K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOk a couple of questions..
Adults just need tetanus and the MMR shot... they don't do varicella/chickenpox vaccinations in the UK so you don't have to get that one till you're in the US. But if you've had chicken pox before you can have a blood test for antibodies and you won't have to have it at all - get the test done by your GP and KEEP THE TEST RESULT SHEET. Then you can just show it to the civil surgeon and they'll tick you off.
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-05-16 14:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe K-1 visa and previous visa applications
It's quite possible to drive yourself around the bend worrying about whether you dotted all the i's and crossed the t's, but really you don't have to worry! You WERE his 'friend' back then... it's a natural progression to girlfriend/fiance/wife! And I very much doubt that they'll be bothering to dig up his previous applications anyway because they're not terribly relevant now. Lots of people apply for tourist visas and get denied and then apply for a fiance visa later on. They don't expect you to have a timemachine to know that you're going to decide to do something more serious about the relationship 12 months later :)
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-05-16 14:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshelp you guys!
They don't really care how many jobs he has had as long as he HAS a job when you do your interview... if he changes jobs you just need to make sure that he fills out the affidavit of support with the information from the new employer.
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-05-16 14:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere will she get her interview?
If she is living in Hong Kong legally, that's where she'll have her interview - they do it in the country of legal residence, so if you're a student or on a working visa you don't have to fly back to where you came from just to do the interview...
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-05-16 14:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoesnt know her dad's birthday
If you have proof that she's come to the US to see you for a week that's plenty of evidence that you've met... you don't need any proof that you travelled to her country, just that the two of you met up face-to-face somewhere in the world.
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-05-16 13:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOpinon is needed,please
To my untutored eye, the only problem you might have is proving that you are not marrying her just so that she can get into the US... you'll have to prove that you have rekindled your relationship and that you are a genuine couple, not just making a business arrangement for your son.

But there is no law against re-marrying someone you were married to before...
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-05-16 14:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshaving et req
Lack of finances is NOT an acceptable reason for not meeting in person - I know because we tried to get a visa when we first got engaged and the immigration people opened my husband's packet, read it through, laughed at it, and sent it back to him! We were very lucky in one respect though - they did NOT charge him for the application... maybe because he was doing charity work (which was why he couldn't afford plane tickets to fly halfway around the world!) or just because they got such a good laugh from his application :(
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-05-16 14:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfused in Hawaii
Your fiance can also stay in the US after you file for a K1 visa, and that might be the best way to go... K1s seem to process a lot faster than K3s for some reason. You could apply for the K1 visa right now and she could stay with you right up until the interview, or until she has to go home, whichever comes sooner... given that it's the end of April now they might be just about simultaneous.
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-04-25 21:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMilitary officer seeking help...
Alas everyone else is right. The K1 visa was to come to the US TO BE MARRIED... if you're already legally married somewhere else in the world you're legally married here too and it's useless so you'll have to cancel that petition asap before they get far enough to deny it.

Having a tourist visa before or after the K visa doesn't have any effect on it. You're allowed to visit the US (in fact you're encouraged to visit at least once if you can)...

As for the rest, I don't know your situation enough to comment, except that if you're going to be going to Germany in the near future and staying there for a long posting you can file your paperwork from there
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-05-22 12:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPostponing the Wedding
You can stretch the process out if necessary - you have a certain length of time to return the packet 3 once it gets to you and there's no need to return it next day if you're not in a rush. Also you can request an interview after a certain date due to family circumstances, and Sydney's pretty good about trying to fit you in.
Also, after she gets the visa remember she has six months to use it, and then you have 90 days to get married...

For a typical Sydney timeline take a look at mine. Three months from NOA1 to NOA2, and I ended up having my interview about four months later.
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-05-22 12:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresunder B-2 visa - filing fiance visa or adjusting status
You're right... they wouldn't look kindly on it. Since you have definite plans to go to the US in July I'd wait until after that to file for the fiance visa - afaik they'll most likely cancel your tourist visa when they get the application for the K1 because you can only have one visa at a time.
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-05-22 11:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDCF and K1 - Marrying in the USA, filing in Ireland
If you just want to be married in the US and you have no intention of STAYING here, there is no need for your fiance to get a K1 visa. You're allowed to get married as a tourist, you're just not allowed to stay in the country. Your fiance would need rock-solid proof of his ties to Ireland so that the immigration people at the airpoort would be convinced that he was going to go back and he wasn't trying to sneak in under the radar.

