K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresinvalid case number

Thank u, i did that but still show me invalid case number


And you are sure that it's the right number without spaces between the SDO and the number, right? Not your EAC or WAC number. And you are selecting IV? Right?


The first three must be letters. Once I mistakenly typed 0(zero) instead of O and got a similar message. It also does not have to be capital letters.


Either way don't panic just yet, it may just be a glitch.  Give it a few hours and check again.


Big Hug!! No te prepocupes!!

Enigma23FemaleDominican Republic2014-03-13 13:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresinvalid case number

Missed putting this part in earlier... on the CEAC site even though the K-1 is a NON-Immigrant Visa.. on CEAC you look it up under IMMIGRANT VISA (IV).


So select IMMIGRANT VISA (IV) and put in your SDO Case number.

Edited by Enigma23, 13 March 2014 - 08:57 AM.

Enigma23FemaleDominican Republic2014-03-13 08:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresinvalid case number

On the ceac site you need to use the number starting with SDO####### is that the number you are using? And choose NON-Immigrant. K-1 is NON-Immigrant visa.



Also called an NIV 


I hope this helps! and congrats on your recent approval and quick wit regarding the Interview date change.. jajajaja

Edited by Enigma23, 13 March 2014 - 08:42 AM.

Enigma23FemaleDominican Republic2014-03-13 08:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdocuments translation

Per the Dept. of State Website:




Note: The consular officer may ask for additional information, such as photographs and other proof that the relationship with your U.S. citizen fiancé(e) is genuine. Documents in foreign languages, other than the language of the country in which the application takes place, should be translated. Applicants should take to the visa interview clear, legible photocopies of civil documents and translations, such as birth and divorce certificates. Original documents and translations will be returned.




If you need further information, please send an e-mail to 


I hope this helps.


Enigma23FemaleDominican Republic2014-03-13 09:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRe issued a K-1 visa?

An Update on this issue, The Embassy in Manila, issused a new visa, basically all the documents had to be presented again, so a whole new interview  (ALL documents were neeed). They got their visa just in time with the delivery and flight they had less than 1 week to get married.
So in shorts it is possible,a new interivew, fees and all that need to be done again, and the 90 day requirement to get married started from the 1st time that K-1 entered in the US.
No questiones were asked why the I-1 went home,they did bring a new letter of intent from the US Citizen, along with ALL the same documents that were required at the 1st interivew. Medical was still valid so that did not need to be redone.



Thanks for coming back and updating the Thread.. that was very considerate of you. I am sure it will offer relief to some others in the future as they search.


Best of luck to the newly married couple!!

Enigma23FemaleDominican Republic2014-04-01 10:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIntent to marry date of signature



Wow, I didn't know signatures needed to be within 30 days of submission.  It has taken us a while to gather all the documents needed, and I just check and my fiance's g-325 is dated 03/05/2014.  Its currently 04/03/2014.. so should I have her resend me another?  I didn't remember seeing in the instructions that all signatures must be within 30 days of submission.  Can you provide me a reference for this?


Just send it.. From what I have seen if they need or want newer ones when your time to interview comes up...they will ask you for new ones later on anyway...  That seems it be the GO-TO  excuse for RFE... sounds better than we are swamped.... or we want to make sure you're still a couple... :-p :thumbs:

Edited by Enigma23, 03 April 2014 - 08:33 PM.

Enigma23FemaleDominican Republic2014-04-03 20:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPSA: I was given wrong information about visits with pending K-1.

  You could call CBP and ask them for their rules, but if the border agent has any inkling that the visa will be misused, then they have the final say.



I'm sorry this happened. Here's hoping for a fast approval, interview and visa issuance!!



Also here's what CBP sez:

Enigma23FemaleDominican Republic2014-04-09 08:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo Pictures Together = No I-129F Approval

I received my NOA 03/03/2014 and I updated my timeline but I'm not sure how to display it on my timeline like most people have since I'm new :) . I already filed the I-129f on my own so I'm not sure how hiring an attorney at this point would help anything?



You can see how to do that here:




I hope this helps... and yes the lawyer you consulted is full of BS!

Enigma23FemaleDominican Republic2014-04-09 11:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresim confused

I think after some reading 9:30am and 4:30pm in  the DR seems to be the magic hour... jijij try back then

Enigma23FemaleDominican Republic2014-04-10 15:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy Fiance had a previous I-130 Revoked back in 2012!!! Should I worry!??


