Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!
Good Morning All,

Hope everyone has a blessed day! I am a bit cranky today but hopefully that will change, my little growing pumpkin is giving me issue this morning once again with morning sickness I am sure I will get over it soon hopefully (I am looking forward to that).

Nat I love reading about your savings, I wish I was that dedicated in order to save myself.

Just, I am happy all went well with the procedure.

JaEnglish, Well said.
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-05-11 07:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Afternoon Yardies!

How is everyone? I've seen a few things on FB but other than that, need to catch up & I know it won't happen since I can't read back so far. Hope everyone had a nice Mother's Day weekend. I miss my Ma...she had to work yesterday & I had wanted to see her. Hope some of you got to see your Moms or that you got special Mom treatment yesterday.

Hey Ells everything is good here, how are you and hubby doing?
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-05-10 14:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Lady C, I will pray for you to have strength with that child...his father surely needs to put down that Iron fist..

KJ, hope everthing went well at the doctors.

JQ what up how the baby?

Tee what a gwaan ?

Finesse still feeling sexy?

Blessed how is the little one in that tummy?

What a gwaan VJ sister?

Hey Sugar, The little one is behaving today, not giving me any sickness Thank God Thanks for asking
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-05-10 11:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

hey girl, how is the embryo doing? is it considered a fetus yet?

Hey the baby is doing great, Yes he or she is a fetus now. I am praying for a girl! Hubby is praying for a boy. I wanted twins to get it all out of the way but there is only one from the looks of the sonogram. Thanks for asking.
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-05-10 10:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!
Good Morning
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-05-10 09:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Okay so this is how I told hubby

1. Picked him up from work
2. I asked him how was his day blah blah blah
3. I was sick and nauseous when I took him to work so he was asking how I was feeling :star:
4. Told him I have a surprise for you
5. He said you know I dont like surprises :bonk:
6. Told him to get the bag of surprises out the back seat while I was driving
7. he reached back and thought it wwas going to be an outfit :bonk: or jewelry :bonk:
8. He got the gift bag and he pulled out a baby hat, mittens, and a bib
9. Instantly started to smile
10. he asked ARE WE PREGNANT
11. I replied look at the paper in the bag

I attached a note that said Congratulations! Your estimated due date is Tuesday, January 11, 2011, which means you're in week 4 of your pregnancy.

He was so happy, I pulled the car over and he hugged me so tight.
We have been wanting this so for so long. We already have a ready-made family of 3 kids but now we will have our own creation made souly from our love to add. I LOVE IT
Im so happy.

So last night he made me steamed fish and fish soup, with yam, sweet potato, irish potato, and other things in it, he said our baby has to eat right :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: hope he does try to put me on no (healthy only eating) diet

Last night I left to come to California, he dropped me off, and was so sad, asked me to try to come back early on Sunday because he will miss me :help: he is so cute, but I think will be a LITTLE overprotective, but its cool, I'll deal with it!

So Im going to a wedding today and thinking how do I tell my mom she is going to be another grandma. She sent me the prettiest tulips to work yesterday from California Flowers, BEAUTIFUL, the card said, "Thank you for raising my grandsons to be wonderful MEN OF GOD from day one you have been a wonderful mother and I am proud to be your mother
I love you."
t made me cry with my emotional self
And she looovvvveeesss my hubby so she will be happy, but I want to tell her in a great way!!!!
Any suggestions

YAY! Congrats Congrats Congrats
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-05-10 08:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Good morning ladies

Hubby and I are still not speaking, but he wants to snuggle at night and give me a kiss when I drop him off work. :bonk: :bonk:

Im being real stubborn, because my energy is low, im sick in tghe mornign and I think I might be pregnant

My sister coming at lunch for me to take the EPT test!

I'll let you guys know

This would be a great mother's day, hope you all have a great one.

WOOHOO! that would be a great gift for you, Hope you are .
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-05-07 10:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!
Good Morning Everyone,

Have a blessed Day! Hope everyone has a Happy Mother's Day as well.
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-05-07 07:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!
[quote name='kjenkins86' date='05 May 2010 - 11:09 PM' timestamp='1273115369' post='3919476']

I'm trying to keep the faith, deep down inside of me I have a fear that I might not be able to have kids and all I want is ONE!


If I begin to tell you what I been through and for how long I been trying to have a baby it would probably ease some of your fears. All I can say is stay prayed up it will happen and even if you are told you cant have any kids, trust in the Lord because you will be amazed. I am a testimony of that.
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-05-06 13:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Good morning everyone!

