I unzipped the cover, my Lola's US Citizenship Program and Certificate fell out. When I flipped through the pages in The Book of Matthew (Chistmas Story), a colour picture of her holding her US Certificate for Citizenship and a white cake with an American Flag! Everything so vivid and real, I remember thinking, "Why am I awake again in the middle of the night?"

This morning, in 2010: I woke up, went straight to that particular Bible, and guess what fell out? Yes! Her picture (it was her Passport picture though in black and white lol), and in the back pages was THE US CITIZENSHIP PROGRAM from that day, for Sworn Oathe! OMG I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO FAINT. For me, this was a prayer answered. For me, it meant that from long before, and to this day, non-immigrants do get the grand opportunity to come to the UNITED STATES and get Sworn in! For me, it was a sweet memory of my Lola and her faith in God too. For me, it made me cry with joyous tears.

I can't speak for anyone but myself, but when I get a message like this, I see it and believe it as a blessing and a hope [for all of us, not just me and Kadir]. I had to share it today, being that it meant more to me than something we might buy in a mall.

This, is what Christmas is to me... So Merry Christmas and God Bless All of You!
With Love,

***The Facts: My Lola was a Missionary in the Philippines working with American GI's during World War II. My Lolo, (grandfather), was an US Army GI. They met, they married, they had kids *(My mom), and they moved to the States via his US Army Orders, so I guess she had to go through the Immigration process too.. **Note** I am unfamiliar with the process of this sort*** Eventually, Lola got her Green Card and hence the reason for the Celebration!! That was back in the late 1950's.

Question of the Day: It's really not a question, but if you have a special blessing or experience that has happened, please share it here? Afterall, it is Christmas Eve!

Dear Marie,

How can I say thank you enough for this beautiful post, for giving us all this little blessing, this post of hope on Christmas Eve? All I can say is Thank you Thank you Thank you lady!

Yes, today is very hard for many of us, however, I think we all have to remember that hopefully through our dedication, our perseverence, and our faith, that although this year may seem a little more dark and gloomy, that hopefully by next year all of us will be celebrating the holidays with our Askims. There is opportunity here for each of us, and with each other's support and strength we can make it through these more difficult times. I feel very blessed today to have this form to speak on, to have met these new individuals that share similarities with me and I feel blessed that we can all come here, support each other, share in each other's moments of joy and sorrow.

To everyone here, I wish each of you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Again thank you for this post!!!!

KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2010-12-24 11:34:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Türk Kahvesi *Turkish Coffee* Cafe*
[quote name='Mari & Kadir' timestamp='1293120260' post='4366920']
Good Morning All!

Today is December 23, 2010 -- Thursday! Last minute Christmas shopping, traffic and all that around the Bay Area. Not for me, I'd rather have Turkish Kahve with all of you!

I really look forward to waking up in the mornings and reading all the VJ email and posts on the current threads(recipes and here). The way I see it, it's like Christmas everyday and although all of us are far apart, we are together here and its great. I tell Kadir about all of you and he's so happy I have found friends that have this Turkish VJ in common.

So the question of the day is:

Did you get yourself anything special for Christmas? If so, what?

For me, I'm really practical. LOL I got a new clinic & a hairbrush. LOL LOL LOL. Oh and my Oatmeal Cranberry Dunkers from Trader Joes!

A Cheery Holiday Week to you Babes!

PS: Ashley? Next time we're here we want to see your pic in that little number you got for Bulut! LOL

In resonse to your question of the day, nope, did not buy myself anyting special for X-mas. But my son will be pleasantly surprised, hopefully. I can't wait for X-mas morning, should be fun. Hairbrush Mari??? Love it! You are too funny.

Merry Christmas to Everyone and thanks to everyone participating in this thead. I have really enjoyed meeting all of you and I greatly appreciate everyone's comments, suggestions and support. I wish all of you the very very best!!!

KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2010-12-24 09:35:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Türk Kahvesi *Turkish Coffee* Cafe*

Well since enough of you seem to like ayran I will give it another try, but oh my I'm gagging already just thinking about it. Mari don't cry, I think we should all throw our good "duds" on and go out. Except I'm in the wilds of Alabama and there isn't too much to do. It isn't like Deliverance, but we don't have an opera house. I did buy a cute little dress yesterday, and spent more than I wanted to, because I knew Bulut would like it.

