K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List
Greeny my rfe was acknowledged as being received at VSC on 17 June and I've had nothing since so no need to stress just yet. Deeps breaths mate our NOA2 will come :)
CareBearFemaleAustralia2010-07-11 00:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterrogated at POE!

I believe it was tied to my past because some of the first questions they asked were did you ever file a petition for a visa. I said yes I did then gave him the dates. So obviously they knew about them. Their computers must be tied together.

ohhhh how fun! Geez, I totally understand the reason for all this security and everything, but honestly sometimes it is a little overboard.
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2010-12-28 21:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterrogated at POE!
Questioning by customs may not necessarily be directly related to the situation at hand regarding your application to bring your wife over here on a visa. You must remember, that anytime you travel, they keep track and records of people making frequent trips to similar places that do not necessarily have business ties or the like to that particular area. Plus, this is just part of custom's job. People have been detained for no reason, similar to the random searches you may be subjected to by TSAs at the airport. I understand it is a total pain, and in all honesty, I would feel very uneasy about the situation myself, however you seem to have all your information in order, you are not doing anything wrong, so just go with the program, answer their questions truthfully and honestly, always carry with you some documentation or support concerning your activities or reasons for travel and you should be okay. Remember they are simply trying to weed out those individuals who may be traveling for reasons that are not favorable. Don't read too much into this.
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2010-12-28 08:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresinterview & medical exam in ankara

This is for a K-1 visa... I think that he has filed for a CR1/IR1.... I gave him the link for that one.....:thumbs:

Ohhh thank you and OP, sorry for any confusion this may have caused!
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-02-09 13:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresinterview & medical exam in ankara
This should give you all the information you need to help you with your interview:

KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-02-08 15:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNEED ADVICE
OMG yes, definitey need to file a claim in regards to this. Additionally, when you went to send the package did you fill out a customs form and insure it. I know in sending items to Turkey, that if I fail to insure the package and fill out the customs form that this is typically what happens. I hope this helps!

KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2010-12-19 20:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2nd K1 Visa

My husband filed a K1 visa for ex-wife 13 years ago. At the time it was still INS :yes:
Anyway, there was no problem with the second petition for me. You just have to make sure that:

+ Your fiance knows about it, including when the marriage was terminated (important info for the K1 interview)
+ You have the papers proving that divorce is final and you are free to marry
+ You inform USCIS, checking the proper boxes in the biographic forms.

So be ready, be honest and he only thing you are going to get is an approval saying that they've noticed that this is the second K1 petition. B-)
Good luck! :thumbs:

Completely agree. I have done some reading on this on the USCIS web site and basically it appears that as long as all information is being disclosed to both USCIS and to your current fiancee you wish to bring over here, then you should not have any problems. I am currently going through this process as well. My husband was already here in the US so we started with the I-130 after we were married but same rules apply basically. However, I am happy to read that you have been approved for your 2nd as well. I was a little concerned, this was the only thing that I was a little worried would create problems for us but hearing you were approved gives me some hope. Thanks for the post
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-01-24 11:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport Pages
Yes absolutely. I have many blank pages in mine, but the instructions clearly state all pages. I would not risk your file initially being rejected for failure to provide all pages. I would save yourself some time and just follow the instructions precisely and help to ensure you have better chances of your file being approved without needing to provide additional information.
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-01-24 11:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDomodedovo Terror Attack: Expedite for Russia?

Persecute? lol!
Your problem is way more serious than Al's. Good luck and good bye :thumbs:

Yes, persecute. That is exactly what you've done but that is neither here nor there. It seems you have completely missed the points that Mari was making on her posts and have thus also misunderstood the outlandish comments posted by AL. Of course people can be angry, scared etc. etc however, you stated you read through all the posts. I suggest you read through them again as it appears you have grossly failed to see why the comments made by AL have ruffled so many feathers around here.

The fact remains that he was taking a situation, yes a horrible, tragic situation, and was trying to utilize and manipulate the situation for his own personal gain. Disgusting!!!!! That is the problem here. He did not appear take into consideration the feelings of the individuals that would read his posts nor did he appear to take into consideration the magnitude of the situation occurring in Haiti vs. the situation that took place in Russia. They are completely different.