I had to laugh last night, even while I was quite touched. I had an early meeting and was trying to fall asleep, but had trouble going to bed so early (before midnight). Steven offered to sing me to sleep. :blush: I found it especially precious since his voice isn't award-winning (neither is mine). But what was hilarious was that his singing put HIM to sleep. I was still awake! :lol:

LOL Nat that is to cute just a shame he put himself to sleep and not you.
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-05-06 09:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!
Good Morning ALL
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-05-06 07:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Hey Yardies I am here with my Dad...he is in the hospital bed and I am in his bed next to him. He is only taking 8 breaths a minute and the hospice nurse thinks he will go today. But as we know the man upstairs is the one in control.

Prayers sent for your family and you.
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-05-05 14:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!
Good Morning All,

Have a Blessed Day!

Shanette Congrats on the approval and C congrat on the new van and G getting the job.
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-05-05 07:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

KJ, what your married ssa doing on here? :rofl:
Just kidding, how are things going? :blush:

Aww sorry to hear that the sickness is still on and poppin' but in a few months you will forget all about that when you look and see what you and your husband's love created.

Its ok I just cant wait to til I passsed this phase because I would love to eat mor e then crackers.
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-05-04 12:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!
KJ- I havent been able to see your pictures yet but as soon as my Laptop is virus free I will check them out cant wait , I am so happy it was beautiful and by the picture you posted you looked Beautiful

Afternoon Ladies I forgot to tell you all my happy news...I bought a new ride I will pick it up today :dance: . 2008 Dodge Caravan SE. We needed it bad I had a 2006 KIA Rio and we all could not fit in it anymore. My kids say I look like a soccer mom driving it :rofl:

Hey C that is great Best of Luck with your new Caravan. I bet it will be much of a relief
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-05-04 12:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Always, how have you been feeling? Is the morning sickness under control now? :unsure:

I'm glad to hear that scrub has backed off a bit...she needs to grow the heck up! :angry: :whistle:

Hey Dens,

Nope the morning sickness is still kicking my behind and more like all day sickness :( but I know it will be worth it later on.

Thanks and yes she does need to Grow up and quickly
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-05-04 12:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

some people seriously need to get a life...

Certainly agree with that statement
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-05-04 12:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

dills~ (F)(F)(F)(F)

hey ladies- just checking in
i am devestated- i went for checkup today and i lost the baby
i have to have D&C on monday
ive had to hold it together all day so im going to go cry

OMG! sweetie I am so sorry to hear this my heart goes completely out to you When I read this I started to tear up .I pray for the Lord to comfort you and bless you. ((((HUGGS)))
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-05-04 12:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Always, BM sounds like a mess! I agree with the other ladies that it is hubbys responsibility to handle that. But if he cant or is making excuses bout it, then i'd have to do something. Is there a custody and visitation agreement/court order between the two of them? if so, then she can't legally keep the child from him. If not, better get one and since your at the court house get a restraining order on that ho while your at it. Phock that!! You should not have to put up with that! and yuh preggers too??? oh hell naaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwww!!

Yep she is a mess, Now that she knows I am pregnant she really hasnt even bothered harrassing me so far since the last post about her but she is not even talking to hubby or letting him see his supposed to be child so I would say someone is not very happy but thats just to damn bad .
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-05-04 12:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!
Good Morning Ladies Whoops Afternoon,

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Didnt get a chance to log in yesterday because the computers at work were down and HUbby somehow got a virus on my laptop UGH! Anyways that is in the process of getting fixed. Today I hopefully will get my ultrasound and am excited about that.

I am going to try to catch up some now.
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-05-04 11:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Its going to be packed everywhere!!! Heres the flyer Posted Image Its at the New Hard Rock Cafe on the strip net to M&M's factory and Gameworks

Looks like you will have a fun filled weekend. Have some fun for me too. I think this weekend I will just take it easy and relax a little, although I do have a baby shower tomorrow to go to but that not as much fun as your party

Edited by Always Blessed, 30 April 2010 - 02:14 PM.

Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-04-30 14:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Girl I know about morning sickness all to well. When you first get up, sit on the side of the bed and take deep breaths. Do them about 5x's....gather yourself and then try to get up. Keep crackers with you at all times. Maybe baby is picky about what you are eating. Are you craving anything yet?

With my son it was salisbury steak, mashed potatoes and orange juice... With my daughter I wanted sour things and veggies. So I'd get a western omelette with a side of coleslaw or beets! (I know that's nasty,Posted Image )

I had to take my daughter to school, but Im off today... Im gonna climb back in bed and rape my husband quietly Posted Image Likkle more....