Funny though, my mom and I were listening to Andrea's Christmas album in the car today. I can't wait to get the NOA2 so Bulut and I can have a beautiful Christmas. Chicago is wonderful during the holiday season and I can't wait. We need to start a club and try to go over or meet up in Turkiye.

Oh I'm all for Skyping and I have a new appreciation for it since I'm so far away from Bulut. If anyone is on yahoo, pm me on here and I'll add you on there.

Another question, where is everyone's Turkish home? Mine is Selcuk-Izmir.

Hi there,
I put a recipe for AYRAN on our recipe thread...I just thought I'd let you know incase you became really adventurous and wanted to try again :)
As for your club idea, I love it. That would be so much fun for all of us to get together over there :)

Have a great day!

KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2010-12-23 09:52:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Türk Kahvesi *Turkish Coffee* Cafe*

Well since enough of you seem to like ayran I will give it another try, but oh my I'm gagging already just thinking about it. Mari don't cry, I think we should all throw our good "duds" on and go out. Except I'm in the wilds of Alabama and there isn't too much to do. It isn't like Deliverance, but we don't have an opera house. I did buy a cute little dress yesterday, and spent more than I wanted to, because I knew Bulut would like it.

Funny though, my mom and I were listening to Andrea's Christmas album in the car today. I can't wait to get the NOA2 so Bulut and I can have a beautiful Christmas. Chicago is wonderful during the holiday season and I can't wait. We need to start a club and try to go over or meet up in Turkiye.

Oh I'm all for Skyping and I have a new appreciation for it since I'm so far away from Bulut. If anyone is on yahoo, pm me on here and I'll add you on there.

Another question, where is everyone's Turkish home? Mine is Selcuk-Izmir.

My turkish home is Gaziantep
Can't wait to go back!!!!
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2010-12-22 22:16:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Türk Kahvesi *Turkish Coffee* Cafe*

Awww Mari... this makes me wanna cry :crying: and I can only imagine.... I am glad that we met here on VJ and know that we are here for you and each other! Crying is good, even though sometimes it bothers the ones that we are around at the time as they don't really understand what we may be going through... I don't know about you, but my tear duct is very close to the surface and I can cry at the drop of a hat! I feel like after I cry, a lot of unease and tension is let out! BTW your choice of music is very good. I love Mannheim Steamrollers Christmas collection and have 2 of their Christmas CD's and I am hoping that they are still in our car here! I love Christmas Music and often brings tears to my eyes just listening!

Before you know it, your sweetheart will be there by your side and this time next year will be very joyous for the two of :innocent: you, you just wait and see girlie!

OMG so now the both of you two have me crying. Between the Music and missing our sweethearts. Oh my goodness. I am with you girls. One minute I am completely happy, then I will see a picture, I will have a memory and I turn to puddles of tears. This is so difficult at times. I don't know about all of you but my whole life I have waited and wanted that special person who made me feel like I was the most important thing in this world. My the grace of God/ALLAH this person was brought into my life, but I can not touch him, I can not see him, I can not be with him daily and it is such a struggle. However, I believe that this struggle, this pain we go through now, will make us stronger, make our relationships with our future husbands stronger and gives us the tools we need to learn how to cope. We just all have to stay strong and positive, of course we will have our moments of weakness but that is what this forum is all about, support and being there for each other. Anyway you two, thanks for these posts, you remind us all about the most important things in life, what not to take for granted and reminds us to focus on our futures.
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2010-12-22 10:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Türk Kahvesi *Turkish Coffee* Cafe*

Wow good idea to start another Turkish thread as the original one has been dead for months!

I have already near completed the VJ with only ROC and naturalization left. My love is snoring next to me as we speak and I don't ever forget the days when we were apart. I so appreciate him being here with me. Being apart for years or months kinda does that to people like us, eh?