And to come back at Mari and state, " your problem is way more serious than Al's." What is the point of this comment? Is it necessary? Comment like this on this site are completely unnecessary, unfounded and unwarranted.

KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-01-26 17:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDomodedovo Terror Attack: Expedite for Russia?

I have but one objective and one objective only: To get my fiance here in the minimum possible amount of time. I am sorry if you do not like my tactics, but I do not have the luxury of worrying about what other people like or don't like. I have a job to do, and I am gong to do it. Anything to cut this hideous delay by any amount of time, even by one day, is something I will do without doubt or hesitation of any kind.

If it were not for this misguided TPS business, I would have had my NOA2 in early November, and Elena and I would now be looking at dates for her airplane flight. Instead, and because of this TPS business, we are not even past the first step and completion of that step is a distant dream, with not even the slightest and remotest clue as to when it might happen. Am I not allowed to be angry? Adjudicator time that I paid for and that I need to get Elena here was forcibly taken from me in the name of charity. Why doesn't the government raid my refrigerator too and donate my food to the poor?

This is my last post on this topic. If I am not allowed to be angry and express my anger over this absolute worst governmental decision since Jimmy Carter created the thermostat police in 1979, I will do here what I do in my offline world: Pretend that everything is just fine and hide the fact that I am ready to explode.

Happy now?

Seriously!!!!!! This is just an absolutely absurd post, offensive and you have made it abundantly clear about your primary objective here. Your objective, in my opinion is to selfishly try and utilize a very tragic event for your own personal gain. You state: "I have a job to do and I am going to do it". Great, then go do it and please put an end to the posts that you are making. Your posts are completely minimizing some of the "REAL" situations that people here on this VJ journey are having to experience daily, like those members whose finaces are currently located in war zones where bombings are occurring daily etc. Although the event which occurred in Russia was horrible, I must point out to you that events like these are happening around the world all the time, including here in the USA, so to make these comments and act as though your case is "special" is just plain wrong.

I understand you have concerns about your fiance, many of us here do, however, the manner in which you state your comments and how you are presenting your case is what is working against you here. Sure, any of us have the right to vent, to be angry, however you have taken it to a much different level, a level outside of the realm of concern for your fiance and into a realm of pure selfishness and inconsideration for others utilizing this site. Poor judgement in my opinion.

You state above that this may be your last post on this topic. For the sake of all of us here, for those of us trying to remain positive, trying to remain hopeful, and for those of us with fiances or spouses in "war zones," it would be appreciated if no additional comments were made. These posts have only stirred up negativity in my opinion, something the larger majority of us can do without.

KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-01-26 17:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLawyer vs. Self file K1

Can I just add that we actually went for a free consultation with an immigration lawyer and she was the one who said "You don't need me, you guys can do it on your own" She's pretty awesome coz at that time I havent heard of VJ and we did it all on our own just basing it on the guide on the USCIS site! And we got our noa2 in a month! You'll be fine!

WOW, that is excellent. I used one the first time around and honestly it did ot help much.
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-01-31 16:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLawyer vs. Self file K1
Yes, I have definitely heard that filing with a fiance/spouse in the Philipines can be a little more difficult. I think it really all has to do with your comfort level of filing alone vs. using a lawyer. I personally filed mine myself and chose not to use a lawyer. The main thing you have to remember if you chose to file yourself is that you have to be very careful when reading the paperwork and do everything exactly as it states. Skipping any steps could only delay your timeline or result in an RFE when your file is finally reviewed.

Hope this helps
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-01-31 13:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshow long to get noa1?

ive heard people get denied a noa2. why would that be though? im stressing out :/

the next step after the noa1 is the noa2? and that takes many months right? so thats more stressing....great.

hi There
I just checked this morning. Similar to you. I mailed mine to texas lockbox but then it was sent to Vermont for processing. The current timeline as listed on the USCIS website is 5 months give or take a week or so. I would suggest that upon the official receipt you will receive from Dept of Homeland Security stating that they received your application (the document you will receive by mail is an I-797C, Notice of Action) you will be provided with a receipt number. If you go to you can enter in your receipt number and it will allow you to track your case. Additionally, if you sign up for e-mail notifications and create an account, if there are any updates made to your case you can be notified by txt or e-mail as opposed to waiting for paper notifications by mail. Hope this helps but if you need any additional information, please let me know.


