Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Morning all off for the next 2 days. I hope all is well with everyone I sent my stepdaughter papers off and the check has been cashed so hopefully this will be a much easier process.

Hope all goes smooth for you guys.

In need of sympathy this morning....someone contacted me to to book one of my top wedding packages in Jamaica in Jan....can't go because I have training...haven't even been able to bring myself to answer them yet....sigh :(

Now that sucks! Maybe just maybe something will work out that you can do both
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-11-10 11:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Morning All,

KJ- I am behaving and taking it easy. How are you feeling ? Hope that ginger tea is helping you some what.
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-11-10 09:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

AlwaysBlessed I gotta say I wish we could trade places, I wish I was at the end of the road ready to pop. Best of luck and please keep us posted!

Zee's Boo, this baby is going to be your first?

Mo, I don't blame you one bit, lol!

AWE! you will be there before you know it. I will keep you all posted.
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-11-09 21:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Hey everyone,

Just wanted to drop in a say a quick hello, I been busy at work lately and just preparing for my little princess to arrive. I may have my wish of her coming Thanksgiving. I started to drop some already, I go to the Ob next week for a check up and I will start seeing him every week there after. I been feeling alot of the braxton hicks contractions but nothing I cant handle.

The husband has been on his best behavior since our ordeal. He is very excited about his daughthers arrival as well.

Lady C- congrats on Garfield's GC

DW - Dens will be here before you know it.

Mo- Congrats on being prego

and if I am forgetting anything my appologies.
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-11-09 15:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

This made me smile this morning Always! :)

Thank you (L)

(L) Your welcome
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-11-04 12:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Finally some good news, got a job offer from Verizon!

Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-11-04 10:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Morning All,

JAP, I said a extra prayer for you and hubby last night. I have to say my feeling is like Lawnys. I do not feel this is the end of the line, it may seem impossible and dead ended at the moment but my dear things will come out different.

I will continue to pray for you and your family I know its hard but keep the faith and you shall see change in due time. Everything happens for a reason and sometime we do not know that reason but in the end it works out the way it needs to be.

God Bless you and your family.
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-11-04 08:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

I don't even know what to do right now. I am sitting at my desk bawling :crying:

The co-workers soon come back, and I need to pull myself together :help:

The embassy in Kingston does not know their A$$ from a hole in the ground :angry:

They sent my congressman a letter in July stating that Under INA 212(i), a waiver of 212(a)(2)(A)(i)(II) and 212(a)(2)(B) ineligibilities is available only to the spouse, son or daughter of a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident.

THe lawyer said they did not even have the section of the law that pertains to our case right :rolleyes:

He said that even if the embassy made a mistake and accepted a waiver application this time around, when it got to CIS they would see the mistake and deny it based on the fact that there IS NO WAIVER available for 2 charges of possession of Marijuana!!!

My husband paid a TOTAL of aprox. $8.50 US in fines for BOTH CHARGES of the minuscule amount of herb he had in his possession, and for THAT my country will never let him come here to be with his family :protest: :ranting: :protest:

The US Government can kiss my big white A$$!

and as I type that, I get an e-mail notification subject: Lose yourself in the charm of Jamaica. :rofl:

Don't mind if I DO! :angry: Posted Image

HOw fustrating. sorry you are going through this.
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-11-03 17:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

the girl thing isnt true my girl gave no trouble pregnancy was smooth but my son was hard and crazy with sickness

LOL! I beg to differ Jess! :blush: my little princess has raised hell n the womb. :crying: I have heard more stories with the girls making u sick then the boys I guess it just really depends on the person. all in all as long as the baby is healthy thats what truly matters.
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-11-03 11:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Amen, thats how it happened for me... 22 years at the same place... God is Good!

Good morning everyone.. I haven't been on as much as I'd like to because school is kickin my RASS!!!!

