PhilippinesTranslate this please
QUOTE (rosal548 @ Aug 10 2008, 12:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ok I got another one i guess she has been making mistakes lately...........

Mga dagko naman mi....Ghatag ra ig.Agaw nila ma ui....nindot kau kay dili mamaak...hahaha....saba kau mga bayot diri, nalingaw mi...

how about that one..........

Good grief, maybe you should text her back and let her know!

chuckbMalePhilippines2008-08-09 23:26:00
PhilippinesIntial travel to US from Phils
QUOTE (USA1138 @ Jul 24 2008, 03:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think putting the money issue aside, you have to look at the other aspect of this. Her family is now part of you. For me this is one of those moments in life I want to be by herside for. She is leaving and it is going to be a big adjustment for her. I just feel being besides her in that time is a moment that I could never pass up. A family bond is important and showing that to her family is important as well. Just my thoughts.

I couldn't have said that better myself...

Money seems to be an issue, but I'm sure that the family will eventually need some too. It's hard to be scrapping for money, make a large payment to the airlines, and help the family. Maybe helping the family a little now might show the importance of flying alone to save money? Sounds mercenary doesn't it? I don't mean it that way, most Filipino families really do need money, not just want it.

Filipino's travel all over the world for jobs. Why is the flight to the US so intimidating? I will never understand this...

In fairness, I can't really speak to this because I spent two and a half months in the Philippines going through the Medical, Interview, Visa, and Filipino stuff before we all flew here together. My wife and kids wouldn't be here if I hadn't, or maybe I just didn't push the issue hard enough. For me, it was worth it to make her happy, though I really couldn't afford it.

Now, she wants to do it all again for the oldest child. Ouch!

My wife is also very independant now that she understands the US and most of it's ways. Some posters in this thread say a Filipina has to learn to be independant, and now is the time. I'm not sure I can agree with the timing, but certainly the independence. This is a very difficult time for both her and the family. If money is short, it's unlikely she will be returning home to her family anytime soon. That's hard to accept along with going to a place that doesn't have family as she knows family. Maybe I'm biased, but the Filipino family is much more integrated (close) than the US family.

Then again, perhaps if she flies alone, she can return to visit her family sooner? She will know what to expect, and can fly alone again if money is an issue. Just a thought...

Obviously, I think that my wife should have flown here without me, americans fly alone all the time. Understanding the underlying issues makes the decision a little more difficult. The Filipino culture just ain't the same. blink.gif
chuckbMalePhilippines2008-08-09 17:43:00
PhilippinesBest way to send Documents to Philippines ?
QUOTE (gandachic1 @ Aug 12 2008, 10:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
USPS messed up with the first docs he sent. up until now, i still haven't received the one he sent through USPS. it has been over a month. Registered mail but still no notice.

My husband sent docs through Fedex and i got it in 4 days.

Its best to use Fedex, DHL or UPS. Don't forget to keep the tracking number. smile.gif

hope this helps smile.gif

I always used DHL because I haven't had any problems. LBC in the Phils used DHL here to to deliver the package to the US.

Postal Service in the Phils? Well once I got a Valentines card delivered on Valentines day, I think it must have been the red envelope. I mailed it weeks early so it would get there before Valentines Day. Sadly, most other letters never made it...
chuckbMalePhilippines2008-08-12 21:17:00
PhilippinesHow can I get my Mom's Sister here in US?
QUOTE (YuAndDan @ Aug 14 2008, 03:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chuckb @ Aug 14 2008, 03:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The bad news is that the USCIS doesn't consider a Sister an Immediate Relative, therefore you have to wait for a visa to come available. This may be as much as ten years last I heard.
Try 22 years, PI is over subscribed.

wow.gif I didn't realize I was so far behind the times! I had a lawyer tell me that just a few weeks ago, maybe it's not just me that's behind! headbonk.gif

ohmy.gif I guess my wifes sisters aren't coming anytime soon. I'm not marrying them off just to come here!

chuckbMalePhilippines2008-08-14 15:07:00
PhilippinesHow can I get my Mom's Sister here in US?
QUOTE (matchbox @ Aug 14 2008, 03:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

My mommy is asking me If I know how to bring my aunt (mom's sister) here in US. My mommy is filipina, she was born there in Philippines. She was petitioned by my brother who is in a military. Then she recently become a US Citizen. My aunt filed for a tourist visa to come here but was denied. So my mom wanted to know if there is any other way we can bring my aunt here. My mom is old, She's in the late 50's and my aunt is in the late 40's. Is there no hope for my aunt to come here? Just Curious if there is a way? Your response is much appreciated! Thank you! God bless!

If I understand your situation correctly, there is good news, and bad news. Your mom as a US citizen can petition her sister. I-130 instructions:

1. If you are a U.S.citizen you must file a separate Form I-130 for each eligible relative.

You may file a Form I-130 for:

A. Your husband or wife;
B. Your unmarried child under age 21;
C. Your unmarried son or daughter age 21 or older;
D. Your married son or daughter of any age;
E. Your brother(s) or sister(s) (you must be age 21 or older);
F. Your mother or father (you must be age 21 or older).