Yeah i know the space is limited, I was there with a friend in 2013 and its so damn hot!, well the attorney aka my friend, he also wants to visit DR so i told him to come with me jajajaja but lets see, I didn't see anybody going with an attorney so we dont wanna look stupid as hell going there with him lol




My personal feeling is that for a High Fraud country a lawyer will look more suspicious not less. And from personal interview experience if they ask  you something and your Fiance answers or vice versa....(in your case perhaps the lawyer answers) They don't like it one bit! Read my review (included on my timeline) you'll see... They kicked my Fiance out and and then grilled the ####### outta me asking a bunch of rapid fire questions.. then twist my answers to be the opposite of what i just said and ask me again in such a way that if I wasn't paying attention and then I agree it's a lie...


I say No Lawyer unless later on you actually need one! Meaning if they deny it... Save the money.. go shopping... go for more visits or go to a resort together... jajajaja



Edited by Enigma23, 10 April 2014 - 03:04 PM.

Enigma23FemaleDominican Republic2014-04-10 15:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDenied - Need Advice

Update.... So the consulate told us they wanted the venezuelan bc which his mother found (a really old tore up copy)... Today they emailed and want another interview and want me to be there too.. On the one hand I'm wondering if this is just a set up to say the relationship is not real and the other hand I'm thinking they could deny it if they wanted to without asking me to come.. What do y'all think? What is common with the petitioner being called in again?



You're are quite welcome Mamita!!


Chin up! chiquita... keep being Positive!! My feeling and what I am thinking is that they are calling you to finish interview and then say VISA APROBADA!!!!!!

Enigma23FemaleDominican Republic2014-04-11 14:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDenied - Need Advice

This is directly from the Dominican Embassy in the USA. website here:  


16) What is required to declare children of Dominicans born abroad?


All children of Dominican parents are Dominicans provided that they are registered in the Dominican Republic. This registration process can be started without cost at any Dominican Consular Office considering that at least one parent is Dominican. Both parents must appear with the child at a Dominican Consular Office and must present the following documentation: a recent photograph of the child (size 2 x 2 inches, white background), Dominican Identity Card (Cédula) of the parents,Dominican Passport of the parents, Dominican Birth Certificate of the parents, Original Birth Certificate of the child issued by the Civil Registry Office where the child was born, Marriage Certificate if the parents are married to each other, one (1) Witness.

For the Birth Declaration to be duly registered, parents must request a transcript of the Birth Certificate Declaration given by the Consular Office at the ?Junta Central Electoral? of the Dominican Republic. If the declaration is issued before the 60th day after the child?s birth it will be considered?oportuna?, after the 60 days ?tardía?.


17) What is required of children of Dominican parents born abroad to acquire the Dominican nationality?


Option A: Declare the minor in a Dominican Consular Office and then request a transcript at the ?Junta Central Electoral? of the Dominican Republic.

Option B: Request a transcript of the Birth Certificate issued by the Civil Registry Office in the country where the child was born.

Documentation requirements: Birth Certificatetranslated into Spanish and both the original and the translation notarized and Apostilled by the proper authority, Dominican Identity Card (Cédula) of the Dominican parent, Identity Card of the non-Dominican parent (if applicable), letter from the Dominican parent addressed to the ?Junta Central Electoral? requesting the transcript of the Birth Certificate so that the child can acquire the Dominican citizenship.

This documentation must be presented for transcript authorization at the ?Junta Central Electoral? in the Dominican Republic (located in the Plaza de la Bandera, National District). After paying the Transcript Authorization?s fee, you must choose a Civil Registry Office, where you want the Birth to be registered.

After 15 days you must pick up the Transcript Authorization at the ?Junta Central Electoral?, and present it at the chosen Civil Registry Office for them to proceed with the transcript of the Birth Certificate. After paying the transcript fees you may request the Dominican Birth Certificate of the child.

In case the parents can not do the process personally in the Dominican Republic, a third person may be entrusted to conduct the process.



EN Español


16) ¿Qué se requiere para declarar los hijos de dominicanos nacidos en el extranjero?


