CanadaVisa has been printed, but not mailed.
Which number did you call to get a hold of the embassy? Mathew tried one number and it rang once and then disconnected.

Maggie told me that you had gotten your tracking number from the Consulate so I've emailed them to ask if they have that type of info for my case as well(I'm losing faith in the congressmans aide), so hopefully they do.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-04-16 19:52:00
CanadaVisa has been printed, but not mailed.
We're not married yet and the only vacation time I have left is for our honeymoon. So whatever route he has to take at the consulate he'll have to do it on his own. I can't really afford to fly up there when we have to do AOS anyway. :( booh!
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-04-16 08:20:00
CanadaVisa has been printed, but not mailed.
Considering that Mathew lives so close to Montreal, and actually works and goes to school there it wont be any time wasted if they don't let him in. But it's worth a shot. Anything at this point is worth trying. I'll have him show up wearing a giant banana suit if that meant they'd let him through the doors, LOL.

Thanks Dan and Ali for the wishes. :)
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-04-15 23:04:00
CanadaVisa has been printed, but not mailed.

The scanned copy should be good. He should go down there early in the morning. Did they give him anything at his interview to say he was approved? He should take that too if he has it. Maybe speaking to someone will help.

Hope you get some good news SOON Kayla!!!

He got his little paper that tells what happens next with his K-1 visa. Like a FAQ.

What time do you guys think he should go down there??? Like early early the way we did for his interview, or after the doors have already opened?
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-04-15 21:22:00
CanadaVisa has been printed, but not mailed.
So no news today. The depot couldn't find it and doesn't remember having a package for Mathew.

Mathew went looking for his interview letter and couldn't find it, so I'm thinking that someone at the consulate kept it. Then again, it may be in our massive binder. Making a face to face inquiry would be amazing if it can be done. He DID make a scan copy of his interview letter to send to me so maybe that will work too???

We didn't tear that thing off of the envelope because we didn't know that it COULD be tore off. Mathew had originally bought the wrong sized mailer and had to go get a new one and when looking at the other mailed for where the tracking number should have been he found it. Hopefully they've recorded something about it. It is SUCH an important document, like lgg said, so I don't understand why they WOULDN'T want to have their own way to keep track of it.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-04-15 20:06:00
CanadaVisa has been printed, but not mailed.

You might want to have him write up 10 notes, tape them to the door on each apartment there.

something innocuous like:

'Are you holding any mail for me? Please ring me at 2028093840929 and let me know, either way.
Thanks in advance'

That's what I told him he needed to do. Chances are they don't have it, but there's a slim chance that they might. Anything is worth a shot at this point, even asking random strangers on the street.

I'm just wondering if maybe when they printed the first visa they marked it as shipped, but never actually sent the reprinted version. I know I'm grasping at straws here, but weirder things have happened.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-04-14 17:47:00
CanadaVisa has been printed, but not mailed.
Mathew got in touch with the Depot that his mailman works out of, but unfortunately all of the mailpeople were gone for the day except for the supervisor. She took down his name, address, and phone number so that tomorrow morning they can search for it. I called the lady back from the congressmans office and told her what was going on so she's going to wait until tomorrow to contact the Consulate back so that she's not making too many inquiries on the same case.

Mathew lives in an apartment building with like 10 tenants. According to the supervisor(not the depot one) that we spoke to from Canada Post when mail can't be delivered they hold it for 15 days at the post office. During that time they have to send out two failed delivery notices, one on the first attempt and the second 10 days into the hold. He never got any of those. He also had signature required but since pretty much everyone here has their visa just left in the mailbox without a signature, Canada Post must think it's pretty useless.

Has anyone ever had any experience with replacing a lost passport???? I wonder how long that takes just in case it can't be located. Hopefully the consulate would reprint the visa again for us, but he'd need a new passport to go with that visa otherwise it's moot.

I wish I could go back in time and write that stupid tracking number down. It's amazing to me that I spent so much time fretting over other things, and the ONE thing I forgot to do is the one that has the ability to ruin my future.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-04-14 14:47:00
CanadaVisa has been printed, but not mailed.
I don't know what to do at this point. I'm losing it.

