Middle East and North AfricaSugaring?
QUOTE (MsMariah @ Mar 14 2009, 01:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I tried waxing myself and was painfully unsuccessful. Also, I used to have my eyebrows done professionally but do beware of double dipping, it's nasty, in a pinch I went to one place where I get pedicures and she did waxing too, well she slobbed it on one side then before I could open my mouth, dipped it in again and slobbed it on the other. I broke out in tiny little whiteheads by the next morning. I was so traumatized that I haven't gotten a pedicure or a waxed anywhere since.
I know that wasn't helpful on sugaring but just wanted to say beware and good luck.

You poor thing! No wonder your are scared to go back for a pedi or a wax!! I would be too. I used to always get my brows done at the same place every time, but once I was getting my hair cut at a really nice expensive salon and when she finished my new cut, I noticed how bad my brows were. So I asked her to do them. She went over the same place 3 times, and it turned into a swollen, bloody mess. I still have the scar today, 5 years later!!!! Oh, and I tipped her...don't ask me why. I was terrified of wax after that, which is why I tried the threading. Now I'm back on wax for brows, but you are the second person to warn of double dipping and you better believe I will be watching carefully from now on!!!
al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-03-14 01:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaSugaring?
QUOTE (Kenza @ Mar 14 2009, 12:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've done sugar waxing in Morocco and I didn't like it because you felt all sticky afterwards and I still shaved right after - but they were soft!

I often wax my eyebrows and lip (but I want to try threading) and I get my legs, arms, and bikini wax every time I go see my hubby smile.gif I think i'm used to the pain by now, but I still sometimes flinch

You had to shave right after? That's not a good sign! I tried the eyebrow threading and to me it was much more painful than the eyebrow waxing. But sounds like you have a good threshold for pain! star_smile.gif The bikini is the worst!!! crying.gif I'm trying to perfect this now because I'm going back to Jordan next month and I'd like to do it before go. heart.gif
al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-03-14 01:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaSugaring?
QUOTE (lovemysoulmate @ Mar 13 2009, 10:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My mom has always used the sugar wax. She uses strips though. It works really well compared to regular waxing! I cant wax period so I am no help.. LOL


I hear you! My friend from Italy got her first leg waxing when she was 12 years old and now she can do it without even flinching! Myself, on the other hand, am the worlds biggest baby and have to take a bunch ofIB Profin first and still cry!!! Not to mention it's expensive!! And after reading what GueraKristina wrote about NJ, I'm in no hurry to go back to a salon!!!
But I hear the sugar doesn't hurt as much as the regular because it only grabs the hair, not the skin. I will probably end up using the strips if I can't get the right consistancy of it to use without the strips. It looks less painful to me without the strips!!!! And it looks fun!!
al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-03-13 21:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaSugaring?
QUOTE (GueraKristina @ Mar 13 2009, 10:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Funny u mention that. I just heard on the radio that New Jersey is banning bakini waxes b/c alot of women are getting infections b/c of 'double dipping' the sticks. EWWW!!!! (bakini wax in new jersey is already illegal, but they are seeking to actually enforce it now, it actually made the front page headline) Ive never gotten anything like that done professionally, ive waxed myself, and i think its fine, but if you do do it, just be aware that the person is wearing gloves and if you see them double dipping, ...ehmm... run away.

OMG that is so gross. wacko.gif I wouldn't be surprised if that is happening here in south FL too, just no one has caught on to it yet. Or they have and looked the other way... sad.gif
I want to make the sugar wax at home and do it myself! I know it's big in Middle East, so that is why I thought maybe someone in this forum has done it. I think it's called Halawa(sp?) I'm not sure if this link will work, but here it is on youtube in Iran.
al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-03-13 21:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaSugaring?
Hi! I'd like to try sugaring (sugar waxing). Has anyone here tried it? I'm interested making/using in the the one that doesn't require the strips. (I saw instructions for both online) If you have any tips or words of wisdom, please share!!! Thanks!
al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-03-13 21:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat is the stupidest thing you have heard because your with a MENA SO ?