Todos los hijos de dominicanos nacidos en el exterior también son dominicanos siempre y cuando los mismos sean registrados en la República Dominicana. Ese trámite de registro puede ser iniciado gratuitamente en las oficinas consulares dominicanas tomando en cuenta que por lo menos uno de los padres sea dominicano. Ambos padres deben presentarse con el menor en la Oficina Consular dominicana. Deben presentar: una fotografía reciente del menor, tamaño 2 x 2 pulgadas, de fondo blanco, Cédula de Identidad y Electoral de los padres, Pasaporte dominicano de los padres, Acta de Nacimiento dominicana de los padres, libro de familia o certificado de declaración de nacimientooriginal del menor, expedido por la oficialía civil extranjera, Certificado de Matrimonio si ambos padres son casados entre sí, un (1) Testigo.

Para que la Declaración de Nacimiento quede debidamente registrada, los padres deberán tramitar ante la Junta Central Electoral de la República Dominicana una solicitud de transcripción del certificado de la declaración de nacimiento que le entregue la Oficina Consular. Si la declaración se realiza antes de los 60 días de nacido se considerará oportuna. Después de esa fecha se considerará tardía.


17) ¿Qué se requiere para la nacionalidad dominicana de los hijos de dominicanos nacidos en el extranjero?


Opción A: Declarar al menor en una Oficina Consular dominicana y luego transcribir el Acta en la República Dominicana


Opción B: Transcribir el Acta de Nacimiento que da el Registro Civil del país donde se encuentra el menor.

Para ello debe traducir el acta al español y notarizar y apostillar ambos documentos por la autoridad correspondiente. Además, sacar copia al documento de identidad del padre y/o de la madre que sea dominicano y sacar copia al documento de identidad del padre o de la madre que no sea dominicano (si aplica). El padre o madre que es dominicano debe escribir una carta a la Junta Central Electoral solicitando la transcripción del Acta a fin de que el menor pueda adquirir la nacionalidad dominicana.

Con esta documentación debe dirigirse a la Junta Central Electoral en la República Dominicana (ubicada en la Plaza de la Bandera, Distrito Nacional), a fin de que se autorice la Transcripción del Acta. Luego, pagar el importe de la Autorización de Transcripción y elegir la Oficialía del Estado Civil (oficina del Registro Civil) donde le interesa que quede registrada el Acta.

Pasados 15 días debe pasar a recoger a la Junta Central Electoral la autorización para que la Oficialía o Registro Civil elegido, pueda realizar la Transcripción del Acta. Luego debe llevar la autorización de la Junta Central Electoral a la Oficialía o registro civil correspondiente y abonar las tasas que correspondan en la Oficialía o Registro Civil. Por último, solicitar el Certificado de Acta de Nacimiento dominicana del menor.

En caso de que alguno de los padres no pueda hacer la gestión en la República Dominicana directamente, puede encomendar a cualquier otra persona o institución a que realice el proceso.

Edited by Enigma23, 22 March 2014 - 11:53 AM.

Enigma23FemaleDominican Republic2014-03-22 11:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDenied - Need Advice

I have googled a little bit and it seems that the DR does the same thing for it's Citizens born abroad as the US does. It GIVES THE CHILD US CITIZENSHIP!!! 


I think this is fixable and hopefully forgivable... Her is one article that says the child is given Dominican Nationality because of the parents nationality. 




You are doing great!!! You are already on the ball!!  He has great lady at his side. :-D Try not to panic!! Don't let nay-sayers get you down... or get you off track. Many people have opinions but lack research.


Keep your head up, your heart clear and keep puttin one foot in front of the other... Keep Faith, do your best, follow the path and signs and intuitions that pop up and lastly  Let go and let God work...




Miracles happen all the time!!


I mean I just got a plane ticket last night to the DR for 11 days... for a total sum of 44 dollars... Just by following my own advice.. :-p It works!

Edited by Enigma23, 22 March 2014 - 11:45 AM.

Enigma23FemaleDominican Republic2014-03-22 11:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIntent to marry letter does it have to be notarized?

I noticed you mentioned this as well so I thought i'd chime in.


If you are infact filing for a Beneficiary from/in the Dominican Republic the forms and anything submitted can be in EITHER English or Spanish without needing to be translated.  :thumbs:


Per the Embassy:


In English:



En Español:


Enigma23FemaleDominican Republic2014-04-10 15:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRelationships that started via Social Media



yes you can call any number the same it just uses the minutes bought. it does show the number, time and date of the call. When I paid 11 cents a minute it tracked the call duration but now does not seem to.


