Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
Trade jobs? That would be cool if people could do that more often and not have it affect their personal lives so much. We lived, worked, shpped and studied in what was considered a company town so I saw a lot of that growing up. Cough Cough some people call it communism, socialism or any of the other -isms around.

chispasFemale02009-01-05 17:52:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
Am I a thread killer here?
chispasFemale02009-01-05 14:42:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
QUOTE (WhidbeyGirl @ Jan 5 2009, 06:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good morning all. Today the kids go back to school - YA!!!!!!!!!!!! Wouldn't you know it all the snow has been gone for a few day and it snowed last night and the school is running an hour late. But it's supposes to rain the rest of today so I am praying our snow is done until November!

Hey Hey there! I'm on the other side of the coin with the kids and class. no0pb.gif I still wish I was on break. yes.gif

chispasFemale02009-01-05 13:29:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
QUOTE (Perseverance @ Jan 2 2009, 08:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I have been so sick and I am miserable!!!! crying.gif Going to the DR today. This ####### is kicking my butt!! crying.gif I thought I was getting better and then New Years Eve WHAMO!! It took me down hard. sad.gif I even lost my voice sad.gif This SUCKS!!!!!!

Weather is supposed to get COLD tomorrow that sucks too mad.gif more snow BLECH mad.gif I think I need to seriously think about moving south unsure.gif

I hope everyone else had a fabulous New Year!!!

Feel better. luv.gif
chispasFemale02009-01-02 16:14:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
Thanks Charles. Hi Everyone, I up finally and I am sure the rest of you are probably winding down your day. Mrs. J I liked your expectancy guide and we'll all expect the expected expectancy from you this year! Whew. Have a great year everyone.
chispasFemale02009-01-01 14:04:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
Less than one and a half hours to go until New Years and I just want to bless everyone in SS and thank you all for being there for me this entire year. I first happened upon VJ in 2005 before my SO arrived and until this date, you are the only people who know and have walked this entire journey with me. 2008 rang in with my SO being hauled away to the "head farm" and then me trying to sort out the mess that was left behind. I know this is and has been a tough journey for some and I stand firm when I say that my situation is rare and unusual. I was lucky enough to experience mental illness in a loved one and should have played the lottery instead of learning about the various head diseases that exist. So to all who are still waiting for their SO's, I say many of your problems will be cultural. Find a way to work them out. To those whose SOs are here, find a way to things out. To those whose Sos aren't what you expected, live with what you have and work it out. To the ones who think their SOs need to be hauled away to the "head farm", run and jump in the wagon first because I think the "head farm" is might have answers that I don't have. good.gif

So I say good-bye to 2008, head farms, interviews gone wrong, black-mail, realizations that life won't be what I planned and hello to ????????????
chispasFemale02009-01-01 01:53:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
QUOTE (Asante Maroon @ Dec 31 2008, 10:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chispas @ Dec 31 2008, 01:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello Asante,
Long time no see. How r u doing? I've been reading your posts on student loans, and I just grit my teeth when I see that. I didn't take out any loans because I thought I couldn't handle the repayment of the loans. So I worked full time and studied full time. Being FOB then, I didn't know anything about credit and had no clue I could ease my course and work load somewhat with a loan. In a few years when you have that better job or qualify for something else, you're going to forget about the pain of the student loans. Besides, I think students should now lobby Congress to give a student loan bailout. Right?

BTW, I peeked too. devil.gif

Hey mama!!!! star_smile.gif
I wish they would give us a bailout but thats NOT gonna happen mad.gif laughing.gif

I'm hanging in there girl! wacko.gif laughing.gif

I always knew u were a freak on the low whistling.gif rofl.gif

I'm the worst kind. I wear my teacher shoes and granny glasses as cover. star_smile.gif
chispasFemale02008-12-31 14:07:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
Hello Asante,
Long time no see. How r u doing? I've been reading your posts on student loans, and I just grit my teeth when I see that. I didn't take out any loans because I thought I couldn't handle the repayment of the loans. So I worked full time and studied full time. Being FOB then, I didn't know anything about credit and had no clue I could ease my course and work load somewhat with a loan. In a few years when you have that better job or qualify for something else, you're going to forget about the pain of the student loans. Besides, I think students should now lobby Congress to give a student loan bailout. Right?

QUOTE (chispas @ Dec 31 2008, 10:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello Asante,
Long time no see. How r u doing? I've been reading your posts on student loans, and I just grit my teeth when I see that. I didn't take out any loans because I thought I couldn't handle the repayment of the loans. So I worked full time and studied full time. Being FOB then, I didn't know anything about credit and had no clue I could ease my course and work load somewhat with a loan. In a few years when you have that better job or qualify for something else, you're going to forget about the pain of the student loans. Besides, I think students should now lobby Congress to give a student loan bailout. Right?

