Africa: Sub-SaharanUpdate
Hi Girl,
Glad to know all is well and that you guys are looking at the long-term success of the relationship and family ties. Citibank is one bank that I know of that does transactions in some parts of Africa, but some branches may require that you maintain a very high balance. I've learned of some cases where the bank manaager takes the money away from you if you don't continue to put money in there so be watchful of that. With a bofa ATM card, you can put money in an account and send them the ATM card. Put just what amount they'll need, and they can withdraw the funds for the prices of the bank fee.

For the student VISA thing, go down to Chico's Internation student department and see what they say. The University may issue an I-20, but its up to the consulate to award the visa. So even if they are admitted into a school here, and you pay your portion of the tuition. The visa can still be denied in Nigeria.


chispasFemale02009-04-28 10:53:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMission/Work trip poll
QUOTE (WhidbeyGirl @ May 6 2009, 12:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chispas @ May 6 2009, 11:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Subbies,
I posted a poll at the following link. Can you guys help me out with this one?


I attempted to take poll but since I answered no to the first question none of the others applied to me so I didn't answer them and it didn't like that.

You on the reply portion, you can write in information you think would be applicable.
chispasFemale02009-05-06 14:40:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMission/Work trip poll
Hi Subbies,
I posted a poll at the following link. Can you guys help me out with this one?

chispasFemale02009-05-06 13:43:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVisa in hand at last
chispasFemale02009-05-04 23:06:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVisa not issued
I wonder if they jumped the gun on a portion on the application and are now back tracking before issuing the VISA? Normally once that passport is taken and the VISA is promised, it comes back with the stamp in it or is preceeded with some notification of their stance. Hope all goes well

chispasFemale02009-04-20 20:13:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVote for my husband!!
I voted and passed the link on to my relatives too.
chispasFemale02009-05-15 14:19:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanBeing real about marriage!!!
Glad read you girl. Stay blessed.
yes.gif yes.gif yes.gif
chispasFemale02008-01-31 23:18:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanBeing real about marriage!!!
QUOTE (Missy1 @ Dec 30 2007, 11:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This is a very interesting thread, I must confess! I have never posted any write-ups on VJ since this account is my fiance's though I have unrestricted access on it. In fact I read all the post here more than she do simply because I'm privileged to have an internet access in my home which is not a norm in many homes here in Nigeria.

1. MATURATIONAL LEVEL/READINESS OF YOUR HUSBAND/FIANCE(E): Many Nigerian guys are neither ready nor matured to get married. They propose to women online purely for the quest of leaving Nigeria to a place they call "land of opportunity". It will shock you to know that some Nigerians spend huge resources including their time to search for ladies online as their prey. This prey are popularly know as "mugu" or "maga". Majority of these ladies have some things in common: fat, over aged, divorced or widow(F.O.D.W). The believe is that ladies with such commonality are gullible. Don't get me wrong, your fiance/husband might have genuine intention about your relationship but i believe the motive behind him marrying you and also you saying yes to his proposal should be established. Furthermore, you are required to task the readiness of your man getting married to you and not necessarily getting married for the purpose of acquiring a Green card. Also the maturational level of your fiance(e)/husband to handle marital issues should be determined even before marriage. Here, chronological(actual) age does not measure marital maturational level. What you need to consider is your fiance(e)/husband's mental age, patience,perseverance and sensitivity.

I hope this post would be found useful and I stand to be corrected if you disagree with all or any part to the write-up. Thanks!!!

Hot Dang! I totally understood your perspective on this one. The F.O.D.W part I had heard before, but was not sure about. Great post
chispasFemale02007-12-31 12:41:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanBeing real about marriage!!!
Thanks for sharing your heart-felt personal experience. As women, you are brave for taking the risk and sharing this with us..
God bless and lots and lots of <<<hugs.>> heart.gif

Edited by chispas, 16 December 2007 - 10:57 PM.

chispasFemale02007-12-16 22:55:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanKeeping Track
QUOTE (DEECEE @ Dec 19 2007, 04:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ZeeNusah @ Dec 14 2007, 12:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Omoba @ Dec 14 2007, 11:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Has anyone heard from Deecee ?

I was just wondering about them.

IHe then said your lawyer put the petition together very well so I do think we will be calling you for seconday information, we just need the verification of the divorce. I said in my mind we didn't use a lawyer, we used visajourney.