OMG, I can totally relate to so many of these posts. I got quite a chuckle. In all honesty though, I don't mind when people say things that are totally ignorant because it gives me a chance to teach, and share with them a different point of view than what they have heard on the news. Most of the time, I find that people are truly clueless, they are not trying to be mean, they are merely saying what they think to be true. When I gently correct them and tell them how it really is, 9 times out of 10 they are receptive! (as long as I stay calm and don't get defensive) So many people have told me that I've totally changed their view on the Middle East, and to me that feels really good!!!!!!!!!!!!! I even made a little movie on moviemaker with music and pictures for my extended family that shows a little how our families are alike. It was a big hit and helped alot!!

I guess I can tell you the comment that angered me the most was from the lawyer I went to visit to decide if I wanted to use him for my K1 process or not. I already had everything completed, but he gave free consultations so I thought maybe he would tell me something I didn't know. Well what he told me was that he would only charge me 2,500 to do everything over again for me with his special software and that if I married a man from Jordan, I would lose all my rights. With that stupid comment comming from a very educated man who works with people not born in USA every day, I didn't bother teaching. I didn't say a word. I just got up, walked out, and went straight to the post office to mail my k1 package.

al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-03-13 00:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims and Public Displays of Affection
When I was in Jordan, we always walked hand in hand, or with his arm around me. But that was it...nothing more allowed in public...even the second time I went and I was so excited to see him at the airport, he let me give him a peck on the cheek and then actually blocked me from throwing my arms around him innocent.gif

As for the evil eye thing, is that the same as saying someone will shoot you with their eye? In his village he never wanted me to go outside alone without him. He said it was because he loves me and he doesn't want som b***ch to shoot me with her eye. Huh??? huh.gif I didn't understand. I thought it was because I wasn't covered. Although I dressed very modestly I am still very blonde and and very American, and thought that he was trying to tell me that someone might be judging me or feel offended by me. So I offered to wear hjab. He tried to explain to me that it wasn't it, but he wasn't able to find the right words to make me understand. So he got impatient and told me nevermind, let's talk about it later. LOL. A few days later we were in grocery store buying eggs and he was telling the man wow, those eggs are so big....and "POP" one broke right then. Then he told me "see, I shot that egg with my eye. That is what I was talking about".......I still don' t QUITE understand.... but I pretended I did:blush: ...and furthermore, why would it make a difference if I went outside with him?
al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-06-12 22:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterview Today in Amman
Thank you again everyone for your support and your insight. It makes us feel so much better. I guess we got lucky to fill out the AP papers at the embassy because it seems like most people are sent those papers to fill out and send back, so maybe this will save us a little bit of time as well. They were so nice there, and kept telling us DON'T LEAVE untill everything is done, despite our frustration at not being able to remember everyone's year of birth at that moment. I am going to write and email to the embassy and thank them for their excellent customer service.

We are enjoying our time together so much. It is such a wonderful thing to be so in love and to be able to touch and hold each other after months apart, as I am sure you can all relate. Everything good is worth waiting for, and it is all in God's hands. Thank you again, my new friends. smile.gif
al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-10-10 06:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterview Today in Amman
QUOTE (doodlebugg @ Oct 8 2009, 07:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (al-Hubb jameel @ Oct 8 2009, 02:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi. First let me say I'm sorry if this comes out jumbled, I have not slept for over 24 hours!!!

Today we had our interview in Amman for K-1 Fiance Visa. I was there with him and we were told that everything is good, they believe our relationship is real, and all of our papers and support are good..... BUT...we have to have our case sent back to Washington DC for administrative processing. So we had to go to another window and they wanted the name of all his brothers and sisters and the year of their birth, and his employment record for last 5 years. I asked the girl if these were the same questions she asked everyone for AP, and she said yes, this is normal. While we were standing there, 2 more people got sent to her window for AP. They gave us a website to check the status of our AP and once it says approved we have to send his passport back to the embassy for the visa via Aramax.

