Africa: Sub-Saharanjust saying hi to you all!
Welcome to the site. I don't know a lot about the UK immigration process, but the little I know about it tells me they might be a little more consistent than the US in their laws. The friends I have who went there seem to think that rules in the UK are clearer and more closely followed than the US. I'm not sure if this is true or not, but that was the opinion I got. At any rate, welcome
chispasFemale02008-12-10 17:43:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanthe wait is over
Congrats to you both!
chispasFemale02008-12-10 17:26:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWanna help me??
That's cool. Gonna check it out now. Hope you win
chispasFemale02008-12-02 21:37:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPlease Help!! Confused and Don't Know Where to Begin...
Hi lmnop123,
I hope you continue to read on even if you don't post your journey under this name again. I would like to encourage you however to not allow comments or questions to deter you from asking questions on Sub-Sah. It is painful at times when it feels as if someone has pissed on your happiness or questions your actions. But, I feel. I feel, not speaking for another person, that there still is much valuable information here on the board and you will have tons of support whether you fall and get up or just plain fall down in that ugly way where your feet shoot up from underneath your bod y as you defy gravitiy.

I also feel that there are posters who are genuinly concerned about story and want to help you with no malice intended towards you. If you are able to weed out the information you want and bypass the ones you don't want, it would be great. So please don't be a stranger on Sub-Sah and I wish you great happiness in your journey.
chispasFemale02008-08-01 17:56:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPlease Help!! Confused and Don't Know Where to Begin...
QUOTE (Boaz @ Jul 28 2008, 04:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OMG!!! I almost burned dinner trying to read this thread.

Imnop - I wish you the best in whatever you decide. You have been given lots of good advice. I hope that you receive it in love. luv.gif

Asante - girl you are a mess!!!!!!!!!! devil.gif rofl.gif devil.gif rofl.gif

Real quick, I am cracking up because my husband said - "Man! I was about to get excited because my wife is home, and she cooked dinner. Now the house is smelling! What did you burn? What happened?" The honest answer?!?!? I was on VJ.

OK. Sorry. Off-Topic2.gif

I was supposed to have breakfast this morning with a friend and I canceled so I could finish reading the thread.

IMNOP- I don't have anything else to add that has not been already added. I think you have been given sound advice and lots of other ideas on which visa to file. I would just like to add the good.gif for the K-1. I did notice that you mentioned Benin a lot. Is your fiancé from Benin or Nigeria? I have a friend who lives in Germany now, but was born in Benin. He ended up having to get information from both countries in order to get his VISA to Germany because he was still considered a "Beninian". Also, in Benin they speak French so if you get documents from there they'll have to be translated into English etc. Lastly, he'd you get the investigator? Lastly, hang on for the ride there are lots of us on this visa roller coaster. I'm sitting in the back of the wagon right now while others are in the front section. Nonetheless we are all on the same roller coaster ride screaming our heads off on every wild turn. Welcome
chispasFemale02008-07-29 12:04:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPlease Help!! Confused and Don't Know Where to Begin...
QUOTE (angelic @ Jul 28 2008, 01:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

when she got to U.S. i went thru hell, she called the cops on me twice, i was thrown out of my house by the cops for a month, court case after court case

all kind of stuffs that is absolutely appalling, due to ignorance deception, new culture. if i continue to write it will just be too much. The perfect testimony is we had a baby girl in between us and we are going through counselling at the moment to fix the marriage.

the principles i'm trying to pass across is use your intiuition very well, never compromise in issues that will jeopardise your future.

principles to use

make sure he can grow in himself without you. you can only influence him ( you can a horse to the stream, you cannot put the water in his or her mouth

if you notice anything that is essential to be a man, that is lacking let him know, what his he doing to fix it and how.(monitor)
keep this at the back of your mind, it is a different ball game when you are outside of U.S. to somebody living in U.S. Getting to U.S. is one thing, being able to live in U.S. is another

know for sure pple change as soon as their circumstances and situation change (good or Bad)

patience is important, persevere,paying the price, commitment are essential they may not approve his petition on time.