BTW, I peeked too. devil.gif
chispasFemale02008-12-31 13:18:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
Lovin' Third time the charm even for Subbies. How are you all tonight? I'm going to miss chatting with you ladies during the day once school starts again. Hope you all have a safe New Year's eve and prosperous New Year

chispasFemale02008-12-30 22:43:00
Africa: Sub-Saharana hello and some concerns

thanks for the warm welcome everyone!!! It's been a crazy week researching everything but I am glad to have found people that have been through this before and know what they are doing thanks for the support

You are wise to read and question "before" coming to the United States. I equate this process to my going to Africa for the first time. I had travelled to every Continent with the exception of Antartica and Australia, but nothing prepared me for Africa. Not pictures, conversations, nothing, nada...... So it is logical that you questions and reservations about moving here. It is the same, but in reverse. One has to experience it to know it.
chispasFemale02006-03-27 20:56:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)At Interview, do they give Visa same day?
Depends on the country.
chispasFemale02007-12-11 14:45:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshusband in jail/interview
Just came across this thread by accident and wanted to make sure I read it clearly. If the wife is using the husband's account and posting under his name today, then ........ How was he able to post from jail? So wife left him, he posted, he ran to jail. She jumped on his account from ?????? to ask for help? If she left him with the kid then bails him out will he show for the interview?

Just questions thats all.
chispasFemale02007-12-04 16:24:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhat coulb be the best answer for this question in the interview
The poor child is only 4 years old so I wouldn't see why it is a problem to explain that you have to adjust first. Also, I believe that if you have filed with her and you both were approved, then you have some time to get her here. I forgot the length of time, but perhaps another person can give the exact timing. My step daughter was approved at the same time my husband was, but she didn't come. She waited too long and now she might as well forget it. However, yours being so young, might be different. The only question I would have, is if her father objects and blocks her joining you.
chispasFemale02007-12-06 23:36:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRules Reguarding Military Members?
My cousin's husband was in the military and they had a similar situation. They went to a person on the Post who handled everything for them. However, when she returned to our country, she had to flew commerical and he took a hop back. My sister's husband wasn't able to take hops until he had his green card. All that being said, things may have changed since 9/11 wacko.gif I would suggest going to your CO.
chispasFemale02007-12-07 13:05:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisit/tourist VISA
Who is doing the requesting? When I have invited relatives I have put:
1. Our names on a letter head
2. Home address
3. Purpose for invitation
4. Specifically who is invited and for what reason.
5. The date you want the person to come.
6. Signed by all and notarized

If it was a wedding or christening, I have included a copy of the invitation to the wedding.

However, a friend of mine did the same thing to invite his younger brother to his wedding and the request was denied because the embassy in Cameroon went into the records and saw that my friend had just received his wife on a K1, and had invited another relative who never returned. Needless to say my friend was pissed that this relative had made it difficult for other immediate family members to come based on his invitation.
chispasFemale02007-12-11 14:25:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPetitioning for a spouse from 3rd world countries, highly scrutinized??
Welcome One.
Mosey on down to the Sub Sahara forum when you get a chance. There are a few people there with SOs there from Ghana. Good Luck on your journey
chispasFemale02007-12-07 23:37:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHaving a baby to show bonafide evidence ?
chispasFemale02007-12-15 01:20:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLooks like my application is singled out
USCIS is the hurry up and wait game. You'll hear from them soon don't worry. You haven't gotten bad news yet, and that is good.
chispasFemale02007-12-28 04:49:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFree international calling minutes for the holidays
Very kind of you to pass this information on to us.
chispasFemale02007-12-25 02:57:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDr's Appointment and Sickness
Bronchitis should not affect the physical. TB would
chispasFemale02008-01-16 13:58:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWho lives in Fairfield, California or the nearby place
QUOTE (Jim and Heidi @ Feb 18 2008, 07:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hi VJers ... just want to know some information regarding JOBS Hunting in Fairfield, California or nearby place. I'm from Information Technology industry. Do i need to get some certifications or exams to be able to find a stable job.