So my question is, has this happened to anyone else in Jordan? (or MENA) and if so, how long did it take? They said it takes an average of 5 months. crying.gif but that it could take as little as 2 weeks. What has your experience been with is?

That's kind of cool that you get to check your status online! Consider yourself lucky in that respect if nothing else helps the mood wink.gif Out of Cairo you're basically in a dismal hell with either bad info or none at all while in AP. AP is extremely normal for men going through Cairo so I would think it's not that uncommon for men going through Jordan.

Basically I would say just enjoy your time together and do all kinds of stuff to make yourself feel better when you're at home. Do things to get ready while you're waiting like making room in the closet, etc. That, movies, playing games online, hanging out here is all I basically did to pass the time. Good luck!

This is great advice, thank you so much. And yes, I have been told how lucky we are that we can check online. It is already posted on the website when we put in his passport number that it is pending. I didn't think it would show till next week.
al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-10-09 07:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterview Today in Amman
QUOTE (Paris Heart @ Oct 8 2009, 05:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (al-Hubb jameel @ Oct 8 2009, 03:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you so much!! You guys have made us feel much better. I am so glad I was at the interview with him so that I could ask all my questions. I think I asked them more questions than they asked us LOL. They were so nice and kept telling us AP is normal, but still........ The important thing is that we are here in Jordan together right now so I will enjoy the rest of my trip and then go home and wait. You better believe I will be here to vent and it's good to know I have listening ears. smile.gif I hope more people will chime in with their AP experiences. We are so grateful that everything else went well and that they told us we were approved from their side. (And I asked them like 5 times to confirm it). I will fill in my time line and my embassy experience soon.

I'em really sorry to hear about the AP. I hope it is quick !! Why would they want his siblings names and birth dates? Also wouldn't his employent history of been on the DS-230 form?

For now enjoy your time with him being together right now is the most important thing.

Thank you so much. Yes, his work history was on the DS-230 form. And that along with parents names are standard questions they ask for AP. Not sure why, I was confused and asked and she said those are the same questions they ask everyone. I did some research when we returned and also saw that someone in Paki. got asked the same questions for AP. My habibi has 11 brothers and 2 sisters. We really had to think about the year of birth for everyone!!! I asked her if we got something wrong would it be a problem, and she said no, as long as it was withon a year or 2. When we got home we showed MOM the list that we had made and sure enough, we got some wrong.
al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-10-09 07:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterview Today in Amman
Thank you so much!! You guys have made us feel much better. I am so glad I was at the interview with him so that I could ask all my questions. I think I asked them more questions than they asked us LOL. They were so nice and kept telling us AP is normal, but still........ The important thing is that we are here in Jordan together right now so I will enjoy the rest of my trip and then go home and wait. You better believe I will be here to vent and it's good to know I have listening ears. smile.gif I hope more people will chime in with their AP experiences. We are so grateful that everything else went well and that they told us we were approved from their side. (And I asked them like 5 times to confirm it). I will fill in my time line and my embassy experience soon.
al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-10-08 15:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterview Today in Amman
Hi. First let me say I'm sorry if this comes out jumbled, I have not slept for over 24 hours!!!

Today we had our interview in Amman for K-1 Fiance Visa. I was there with him and we were told that everything is good, they believe our relationship is real, and all of our papers and support are good..... BUT...we have to have our case sent back to Washington DC for administrative processing. So we had to go to another window and they wanted the name of all his brothers and sisters and the year of their birth, and his employment record for last 5 years. I asked the girl if these were the same questions she asked everyone for AP, and she said yes, this is normal. While we were standing there, 2 more people got sent to her window for AP. They gave us a website to check the status of our AP and once it says approved we have to send his passport back to the embassy for the visa via Aramax.

So my question is, has this happened to anyone else in Jordan? (or MENA) and if so, how long did it take? They said it takes an average of 5 months. crying.gif but that it could take as little as 2 weeks. What has your experience been with is?
al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-10-08 13:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS, you win...sort of...and a question about canceling the K-1
I got quite an ironic chuckle from reading your clever letter.

