IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion for Spouse's interview (VENEZUELA Embassy)
:help: If anyone has the answer pleae let me know. I was wondering if they allow the spouse to enter into the interview (even if I was to say nothing) or will my wife have to do it alone. Is it better to join the spouse during the interview. Her interview will be in CARACAS VENEZUELA and I just want to know if I could be there with her when she interviews. Also, If I was there will they interview me as well? Any information you have would be appreciated

We have been approved and have the I797 notification... awaiting for something from NVC. Then we start the next phase. WOO HOOO!! :yes: :thumbs:
scitrek1MaleVenezuela2011-09-09 15:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWaybill Question

Ok so i logged onto and it shows us a waybill number and says ready for pick up, but when i click on the waybill number it says "Shipment/Waybill not found" does anyone know what that means like is it a waybill number or not?? thanks in advance...

Do you know the carrier... Example: my wife used DHL in Venezuela. She got her waybill # and went to the DHL website , put in the waybill number and it shows it is ready for pickup, It also showed the origin and delivery. DHL uses a 10 digit #( at least ours was a 10 in this event) :thumbs: Anyhow, keep looking at least for 10 days. (Ours arrived in 4 because we paid extra for rapid delivery.)
scitrek1MaleVenezuela2011-12-26 20:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresobsession
I also checked the USCIS website every single day... sometimes twice per day. My fiance used to laugh at me for this, because he is always so easy-going... never worried about anything. He has total faith. Anyway, we actually didn't receive approval from USCIS until I was in Lebanon over the summer... I turned on my phone one morning, and saw a text message from them. I hadn't checked the website in days, due to the poor connection in Lebanon... I was just avoiding the internet altogether, but anyway, once I received the text, I ran upstairs, knocked on the door to wake up my fiance's parents so that I could borrow their laptop. They couldn't figure out what my excitement was due to... and really, I was just so nervous because the text only said that we had an update. Anyway, I had a difficult time going online, and had to knock on my fiance's sister's door a couple of times to help me with the connection (Fiance was at work), and when I finally was able to log on (felt like an eternity), I think I almost had a heart attack when I read "approved" ... I called my fiance immediately. Now, we are just waiting to find out the results of his visa interview, which is in a few hours from now... I am very nervous... and praying hard. I keep reminding myself that God is in control.
P&LFemaleLebanon2011-08-23 20:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

Thank you, I did call the DOS yesterday and talked with a real nice lady she asked my case number then asked if she could put me on hold and I said of course. She came back and said your case is already here and they just have to do a few checks on it. I said are we denied she said NO NO NO maam, we just have to do a few checks. She of course couldnt give me a time frame but she told me they email part of the case for them to review and they email back the go ahead to Cairo. So it made me feel a bit better, I know we have to wait, but when I was at the interview that lady was tough and really trying hard to confuse my husband with the dates, she asked the names of my kids and there fathers name as well and he knew it all. I just feel blessed this is all over and now the wait is all we have left its a far cry from the beginning of the process sending off the first USCIS petition. Hope everyone else is hanging in there, now in two months my attitude may not be as good if we havent got the

Sandra~I'm glad you made it home ok. I truly don't know why they are having to do namechecks on Ahmed unless perhaps he has a very common name or even because of him getting out of the military so soon. Who knows??? I think you have the most positive AP anybody has ever had! It sounds like everyone is giving you good information, even the DOS are verifying that it is only name checks!

I hope he gets his visa soon! I truly feel it will be a short AP!

~~Sarah!~~ Good luck on your interview today!!! Let us know when it's over!!!

Hey{{waves}} HG, Disc!!

My hubby got his SSN last week! Finally!!! We have been EVERYWHERE putting applications out for him!!! Even hit up some fast food joints too!!! I sure hope he gets something quickly! He hates staying at home!!!

And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-06-24 10:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
HG Congrats on getting to the US!!

Disc~we just got the letter from the SS office Monday saying that my hubby should be getting his number in the next 2 weeks!!! What a freakin' nightmare that had been!! :wacko: It's about time is all I can say!!!! He has been a wreck staying at home going crazy!!!

Khadijah, once you get married, get hold of the uscis about cancelling the K1 visa and see about starting the CR1 visa, I hope you don't have to start all over again!!!