On a happier note: Today makes 1 year that the love of my life arrived on US soil!!!! I love you hubby!!!! (L) I got this cute lil number and some candy dust!!! Wooooooooo hooooooooo sexy party tonight!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Hey lady,

School will soon be done and you will have your goal reached! YEA! for hubby being here a year. And enjoy that sexy party ! (L)
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-11-03 11:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

I have the hospital Im delivering at picked out also, :angry: but they dont offer the classes, they sent me to this place. We are doing the tour of the hospital next Sunday!
My doctor said I can deliver there as long as I go past 34 weeks. If I dont go past 34 weeks they dont have a neonatal equiped for the baby so they will move her to another hospital :crying: .
So hoping for a 40 week delivery, but everyone is so negative saying they dont think Im going past Xmas,(The delvil is a lie) Im going past New Years :dance: :dance:

January baby girl

Amen girl !
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-11-02 15:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Morning Everyone,

Have a great Blessed Day!
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-11-02 08:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

How many classes did you have? This is a six week course Posted Image $10 for each class, but you cant pay separate! $60 one time fee

Only 3 First was just on what to expect and breathing techs. 2nd was watching a video on natural labor and breathing tech, and last I didn't go was for expidurals and pain meds and more breathing tech. I didnt have to pay the hospital I will dleiver at offers it for anyone that is delivering there
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-11-01 19:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Lamaze, yep registered about 2 months ago and it cost $60. Girl I went for the first time Tuesday! My cousin went with me because my husband was like hell to the naw!!! :wacko:
It was a class about the preparation for giving birth and using relaxation techniques (Lamaze methods) They said the classes are for couples to gain the tools to help them function as a team. :rofl: :rofl: :bonk: :bonk:

When you pushing out a Posted Image out of a grape hole, aint no tool going to help you function as a team. :bonk: :bonk:

I have 5 more classes every Tuesday, Im going to go to a few of them. It was informational, Im going next week because they are talking about safe sexual positions in your last trimester. Posted Image cant be to careful :help:

Awww you are so sweet, my VJ sisters are sending me things for the baby, I love yall :crying: :crying:
Yes they have gift cards, It doesnt matter to me at all, :blush:
Thanks hun.

LOL! let me know what they say about that mine didnt say anything in relation to that. No problem I will probably get the gift card incase you get everything on your registry you can get something else you need.
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-11-01 14:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

KJ Awww sorry your feeling liek that, we all have to go through it.

The bands aint work for me, I kept them on so long that I have a permanent dent in these wrists. Try them because everything dont work for everyone.

JQ- Did you start Lamaze yet? Are you still going to do it? I did! I was bored yet it was a little informative so I guess it was worth it. Also I want to send you out something this weekend , I have your address and I saw your registry, I was wondering if Burlington has gift cards? If so I will have to go to the store a get you one this weekend when I am out and about or I will just choose something off the registry and send it to your home do you have a prefrence?????
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-11-01 13:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Hi yardies!
Time to rant!
I'm sooo tired, tired of having my head in the toilet, tired of being in bed, tired of hubby looking at me like I'm poor thing. Lord I need a remedy for this nausea because I'm about to lose it :'(
Going back to bed, hope this ginger tea works...

AWE! I understand completely what your are going through. I wish I can tell you it gets better and possibly it will at the 3rd month. however, I was sick for 6 mnths YUCK! Anyway try the seabands and the ginger tea if that dont help ask your dr to prescribe you something, I dont like to take pills but I had to cause I was so sick. Hope you get relief soon mama, It sounds like your having a little princess :)
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-11-01 09:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Hey Yardies.....

Card/ Document Production
On October 29, 2010, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

LAWD this is GREAT News...... :dance: :dance: :dance:

Hallijeuh! Thank you Jesus! Congrats

Lady C congrats!!!!

Tee, after I thought about it, he did very well. I'll back off because he's never had to give a gift before. I can tell that he's trying because I told him I'm gonna show him a real surprise for his bday and he said he has more for me when he gets home.

Thanks for the bday wish JQ!!

:) Hope you enjoyed your day !
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-10-29 19:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Goodmorning everyone!

Always, he went to build a bear and made me the cutest bday bear ever with all the accessories you can think of. However, I sooo wanna ask if that's it!

Have a great day everyone!

LOL! Nope you know he will make it up later to you:) Very sweet
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-10-29 11:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Morning All,

KJ Happy Birthday ! Hope hubby suprises you :)
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-10-29 07:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

i just have one question .. what kind of test did you do cause i was researching and everyone i found need samples from all three parties mother child and alleged father for results.. i have a friend going through a dna issue and was trying to help . here is the website. The mother is not needed,Also there are serveral ways to collect samples in may be more money for the optional collection ways, You can also get the results to be held up in court if needed again that is a extra fee. Everything is confidential.

Where is the child Always?

In Jamaica or here?

The child is here in the states Miami to be exact.

Hi Yardies!!! Posted Image

The pictures of the Florida link up were wonderful!! So happy to see ya'll having a good time!