I can not answer your question, but I can give you support. It seems like you are not making your decision untill closer to summer, but it doesn't hurt to start thinking of alternatives now. Kudos to you for that and for loving her so much that you are able and willing to give up everything you have here to be with her, should it come to that. Best of luck to you both. star_smile.gif
al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-03-01 20:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions about I684 and I134
I mean joint sponser for him- not co. Thanks for the clarification. headbonk.gif
al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-03-10 17:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions about I684 and I134
I'm so impressed!! Thank you very much for the speedy and fun reply! good.gif Just to clarify, the ex husband is NOT a dependent (nor was he ever) and we no longer share the same household. My friend is also not in my household, I live alone!! wow.gif That would be something for day time TV if we did all live together with the new one on the way. The only reason I asked about the ex was because in 2000 I was a co-sponsor for him. Since he's a US citizen now and it's been 9 years, I don't think that he'd still count. But I want to have all my ducks in a row, just in case! In any rate, we'll be fine if they do decide to count him with my income. It just would kinda suck if they did- for nothing more than sentimental reasons..if that makes any sense. blush.gif New life starting, and everything.
al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-03-10 17:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions about I684 and I134
Hello. I've filed an I129F for my fiance. I'm going to visit him next month, kicking.gif so I thought I would take some paperwork over with me to save time in the future, even though we have not yet recieved our NOA2. I'm also thinking ahead to our AOS and the I684 since that will need to be done so quickly apon his arrival in USA. I have several questions that I'm hoping to find answers to. Thanks in advance!

1.) His interview will probably not be for another 5-6 months if not more wacko.gif Is it too soon to sign the I134 now? Is it also too soon get the letter from my job and my bank? Does anyone know the time frame of what is considered valid and current? Also, just to verify-I do not send the I134 anywhere-he takes it with him to his interview?

2.) According to the directions on I134 I only need to submit a letter from my employer and a letter from my bank. There is no need for taxes? It asks about life insurance, stocks, ect. If I check yes, do I need to show proof of that? And is any of that necessary if my income meets the requirement?

2.) I am divorced from a marriage that was entered in good faith. He is now a US Citizen (He was already in USA when we married in 2000 and we did the AOS). I was a joint sponsor for him at that time. Am I still considered financially responsible for him in terms of support petition?

3.) I also am a joint sponsor for a friend of mine who filed last year because her husband did not meet the income requirements. I have a copy of the I-864 and letter D is checked- I am the only joint sponsor. I have asked her to get a certified letter from her attorney stating that I am only the joint sponsor, and not the full sponsor, but is that really necessary? I don't want her to have to spend the money if it's not.

4.) Worst case scenario- I count 4 people I'm considered responsible for-myself, my fiance, my ex husband, and my friend. (one big happy family). My income is still greater than the 2009 125% guidelines for a family of 4. However, I don't own any property. Is this a problem?

5.) On I134, Question 9: That I have previously submitted affidavit(s) of support for the following person(s). If none, state none.
Because I was joint sponsor for my friend and my ex husband would I put their names here? With them it was I-684 not I134.

6.) On I134 Question 10: That I have submitted a visa petition(s) to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) on behalf of the following person(s). If none, state none.
In that space would I list my ex-husband? I'm confused by the wording "visa petition". I had nothing to do with my ex husband's visa to come to USA, I was however involved with his AOS for his green card.

Thanks again, hopefully you guys will save me an info-pass trip!

al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-03-10 16:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter from bank for I134?
QUOTE (lizziebits28 @ Mar 14 2009, 11:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is this really necessary or are bank statements alone ok? If it must be the letter, does it need to be certified and do I need statements as well? Thanks in advance!!!!

UPDATE! I contacted embassy in Jordan and was told this: (cut and paste) Kindly note that form does not require notarization, it needs bank letter, employer letter and 3 years of taxes as well.

al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-03-16 08:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter from bank for I134?
QUOTE (lizziebits28 @ Mar 15 2009, 08:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
On a side note, why is it a UCIS form if it's used by state department?