Olivia congrats on starting the AOS!!
I hope all is well with everyone! :thumbs:

And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-06-17 09:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

lol i am here always man but you know i am not reading anything out of our club so i didn't know you got it but from And_Sam as you mentioned your visa issued in some new thread out of the club Posted Image

congratulations bro and i wish you a wonderful life with your wife isA Posted Image

update me with your good news always

Heh heh, I kind of dabble everywhere!Posted Image Got to get my VJ fix!!Posted Image
And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-06-07 07:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

HOTGUY , tell me what is going on with your visa?? i didn't hear from you in couple of weeks :S

Disc!!! Where have you been man??? LOL Here, READ THIS!!Posted Image Posted Image
And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-06-05 20:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

I'm here in Egypt with my husband. Just called the NVC AVR and it said our case was COMPLETE Posted Image on May 28th!! We are so happy about the good news Posted Image We are just now awaiting our email and our interview date. Good Luck everyone. Posted Image

Congratulations!!! I hope you get your interview soon!!!! You've got a case closed the right time!!!
And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-05-29 21:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

I hope that i will hear good news soon .Keep me in your prayers !

You know that you are my friend!!!
And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-05-28 20:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
Any good news for you Hot Guy??? Posted Image
And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-05-28 07:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

hahaha the same to me cuse my fiance on air now , she will b with me again after 6 hours
she will b with me at my interview , hope we can go back togther to usa cuse she will stay here 2 moumthes , hope i can got my visa while she is here

That is great A!! Good luck with your interview and getting home with your fiance!!
And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-05-25 14:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

Very good news today, Ahmed gots his visa in the mail . FINALLY!

Holly Congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you!!!Posted Image Posted Image

I am off to Egypt to be with my husband after 5 months of being apart. I will be in Egypt for 10 weeks, and hopefully he will be able to come back with me in August. Posted Image I will keep you all updated with my sif/cc/interview whenever I know. Take care

Posted Image Leia

Have a safe and wonderful trip to be with your husband! I hope everything goes well with the interview and your husband get his visa quickly!!!
Stay in touch!!!Posted Image
And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-05-25 07:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

And_Sam and disconnection Thank you so much for asking and caring .
As you know that the embassy askd me to send them some bonafide of ongoing relationship of me and of me fiancee .I sent them some Emails from May of 2007 tll May of 2010 .And some gifts recepits 2007-2008 from my fiancee and her mom to me and from me to them.And some cards from my fiancee and her Mom to me 2008-2010.Some screen shots of me and my fiancee talking on mic and cam to cam .And 2 letters from me and from my fiancee to the CO in charge of our case .I don't know if that will be enough .But that's all what we have .
I really begging of some good news after all of that ###### we went through .
Please keep us in your prayers guys .
I hope that you will get your GC and your SSN soon bro .

Don't worry Hot Guy, You and Trina are always in my prayers. I hope this is their last ditch effort of trying to hold you away from your love. Insha'Allah you will get good news quick!!

Disc, we are still waiting for my hubby's GC and SS # too. In fact we have been to the SS office 3 times all ready. Come to find out, there was a miscommunication because the USCIS has his last name down as one thing, and the homeland security has it down as something else. Sigh, just another delay in getting the cards..... Now we are waiting for the SS office to hear from homeland security WHICH last name should be on the stupid card. They won't even issue him a number yet...UGH! Oh well that is what we get for him having multiple last names..

Holly, I hope your husband gets his visa fast!!!

Edited by And_Sam, 20 May 2010 - 08:45 PM.

And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-05-20 20:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
Holly~I'm glad that there is some good news for your husband!! Any movement has to be good!!

Has anybody heard from HG??? I was hoping he had good news too...Posted Image
And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-05-19 19:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

I just called the embassy and they told me that they need bonafide of ongoing relationship since 2007 till now .

In fact i have some cards from my fiancee but just from 2007-Jan of 2009- there is no cards from her in 2010 .Would that be a problem ?!

I have some screen shots of me and her talking on mic from 2007-2008 Would it be a problem ?

I have some emails from 2006-2010.

I have some gift receipts '' i sent her some gifts and to her mom '' from 2007-2008 - there is no gift receipts in 2009 or 2010 . Would that be a problem ?

That's all what i have .Is there anything else i have to send ?

Thank you so much everyone .