But I'm not sure what's going to happen to you and whether that's really the best option. Are you going to move to Ireland to live with him immediately after the wedding? If so, then you can skip the K-visa for now. But if you want him to live in the US for more than a few months you'll have to get a K visa and then he'll have to stay here.
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-05-24 12:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy fiance is a pemanent lawful resident in usa,what to do?
I'm sorry that the red tape is getting in your way... is your fiance nearly eligible to apply for citizenship? Your best option would probably be for him to do it ASAP...
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-05-24 13:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAM I IN TOO MUCH OF A RUSH
I'd say that yes, you are in too much of a rush... you should allow three to four weeks to hear anything - your application went into a big pile will all the others received that day and they'll open the envelope up when they get to it.
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-05-24 12:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdegree of relationship
It's a very distant relationship... you have to put it on the form but I really wouldn't worry about it. They ask to make sure that people aren't trying to sneak their cousins/nieces/nephews etc into the country by 'marrying' them. It may be legal in some parts of the world but it has to be legal in the US or they won't give you the visa.
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-05-24 13:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNaive question perhaps
If all your jobs, home/s and assets are in the Ukraine and you have a valid tourist visa for your fiance, I honestly don't see why they wouldn't let her into the US to be married... you'd just have to show them that your 'life' is overseas and not in the US and you were going back to it (stuff like a letter from your employer saying you were expected back at work on X date, and the lease on your apartment etc.)
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-05-24 12:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPhotocopying your passport
No they don't really care... as long as you are vaguely visible it should be okay... at the worst they'd say 'this photo isn't clear enough, get us another one'.
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-05-26 20:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOh My GOSH!! Am I screwed?
It's the consulate who set your interview date, not you... so you really don't need to worry. They're not going to refuse you on a technicality. The only people who need to actually request an extension is if you're not going to be able to do your interview for a couple of months after the expiry date, like if you're studying abroad and have to fly back for the interview, or if you already have plans for your US fiance to come and visit on X date and you'd really like to be interviewed when they're there so you can travel back together etc.
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-05-29 19:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice Requested!
She's in the US legally... if I was you I'd bite the bullet and get married NOW. Your other choice is for her to continue her work until your planned wedding, but then she can't leave the country for even a minute between now and then - she's on record as 'engaged' so she can't take it back if you two ever have any intention of tying the knot.
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-05-29 20:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAm I eligible?
Yep. If you came to the US legally and you are still IN the US legally and you had no intention of getting married when you arrived, you could just do it now and skip the visa - you don't need permission to come into the country because you're already here! The only hitch is that you can't leave again until you've got your greencard... so if you wanted to go home you'd have to do the K1.
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-06-03 10:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDisability and K-1 Visa
You'll have to kiss your pension goodbye because your partner's income will cancel it out (at least mine did - I was on a pension from the Australian government and they were actually willing to keep on paying me after I moved, but when I got married I had to fill out a new income declaration and say bye bye income...)
But they can't refuse you just because you are disabled in some way, if your partner has enough money to support you and to keep you from becoming a public charge.
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-06-03 10:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview and Age Difference
I'd say it's not likely to be a problem because there are a lot of marks in your favour. Firstly, she's not a 'child bride'. At 27 she's a mature adult and able to make her own decisions about who she wants to be with... secondly, you're the USC and the male and the older party, which is more socially 'normal' than if it was the other way round. Men have been marrying younger women for millennia but it's much less common for a woman to marry a younger man. Collect your evidence, but don't worry about it because it'll probably not even raise an eyebrow at the consulate.
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-05-22 12:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee's Company Changed its Name
It's unimportant... she's still working at the same job isn't she? If she's not the USC you don't have to do anything at all... if she IS the USC then you could just fill out a new affidavit of support with the new company name and everything else the same.
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-06-21 09:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrequent access to the USA on VWP
You'll have to show them that you are working in the Caribbean and expected back at work on X date - something like your employment contract to prove that you're only planning on making short visits. There's no law against making frequent visits as long as they are SHORT - the problem is proving that you're going to keep your word...
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-07-10 12:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAttempted to make copies of I-797 and I-797c
I'd just copy them in black and white because it's a heck of a lot cheaper! Colour copying is all very well but it costs a fortune...
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-07-10 12:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen to enter the US?
When you actually get the visa it has an expiry date six months in the future... you can use it any time before it expires.
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-07-10 12:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresgetting married while K-1 is being processed?
If you got married you'd have to file for a new visa (K3 this time) and start all over again... so it's really not advisable unless there's some life-or-death reason to do it.
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-07-12 17:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCanceling our k1 visa
I'm sorry it didn't work out, but better to find out now than after you sold everything and moved to the US and got married... it's much simpler to cancel a petition than to get a divorce.
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-07-12 16:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 attorney/lawyer
No it's not 'necessary'... if you are reasonably competent with beaurocracy you can do it yourself and a lot of people do. Whenever there's a poll about 'did you use a lawyer' on this site it comes back with about 75% 'no's... the legal person is basically going to do the same process you do, it doesn't make it any quicker or simpler. The only difference is if you have a very complicated or difficult case, then legal advice is a must. The average Joe or Jane really doesn't need it, especially if you use the information on this site to help navigate the paperwork maze and know what you need to include in your application.
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-07-03 13:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I even need a K1 as a Canadian?
You seem really fixated on this Carribean thing... why is it so important to you to be married THERE? There are beaches and resorts aplenty in the US - you could be married in Florida or Hawaii... it just seems to me that since you are already legally present in the United States with your fiance, you have something that most of the people on this board have fought hard for, so why jeopardise it? It's August - if you married him in front of a JP next week and applied for AOS/AP right away, you should have the permission you need to leave the country safely by January. Then you could have your big 'destination' wedding and all the hoopla you wanted without risking a ban or eviction from the US.
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-08-04 13:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport photos question - headscarves?
They're not going to deny her just for wearing a stupid scarf over her hair! Relax... at worst they'd tell her to get another picture minus the offending article. She's not going in in a full veil or something, just talking about one of those old-fashioned headscarves that EVERYONE used to wear!