He couldn't find the receipt so when he took the transaction number down to the post office they tell him they can't reprint a receipt or even see anything about that transaction. So we call customer service and speak to a supervisor. Same thing. I asked her if they could basically be giving these things away and not know about it and she said yes. So without the tracking number we don't know where the package is. Without giving that tracking number to the lady at the congressmans office there isn't much that she can do, but she's going to try. We can't prove anything to the consulate. They say they mailed it and that's going to be the only thing that matters to them.

Guess there isn't going to be a wedding now afterall. :(
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-04-14 11:04:00
CanadaVisa has been printed, but not mailed.
He's been gone about 15 minutes now. Hurry up!!!!
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-04-14 09:32:00
CanadaVisa has been printed, but not mailed.
Annnnnddddd...he can't find it.

He was going to the post office closest to him to see if they had it and sent it back, but then he checked his bank account and there's a receipt number on his transaction list for that purchase. So he's going to return to the one he bought it from and see if they can look up the receipt and reprint it for him.

I'm crossing everything I've got for this to actually work.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-04-14 09:16:00
CanadaVisa has been printed, but not mailed.
The lady from the congressman's office called me at about 8:30 this morning and told me that Montreal is telling her that the day they printed it, they also mailed it. So then where is it?! I have Mathew tearing his car apart right now looking for the receipt from when we bought the envelope, but I doubt he'll find anything.

It's just amazing to me that they can say they mailed it, but why isn't it showing up in the DoS system?

I feel like throwing up.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-04-14 08:51:00
CanadaVisa has been printed, but not mailed.
Thanks everyone.

I wish there was something that I can do. I feel so helpless and defeated at this point. I realize that others have waited WAY longer than me, but it's heartbreaking to hear that we're approved, to KNOW that our visa has been printed, but that we don't have it. And we don't know when we'll have it.

I'm going to send Montreal another email tonight. They obviously aren't going to answer my first one.

Also, I forgot to add that the second lady I spoke to today says that when a visa has to be reprinted that the embassy usually contacts the beneficiary about it. I had Mathew check his voicemail and his caller ID and there haven't been any weird numbers on there, so I don't know about that.

I just feel so so defeated right now.

a misprint? yikes.

There is that 'physical bundling' that still has to occur, before it's ready to be mailed out. If it's already been printed up this 2nd time, and if yer NOT in AP, then I'll suggest to you that yer in a long nasty queue (which of course, sucks loads).

Hopefully the immigration liason staffer can actually get a human at Montreal to look into the case and reply back soonish.

I would agree with this, but it has been printed AND reprinted since the 24th. And since people who interviewed on the 30th already have their visas the queue must not be that big. Otherwise other people should be backed up too. At least that's what I would think.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-04-12 19:56:00
CanadaVisa has been printed, but not mailed.
So here's my update on the situation.

I called the congressman's office this morning. I was told that I needed to mail them a privacy waiver and then she would look into our case. Not a problem because I had already filled it out and just had to put it in the mail.

So just for fun I decided to call DoS to see if maybe by some slim chance they had posted it as mailed. The girl I talked to today said that our case was still pending because he was put in AP. I tried to explain to her that the other person I spoke with told me that for a K-1 you have to go a step further to see the actual status of the visa and that I had been told repeatedly that the visa had been printed on March 24th. Of course, this lady said that she WAS going that step further and that they were not allowed to tell us when the visa was printed and that it was wrong. She was very snotty. So I called her an idiot, hung up, and proceeded to break out in tears right in the middle of AT&T. Yes, customers around and everything.

So once I calmed down(thanks to my wonderful co-workers), I called back. And after holding for 25 minutes I got to talk to someone who actually knew what they were doing. She looked at it and said that it said that it was transferred, but she didn't know where or why(so that's still a mystery). But she also confirmed that we were NOT in AP and said that she didn't know where in the world the other girl got that from because it was CERTAINLY not on our file. I told her that I had been told before that our visa was printed on the 24th and she said she didn't see it, but then said "OH WAIT!! I forgot there's something else I can do!" and she looked at whatever that was and confirmed that it had been printed on the 24th, but that they had made a mistake on the visa(I'll go ahead and guess they misspelled his name since it is spelled with only one T), but that they reprinted it the same day. After that she saw no other notes. She was very, very, very helpful and was on the phone with me for a good 25 minutes researching everything. She told me to definitely contact my congressman because they should be able to get something done for me.

So now I'm at a roadblock. The only thing that I can do is let the congressman's office do their work and hope that they are able to get something done. :(
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-04-12 18:36:00
CanadaVisa has been printed, but not mailed.

