K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

I can just picture this... my cat would be crying and whining and saying "Mom Do something."

Maybe you had better move to Richmond. We don't see too many possums around here :)

I was running up to the door and screaming at them and they just looked at me like I was stupid or something. I got one off the porch and it hopped back up with it's mommy or something. So I just let them hang out and wanted to gag the whole time. Then I started hitting the door and they finally left. These things just look like they've been rolling in something dead.

First thing tomorrow I have to go to the post office to drop the check off in the mail for my cake lady. I'm soooo excited!

And now one of them is back...ughhh

Edited by Kayla*Mathew, 09 February 2010 - 09:58 PM.

Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-09 21:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
I'm one of those people who smoke every now and then, but don't have any problem quitting. Even when I was smoking every day for about a year I just up and decided to quit one day and never ever felt a craving. I don't know what the deal with that is. I'm not sure if the ones I usually smoke are fire safe or not(I usually smoke camel crush), but the carpet glue thing freaks me out.

Anndddd there's 2 ugly possums on my back porch eating Mittens' food. I tried to scare them and they don't care about me at all. Even my inside cat is afraid of them. And they're sooooo gross looking.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-09 21:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Okay, so apparently she text me earlier and I didn't get it. But she made it just fine and says she misses us!! :dance: :dance:

Edited by Kayla*Mathew, 09 February 2010 - 07:38 PM.

Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-09 19:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
I just text her number in Jamaica so hopefully she'll let me know something soon. You know, after she gets finished ;)
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-09 19:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Still haven't gotten a text message from her. She's probably busy. :whistle:
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-09 19:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
awww I'd do it for free for you guys.

But really, if you all need help with anything don't hesitate to ask me.

Do we know what time Krystle was supposed to land???
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-09 13:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Kayla, you tought me something new. I had no idea a bouquet cuff even existed until I went back and saw your post. How cool is that!!
Beautiful Flutes by the way.

Everything about my wedding is detailed. It's not that I have a princess complex, it's that as much trouble as I've gone through to get this man I'm going to have everything that I want. So far our wedding is still under 10k, and we're going to keep it that way but you'd be surprised at how much detail and sparkly things I can squeeze in there. LOL, maybe I really SHOULD be a wedding planner. I could cut wedding costs in half. :)
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-09 12:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
I have my phone stuck to me and I'm waiting for that text message from Krystle to come in. I'm so glad that she's on her way to see her honey. Not too much longer and they'll have their approval!!!

Today I'm going to work on organizing my documents a bit, and then more wedding stuff. Of course!
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-09 10:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Jenn it's 1110, I have a little less than 3 hours to sleep and guess what? My stomach is growling, I have a headache and my heart won't stop pounding... Tick tock, tick tock... Have a great night everyone.
Kayla I'll text you when I land.

You better!!! Everyone will be waiting anxiously to know that you've landed and that your interview is approved on Friday!
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-08 23:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
I just saw that one! It's a very pretty dress.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-08 22:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
I love love love looking at wedding stuff. If anybody here needs anything I'll be more than happy to scour the internets until I find it.

And I completely forgot about Fuat being muslim. The Grace Kelly one from Maggie Sottero is my favorite.

I bought my toasting flutes today!!!!!!!!!


and I got



I used way too many I's in the post so I had to edit it or I was going to slam my head into the desk, lol

Edited by Kayla*Mathew, 08 February 2010 - 10:30 PM.

Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-08 22:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
How funny that they live so close to you. They've got the ugliest little dog ever. If you ever see a puggle, it's probably dragging one of them around.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-08 22:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Well Jenn. For you I have found



http://www.alfredang...r...0&colorId1= (not sure if lace is your thing)





I know my brother and his wife live on Quietwood Court, wherever that is. I haven't been to their house yet. They moved about a year ago. She's the catering director for some place there.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-08 22:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Hmmm.... we're supposed to get another 4-6 inches by tomorrow night.. must be heading your way after that. Washington got 28 inches on Saturday .. I'm a little further south, so only got 10 but looks like the weather is going to try to make up for that this. More snow expected this weekend too.

You're in Richmond, aren't you?? My brother and sister-in-law live there. And actuallyyyyy, Mathew and I may end up there as well.

If I only had a four-wheel drive I'd be much happier. My car has too many mountains to climb, and it's too light. It fishtails like a fish out of water when it hits snow. I hate itttt.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-08 21:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Okay, so I've been dress shopping for Maggie. And these are the ones I like.




And the last two, just because I love the A-line style:


Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-08 20:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Kayla, I can send you my snow too, I've never liked it anyway. :devil:

No, I'm good, thanks! :lol:

If we get much more snow I'll need a military tank to drive around!
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-08 20:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Congrats to A & D.. Congrats to Houston King... looks like a good day today!

Kayla, I would be happy to send you all the snow. That's what you asked for right? I have it on a truck and on it's way to you now :)

You weren't kiddin. 4-6 inches expected by wednesday. Meanie pants!!!

