United KingdomDeportation from the UK
QUOTE (Marty J @ Apr 7 2009, 03:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Thanks for the links. I also learned today that in the UK if someone has been arrested before there is no way to find that out without the person's permission or them requesting the information. The consulate in San Francisco said that not even a lawyer can get that information from the UK. That's a little scary.
chispasFemale02009-04-07 20:38:00
United KingdomDeportation from the UK
Hello All,
I'd like to know what are some of the instances where a deportee from the UK can legally return to the country. For example, if I person has children in the UK and is deported, does that person automatically get a special VISA to reenter the country for "family" visits? Also, if a person has been deported from the UK, would that show up on the person's police report? Thanks
chispasFemale02009-04-07 16:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruswhat country can i go?
QUOTE (Boris @ Dec 5 2007, 07:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
that's it?
it can't be all.what about Europe?

I don't know about all of Europe, but for those Schengen countries, you'll need a Schengen Visa. My sister-in-law is from Lithuania and unless she is going there, she needed to get a VISA. With the Schengen, they had to get the approval from each of the 15 countries. One embassy did the legwork, but it needed the approval from all. Check out
chispasFemale02007-12-05 22:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSpouse's permanent residence doesn't match current for the I-130?
Welcome to the board, but there is sure a lot to consider in your situation. Hopefully many from Moscow on the board have similar situations.
chispasFemale02007-12-21 10:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBeware Walmart Flip Flops
QUOTE (Don_Joy @ Jan 22 2008, 10:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I can't stand the thing between my toes. But my Joy will be crushed without her flip flops (d slippers). The Flip Flop department at SM malls in the Philippines was a sight I have never seen before. So many, we don't have it like that here in Portland.

chispasFemale02008-01-22 13:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBeware Walmart Flip Flops
The flip-flops are one thing, how about the medication that has gotten into the US pharmacies. They were nothing more than paint and plaster. Even yuckier
chispasFemale02008-01-22 13:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAyuda proceso Fiance Visa!!
No se si el foro donde te voy a mandar sigue funcionando, pero hay hispano hablantes que normalmente van alli para recibir consejos. De lo que entiendo yo, cada pais es distinto en el tiempo que toman para avisarle a uno sobre la primera cita en la embajada. En algunos paises uno puede llamar cuando ya sabe que la solicitud ha llegado y en otros uno tiene que aguantar hasta que le llamen a uno. Ve a http://www.visajourn...showtopic=78366 para ver si hay alguien que te pueda indicar mas.
Suerte en el viaje
chispasFemale02008-08-07 16:51:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Hello French Group.

I have a question for anyone from France. My Sos niece lives in Le Havre and wants to come live in the United States. My husband has been telling her how great it is to live in the United States and that the racism is less than France. I don't think she is used to working the way we do here and she does not drive either. I have told her that without having the proper VISAS she won't be able to work etc. and she should visit before attempting to stay. As a French national, how much time is usally given on a visitor's visa?
chispasFemale02007-12-18 17:33:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

My husband and his family do not associate themselves with any religion so our situation may be different bc of that but my turkish husband cooks almost every meal and he cleans the bathrooms and does the laundry. I clean the kitchen and the living rooms. We have it split up pretty even. My husband doesn't expect anything of me as a wife really. I mean the normal, stay faithful, maintain mutual respect, and work together to have a great life. But beyond that, he doesn't want me to change how I am or how I go about my daily activities. I don't think he expects anything from me except to just be me.

Some of the things that have been hard for us is our completely different views on medicine and illness. For ex: he thinks you should treat minor wounds a certain way which I think is completely ridiculous and putting yourself more at risk for infection and he also thinks if you take a shower and go to sleep with wet hair, you'll get a cold. He also thinks that central air and heat will make you sick and blames his sore muscles on it. It's crazy to me and it can get annoying sometimes but I try to meet him halfway on things like this.

Anyone else deal with this sort of stuff?


My family is not from Turkey, but we have similar trends that are geared towards our lifestyles in our home country. For example, the sleeping with the we hair or air conditioned. We have that too in Panama, but we have thick nappy hair that doesn't seem to dry easily a nighgt so you feel stuffy in the morning waking on a bed of we hair. The airconditioning we have is full of mold and mildew and sucks in polution from the streets. That nasty stuff also gives you a cold. However, we have better blow dryers here and less humidity so both your hair and the airconditioning doesn't get musty.
My 2cents say let him/her do it there way and before you know it, they'll be doing it the US way w/o thinking.
chispasFemale02006-07-09 01:42:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWhat does this mean?
The keeping of the passport is normally a good sign that they will issue the VISA as they have to physically print it on one of the pages. One of my friends from there said they took the passport then called when it was ready for his wife to pick it up. Otherwise they give it back to you and the spot and deny you. I understand the tension, but this is a good sign.

chispasFemale02006-03-07 17:35:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHow much adjustment time?
Good pointe. I forgot that credit isn't someting that is available in every country.

