Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-saharan cyber cafe
I'm back. Have to pretend to work today and not play too much.
chispasFemale02008-01-30 16:00:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-saharan cyber cafe
Hola Ladies, Gents and (Charles) .
chispasFemale02008-01-30 13:36:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-saharan cyber cafe
QUOTE (ZeeNusah @ Jan 29 2008, 09:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (charlesandnessa @ Jan 29 2008, 12:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chispas @ Jan 29 2008, 11:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (charlesandnessa @ Jan 29 2008, 07:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
blink.gif did i miss something between my first post and now? unsure.gif

headbonk.gif This one came out of nowhere Nessa.

We Destiny has an accurate pulse on this poster. reading.gif

Uno.. Excuse the poster for she didn't know any better than to go there. Honestly I thought you were a little lighter on her than you I know you were feelin' content.gif

Keep tight ladies. heart.gif

um, charles actually........ blush.gif


Ok blush.gif Are you guys double-teaming us again?

Edited by chispas, 29 January 2008 - 01:46 PM.

chispasFemale02008-01-29 13:44:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-saharan cyber cafe
QUOTE (charlesandnessa @ Jan 29 2008, 07:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
blink.gif did i miss something between my first post and now? unsure.gif

headbonk.gif This one came out of nowhere Nessa.

We Destiny has an accurate pulse on this poster. reading.gif

Uno.. Excuse the poster for she didn't know any better than to go there. Honestly I thought you were a little lighter on her than you I know you were feelin' content.gif

Keep tight ladies. heart.gif
chispasFemale02008-01-29 12:01:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-saharan cyber cafe
Wow... We Destiny... You're good at the translation. good.gif I was up there with Uno thinking that it was a meds thing going on. Whew
chispasFemale02008-01-28 22:09:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-saharan cyber cafe
QUOTE (unononehigher @ Jan 28 2008, 10:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I really thank you guys for the encouragement good.gif .
I just sent him an email telling him "I am not that strong" dead.gif .
And sometimes, I just want to scream at the top of my lungs girlwerewolf2xn.gif .
You know, just to relieve some pressure tongue.gif ,
but my kids might think I'm crazier than ever secret7vf.gif .
So I wont be doing thaaat tongue_ss.gif
So, now that I have got that off of my chest, I'm going to read reading.gif Joyce Meyers book, "me and my big mouth" and see what lessons I can learn.
And again, thanks for everything, I really don't know what I would do with out you guys>:D<

chispasFemale02008-01-28 14:01:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-saharan cyber cafe
Yes,,,,,,, I can see you are pissed off right now. girlwerewolf2xn.gif Let it out girl. These are tough times, and your SO is probably the only other person, besides us, you can yell at and we won't tell you to give up. I only know our side of the journey, but I am guessing that he is getting pressure on his side and being asked a lot of questions about his departure. Scream, cry, whatever. Now I am going to be snarky so don't take offense to it. OK????

But when he arrives and you are tired of his behind hoggin' your closet, taking the sheets on a cold night, or the nooky when you are tired thing; remember how badly you wanted this process to end. It is like pregnancy, you can't wait for the baby to come and after those first weeks of a colicky baby, you wish you could put it back inside of you so you can get some rest. So..... are you still mad at him?
chispasFemale02008-01-28 01:01:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-saharan cyber cafe
QUOTE (Bassi and Zainab @ Jan 25 2008, 11:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I never learned to ride a bicycle.

Bassi wants to teach me. He and Kay want me to join them on bike rides. I want to just get a big tricycle and call it a day. Why bother now?

The saying that "It is just like riding a bike" is a crock. The last few times I have tried to ride a bike, I have fallen off. I am used to back-pedaling to stop the bike not the handle brakes. So I back pedal first, then squeeze the front or back brakes then fall off. wacko.gif
chispasFemale02008-01-25 15:08:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-saharan cyber cafe
QUOTE (Bassi and Zainab @ Jan 23 2008, 11:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
we all played those games too.