No, you cant call the consulate. And I doubt he can just show up there either. Those security guards looked kinda cranky.

I sure hope the visa gets there soon. It is strange that it has taken so long. Call the congressmen closest to you, and just tell them what has happened. They will ask for your case number and get you to sign a privacy waiver. Then they sic their minions on montreal's minions.. and *hopefully* hey presto...VISA!!!

That's what I originally thought, but was hoping y'all knew something that I didn't! LOL.

I've already got the privacy waiver filled out all I have to do is fax it or send it to them. I'm trying to make this as quick as possible so that he can come home soon. :wub:
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-04-11 13:57:00
CanadaVisa has been printed, but not mailed.

Kayla, I hope Mathew gets his visa! Hope things work out. If Mathew is in Montreal, maybe he can contact the consulate to get the visa too.

I thought that the consulate didn't take phone inquiries? He lives in Laval, which is like 15-20 minutes outside of Montreal. He goes to school and works in Montreal. If anybody knows of a way he can contact the consulate, please do let me know that way we can try that route as well. :thumbs:
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-04-11 11:49:00
CanadaVisa has been printed, but not mailed.
Okay, so I figured I'd update.

I contacted the congressman's office on Friday, but the lady that handles immigration issues was off until Monday. So I'll have to call back then.

I hesitated about contacting them because I didn't know exactly what the timeline is for receiving the visa. But I got on Montreal's website and it DOES say that visa's will be returned in 5-7 business days. This coming Tuesday will make 15 business days. Let's just hope that this means the congressman's office can get something done for me!

I just want my hunnybunny to come home. :(
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-04-10 19:53:00
CanadaVisa has been printed, but not mailed.

Gosh!!! I don't know how you do it but you seem so calm!!! I'd be freaking out, probably giving myself a heart attack...
The "good" thing is that at least there's mail tomorrow, you might get it then...Did you guys get a tracking number for the enveloppe you gave the consulate? What does it tell you when you look it up on Canada Post?
Keep up posted and good luck!
I'll be sending good vibes for you tomorrow!

We were so stressed and worried about the interview that we didn't even think to write the tracking number down. Immediately after the interview we were kicking ourselves.

I'm not really all that calm about it, but I am so emotionally taxed right now because of my father showing his true colors(basically saying he doesn't want a relationship with my sister and I) that I'm literally trying to keep myself together the best way I can. When I heard yesterday that our visa wasn't printed I wanted to throw up. I spent a few good hours not speaking, trying not to cry, and most importantly to not get sick. It seems like when it rains, it pours and it's all I can do to put my happy face on and keep my patience about this whole thing. :) Besides, nothing good can come of me freaking out(although I'd love to, and if this had happened a week ago I would have). It's not going to make the visa come any faster and it's only going to stress Mathew out.

I guess I'm trying to see the bright shiny side of things so I can keep myself together. Otherwise I'd just fall apart.

Thanks for the well wishes!
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-04-08 14:09:00
CanadaVisa has been printed, but not mailed.
Okay, well when I got on his website I found out that I actually have to call the office in Somerset, not the one in Pikeville(my city). I also have to complete some kind of privacy release form and send it to them. I'll be working on that part today since I'm fairly sure I'll have to contact his office to get it straightened out.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-04-08 11:22:00
CanadaVisa has been printed, but not mailed.

call the one in the city you live...usually he has a person dedicated to dealing with ins etc. at least ours in rockford did.

Thanks so much. I was worried about that. I'd feel a little weird if I relayed the whole story to someone and then they said "Wait...wait...what's a K-1???" :blush:

I'll give them the rest of today to respond and if they don't I'll contact his office tomorrow morning. I could wait longer, but I feel like it's just wasting time. I truly feel like that visa is just sitting there lost in paperwork somewhere. Even the woman at DoS said that was weird because she said our case was completely finished on the K-1 part and that there's no additional processing or anything.

I'll just be so happy once this visa is in his hands. I thought I could quit stressing about immigration until after the wedding but Montreal had other plans! :lol:
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-04-08 11:12:00
CanadaVisa has been printed, but not mailed.

is it possible you are under some sort of AP? i know it's not the norm for a canada consulate to do that..course then again..why would visa be printed but not mailed..this is highly irregular it seems. maybe contact a congressman? and get them to LOOK for the passport and file? i'd be freaking out too wanting to call / yell / scream if it were me lol.