As for Turkish food; between hubby and I we have figured out how to make pide, lamahcun, borek and near everything else these past 2 years together. We also found the two-tiered tea thingy maker in a halal market for like $20. Not many Turks here in Tucson, though people say there are! lol

We have not been back to Turkiye yet and I cannot wait to go back-I miss it!

It's so nice to have this new thread! I love it!

I have a question for everyone: how did you all meet and what's your story?

Ours is we met online in an international chat room and then were friends learning each others' languages just for fun and then met in person in Istanbul 6 months later. I knew he was like a soul mate within the first month of talking to him...I knew he was special and he has never let me down! We weren't even looking for love, but it found us. What a crazy story that i would have never dreamed up in a million years, but it's true!

Hi Erika,
Yup all the credit goes to Mari for re-starting this thread but I think it is wonderful. It is so nice to meet everyone and for all of us to share our stories. I am so happy to hear you and hubby made it through the process successfully. And, I hope you two have the opportunity to make it back to Turkey sometime soon.

Our story: I was playing Farmville on Facebook, there was something that I needed more friend for. I found this thread on facebook where you could go and find other Farmville players and add them as friends. I came across Kemal's picture, I melted and so I sent him a msg requesting to add him as a friend. He added me, so I wrote him and said "thank you and hi" and we have been talking and together ever since. Something just clicked and the minute I saw his picture something inside of me just said, talk with him. It was his eyes and his smile. We talked daily almost all day since we first met and in August we decided I should come to visit him. I went in October 2010 had the best time in my life. I am going back in 3 weeks and I absolutely cannot wait. I fell in love with him instantly.

KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2010-12-22 10:10:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Türk Kahvesi *Turkish Coffee* Cafe*

Hello Ladies (men if you visit too)!

This morning while chatting with Luckywifey --kelly, I explained the reason for this Turk Kahvesi. Here's what I said:
I saw a very common thread among us; we are all married / engaged to Turkish men, all face different personal issues and share some of the same kinds of joys, have our own yankee jobs(including but not limited to, stay at home moms) that differenciate us from each other, all need gf's that understand and listen because of these things I just stated, and we all are going thru the VJ together!" end quote.

I really hope you all have fun on here and get to meet each other as our days on VJ move forward. Please let's stay really postive, support through good and rough times, and encourage one another. Let's cut loose from the waiting pains on here and be ourselves, the reason why our men love us! Let's teach one another about what we learned of Turkey! All of us have traveled through different regions and have so many different experiences we can share. And when we cry? Lend a shoulder and a kind word. (L) Listen to one another's heart (L) I don't think that there is one among us who does not miss their Sweetheart when we are apart. But when we laugh??? Oh when girls laugh together... it makes us cry because we're so joyous! There will be days when the rain will not stop, but the sunshine between us will spread! B-) Overall, may this little Turkish Cafe bring your hearts much love and peace!

Always from my heart to yours,


Question of the day? What is your name in Turkish? LOL Make it up if you want, or adopt one you love?

Mari, could not agree with you more. This site will definitely be an inspiration to us all (hopefully), be a means of support to get us all through these difficult times of being away from our sweeties and hopefully just provide us all with a source to meet some wonderful new people and share similar life experiences.

For Question of the Day: I do not know what Jenny is in Turkish, that is my legal name. Tuana is my Moslim name which means first drop of rain.
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2010-12-21 11:53:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Türk Kahvesi *Turkish Coffee* Cafe*

Seriously, do you think Kadir will be mad if I cut and PASTIE his kissy face on the Time-tocker thing... eventually reaching my kissy face? LOL LOL I am so going to work on that!!!
In fact, when I figure it out, I think all us women should do that on this page! roflmao.... He really is going to spank me when he gets home for disruption of other people's work days and being creatively mischievous on that kiss-kiss idea, but funny! :whistle:

I sosooooooooooo think you need to do this. If for nothing else, it will inspire all of us, and that's what matters right :)
:rofl: Disrupting people's work days....Cute....I would not say you are disrupting anything. I would say that you are making the work day more tolerable and more enjoyable, right???
Love the kissy face idea and I think you just simply have to do it!
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2010-12-21 11:47:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Türk Kahvesi *Turkish Coffee* Cafe*