I was trying to teach some of the young girls how to play double dutch and finally they gave up and I taught them Chinese double dutch instead. They caught on to that much easier.

And boy oh boy do I miss block parties. They were so much fun. Went late into the night the police left you alone. We also had "play streets" in the summer time. One of the blocks would be closed off for the whole summer by the police and the kids could play there without dodging cars.

Basement parties were also the bomb back then and safe too. A fight always broke out, but there were no guns involved back then. It was fist to fist.

In the urban jungle we also used to open the fire hydrants and play in the water or try to wet the people passing in cars. Until the firemen came along and yelled at us and closed it off. Something about fires yadda yadda yadda....just spoiling' our fun!

Zaina, This sounds like the stuff my cousins and I used to do when I would visit them in Brooklyn. I spent a couple of summers with them and we would go from block to block for the parties. This always culminated in us opening up the fire hydrant and running through the powerful water force over and over again. I also remember playing stick ball and handball down at the park. This is where I saw my first junkie and hookers. helpsmilie.gif My English was poor, but I hung tough with my cousins. The older cousins used to have basement parties and we'd sneak downstairs to watch the big kids grind under the dim blue light. There was no worry of guns or knives, just the worry of getting pregnant by Ms. So and so's son Rupert, Delbert, Fonso and "dem ova deer" . devil.gif The scariest thing we did was jump the subway turnstile and walk from car to car when the train would turn! If my mother only knew what was going on when she sent me to NY!
chispasFemale02008-01-23 22:49:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-saharan cyber cafe
I just noticed your "pervert" notice after being touched too many times. Reminds me of girls chase the boys? I think that one must be a universal game.
jest.gif jest.gif jest.gif
chispasFemale02008-01-23 00:30:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-saharan cyber cafe
I lived in the tropics so we used to go into the jungle and eat our way through it. There were always mangos, papayas, watermelons, star apple, bananas and whole host of other tropical fruit to eat. We never ever washed any of the fruit and would spend almost the whole day out playing. Of course we had to watch out for snakes or tarantulas, but as kids we didn't care. The worst thing I was afraid of was the boogie man (whoever he was) and any guy walking alone was the boogie man to me.
chispasFemale02008-01-22 14:56:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-saharan cyber cafe
My knees are totally ruined from using those skates on mud and stone streets. The worst thing we did was pile 5 people on a bicycle and ride down a muddy hill in the dry-season. I was sitting and the handle bars so you know my coochie took the brunt of the tumble.
chispasFemale02008-01-22 14:04:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-saharan cyber cafe
Wait a minute. None of you guys look old enough to remember metal skates. What is it? Mary Kay or something? I liked the Floaters thing. Unfortunately it took me back to when I was dating so and so and we went to such and such dance and blah blah. Ahh memories
Glad to see you this morning Zee.

Edited by chispas, 22 January 2008 - 01:39 PM.

chispasFemale02008-01-22 13:39:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-saharan cyber cafe
QUOTE (Efia06 @ Jan 18 2008, 08:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dang uno, you brought back some memories for me. Bittersweet cause I remember my brother michael and me watching those cartoons and shows. He was murdered last year in feb. I remember his little face all glued to the tube watching speedracer and giant robot.

Lots of hugs to you.
chispasFemale02008-01-18 23:34:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAfrican Movie Site
I'm addicted to this one movie site now. The movies are clear, modern and the streaming does not lag at all.
chispasFemale02008-09-21 16:54:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAfrican Movie Site
QUOTE (UNO... @ Sep 14 2008, 07:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Perseverance @ Sep 14 2008, 09:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Where do you find all these??? Thanks biggrin.gif

google is your friend good.gif good.gif

Si, yes.gif Google is my good friend.
chispasFemale02008-09-15 12:28:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAfrican Movie Site
Here's another link to an online movie site from the UK.

chispasFemale02008-09-14 01:03:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAfrotainment TV
QUOTE (LovinLiberia @ Sep 20 2008, 08:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Chispas, thank you sooo much for posting this! We have Dish Network and we can't wait for the new channel to start. Thanks again! biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

No prob. LL
chispasFemale02008-09-22 19:48:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAfrotainment TV
QUOTE (idocare @ Sep 13 2008, 02:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chispas @ Sep 11 2008, 02:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (UNO... @ Sep 11 2008, 11:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Omoba @ Sep 9 2008, 11:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
P......they no have it ? laughing.gif

laughing.gif laughing.gif laughing.gif


Thanks for the information. Isn't the internet wonderful ? So much to learn on almost any country now-a-days. Again, thanks!!!