USCIS....sorry. It's been a long day at the beach in the hot Fl sun! blush.gif
al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-03-15 19:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter from bank for I134?
Wow, what alot of different information! Thank you so much!! What do people do that don't have visajourney?? I can't imagine how they make it through the process!! I will contact the embassy directly and ask about the proof needed, and then also bring the other stuff just in case they ask me. I plan to be at the interview, whenever it will be, and if they were to ask me for something I didn't have it would really slow things down since they'd have to wait till I returned to USA. On a side note, why is it a UCIS form if it's used by state department?
al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-03-15 19:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter from bank for I134?
QUOTE (V-G-1 @ Mar 15 2009, 12:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Lizzie:

you dont need any of that stuff.

If you make above 12,000 or whatever that poverty line is, all you need is:

1. 6 months of work stubs
2. Tax Returns or Transcripts (if you lost the returns) for last 3 years
3. Employment letter from HR stating how long/what position, and salary.

Thats it------ those I-134 instructions are old..

Thank you so much!!!!
al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-03-14 23:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter from bank for I134?
Is this really necessary or are bank statements alone ok? If it must be the letter, does it need to be certified and do I need statements as well? Thanks in advance!!!!

Edited by lizziebits28, 14 March 2009 - 10:40 PM.

al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-03-14 22:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Mailed today
QUOTE (HelloWorld08 @ Mar 16 2009, 06:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good luck with your USCIS journey, it is probably better to have the tax for the last 3 years because they might ask for it...

It was advised to me by smart VJers to contact the embassy directly to find out what they require. I did, and they told me the bank letter, the employer letter, and the 3 years of taxes. Passing the good advice along, you might want to contact the embassy that will be doing the interviewing. Good luck!
al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-03-16 18:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould I try to write to my congressman
[/quote]Stop beating the dead horse. It was just an exploritory question. I think we've already established this point. Thanks[/quote]

al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-03-13 20:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould I try to write to my congressman
QUOTE (almaty @ Mar 13 2009, 09:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (V-G-1 @ Mar 12 2009, 10:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ok..ok...ok....calm down folks.....i was just inquiring hehehehe--- i know i have to wait........

besides,,, be lucky to get an the visa by 2012 your letter..for the future...

Keep positive thoughts. My friend just brought her fiance here from Lebanon and entire time from NAO1 to visa in hand was about 9 months. He arrived last week. And, for the record, his name is Mohammad.
al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-03-13 12:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould I try to write to my congressman
QUOTE (morocco4ever @ Mar 13 2009, 12:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Actually her best bet is to take the time it takes to approve her petition to study and learn how to prepare the best possible file. It isn't that it is a bad idea to contact her representative, but it would be better served to introduce yourself, and let them know about your case, and ask them if she can request their assist if they should run into any problems in the future. Just don't try to abuse it by requesting special treatment over and above any of the other filers.

I think is is very good advice! Thanks so much! And thanks for the positive additude! Best of luck to you!
al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-03-13 12:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould I try to write to my congressman
QUOTE (AnnexoxShay @ Mar 12 2009, 11:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lizziebits28 @ Mar 13 2009, 01:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (AnnexoxShay @ Mar 12 2009, 11:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lizziebits28 @ Mar 13 2009, 01:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, very good point, I agree. Something else to feel productive and moving towards the goal. Besides letter writing, preparing everything I could for the next 2 stages of our journey has helped me in the very loooooong (less than a) month since I filed. It's just impossible for me to sit and wait and do nothing. Next week I will start cleanng out the closets so there is room for his clothes! And I'm going to Jordan in 28 days to see him kicking.gif so hopefully that will calm me down as well. Otherwise, this is going to be the most productive 6+ or - months of my life!!!

Thats exactly what Ive been doing .... Ive slowly started sorting out my apartment and finding new homes for belongings ... Im down to basics now and have already packed my suitcase with the winter stuff I also have a box of maybes and every couple days I sort thru it to see if I really cant live with a certain item... When the time comes and I return from my interview it will only take me a few hours to finish packing and a few hours off cleaning and Ill be all done.... Mind you Im going nutz waiting for my interview date at the moment but thems the breaks...