I asked, he's not in AP. The woman I talked to today said that everything was perfect, it was finished. Just waiting on the visa to be mailed.

Which basically to me says that it's lying under a table somewhere, lost.

I'm going to give Montreal until Monday to answer me(although I'm thinking about writing again, but not sure if it's a good idea), and then I'll contact my congressman. Question about that, though. My congressman (Harold 'Hal' Rogers) has 4 offices listed. One in DC, and 3 in my state(one in my city). Which would would I call??? Also, more importantly, what in the world would I say? I'm so weird about this kind of stuff.

Edited by Kayla*Mathew, 08 April 2010 - 10:57 AM.

Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-04-08 10:57:00
CanadaVisa has been printed, but not mailed.
It is extremely frustrating for me right now because it's just been sitting there for 2 weeks. Everybody else has gotten theirs. So I wonder if they've lost it or something. They can't hold his passport for forever so they have to give me some kind of news. At least I hope.

I had totally forgotten about the forwarded mail thing until my uncle mentioned it yesterday, so yes we will be doing that if it doesn't come in time.

Mathew is so frustrated right now, and I hate to say it, but it's kind of cute. When I told him what they said yesterday he emailed me back and said "I'm going to be calling the Consulate myself and if I don't hear anything I'll go down there Friday!!!". I had to then explain to him that the embassy only responds to email inquiries now and that if he went down there he wouldn't be allowed in for no reason. But at least he's trying, and being adorable at the same time. My grumpy little french Canadian. :wub:

Edited by Kayla*Mathew, 08 April 2010 - 10:21 AM.

Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-04-08 10:20:00
CanadaVisa has been printed, but not mailed.
The visa still hasn't come. I had quite a scare yesterday when I called DoS and the girl told me she wasn't seeing that it was printed, and that it was still in process. And of course this was all 10 minutes until closing so each time I called back I would get her.

But I called again this morning and the lady I spoke to this time(I remember this ones voice and she's great) told me that the girl yesterday must have never hit the right button because on one screen it would always show pending, but that pending was for Adjustment of Status or something like that. She said that girl must not have known it was a fiance visa, but that it surely had been printed out and had been since the 24th.

So basically it's been printed and sitting there for two weeks. Montreal STILL hasn't written me back, although I've heard it can take up to 4 days. But should I write them again just in case it got lost in cyberspace??
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-04-08 09:55:00
CanadaVisa has been printed, but not mailed.

Hey Kayla*Matthew, I just got off the phone with DOS! Turns out, my visa was printed on the 31st but they are not sure whether it has been mailed out yet or not either!
KnR aka slider100

Well maybe they are just having a slow time getting the visas mailed out.

I've emailed them. Everybody cross your fingers that I get a reply. If they tell me anything useful, I'll report back.

I just hate playing this waiting game. But it's my life now, might as well accept it. :P
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-04-06 14:17:00
CanadaVisa has been printed, but not mailed.

Easter weekend is 4 solid days of no mail in Canada...unlike here in the US.

I'm sure by the time school finishes and his travel roles around he'll have it in hand, but just in case, he sould have someone reliable checking the mail or have it forwarded.

That's the problem. The child has lived in Montreal for almost 6 years and knows NO ONE that he would trust to do that. He hasn't made friends there. He basically goes to school, comes home, goes to work, comes home.

I think he may actually be moving out of his apartment when he goes to his parents house. He's talked about it, but if he doesn't get his visa in time he wont be able to.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-04-06 12:43:00
CanadaVisa has been printed, but not mailed.
I hope so because he's only got 2 more weeks in his apartment and then he'll be going to visit his parents in Rouyn-Noranda. He'll stay there until it's time to move to me. So basically if he doesn't get it in two weeks it's going to be a whole other battle trying to get it sent to his parents address and then worrying that it wont arrive!

This would be so much easier if they allowed those who live in or near Montreal to pick up their visas the next day. That way they could save on postage and have less of a backlog in mailing out the visas. But that would be in a perfect world. -_-
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-04-06 12:41:00
CanadaVisa has been printed, but not mailed.
Today makes 2 weeks since Mathew has his interview in Montreal. He still hasn't received his visa. I called DOS just now to see if there had been any other updates other than the visa being printed(which I called and found out last week), and they lady I spoke to said that was all she was seeing but that usually there will be at least one additional update saying that the visa has been mailed back to the applicant.