Back in the day I used to also go on Google Earth to visit other countries and see what the heck they looked like in real life. Hopefully having more stations from other countries in our media, more people are exposed to what life beyond our 48 contiguous states.
chispasFemale02008-09-13 19:57:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAfrotainment TV
QUOTE (UNO... @ Sep 11 2008, 11:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Omoba @ Sep 9 2008, 11:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
P......they no have it ? laughing.gif

laughing.gif laughing.gif laughing.gif

chispasFemale02008-09-11 14:08:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAfrotainment TV
No Prob. I actually like the way the information from the site steams a lot better than the one from


QUOTE (Bassi and Zainab @ Sep 9 2008, 11:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Boaz @ Sep 9 2008, 02:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for sharing. I just called Dish Network and was informed that they 'do not have information about this'. unsure.gif Yet the website of Afrotainment said it's coming soon. I sure hope its available in my area.

Hope you are having a wonderful day!

The site says it won't be launched for another 35 days. Maybe the customer service reps haven't received anything yet.

I hope its really 35 days and not one of those "I'm fixin' to do it now" days.

Hugs Chispas
chispasFemale02008-09-09 16:47:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAfrotainment TV
Has anyone every seen this channel on Dish TV?
chispasFemale02008-09-09 12:25:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanUpdate!!!
QUOTE (moon1968 @ Sep 23 2008, 08:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello to all on Visa Journey,

Things are going wonderful with my Husband and myself. He has been here in the states now for 6 wonderful months. At times I cant belive that he is here......He is such a wonderful man.....Anyway.....The one problem we are having is finding work for him.......He has been employed with Mervyns and has been working there since June, However due to their money problems they have cut hours and for the last two weeks he has had no hours.....We live here in Cal. and Jobs are not easy to find......What seems to be the problem for him is that when they see he is from Africa they dont want to give him much of a chance......we are trying to hold on until Dec. then he can start with the temp angency......... Has anyone else had this type of experience???.....

Have you tried applying to FEDEX? The work is hard, but they have great benefits.
chispasFemale02008-09-23 13:11:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanTaking Family to Ghana
I just noticed that you said your mother has something similar to MS. Since I have MS, I hope I can help you with some suggestions on how to make your mother's trip more comfortable. I am not sure where your flight originates, but I would suggest taking as many stops as possible so that she is able to get up and move around. Even though she may not want to do that, it will help her circulation. If she take anti-inflamatory meds, she might need to keep those handy after the flight. I am not sure if you are flying coach, but it will be real important for her to raise her legs over her heart some time during the flight. She needs to also move around to avoid getting clots on top of everything else.

People may look at her and she may feel like an idiot, but doing excercises on long flights may make the difference between being taken off the plane on an ambulance or walking off of the plane with assistance. Also ask to see if they will allow her to move up to First Class. (It doesn't hurt to ask) I have more information on that and I can PM it to you if you'd like.

As for assistance, I made arrangements to exit the rear door where the food handlers come in. I didn't need it as I did everything I could in order to walk off of the plane. However, Air France told me that I could wait for everyone to deplane and then I could use their lift if necessary.