You must have been raised with that same Puritan work ethic as me!! wacko.gif Don't know whether it's a curse or a blessing, but sitting and doing nothing is never an option! star_smile.gif Or maybe I just need to be on meds. blush.gif Anyway, best of luck with your interview and preparing for your new life!!!!! good.gif

laughing.gif I think its a curse! The process would be so much simpler if I/we were oblivious to what was going on around us, dont you think? Ohhh laughing.gif they offered me the meds but after careful consideration I figured a cup of coffee would prob settle me down just the same without all the crazy side effects! JK I think blink.gif

Thank you and all the best to you, I hope everything comes thru speedily for you and your fiance ... {{HUGZ}}

rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif I think we were twins separated at birth. And thank you very much for wishing us well. If you get the urge to compare checklists or go over mondane details because it helps the wait, feel free to PM me!! luv.gif Beth
al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-03-12 22:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould I try to write to my congressman
QUOTE (AnnexoxShay @ Mar 12 2009, 11:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lizziebits28 @ Mar 13 2009, 01:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, very good point, I agree. Something else to feel productive and moving towards the goal. Besides letter writing, preparing everything I could for the next 2 stages of our journey has helped me in the very loooooong (less than a) month since I filed. It's just impossible for me to sit and wait and do nothing. Next week I will start cleanng out the closets so there is room for his clothes! And I'm going to Jordan in 28 days to see him kicking.gif so hopefully that will calm me down as well. Otherwise, this is going to be the most productive 6+ or - months of my life!!!

Thats exactly what Ive been doing .... Ive slowly started sorting out my apartment and finding new homes for belongings ... Im down to basics now and have already packed my suitcase with the winter stuff I also have a box of maybes and every couple days I sort thru it to see if I really cant live with a certain item... When the time comes and I return from my interview it will only take me a few hours to finish packing and a few hours off cleaning and Ill be all done.... Mind you Im going nutz waiting for my interview date at the moment but thems the breaks...

You must have been raised with that same Puritan work ethic as me!! wacko.gif Don't know whether it's a curse or a blessing, but sitting and doing nothing is never an option! star_smile.gif Or maybe I just need to be on meds. blush.gif Anyway, best of luck with your interview and preparing for your new life!!!!! good.gif
al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-03-12 22:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould I try to write to my congressman
QUOTE (AnnexoxShay @ Mar 12 2009, 10:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yup, like the others said... youll have to wait patiently ... it usually takes about 90 days sometimes longer .... in the mean time if you want something to do download the forms from http://www.visajourn...;page=downloads and the Example forms from http://www.visajourn...p;page=examples and read up on your countries US embassy at http://www.visajourn...ex.php?letter=L or you can find a list of all embassies here http://www.visajourn....php?letter=ALL .... when you finish all that reading start filling forms out and start gathering all the evidence you need, that way you have everything you need as you need it and that itself will make the process move on faster ...

All the best with everything ...

Yes, very good point, I agree. Something else to feel productive and moving towards the goal. Besides letter writing, preparing everything I could for the next 2 stages of our journey has helped me in the very loooooong (less than a) month since I filed. It's just impossible for me to sit and wait and do nothing. Next week I will start cleanng out the closets so there is room for his clothes! And I'm going to Jordan in 28 days to see him kicking.gif so hopefully that will calm me down as well. Otherwise, this is going to be the most productive 6+ or - months of my life!!!
al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-03-12 22:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould I try to write to my congressman
QUOTE (V-G-1 @ Mar 12 2009, 10:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does this actually work?

Or will it just pi$% them off and make them want to put my folder to the back of the line?