Krystle, my phone will be attached to my side at all times on Friday. Don't you worry!!!
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-08 19:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
I don't want any more snow!!!! Jenn will you please keep it all up there?? I will bake you a giant cookie the size of your car if you do.

I hate snow this year. Booh!

8 days until I see Mathew!!!!
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-08 09:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Oh, and did anyone see the pictures that Ray and Mai put on facebook?? looks like there's gonna be a little VJ baby!!!!
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-07 19:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
You do NOT even know the withdrawals I had yesterday. We were EXTREMELY swamped yesterday at work so I didn't have time to get on, and then as I got closer to my house I noticed that the power was out. I got up here, and sure enough. Pitch black!!! They estimated the power would on today by noon, but it ended up coming on sometime in the night, thank goodness. At least it wasn't like last time and stay out for 10 DAYS!!!

Okay, so if what I read is correct, good luck is in order for Krystle, Ney, and Jenn, in that order. YAYYY!! Feb is gonna be such a good month for our group. But you know, March and April is when the Canadians are gonna make a comeback. ;)

9 days!
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-07 18:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
I hate to say it, but that's why I don't jump on the congrats bandwagon as quickly as everyone else sometimes. When people that post and contribute here get approved I feel happy because it's like one of my family members getting something they've wanted for a long time. But then there are those who come here, ask a question(sometimes not even that), disappear for months and then pop in at a random moment. It's like I don't feel for them like I feel for those of us who are really "here". I mean yeah, I'm totally excited and happy for them, but it's a different level.

I know it all sounds mean, but that's just the type of person that I am.

I am in NO WAY discouraging other posters from being here. This is your place too. And I'm not saying I'm not excited for you, because I am. Like I said, it's just in a different way.

10 days.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-06 08:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Today I am determined to find my toasting flutes for the wedding. Determined!!!!!!!!!

Of course, I probably wont find any that I like and will just be more frustrated than before, but darnit, I'm gonna try!

11 days until I see him. :luv:

Edited by Kayla*Mathew, 05 February 2010 - 09:28 AM.

Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-05 09:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Yay Maggie!!! I'm so glad things ended up working out in your favor!!!!

These next 3 days are just gonna fly by for you Krystle, but I hope that every second you have with your honey goes at a turtle speed so you can enjoy it. You know, except for that interview part. That needs to go by fast with a happy ending!!!
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-05 08:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

LOL.... Thanks Jenn.. I hope it worked..I'll find out later today.

I'll look into the lease thing. Thank you!

Taxes..ugh.. I'm lucky if I get 200$.

Congrats to Fuat's sister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ooh, You're gonna be an auntie =) :dance: :dance:

Is my mind in the deep gutter or is that gutter intentional.......

LOL :blush: :whistle: :thumbs: :dance: :innocent:

Gutter intentional. ;)
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-04 09:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

You go girl :star:
I'm pretty good at planning stuff myself in this case I believe the experts know best. But I just went to queens botanical gardens website and it costs $750 to have the ceremoney there, that includes set up for 20 ppl, 2 1 hour rehearsals before the wedding and 1 hour in their garden for pictures after the wedding. Sounds sweet to me coz if I do it in Cape May I'll have to plan and decorate but this place does it all for one price :dance:

You actually can't beat that price, Krystle. I'd jump on that before someone else does!
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-04 08:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
I'm Ms. Do It Alot and proud of it!! I'll wear my ice packs with pride, cause that boy has got talent!!! ;)

If I weren't such a weirdo I probably would have hired a wedding planner. But I'm the person that goes crazy if I don't know every single detail. I couldn't stand the thought of Mathew doing packet 3 by himself. I was sooo worried that it was going to be a disaster.

I guess it's better that I'm a DIY person. If I screw something up it's no ones fault but mine!
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-03 22:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Speaking of BC, I need to get mine refilled tomorrow or Lilyane might be making an early appearance! :unsure:

I used to drink when I was living in the dorms, but then I stopped. The last time I drank was when I was with Mathew, and he has now forbid me to drink unless I'm with him. Drinking when I'm around him makes me want to break out ice packs, LOL.

Edited by Kayla*Mathew, 03 February 2010 - 09:39 PM.

Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-03 21:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

It's your drink so your choice: rum cream or kahlua?

BTW Kayla I love the names Alexis or Amelia for my girl and Aiden or Brandon for my boy. Hope I remember them when I have kids :blush:

You'll remember them. I give you 2 months tops after he's here and you'll be sharing baby news with us! ;)

I tried Rum Cream once. Was awesommeeee. Of course, like 5 minutes later I was wearing bunny ears, drinking red kool-aid and playing drunken mario, but that's another story, LOL.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-03 21:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Ok I hope Fuat likes both because I'm gonna mail you some Jamaican coffee and rum cream! Ok Kaluha coz rum cream might betoo strong for you, you might go :girlwerewolf2xn: on Fuat!