I agree with the above posts. I am going on longer than 5 months after receiving my NOA1, and my status still says "Initial Review". If I were you, I would develop a lot of patience really soon because this process is close to 6 months or longer waiting for your NOA2. As far as the NOA1, you should hear something within a week. And if you filed Form G-1145, E-Notification of Application or Petition Acceptance, signing up for an SMS alert, USCIS is rather quick about sending you a text message before you see your NOA1 in the mail. I received my SMS within 2 days. But then again, I sent my I-129F packet through certified U.S. mail with return receipt, so they received it rather quick too.

To add to the above post, I would strongly suggest everything you send in be sent certified mail with return receipt. Just for your own peace of mind and so that you can ensure your packages are being received.
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-01-31 14:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIntent to marry

Thanks a bunch. I am only at the begining and already need an EKG..LOL

LOL the process is a long one. Just keep yourself busy with getting the other packages ready and in all honestly, I have not been here on VJ all that long but have found this site so very useful for resources etc. Good luck to you!
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-02-03 15:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee Visa for an arranged marriage. Possible?
Hello. I think that this type of arrangement may be possible in that as you stated in this type of marriage or arrangement there is correspondence between the two parties that intend to marry. For the purposes of a K-1 visa, you have to show intent to marry and proof of a relationship. However, the "relationship" in this case may be quite different from other relationships where there is a lot more romantic types of wording throughout the documents provided as evidence. That being said, I would assume that if you are able to show evidence of a viable relationship, such as phone/calling cards, discussions on MSN (not sure if that is allowed or encouraged) Skype things of that nature, you can prove or show evidence of correspondence between the two of you. From what I have read on the K-1 visa documents, it does not state that you must be truly madly deeply in love, it only states that you must show evidence of a relationship and intent to marry, both of which are present in this case, correct? Also, you have to show evidence of personal meet, so as long as you have those bases covered you should be okay. I know you stated below that you do not have any proof of personal meet, such as photos, but can you get copies or pull up records for any flights you may have taken there or get signed documents from family members on both sides that state you both met personally and that they observed the meet? Otherwise I would suggest planning another trip to show evidence of personal meeting. The only stipulation I can add however is the interview itself. They will ask questions along the lines of why does your intended want to marry you etc. etc. etc. In that circumstance, I certainly would not suggest saying anything other than the truth, however, I am not sure how the government would look upon the answer "because this is an arranged marriage," or anything along those lines. My suggestion to you would be to go in for a free consultation with an immigration attorney or a few and get their feedback on this subject. It could never hurt to get the advise of some people that are legally versed in this particular subject.

I hope this helps and i wish you the best of luck!
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-02-08 13:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport Pages
Err on the side of caution and copy all pages including the front and back cover, especially if you are using this in lieu of a birth certificate or something .
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-02-10 10:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDont want to get married

Then get married and later get divorced.
You will satisfy the USCIS and end up what you want to be - partners.

Agreed, but you have to follow the procedures as outlined for you in the K-1 which is to legally marry within 90 days.
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-02-11 11:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGet married in foreign country after K-1?

I have a question about a K-1. I am in the US and my girlfriend is in the Philippines. If I were to file for a K-1 and we got the Visa and had it in hand, could we then get married in the Philippines before we got married in the US? Surely the US wouldn't know that we got married? This would accommodate getting married in her country, and then her traveling back with me and getting married here.


No, if you get married in the Philippines, her K-1 visa basically then becomes null and void. The whole idea around the K-1 is to give your fiance the opportunity to come here conditionaly for 90 days to provide you both with time to become married. Now, you can do a non-legal religious type wedding but you may need to get documents or evidence or statements that it was religious only and that no legal papers and nothing was registered in the Philippines concerning a marraige. And yes, the government will can can find out if you had a legal marraige over there prior to her coming here.
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-02-10 16:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa denied

If the fiance(e) visa is denied, then the couple can marry and file for the spouse visa (CR1) by sending in the 1-130 petition. It is also a lengthy process, and you could still get denied, but you would have more opportunity to build evidence for the case.