Check in the NAPA area also. You may just want to call up one of the local companies, ie Jelly Belly and speak with someone in the IT department. Ask them for suggestions on how to go about finding job leads. My brother is an IT guy in Vallejo and he says there are head-hunters who can also help out. You may also want to go to one of the temp agencies because you may be able to sample a few of the "tech" companies before settling into one. The commute direction is 580 and 680 southbound so you may want to look northbound to avoid traffic.
Good Luck
chispasFemale02008-02-19 00:41:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMY HUSBAND VISA WAS CANCELLED.
Since 2006, INS has spread a very wide net around the Ghanian community in search of marriage scams. Unfortunately when a net is cast so wide and deep, it also picks up innocent people in the process. See article from Washington Post:


A few good things about this is that they came to your job and questioned you rather than arrest you and haul you off for questioning. This tells me that they may not be 100% sure of their suspicions. From what you write, they are connecting names and relating one to another. I pray this is just a fluke and that they really don't believe the story of the "guy" who said you were paid for marriage. What I would be concerned about is the background and history of the friends and aquaintances of your friend etc etc. If you are clean, you are clean. Where that leaves your husband will have to be determined. Hang in there girl and don't let them damage your health. star_smile.gif
chispasFemale02008-08-07 16:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical Exam
I was able to find a page on the CDC website which outlined the tests taken.
chispasFemale02006-12-29 02:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical Exam
Hi All,
I am curious to know which tests are involved with the medical exam. I was told they do they the HIVs test and take xrays too, but which tests are done exactly?
chispasFemale02006-12-28 01:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHow does my fiance request a police record from the UK?
Just another note to your question. Hope you have already gotten the information you need. If not, hope this helps. My husband lived in four different countries on of which was England. He was in Africa at the time we applied for the K-1, so I sent the request to the Metro Police from here. The consulate here told me that the Metro Police was the central location for these records . If he were in the UK, he'd go to his local police dept. to get it. Anyway, I sent a copy of my passport, the forms from Immigration here, his passport and other identification, copies of paperwork to show that he actually lived in England at one time plus a ten pound Sterling. They would not mail it to me here, instead they mailed it to him in Africa even though I made the request from here. They were kind to return every thing to him plus the report. There is an online application form that I secured from the Metro Police too, but they didn't send that one back. The trick for me was to get the ten pounds there as they don't accept credit cards, money orders etc. ( They didn't back then I don't know now.)Soooo I did what every person should not do. I put everything together and mailed it FEDEX with the cash inside of it. In less than one month, they sent the police report to him. Perhaps we were just plain lucky
chispasFemale02007-05-03 10:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioni think my fiance is regret about our fiance visa
California is very very expensive and I don't go home (Panama) to see my parents as often as my siblings on the East Coast because. I pay double what they pay and the deals are just not as good from here. If I read what you wrote correctly, you say that he said he had a problem with the relationship first, then the money? This VJ process is truly expensive and I have spent more money than I care to admit bringing my SO over and going over there to visit during the process. He just may be feeling pressure to go there knowing that it might affect him in a way that none of us know. Buena Suerte Hermana y te deseo lo mejor
chispasFemale02007-12-11 14:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice Certifcate Vietnam
QUOTE (MR2nice @ Dec 22 2007, 09:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Eric,

It will be close, but possible because my fiancee got it done in 2 weeks. Hopefully you can get it in time.

2Nice. How is your trip going?
chispasFemale02007-12-23 00:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Child support as income?
QUOTE (psiprez @ Jan 27 2008, 08:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've done a search, and read through topics, but can't find an answer. Seems like anytime this has been asked, it has been ignored. So here goes...

Do child support payments received by the petitioner count as income for the I-134?
If so, how does one report that on the form?
Or have I completely missed reading about it in the form instructions somewhere?

Here in NJ, if you choose to include support payments, they DO count when filling out a financial form (like a rental or credit application, for example). But it is up to the individual if they want to divulge that they receive support payments and have them included in their total income (to avoid a perceived 'stigma' about receiveing support payments... go figure). I have no idea if this is true nationwide, or with the USCIS.

To report it on the I-134, I would guess you would include it in your annual income amount, and attach a copy of the court order specifying the amount, along with bank statements showing the amount has been deposited into your account consistently for the past year. It will also show up as non-taxable income on my tax returns for 2007 and 2008.

Any ideas??

You may add it as "other" income. It was my understanding that child support is just that child and should not be used to show that you can support another person besides what that child needs. I can understand the for rental and other areas that might benefit the child directly that you could disclose this.
chispasFemale02008-01-27 11:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIf someone's K-1 visa gets denied
Pana. No te preocupes. Panama is not a tough as some other countries to get the VISA out. If your SO has not committed crimes, been denied before or has never been to "Coiba", Mathias Hernandez or Carcel Modelo. He should not have a difficult time. Pa' 'lante chica.