She can have a wonderful time there by just taking a few unpleasant steps up front.
Hope all goes well

QUOTE (Ricca711 @ Apr 3 2008, 10:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I never thought of the option of Samuel and a friend carrying her. I know they would do it. But my mother might feel very uncomfortable with it. She suffers from a condition similar to MS. As you might know there is pain involved even when you try to handle her gently. I would like to think that someone at the airport would help me. But since my mother is involved, and this is her first time going out of the country and flying, I will have to be 100% sure of the accommodations. Thank you for your suggestions.

I will narrow down which airline I am going to use. I figure that too many transfers would not be good. So, a flight from Cleveland to JFK and on to Accra seems best. The ticket will be significantly more expensive but worth it as long as my mom is comfortable.


No, my mom cannot get down the stairs. She is frightened to go down the five that lead out her house. Even now someone always has to stand in front of her. The information you suggested on the ramps was awesome. Personally, I can’t remember either if there was a ramp. It was my first time in Africa and that was the last thing on my mind. At least now I know, if I can just get her down the stairs, I could then walk her to the terminal for check-in.

Thanks again to everyone for the advice.

chispasFemale02008-04-03 15:02:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSTILL HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!
QUOTE (one love @ Apr 6 2008, 01:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well left saturday to airport 2 hours beore flight... After 30 mins before we to leave they anouce need 7 people to go on later because of balance on plane ! headbonk.gif THen said we will leave in 10 mins. Well And hour later we still there 2 hours still there, Then anouce Have plane problems.. After 3 hours I know i have missed my flight in atlanta.. SO NOw i leave out at 1pm today and no starigh flight as before... Im so upset about that but hey its life.. SO im off and running again wish me luck

That is a little disturbing that a commercial airline has balance problem. Was it a tiny commuter plane. Any way good luck on the other legs of you journey
chispasFemale02008-04-07 14:26:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanDelta Flights
If you are connected with a Church or an NGO, I may be able to put you in touch with an agent who only books for people doing benevolent work. PM if you need more information
chispasFemale02008-04-07 11:43:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSo i'm having a Late Wedding Reception.....
QUOTE (reeses16 @ Apr 7 2008, 04:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Also, if there is a cooking school in your area give them a call. I used to frequent a bakery run by a culinary school, and their cakes were AMAZING, and since they were done by students they were less expensive.

This was a great idea for her. Good job good.gif
chispasFemale02008-04-08 10:21:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWE GOT THE VISA 4/4/08
R U here yet??? I know you must be excited!
chispasFemale02008-04-07 11:46:00
QUOTE (unononehigher @ Apr 8 2008, 09:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello "Be"
I am so happy to hear some good news and goals getting accomplished.
Hey "Chis" maybe you should have intercepted that phone call or letter whistling.gif

Actually, I did have it in my hands and gave it over to him. I prayed that perhaps it was their way of getting him to come in and answer questions because niether of us have ever had an interview. He also claimed to have lost his greencard, which is #######, so I wouldn't know where it is.

I didn't want to give it to him at all, but I am trying hard to push on with my life and leave him to his own devices. He also went to extremes to make sure that he gets this card so he will have to pay the piper one day.
Whatever comes of this, he'll have to pay.
chispasFemale02008-04-08 12:46:00
Hey Gir,
Missed you on the board. Good to know that you are quickly heading towards your goals. On my end, my SO goes for biometrics today. After all the calling and letter writing about what I found out, I received no responses from USCIS and they still called him like nothing every happened. WTH!
chispasFemale02008-04-08 10:09:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanGreetings!
Welcome to VJ. We are all here with our own set up footsteps towards that one common goal. whistling.gif You will find, at times on your journey, your footsteps will be placed directly on the same path as another member. Other times your footsteps will totally on its own. Either way, we are all here for each other whether we follow the same path or not. You will be shocked by some of our experiences and then cry when another succeeds. Nevertheless you will be touched by our collective experiences on this journey. Hang on because the ride is about to begin. kicking.gif
chispasFemale02008-04-09 12:28:00
Africa: Sub-Saharananyone been through this
QUOTE (vee @ Apr 10 2008, 06:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was told they are in contact with us embassy in lagos about my husband . Background checks are not back as yet,anyone been through this at this level what do some of u think it could be . They say they are still waiting but i guess im curious as to what,maybe i will never know until much later huh. My husband wants me to come to nigeria just left 3 mos ago.