The bad news is that the USCIS doesn't consider a Sister an Immediate Relative, therefore you have to wait for a visa to come available. This may be as much as ten years last I heard.

You can always try again for the Tourist Visa, but I think it's more donating money to the USCIS than practical...

Good Luck
chuckbMalePhilippines2008-08-14 14:55:00
Philippinesi was rape
QUOTE (Rodge & Ninfa @ Aug 14 2008, 08:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (baxxy @ Aug 13 2008, 11:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rodge & Ninfa @ Aug 14 2008, 12:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (darkshadow837 @ Aug 13 2008, 11:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (TamaraLovesAdam @ Aug 14 2008, 12:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (darkshadow837 @ Aug 14 2008, 12:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i made a new vj account to post what happened to me 3 days ago.Please help me what to think and what to do.Right now im very, very confused.I was raped 3 days ago.I dont know if posting here will do any good to me but im very desperate.Im so scared.Our neighibor whom very close friend to my fiance raped me while my fiance at work.My fiance and him treats themselves as brother.I dont know what to do now.My fiance dont know his friend raped me.

oh my gosh ! helpsmilie.gif im sooooooooooo sorry ! you will have to tell your fiance bcz he should know. and hes going to put hells fire on that guy. you have to get a police report too!

i wish that easy to tell my fiance about his friend raped me but everyone here looked at him in different way he is a very religious man everyone in his family and friends says he is very aloof with the girls and no any bad habits that everyone can fantasize i dont know right now i really dont know im so depressed

Why not easy? If you want PEACE in your mind tell that to your fiance...Coz if u will not do it, that guy will do again to you coz he will think its just okey for you..and the bad thing ur fiance will think that you have relationship...

What kind of stupid thing is that to say to her??? Someone gets raped and you say that to her? Oh yeah now shes really going to want to report it. Get real, stupid!

BAXXY!!! dont call me stupid coz YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAY THAT TO ME....YOU DONT EVEN FED ME A SINGLE GRAIN OF RICE... you don't know me and YES I AM A REAL PERSON... what I have cited is is MY OPINION that I think will be happened if she will remain silent....

Schucks, maybe I'm just a Country Hick from the fine outstanding State of Colorado, but I thought this thread was about a person seeking help and advise about a serious situation. So far, I've seen lots of advise and concern, and even doubt of the authenticity of the whole issue. But this kind of BS here, shame on you, this is not a place to air this kind of stuff.

If the post that started all this is real (I have no reason to believe it is not), and I was the person that started this thread, I would walk away. Think about it.

Advise is free, Good Advice is priceless. You just need to know when it is good, the example I see here doesn't bode well for priceless.

Sorry in advance if I offended anyone.
chuckbMalePhilippines2008-08-14 19:49:00
Philippinesi was rape
Ooops! Wrong button, not sure I can delete this post!

Edited by chuckb, 14 August 2008 - 03:49 PM.

chuckbMalePhilippines2008-08-14 15:45:00
Philippinesi was rape
QUOTE (FaSa2008 @ Aug 14 2008, 04:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If u havent notice this girl hasnt post anythign anymore, so i guess she will do what she thinks its best for her.. Maintain QUIET! headbonk.gif

I haven't seen anything of her since last night. I also haven't seen her in the list of people viewing this thread today. I'm not always here obviously, but if I remember correctly her posts were last night, at night. Sun is shining here! I'd have to look to be sure though (about the posts).

helpsmilie.gif IMHO, we've offered help, now it's up to her if she wants it...
chuckbMalePhilippines2008-08-14 15:43:00
Philippinesi was rape
Hope some one well help u just tell us where u in COLORADO ...

Who can this girl trust? She's only been here in the US less than two weeks, and signed up for VJ yesterday if I recall correctly. Now this with only the scary seminar in the Philippines to guide her thoughts...

It took several months for my wife to meet other Filipinos, and then time to get to know them. I feel for her, and wish we could help. She isn't reading this forum right now last I checked. I'm sure it would help if she could talk to someone that at least speaks Tagalog. There are five of those here in this family, and many more we know around the area in Colorado.

Darkshadow 837: Please let me know if we can help in any way. I'll be back tomorrow morning...
chuckbMalePhilippines2008-08-14 01:00:00
Philippinesi was rape
QUOTE (darkshadow837 @ Aug 14 2008, 01:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
we live in colorado i hitted him with the glass and it broke on his stomach made deep wound on him before he could put his handkerchief to my face that made me dizzy fell in the floor the next thing i wake up im naked...............

I'm sorry to read about this. I agree with everyone else here that you need to talk to the police. You really should have done that right away, but with the wound at least there is evidence to back up your story.

I wish my wife and I could help. We live in Colorado too. You didn't say where in Colorado though, it's a big state.
chuckbMalePhilippines2008-08-14 00:23:00
PhilippinesTicket you got?
QUOTE (iya @ Aug 17 2008, 04:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Mine was a one-way ticket. Got it from a travel agent in QC, since their price was much cheaper than anything I could find online. It was Korean Air too, and I found their service to be TONS better than American Airlines or JAL.