I wonder if you could give him a trial period like one or two months and see how well he does taking care of the bills. This would enable him to really see what he has to pay and how much there is to pay it with. If it doesnt work out, you can always take charge of it again.

Sorry that last one was for Panamachic not Molly. I cant edit. :blush:

We are in the process of trying that right now. In a couple of weeks I should have a complete update, but so far the light and telephone was near shutting off. We'll see joej
chispasFemale02006-03-09 09:55:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHow much adjustment time?
I think it is admirable that your husband realizes your income limitations right now. My heart ached when I read what you wrote because if the family could only give the person a chance to settle here in America the money will come once the spouse is settled. I have had so many friends in the same situation who had rifts with the spouse over the pressure of providing for the family back home before being able to stand on their feet here. Your husband knows exactly when and why he is choosing this path and he is blessed for doing so. This is one subject that no two sides of the ocean will agree upon without patience.

Take care,
chispasFemale02006-03-07 17:31:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHow much adjustment time?
Molly hit the name on the head when she said meeting "their" needs first. Setting the boundaries ahead of time and sticking to them without the "special" exececptions is tough to handle.

chispasFemale02006-03-06 21:24:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHow much adjustment time?
Yup. One might want to add that envelope too.
chispasFemale02006-03-03 17:04:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHow much adjustment time?
Thanks for the responses. Both of the accounts we have are joint, but the one I called "his" is one he opened and went through the whole process of setting up. However, that is continually overdrawn and I don't want to release the management of the one I have had for 15 years. We did go to a financial class together on how to budget etc. and there they taught the envelope system. But having cash readily at hand didn't work either because the receipts of purchase weren't replacing the cash. I will follow my instincts and primarily be the bill manager until or if management gets better.
Thanks guys.
chispasFemale02006-03-03 10:41:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHow much adjustment time?
Just curious as to how long it took most for their spouses to adjust to living in the U.S? How long to get a driver's license? How long before you the US release the financial obligations to them? My husband would like more control over the finances, and those decisions but with his own little account he can' seem to keep from overdrawing it or budget the expenses. His answer is he doesn't have enough money from his job!! I don't want creditors at my door and my instinct says wait until their is proof of responsibility. What do you guys say?
chispasFemale02006-03-02 11:37:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanoff to ohare to get my sweetie!
Great!! Poor guy is arriving in the middle of winter! Have fun
chispasFemale02006-03-10 11:27:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPreparation....
Piggy-backing on Olutaya..

somewhere in the process I was advised to take pictures near landmarks in the SO's country along with pictures showing us with family members and such. I had the family chief write us a congratulatory letter acknowledging having met me and accepting me in to their tribe. On the bank side, I had added him on one of my credit cards which he showed when he went for the interview. This is up to your discretion and comfort. I kept copies of the hotel receipts, meals orderdered at the hotel, airline tickets and on and on. I needed these items for business purposes so I just made copies for immigration when the time came. Get copies of any certificate you can find and bring them back to the US with you so you can have them to file.
chispasFemale02006-03-20 15:56:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanCameroon Embassy
Congrats. A friend of mine told me there were some Banso people living in Seattle, so maybe she'll run into them some day. The greatest part is that you two were able to travel together and that can be a logistical nightmare with the embassies. Before you know it, the American food will creep in and she won't even know that she's started to adjust. Congrats again to both of you.
chispasFemale02006-03-27 20:39:00
Africa: Sub-Saharana new postage question
I sent my stuff FEDEX. However, the idea of duplicating the information and sending it in two packages is a good idea. In Cameroon they send the packages to the capitals, but then a local company takes over and send them out to the remote sites. Good Luck
chispasFemale02006-03-27 20:42:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMedical Examination Question

No letter was received. We are about to send in the paperwork for the AOS and I wanted to make sure everything is being done correctly.


Which clinic in Cameroon did he use? I can ask to see if it was the same one.
chispasFemale02006-03-28 17:46:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMedical Examination Question