So now I'm like :angry: because Mathew gets out of school in 2 weeks and will be going to visit his parents after that until he moves down on May 14th.

I hope that this is all just because of the Easter holiday, but I would have thought that since they printed the visa over a week ago(when I called last week the lady said it had been printed a few days prior) that they would have mailed it by now.

Grrr...guess I'll have to email Montreal and hope for a reply. :crying: :crying: :crying:
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-04-06 12:12:00
CanadaFor Those Who Have Interviewed
My fiance and I both wore jeans and sweaters. It was about a bagillion degrees below zero and raining so we wanted to be warm. So it was casual, but we wore our nicer jeans and I picked out his sweater(lol), so we both still looked nice.

Good luck!!!!
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-04-23 08:06:00
CanadaPutting my ducks in a row!
I didn't include any bank information. As long as you or your co-sponsor makes 125% of the poverty guidelines for their household size you don't have to worry about bank stuff. That's really only if you are trying to fill a gap with what you've got in the bank. Oh, and just in case you missed it in our thread I had to use a co-sponsor, too. So I've been there! :)

I wouldn't do a cover letter for the I-134. It's just going to get thrown in the trash probably. You will be asked for your things in advance and as long as it is paper-clipped or something I don't see a need for a cover page. The woman actually tore off a couple of our paperclips and tossed them in the trash. But by all means, if you want to make it look pretty, go right ahead! I'm sure it'll be the prettiest I-134 there! :P

Hang in there girlie he's almost home!

Edited by Kayla*Mathew, 11 May 2010 - 05:15 PM.

Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-05-11 17:14:00
CanadaMathew is on his way!
Yep, Mathew made it safely. :wub:

Storm was awful, actually. Knocked the power out at about midnight and I have no clue what time it came back on. Gave us a good chance to cuddle, though. :)

But waking up next to him this morning and knowing that it'll be this way for the rest of our lives was an amazing feeling.

Edited by Kayla*Mathew, 16 May 2010 - 08:09 PM.

Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-05-16 20:09:00
CanadaMathew is on his way!
About 2 hours left until he gets here and I'm all butterflies. I tried taking a nap but that didn't work and now I'm basically pacing around the room. And to top it all off there's a thunderstorm coming(I HATE storms). 2 hours can't come fast enough!
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-05-15 19:13:00
CanadaMathew is on his way!
The vet gave the kitty some kind of pills to make her calm but instead it makes her feel lost and disoriented. I just talked to him and he's in Pennsylvania right now.

GPS says he'll be here at 10:10!!!yay!
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-05-15 13:52:00
CanadaMathew is on his way!
Mathew POE'd(I always read peed instead of POE'd lol) this morning at thousand islands bridge. He told me the whole thing from start to finish, including importing his car took about 45 minutes since they had 2 people working with him. They never looked in his car and never noticed the cat. I don't know how they didn't since she's been wailing since they entered the US.

I'll have him post something more detailed when he gets in tonight. But he's on his way!!!
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-05-15 12:13:00
there's a pay to park place on the same street of the consulate. Mathew and I paid $15 for the whole day, but it's hardly worth it unless it's raining and very cold like it was that day. We got there at 6:40 and was out by 9:15am. Most of the hotels are close enough that you can walk, but if you live in the area like Mathew did then you'll have to make extra time to find a good spot.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-05-31 22:20:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

Wow. Boy has Lollapalooza fallen... It used to be an edgy festival. Lady Gaga is not edgy. She's a ready-made media ####### who just happens to have chosen music as the genre of choice to ####### it out in.

Otep are great, by the way. Well...House of Secrets is great. I wasn't so fond of her/their first album, and haven't heard their last two.

A related rant: why do so many metal bands opt for the distorted, unintelligible "cookie monster" vocals? I'm not a metalhead, but I DO own probably about 100 albums that would be considered metal. I'd surely be MORE into metal if there were more "clean" vocals a la Tool. I still love some bands that have the "cookie monster" vox (Opeth being my favorite), but can't help but wish more metal bands would do the same heavy, grinding, complex music with intelligible lyrics!

I just got this CD called Blackjazz by a Norwegian death metal band called Shining...and the music is insane and frenetic...truly a hybrid between extreme death metal and jazz. I like it, but I'd like it even MORE if there were either NO vocals, or cleaner vocals. I just get tired of hearing some dude screaming into a mic...