If you purchase a roundtrip ticket because it's cheaper, that's fine too. I actually wished I got roundtrip since I went back for a vacation within 6 months' time.. But again, if you're staying for good, even if you get a roundtrip ticket, it shouldn't be a problem.

Many people have told me a ticket is cheaper in the Philippines. A friend just bought one way tickets to the Philippines here, because he said it is cheaper to buy the return flight there.

We paid for one way tickets for all of us and forgot about my return ticket. We still saved money. We got a discount for first time immigrant too. (not for me alas!)

For us, making the roundtrip match available flights was impossible, believe me we tried. Had to appear in person in Manila, only to find they couldn't do anything for us. They could have told me that on the phone!
chuckbMalePhilippines2008-08-17 16:05:00
PhilippinesBad news!
QUOTE (Eddie&Mary @ Sep 2 2007, 06:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I talked to that guy once. He asked me if I was crazy! He said with so many women in the Philippines, why would I choose one that had a child? He suggested I dump Mary and go out to one of the provinces and get me one without kids. That was the first time and the last time I talked to him.If he treated my Mary like a commodity, imagine what he would have done with the paperwork?

I am just glad that I did not use him. He takes advantage of people and that is not right. I agree, and this is one person you do not want to use !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ranting33va.gif ranting33va.gif protest6wz.gif protest6wz.gif

Darned if "Old Mike" doesn't have a point! It's all a matter of perspective. If I were in the market to find a girl, I wouldn't have chosen one with kids. I don't think that's unreasonable.

I wasn't looking for anyone when I met my wife. I was working in the Philippines and it just happened. We have four children as far as I'm concerned, three here now and working on the oldest coming here. That was my choice, and I couldn't have asked for better children than I have. They know what they have now, and it's not because I ever told them, or made any kind of deal out of it.

Maybe the dump Mary part was a little too much, but hey, always keep your options open if you can. I'm beyond that now, my choice. You should always decide what is right for yourself. Not anyone else. devil.gif
chuckbMalePhilippines2008-08-17 17:36:00
PhilippinesWho did you book your ticket thru?agency? Phils to USA
QUOTE (Buksol @ Aug 14 2008, 02:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am curious who did you book your ticket thru?

What agency/website?

What airlines?

What POE?

What price?

Blue Voyage in San Fernando, Pampanga, the main office is in Manila I think. I couldn't make other agencies understand that the rate was more important than the date!

Philippine Airlines had a special rate for those immigrating at the time, plus it was non-stop to the US.

Connected with Delta in San Francisco

Price? I don't remember now, three years ago.

A friend told me he bought a one way to Manila from Denver for $680 the other day, best I can find is about $850.
He must know something I don't... He also said that it's cheaper to buy tickets in the Philippines than here?

Good Luck, and safe trip.
chuckbMalePhilippines2008-08-14 01:19:00
PhilippinesVisa In Hand
QUOTE (envy_me @ Aug 29 2008, 08:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
congrats! kicking.gif

Congrads. I've been watching your story off and on, so I know there was a lot of anxiety.

I'm happy for you. Waiting pays off!

Chuck B.

P.S. Good Luck kicking.gif
chuckbMalePhilippines2008-08-29 19:20:00
Philippinescan i book a flight for my fiance?
QUOTE (TexPamp @ Sep 1 2008, 07:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What about the issues of using credit cards? I have found some airline sites require the passenger to be the purchaser and credit card holder. I have also seen where the passenger would have to have the credit card or copy of credit card.

Anybody have experience dealing with this?


If it is the first time for a Filipino immigrating/traveling to the US, check in the Philippines. There used to be a discount that beats anything you can find here in the US. I used Blue Voyage in San Fernando, but I understand they have offices in Manila also. I have also been told that tickets are generally cheaper there period. Can't say, no experience.

I used to use Orbitz, last time Expedia was cheaper, and better connections. Only shopping can tell the truth, but watch out for the surcharges, taxes, etc. Some sites tell you up front. Some tell you you have an 800 dollar ticket with 700 dollars of other charges...

Shop! It can't hurt.

To address the issue of Credit cards and copies of them... I have been required to show the original credit card that was used to charge the ticket. It has been many years ago, and I was told upfront that this was required. If they don't say this is a requirement when you purchase the ticket, I wouldn't worry.

So far as needing to be the same person as purchased the ticket? They require identification now as never before. If you misspell anything on the original reservation it practically takes an Act of some "God" to change it. I think the credit card issue is an old issue, but I might be wrong. You better have good ID...

My two cents worth!

Chuck B.
chuckbMalePhilippines2008-09-01 19:35:00
PhilippinesMarriage Certificate for AOS
QUOTE (envy_me @ Sep 3 2008, 09:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chuckb @ Sep 3 2008, 08:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (richo @ Sep 3 2008, 09:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I submitted just photocopy of certified marriage certificate. The funny thing is my husband and I get 4 certified copy and I submitted just a photocopy one. hehe. Anyways it might be useful for future use and I always had 1 certified copy of MC together with my passport.Just sharing wink.gif

Ever read the Instructions for the forms? All it asks for is a copy of the Marriage Certificate. I'd make sure it is a filed or registered copy that you are copying...

now u guys are scaring me.. lol
i dnt wanna have rfe cos of that copy thingy.. unsure.gif
maybe il just submit a "certified" copy not photocopy?

