CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Okay, so while I was in Canada with Mathew I did ask him about the Passion Flakie thing so we went looking for them while we were in the grocery store. That's one HUGE box!!!

I also withdraw my opinion about Poutine. We went to La Banquise and it was wonderful!!!

Good luck Huggles. I hope you get the job!!!

One bad thing about the situation with Mathew is that there isn't any jobs for engineers in my part of Kentucky. So we'll have to move. But we can't move until he finds a job. It's like an endless circle of uncertainty. To top it off, he can't really take any job just to pay the bills. The longer he works out of his field, he becomes obsolete. Ugh...why are engineers so complicated?
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-03-29 14:19:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

I cried when I found out that KFC in Canada didn't have mashed potatoes. :(

It`s heartbreaking. On my first visit I was craving KFC mashed potatoes so bad and I even pulled out my cute face so that he would take me and all I got was "mashed potatoes? :blink: "

Now everytime I`m here and we drive by I tell it that I`m sorry it only serves fries. I mean, really! Fried chicken and fries DO NOT go together. Only St. Hubert and Scores can pull the chicken and fries thing off well.

At least my wedding is taking place in the town that has the very first KFC so the Canadians can go sightseeing and find out what the good stuff is.

I can`t believe I just made an entire rant about KFC. :bonk:
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-03-27 08:42:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Oh, so it looks kind of like a toaster strudel. That`s not so bad. The name still throws me off, lol.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-03-26 11:11:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
I`m not gonna lie...with a name like passion flakes and a mysterious filling in the middle, it kinda makes me want to never ever try it. :blink:
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-03-26 11:02:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
The first time I tried Canadian Miracle Whip I almost gagged and died. It tastes SOOOO different from the one I have in the States. Of course, Mathew almost passes out when he has American Miracle Whip, but still.

It just amazes me how things with the same name can taste different in other countries. And that restaurants that we have in both countries will not serve the same food.

Take KFC(PFK, whatever). In the states they have mashed potatoes. Here, they serve fries or something(at least if Mathew is right and not trying to shock me to death).

I`m just like :wow:
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-03-26 09:00:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Very scary Kayla, did you notice anything out of place. Did you call someone or anyone from somewhere safe. Have em check things out with you.
Hopefully all is good and it was just the wind that blew open the door.

I finally did get a hold of Mathew and he swears he locked the door this morning. I checked everything and nothing seems to be out of place. Whoever it was must have noticed that someone was home and left too quickly to close the door. Mathew said it`s the first time anything like this has happened, even with him being gone for the whole month last year.

Luckily it`s only a 4 room apartment. Kitchen, bedroom, living room and bathroom. So small that within 30 seconds you can guarantee no one is in here. I just hope there isn`t a repeat....
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-03-25 13:53:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Just got out of the shower and the front door was open. I`ve been trying to get a hold of Mathew but of course he`s in the lab and wont see my emails until he checks it. :(
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-03-25 13:39:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Soooo....I leave for Canada tomorrow.

Everyone wish me luck. I still feel like I'm constantly fighting the urge to throw up.

Oh, and everyone needs to google Chase No Face. I saw this kitty for the first time last night through his blog and I just want to love him to pieces. Makes me appreciate my Kitty Poo with a Face, even if she is a little bitchy.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-03-19 07:51:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

We're only getting up to 68* and cloudy here in Florida. Blah.

T-minus 3 weeks until the man is here. :dance:

With all the snow and stuff we've had here 68 is like a godsend.

Just checked with Our weather man must have not flipped his coin because it's supposed to be 67. Wheeeee
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-03-18 08:29:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
It's supposed to be pretty weather in Kentucky today. I just hope the weather man didn't do his coin flip thing again.

Only 5 more days to go before our interview. I officially feel like tossing my cookies every 8 minutes or so. Of course Mathew is all relaxed and calm, but nope, not me. I'm the chick that spends most of the day trying not to freak out. :hehe:
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-03-18 08:13:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
He hasn't had ANY swelling and he's actually feeling a ton better today. I'm convinced he may have went to probably the best dentist in the world. They told him his left side might hurt worse than the right because they hadn't come through the gums yet, but he's not hurt hardly at all, and he's been able to eat without much problems. I have this really bad anxiety about him being sick or hurt when I'm not there because I have this NEED to baby him when he's not feeling good. It drove me crazy to think he'd be hurting and I wouldn't be there to nurse him back to health. But now I'd probably be like "Pfft! You've got legs! Go get your own drink!" :P

Tim Ho's and I have a sort of relationship going on. I dream about it and when I go visit Mathew Tim Ho's magically finds it's way into my hands! It's like a miracle or something! LOL. There's a couple here in Kentucky, but the closest is a 2 and a half hour drive, but some days it almost seems worth it. Iced cappuccino is like my cocaine.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-03-13 20:44:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

My interview is in 1 week and 6 days. I'm so nervous! Good luck to both of us eh? <3

Yes! Lots and lots of good luck!! I'm getting so nervous about it though. I know that everything will be fine and stuff, but just the general anxiety of it all is getting to me. I'll probably throw up on the door guard or something. :blush:

it only took my surgeon 20 mins to cut out my wisdom teeth.. it's a quick procedure if the Dr. knows exactly what they are doing.

okay i've had a lot of wine tonight. So fun.