However after reading the post from Jalvarez:



I went to and it seems AWESOME!!!  but I don't know if it has tracking...




I think I am going to send him the "telefonito" !! 20 bucks a month unlimited!! That's amazing!! Good Lord the money I could have saved!!! I could have paid off everything and the wedding !! jajajaja



Called Dominican Movil and it seems awesome so I decided to check who the Signal Carrier is.... and it's Tricom.  So if the area for your Loved One is not well covered by Tricom... the "Telefonito" they send to the DR won't work...  :crying: Que Pena!

Enigma23FemaleDominican Republic2014-05-01 15:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRelationships that started via Social Media

Are you able to track your calls? because that's one of the reason  use boss revolution, because I can print every month our call history to reflect how many times we talk to each other a day... And also can I call his cell phone? because he does not have a home phone just cell... Thank you for the Info!



yes you can call any number the same it just uses the minutes bought. it does show the number, time and date of the call. When I paid 11 cents a minute it tracked the call duration but now does not seem to.


However after reading the post from Jalvarez:

and if you want to save some money on calling cards check out dominican movil.. I've been using it for the past year and it saves you lots of money...  :)




I went to and it seems AWESOME!!!  but I don't know if it has tracking...




I think I am going to send him the "telefonito" !! 20 bucks a month unlimited!! That's amazing!! Good Lord the money I could have saved!!! I could have paid off everything and the wedding !! jajajaja

Enigma23FemaleDominican Republic2014-05-01 11:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRelationships that started via Social Media

 Cell bill, boss revolution statements ( that shows how much money I spend a month on calling cards auto recharge and  its  A LOT!) 



Just a helpful tip... My Fiance is also in the DR and you can save a lot of $$$$... if you can switch or just get a phone and activate it with Boost Mobile. It is a pay as you go service that as of April 1st offer Minute Packs WITHOUT an International plan that has 350 minutes to DR Cell phones for just $20 bucks!!!


I was spending hundreds each month and last month I dropped to 40-60 bucks only!!! boost texts you when your minutes get low and you just buy a new minute pack when the minutes are run out! They have other countries too for way less... but that's the best price I have found for DR Cell calls period.



Enigma23FemaleDominican Republic2014-05-01 08:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere to file 129 f if living abroad

No, a USC must file taxes on worldwide income, so a USC who has a job abroad still has to file taxes, but is not qualified to use that job for the affidavit.


Really? That sucks.

I can't seem to find it specifically defined either way so I defer to your expertise, knowledge and VJ historical experience...  :thumbs:


I wasn't asked for mine at Interview but I am strong believer in "it's better to have it and not need it... than need it and not have it!"

Edited by Enigma23, 05 May 2014 - 03:42 PM.

Enigma23FemaleDominican Republic2014-05-05 15:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere to file 129 f if living abroad

I have a perminant adress in MN and I pay MN taxes so I am a resident.  I put my parents place on the tax form so I am a resident according to that.  So what do I do now, send and wait?  


Can I get married while on a K-1 and then change it to a spousal visa?  We want to marry but the engagement visa process takes a long time.  Can we get married while we wait?

I did read the instructions but they were pretty unclear, which is why I am asking here.   



OP Says they file US Taxes.. so that should cover the Affidavit of Support as long as the amounts are good...



If you marry while applying for the K-1 it will no longer be valid and you will need to pay for and file for a Spousal Visa...


And I agree with whoever suggested Marriage and Direct Consular Filing (DCF) but see which route works best for you.
Here's a similar topic'd post that may help..

Edited by Enigma23, 05 May 2014 - 02:56 PM.

Enigma23FemaleDominican Republic2014-05-05 14:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting with pending TB results



Most likely when he goes for the three day test, they will take and keep his passport... until he is medically cleared or until the flag it on the No-Fly list.


I did a write up about the process for the Dominican Republic but it seems to be a similar process across most Embassies...


I hope this helps.



Enigma23FemaleDominican Republic2014-05-28 08:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan my fiancé travel to US for holidays while waiting for the K1 visa?