Gotcha, thank you so very much. I don't really see why my fiance and I would be denied, however I know many people going into this process think that and there are many many things that they look at. I just wanted to know what our options were and to have a secondary game plan in place. Hopefully I am worrying about a "denial" for nothing.

Thanks again for your help
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2010-12-24 16:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa denied

By the way you explain it, the consul did not seem to flat out deny your visa petition. Perhaps there is hope since they told you they will look at the documents more carefully. Best wishes!
P.S. As other member suggested, if they do deny you, your fiance could wait for his 2010 tax declaration and re-file for the fiance visa, or just go to see you and marry you and file a CR1.

Hi There,
I saw your post and say you stated about if denied to go ahead and get married and then file a CR1. Can you explain to me how this will help please?
My fiancee and I have submitted the K-1 and are waiting a decision, but if denied, I am curious to learn how getting married might help the situation.


KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2010-12-24 08:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI think I'm pregnant...

Thanks for the replies...

I'm not sure about my pregnancy because I haven't take the test yet but there are symptoms that I am and if I am, I'm 3weeks on the way. Of course, my fiance(the USC) is the father :P. he just left the Philippines on Jan 29th. :)

right, expedite will not be an advantage for this case because if pregnancy will be one of the valid reasons for expedite, then every one will impregnate their fiancees. :) and one probable disadvantage is that my fiance needs to satisfy the poverty level requirements for 3persons. b-( Just Hoping our petition will get approve before I give birth.:)

1 line = not pregnant 2 lines = pregnant
Take the test before making the post
Just my opinion anyway
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-02-08 15:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 expedite request
[quote name='Kemal and Tuana' timestamp='1298391810' post='4495598']
Here is some information I found on reasons that you may request for expediting a K-1 Visa:

Visit the official USCIS web site. According to the USCIS (Department of Homeland Security), cases may be expedited if they meet any of the following criteria:

- Serious financial hardship
- Humanitarian situation
- Extreme emergent situation (emergency)
- Matter of national interest or security (Request must be made by a US government official)
- USCIS error or compelling USCIS interest
- Request by non-profit organization for the sake of US cultural and social interests

KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-02-22 11:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 expedite request

Question: has anyone ever asked the Embassy for help in expediting a K-1 application from the start? My finace is in the Philippines, in a very poor purok, nowhere near an urban section or town. To get to her village, you have to cross a river on a raft. I emailed the embassy requesting help while I am finishing my paperwork to file this week. I am in hte process of writing the cover letter now requesting expedition based on humanitarian, and extreme emergent situations. I am also planning on contacting my senators/state representatives requesting assistance. I thought I knew poverty until I saw the village. The village made a campground look good. It was very much off the beaten path for anyone but pinoys.



Here is some information I found on reasons that you may request for expediting a K-1 Visa:

Visit the official USCIS web site. According to the USCIS (Department of Homeland Security), cases may be expedited if they meet any of the following criteria:

- Serious financial hardship
- Humanitarian situation
- Extreme emergent situation (emergency)
- Matter of national interest or security (Request must be made by a US government official)
- USCIS error or compelling USCIS interest
- Request by non-profit organization for the sake of US cultural and social interests

Read more: How to File a US Visa Expedite Request |
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-02-22 11:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED!!!!

I just got a text to go online, and my case was approved today !!!!!! yayy!!! i couldnt be anymore happier, im shakin lol bring on the interview baby cause were ready!!!

Congratulations! Very happy for you!
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-04-22 08:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVERY IMPORTANT!! NEED INFO ASAP

Hi All

I received my RFE. In the RFE it stated i did not answer one question. Were you convicted of a crime? I recently(after the application for k1 visa) had a issue with a neighbor falsely accusing me of beating him. I had to turn myself in..but never convicted of the charge? i just want to make sure jow to answer..i dont want to answer wrong.....any advice?

Since you were never convicted of the crime you can honestly answer "no" never convicted.
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-04-27 08:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOnly three months to plan a wedding??

Our Fiance visa has been approved and we will soon be going in for the interview process. We want to plan our wedding together in the US but there is no way in hell we could do it in three months.

What constitutes a "marriage" in order to apply for a change of status to become a permanent resident?