Maybe I wasn't clear, sorry! All they want is a copy (photocopy).

A Marriage License/Certificate isn't valid unless it is filed or whatever they call it in your jurisdiction. All I was saying is make sure it is a copy of the legal document. Copies are fine.
chuckbMalePhilippines2008-09-03 20:47:00
PhilippinesMarriage Certificate for AOS
QUOTE (richo @ Sep 3 2008, 09:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I submitted just photocopy of certified marriage certificate. The funny thing is my husband and I get 4 certified copy and I submitted just a photocopy one. hehe. Anyways it might be useful for future use and I always had 1 certified copy of MC together with my passport.Just sharing wink.gif

Ever read the Instructions for the forms? All it asks for is a copy of the Marriage Certificate. I'd make sure it is a filed or registered copy that you are copying...
chuckbMalePhilippines2008-09-03 20:22:00
PhilippinesHusband interested in learning Tagalog?
QUOTE (regholdsworth @ Sep 18 2008, 05:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
For those familiar with rapidshare you can get yourself link to a download of rosetta stone/tagalog from...

rosetta stone tagalog

And for those of us that are not? devil.gif
chuckbMalePhilippines2008-09-18 19:24:00
Philippineswhat happened to VJ??
So are you folks saying people shouldn't try to help if they haven't been registered here long? Newbies...

I'm obviously a new voice, though I've taken a lot of advise from this site over the years.

I thank all of you for all of the advise.
chuckbMalePhilippines2008-08-26 21:13:00
Philippinesfirst time posting in philippines forum
QUOTE (narzel @ Oct 26 2008, 06:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
thanks chuck
you can order a copy of the filed return or a transcript
transcript is free copy of return is 40 bucks

Learn something new everyday! Ah, life is good!

As the other posters said a transcript is fine. I've only made copies of my returns, which requires the W2 forms, a transcript does not...

Chuck B.
chuckbMalePhilippines2008-10-26 17:42:00
Philippinesfirst time posting in philippines forum
QUOTE (narzel @ Oct 26 2008, 05:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just got my approval for i 129f petition well got it online not in the mail yet but has been sent just wondering what to expect next and best steps to take i am starting to gather my financial stuff but had some questions on what i should gather
i have a copy of tax transcript from 2007 but not actual return should i order the actual return
i dont have a savings other than 401 do i just put whats in my checking account or do i need to gather info on my 401
my work info should be pretty ez
any help on what to expect next is appreciated

You need to show you are above poverty level either earnings or assets or a combination of both (try not to confuse them if you can help it!). Using Assets, you have to show at least three years of poverty level. I-134 if I remember correctly is 100%. I'd still be prepared to show at least 125% of poverty level. You have to show that for the AOS and the I-864 eventually. If you can show it on earnings, I wouldn't worry about Assets. Transcripts are fine, would be better if you had three years of tax return data, but if I recall, not required fo the I-134. You'll need it later though...

Thought you could only order a transcript of a return? Maybe I'm missing something...

Chuck B.
chuckbMalePhilippines2008-10-26 17:28:00
PhilippinesChildren adjusting...
QUOTE (jom @ Oct 26 2008, 11:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
At five yeras old, most children live at the moment so I am sure she will be just fine. She will probably miss familiar faces but as long as her Mom and you are there her adjustment period will be easy.

My two nieces arrived here on a K2 visa, they were 14 and 16 respectively. It was hard for them to adjust school because the system is quite different. Back in the Philippines we graduate high school at age 16 but here its 18 and because they have already school records, it has to be evaluated and compared to the subjects here. They wanted to go back but eventually they adjusted less than a year and are happier now. The eldest have several admirers and have crushes, lol. So far they are doing good and looking forward to playing in the snow again.

Goodluck, I am sure your family will be just fine.

I'm quite sure she will do well, that would be a good age to adapt to the US. We have three that came here at ages 8,9, & 10, three years ago.

The oldest spoke English reasonably well, and read English enough to understand the basics. Her schooling was private, and somewhat better than the schooling the younger two got. She is excelling in our schools, her English vocabulary is somewhat limited (as expected). She hits me up for words that I have to break out the dictionary the explain them, so I don't think vocabulary is a problem. She gets mostly all A's, on the Honor roll, and all that.

The younger two understood a little English, but reading it wasn't happening. After three years, they are still having some difficulties with reading comprehension, but their spoken English as good or better than any other 5th grader. Reading is key to doing well in almost all subjects, so they both suffer because of it.

My point is that putting kids into second grade when they don't speak or read English is difficult. They soak up the spoken language like a sponge, but the written language is usually a problem. They missed the basics and playing catchup is not easy. They get even further behind while they are learning the spoken language. Hence, they miss even more of the the basics. I am quite proud of them for trying so hard, and having a good attitude even when they know they are behind.