I haven't had mine cut out so maybe that's why it seemed so quick to me. The doctor definitely knew what they were doing because he's not in any pain hardly. A girl I work with just had hers out and she was hurting and eating soft foods for almost 2 weeks.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-03-12 21:37:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Poor Mathew had all 4 of his wisdom teeth cut out this morning. :( It was the quickest procedure I've ever heard of. He got there at 9 and was home by 11am. This is also considering that Montreal is about 30 minutes from Laval(depending on traffic) so I'm all like :blink:.

I was feelin pretty sad because he's hurting so I went out and bought him Final Fantasy XIII. He wont get it until next Saturday, but he's still pretty excited about it. Only 8 more days until I see him, 11 until his interview. Whee!
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-03-12 21:30:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

I play video games myself, so I see no big deal in my fiance playing them.
He's just such a Star Trek Geek :lol:

LOL, I aint denying that I'm excited that Final Fantasy 13 is getting ready to come out, and that I've recently discovered an addiction for WoW(my computer wont run aion). :)
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-01-24 11:03:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Mine is unemployed, not going to school, and sits at home playing EverQuest 2 all day long until he moves here in a few weeks.

He makes me so proud! :lol:

That's your mannnn!! :)

Mathew works, goes to school, and puts up with me so I figure I'll give him a break once in a while to play.

But I secretly swear to get revenge on his server. :devil:
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-01-23 21:49:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

My fiance's playing Star Trek Online open beta right now.
Whatta geek.

Mine plays Aion like it's the last thing he'll ever do on this earth. :blink:
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-01-23 20:50:00
Congrats everyone on the interview dates!!!

Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-04-19 08:28:00
CanadaWeight loss support
I haven't done P90X in so long that I decided to try Slim in 6 before just to prepare myself.

Well, it was a good thing because this morning my leg muscles feel like they hate me. I told them I was sorry!!! :unsure:
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-03-02 09:55:00
CanadaWeight loss support
Starting today, I'm officially in on this. I want to lose at least 20 pounds before the wedding. I'll be dieting and working out.

Good luck everyone!
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-03-01 21:00:00
CanadaVisa Approved
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-07-13 18:28:00
CanadaCan't cash CDN check in US
We have US bank and they'll take the checks no problem as long as they are made out to someone on the account. The ones we've gotten so far are written to Mathew so once we have his name on the account we'll be able to do it. I confirmed this with the bank manager at my local branch so we'll see what happens!
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-05-18 11:31:00
Canadaive got a question for yall
Neither Mathew or I were ever questioned at the border. Everyone was always so nice to us. He did a mix of driving and flying, and I just flew. The only problems I had were from the fact that I don't speak french and get really nervous when in situations like that. But the border guard laughed, told me I'd be fine and then wished us luck on the interview. We were never asked for evidence or pulled in to secondary. But that was OUR experience. Not everyone will have the same one.

Just relax and realize that they are doing their job. They're not being discriminatory. I would expect to have a rough time or be pulled into secondary if the BO thought that something was off and I actually appreciate it. That lets me know that they are looking and trying their hardest to protect our country. Of course that doesn't apply to a case of the "Mondays" or just generally having a rough day. That happens to the best of us and it just so happens that when they're having a bad day it can ruin our visit. It's not like at a restaurant when if someone has a bad day you don't get pickles on your burger like you asked for, when a BO has a bad day you go home broken hearted. But that's life, and it's the risk we've all had to take.

And sorry, but if you're moving to the US, you're going to be one of those "damn americans" too.

Point is, when you're at the border, be nice, honest, don't talk back and answer the questions without giving extra information. If they ask you a yes or no question all they want is a yes or a no. If they need further information after that, they'll ask. When you offer up something extra that looks nervous and then they'll start to wonder why you're so nervous. Bring your ties, or at least your NOA's. Chances are you wont need them but if you've got them it's better safe than sorry. And whatever you do, if you get pulled into secondary don't get defensive and angry. It'll only make it worse.

I am not familiar with your particular situation, my advice would go for ANYONE asking the same question.