We want to have more time together to plan our ceremony... I mean typically planning for a wedding take 6 months or more... so... help please!

I would suggest doing a court house wedding or something along those lines and then do a renewal of vows ceremony later on. Trying to plan now, not knowing if your fiance will get the visa, if they will do additional processing, when he will have the interview etc it is risky to plan now for sure. However, if you research online, there are ways to plan a wedding in three months, and too, you could do options like a destination wedding where pretty much everything is well planned out for you so you can minimize the leg work on your end. Just a few suggestions.
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-05-04 15:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAn interesting (possible interview) quesiton


Has any K1 petitioner ever thought about this? At the interview, when the visa officer asks your fiancee why you didn't get married in your fiancee's country and instead you chose the K1 fiancee process, how would she answer it? Of course, the K1 process normally takes shorter time, but I don't think this is a good answer. What would you come up with to answer this question?

Honestly something along those lines is what I would say and that you wanted to be together as quickly as possible. Either way, chances are one set of family members would not be able not be able to attend the ceremony most likely so, wedding planning may or may not be a contributing factor in your case. Just give the honest answer why you chose this route. When you and your fiance engaged what discussions did you have around this topic before choosing the K-1. That's your answer
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-05-05 16:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMissing...

How do you guys cope? Not being able to see Amel is driving me crazy. I miss him so much. I try to keep busy but he is forever on my mind. Also, the limitations placed on the politics of Cuba are also limiting. Phone calls are anywhere between seventy and ninety five cents per minute. No internet access for everyone in Cuba so we cannot Skype. I can text him but he cant text me. We can email through a friend who has internet access at work. We talk three to four times per week but you can imagine it is getting expensive. I feel so helpless. :-[ He just called me... we spoke for about 40 minutes, expensive. Also, the earningability is very low in Cuba. He earns around $320.00 Cuban pesos per month which equates to about $14.00 USD. I see this as a long process, especially for Cubans. Even when the petition is approved, the interview appointments are taking around 8 months. I have to pace myself. I was in Cuba for 10 days returning to the USA on 3/29 and I have lost 8 pounds since then. Its always good to lose weight but not like this. What do you guys do to avoid getting wrapped up in ths process?

It is absolutely a long process and very hard wait. But one thing I did to keep myself busy is to start working on the various packages that you will need along the way to submit to the consulate etc. I would start getting a head start on those. Even though I knew where all the information was, just filling out forms, getting the information that they request from the bank, getting evidence of employment etc etc took quite a while. Plus begining to work on this stuff now will give you a sense of accomplishment.
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-05-02 08:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI- I 29F petiton got denied. Should we submit appeal or file another K-1
Refile and include everything exactly as instructed on the I-129F instructions as listed on the USCIS website
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-05-24 16:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes age matter?? K1

i just starting reading some info online and seeing that having a big gap between our ages is a potential red flag to denial. me and my fiancee have been together for 6 years and we never thought this could be a reason for denial. it took is this long to decide what we were gonna do as far as us getting married. but now the age issue came up..i am 23 yrs old and she is 31. i go and see her at least twice a yr since ive been with her, we have bunch of phone records, PICTURES, emails letters, pics with her fam, will they still deny her cuz of age?? i think i have enough proof to show its a legitimate relationship and that we dont care about age. how can we prove that age isnt a factor in our relationship?

Your age gap in not a significant gap and yes you are right sometimes age can be a potential red flag however they can not discriminate based solely on age. It appears from what you have stated above that you have sufficient evidence along with a long standing relationship with each other so I feel that this would help establish the validitiy of your relationship as well. One of the primary pieces of evidence is proof of personal meet at least once within 2 years prior to applying for the K-1 i that is what you intend to do and it appears that you have evidence to support that as well.
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-06-18 08:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLawyer and 125% of poverty Level

Bonjour, Hello....

I am from Tahiti, French Polynesia

My very very fist post in the forum, and my very very first action in this website :)

My Fiancé and I had just applied for the K-1 Visa and had sent our application on tuesday morning :)
Because of what we hear from here and there, is it true that a lawyer will make everything faster and will guaranty an approval ?
Are you guys doing it yourselves ??? for the ones who succeeded on your own (without a lawyer) how long did it take you to get approved ?