I know exactly how you just want to do SOMETHING, even though you just recently filed. (me too!) I wrote a letter to Obama. I know that nohing will happen, but at least I feel like I did SOMETHING!! I didn't write to my congressman for that very reason- that I figured if I actually have a problem later and I need him, he might remember me as being that annoying person who asked for help when it's only been a month since filing. I also have been racking my brain trying to think of anyone else I could write to. It just somehow makes me feel better, like I am doing something...and even if it doesn't help speed things up, at least I know I tried.....Good luck to you! Things seem to be moving alot quicker then they were a few months ago!!!!! good.gif
al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-03-12 21:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPetitioner at K1 Interview


Then I guess it's really up to the CO then, because I did not let my fiance come in, but the CO asked for him.

I emailed the embassy in Amman, Jordan and they said yes, I was allowed to be there and that it actually makes their job easier if I am there!

al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-06-09 14:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDuring that emotional, stressful time before the NOA2 comes...
QUOTE (BokGao @ Jul 17 2009, 09:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I sent them the most bare minimum. I don't think there's more than 25 pages in my package I sent. The idea was that I didn't want them to sift thru and waste time with something that they didn't need to look at. At the time, it looked okay. I looked it over many times before sealing the envelope. Afterwards, I thought that if anyone's package was begging for an RFE, it was mine. Here's what I sent.

- 1 picture of us together
- Her passport photo. I didn't have one so my took a picture of her and made it in photohop
- Divorced decree - only sent the 2nd page but not the 1st wh/ had the courthouse info on it.
- Copy of passport - only the pages with my picture and the pages of the stamp (not all the pages)
- No letter of intent to marry

So I waited for an RFE. It turned out okay. Thank god for that.

Wow, that's great! I think that will help alot of people that are really worried about getting an RFE that maybe there is hope that they won't get one. That was the point of this thread, to help ease people's worries. I wish I would have known about your situation during all the sleepless nights I had obsessing over my own package!! Good luck with the rest of your journey.
al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-07-18 09:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDuring that emotional, stressful time before the NOA2 comes...
QUOTE (Nicoxcx @ Jul 17 2009, 08:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I actually never thought I would get an RFE and I didn't, I don't know what it is but I never see any problems with our petition, not sure if that is a good thing or bad thing but for me it was never 'will i get approved? will I get an RFE?' I knew I would get approved without an RFE, but then again I sent an abundance of information and proof not needed lol.

al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-07-17 20:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDuring that emotional, stressful time before the NOA2 comes...
QUOTE (CTRL+ALT+DEL @ Jul 17 2009, 12:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
from the timeline function, it still seems like my fiance will be here in 3 months :-\ 3 months is sooooooooo long....

Do you really think it will be 3 more months?? You have your NAO2...have you e-mailed the embassy in India and asked them when they are currently interviewing? I e-mailed jordan and they said it's taking about a month and a half from the day they recieve our info....
al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-07-17 13:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDuring that emotional, stressful time before the NOA2 comes...
QUOTE (Comboni @ Jul 16 2009, 06:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Reading all ur comments really encourages me a lot!
We got our NOA1 on April 22nd from VSC. I'm dying inside, can't wait any longer!!!! crying.gif

Awwee..hang in there. It may feel like forever till you get your NAO2, but you'll REALLY know what forever feels like when you spend forever with your love!! star_smile.gif
al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-07-16 18:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDuring that emotional, stressful time before the NOA2 comes...
QUOTE (rebeccajo @ Jul 16 2009, 11:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You might want to be getting a true, certified copy of your divorce decree from the issuing body in your county.

I'm surprised at your assertion that your case was approved with what you describe as signed statement from your attorney. I would fairly bet such a document will not be adequate at the consular level.

Yes, I agree. It wasn't even signed. It was just the paper that the divorce lawyer had sent me that said divorce decree and had our names and file number on it, and the county where the divorce took place. I have never seen a divorce decree before, I didn't know any differently. It had been tucked away in a drawer since 2006. But once I sent everything away to USCIS I found the VJ website and I started reading and people said that they were given an RFE for not sending a decree signed by a judge, and/or sending in a version that was too short. So I paniced and sent away for 2 certified copies of the decree (they look totally different that what I sent in) and they were signed by the judge. I even called USCIS and asked them if I could send in the signed certified copy to be added to my file and they said no, just wait, it might be ok. But I obsessed about it. I was soooo sure it would cause an RFE. And, amazinly, I was wrong!!!!! I am thinking that it might be because Pennsylvania has open divorce records and that is where the divorce took place, and they had the file number, maybe they researched it???
But yes, good advice! I do have it ready for the embassy level, AOS, marriage, and whatever else I might need it for!
al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-07-16 18:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDuring that emotional, stressful time before the NOA2 comes...
QUOTE (Surf2Salsa @ Jul 15 2009, 06:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations!!! And thanks for updating your timeline.