Yes I think that you should post that..... and I hope that you mean CUT and PASTE and not "Pasties" :rofl: Wrong site Lady! :lol:

OMG you both are tooooooo funny. :rofl:
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2010-12-21 11:17:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Türk Kahvesi *Turkish Coffee* Cafe*

What a great forum this is you creative little AmeriTurk you! :innocent: I am thrilled to have a place like this to chat and "shoot the bull" I think that the thing that I love about Turkey the most (Besides my Turkish Honey) is TURKISH COFFEE... I have made it with several different contraptions and I have to say that I like the way our machine makes it BUT they are kinda expensive...and unfortunately won't be taking that type back to the states :crying: as we have other places that our money goes :whistle: and will be going once this process is done! :dance:

Oh Turkish Coffee is wonderful. Love the stuff. I brought home with me a tea pot last time and i have really been enjoying the fresh tea everyday but on this next trip, bringing home a turkish coffee pot as well. I miss it so much.

Definitely agree, Mari, thanks so much for the forum, wonderful idea :star:
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2010-12-21 10:11:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Türk Kahvesi *Turkish Coffee* Cafe*
[quote name='Mari & Kadir' timestamp='1292942458' post='4362943']
Günayd?n karde?!

E?er hepimiz için pilav yapt??? te?ekkür ederiz. Çok tarifi için te?ekkür ederiz.
I am now hungry, so I am coming over to your home to eat! LOL :luv: <HUGS GURLIE> Mariye

GUNAYDIN Mariye!!!!

Well you are most welcome to come on over! Ohhh wouln't that be fun!!!

So, I have a question to ask you. I see you write tesekkur ederiz, however, I have been writing tesekkur ederim, can you tell to me what is the difference please?

I have been going through some of the websites you and others have been posting for learning more Turkish and I hope to surprise Kemal next monday when he is back from him trip and show him that I've learned a little more.

[quote name='Luckywife2007' timestamp='1292943809' post='4362977']
I am I am.... love that stuff and Istanbul is full of Hookah bars! :dance:

ooooooo count me in! We bought one last time I was in Gaziantep but I left it with him :crying:

Can't wait to enjoy that again!!!

KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2010-12-21 10:07:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Türk Kahvesi *Turkish Coffee* Cafe*
Good morning everyone,
Great to see you all on the posts. This is fun and exciting. Thanks for the updates regarding different web-sites that can be used for helping to learn Turkish. Need all the help I can get.:blush:

For those of you who might be interested in adding a ticker to track your timeline, here is a website :

Used it this morning, kinda thought it was some fun. I look forward to meeting and talking with all of you daily.

So as my contribution to this forum, I will try and post a new recipe daily for those of you who like to cook. Enjoy!

Here are some cooking websites for those of you who are interested:

NOHUTLU PILVA - Rice with Chickpea

1 cup long-grain rice
2 tbsp orzo
1 ½ chicken stock, hot
½ cup chick peas in a can
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp butter