What about phone records of the calls you make to each other daily? I know that my husband didn't have any records, but I had plenty from the phone card that I used to call him daily, plus plenty of text messages that was charged each month.
And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-05-13 10:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

Yeah you right there are so many people got their visas a week or 2 weeks later after their interview . I think you did not get my point .I did not mean to be mean or to say any negative thing to anyone .I mean that the CO usually say 2 weeks to everyone that's all '' Which means its kinda stander answer '' No matter how long its going to take - 2 weeks or even 2 years- '' they will still say you will get your visa in 2 weeks Posted Image'' .

And FYI I'm sure happy for everyone on here and i wish the best to everyone including you that's for sure .
And please don't act like it bothers me .Cause it does not bother me at all to see anyone got their visas even after 1 day .

You are a good man HG, alot of people would be severely bitter in the delay. It takes toll on waiting and feeling "skipped" over, but you are handling the situation so much better than I could. Trina is a very lucky woman to get a great guy like you!
I wish for the both of you a life time of happiness and love!
And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-05-10 12:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

thank u so much my sister! one more question? he got his medical done in march i know they expire in ayear but what about the tb test ? does he nead to do it again?

Don't worry about anything unless they ask for it first. Sort of putting the cart in front of the horse. Even though we kind know what to expect, don't do it until they tell you.....

Have a safe trip to Egypt and have fun!!!!!!

And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-05-10 12:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

hey i have a question... what u mean new police report,,i thought they were goood for a year, and congrats on ur friends interview!

Don't worry your husband into getting a new police file Aishah! The one that is on file is good for right now. It's only if they have been in AP for a long time, the embassy may request a new police file or medical exam if expired.
Insha'Allah with you being with your husband for his interview, it'll be quick!!! I can't wait to hear more from you when you get to Egypt!
Posted Image
And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-05-09 21:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
That is exactly what the man said to my husband and I stood there thinking YEAH RIGHT....but exactly 1 week later, it was in his hand!!!!
Good luck Sandra for your husband interview!!! We will be here waiting for the details!!!Posted Image
And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-05-09 16:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

thanks bro for understanding but i know how much did it make us worried when everyone has visa in hand while we are still waiting , and we keep on asking what's wrong with us , are we going ever to have it ??

but you know it happened so quickly as one week after sending the police certificate the visa was issued and one week later i got it in hand .

anyways , my trip went smooth and nice and everyone at the POE which was Detroit were so nice and helpful . nothing upnormal happened to me , i evern expected it will be complicated but it didn't take more than 5 min to talk with the immigration officer and it was not like an interview , it was like chat .

be prepared man and i recommend you book your ticket as soon as you have your visa issued mail , that will save time .

also don't take more than 10000$ in cahs with you , 3000$ would be enough while the rest in your debit visa card .

also don't take more than one pack of cigarets with you otherwise you will pay customs for those .

relax bro and get ready as your trip is after few days Posted Image

Posted Image Yeah, they'll catch you on your cigarettes UNLESS you put them in your suitcase that you check in!!Posted Image

Glad to see you had a safe trip here Disc! Welcome to America!!!
And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-05-08 19:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

Update :

I don't know if i have the rights to type that kinda update or not .But i guess i will go on and type it .

My friend disconnection got his visa and he is in USA since 10 days ago .Posted Image

Posted ImagePosted Image Hooooooooooooooo-raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Congratulations bro on the visa Posted ImagePosted Image

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw And Congratulations bro on your safely arrival

My friend disconnection rather to hide that awesome news .Cause he thought its going to hurt my feeling to know that he got his visa while I'm still waiting for mine .

I really appreciate that bro so much you have no idea .It really means a lot to me .

And i really want you to know it would not hurt me at all bro if tell me that you got your visa .But it would make me so happy to know that finally and after so long time of being waiting that you got your visa .And finally you will be with your love forever .

I really really am so so happy for you bro .Good luck and my best wishes for you bro .

Have a nice, happy, awesome, and blessed new life with your love .

Once again thank you so much bro for caring .And i really appreciate it .Posted Image

Oh my gosh!! That is great news!!! I wondered where he went off too!!!!!!!Posted Image I am soo happy for him!!