Thank you..I hope your process goes quickly!!
al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-07-15 21:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDuring that emotional, stressful time before the NOA2 comes...
QUOTE (Michey and Odessa @ Jul 14 2009, 11:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i dont really feel we'd get any RFE smile.gif and im just still praying about not getting one coz from what ive read on here, it adds another 25 days..anyway, it has some sense to it though to wish for an RFE coz gives you that assurance that at least they have looked at it to give out an RFE...but hey, congrats on the NOA2.. i wish we'd get ours's been too long since ive seen my fiance, and everyday is another struggle

Thanks and hang in there! It looks like Vermont is really trying to get the last of the February's out of the way so March can start. I bet your approval is right around the corner!!! And BTW, I didn't get any touches or anything on my online status until right AFTER I got my approval e-mail.
al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-07-15 14:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDuring that emotional, stressful time before the NOA2 comes...
QUOTE (estadia @ Jul 14 2009, 09:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
congratulations kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

ha i pray for a RFE

Oh honey I just read your entire timeline...((((((((Sara))))))))) WOW! I pray you will get something soon!!!


QUOTE (SAVM @ Jul 14 2009, 10:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (al-Hubb jameel @ Jul 14 2009, 08:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Alot of us seem to second guess ourselves during that crazy time of waitin for our NAO2. What did you think you would get an RFE for and then didn't?

I got my NAO2 on Monday kicking.gif
I was really surprised because I expected an RFE for:

1.) My divorce decree was not signed by the judge or a certified copy. It was just a little paragraph the lawyer had given me that had a case number on it. blush.gif

2.) I misunderstood the part that asked how we met in person and I thought they were asking how we all I said was "We met and fell in love over the internet through webcam and chats" headbonk.gif

But, I guess they were able to verify my divorce was legit, and I guess all of my proof that we met in person was enough even though my words said internet.... biggrin.gif

What about you???

Booooo....(you're unintentionally rubbing it in that you got your NOA2)

Actually I looked for a thread like this when I was waiting....and I didn't find one. But sorry you feel that way.

al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-07-14 21:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDuring that emotional, stressful time before the NOA2 comes...
Alot of us seem to second guess ourselves during that crazy time of waitin for our NAO2. What did you think you would get an RFE for and then didn't?

I got my NAO2 on Monday kicking.gif
I was really surprised because I expected an RFE for:

1.) My divorce decree was not signed by the judge or a certified copy. It was just a little paragraph the lawyer had given me that had a case number on it. blush.gif

2.) I misunderstood the part that asked how we met in person and I thought they were asking how we all I said was "We met and fell in love over the internet through webcam and chats" headbonk.gif

But, I guess they were able to verify my divorce was legit, and I guess all of my proof that we met in person was enough even though my words said internet.... biggrin.gif

What about you???

al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-07-14 20:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 09 - VSC
but the bad thing is that if they claim not to even have worked on it takes another 1-2 weeks in the mail sad.gif i dont kno how much we hav to wait

We have to give each other encouragement or else we will all be laying in a crying heap eating icecream and chocolate! Everyone here keeps telling me that maybe it's already in the mail and that they just haven't updated the online status yet (This happens alot). This past week has been really hard for me too, seeing all the approvals and not seeing my own. But we are so close!! We just have to stay postive and it will happen. star_smile.gif I promise! I'm going home now and will check my mail box. I'll report back if anything is there. smile.gif

Edited by al-Hubb jameel, 08 July 2009 - 04:01 PM.

al-Hubb jameelFemaleJordan2009-07-08 15:58:00