Always, I am sorry for all you are going through, and am praying for your strength!

JQ, that baby soon come!! :yes:

Yardie!! did the touches on your case turn into anything??

Sus! Posted Image Please tell me how this is done!!???

Thank you
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-10-28 15:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Posted Image

Posted Image

Okay so your investigating, found this out Posted ImageAre you going to tell him? Because didnt you sneak and do it :devil:

Wow that is so messed up for the baby! BM already knew that though! When you get pregnant you know how many men you have slept with. :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:

Lol he knows I told him he wasnt happy but it is what it is. He said he will do one of his own that is fine if he chooses too but nothing will change the outcome. Yes she knew she was with others too .

wow! this man sounds way more like a liability than an asset! do YOU girl! you and baby a go be just fine!!

I couldn't help but to laugh as I deal with insurance all the time and Liabilities LOL! I am taking things a day at a time and will see what happens.
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-10-28 10:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1


Did you tell him? What did he say???

I did tell him. He was not very happy obviously and told me he will do his own. I told him that when he is ready let me know cause I will drive him to the place cause otherwise I do not believe he would do it . However, at this point it is what it is and his choice what he wants to do, I am just going to pray as I do with everything else and let the man up stairs handle that. Its balck and white and I do not forsee anything different cominng from another test.

Smdh!!! You were NOT supposed to give in.. but since you did, glad it was fun! I miss you... nice to see you here!

I like them... Aniyah, Ahmia, Alea, daughter's suggestions

She didn't know what she was doing Retake!!!!! lol

Grandma use to say, when you lie down with dogs you come up with fleas..... hmph


Always, I'm sure you're doing so already but just pray, let go and let God. You have done your research and proved your point. I'm sure you know who's your child's father.
Anyhow, I'm very excited to see what you post about your labor and delivery experience, since it will be your first! And yes she have us a clear print out. You can see that the head is huge, and the hands and feet aren't quite extended yet.

Tee, I AM tempted to call the facility and make a complaint because my damn insurance paid for that but I would hate for her to lose her job. Smiley was trying to be talkative and polite to her eventhough he sense the awkwardness in the room and she didn't even respond to smiley...
But no matter the attitude, no one couldn't ruin smiley's day. He was so excited that he was acting stupid, trying to lift me down the stairs and all. I just look at him silly because I shouldn't have to be pregnant for you to treat me like a queen. Oh well.

You got that right.
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-10-28 07:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Nice to see you around Always, I sense you're feeling a lot better!

Yes mam , Just taking things a day at a time not trying to be stressed First I am to blessed for that and second this little girl inside me is more important then anything, so whatever happens happens. By the way the DNA results are negative HE IS NOT THE FATHER of the other kid. Shame that what happens when you lay with whores. Oh well!

Edited by Always Blessed, 27 October 2010 - 08:54 PM.

Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-10-27 20:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Hi Always I pray u and baby are well

Hey Bajan, Thank you do well. How are you?

Hi all, had my first ultrasound today and I was relieved to see ONE big head and not two, sorry Tee! The damn woman was so mean, I asked to hear the heartbeat and she said its not necessary and its too loud o_O! Then I asked for a print out and she asked me if this is our 1st, she had a "why are you excited" attitudes. Ugh!

JQ, I want a A name too, I'm stuck on Alexis so hopefully its a girl.

Mama Jew thank goodness hubby is ok and I hope your daughter make it in time to see her sister's birth.

Always, I would be a bag of nerves but you'll be fine, by the grace of God.

Goodnight ladies!

Awe ! did they give you the print out of the sonogram? I hope so how exciting.
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-10-27 20:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Nice names they are really pretty
My sister wants me to name her Amayha if it is it pronounced A-my-a

She loves that name

Thats exactly how you pronounce it
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-10-27 18:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

I want her name to start with A

Here are some I like

Aleece Melar :blink:

Ameera MeLar :blink:

Coleace Ameera :blink:

Ayanna Coleece :blink:

Melar is my mom (melody) and his mom (Lar) put together

Coleace is his name (Colin) and my middle name (Latreece)

Ameera is my grandma's nickname (Meer) and my other grandma (barbara) put together somehow,Both of them passed so I love the name Ameera

Ayannna is so pretty my bff suggested that so I throw it in there some where

I also like Brittany For Brandi and Anthony (his middle) this is what everyone calls him nstead of his first name, but then I dont like Brittany because its too common,

See my delima :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:

I like Ayanna ( Very pretty )I am just throwing this out there I like the meaning Arela or Arelle it means a messanger from Heaven/an angel or Amora (Love) or Amayha.