My other question is the Financial requirement. I read my fiancé has to make at least 125% of the US poverty level for a houshold of 2....i have been trying to look for a number, buti can't find anything about it.

Thank you for reading my post.
A Bigger Thank you for those who answered it :)
A Bigger Bigger Thank you for those who provides me useful answer :D

With regards to the lawyer, if you are very careful about reading the paperwork and do your research, and certainly use this site as a resources, I personally do not feel a lawyer is necessary unless you have circumstances you feel you would need to overcome or that may put your approval at risk so to speak. I did our petition myself and was approved after 5 months appox. Timelines please understand vary by the processing center. If you go online and research like with google, type in something like, povertly level for Los Angeles, Ca it you should be able to find a chart of some sort and then just multiply that number by 125% to figure out what your fiance needs to make. Also, I am not 100% sure about this but you might be able to find this information on the USCIS website, and if not, just give them a call, and ask them.
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-05-05 13:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshow long does it take for the embassy to let you know ur interview date?

hi guys,
the ankara embassy got my packet 3 today..when do you think they'll let me know bout my interview date and how long does it take from now on?


Hi there, well I just received pckt 4 today so it was less than a week. About 6 days total. It may be different for everyone but that is how it was for me! Interview date is 07/21/2011 so about 30 days from now!
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-06-21 09:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresINTERVIEW DATE RECEIVED

Aaaah, the relief of having an interview date :) You must be so relaxed now.

You guys are one day after us :)


You are so right. Now, I can at least begin tentatively planning some things such as the wedding date here and things of that nature. Now, it is just a matter of gettin the medical scheduled, getting flight tickets arranged to Ankara for him and things like that. But this excitement to feel things are getting closer and closer is amazing. So how are you doing in the process. Do you mind my asking how you have decided to go about scheduling the medical, flight arrangements (if needed) and things along those lines?

best wishes to you!

Great news :thumbs: ! Best wishes to you on your interview :yes:

Thank you so very much. Yes, I hope we do not run into any problems.I just keep thinking to myself, OMG if all goes well with the interview it is possible that in 35 days he could actually be here. It am still in dream land and disbelief but super excited and happy and just praying and praying that our prayers will be answered and that the interview will go smoothly!

Thanks for the support~
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-06-25 01:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresINTERVIEW DATE RECEIVED

Wow. Great news and great timing it sounds like. Congrats. only one more step then you can start singing "leavin on a jet plane" :dance:

Thank you so much. Yes, I am so excited. All the dreaming and planning might finally come true, I can't believe it. I am just so ready for us to begin our lives together living under the same roof. I just hope he loves Texas :) Thanks for the support!

congrats!!!! :thumbs:

Thank you so very much!
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-06-21 09:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresINTERVIEW DATE RECEIVED
OMG, so I could not stand the wait any longer, so I called the consulate this morning and gave them my case #. They advised me that they were in process of sending out Pckt 4 e-mail which I have since received and they have confirmed the interview date is July 21, 2011! I am so excited. I called my fiance, the only words he could say was finally, finally, finally and soon our dream of our forever be together will be really, insallah! (baring no problems with the interview) His family is currently visiting, so this is wonderful. I was so concerned about him having time to visit with relatives that live quite far from him, who he normally only sees 2-3 times a year and now he has the pleasure of announcing our exciting news to them while they are there. I am thrilled that he has this opportunity to spend time with them. My head is spinning, I am just so excited and now we have about 30 days of waiting for the outcome however we are both praying that things go the way we hope and that soon my fiance and I will finally be together, in our home, building our lives together!
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-06-21 09:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Petition Process time at Texas Service Center

I want to know recently the K-1 Petition Process time at Texas Service Center. Is anyone successful from this center? Please give me some clues. Thanks . :P

Hi There, I am from Texas. Our file was submitted to the Texas lockbox and then forwarded to the Vermont Service Center. Our petition took approximately 164 days for approval from receipt of the NOA1 to receipt of NOA2. From there it took about 1 month for the consulate to receive and interview date was scheduled 1 month later. So I would say an average of about 8 months overall. At the bottom of my post you should be able to see my timeline, additionally, if you look at my profile you can see my timeline there as well. I hope this is helpful and if you have any additional questions please be sure to ask. Welcome to VJ and good luck with your VJ!
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-06-25 00:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMore Payments?!?