HG get ready!!!!!!! you better let us know so we can start doing the I got my visa/booked my plane reservation/ and on my way to the USA dance for ya!!!!!
Posted Image
And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-05-08 19:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

OMG really? I better take it easy on my hubby when he gets here then, I was planning on stuffing him haha! I love cooking for him so I planned a lot of meals already hehe... I never thought about digestive problems from American food! A let down..

Well I think my hubby kind of went "overboard" Posted Image Plus he had alot of stress coming over so I think that didn't help the situation either. I ended up taking him to the doctors and getting Nexium which he hated. So off to the health food store and all is well again!
And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-05-08 19:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

Hey Andrea

How its going with you and with Sameh ? I hope that everything is going ok with you both .

I just sent my new medical exam and my new police certificate yesterday .And the embassy will receive them on Sunday .

So i hope that they will move their lazy butts and issue me the visa since they have everything in order and they already done their review long time ago .

Everything is going pretty good for me and Sameh. He is still impatiently waiting on his SS# and GC! Posted Image
After an issue of digestive problems from American food, Sameh is now enjoying eating again with alittle help of Fenugreek tea!!!
So that is a fair warning for all SO who are coming to the US!! Make sure you know where your local health food store is!!!
So far Sameh has mastered lawn maintenance and started repainting the outside of the house! Ahhh the joys of home owning!!! It's keeping him busy until he can actually work.Posted Image And the house has never looked so nice!Posted Image
So the Embassy asked for your new medical and police certificate??? That is awesome!! I am so excited for you and Trina!!!
I'll be glued to VJ to see when you do receive it!!!
Good luck and stay in touch with everyone!!!
And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-05-07 07:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
Please tell me that there has been some good news with the visas.

HG I saw the thread you started.... any news????Posted Image
And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-05-06 19:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

Update :-

OK guys i just got an Email from the embassy .They asked me to provide them a new police record .I tried to call them several times to make sure but they did not answer the phone .I sent them an Email back and i asked them if they want me to send a new medical exam with the police record '' I told them its already expired '' .They sent me an Email back and they said '' Please provide us with the police certificate along with the medical examination '' if its already expired ''

So it sound like good news for me .At least i know that they are working on it and its not collecting dust on someone's desk .

But i really don't know if i did wrong by asking them about the medical exam .As a matter of fact i don't want to wait a few weeks till they call me or till they send me an Email when they will find out that i have to redo it .And i really don't want to redo it in USA cause its going to cost a lot of money .

Good luck everyone .

Have a nice blessed day all .

Oh my gosh!! HG!! That is great news!!!! I can feel it in my bones, you are getting close!! I hope the journey will be over for you soon my friend!!!!

I don't think you did wrong by including the medical is expired too. I think that is just you spearheading any more delays that may come up. I kind of did that too at my husband's interview. Right off the bat they asked about my "official" divorce decree from my ex-husband so when I pulled it out of my file, I said to them "oh, here is my 2009 tax return too, I wasn't sure if you wanted them or not." Both the woman who asked for it and I knew that they would want it. I just brought it to her "attention". Posted Image
Good luck and I am so happy for you!!!!Posted Image

And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-04-30 06:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
Good morning everyone! I hope everyone will have good news this week!

Wellmux, Disc, HG..I wish for you all best of health, love and happiness!

It is easier for someone to say take care of your health who has not been in the position that you all are in. Please take care, no matter how much the DOS/UCIS/Embassy cause stress on you. I am here quietly rooting for good news from all of you.

Terrie, I am so sorry to hear that Kamal is filing for divorce. That is such a hard thing in life. Stay strong and positive.

All is well with me and hubby, other than he is anxiously waiting for his GC and SS#. He is wanting to go and do so much, but I keep telling him to be patient. He hates being at home when I am at work, but then, I would feel the same.
I hope all is good with everyone!!!

And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-04-26 08:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
So anyways on a better note!
HG, Disc? Any news? Wellmux? I haven't forgotten about you all my friends!

Aya~I am sorry about the denial for your step father and brother...I hope that they can get approve quickly!

Hubby is adjusting the best way he can. He is in a hurry to try to do and see everything. I keep telling him that he isn't on vacation that he has time!!!
And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-04-21 10:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

they are not going to refund you UNLESS when you cancel before the flight date , that's logic andrea :S

he should have booked the next day flight from the airport when he was there and he would have pay the fine 100$ , i did that with my wife last year as we arrived 30 min before the flight take off .

anyway you should try with them at least to keep the ticket to use it someday next year or so , i hope that will work isA Posted Image

I have been on the phone expedia everyday now. They said that we should get a partial refund back from the ticket.