The schools here have an English as a Second Language (ESL) program due to the Latino population here. It helps, but naturally it is not oriented towards Tagalog! The ESL program does lend them extra assistance with reading and pronounciation. They do get extra one on one teaching which is a help. The ESL teachers mentioned that many ESL students take several years to become fluent in speaking English, at least we're ahead of the game there!

The biggest problem I saw with ESL is that at times it seemed they were learning more Spanish than English! That's not all bad though, the oldest is doing better in Spanish classes than many of the native speakers in class.

That said as background, I would guess that a five year old will be speaking English and ready to learn to read by the time they are teaching the basics here. I think it is about the best time you could ask for to bring them here, other than even younger. It's not a walk in the park, but with time, patience, and understanding, they will learn and succeed.

Depends on what you want. I want our kids to remember their culture, I want them to be Filipino Americans, and proud of it! The younger you bring them here, the harder it is for them to remember. Our kids are older, and I think it makes it more difficult for them, but they haven't given up and that is key to their success.

Good Luck, it will be an experience of a lifetime! The ways of Americans are not always the ways of Pinoys. Our kids miss their friends and family in the Philippines, but they have adjusted very well. They get Filipino food at home sometimes, but love Pizza and Chicken Nuggets! As well as more healthy American foods! Nope, No Jolibee here, just Asian Markets in Denver (70 Miles away). They ride the School bus just like other kids and are very popular with this other kids.

There are more Filipinos (mostly adults) here in Colorado than I would ever have imagined before bringing them here. They get that interaction too so they won't forget their heritage. The Middle child didn't want to speak Tagalog anymore until we took him to the Philippines last summer. Now he answers in Tagalog rather than English when Tagalog is being spoken. It's all good. They have Internet and use it to talk to friends and relatives in the Philippines. In many ways, they have the best of both worlds.

BTW, they like the winter here a whole lot more than I do! Kids adjust better than adults, but then again, I thought that it was just too darned hot in the Philippines until I spent several months there. It isn't so bad being warm! It's chilly here today...

I think that I have said enough, it's just that the subject is near and dear to me! I'm sure you will be fine.

chuckbMalePhilippines2008-10-26 12:26:00
PhilippinesBringing my kids to the US - IR2 category
QUOTE (twilight @ Oct 18 2008, 11:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi! Does anyone from the Philippines have any experience as to how long the visa release would take for kids who are minors in the IR2 category? Separate petitions were filed for each and they are on an expedite basis. Thanks.

It's a matter of time. How much, nobody seems to know. I brought Kids here on the K-2, that was the same as the K-1, and quite easy considering.

Now I am in the waiting game for another Kid. I'm hoping sometime next Spring based on the Process time reports. The last update I see was from July 31. Makes it sorta hard to plan on anything!

Good Luck, the good news is that things happen, the bad news is that you never know when!

chuckbMalePhilippines2008-10-18 23:04:00
PhilippinesMagic Jack
QUOTE (STEPHnRIA @ Oct 16 2008, 09:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (PingLocalHostess @ Oct 17 2008, 07:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OH WOW its cheaper than Vonage. We have to pay $239.99 for their Annual Residential Premium Unlimited Plan. Before that it was $24.99 per month. THIS is just $19.95 per month. blink.gif wow.gif

Its the same concept, you need a broadband connection, unlimited calls to US/Canada and you can pick any US area code. Except the voice gateway is a LOT smaller and you connect it to the computer's usb port.

Vonage's voice gateway is connected directly to the modem (thru ethernet ports). Both the computer (ethernet port) and phone (RJ11) are both plugged in to the voice gateway.

Whaaaaa i am amazed! Im going to get that for my family when i move to TX. I thought of leaving the Vonage voice gateway but they dont know how to configure it or set it up *scratches her head*.

Oh sorry.... im rambling hehe. This excite me! Its a must buy! (Parang ahente ako no hahaha)

For comparison: Magic Jack -
Vonage -

For those who doesnt know: THESE are PHONES that uses broadband (cable or DSL) internet connection instead of a regular phone line.

Ping, buy the Magic Jack here in Philippines. We only pay one time payment of P4,500. Thats it. No monthly fees. No $19.95 a month.

I too am using a Magic Jack in the Philippines, and we love it. Works great, calls are clear, etc. Unfortunately, I have one here in the US and it has been, and continues to be a problem. I believe that sooner or later the issue will be resolved, but it can be a time consuming process.

It is cheap if you have Internet service and a powered on and running computer. For the price, I could toss the one I'm having problems with and buy another Magic Jack that works. It is really a great product when it works.

The cost in the US is $39.95 for a years service Canada & US LD included. There is an alternative Premium service for about $100.00 that includes 5 years. A good deal as they want about $20 per year for additional service. I'm not trying to sell anyone, anything. I've read the bad reviews, and the good ones. Works for me as a good cheap solution.
chuckbMalePhilippines2008-10-16 20:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMy Journey Starts
QUOTE (kiwiana @ Aug 9 2008, 10:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (SoInLove16 @ Aug 9 2008, 07:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My journey started on 8-6-2008, my paperwork for my K1 was sent to CSC. Is the USPS usually slow in updating their tracking? My certified package with Label/Receipt Number: 7008 0500 0002 0016 8995 still says "There's no record of this item" - Maybe this monday or Tuesday the CSC should have it.

anyways I'm just glad to have found this site/forum where others are going through what I am, the waiting, gathering of tips and knowledge and bottom line waiting for their soul mates........