Not sure why the DOS would "lie to me", rather I think they are telling us what is stated on the books. Whether someone chooses to heed that advice is another issue. As I indicated in my posting, many people pull it off without a hitch, but as can be found throughout this forum over the years you can also be turned around, and many people have posted such stories. Why do you say it's "nonsense" because others have done it and go through. As I indicated, the best way is to ask the embassy, and if that's nonsense, then I guess you could say the "official" visa process is as you say "nonsense".
What I said was that you need to know what is officially permitted and what the possible repercussions are.





Here you go.. some "official" help... :thumbs:  but yes as demonstrated it can go either way.. best to be prepared in advance and have evidence... JIC



Can I travel to the U.S. for business or pleasure while my K fiancé/fiancée visa is pending?



You can travel however you may be subject to scrutiny. Travel under another visa status or the visa waiver program is not advisedfor K-1 fiancé/fiancée visa applicants prior to the approval of their K visa as they have already indicated their intention is to marry in the U.S. For more information about Nonimmigrant visa for a fiancé (e) K visa visit



You can see more here:

Enigma23FemaleDominican Republic2014-05-29 11:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage while waiting on K-1 Dominican Republic

Also the Marriage Visa I believe is cheaper and they come over with a Green Card and permission to work where as K-1's have to pay an additional 1070 to adjust status and wait about 3-4 more months to get work permit and travel permit... and longer for GC.


See this Comparison Chart..





Best of Luck.. If I had it to do over... I would have gone CR-1.. we thought he'd be here in 6-8 months  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


That was in Oct 2012!!!! :rofl: :rofl:

Enigma23FemaleDominican Republic2014-07-11 12:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI have never been in the US before (applying for Visa K1)

Also for the K-1 you have to have seen each other physically in the previous two years before you apply... you didn't say when she last came to see you.

Edited by Enigma23, 07 August 2014 - 03:44 PM.

Enigma23FemaleDominican Republic2014-08-07 15:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPLEASE HELP MEE!!!! fiance visa age

my fiance is 17 and will be turning 18 soon. can i submit the fiance visa 90 before she turns 19? considering it takes about 5 months she wouldnt be receiving it until she turns 18. the state i live in you need to be 18 to marry. without parent consent.



Hi! This Couples story may help you!! They are Dominican but his Fiance is also only 17. Her Mom signed papers to allow her to marry though...




Enigma23FemaleDominican Republic2014-08-13 13:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresbank letter?


I kind of doubt a letter without balance statements over a period of time would even work for those looking to prove other sources of income or assets. But if your income alone qualifies, there is no need to report assets or other sources of income and go through all the extra documentation. 



OP is referring to Item A. under the "Supporting Evidence" section in the following from the the I-134 Instruction sheet:




And yes, DRBound you need to go to someone higher. It has to be official and come from "an officer of the bank or other financial institution"



What I did was go to the bank itself... asked for the Manager showed her a print out of what I needed per the I-134 Instruction sheet (she couldn't believe our gov't wanted/need that or had a right to ask.. lol)  and then together I logged onto my online banking account set the view for the last 12 months for each account (Checking and Savings) and  she copied the amounts into the letter she wrote for me. So that she could legally "verify the amounts" and include it in her letter.


I hope this helps!

Enigma23FemaleDominican Republic2014-08-26 08:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE

On our case they wanted the Letter of Intent to Marry within 90 days (Even though I sent a nice long pretty one) All they wanted was the cut and dry legal on the VJ Guide...


Hopefully it's something quick and easy!



Enigma23FemaleDominican Republic2014-08-25 11:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp please K1

Is this good or bad?


It is what it is... you won't know what they want until you get the physical copy in the mail... but MOST times it's just a new Intent to Marry within 90 days letters from one or both of you... but it could be something missed or not signed... try to be patient until it comes... then you will know what to do next.... and many times after they receive it you get approved within 2 weeks if it isn't something big they are requesting.... 


Dios las bendiga!!!

Enigma23FemaleDominican Republic2014-09-10 21:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWedding in April 1st NOA recieved yesterday

Help help help pls!

hello, i dont know how to post the question in this site. I can't see where to post, only can grab this " reply to this post". Can you pls tell me where to post to ask about K1 or pls share my post on forum: My fiancee got NOA1 since 27, Nov, 2013. 14th, Feb, our status changed like this " your appeal was dismissed....." My fiancee called to agents or someone working on K1 visa and they said that they made error and they sent him a letter on 1, Mar, 2014. In the letter said, they will update our status within next 60 days. But now 90 days passed but nothing happened, our status still keep same " appeal was dismissed ...", My fiancee called agents but what he gotwere the answers like this wait and soon, everything is still in the process and that is normal. 6 months passed and no reply. We are first time of K1 visa. Pls what we can do now. Help us. He applied to Dallas. Any help or advice appreciated.