More common though Bryana or the femine version of colin is Colyna I will keep thinking about it and post more

:bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:
Its gonna be pronounced "Ka-lease"

Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-10-27 17:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
JQ-What exactly are you aimimg for with the name (meaning,first letter, etc)? What do you have so far I can have a idea and go from there. I like unusal names so that is how we came up with ours
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-10-27 13:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Thanks Always. I see you are about to drop that likkle bun. Emotions are high I bet. I can't wait until January comes.

YES! Mam Yes these emotion are up and down and just crasy well thats not to far off from the norm cause I can be a little crasy to begin with :)
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-10-27 12:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Hello always,

You and 1luv wanting to deliver at 38 weeks :rofl: :rofl:
I want to deliver at 40 because at 38 weeks It will still be December and I want a January baby


this is what they said we can do, for both hubby and daughter


(CR-1 VISA) Name of Immigrant CR-1 spouse, A# xxx-yyy-zzz
(CR-2 VISA) Name of CR-2 child, A# xxx-yyy-zzz

Dear USCIS examiner:

Enclosed please find a JOINT I-751 petition for removal of conditions of permanent resident status regarding my husband, (name of immigrant spouse), and his daughter, (name of immigrant child). Please also find a check for $[Insert Current USCIS Fee], the fee for this form. My husband entered the US on a CR-1 visa and his daughter (name of immigrant child) followed on a CR-2 visa. We are all happily living together and request that this petition be accepted for removal of conditions on the residence of my husband (name of immigrant spouse and his daughter (name of immigrant child).

Blah Blah Blah

Girl Im ready with the evidence also
joint cc
joint medical insurance
a new child born from the marriage
children school records showing both name


Girl I am ready LOL ! However you dont want a TAX baby as my OB/GYN calls it LOL.
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-10-27 12:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Lady C, oh ok.

Always, wow time flies, I remember when you first told us you were pregnant! Well, I sure hope you get your wish of delivering at 38 weeks, I bet you are super excited!

Yes it does! I am excited and nervous all at the same time.
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-10-27 11:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Afternoon All.

Quick update:

Eric was in a Car Accident (his 1st) Monday. The car is Jacked to hell, but he is hoping that they fix it and not total it. He is fine, except for his pride. Says he has a little pain in his neck.

Our daughter went to Embassy to do her DNA test. Everything went smooth with that. Her kit is being sent back to Richmond, VA to compare results. So hopefully not long now. I am hoping and praying that my daughter will get to see her baby sister being born. We will see what happens.

Went to Doc Tuesday and found out that I am border line Anemic. Already knew that though. So hubby is cooking veggies out this world to help increase iron intake.

Other than that, The Nugent family is doing just fine. One less vehicle to drive, but still 3 to go + my motorcycle. Man that is a lot.......ANYONE LOOKING TO BUY A CAR???????

JQ--I feel you on needing to slow down. My schedule is packed all the way until Dec. Travel, work, and Travel.

Sorry to hear about the accident but glad hubby is fine.
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-10-27 11:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Hope all is well with everyone!
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-10-27 10:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

DONE...was a breeze in and ot.

Questions: Garfield how many times has Corilss been married?
Corilss what is Garfield's full name?
Corilss when did yo get married?
Garfield how many kids do yo have?

Ok show me your joint assets.
Ok if we need anything else we will contact yo. if not yo will get the answer n the mail.

Short & Sweet

WOOHOO that is great !
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-10-27 10:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Morning All!

Lady C, good luck to you guys this morning! Y'all got this!

KJ, you look wonderful Mama. I hope you feel better soon.

Always, hope you and baby are well.

1luv and JQ Smiley Boom, y'all hang in there...almost there!

Hey DW- we are doing well thank you. Hope all is well with you
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-10-27 10:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Hi everyone, hope all is well!

Lady C you got this, don't sweat!

JQ I hope you and the baby is fine, take it easy mama. I myself is out from work until who knows when because I was having some horrible cramps and I'm losing weight. Morning sickness, scratch that, all day and night sickness is tearing my azz up! I keep nothing down and I'm constantly weak and nauseaus (sp) Hopefully these dissolvable pills I got today will work and not put me to sleep at work like the other one did. I also ordered ginger candy so let's see.