Wash the rice several times with warm water and drain. Cover the rice with warm water and leave it for 15-20 minutes and drain. If you do not have time for this, just wash the rice and then drain. Place the butter in a saucepan or pot and add the orzo. Over low-heat, fry until their color starts changing to golden brown. Do not over fry, take the pot from the stove as soon as you see the golden brown color and add the rice. Then, again place the pot on the stove and stir for 3-4 minutes over medium heat. Finally, add the hot chicken stock (If you leave the rice in water before cooking, use 1 ½ cup hot water otherwise use 2 cups). Add the salt and close the lid and cook over low heat, until the rice absorbs all the water. Meanwhile you can stir once or twice. Finally add the chick peas and stir. Let the pilaf stand for about 5-10 minutes before serving.
Pilaf goes well with any kind of dish and yogurt. I like it with plain yogurt.
P.S: You can also add 1 tsp of lemon juice with the water, to make the pilaf shine.
1 su bardagi baldo pirinc
2 yemek kasigi arpa sehriye
2 yemek kasigi tereyagi /margarin
1 ½ su bardagi tavuk suyu, sicak
½ su bardagi nohut konservesi ya da haslanmis nohut
1 tatli kasigi tuz
Pirinci temiz su cikana dek yikayip suzun. Uzerini ilik su ile kaplayin ve 15-20 dakika dinlenmeye birakin. Sonra suzun. Eger buna zamaniniz yoksa, pirinci sadece yikayip, suzun. Tereyagini bir tava ya da tencereye alin ve arpa sehriyeleri ilave edin. Dusuk ateste sehriyeler kizarmaya baslayana dek cevirin. Ates uzerinde fazla birakmayin, kizarmaya baslar baslamaz ocaktan alin ve pirincleri ilave edin. Orta ateste 3-4 dakika pirincleri kavurun. Son olarak, sicak tavuk suyunu ve karistirin (Eger pisirmeden once pirinci suda beklettiyseniz, 1 ½ su bardagi sicak su, eger bekletmediyseniz 2 su bardagi kullanin). Tuzu da ilave edip kapagini kapatin. Pilav suyunu cekene dek, dusuk ateste pisirin. Pisme esnasinda 1-2 defa karistirabilirsiniz. Son olarak nohutlari ilave edin ve karistirin. Servis yapmadan once 15-20 dakika dinlendirin.
Pilav butun yemek cesitleriyle ve yogurt ile guzel gider. Ben pilavi yogurt ile severim.
NOT: Eger pilavinizin parlamasini ve tane tane olmasini istiyorsaniz suyu ilave ederken 1 tatli kasigi limon suyu ilave edin.

KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2010-12-21 07:24:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Türk Kahvesi *Turkish Coffee* Cafe*
Ahhhhh Found it, this information is great! I have got to learn more Turkish. I can only say a few words right now and I am heading back in January it is cram time. And my sweetie will be out of touch for the next 4 days, so I would love to surprise him with some new words or be able to say a few things at least!

Nasilsiniz everyone!!!!!

So favorite things about Turkey - Gaziantep- the city is beautiful and loaded with wonderful handicrafts
The food - can't stop thinking about the food and I can actually eat it

I also found a very useful tool for helping me with learning some turkish, it is called Byki 4 Express it is something you download to your computer but it is like virtual flash cards and it forces you to learn how to spell the words as well!

Look forward to chatting with everyone here! Remember positive postitive positive posts :)

KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2010-12-20 15:50:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)RE: Received Email

Good Morning,

Yesterday I received an email confirmation that our Choice of agent form has been accepted. Anyone know how long I will have to wait to be billed for the DS-230? I have already paid the AOS of $88 and sent the AOS packet last week. All I have left is to pay the next bill and forward the packet.

Anyone know the timing of these steps?


It can vary greatly but ours took about 5 days after Choice agent was accepted. If you like, for more accurate information you can go visit my timeline. Primarily what is going to help move things along is that you have your documents ready to go for each of the additional packages that will need to be sent in after paying the two separate fees. If you are ready to send the document that are required once the fee is paid that helps to move things along. From what I was told at the time we paid our fees, it can take approximately 20 business days to review and approve/deny/request additional information for each package.

Hope this helps.
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2012-09-12 11:03:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)For those people waiting for November Interview Dates
Instructions for adding/updating yourself to this list:

1. If you want your status to be added/updated, do not say "Please add me". Go ahead and edit it yourself. You do not need permission.
2. Please make sure you are using Rich Text Editor as your message setting (Settings->Posting Settings->Enable visual (RTE))
3. Click "Reply" on the most recent/updated posting version of this list.
4. Remove [quote] (top and bottom) around the list.
5. Always use [Courier New] Font.
6. Red Font="Interview Passed"
7. Add in order by case complete date.

Username................NVC Completed..Interview...Visa Type.....Embassy

July Case Closed:

AUGUST Case Closed:

SEPTEMBER Case Closed:
Jose Vasquez............09/07/12.......xx/xx/12....IR-1/CR-1.....El Salvador
M + H Hawkins...........09/10/12.......xx/xx/12....IR-1/CR-1.....Morocco

OCTOBER Case Closed:

KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2012-09-24 15:42:00
ChinaAfter Receiving Conditional Green Card What are Travel Restrictions?
My wife just received her conditional two year green card. We are now planning a trip to China for her to visit her mother. Are there any restrictions on how long she can stay in China? We are planning a 60 day visit and then return to America. Will this be a problem? Where can I look for any guidelines from the government? Thanks, Biff
BiffMaleChina2012-02-01 20:02:00
USCIS Service CentersWhere is the USCIS processing time update ???