That is a crying shame for you. Did they say the Nigerian consulate would verify the divorce. Sheesh it could sit there 4ever. Can you contact the consulate and let them know that the document is coming? Perhaps strike up rapport with someone there?
chispasFemale02007-12-19 14:05:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanDealing with family drama
Good questions with an unlimited amount of answers and scenarios. In this situation family can be your best support or the thing that tears you apart from your SO. From what I understand, you feel lack of support from your “family” members. Correct? If so, it is natural for family members to be concerned for you and your relationship with someone who lives in another country, down the street, around the corner or from another culture. I’d say they feel that way because they love you and feel apprehension with the unknown and whatever else they may or may not be able to control. That’s natural, I think. I’d encourage you to make strong ties with others who understand, have walked in your shoes or simply just support you in this stage in your life and will be there for you through all trials and tribulations. Sometimes it is best not to let those who are the closest to you, relatives, know everything that you are experiencing with your journey. I’m not saying to isolate yourself or deceive them in any way, but you need to surround yourself with people who are there for you without judgment either way. The expectation is that when your husband arrives, they’ll get the chance to know him and learn to accept him for who he is and your relationship for what it is. You’re building a life together for each other and everyone else around the both of you is the support/extended family. I didn’t tell many people in my family what I was doing during the VISA process because I wanted to be able to concentrate on our goal rather than the distractions of family and close friends who all had opinions. I tried to stick to the rule that only YOU know what you are living and nobody else. If he is a great husband, you’ll know. If he isn’t, you’ll know that too and no other opinion or interference is going to alter your truth. So be true to yourself and to each other.
chispasFemale02009-03-20 23:28:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanText Messages

huh? care to clarify?

That was my frown face that the texts were prefabricated.
chispasFemale02010-01-12 13:08:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanText Messages
chispasFemale02010-01-08 23:30:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanIt's SAD

He live in LA on Crenshaw for over 2 years.

K&L - I'm so sorry.

Does he want to return to LA because he knows people there or its the weather he likes? Perhaps when he saves up enough money both of you can visit LA where he used to live as a way for him to know that even though you are on an island, there are times when you can get away for a short vacation.
Hope all works out
chispasFemale02010-01-15 12:18:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVisa denied

Yes he had emails, IM's, phone records, letters, cards and all the pics we had together which were alot. The pics on here were some of the pics we had included. Were those bad pics? Nice meeting u.

LOL, Not bad pictures at all. Sorry I didn't expound on why I asked. I wondered if she thought the ring on his finger was a wedding ring and it prompted her to ask, in an indirect way, about getting married while you were there. They look at everything in the pictures and even who is in the background of the pictures with you and your SO. I hope all works out for both you pronto.
chispasFemale02010-01-08 23:40:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVisa denied
My name is Chispas and I used to be very active on VJ many mango seasons ago. I just wanted to express my understanding for your situation as I can't imagine what it must be like to be denied during the interview. I have't read any of your previous posts but I'd like to ask a question about the proof of a relationship that you submitted. By any chance did you show any of the pics you have on VJ to the interviewer or any in that series to them?
chispasFemale02010-01-08 17:39:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWifes letter to Obama gets man arrested

Me too Chispas... :blush:

The road to obtaining a green card and citizenship has so many twists turns and exceptions its mind boggling. Obama might need to set up a commission to sort out the amount of mail he receives either asking to help a loved one or to help save us from a loved one. Posted Image Shucks... he might then need a third box labeled " I've changed my mind" to handle the over-flow.Posted Image
chispasFemale02010-07-16 13:24:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWifes letter to Obama gets man arrested
I wonder if she is one of us on VJ?
chispasFemale02010-07-16 00:55:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanI'm Next
I just want to thank all in the VJ family for rallying around Boaz during these difficult times. We all came here, initially, to either get or share immigration issues while sponsoring a loved one. Through that long process, many of us relied only on each other to get through the pain of separation and the challenges presented by gathering the paperwork. When our SOs arrived, we still counted on each other to help navigate the cultural differences or simply to better understand our SOs struggles while they adjusted to life in America. To me, VJ is one of the few places I know where our friends really can feel our pain. Thank you VJ family for being supportive to Boaz during this difficult time and thanks for showering her with your prayers. Boaz, know that I'll gladly help you with anything you might need to help ease the pain while going through this new phase of life.
HugsPosted Image
chispasFemale02010-06-17 20:35:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3

Hey everyone! I used to post on occasion (under the name Aisha & Musa), but it's been a long while. I am still grateful to everyone on VJ for making the process easy for was great to have a place to go to feel comfortable. I live (and work) in an African community, so it wasn't really comfortable for me to tell people that I was sponsoring my husband because they all would have said that he was using me for papers. It's so common in the immigrant communities and has happened to a lot of my immigrant students as well. So, I felt like I could share in the stories here....even though I was busy completing a doctorate, pregnant, lost a child and got pregnant again through my journey. I didn't have much time to post, pretty much like now. I'm raising an incredibly bright and beautiful 20-month old without any family around or support from my ex-husband. He sees her two days a month, if that, and I use those days to catch up on work (like today :-)

