Africa: Sub-SaharanIt's Approved

Wow, lots of people from Naija coming , congrats and enjoy your trip home.

I am sure it is a load off of your back. Congrats
chispasFemale02006-05-01 16:27:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanOnline language translation

I have been searching for a free online language translation web site. They have many for french, spanish, german and other more common languages, but I can't seem to find a good Yoruba or Igbo one (I'm particularly interested in Yoruba though). Does anyone know of one? I did find one, but it is slow and often the page is not working. That one can be found at... http://www.yorubadic...rubaenglish.htm

Any suggestions?

There is a website of a professor who actually teaches the class and has online instructions. You might have to google for "online yoruba classes" to see if it comes up. I'll try on my end.
chispasFemale02006-06-06 12:15:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanFYLING TO U.S TODAY
Welcome and may your journey be frutful

chispasFemale02006-06-09 12:14:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNew Beginnings
Just want to add my welcome to the list and let you know that you can ask almost anything here and get an answer. Some aren't answers we want to hear, but they sure are what we need. You'll quickly learn that most here are like family and share a similar journey with you. I found this to be a place where I could go and not have to go to my nuclear family. Warm welcome again.
chispasFemale02006-06-01 11:52:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWe received the EAD card today
I should stop trying to read my laptop screen without my glasses. I meant you "guys"! (L)
chispasFemale02006-07-10 00:04:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWe received the EAD card today
:dance: :dance:
My heart is with you guy.

wink, wink
chispasFemale02006-07-09 18:50:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanwe thought we'd share
Congrats and may you two "pluck" many more little violas, violins and cellos in the future. :D

Chispas :whistle:
chispasFemale02006-07-09 19:00:00
I used my Bank Statement for BofA. I just went online and printed them out. If you are not comfortable with that, just ask them for copies.
chispasFemale02006-09-23 18:30:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSharing you Journey

Count me in! I will IM you my information.


Thanks to everyone who has responded to interest in sharing their journey. Just to put anyone at ease who is a little leery about exposing their private lives, I use a pen name when I write and everyone can do the same if they'd
chispasFemale02006-10-04 17:05:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSharing you Journey
Hi All,
There is a female African author who is in the process of writing a collection of short stories which will include relationships with African men. If you'd like to have her contact you, please let me know and then she will send out an official "call for papers" notice. One title of her already published collection, is called... Your Madness... Not Mine" and can be found on Amazon. ISBN: 089680206X

Looking forward to hearing from you all.
chispasFemale02006-09-28 14:13:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanjust stopped in for an update
Sounds all good time Mandolin. Just make sure you have good substitute plans on hand if you just can't make it in some days. There's nothing worse than making last minute sub plans when you are pregnant.
chispasFemale02006-10-16 17:56:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanDual Citizenship

That is untrue
An American citizen can have dual citizenship as long as the country appied to doesnt require you to renounce your citizenship.

I guess the correct answer is based on laws of the country one wants to adopt. During the US naturalization ceremony, the ones I've been to and others in my family, were asked to raise their hand and "renounce" the other country. We then got new passports once we went back to our perspective natal countries. I attended a ceremony in December and my friend had to surrender her passport before receiving her certificate.
In short, some immigration officers might take the "Oath of Alligiance" more seriously than others and opt to take the old passports. This is a great thread to see the differences that come up for each one of us on the "road" to US citizenship.
chispasFemale02007-01-04 20:20:00