LOL Have fun with Hubby. Yes I been craving just some sweets which I do not really usually care for and chicken sandwhich from KFC ( the only problem is I get it and then I eat three bites and dont want anymore I feel like I am just wasting money maybe and I do not want to make my own cause I would still be wasting )
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-04-30 08:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!
Good Morning Everyone,

Have a blessed day! Wow morning sickness whooped my behind this morning, I do not know if I got out of bed to fast or what but I was dizzy and vomiting could barley hold myself up Thank God for crackers and today I will get lemons, other then that we are all good
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-04-30 07:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Goodmorning yardies, tomorrow is the big day and NOW I'm nervous, I have a little running around to do today, nothing much and then rehersal at 6. Ladies pray for me that everything works out well and it'll be a success. I'm sleeping at my friend's house tonight and I'm missing G already, it's gonna be so weird not having him by me tonight but oh well...

Have a happy friday everyone :star:

YAY! it will be a success , and if anything goes wrong you will probably be the only one to know, So my advise is just enjoy your day! Congrats cant wait to see pictures.

Good Morning Yardies...Im a lot pissed off today :crying: Air J cancelled Jaheim's flight and had me on the phone last night for over 3 hours. They tried to put him on American but he is too young to be on a connecting flight. When I called back Air J I was on hold until midnight when they just cut off the phone because they were closed. So I woke up at 6am to call them back. Now he is coming tomorrow on the 9:45am flight. I have only used Air J once and it was delayed and I never used them again so I will continue not using them. I know alot of people that had really bad experiences with them.

AWE damn that really sucks! Sorry to hear that but at least he will still be here tomorrow.
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-04-30 07:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!
Have a wonderful evening ladies I am about to take care of last minute work and then I am out of here .
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-04-29 14:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Their pizza is really good too. I know it is a fun place for kids and the fact that they never want to leave is what I hate about it.

It sure is some yummy pizza. I think that would fustrate me to I guess that is what I have to look forward to :)
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-04-29 14:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Thanks Always...Yea I might do Fridays because their kids menu is better. My daughter works at Chuck E Cheese and she has been collecting tokens for him. S on Saturday I will take hime there to have some fun. Even Tho I hate Chuck E Cheese

LOL I love chuck E Chesse Hubby and I went for a friends child Bday party on the 18th and played all the games and ate the pizza I think the grown up had a better time then the kids.

Edited by Always Blessed, 29 April 2010 - 02:23 PM.

Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-04-29 14:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!
Lady C pardon my rudeness being caught up in my own thoughts. Congrats to you and G on youe=r step sons arrival tomorrow I think Fridays would be the better choice to eat at

KJ are you ready for your Wedding?????

Congrats that is great interview for you!

That now that is definetly brighter news
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-04-29 13:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Hey Dens,

Yeah..I wonder if we got transferred to the wrong place initially cuz within one week or so of each other we got notification that our case was transferred to the National Benefits Center then we got notification we were tfrd to CSC..according to the timeline we should be getting the AP sometime next week and EAD the week after..

You'll get that mssg so soon im sure!

Hey Regal,

Same thing with our case, We first got a RFE we sent back the request and then It said your case is being processed through the National Benefits Center now yesterday the case was transfered to Cali. So hopefully soon we will get our response
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-04-29 13:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Tee. I’m not going to say any encouraging words right now I think you need to vent so I’ll let you vent and then I’ll say my peace tomorrow. Sometimes when we angry we just need to shout, cuss and stomp. So go on. I know you have to be upset shoot I would be.

Nowe can someone go pon FB fi mi see if Tee’s daughter or son is her FB friend and send dem a message to hide all scissors :help: !!!

Yes she does....

:whistle: :blush:

Why won't he get a DNA test? He afraid of the outcome? Yes he is 100% he siad if he found out diferently he will kill her I believe it and honestly I believe deep down he already knows that answer.

Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-04-29 13:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Always JG is just keeping it real like she always does. Hope for the best out of people but honestly expect the worst. Don't let her bait you into being a person you are not.

Thank Dill
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-04-29 12:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

I think I'm dealing with the most evil person I've ever heard of. So, maybe yours can't be so bad. I'm just saying I have tried every damn thing and none of it matters. It sickens me to watch this woman abuse and torture everyone involved with her lies and actions.

PM me sometime if you want to compare stories. Maybe I will make BM look like a saint to you.