House of Secrets was my favorite of all her stuff. What came after that hasn't been so awesome.

I love metal music, heck I love all music, but when the screaming stuff starts I want to bang my head into a wall. Well, not all of it does. I like Dimmu Borgir and some other things like that, but I CAN'T STAND Cradle of Filth. I don't know why but when I hear that band I get so annoyed.

Mathew turned me on to Power Metal(or melodic metal) when we dated the first time around (2004), and I tend to lean more towards that side of the spectrum now as it still has the awesome music and none or very minimal amounts of the I-kill-kittens-for-fun type vocals.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-04-06 10:47:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

I just read that Lady Gaga is headlining Lollapalooza. Fail. If there was any doubt in the past that the organizers of this festival had sold out, this should solidify that.

ummmm.....alrighty then.

I remember a few years ago (probably more like 5 or 6) Otep was scheduled to play at Lollapalooza. And now they've got Lady Gaga? What a sell out.

Don't get me wrong, I'd tolerate Lady Gaga over Kesha anyday, and I DO appreciate all kinds of music but Lollapalooza used to be better than that.

Buncha pooheads. :angry:

Edited by Kayla*Mathew, 06 April 2010 - 10:20 AM.

Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-04-06 10:20:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
I HATE Delta.

I just got back home last night from my week vacation with my honey. My bags were delayed in Detroit when I flew to Montreal, and then when I was flying out of Montreal yesterday they were delayed AGAIN.

Someone on another forum said something about they sometimes do it for security checks, but why in the world would they check my bag twice. All I have is clothes in there!

Anyway, the girl last night promised it would be here before midnight(last night), they would call before delivering and they wouldn't leave it on the front step. All 3 promises were broken. And when I called the delayed baggage people this morning the woman yelled at me and said she didn't know what my problem was because I had my bag.

Oh, and did I mention that I was forced to miss work today because I actually live and work 3 hours away from my uncles house? I had to stay in Lexington so I could get my bag and then I was going to leave super early to get to work on time. Delta had other plans.
:ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting:
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-03-29 09:34:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Booh to Sony!

I bought Mathew Final Fantasy XIII for his PS3 and after about 6 hours of game time the PS froze and now it wont ready ANY disc. After some google searching we find out that it`s been a huge issue with the old PS3`s and that Sony is doing nothing to fix it or help people, so people were planning to bombard sony with calls yesterday. We called at about 9 last night and sure enough the guy told me he had never heard of the problem and that it`d be 150 to fix it since his was out of warranty.

I think it`s just #######. His PS3 has less than 50 hours of gameplay on it, and he`s had it since 2008. There isn`t a single scratch on the machine whatsoever because he`s taken such good care of it. I don`t see why he should have to pay for something that HE didn`t cause. If he let it overheat, played it too much, or didn`t handle it correctly I could see paying all that money to have it fixed. But not whenever it`s something he couldn`t control. Warranty or no warranty there`s nothing he could have done to prevent this.

I have a feeling we`ll be going to Best Buy tonight when he gets home from work. It`s either $150 to fix it and have it break again or $299, and buy a brand new one that doesn`t have the problem. Guess which one sounds more appealing...hmmmm..
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-03-25 08:37:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
I could see Sir Finnegan. Or even just Finn.

Look at the kitty.

Now say Finnegan.

Look at the kitty's face.

He LOOKS like a Finnegan.

Forgive me. I've just had a Mountain Dew, lol.
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-03-30 22:46:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
I'm gonna go ahead and second Sir Fluffy Buns. He looks like a Sir and also has Fluffy Buns, so you see, it matches! :lol:

But then again, I named my cat Kitty Poo so I'm probably not the right person to answer. lol
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-03-30 22:41:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Okay, so while I was in Canada with Mathew I did ask him about the Passion Flakie thing so we went looking for them while we were in the grocery store. That's one HUGE box!!!

I also withdraw my opinion about Poutine. We went to La Banquise and it was wonderful!!!

Good luck Huggles. I hope you get the job!!!

One bad thing about the situation with Mathew is that there isn't any jobs for engineers in my part of Kentucky. So we'll have to move. But we can't move until he finds a job. It's like an endless circle of uncertainty. To top it off, he can't really take any job just to pay the bills. The longer he works out of his field, he becomes obsolete. Ugh...why are engineers so complicated?
Kayla*MathewFemaleCanada2010-03-29 14:19:00