My husband probably did use me, either for papers or just use me in general (he refused to get out even after I found out about his girlfriend -why not try to live for free as long as possible?!). He didn't want to work or do anything other than his music. So my story did not turn out great. I'm sure that he was cheating all along, but he settled on a European stripper (how cliché!) that could finance his shoe/clothing/electronic/rent needs (I'm thinking why doesn't she also pay his child support??). He hooked up with her 3 months after our child was born and started a full on relationship with her a few months later. He had another woman in our apartment while I went back to work, still suffering from severe birth complications (he wouldn't look for a job). He took yet another woman to a hotel while refusing to pay any money for our child's daycare, though he had $1,000 in a separate bank account. In any case, he's a bad guy, an irresponsible father and it is what it is. I am a solo parent and totally exhausted. I work 3 jobs to provide for us...Thankfully, I am divorced! In MD, adultery cases are fast-tracked. I'm trying to accept that these 20 hour days are indeed my life for many years to come.

But anyway, I just wanted to send a hello out to the VJ African community and say that I am happy for those of you who have succeeded and are happy and much support to those who had it a bit rougher. In any case, ALL of the stories were soothing to me. I especially appreciated those who told the truth, even when many did not want to hear it. It's great that you all are still maintaining a (virtual) community and that some of you have even met! Your positivity is infectious! Take care everyone and have a happy holiday season.

My best,


I remember you very well and I'm sorry to know that you've had challenges despite the tough journey you went through to sponsor your husband. Yes, it's a tough pill to swallow when a marriage doesn't turn out to be what we expected but as long as we are able to breath and live, we will come out victorious. Thanks for the bravery in sharing your story and double thanks for actually returning to post it. It's always great to hear from those who used to post a long long time ago. I often wonder how every one is doing so it was great to know that you came back and updated us. Lots of hugs
chispasFemale02010-10-31 19:04:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3

Hey Subbies

I hope everyone is doing well!

Removal of Conditions APPROVED.... No more USCIS for a while......YAY

Stay Blessed

Congrats to you and your husband. Don't forget us now!Posted Image
chispasFemale02010-07-22 18:15:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3

still around, but busy as all get out. and does anyone have velcro carpet i can put down to keep this boy of mine from crawling and walking around the house so fast? :blink:

Wait until he starts to drive!! You'll wish you could take him back to the good ole days of crawling around the house. LOL:devil:
chispasFemale02010-04-27 13:08:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3

Hellooooooooooooooooo! Anybody home? :unsure: Just wanted to see if anything new was happening. Have a great week.

Hello and Hola
Just passing through to see how everyone is doing. I'm in the Bay too Cheyemo. Glad to see you here.
Back from Brazil yet Charles? I just got back to the US myself and have to get readujsted to everything again.

Ciao todos
chispasFemale02010-04-20 11:25:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
Wow.... awesome
chispasFemale02010-01-26 17:19:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
Hola Forchika. Its been a while
chispasFemale02010-01-14 15:45:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
Hola Everyone.
Hi Charles. I was just thinking the other day that last year this time I was walking around like a zombie not knowing which way was up nor which way was down. Now a year later I can't believe that I no longer feel that wretched pain that hung around my neck like a noose. Whew
chispasFemale02010-01-11 12:22:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
I can't use FB at work, so most of the time I have to wait until I get home to check it. I can upload pics. from the cellphone, but that's about all I can do during the day. I do miss VJ though, perhaps just nostalgic or sick in the head, but I do miss it sometimes.
chispasFemale02010-01-08 16:06:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3

Hello Chis, Boaz, Charles, Idocare and Enlighten_one!
Hope your 2010 is a Blessed and Prosperous one.
Hello to everyone else that I missed and Happy 2010 to you all as well.

Hola Uno. Como estas? Things are a little slow right now so I'm taking full advantage of this to post. I miss the excitement of checking "crack VJ" to see what the updates for the day are. I'd love to one day have all the "oldies" like me post updates or have an online reunion of sorts. Who knows .....
chispasFemale02010-01-08 15:21:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
Good Morning Subbies and Happy New Year. I see there are new names in the forum and some old ones too. Heeeeeyyyyyyy Charles. (said with a drawl) I have some time on my hands so I'll be on and off the board just chatting.
chispasFemale02010-01-07 12:38:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
QUOTE (UNO... @ Nov 6 2009, 07:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (charles! @ Nov 6 2009, 12:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chispas @ Nov 5 2009, 12:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (charles! @ Nov 4 2009, 05:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chispas @ Nov 4 2009, 12:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Its now November of 2009 and the year is almost over. One year ago I was still fretting over the immigration process and now I can barely remember what I did to get here. So hello to all and hope all is going well.
Chispas star_smile.gif

hey long time no see! don't be a stranger!