Disc, I would have let him book the next day flight and pay the $100 fine, but they said they only had an available flight 5 days after his original flight. Why pay for a hotel room for 5 days? So I went ahead and booked him a flight the next day on Delta. Egyptair sucks period. LOL
With all the delays with the volcanic ash shutting down europe, I have been on hold up to almost 3 hours with expedia trying to deal with egyptair. It's past the money now, it's just them proving that they were wrong. Posted Image
And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-04-21 10:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
Hello all my friends!!!
Just a little update...My hubby missed his connecting flight from cairo to new york!!! Talk about being majorly p'od!!! He was on egyptair from luxor to cairo, got in at 6:52am, they took their time getting him through security and got to the gate 15 minutes before the plane was suppose to leave and they wouldn't let him on the plane!!!
What BS!!! Posted Image Posted Image
I talked to an egyptair ticket agent and they said they couldn't get him on a flight until Tuesday!!! #######????Posted Image
Anyways I went ahead and got him a flight with Delta and my honey is in the air now!!!!! He should be here by Sunday am usa time!!!!
What a freakin trip!!!! Where's the tylenol?????Posted Image Posted Image
Now I am fighting with Egyptair AND expedia for a refund!!!!Posted Image Posted Image
Don't use any of them~~ BEWARE!!!!!
And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-04-17 21:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

I am doing well. I have just been very busy helping Ahmad get adjusted to life here. It is a lot more than I had assumed it would be. He is just now starting to get used to everything here. Isa things will get better and better day by day. I cant even explain how happy I am for you. Please let me know when you have the visa in hand.

Also Wael Congrats to you on the visa. That is wonderful news!!!

Nancy~glad Ahmed is adjusting. I hope all is well! I wanted to ask, did you go down with Ahmed to the SS office and apply for his SS number? You got it so quickly! I think I am going to take Sameh down on Monday morning and go ahead and see what they can do for him. The sooner he can get it, the quicker we can get him established here. Posted Image
And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-04-15 10:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

I hope so .I just sent them Email today and they said the case is pending CO review .

Yeahhh just 2 more days .I'm so happy for you .

Good luck and my best wishes for you Andrea .I wish him a safe and smooth trip .

Have a nice happy new life together .Posted Image

Thanks so much Mohamed, I wish you and Trina the best of luck and a great life together!

I hope and pray you will get your visa and get over to her soon!!!

I'll still be around!Posted Image Yeah, kind of addicted to VJ!Posted Image

And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-04-14 11:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
I think your visa is on the way HG!! Posted Image Posted Image
Disc!! I didn't know they told you to redo your police report!!! That is a step in the right direction too!!!
Good luck to all of you!!!
EEEKK 2 DAYSSSS!!!!Posted Image
And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-04-14 10:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

Well i guess it will be better if i will wait till i hear from the embassy .What about if i redo it and the embassy will not ask me to redo it ?!! I did not show the interview letter to the Dr when i had to do that medical exam '' I got the interview latter after i sent the packet 3 including the medical result to the embassy '' I just had to give my case number to the Dr that's all .

I was going to redo it just to be ready . Cause they almost asked everyone who have expired medical exam to redo it before they issue the visa .But i remember that they did not ask a guy to redo it '' He was under Ap for about 13 months '' and He done that when he moved to USA .

Well if the medical exam is expired yeah you will have to redo it before you file for AOS .But if its not expired it you will not have to redo it in USA .You will be able to use the one they you do it in Egypt still .

Well as thourough they are being with your case now. I would think you should wait to see if they make you redo the medical exam too. Don't want to put the cart in front of the horse! It would show how anxious you are to get to Trina!!Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image
And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-04-13 20:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

Thank you so much .Oh yeah its completely different and to make sure i called the embassy and they told me that same like the Consul general email .

Yeah it might take some time if they will ask me to redo my medical or to update some forms but i don't think that i will have to wait as long as i have been waiting LOL

What if you are pro-active and just get the medical updated? Are you able to do that? Or do you need to wait to hear from the embassy itself? I know that the initial medical exam you had to show a copy of the interview letter, but what if it's because of expiration? Perhaps they won't make you redo your medical in Egypt. Once you do an AOS in the US don't you still have a medical exam from the civil surgeon in your area of the US? Hmmm, perhaps I am just rambling here.....Posted Image Hope you hear something soon!!!
And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-04-13 08:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

Update :

Well i have some news but I'm not sure if its good news or not .