Background checks could be almost anything from the embassy putting the file at the bottom of their pile and taking their time to check out the information to something more serious. Even though they may inform you on the type of backgroud check they are doing, one never knows ALL of the details or their reasoning behind the checking. My husband spent his early years living in Ethiopia and left there to live in France. The background check asked for his police report and other information from Ethiopia after all the other places he lived had checked out. It took months of me calling around from embassy to embassy to get that information. We eventually got it through a round about way and the help of a few strangers. We never really knew why they wanted that data and were never told of the details. I am not sure whether to advise you to begin the telephone calling campaign or take the wait and see position. If you can get someone to tell YOU directly perhaps that will be better.
Good Luck
chispasFemale02008-04-10 09:47:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanChinemeze news!
Wow! I know they are extremely happy to get to this point. Great news
chispasFemale02008-04-08 12:48:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPOE
QUOTE (one love @ Apr 13 2008, 04:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

From what I understand and experience while traveling with someone with ,"Visa" needs, you'll go one way and he'll go another after completing immigration. When you go through immigration don't take the US only line, go with him through his line and make it known you are a family. You may ask if you can go with him and wait at the side. You may be told yes or given the stinky eye. Either way if your split you be joined at another point. However if you are split before customs make sure he picks up his own luggage as he'll have his own stubs and ticket and someone may check that.
Wish you a speedy return
chispasFemale02008-04-13 10:13:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanUpdate on our visa approval
QUOTE (chinemeze @ Apr 11 2008, 04:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My dearest VJ and Sub-saharan family,

I just want to use this opportunity to thank everybody who in one way or the other helped us through this arduous journey.

Like most of you know, I have a son and a wife who are here with me right now in Nigeria. I did not want to take any chances and decided to make the trip for the interview just incase. We came to the embassy very early like most others in the past have said they did. Those who were for the immigrant visas were attended first before other. I was very optimistic with my confidence in God, but about an hour later, i saw my wife come out of the embassy towards me with the baby in tow. She said the baby was hungry and since i was carring the food, they let her out to go and feed the baby.

Well, the drama began when they had to go back inside, the security idiots there refused to let her go in. Although she had a piece of blue paper. I went ballistic, the unfortunate theing was that I had previously given her my passport so she could show the CO if ever it was needed. Now my passport and other documentations were locked inside and my wife and son were outside. Y'all can imagine the kind of stomach up[set I began to have. I tried to plead and cajole them to reason with us, finally somebody had the brains to realize that she did not come out by herself, without permission.

Now i was really tensed outside, but not later than half an hour later, she emerged from the place with smiles. She had been inter4viewed by an older friendly CO. He took our tax papers, looked at the pictures, asked to see where I was carrying my son, why we had received an RFE( cos I had sent in an affidavit of marriage rather than the certificate). He also wanted to know when i visited last, and my wife was able to provide all the needed information. he told her congratulations and to come back on the 15th and pick up the passports.

Right now, I have booked our flights bakic to LA on the 20th. I am sorry I have not been able to update personally but it was because I had no immediate access to the Internert. I am grateful to Crystal-n-me, my very good friend, I called her husband and told him to relay the news to Crystal. So she can break the news to y'all.

I do believe that my wife also ran into Osakeme's husband, i am just able now to see that she pmed me his number, although I have not been able to get through to him. Thanks to everybody, to ZEE, Zainab, Crystal, Monagoz, One LOve, Chispas,Queeen Jenn, I just cant name everybody, but i am greatly indebted to you all. God has been marvelous.

Now to the journey of life, instead of visajourney. I sure will be around till the twilight of all our journeys.

