K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 K-1 Filers

Ich wusste gar nicht, das dass auch mit hingeschickt wird?!O.o

Ich dachte das wird mitgenommen im Ordner zum Interview???


Also ich will jetzt nichts falsches sagen, aber meines Erachtens nach soll das auch mitgeschickt werden...


Vllt google ich das nochmal :o

pinpanellaNot TellingGermany2014-02-25 06:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 K-1 Filers

Genau ich schicke das Original und eine nicht beglaubigte Kopie korrekt! Wie und was du alles hinschicken musst nachdem du das Schreiben (Paket3) von Frankfurt erhalten hast kannst du auch hier nachlesen unter Embassy Info (ganz oben, auf dieser Website) da hab ich nämlich auch geschaut und die wollen ja am liebsten sogar eine Reihenfolge, wie du was einschickst....

Und zu dem polizeilichen Führungszeugnis:

Eine Bekannte von mir (die jetzt seit September 2013 in den USA ist, auch durch ein K1 Visum) hat es auch beim Rathaus beantragt und außerdem bezieht dein Rathaus das aus Köln/ Bonn, da dort irgendwie der Hauptsitz ist für diese Zeugnisse?! Bei meinem jedenfalls steht oben drauf: "Bundesamt für Justiz" und das ist ein sehr originelles (grünes) Stück DIN A4 Schreiben was jetzt nicht einfach nur wie ein einfacher "Wisch" aussieht wink.png

Von dem Zeugnis musst du dann auch eine Kopie machen und mitschicken nach Frankfurt... Aber ich würd dir echt hier diese embassy info empfehlen, da dort unter Germany auch steht wie du die Sachen sortiert in den Briefumschlag steckst, da die am liebsten eine sortierte Reihenfolge haben da beim Konsulat....

Ja das I-134 mit original Unterschrift vom USC. Mein Schatz fährt heute zur Post und schickt es heute ab....

Hattest du schon dein Medical? Habt ihr euer NOA2 schon bekommen??


Ach, diese Embassy Info hab ich mir hier noch gar nicht angeguckt, vielen Dank!!!


Jaaa, wir haben unsere NOA2 (also das Online-Update, noch keine hardcopy) am 21.02. bekommen! Genau eine Woche nach euch! :)))


Ich habe aber noch gar keine Dokumente beantragt oder sonstiges. Werde heute oder morgen das Führungszeugnis beantragen und auch schon mal internationale Geburtsurkunden holen, weil man die nachher sowieso bei der Hochzeit braucht!


Habe meinem Verlobten und seinem Stiefvater die I-134 forms gestern per Email geschickt, also die werden auch jetzt erst anfangen den ganzen Kram zu bearbeiten. Naja ich hoffe, dass das nicht allzu lange dauert...


Ich werde meinen Termin fürs Medical so Mitte März machen, da ich am Sonntag für eine Woche nach Polen fliege um meine Familie zu besuchen bevor es dann in die Staaten geht und ich nicht weiß wann ich das nächste Mal wieder in Europa sein werde ;)


Aaaah, hätte ich mich mal um den ganzen Kram vorher gekümmert.. Am meisten Sorgen mache ich mir um diese I-134. Da braucht man ja diese Letter von der Bank und vom Arbeitgeber und Tax Returns, W-2's, paystubs... :/  oh man!

pinpanellaNot TellingGermany2014-02-25 04:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 K-1 Filers

Also ich hab die Geburtsurkunde aus'm Stammbuch genommen, obwohl meine Mutti das nicht so toll findet, aber ich will lieber auf der sicheren Seite sein, als hinterher ein RFE zu bekommen, weil ich "nur" die internationale Geburtsurkunde geschickt habe..... Die ich zwar auch habe aber ich will einfach auf der sicheren Seite sein..... Ist ja nun auch nur der Postweg von Norddeutschland nach Frankfurt das sollte man der Deutschen Post jawohl mal zutrauen können, dass da nix schief geht. wink.png

Und polizeiliches Führungszeugnis hab ich beim Rathaus angefragt,... Kostet 13 oder 14 und du wirst gefragt ob es für private oder nicht private Zwecke ist! Du solltest es auf jedenfall mit privaten Zwecken beantworten, da du es zu dir nach Hause schicken lassen musst und nicht direkt zum Konsulat in Frankfurt!

Achja und die Gültigkeit ist 6 Monate.