Hi!! To start a New Topic go to the Thread you want to ask the question in. Then look at the black banner at the top and find the "View new Content" link look pretty much straight down about an inch or two and you should see a blue button labeled "Start New Topic" Click it and fill in the subject line, etc.


Here a video to show you how..




Also one for making Signatures, etc.





These are from the New Members Guide found here:




I hope this helps!!

Edited by Enigma23, 29 May 2014 - 09:48 AM.

Enigma23FemaleDominican Republic2014-05-29 09:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWedding in April 1st NOA recieved yesterday

Just another thought.. and it has npot yet been brought up.. so I thought I'd give a Puppy to you... (jajaj SofiaIsabella)



I'm not sure if it's connected in the system via the VWP system or not.. but when my Fiance applied for a Tourist Visa (Dominican Rep.) he was denied in under 2 minutes because we already had our K-1 on file. They did not care the reasons, the logic, the notarized letters... NOTHING. Flat out denial due to exiting K-1.




Can I travel to the U.S. for business or pleasure while my K fiancé/fiancée visa is pending?



You can travel however you may be subject to scrutiny. Travel under another visa status or the visa waiver program is not advised for K-1 fiancé/fiancée visa applicants prior to the approval of their K visa as they have already indicated their intention is to marry in the U.S. For more information about Nonimmigrant visa for a fiancé (e) K visa visit



You can see more here:



Edited by Enigma23, 29 May 2014 - 09:45 AM.

Enigma23FemaleDominican Republic2014-05-29 09:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMinor (i hope) error on DS 156 - HELP
Barcode has all the information in it, even the wrong number.When they scan the barcode the form will not match the one you photoshoped,this form will the be rejected, redo the whole form at a internet shop, should not take long, all she has to do is copy all the info and get the number correct.
CalicolomMaleColombia2012-07-03 15:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE situation
RFE are nerve racking, I know how you feel, I got on, it was for my divorce papers I had copied, the judge had signed the papers in colored ink, my black and white copier did not pick up the signature. Hope yours is just as easy. Always use a color copier when making copy’s.
CalicolomMaleColombia2012-09-23 08:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThat pesky lawyer question again...
For me the hardest part was getting information from my Fiancée, she just could not understand why the U.S. Government wanted all this information. At one point I told her just give me the information I ask, not more not less.
CalicolomMaleColombia2012-09-23 11:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOut of options
#1 Job,#2 Car,#3 Place to lieve, #4 Girlfriend/Boyfriend.
CalicolomMaleColombia2012-09-27 15:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresembassy interview
The 50% rate may be from people not using Visa Journey, LOL Visa Journey has people with actual experience. Not many Lawyers have this. Also lawyers charge for the advice they give. And the visa services are just people typing the information you give them into a form.
CalicolomMaleColombia2012-09-23 08:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is the "A#" asked for on the I-129F
A- Number is like SS number for Immigrant, same number of digits.
CalicolomMaleColombia2012-10-06 14:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo they always check father's DNA?
People on VJ, this person is playing games.
CalicolomMaleColombia2012-10-10 14:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProvided my Girl with instructions, then suddenly a new form pops up
It took me a month to figure out all the forms, then I found VJ, after I mailed the forms. With VJ it would not have taken a month, only one Day.
CalicolomMaleColombia2012-10-10 14:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Refusal @ U.S Embassy Manila
CalicolomMaleColombia2012-10-13 14:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat papers do I need for self-employed sponsor
Copy of your last tax return, line item # 22 on your 1040 tax return has to be above poverty level.Can be a problem when self employed.
CalicolomMaleColombia2012-10-21 09:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresan old conviction- how do i get records
Best thing is do a back ground check on yourself, there are many good Internet sites where you pay $ 20 or $30 for a onetime back ground check on yourself. This is what USCIS does.
CalicolomMaleColombia2012-10-20 19:03:00