My fiancee and I were had our petition approved and documents sent to the Buenos Aires consulate. I paid the initial fee to file the petition with USCIS. Is there another fee to pay again for applying for the visa itself?

It appears like I have to pay another $400 USD for her interview.

Anyone with experience with this?

Yes, typically there is a fee associated with the interview itself, then there are also fees associated with the medical examination. In some circumstances, you will pay for a medical exam and if immunizations are required, you will have to pay for those as well. Your best bet to gain clarity around the fees that may be associated in conjunction with the interview and requirements leading up to the interview, I would google the U.S Embassy in Buenos Aires that your fiance will have the interview at, go to their web site and see if you can down load the instructions for the K-1 visa petition/application. My fiance lives in Turkey, we pulled down the instructions for him and it outlined for us all the documents he would need to provide prior to interview along with all fees that need to be paid up to and including the interview. Hope this helps.
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-05-24 08:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Fiance(e) interview failed
My personal opinion is that if your fiancee is that important to you and you want to make this work, try, try, try again. I know the process is tedious however, as you continue to stay in this relationship, and again file another petition, that in of itself is additional evidence that could work in your favor to show them that this relationship is not a sham. Additionally, I am not sure what type of information you previously submitted, but keeping records of calling card receipts, skype chats, msn chats, e-mails to each other, receipts for letters sent to each other can all be additional evidence that you can continue to compile to help make your case a little stronger.
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2011-02-02 12:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE Help Needed

Hello VJ family.

Just received our RFE and have a slight problem. They want film-dated photos. Well, we don't have any. We submitted the best pictures we had. I am a photo-phobe and so didn't take many pics of us together. NONE of our photos are film dated. Just never set my camera up that way.

We have met in person on 4 separate occasions. Twice prior to filing for K-1 and twice after. I don't think there are any acceptable photos from the first two visits but lots from the second two. I MADE myself take pictures even though I hate it because I knew it was important. The RFE specifically states photos from the LAST PERSONAL MEETING, can we use pictures taken during our later visits after the application was filed? They are literally from our LAST PERSONAL MEETINGS.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!!!!

Wow I have not heard this before. But that is besides the point. Unfortunately we cannot go back in the past, so if you do not have film dates photos then you don't have them. If you do not have these, then I would reply to the RFE advising that you do not have date stamped film and then supply some additional pictures with a statement written from the person who took the photos, stating where the photos were taken, the date, their personal information, their relation to the two of you, other such documentation, signed and dated wherein they state they are the individual that took said photos. I know that this is not supplying USCIS with what they requested. The only other option that I could suggest is Shutterfly. It is a way to keep track of and store photos an it is through Target. You can upload any pictues you've taken and then order the prints through Target. When ordering your prints, one of the options it gives you is that you can have a message added to the back of each print. You could utilize that to add the dates to your photos. But only use photos that you can prove the date you are adding to the back of the print. Again, maybe utilize this option in conjuction with the previous option of having statement(s) written by the individuals who took the photos.

Hope this helps
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2012-01-27 17:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP US DEAR VJS



Hi there, a lot of what you are speaking of is not considered primary evidence. Primary evidence so to speak is things like ticket stubs from airline flights there, hotel receipts with both of your names, and items of the like. If you have phone records, keep those and use those. In your skype account, there is a way to saver your history, start saving that. Pictures any any visits you've had together, any receipts you have from whe you were together also help. Another thing you might want to try, if you do not have a lot of e-mails and things of that nature, written statements from both sides of the family and friends confirming the relationship may help. Snail mail is regular mail sent through the post office. I would suggest you starting using this form if you are not already, then keep the envelopes when they are delivered to you. Because the countries "stamp' the mail it is good evidence that you are corresponding. You stated you just filed your K-1 most of this type of evidence will be needed at interview which is some months off. Yes, you may not have a lot of these items now but begin gathering it now as you move forward.

Best of Luck
KemalTuanaYalcinFemaleTurkey2012-01-26 15:23:00