Edited by chispas, 21 April 2008 - 12:53 PM.

chispasFemale02008-04-21 12:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussiona consular officers perspective
This study was well written Uno. It was the facts nothing but the facts across a broad spectrum experiences. It also put me at ease and answered a few questions I had about how the USCIS functions and why the process is set up this way. Although its inefficient, I understand that the law is the law and this entity just follows the law. Thanks for posting it. T
chispasFemale02008-12-05 11:48:00
US Citizenship General Discussioninformation about your residence
QUOTE (honda99 @ Dec 27 2007, 08:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
thanks all

what about order? if i put the random order due to not sure which year i lived?

If you remember some of the dates, just write them somewhere else then once recall everything transfer the information to the form. You may have to wait a few days while you do your research, but that's fine. Also never leave any lines blank. If you have to write N/A on some blanks if they don't apply to you then that is fine. otherwise leave nothing blank.
chispasFemale02007-12-27 11:36:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMaintaining a dual citizenship??
My mother is a naturalized US citizen and has lived out of the country for over ten years now. All she has to do is file her taxes every year and that is it. She was not able to receive Social Security benefits for one reason or another, but that doesn't seem to bother her.
chispasFemale02008-01-28 13:57:00
CanadaComplicated Tax Question
Is your wife's name on the account too? You may try adding her name to it so that it is not closed. Other option is to go to your local branch and explain the particulars. You may have to close it and open in new one under your wife's name.
good luck
chispasFemale02007-12-26 13:35:00
CanadaI am sending USCIS a gift
Good one.
chispasFemale02008-01-19 14:52:00
CanadaAm I crazy?
QUOTE (zyggy @ Apr 28 2009, 02:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Rexalite, you asked me to come out of my semi-retirement here to post on your case. I am a former CBP officer and there is definitely an overstay for Canadians.. It's 6 months. If you have stayed in the US for longer than a 6 month period without a written authorization or extension from USCIS, you have overstayed and are subject to the bans on reentry to the US.

Please realize that even though you may manage tohide this fact from the State Dept when you may be soccessful in getting a visa, you will not be able to hide this fact from CBP. THey know when you left and when you entered. It is CBP and not the State Dept, who determine who is and is not admissible to the US. THere have been many people who have had visas, only to see themselves denied entry due to some fact of inadmissibility that the State Dept. missed.

If you follow your current course of action and levae the US to get a CR_1 visa, you will surly be at a high risk denied entry when you attempt to enter the US whether Montreal issues the visa or not. Either way, you're lookign at 18 months for a waiver and another CR-1 application.

You say you have a child... do the smart thing. Stay with the child and your husband and withdraw the CR-1 petition and change it over to a AOS in the US. Overstay is forgiven for an family originated AOS case. It is not once you leave the US.

THis is not the time to be stubborn and wrong headed. THis is the time to think of the high risks and low rewards. You have a legal route to a green card open to you with very low risk and a very high chance of approval as long as you didn't misrepresent yourself when you entered the US in the first place, which it appears you did not. You would be a fool not to follow through with that route.

No one will be sorry for you, least of all me, if you keep up your current path and fail to sit down and logically consider your options. I would say right now, you have two paths to get to where you want to be. One is walking off a cliff and one is following the long and windy path. Going to Montreal is walking off a cliff. It's faster, but you're going to almost get killed in the process. THe path is AOS, it will take longer, but you'll get where you want in one piece.

Dang. I like the way you presented the information. Good job
chispasFemale02009-04-28 17:40:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionLetters from friends and family...

When putting together the packet to remove conditions on Residency... who is best to have write the Affidavit about the couple's relationship? A friend or a family member?

If it is a family member, would it be ok to if it is the USC mother?

I think any positive affirmation about the relationship stated by your parents would be great. Especially Mommy approval :whistle:
chispasFemale02007-05-26 13:02:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTax Transcripts for Removing Conditions
You've done a very good job.
chispasFemale02007-12-08 12:57:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTax Transcripts for Removing Conditions
This is not on topic, but you guys have really nice video pics. How'd you do that? Just to put a simple picture on, I keep getting the message that the file is too large. Any suggestions?
chispasFemale02007-12-06 23:59:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionPlease, explain to me the removal of conditions second time
Of course I know what biometrics are. It was just a "by the way. Do you know...?" question That is why I preceded the question with "Just curious" Thought that would have made it clearer to the readers that the question was different from biometrics.

Edited by chispas, 09 December 2007 - 10:49 PM.

chispasFemale02007-12-09 22:45:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionPlease, explain to me the removal of conditions second time
Just curious
How come some people are requested to have additional medical medical tests for lifting conditions and not others?
chispasFemale02007-12-08 14:20:00