Sure thing
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-04-29 11:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Good, really are channelling me today. I keep hoping the same thing. Unfortunately, the kids seem to be influenced by it all and not in a good way.

I wish you luck.

LOL and you are just my barrier of bad news :crying: LOL JK Hopefully it will work out and for you too hopefully a change will soon come. LOrd please :help: us now
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-04-29 11:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Sometimes folks push you to the edge...

Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-04-29 11:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Does he have his own phone? If not I would get him one and change your number so therefore she can only call and harass him. If she has the house number change that too.

Finally he does, I do not want to change my number cause I had it for years although it may just be the option I take no she does not have the house number and that he knows she best not get plus it is unpublished.
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-04-29 11:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

No she don’t call your phone talking ish!!!!

You should tell her yeah b*tch me white but guess what he’s my husband. While you still singing put ring on it I HAVE a ring. Oh no she wouldn’t get a thing from me or him until she learns to talk to me better sorry. I know its not the child’s fault but if you want us in your childs life you have to respect me. I didn’t say like mi said RESPECT. Dat bites me in the butt!!!!

If she doesn’t chill the phock out tell her you will move him so far away from her all she will have is memories.

Thats how I feel to a extent BUT being that he believes it is his child he wants to be a part of his life since his daddy wasnt around much and now his dad is dead, I can not fault him for that. The child is the sweetest cutest thing to bad his mother is a monster Hopefully he will grow up and see the truth and maybe she will just change her ways and grow the F^*k up
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-04-29 11:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Always: honey, sorry to hear about all that stress BM is putting you through. She's just trying to see how far she can go. Some vultures will back off when they realize you can fight back while some won't. Now, you can handle this depending on the vibe you get from her, if she seems like someone who thrives off anger just ignore(I know it's hard to do)or if it appears that if you strike back she'll back off then you'll know exactly what to do.

Try and take it easy sweetie and not stress cause that baby is depending on you to keep yourself and him/her healthy. ((hugs)) (F)

Thank you the huggs were really appreciated
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-04-29 11:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Afternoon ladies!

Sorry MrsTee, I think we were all sure you had it covered. If at 1st you don't succeed, try, try ..... and try again! :)

Always... sorry about the drama. But everytime you type c*nt.. I read it in my husband's voice! LOL... that is his favorite swear. A common Lucian cuss is ... "In your mudda c*nt" ... and then was is LadyC who told you to tell her to suck it... That was something Louis would tell you to say as well!! Ohhhh.... the language! :rofl:

LadyC... have fun with stepson. That is exciting.

Hope everyone is having a nice day. I am sitting amongst boxes and dust... cannot wait to get this done! Then I can keep up and chat some more.

LOL! its horrible for me to say things like that and I dislike being like that but it is what it is
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-04-29 11:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Always, good choice of words lmaooooooooo hahaha but for real, she needs to cut it out....Posted Image

Well the verdict is in, I FAILED AGAIN. On my way to take hubby to do the biometrics then off to the Enrichment Center at my college for tutoringPosted Image

I hope you all are having a great day :)

Thanks and that is being polite LOL ! Sorry yu failded the test its all good next time you will Ace it .
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-04-29 11:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Always, I'm so sorry you having to deal with foolishness...a hot mess! No stress for you got that little one. Some times folks get just what they deserve so sometimes before I go and catch a case I pray...I pray for them extra and I let and allow God to handle it!

Thank you!

Well, Always....I'm going to go out on a limb here and say I know more about what you are describing then you can even imagine. I've been putting up with the spawn of Satan for about a year and a half now. I'd like to tell you it gets better; but it hasn't yet, so that remains to be seen. I would also like to tell you that taking the high road gets better results. In honesty, all that does is get you crapped on.

Do what you gotta do!

Nat...........I LOVE you. Those coupons are going to be awesome. I love wheat thins and fig newtons. Just printed mine out. Thanks so much.

Thanks JG even though its not so comforting :)

Morning Yardies..How is everyone doing? Well tomorrow is the day my step-son gets here. I can't wait. Its going to be fun. We are taking him to dinner I just have to figure out where. G wants all you can eat buffet, One daughter wants Red lobster and the other one wants Fridays :blink: I will have to pick a place and make it final.

JQ congrats on your baby girls Visa

Always I feel you on the disrespect but if hubby cant control that trick you do. I find that sometimes babymothers try to test you to see what you would do. One day calmly tell her to SUCK HER MOTHER ON A BLOODY DAY :devil: That should shock the sh^t out of her.

LOL ! C I had said something very close to that last night When I just lost it
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-04-29 11:08:00