I called the embassy on Thursday April 8,2010 and it was about 30 minutes phone call .The woman there was very nice and friendly to me .I told her everything about my journey .And how hard it is to wait and wait for all that long time ....... That woman knows me so well cause she used to answer my calls .She promised me that she will talk to the CO in charge of my case to tell her about how hard it is for us ...........

Yesterday I sent 2 Emails one to the embassy .And one to the Consul General .
And i told him about everything since i had my interview back in March of 2009 .

I got an Email from the Consul General and i really don't know if i should be excited .I don't know if i have to believe them this time .I mean i have a bad experience with them before '' when they asked me to send in my passport so they can issue me the visa back in Aug of 2009 and sadly they did not and it was a false hope Posted Image'' .

Here is the Email that i got from the Consul General

Dear Mr.xxxxxx

Thank you for your e-mail message.

Please note that the administrative processing on your visa application has now been completed. A consular office is currently reviewing your case for issuance. We anticipate that you will receive your visa shortly via DHL.


Consular Section

U.S. Embassy, Cairo


Does it sound good ? Should i be excited ?!Posted Image

I hope that they are serious this time and they will really send me the visa soon .

Oh my gosh HG!!! I can see why you would have mix emotions!!! I too, am doing a "silent" happy dance for you! I hope and pray that this is for real and you can now see the light at the end of the tunnel!!Posted Image
I told my husband after the interview, even though they told us good news, we won't celebrate until that visa is in your hot little hand!!
Please Please keep us updated and Insha'Allah you will have that visa soon!! That is such a positive email, I would definitely be calling the embassy just to "verify"!???!!!!!Posted Image

And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-04-12 08:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

whats a CR-1 moh?

Oh Khadijah I am so sorry that did that to you!!! If you do make it to egypt, definitely get married and bring him over on a CR1 visa! That right there will show them that you are serious in your relationship! We are here for ya!!Posted Image

That's really ridiculous !
I really don't understand it at all i mean at all .Why the heck they make people wait wait and wait for nothing ? I mean why they delay them if they will send their cases back to USA anyway ? Why you make them suffer ? If they don't like their cases say sorry we can not give you the visa at the interview .I mean don't let people wait for nothing .

Now after i read all of that stories .It really scared the sh*t out of me Posted Image

I called the embassy yesterday and it was about 30 min phone call ! And i asked them about everything you can imagine .I hope that they will not do the same to me .

You are in my prayers too HG! I would think if they were going to return your case to the US, they would have done that without all the other leg work they did with you and your fiance! I hope you have some good news soon!
And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-04-09 18:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

Awe, this post made me cry Posted Image Please be sure to log in as soon as you come down from the clouds to tell us how it all unraveled! It sounds wonderful and I'm sure Waleed will so appreciate it. We had a whole party planned to meet us at the airport after our interview, but alas plans changed when we were put in AP. Have a wonderful reunion!!!!!!!!!!!

Aw Meredith! I'm sorry to here that you are suspended in AP H&LL! InsA you will get home with your hubby and still have a big party!!!

Olivia!! I hope you are having a wonderful time with your husband and family!Posted Image
And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-04-07 20:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

Woohoo! Flight is currently in route! Posted Image Excuse me I gotta go work around the house now. I CAN FEEL HIM! Posted ImageSUPER EXCITED!

oh Olivia!! I can imagine how excite you are right now!! InsA he will have a safe and comfortable trip!! I know Delta can pack you like sardines in there!!!!Posted Image Posted Image
And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-04-06 21:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

thank you for all people here and brothers
today i received my visa at the DHL
el 7mdlolah and i hope all member here at the cairo final review club get that visa this month

Congratulations on the Visa!! First one of a new month! I hope to see more!! :thumbs:
And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-04-01 14:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
Khadij (F) I hope you hear something this month!
HG, and Discon. I hope this is your month too!
Cairo~ congrats to making it to the US!
I hope April brings wonderful things to everyone!!
And_SamFemaleEgypt2010-04-01 08:21:00