Welcome to VJ! good.gif We sent our package by usps with return receipt. Mailed the package on a Friday morning. The return receipt showed that the California Service Centre signed for it on the Monday. So hang in there and

Grab a seat!!!! smile.gif

The folks at VJ are very helpful and kind and it is very comforting to know that others are going through the same thing. (even when i ask inane questions, someone is always there to answer them whistling.gif )


- - - - - - - - - - - -

Our Time Line
07-11-2008 - mailed 1-129f
07-14-2008 - received at California Service Centre
07-28-2008 - NOA1 received in the mail with date of 07-24-2008 as notice date.
07-28-2008 - first 'touch'

Sorry to sound negative, but I've never had a package send by the USPS that I could track online! I've tried! They seem to show up, but the tracking system...

Fedex, DHL, and UPS seem to have their act together, but not USPS...

It will show! The USPS delivers, at least for me... kicking.gif
chuckbMalePhilippines2008-08-09 21:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGreencard divorce
QUOTE (Needhelpp @ Oct 18 2008, 05:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone:

I am confused about greencard divorce. I got my GC in April 2008 for 10 years to 2018. Recently, my husband wants a divorce. How will this affect my GC status if I get a divorce since I only got my GC 6 months ago. Does it have any bearing in my status since my GC is so new? I have been married for almost 4 years. We have no kids but have properties together.
Also, do I need an immigration attorney or a regular divorce attorney will be enough?
Please help.

I'm a little confused about your timeline, How did you get married four years ago and just now get the GC? Doesn't really matter though.

As I understand it, there is little anyone can do to you once the Conditional Status is removed. You are a LPR. As long as you maintain/renew that status, or become a Citizen, you are legal. It's all in your hands. It doesn't remove the legal obligations of the I-864 from your husband. But that's not really your problem either...

chuckbMalePhilippines2008-10-18 17:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTOUCHED ON A SUNDAY???!!!
The funny thing is that I was touched on Friday and now Sunday...
The system was updated Friday because last updated before today was 12/19/08
and today it updated again with date: 12/21/08
Oh well, I hope so too that I get good news in the next 3 days!
Thanks for your reply!

me too!!!!!! Touched on the 19th, ant the 21st.
r8rfanisiMaleMoldova2008-12-22 02:15:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
QUOTE (Koakland @ Jan 28 2009, 09:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations Alice smile.gif Jeremy's interview is tomorrow afternoon. Today he went to the medical and said that everything went fine. I'm not from the San Diego area. I'm from the Bay Area but I go to Southern California alot. WELCOME TO CALIFORNIA smile.gif

For everyone looking for the job in the US. Keep trying! It's takes a lot of work to find a job, even if you are a USC. It took about a month and half of hard hard work for me to find the job that I have now. I suggested, I reccomend going to lots and lots of temporary agencies. Post your resume on Monster, Careerbuilder, yahoo jobs and other job sites. Browse craigslist etc. I did this everyday for a little over a month before I found something decent. Even if you have a bad interview or phone interview, don't be discouraged. Just keep trying. Whenever I have a bad interview or interview for a job that I know that I don't want, I just look at it as practice. Don't worry, you'll find jobs soon.

Also, if anyone has any advice on where to look for tech jobs, please let me know. My fiance is a software engineer in France but I don't know that much about the tech job market. If you have advice on how to prepare while he's in France, things he should know, stuff he should get, please help me smile.gif


Thanks for the great tips! I ll keep looking! good.gif
lucie&damonFemaleFrance2009-01-31 15:13:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
QUOTE (Cecile and Bryan @ Jan 30 2009, 12:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
French taxes talk... sorry it's in French, I'm having a hard time figuring out how to make some of the sentences...

Je n'ai jamais paye d'impots toute seule en France (jusqu'a cette annee j'etais rattachee a mes parents, apparemment c'etait mieux pour eux et pour moi, je ne me souviens plus des details). Donc je n'ai pas trop d'idees de ce a quoi la declaration d'impots sur le revenu ressemble, quels details ils demandent, etc.
En ce qui concerne les "taxes" aux USA, je sais que cette anee on va remplir ca en tant qu'epoux, married filing jointly. Qu'il faut que je mette mon revenu francais et qu'on ajoute une lettre demandant l'exemption de taxes sur mes revenus francais en accord avec le traite d'exemption US-France.
Est-ce que c'est la meme chose en France ? En 2008 j'ai travaille de janvier a juillet, et fin juillet j'ai quitte le pays (et pas travaille depuis). Est-ce qu'il faut dire qu'on est maries, est-ce qu'il faut indiquer ses revenus (aux USA) ? Comment ca marche ? Est-ce qu'il y a des formulaires en plus a remplir pour les non-residents ?
Encore une fois, les questions peuvent vous sembler stupides, mais c'est la premiere annee que je vais remplir la declaration.