Okay, das heißt also du schickst die Geburtsurkunde aus dem Stammbuch und eine normale (nicht beglaubigte) Kopie davon hin, stimmt's? Ach, und das alles lässt du auf deutsch, oder? Wir dürfen ja in Frankfurt sowohl deutsche als auch englische Dokumente schicken..


Bist du dir denn sicher, dass dieses polizeiliche Führungszeugnis dann ausreicht? Ich hatte irgendwo mal gelesen, dass man das dabei diesem BfJ beantragen muss.

Das ist alles so verwirred und irgendwie habe ich total Panik vor dem ganzen Kram ohmy.png


Bin froh, dass es hier jemanden aus Deutschland gibt smile.png


Was schickt ihr denn also supporting evidence für das I-134?


Edited by pinpanella, 25 February 2014 - 03:22 AM.

pinpanellaNot TellingGermany2014-02-25 03:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 K-1 Filers

Trisha, since I don't know anybody German who is in the K1 visa process now, I have a question for you: Will you send your original birth certificate (the excerpt from the "Stammbuch")?

Or are you going to get an (international) birth certificate and copy from the Standesamt and send that?

Furthermore, where can I obtain a police certificate? Is it right that I have to request it here: https://www.bundesju...493229.1_cid377


Or can I simply go to a police station around and obtain one there?


It would be great if you could help!

Thanks a lot!!!


pinpanellaNot TellingGermany2014-02-25 02:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 K-1 Filers

Congratulations!!!! :)))


so happy for you!!

pinpanellaNot TellingGermany2014-02-14 22:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 K-1 Filers

From the north. Close to hannover and you?


From the west. Close to Düsseldorf :)


A new week starts to tomorrow! Let's hope we get our approvals ;)

pinpanellaNot TellingGermany2014-02-09 15:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 K-1 Filers

Crossing my fingers for you Trisha! We are still waiting, aswell.


Where in Germany are you from?



pinpanellaNot TellingGermany2014-02-09 06:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 K-1 Filers

Thank you so much for the quick reply!!!


Yes, we will definitely call USCIS after processing time is over. If we cant get any information we will contact our senator!

Thank you for providing me with so many details :)


It is really great how people here help each other and support one another!!


I will keep you updated on our case.



pinpanellaNot TellingGermany2014-02-07 15:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 K-1 Filers

Congratulations Devy and Lynette!!! :)


We filed fiancee visa petition September 23rd... We are worrying a lot because a lot of cases got approved already even though they filed way later than us according to Igor's List :'(


...Can I ask you couple questions? How did you contact your senator? Via email or regular mail? What did you write her?


And another stupid question: How do I know who is the responsible senator for our case?


I am German citizen and my fiance lives in Florida.


Thank you very much!!!


pinpanellaNot TellingGermany2014-02-07 14:15:00
VietnamAbout to send i29f: Am I missing anything?

After tracking all the documents and working on this package for over 3 weeks, I think I?m ALMOST ready to submit it. I have some specific questions: I use a PO BOX for receiving mail should I use this address or my physical address which is an apt that I may be moving away from soon? It?s is just one check for $340 to USDOHS for this part? Also for G325A ?how does my fiancé sign it? I guess I could scan it have her print and then scan back. Or did most of you just sign it for her? Same question with her letter of intent. Should I include affidavits from family members that traveled to VN to meet her family? Should I include pictures?  Should I include my official college transcripts? I have all my documents of financial support and income (/pay stubs/w2/letter from employer)?but I guess I don?t need to provide this now?  I don?t have my birth certificate?will color copies of ALL pages in my passport be enough? My fiancé lives in Hanoi but she still has to go to HCMC?is this correct? Aside from the obvious, I included in my application flight stubs, hotel receipts, credit card statements, WU/moneygram receipts/, notarized timeline. Anything else?


I don?t know why but I?m kind of nervous about sending it. I just hope me and my fiancé can be here in the US by Christmas.

for incoming mail use your PO that you use for yourmail. Yes you only send them one check for 340.00, don't worry more funds will be needed later lol.  With the G325a and letters of intent they need to do on their own and sign.  My fiance mailed me hers. Affidavits from family won't hurt if you can get them then do it I did, and I also had them get them notarized.  Yes include lots of pictures.  The W2 and income taxes you do not send now you send that with your affidavit of support I-134.  You have to have copies of your birth certificate, no passport alone isn't enough.  You can get your birth certificate from the city in which you were born.