To the OP, are you Orthodox btw? The only person I know whose religion says that the head should be covered in public (aside from moslems and male Jews) is a convert to Russian Orthodox...
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-08-08 15:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport photos question - headscarves?
If it's not covering your face, it sounds like you really don't have to worry about it - they're not even going to notice it, let alone worry about why you're wearing it now when you weren't a few years ago...
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-08-01 09:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSealed packets. no hand luggage and the UK
Well then I guess I'll never fly again... not from fear of 'terrorists' but because they've made an already intolerable experience utterly unbearable for me. Somebody else can explain to my mother why she'll never see me again...

As to the packet, there's no point whatsoever worrying about it. What happens, happens and it's outside of your control.
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-08-12 19:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSealed packets. no hand luggage and the UK
They'll HAVE to let you take it as carryon because you won't be able to get at your suitcases until after you come through Immigration, and you need to hand it over then so they can process you! It should come under the same category as your passport - it's an Essential Document for international travel.
I really wouldn't expect this huge kerfuffle to last for long though... they've got to ease back on the restrictions fairly soon or people won't stand for it.
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-08-11 18:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI already messed up - forgot copies of divorce papers
Try not to stress about it. A RFE doesn't mean you'll have to wait months extra - when they come to process your file they'll see that 'something is missing' and send the RFE to you. Since you already KNOW what's missing you can have it all ready to send it to them the same day that the request arrives! It'll probably only add a week to your visa, and that's really not enough time to have a nervous breakdown over... we had TWO RFEs, and the initial processing for the visa was still done much faster than I expected it to be - I expected it to take six months from when NOA1 arrived, and it only took three.
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-08-28 19:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI already messed up - forgot copies of divorce papers
If you send something now there's no way for them to match it up with the rest of your file... I'm afraid you'll have to wait for the inevitable RFE and THEN send it off.
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-08-28 19:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFeel like I could cry...please help
If you apply for a K1 visa right now and you have a simple case you're most likely to have it in your hands by the end of February... that's six months away.
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-08-28 19:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdoes having a baby on the way speed it up?
I'm afraid not... but if you've only just found out you're going to be parents and you've already applied for your visa, hopefully you'll have it in plenty of time to be there for the last few months...
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-09-05 16:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPrevious Visa Withdrawn - DS 230/156
Yes she was denied... but it's hardly uncommon. I'm sure they see it all the time... Just state the facts - that she was visiting and refused entry on X date. They probably thought she had been making too many visits to the US and that she was a risk for overstay even though she hadn't ever broken a rule.
KajikitFemaleAustralia2006-03-01 11:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfiance letter of intent boo-boo
The letter goes in with the application packet, doesn't it... so it doesn't really NEED the address on it. It's not actually going to be mailed anyplace on its own (and even if it was, they're not going to reject it because you addressed an envelope to put it in. No need to worry about such a little error as that.
KajikitFemaleAustralia2012-10-23 10:26:00