Bienvenue au club!
cest trop le bordel. on comprend rien avec damon...
pour la partie francaise cest assez simple je crois. Il faut que tu remplisse en ligne ta declaration ( tu peux le faire des maintenant virtuellement) pour savoir combien tu vas paye. Moi je sais que jai rien a paye puisque jai bosse que 5 mois en 2008. cest pas assez pour etre imposable. en france ad tu te maries tu dois faire deux declaration diffenrente. une avant le mariage et une pour apres...donc moi jai rempli jusqu au 29 auout jour de mon mariage. Apres on a pas a remplir une autre vu qu on habite plus en france....
Par contre la ou ca se complique cest pour les etats unis, lis bien les lois! Nous on sest rendu compte que je peux pas demander lexemption et que je suis consideree residente des etats unis, car jai ete sur le territoire americain plus de 183 jours dans les dernieres 3 annees.( et il y a une facon bien particuliere de compter les jours)

You will be considered a U.S. resident for tax purposes if you meet the substantial presence test for calendar year 2008. To meet this test, you must be physically present in the United States on at least:


31 days during 2008, and

183 days during the 3-year period that includes 2008, 2007, and 2006, counting:

All the days you were present in 2008, and

? of the days you were present in 2007, and

? of the days you were present in 2006.

Jaurais pu etre exempter aussi dans le cas ou je serai reste toute lannee 2008 a travailler en france...mais cest pas le cas

Jespere que ca taide un peu....
Nous, on va peut etre faire ca avc un professionnel cette annee, parce que ca nous prend le choux tout ca!
lucie&damonFemaleFrance2009-01-31 15:11:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Thanks Cecy and Lili for the tips! I'm going to look at all of this! There's an Adecco agency nearby, I think I'm going to give them my infos this afternoon! wink.gif
I sent cover letters and resumé to the university here in Fort Collins, but they all answered that there is an administrative hiring freeze because of the economic crisis. sad.gif You must understand that in my city the university employes 70% of the people living here. It's the biggest thing. What a bummer!

lucie&damonFemaleFrance2009-01-23 13:53:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
QUOTE (lucie&damon @ Jan 22 2009, 09:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lucie&damon @ Jan 22 2009, 09:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Lili @ Jan 21 2009, 08:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I recommend for all of you looking for a job to keep an eye on State and Cities jobs. They are always hiring and citizenship is not required.

Thanks for the advice!
I've always been looking. Usually there are tones of job opening. But mainly for police officer or traffic light technician... sad.gif
Today I looked again and instead of the usual 2 or 3 pages of jobs, there were only 3 jobs opening blink.gif It was for police officer..

Do you work Lili? if yes, how long did it take for you to find a job? Do you have any other good tips? wink.gif

I just had my first American job interview over the phone!yeaaaah!.....I don't think I did very well, they won't call me back... sad.gif It was for Wells Fargo...
C t carrement stressant!lol
Well, it was just my first shot, I'll do better next time! wink.gif
lucie&damonFemaleFrance2009-01-22 12:08:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
QUOTE (lucie&damon @ Jan 22 2009, 09:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Lili @ Jan 21 2009, 08:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I recommend for all of you looking for a job to keep an eye on State and Cities jobs. They are always hiring and citizenship is not required.

Thanks for the advice!
I've always been looking. Usually there are tones of job opening. But mainly for police officer or traffic light technician... sad.gif
Today I looked again and instead of the usual 2 or 3 pages of jobs, there were only 3 jobs opening blink.gif It was for police officer..

Do you work Lili? if yes, how long did it take for you to find a job? Do you have any other good tips? wink.gif
lucie&damonFemaleFrance2009-01-22 11:18:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
QUOTE (Lili @ Jan 21 2009, 08:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I recommend for all of you looking for a job to keep an eye on State and Cities jobs. They are always hiring and citizenship is not required.

Thanks for the advice!
I've always been looking. Usually there are tones of job opening. But mainly for police officer or traffic light technician... sad.gif
Today I looked again and instead of the usual 2 or 3 pages of jobs, there were only 3 jobs opening blink.gif It was for police officer..
lucie&damonFemaleFrance2009-01-22 11:16:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
QUOTE (Cecile and Bryan @ Jan 21 2009, 04:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lucie&damon @ Jan 21 2009, 04:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Cécile: Did you find a job yet? or do you want a stay at home a little longer still? tongue.gif

I've had one interview for an IT recruiting agency, and have two others tomorrow and Friday. No job yet, but a few leads.
From what I've seen in IT, there are a lot of companies who ask for US Citizenship, apparently business for the government is the only thing that is hiring right now. I've still found a few offers and sent my resume to several companies. Hopefully that won't take too long.
Also I just got a car smile.gif which makes things so much easier!