crystalandrhondaNot TellingBarbados2014-03-14 20:03:00
Philippinesvisa approval how many days after US EM review and receive doc?
We have to wait and wait nalang !!!!or Follow up call to be updated
angelbillFemalePhilippines2012-03-21 01:02:00
Philippinesvisa approval how many days after US EM review and receive doc?
hi got same case here.Done with the interview last march 9, then consul give me 221 g form .They're asking additional documents which is evident of current sustained income. worried about how many days will it takes to get the result after i will submit the documents.
angelbillFemalePhilippines2012-03-21 00:24:00
PhilippinesScheduling Inetrview

Today my fiancee' paid the interview fees at BPI. We went online to set appointment 4 hours after payment just like the embassy site says. We keep getting an error though.

"No valid record can be found for the entered receipt number. Please validate that your receipt number is correct and that you have paid the correct amount for the visa which you are applying for"

Can anyone tell me, do we have to wait longer than the time given? Is this a common problem? How do we get it resolved?

hi, i encountered the same before, when i called the us embassy for assistance call center will assist you. receipt number is your passport number appeared on your receipt during payment in bpi.i hope it will help... good luck guys.
angelbillFemalePhilippines2012-04-16 04:35:00
Philippinesvisa approved at last
Congratz, we're happy for both of you
angelbillFemalePhilippines2012-04-24 05:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsvisa in hand
thanks every one.
angelbillFemalePhilippines2012-04-17 04:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsvisa in hand

Also do not forget about CFO.. Once that is completed, you are done..!! :dance: :dance: :dance: Book the flight!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Oh yea.. When you book the ticket. Make sure too check to see if all airport fees are included (i.e. Filipino Travel tax) in the ticket price. If it is not, your fiance(e) will need to pay the Filipino Departure Tax of (P1,620) at the airport.

thanks for advise. I'm schedule to have my cfo seminar tomorrow, after that all is done..
angelbillFemalePhilippines2012-04-16 23:11:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)K-1 Visa : Questions about Packet 3 and forms

Thank you for your answer didopage!

I was worried about that point.


So I can say "No" and I will be okay if I bring the certificate with me. :)

NikkiMike6513Not TellingFrance2013-10-18 11:28:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)K-1 Visa : Questions about Packet 3 and forms

Thanks a lot for your answer and the link!

NikkiMike6513Not TellingFrance2013-10-14 13:19:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)K-1 Visa : Questions about Packet 3 and forms

Hello everyone,


I just received the packet #3 from the Paris embassy and I have a few questions about the forms I have to fill.

If I understand well, I only need to send back to the embassy the forms DS-230 Part I (as soon as I can) and the form DS-2001 (when I have all the documents ready so they can shedule an interview)


So my questions are :

- Am I right?

- What should I do with the DS-156, DS-157 and DS-156K forms? Just keep it and bring it with me the day of the interview?

- Where do I need to go to fill the DS-156 form online? I didn't see any website address, login or password in the packet...

- Last thing, they ask if I did my military service in the DS-230 form, but there is no military service in France now, I just did one day (called JAPD).

So do you think it will be a problem if I answer "no" ? Maybe I have to bring the certificate certifying I did it (the JAPD) ?


I'm sorry if my questions are silly and/or have been answered here before but I couln't find it anywhere and I really want to be sure, I don't want to make any mistake in the process.


Thank you

NikkiMike6513Not TellingFrance2013-10-14 12:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS-156 : question

Hi everyone !


I just received the packet 3 from the Paris embassy (the with the DS-230 part I and the DS 2001 forms) and I need to fill the DS-156 form online but where do I have to go to fill it?



NikkiMike6513Not TellingFrance2013-10-14 04:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-1 Visa : Interview and medical exam

Hi again everyone!


Sorry to answer only now but I have been very busy lately.

Actually one of the doctors was out of office, this is why it was so hard to schedule an appointment with the other one.

But I have been able to get an appointment on Tuesday 12th, one day before my interview so finally everything went well!


I had my interview and we got approved!

NikkiMike6513Not TellingFrance2013-11-15 13:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-1 Visa : Interview and medical exam

Thank you for your answer!


I really really hope you're right!

Since I'm going to do my medical exam the next day it shouldn't be delayed for a long time in that case.

But if I have to cancel the interview I fear it's going to take forever for me to have another date...

NikkiMike6513Not TellingFrance2013-11-06 14:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-1 Visa : Interview and medical exam

Hi everyone,


I just received my packet 4 with the interview date (November 13th) and I called the doctors to get my medical exam appointment but there is no way to get an appointment before November 14th!