I just posted this question on another forum. Please offer your feedback. Thanks

I just thought about something just now. Because we did the physical in Cameroon and had the "yellow" health card, they just asked for a copy of the yellow card showing he had the physical done. Did you get a letter stating that he had to do it over again?
chispasFemale02006-03-28 12:20:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanTourist Visa from Nigerian Embassy
My two cents worth would be to take what "sweetee" "dana" "joej" and "ET" said and follow absorb it all. They all are giving you priceless advice both on how to get your boyfriend here and what it takes to be in a relationship with a person from another country.
chispasFemale02006-03-14 12:28:00
Africa: Sub-Saharaninterview
Wishing you the best Vicky.
chispasFemale02006-04-03 22:54:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNewbie
Welcome to the VJ family. If you can't find the support or answer here, it might not be easy to get elsewhere. You are in the right place.
chispasFemale02006-03-27 20:59:00
Africa: Sub-Saharandivorce rates
Staggering Stats. One friend of mine who divorced his Peace Corp bride sited some of those same reasons for the divorce. However, he promptly returned home and married a girl 15 years his junior from his own village. Just thought I'd add that.
chispasFemale02006-04-05 00:54:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHello Again!
My,, I am glad to see you are back on the board. Don't stay away so long every bump in your road is one many of saw coming and dodged.
chispasFemale02006-04-08 20:51:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanInteresting Yahoo Site
Romance Scams No Registration on this one

This is another way to get to it without registering.
chispasFemale02006-04-14 18:00:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanInteresting Yahoo Site
Sorry Ladies,
Since I have yahoo email, I just clicked the link and became a member of the group automatically. The group seems to have been started by a group of women who are trying to cut down on romance scams by posting web sites and screen names of people involved in romance scams. They even have pictures that others have posted both women and men who have scammed or tried to scam others. Hope you are able to view it.
chispasFemale02006-04-14 16:15:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanInteresting Yahoo Site
I received the following link to a Yahoo Group from another poster who feels she had been scammed by an African dating site. I don't have strong opinions one way or another about the site, but thought I would share if anyone was interested in reading what they have to say.


Romance Scams
chispasFemale02006-04-14 01:56:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNigerian Actor/Singer
Thanks a lot for the information. The one of the movies was Osufia goes to London where Osufia went to claim his brother's estate then wound up marrying the sister-in-law and taking her from London to Nigeria. I was racking my brain trying to remember his name.

chispasFemale02006-04-14 16:19:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNigerian Actor/Singer
I have seen two Nigerian movies by the singer in this video, but I don't know his name. I rented them on a whim, and now I can't even remember the titles. Can anyone tell me his name?

Nigerian Video
chispasFemale02006-04-14 02:27:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanDrivers License

:D Congrats! :thumbs:

Girl you know I am just giving you a hard time. You both are doing well.
God Bless
chispasFemale02006-04-18 03:41:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanDrivers License

Just wanted to share that my fiance (oops ... husband) received his license. He is grinning from ear to ear!

Hey, somehow I missed this post so I am just seeing the good news! Now is the million dollar question ... Who is going to drive when you have to go places? :D :D

Congrats to the other license holder too.
chispasFemale02006-04-15 11:28:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVaccination supplement question
For the medical part, I called the Immigration number listed on the sheet and they said just to send in the WHO yellow medical card. As was said before, countries don't provide some of the vaccinations so they have to be done here. You can always call and check what needs to be done for your specific case. I was GLAD when all we needed was a copy of the yellow card.
chispasFemale02006-03-28 17:44:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHubby met Nigerian actor from Lost

I just watched a movie with him: Get Rich or Die Tryin'

He is an impressive actor

Wow,, that is exciting news. Are you guys on the same island where they are filming the TV show? If so, keep an eye out for the one who plays the Iraqui soldier too. :devil: Before the nigerian actor came onboard my friends and I would watch the show for the Iraqui soldier. :D

Yes, its filmed here on Ohau. I was wrong. They met at the Apple store. And my husband says he was a very humble man.

The Lost set would be a great addition to the tourist route. :yes: I would definately take that tour if I had a chance.
chispasFemale02006-04-18 03:39:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHubby met Nigerian actor from Lost

I just watched a movie with him: Get Rich or Die Tryin'

He is an impressive actor

Wow,, that is exciting news. Are you guys on the same island where they are filming the TV show? If so, keep an eye out for the one who plays the Iraqui soldier too. :devil: Before the nigerian actor came onboard my friends and I would watch the show for the Iraqui soldier. :D
chispasFemale02006-04-17 16:22:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWeird question for the forum!
I lost a lot of weight in Africa too. I don't know if it was the sweating as you mentioned or the food. It might have been a combination of the two things especially since the food I was eating was fresh. When I returned to the US people here wanted to know if I starved myself there. It will be interesting to hear the results from the forum
chispasFemale02006-04-03 16:43:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNew Name on Board
Just wanted to reintroduce myself as Chispas now. I had a different name, but because of privacy and posting from the heart, I had it changed. Boaz, Idocare, Sweetee, Mandolin, Joej and of course Nani's husband. If you are not quite sure who this is, just im me.

chispasFemale02006-05-01 13:38:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanIt's Approved

Wow, lots of people from Naija coming , congrats and enjoy your trip home.

I am sure it is a load off of your back. Congrats
chispasFemale02006-05-01 16:27:00