Good luck on your next job interview!
Yes, I feel the same thing here. Lots of jobs for US citizen only. And it's not Damon who 's going to help me to find a job in his building because it"s a government building...
I wish I had the american nationality right now! I saw that the post office is hiring in my city, and read that a person working at the post office earn 57,000 dollars a year! plus great medical benefits and a life time job! how cool is that!
Congratulation for your new car! It's great!
lucie&damonFemaleFrance2009-01-22 11:13:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
QUOTE (lili&kai @ Jan 21 2009, 01:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
When I went to get my SSN we were already maried so I gave them a copy of the mariage register and it was ok.
well at least I hope so. I haven't seen the card yet actually. it came in the mail early today and Kai took it to work by mistake, so I'll check tonight.

et dans mon colis il y 'a avait des fringues que j'avais oublié et des petites douceurs hediard (ma mère a reçu ça pour Noel et elle s'en fiche donc ça aurait été dommage de laissé trainer ça chez elle!!) : chocolat, petit biscuit et confiture à la framboise. La confiture est à tomber par terre smile.gif le reste j'ai pas encore gouté. Ah aussi elle m'a mis deux sachet de poudre d'amande!

Congrats for the SSN! it's the most important thing to have! You can have a bank account now and a DL (depends of what States actually, CO asks for the EAD too) !yeaaaa!

Régale toi bien avec tes petites douceurs! miam!

Right now I'm totally exhausted! i was so excited to be approved for my EAD yesterday, that I started to write cover letters at 3' in the morning! Now my brain is just like mashed potatoes! I hope I'll find a full time job quickly and not to have to do this for 4months! lol

Cécile: Did you find a job yet? or do you want a stay at home a little longer still? tongue.gif

I'm worried because lots of the Jan. filers like me can"t find a job because companies always ask for background checks. And we can't give any american backgrounds?!...
Do you guys think it s going to be a pain to find a job because we are foreigners?

lucie&damonFemaleFrance2009-01-21 17:10:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
QUOTE (lili&kai @ Jan 21 2009, 09:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
2 bonnes nouvelles aujourd'hui:
- mon numéro de sécu
- mon colis de France
yummi yummi !


Tu n'as pas eu trop de problemes au SSA? pas mal de gens ont des problemes qd ils vont demandé leur SSN et de changer le nom de famille...J'ai fait parti de ces gens mais tout s'est arrangé vite qd meme!

Quas tu eu dans ton colis? Fais nous baver un peu! lol
lucie&damonFemaleFrance2009-01-21 15:35:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
QUOTE (Cecile and Bryan @ Jan 20 2009, 04:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Felicitations !

Merci smile.gif
lucie&damonFemaleFrance2009-01-20 19:58:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Coucou les copines!

I'm so happy! I've been finally approved for my EAD today after 112 days of long wait! It happened right on time because I have an appoitment today to sign a contract in a language school to teach french to young kids (5-7yrs old) Soon, I'll be singing "Alouette, gentille alouette...!" happy.gif
lucie&damonFemaleFrance2009-01-20 16:11:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
QUOTE (JulietteDumont @ Jan 16 2009, 02:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lili&kai @ Jan 15 2009, 07:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
cool cool cool félicitation!

the interview for me went that way:
- I passed the security
- I took a ticket
- I waited for my number to be called
- they called me a first time (windows on the left): they just took my convocation, asked me if I has all the documents and told me to go sit and wait
- then they called me again at that same window, same lady, and she went through all the documents I had brought (not in dept page by page but she check that everything is there) + she ask me a few question (address, when he plans to fly to the US and so on).
- 3rd and last call (there is no actual call, it's a board that has the numbers) : I went to the window in the middle to talk to the Consul. The interview can be either in French or English. She asked me how we meet, what Kai was doing, what I will be doing there, when we will get married. she didn't ask me for any evidence (like photos, travels tickets or anything).
- + I had to go back to do the finger print a few day later.

so that's how it went for me. altogether it took 2 to 3hours.

I'm sure it will go fine for Jérémy smile.gif

QUOTE (Koakland @ Jan 15 2009, 07:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Jeremy's interview is scheduled for 1/29. We're so excited!!!!

Hey smile.gif
I just discovered this thread. You have to go back a couple days after ? That is great when you are living in Paris ! I hope you did...

yeah, apparently they have troubles with their fingerprints machine. When I went at my interview it took an hour for the fingerprints. They had to relaunch their machine 3 times before it could work...
you're right not very "pratique" for the non parisian!
lucie&damonFemaleFrance2009-01-20 11:23:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
QUOTE (Koakland @ Jan 13 2009, 02:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't think that the vaccine should be mandatory for anyone. I'm an USC and I have not gotten it and will not get it because I think its ridiculous and I don't trust vaccines for the first few years...I'm paranoid. It's unfortunate that they make immigrants get this vaccine.

I agree. When it's new it's not safe! A collegue of my mom at work had a vaccine in the 70s, I don't remember for what disease it was for... It was new and in every school there were doing it, saying it's great and completly safe. But these thousands and thousands of children who had this vaccine when they reached the age of 35 lost their teeth...
I definatly don't want to be the guinee pig of the US gov.!
lucie&damonFemaleFrance2009-01-13 17:08:00