Edited by Kayla*Mathew, 24 July 2010 - 09:55 AM.

Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-07-24 09:52:00
Some people just don't deserve the same rights as the rest of us.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-02 23:15:00
USCIS Service CentersCalling USCIS
Did that attorney also tell you that monsters live in your closet?

Seriously. It amazes me at what these lawyers tell people.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2009-11-01 15:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAlright Y'all!
Since my thread had been moved I just want to give it another chance at making sure I'm understanding this correctly before I go on blind faith and find out that I'm wrong. smile.gif
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2009-10-29 20:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAlright Y'all!
I didn't even know I was looking at the wrong website. Silly me!!! I filed for a K-1 so I would be using the I-134.

My mom isn't disabled or anything, I just haven't left the nest yet. I did for a year when I went to college, but she had a breast cancer scare so I came home. Been here ever since. Working part time I make around $18,245 a year.

Okay, so lets see if I've got this! Please let me know if I'm wrong or misunderstanding on ANY part of this.

*My mom is not included in my household size even though she claimed ME on her last years taxes. The only way she would be included in mine is if I had claimed her as a dependent on mine.

*I was being a dummie(LOL) and was looking at the wrong thing. I would only need to show that I make 100% percent of the poverty line for a household number of 2 which would be $14,570.

I tried looking in the Canada forum but it really just took too long to find out what I specifically needed. I'm not a big fan of taking things that are "kind of" the same situation and using them for my own. Little tiny mistakes could mean a big ole fat denial for me! At least on this issue. Everything else I've found on this website and on the Canada forum has been really really helpful.

I'm going through Montreal so I know that the interviews are going to be a WHILE from now. But I figure the sooner I get him to send his stuff in, the sooner I'm prepared, the sooner our name can get on that list of people waiting for an interview!

Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2009-10-29 08:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAlright Y'all!
Not if I have to go by the household size of 3. If it's only 2, then yes, but I'd probably still pad it with a co-sponsor, just in case. I don't like to take chances with this kind of thing. I only work part time right now because I still go to school. But I'm really not even sure what they would classify my yearly salary as when I call to get the letter from HR. I'm only supposed to work 25 hours a week(according to when I was hired), but I actually work around 32. I just wonder how they'd actually calculate it all up.

Also, there would be nothing against me using my mother as a co-sponsor is there? She makes way above the 125% for our household size(him included), so I know that having her as a co-sponsor would be the best thing to do. I'm just weird and worry about every little thing.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2009-10-28 19:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAlright Y'all!
QUOTE (Minya's wife @ Oct 28 2009, 07:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kayla*Mathew @ Oct 28 2009, 06:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I got my notice of NOA2 this morning dated for yesterday and I'm going to go ahead and start gathering everything up that I need to send to Mathew.

Now I have a question! All of this according to http://travel.state....grams_4437.html

I currently live at home with my mom. If I'm understanding it correctly I would need to make $22,888 in order to be 125% above that poverty line since my household size would technically be 3(counting him). Am I wrong?

Thanks to everyone and anyone who helps me on this.

Are you supporting your mom, claiming her on your taxes, or the other way around? If you're the one supporting your mom, then you're correct, your household size is three. If not, then your household size would be 2, you and the intending immigrant.

I just live with her. She claimed me on her taxes last year, so I would assume it'd still be 3? But for money purposes, we're just roommates. Neither of us supports the other.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2009-10-28 18:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAlright Y'all!
I got my notice of NOA2 this morning dated for yesterday and I'm going to go ahead and start gathering everything up that I need to send to Mathew.

Now I have a question! All of this according to http://travel.state....grams_4437.html

I currently live at home with my mom. If I'm understanding it correctly I would need to make $22,888 in order to be 125% above that poverty line since my household size would technically be 3(counting him). Am I wrong?

Thanks to everyone and anyone who helps me on this.

Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2009-10-28 18:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDue Date on Interview Day- Montreal
Honestly I wouldn't chance moving the interview date...You know how long they've been backed up and who knows if this is a permanent thing or if it would take months to get another date.

Of course, if you're fine with this then change your date. :)

Or maybe you'd make the CO so nervous he/she would give you your approval in like 10 seconds. LOL

And since it's so early in the morning I completely skipped over the word "up". I'm taking that to mean that you want to have an earlier one?? I would contact them, tell them the situation and ask if they could give you an earlier spot. But under no circumstances should you let them give up your original date until they find you an earlier one. Someone had a problem with changing their dates and the person they spoke to gave up their first date before giving them a second. Bad day!

Edited by Kayla*Mathew, 28 January 2010 - 09:14 AM.

Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-01-28 09:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHelp on Step 3 ! please :D

Thaks a loooot ! It will permit us to KNOW :)
Have you an idea of the usual timeline between P-3 and P-4 ?

I only know what it is for Canada. Our packet 3 was logged on December 8th and we didn't get our interview date until last week. For March 23. But, Montreal has been backlogged.

Have you tried checking with the France forums to see if anyone else has said anything?
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-02 20:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHelp on Step 3 ! please :D

Hey Kayla !!! Thank you ! Are you sure that this will work for me in france, joining her in USA ? Is it an american number ?

It is the Department of State. They know all when it comes to this process. They know when your paperwork has arrived, left, been logged, and interviews have been scheduled. It's an american number so it's probably best to have the American call unless you don't mind high phone bills! The wait time is outrageous due to the Haiti crisis, but if you call early enough in the day it shouldn't be too bad.

Just make sure to have your case number handy! :)
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-02 20:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHelp on Step 3 ! please :D


I'm a french guy trying to join my fiancée in the USA, and I'm new here.

I'm currently in the process for a K1 Visa (Step3).
As requested, I've sent back to the embassy the forms "DS-230" and the "DS-2001" a month ago, and I'm a little worried for not having any answer yet !!!
I don't know if it is normal or not, and I start to get nervous with it. There is no way to have more informations about, perhaps the postal services have lost the packet 4 ...
Could you please have a look on my case and give me answers, I don't want to miss an interview date allready scheduled !

What is the normal time between the embassy receive the DS-2001 and when I receive the Package 4 ?
On french forums I have read "2 weeks" ... do I have to panic ? :unsure:

Thank you for your answers !


Have your fiance call DOS to see if they've received your packet and if they've scheduled an interview for you yet. DOS number is 202-663-1225
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-02 20:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI NEED ASSISTANCE

So a k-1 visa will normally work if you have a co-sponsor? and what should we get prepared for the interview?
Whats the main difference between the I 864 AND I 134?

I-134 and the I-864 are both affidavits of support, but the I-134 goes by the 100% of the poverty guidelines, and the I-864 goes by 125%. The I-134 is used at the K-1 interview, but the I-864 is used at AOS, which is why people generally always follow the guidelines for it.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-03 10:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI NEED ASSISTANCE


I think you will too. :)
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-02 20:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI NEED ASSISTANCE

She lets her emotions get the better of her somtimes. But i no she wouldnt want to give up on us. but everything should work out
just sooo happy about this. cant wait.

I'm the same way, but she really needs to learn how to control them and not let them get the better of her. This journey is far from over, and you aren't even to the hard part yet.

I used to be impatient and hot headed. This process has beat me down so much now that I've learned to just roll with the punches and do my homework.

The best advice anyone here can give you is to read, read, read, read. And when you think you've filled out a form too many times, do it just once more. I always fill my forms out at least 3 to 4 times. I always find the mistakes that would have cost us months on the very last try.

Good luck.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-02 19:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI NEED ASSISTANCE
See! He's not giving up!!! Why should you be so willing so give up because you have to ask for help??? I know it seems so hard, but it's really not asking that much of her. Basically, she signs her name to a piece of paper. If everything goes well and he doesn't end up a public charge she'll basically never hear another thing about it.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-02 18:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI NEED ASSISTANCE

i learned today that there's no way for my k-1 visa to go through now. what a great feeling.

You wont even TRY to get a consponsor? You're just going to give up???

Most people here would go through family members, one by one until they could find someone to cosponsor. It doesn't run your credit, all you need is a signature, an employer letter, some pay stubs and maybe a w-2. It's not the crisis situation that everyone imagines it is.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-02 16:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI NEED ASSISTANCE
Your 5k wouldn't help you in the slightest. You have to prove 3x or 5x if you're using assets.

It's either best to get a cosponsor or wait until you're in a better financial situation.

But DO be aware that this process costs A LOT of money, and that you wont get a refund for your $455 if you cancel.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-02 15:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI NEED ASSISTANCE
What about your parents? Aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters?

USCIS isn't going to care whether or not you can save up more money before this is done. They want to know things NOW. They don't care about his income, either. They want to know about yours since you are basically paying his way until he gets his work authorization. So in your thoughts, leave everyone else out of the equation except for YOU. You already know you don't make enough, and unless you can make up for it in assests, you will HAVE to find a cosponsor. Otherwise, I'm sorry to say, but no dice. It's a very cruel thing, but USCIS doesn't care if he's your one true love, they're all about the hard facts of the situation, and you can't live on love.

I made $50 under what I would need to be 125% over the poverty line. That's the most frustrating thing to me in the world. So I had to ask my mom, no big deal. You should try and find someone to do the same for you.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-02-02 14:56:00