That means I won't have my medical results for the interview.


What should I do? I'm very stressed right now!

Do I need to cancel the interview?

Can I email the embassy, explain the situation and try to get a new interview date the week after (as soon as I have my result) ?



NikkiMike6513Not TellingFrance2013-11-06 12:54:00
Philippinesk1 denied but passport still with embassy

I think I got lucky today! I called the embassy and they said my case is still open. I can send additonal documents to prove that our relationship is true. I hope this time everything will be okay! :)

clynlizNot TellingPhilippines2014-01-09 10:30:00
Philippinesk1 denied but passport still with embassy

I think you are right, they saw the denial on the J1 renewal, then suddenly you are doing a K-1.   You and your fiance may be sincere and have a genuine relationship but circumstances seem to have cast a cloud over things.
Are you going to try again once you get your passport back?

yes we are planning to get married here in the philippines.

can we still get married even if the k1 case is not closed?

clynlizNot TellingPhilippines2014-01-09 00:32:00
Philippinesk1 denied but passport still with embassy


2nd interview was probably a Stokes, and the questions can be very personal for sure.   Did they ask your fiance to attend?


The tourist visa denial is not a big thing that is pretty common, not something that would raise red flags


There is something else that hit the radar.


Here's my history in the embassy/US


Since I was 6 y/0 I got a tourist visa, in and out of the US every 3-4yrs.

2010 I got a J1 visa (cultural exchange program) where I had my internship for 6 mos. (this is where I met my fiance) extended to 7 mos for one month travel (allowed to travel the US for a month)I went home after the internship on April 2011 and got back in August 2011 until October 2011 (using my tourist) 


My visa is expiring on July 2012 so I renewed it at August 2012. I got denied.


We filed the k1 in Nov 2012. and it was approved May 2013.


I think they were thinking I just want to go back to work.

what do you think is the reason why they are not returning the passport if it is really denied?

clynlizNot TellingPhilippines2014-01-08 22:24:00
Philippinesk1 denied but passport still with embassy

Seemed to me if they provided more evidence with the 221g that the issue would have been resolved and the visa issued.  But there was a second interview and still no approval so it may be more involved.

I provided everything that I can provide. I even gave snail mails to them. The additional picture and chats were given on the 2nd interview. There are improper questions as well. But I managed to answer it because I know to myself that our relationship is true. But still it is denied. I am just wondering why are they still holding my passport if our application is really denied? 


Last update in CEAC is Jan. 7, 2014. and its still on AP

clynlizNot TellingPhilippines2014-01-08 20:45:00
Philippinesk1 denied but passport still with embassy


Have you called or emailed the embassy regarding your passport?  If you were denied they should either have you come to retrieve it, or more likely send it to you by 2GO.


Just curious, why didn't you have adequate evidence of a bonafide relationship?   (emails, chat logs, photos together, simply knowing all about your fiance when they ask questions)   What was missing?

Yes we did call several times regarding the passport. They said denied applications are the least priorities so we just have to wait when will the passport be returned. 


We did provide every single evidence we can give. Chatlogs, emails, receipts of gifts, pictures of us together as well as written statements of us and friends.


I had a visa denial before (tourist) filing the k1. They were thinking I was just paying my fiance just to go back to the US to work.

clynlizNot TellingPhilippines2014-01-08 20:42:00
Philippinesk1 denied but passport still with embassy

I had my interview last july 9. I had a 2nd interview the following day and was told to wait for another 3weeks for results. They emailed us that our application was denied under 221g. Insufficient evidence of a bonafide relationship. We were denied last September but until now(January 2014) they haven't returned my passport and any documents. 


Anybody who had experienced this? We on't know how to start the CR1 if our situation is like this. help pls.

clynlizNot TellingPhilippines2014-01-08 11:13:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!

Hallo :)


Ich hätte eine Frage bezüglich der beiden Passbilder, die man im Paket 3 nach Frankfurt schickt: Müssen die Fotos glänzend oder matt sein? Auf der Homepage, die zur Hilfe dienen soll wird nicht erwähnt ob es sich um glänzende oder matte Fotos handeln soll -> http://german.german.../visa/niv/foto/


Hatte jemand vielleicht kürzlich sein Interview in Frankfurt und kann mir weiterhelfen?


Vielen lieben Dank im voraus! :)

pinpanellaNot TellingGermany2014-03-01 15:17:00