I'm getting my fax machine and email warmed up and ready to go with that next letter campaign ;)

CollieFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-17 18:19:00
USCIS Service CentersI-130 transferred to local office (split and merged topic)

NOA is a Notice of Action. You would have received your NOA 1 when your case was received at USCIS and you will get your NOA 2 when the national service center where it was transferred to, approves your petition. You will get a notice in the mail telling you where your case was transferred to. Be patient - the letter will come and if you want to, you can always call USCIS and ask ;)

CollieFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-27 10:06:00
USCIS Service CentersI-130 transferred to local office (split and merged topic)

It just depends on where it was sent. Texas and Nebraska are taking closer to 60 days to approve whereas California seems to be moving faster. Just keep checking your online status for a change ;)

CollieFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-27 09:42:00
United KingdomHow long is the medical visit? IR1/CR1

My parents were there last week for their medical and were in and out within an hour. They had a pleasant experience and said that the Dr was lovely.

CollieFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-08 11:45:00
United KingdomReceived Interview Letter... No Interview Date?!

What Nobbie was saying is correct. A K1 must have a medical and the results must be received by the embassy before they will schedule a fiancé interview.


Sorry, didn't know that it was different for a K1. Only have experience for an IR-5.

CollieFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-09 09:18:00
United KingdomReceived Interview Letter... No Interview Date?!

If you have not had your medical you will not have an interview date set. They only schedule an interview after the medical results are in and they have your paperwork and readiness form.


This is not true. The UK permits advance medicals. You can get a medical done prior to the interview date being set.

CollieFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-08 11:49:00
United KingdomApproved - Thank You

Congrats! Interested to hear your interview experience :)

CollieFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-09 09:07:00
United KingdomRe: Leaving the UK - P85 or Self Assessment Tax Return?

I have no idea about UK taxes as I don't think I ever had to file anything there as I moved shortly after graduating from uni, but my Dad is self employed and my Mum is employed by a company. What steps do they need to take to wrap up their tax situation before moving state-side? Until I seen your thread here, it never even crossed my mind about taxes.

CollieFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-14 08:16:00
United KingdomUK-US CV/Resume

Thanks everyone for the comments. So it seems that there isn't a whole different format altogether then - that's good!




Collie - are you a HR Manager in the US? Very useful to know! ;)


I sure am - I'm an HR manager for a home healthcare agency in Texas ;)

CollieFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-15 08:43:00
United KingdomUK-US CV/Resume


No :lol:


On a lighter note I was looking at example US resumes the other day and came across this example :lol:




Lol that's a real winner! Definitely no photo - color isn't necessary as most resumes are printed out in black and white if submitted via email/online (saves money on the copier clicks ;))

CollieFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-13 15:52:00
United KingdomUK-US CV/Resume

I am an HR manager and I receive so many bad resumes that I sometimes just want to poke myself in the eye! Things that I look for are precise grammar (that tells me that you will be methodical and take pride in your work), being concise with an objective and a work history. I don't care where you went to high school or what your GPA was or what you got in your A-levels etc. I want relevant information about your work history, your successes/achievements/awards in previous positions, your professional affiliations and how you can benefit the company that you are applying to. Don't talk about hobbies - that is a huge turn-off as that tells me that you may not have enough time to apply, to the job. Don't list references - its a waste of space and I won't be obtaining a reference anyway as it is not legal until you sign my form if you are short-listed. Just put "references are available upon request". When I look at a resume, I read the 1st page and look for things that jump out at me that would make me short-list a candidate for an interview. I have too many resumes to read to thoroughly read the whole document. If I like what I see on the 1st page and you capture my attention, then I will usually continue to read the rest of the resume.