Tee, damn you for pointing out that I'm showing and suggesting its twins, I bought a Bella Band coz my darn pants is a pain when I buckle it. Tomorrow is my sono so you'll know if you're gonna get a baby in the mail coz twins are cute to see but not for me to have!

1luv you're almost there!

Can't remember what else I wanted to comment on...

Oh yea, Always I hope you and the baby are doing great :)

Hey Kj- DOing well thank you, Praying for a 38 week delivery which is 4 weeks away YAY! other then that just taking things a day at a time. Hope all is well with you, it may be a little girl first 6 mnths was hell for me all day sickness as well and as suspected a girl!
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-10-27 10:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Saying very little is a wise thing - ultimately, it is your road to travel and it is not an easy one - but right now it's very easy to lash out in anger and snap to decisions, and only you can decide what the future will hold for you - You have to try to step back, take time, and sort things out - No matter what happens, know that out of this relationship you have gotten the gift of a beautiful baby girl and will have that gift for the rest of your life - Nothing is more precious than that. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, even if that reason is not clear at the time - You will survive from this, as impossible as it might seem now - if it ends up your path to be a single mom, have faith in yourself and know that you can do it - and as MRs Tee said, it takes a village and you have the support of your friends, your family, and the yardies at all times, no matter what is going on -

Stay strong, take care of you - things will sort out as they happen - Anytime you need to talk, know that we are all here for you and you can lean on us at any point! Trust me, I know how hard it is to be where you are - especially when you have the stress of being pregnant. As Honey has always said - Whooooooooooooooosaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah - let it out, no matter what way you have to do that! Sending hugs!!


You are a very wise women ! Thank you for those words they really reache dout to me.
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-10-20 18:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

And you will Always, you really will find it. Once you see that precious baby smile at you for the first time, you will realize you shouldn't have any regrets. Everything happens for a reason. Im sure God wouldn't have given you such a precious gift for no reason. She will be your motivator, the reason you get up everyday and go to work. She will be EVERYTHING to you. It takes a village to raise a child, so I know that you're family and friends will support you as much as we need to!!! You VJ sisterns are here for you too.

Keep your head up and your (L) open! Just give lil Loquicia ( :rofl: ) all the love you can give her

Thank you MrsTee
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-10-20 14:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Always remember that not always true. If you believe in God and trust him he can change anyone :dance: . Murderers and rapist through him have a change of heart, but just remember he broke vows set by God so he will have to reap that. He will be punished, so dont try to see how you can get back at him. The decision is totally yours but dont always think negative. Pray hun, like I said before, talk to family you can trust. Dont stress right now as much as you can, baby feels everything right now!!! You dont want her nervous or mad or upset this is the most critical time in your pregnancy, some say its the first trimester but I say its the last because the traits come out!!!

Love you (L)

JQ usually I am strong and usually I can defeat and overome any situation with prayer and faith. I want to believe, I do but I am just not in a good place right now. I am talking with some family saying very little because people always have their own agenda to and love to tell you what they would do if they were in that situation. I am just taking each day as it comes right now my heart is ripped out and stomped on. I wanted a baby for so long and now that I am pregnant and due soon I am not so sure how happy I am. I have been miserable this whole pregnancy due to being sick and now this mess.I want my little girl to be happy I just have to find that place again. I know it wont be overnight and maybe not even in a month, but each day I will just try and do what I can . I just feel so weak

Edited by Always Blessed, 20 October 2010 - 02:06 PM.

Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-10-20 14:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
I just wanted to pass through and thank you all for reaching out to me and the kind words. I am having my ups and downs still dont know what direction I am really going to go however have my mind set in one area right now. I havent thrown him out as yet and am on the verge of doing so I believe! I dont know if it is worth saving because once a cheat always a cheat! I dont feel like talking right at the moment either so I will reach out when needed thanks again everyone. Take care
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-10-20 08:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Good Morning I guess,

I dont know where to start. All I could say is I want my baby out of me and I am deeply devesated. I found out my husband is cheating on me. Last night my heart and stomach were laying on the couch and something to me just didnt feel right, I tryed to keep level headed thinking it was just my hormones but always trust your instincts(who knws if I am spelling that right but at this moment I do not care) I wish everyone the best of luck on there journey but I believe I will be ending mine.

Take care
Always BlessedFemaleJamaica2010-10-19 07:07:00