Oooola-la ! What a story and the suspensful moment of trying to get back into the Embassy! I can just imagine the thoughts flashing through your head when your wife was not let back in the first time she tried. I wish you all the best and right and can imagine the family rejoicing during these times. Much Hugs and love to the family
chispasFemale02008-04-11 10:05:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanfinding spouses family
QUOTE (LovinLiberia @ Apr 14 2008, 09:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good idea about asking Omoba. She is originally from Germany and I am sure she will have tips on searching for people. By the way, I read over my first response and it seemed kind of intrusive. I apologize if I offended you.

You're a star_smile.gif
chispasFemale02008-04-14 11:36:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanfinding spouses family
QUOTE (rdsey @ Apr 13 2008, 04:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
my name is rashell its been along time since i been on here. I was wanting to know the best way to find out about my husbands family. We have been married 2 years and he still wont allow me to know anything about them, or talk with them on the phone. He is Nigerian but raised in Germany. His mum lives in Germany he has family in Lagos I tried to do a people search but turned up nothing. His family name is Okechukwu, and his fathers family name is Sey. Thank you, Rashell Sey

I want to commend you for taking the time to inquire about the information on your husband's family. A little bit of time upfront to find this out will benefit you much on the other side. To answer your questions, I have friends who are Nigerian and live in Germany so I can try to see what I can find. Omoba, may she be having a great time in Senegal, may be an additional resource.

Just a few additional questions that you may pm me if you are more comfortable answering them there. What part of Germany does he live? Did he arrive there as a student, etc.? Where is his family from in Nigeria and what is the name of the village? Anything you can provide (in a pm) will help. Did you get any familial information from him while filling out the documents for his VISA? It has to match what he tells you or you'll run into difficulties in trying to get him here.
chispasFemale02008-04-14 10:52:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAlready have a wife.......
QUOTE (LovinLiberia @ Apr 14 2008, 06:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm guessing she somehow accidentally posted in the wrong thread?

Naw... check the previous posts. They are equally headbonk.gif as this one wow.gif
chispasFemale02008-04-14 12:41:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAlready have a wife.......
QUOTE (Bassi and Zainab @ Apr 8 2008, 06:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Mags @ Apr 7 2008, 10:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (BESANGIN @ Apr 7 2008, 08:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

That's easier said than done. How is she going to get her hands on the document? If she is not there to give them a damn bribe then they are not just going to mail her a copy of their marriage certificate out of the kindness of their hearts. She has a better chance of letting the investigators here utilize the embassy investigators to get that info. Hell I don't know why they didn't send their nosey A$$E$ after Bin Laden, 'cause their CSI A$$E$ will do and uncover anything to keep Nigerians from getting visas, and they for sure would have found Bin Laden if they told them he was a Nigerian trying to get in the country fradulently. No offense to anyone but that is how they are trained. The consular officers are trained at the embassy in Nigeria because of it's high fraud rate.

It was just a thought. If the embassy investigators can do the job then that's great too. biggrin.gif She just has to make sure that she does fill them in on the fact that their marriage is more than likely not legal or valid.

The reality is that in Africa, many marraiges are not legally made. They are traditional marraige ceremonies. There isn't any huge benefit to marrying in the courts legally, so many just skip it altogether. So, he could be married but not what we in America would consider a legal marraige. It could just be a religious ceremony that binds a man and woman in matrimony that doesn't involve government entities at all.

True Dat,
chispasFemale02008-04-08 09:41:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAlready have a wife.......
Hugs to you at this moment cray5ol.gif Does his "wife" know that he married you to get to the United States? If she does know, then it may not do any good to get in contact with her. You may just hurt yourself by being lied to by more people.

Please be very careful, as others have suggested, if he is willing to go to this extent to get a green card he might not stop at anything to make sure his secret remains hidden. I would additionally suggest to remove your passports, birth-certificates and any legal documents you have from the house. Any and all personal information on you also needs to be protected as it can be quite easy to cause financial and personal damage. (I speak from experience on this) Please also make sure that you "safe" people to check on you and be around you more often during this time. At all cost be safe first and USCIS second.
chispasFemale02008-04-02 00:53:00