Nice name, I can see her chunky cheeks and blue eyes right now :star: Mathew has blueeyes right :unsure:

Mathew has the craziest blue eyes I've ever seen. I love them sooo much.

On normal days they're just the regular old blue, but when he's happy or excited they turn into like this electric, almost like neon blue.

I remember after he and I broke up for the first time(this was before I had ever met him in real life, 6 years ago), I had this one picture of him where his eyes were that shocking color blue. I put that picture in my pillow case and slept with it there for almost a year. Kind of weird, but I was young(15) and he's the love of my life. I get an excuse to act weird and neurotic. :)

It's mandatory that Lilyane have his blue eyes. But if you ask him he'll say he wants her to have my chocolate colored eyes. I say they're brown, he says chocolate. Like that makes it better! lol
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-03 21:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
yay for his sister!!!

I just loveee babies. I can't wait to have a Lilyane for me and Mathew. She'll be soooo cuteee. :luv:
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-03 20:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
lol, I guess being a student with a part time job comes in reallll handy.

I don't look forward to tax time at all when Mathew gets the right job. We'll be sooo screwed.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-03 20:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Oh yes, isn't money a wonderfulo thing, correction: it can be a blessing and a curse!
You worked today? Let me guess, the snow?

Nope, didn't work. But that's because my days off are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Sundays. I loveee being part time. But all of that has gotta change once we get married and move. At least until he starts making good money and we have kids. I won't work after that.

But the snow is still around. I'm so tired of snow. :(
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-03 15:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Oh ok. How soon after you get married do you plan on moving? I'm not moving until I'm done paying off my total debt of $13k!!!! Hopefully he;ll fet a job as soon as he comes so he can put all his paychecks toward my bills because almost all of it was from going to Jamaica 3-4 times a year to see his butt :bonk:

We plan on moving just as soon as he gets his work authorization. He's an engineer, and there aren't any engineering jobs in this part of the state for him. So as soon as that comes through he'll be able to start looking for jobs, and then we'll move. It wouldn't make any sense for us to move first, and then find out that where we moved to isn't where he got a job. I hate that I'm going to be living with mom for the first few months of our marriage, but I'm sure the first few when we're on our own will more than make up for it. Besides, it'll save us money. And we like money. :)

Ugh...time to go back to the eye doctor and order my contacts/glasses. I don't want to leave the house todayyyyy.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-03 14:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Share the wealth Kayla!
I did mine too, got back $1800 and it's almost all gone from paying back who I owed when I was out on disability and got robbed!
Can't wait to have Kjenkins Jr to be happy at tax time!

I know! Not only are babies awesome, but they give you money at tax time too!!!

Mine is almost gone and I don't even have it yet. I have to pay the rest of our venue(350), the rest of our honeymoon(600), plane ticket(500), and I'm hoping to buy a new computer so that I wont have to fight Mathew for the computer after we're married. I'd hate to have to cancel his Aion subscription just so I can do my homework!! LOL.

Hopefully whatever is left of my money will go into savings. The wedding is just about paid for so now all I have to worry about is our living expenses when we move out of moms house.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-03 14:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Wow Maggie, that's a lot of hiccups, but I'm sure you'll figure it out so you can get married on either one of those special dates.
Kayla: pm me your number and I'll reply w' mine...

I just did!

Soooo... I just filed my taxes. I'm a very happy girl right now. I'm getting over 3k back this year. Whheeeee.

And it's 13 days until I see my honeybunnybabybunnybutt!!!
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-03 12:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Aww, Maggie I'm sorry those darn hiccups are coming.

I know Mathew is in lease until July, so he's paying his rent up to then even though he'll be moved out by May or June. Stupid leases.

So you've looked for other DJs, right?

What about an alternate venue? Usually Sundays are cheaper days because people don't usually get married on Sundays.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-03 12:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

Jenn: when I was moaning and groaning, you were the main 1 cheering me on (not saying that none else didn't). So now that you feel down I'll try my best to keep you encouraged.
Things are going to go sour every now and then but you and Fuat have to be strong, brace and take it one day at a time. I know in your culture that family plays a big roll, but in the end, sometimes you have to do what's best for you and that doesn't always please family but if they really love you they'll support you every step of the way. Stay strong Jenn because no problems or hardships last forever. :thumbs:
I'm next in gthe hot seat to post news and I'll try my best to post as soon as I get a chance coz I know anticipation is a killer...
Matter of fact, who constantly has access to a computer that I can text to post for me? Coz I know I won't get to a computer until a couple hours later...

That would be me, my dear. Text me and I'll post for you if you want when the time comes.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-03 10:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers

exciting news tonight! Congrats deann and yay kayla have fun with him!

Oh you know I will ;) Ice Pack City, here I come!!!
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-02 23:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-02 22:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 K-1 Visa Filers
Sooooo Mathew told me today that he'll be here on the 16th for a week.

So that's 14 DAYS!!!!
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-02 21:33:00