Hey... Happy Samba and Lambada to you. How's the baby? I've graduated over to the side of VJ where those who have ended the journey go. Sort of a VJ over the hill thing. Gotta quick joke for you. The ex bro in law wants me to fill out a diversity visa application for him. blink.gif Ya... right...

a diversity visa, right! tell him to ask you again the first day of april.
baby boy is growing every day. here's a few pics from the baby thread in off topic that nessa posted of him:

and the one from nessa's signature.

he's a joy to have around, he's always in a good mood wub.gif

Charles, he is a beautiful baby! You and Nessa are truly blessed.
Between your wit and intelligence and Nessa's spit fire attitude, "watch out world!"
UNO rose.gif

He looks sooooooooo happy. Good job Ustedes. So when is sis coming? LOL
chispasFemale02009-11-07 19:06:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
QUOTE (charles! @ Nov 4 2009, 05:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chispas @ Nov 4 2009, 12:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Its now November of 2009 and the year is almost over. One year ago I was still fretting over the immigration process and now I can barely remember what I did to get here. So hello to all and hope all is going well.
Chispas star_smile.gif

hey long time no see! don't be a stranger!

Hey... Happy Samba and Lambada to you. How's the baby? I've graduated over to the side of VJ where those who have ended the journey go. Sort of a VJ over the hill thing. Gotta quick joke for you. The ex bro in law wants me to fill out a diversity visa application for him. blink.gif Ya... right...
chispasFemale02009-11-05 13:29:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
QUOTE (UNO... @ Nov 4 2009, 10:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chispas @ Nov 4 2009, 12:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Its now November of 2009 and the year is almost over. One year ago I was still fretting over the immigration process and now I can barely remember what I did to get here. So hello to all and hope all is going well.
Chispas star_smile.gif

Hola mamá grande que he echado de menos!
Espero y rezo para que todo ha funcionado para que usted y usted es victorioso en el nombre de Jesús ¡Amén!
UNO rose.gif

Gracias Uno. Estoy aqui trabajando como siembre y agradeciendo todo que me ofrece la vida. Ha pasado mucho tiempo y los hecho de menos.
chispasFemale02009-11-05 13:25:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
Its now November of 2009 and the year is almost over. One year ago I was still fretting over the immigration process and now I can barely remember what I did to get here. So hello to all and hope all is going well.
Chispas star_smile.gif
chispasFemale02009-11-04 13:32:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
Wow! Sorry for your loss. crying.gif
chispasFemale02009-05-24 19:57:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
Mornin' All. On my break so I'm checkin' in with everyone. Charles.... I read that!!! tsk tsk devil.gif
chispasFemale02009-05-06 13:14:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
QUOTE (Zee Bee @ May 4 2009, 10:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chispas @ May 4 2009, 01:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Mornin' Subbies
Another Monday and another week trying to guess if somebody will catch swine flu within the District.

I hope not ohmy.gif

Take care of yourself chispas, and remember good hand hygiene kicking.gif

I can't imagine what it must be like at the hospital for you guys either. Prior to this outbreak I didn't realize how much I put my own hands on my face and the fact that I was only washing my hands maybe twice a day while working. Yikes!
chispasFemale02009-05-05 23:19:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
Mornin' Subbies
Another Monday and another week trying to guess if somebody will catch swine flu within the District.
chispasFemale02009-05-04 12:26:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
QUOTE (forchika @ Apr 17 2009, 01:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Happy Friday kicking.gif ..... we will be celebrating 2 yr anniversary tomorrow heart.gif

Congrats. Time has flown by quickly. Wow

QUOTE (charles! @ Apr 18 2009, 05:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
finally back on vj with normal internet speed, someone exceeded the fair access policy uploading baby videos and got us cut down to slower than dialup ranting33va.gif

So what's his screen name? Let's vote on a name for him. What do you have in mind? LOL
chispasFemale02009-04-19 02:49:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
QUOTE (charles! @ Apr 16 2009, 03:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
good morning subbies. mom and baby are coming home today. kicking.gif

Oh Oh Charles. Now you've joined the ranks of those of us who've 18+ years of lack of sleep! <<<hugs>>>
chispasFemale02009-04-16 13:08:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
Hola Charles,
He looks adorable! No puffy baby face or anything. Good job both of you and may he pick his own screen name soon.
chispasFemale02009-04-16 00:52:00