Never ever talk about salary. You can negotiate salary when you interview.


Use different fonts, use bold for the parts that are most important, do not list your address. A name and phone number/email is enough. Have a professional email. Usually your first and last name is a good one. You wouldn't believe the email addresses that I see come through my office like or etc etc. It instantly leaves the wrong impression with employers!


If you need any more advice, feel free to ask ;)



CollieFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-13 14:12:00
United KingdomShipping large amounts of stuff to US from UK

Good info here, thanks everyone!

CollieFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-28 13:08:00
United KingdomPOE through Dublin?

We are considering traveling from UK to US via Dublin with our cats. We were told our luggage would be forwarded to second plane but our cats would not. We would have to go claim them and recheck them ourselves. I wondered if OP parents have any info on this? From what I've read seems like you go straight to immigration and then to gates from first flight. How would you get the pets to recheck them in? How much time between flights would be recommended?


I think that the only way for my parents to fly will be through Dublin with the kitties.

Anytime I had flown my previous collie from N.Ireland to England/Scotland for Crufts and other shows, I always collected her at the over-size baggage part, so in theory that's what should happen.

When I flew nearly 9 years ago with my pup from Dublin to Chicago to Dallas/Fort Worth, I checked my pup in at Dublin and then I was supposed to claim her with over-sized baggage like at the side of the carousel in Chicago and recheck her in for the DFW flight. She didn't appear and I was tight on time for my connection. To cut a long story short, they lost her and couldn't even tell me if she had got on the plane at Dublin. I flipped the lid on them and eventually they tracked her down and found that she had been sent by mistake to the cargo building. I didn't get to see her again until we landed in DFW. Poor puppy was 7 mths old and crated for nearly 21 hours...fricking nightmare.


I would highly recommend to leave at least 2-3 hours between flights just in case something goes wrong.

CollieFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-27 15:08:00
United KingdomPOE through Dublin?

Well thank you for the information, pretty sold on flying through Dublin. Apologies to the OP for the hijack :)


lol, no problem at all and thanks everyone for the info on Dublin :)

CollieFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-09 09:13:00
United KingdomPOE through Dublin?

A question for you Collie.

Once I sort out citizenship for myself I would like to petition my parents. Would you mind answering a few qustions about the process?



Sure, fire away :)

CollieFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-09 09:09:00
United KingdomPOE through Dublin?

My parents have to fly Dublin to Chicago and then onto DFW due to not being able to fly from London with their cats. I know that when I went to the US via Dublin nearly 9 yrs ago with my pup, there was a Homeland security check at the airport and I didn't get questioned again in Chicago. Is this going to be the same for my parents or will their true POE when they hand over their envelope be at Chicago?

CollieFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-08 11:58:00
United KingdomPassport return/Greencard fees - Questions

Super, thanks for the info :)

CollieFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-12 15:32:00
United KingdomPassport return/Greencard fees - Questions

I have to admit that I am now unsure as to the steps after the interview has been completed, so I have questions :). My parents had their interview yesterday in London and were approved, but when will they be notified when their passport is ready to pick up? When do they actually pay the Green-card fee? Will they get the sealed envelope back with the passport or how does that work? Their CEAC status shows Administrative processing, which I know from reading

other posts is normal, but how long on average does it take to change to "issued" or whatever it is supposed to say?


I was able to predict the next steps when everything was state-side but now that its in the UK, I know nothing! One last question and I should know this but I'm uncertain, but do they get a 2 year or a 10 year green card?


Thanks everyone :)

CollieFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-12 08:34:00
United KingdomAfter all the hoops we have jumped through, 4 days into my new American job USCIS emails me.....

I am an HR manager and I E-verify new employees daily. Employers are required to verify that you are legally eligible to work in the US. This is done online using E-verify. When you filled in your I-9 form did you tick the correct box for permanent resident/resident alien? If so, then it is possibly your employers fault. they may have entered you as a citizen which is where the discrepancy would be. If you and your employer entered everything correctly, then it is the fault of USCIS and they are the ones that need to fix it. The department of homeland security is the bureau that is responsible for I-9 forms.

CollieFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-06 11:47:00