if for example he said " i need to improve my career during yr discussing, he said i will enrol in a computer school, the basis of your evalutation is to find out if he enrolled, going for lectures, grades. (you are checking for consistency between word of mouth and action they must corrolate) don't be tempted to do we ehat he should be able to do on his own, the reason his (in his mind he will think since you did this for me before, u obligated to do forever( THIS NIGERIAN MENTALITY, AS SOON AS I GET TO AMERICA ALL MY PROBLEM WILL BE OVER! BUT YOU KNOW AMERICA IS JUST A LAND OF FEW OPPORTUNITIES, YOU NEED TO MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICES TO KNOW WHICH ONE IS TRUE AND WHICH ONE IS FALSE.

Try as much as possible to use your intuition and don't violate it if things are not consistent within the character structure of your friend. take care and God bless u

Wow Angelic. I think you did a fine job with your suggestions and from a man's point of view is always refreshing to hear. You may want to save this and repost some of your suggestions at a future time. I like the way you showed cause and direct effect for each action. Well done brother well done.

QUOTE (lovin_famo @ Jul 29 2008, 06:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good morning,

Your a natural survivor, any trials set before you, you tackle head on. i feel confident in saying no matter the outcome, you will be okay. Thannks for your openness, bluntness, overall, telling it like it is.


chispasFemale02008-07-29 11:52:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHusband Granted Visa
Hola Missy Jib
Congrats congrats congrats. I can just imagine the excitement you must be feeling knowing that soon you will be reunited. As with the old tradition of VJ Subbies, I wish you lots of laundry to wash when he arrives. innocent.gif
chispasFemale02008-12-10 17:24:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanI'm leaving next Tuesday!
I can sense the excitement in your "voice" ! Enjoy your reunion and soak up every minute of this time together.
chispasFemale02008-12-11 23:09:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanKangol hats
Just wore one to school last Thursday. It was drizzly and I didn't want to ruin my fro thing. Samuel Jackson wears them a lot and I love to see men wear them.
chispasFemale02008-12-20 15:45:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNew VJ Community Member
Welcome and my the journey for you, your daughter and you SO be smooth
chispasFemale02008-12-22 12:43:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanman told to bring in old passport
Any updates on this?
chispasFemale02008-12-26 16:28:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanman told to bring in old passport
It would be nice if you could post your profile for us . Perhaps someone else is at the same and circumstances as you and they can benefit from it.
chispasFemale02008-12-11 23:14:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanman told to bring in old passport
There are so many reasons one can be told to bring an old passport to the Embassy. How they knew he had two passports is anyone's guess, but I would comply with the request and not try to go around it at all. Perhaps they need to check the stamps in the passport against places listed on the application or they simply want to very something. If he has not done anything wrong nor has he misrepresented his travels, then he is fine. Just take it.
Good luck
chispasFemale02008-12-11 13:57:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanOn Flight Home!
Well Mrs. Jib... Enjoy enjoy enjoy. Take lots of pictures of him playing in the snow cuz you'll look back at these first days and laugh about them. Also enjoy your Christmas girl. You've waited a long time for this to come through.
chispasFemale02008-12-20 15:42:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWhat's next? Married 2 years I129 interview visa denial
QUOTE (Afrilaskan Queen @ Dec 28 2008, 11:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow, they know you have a real relationship but because of a typo you are awaiting a waiver. How long a wait are you talking? That must have been heart breaking, you sound resolute though and confident. I feel resolute we'll be together I just wish someone could say a date for anything, the sitting and waiting is painful. You know I too am white. I never thought of it as an issue, it was an nuetral party that thought it could have been an issue in our denial. It's pretty speculatory but I was just curious what you thought.

Hello Afrilaskan. (I like the name you chose) I can see from your post that you are really trying to make sense of a nonsense denial. I can tell you that even if USCIS gives you a reason for their choices, one is never 100% sure if it really is what they say. One thing I'd tell you, is that they do look at a bunch of factors in making their decision and not just one. Please, don't feel that your race alone is enough for a denial as they are used to working with a myriad of races when it comes to immigration. To me the "lack of proof of a relationship" is a bottomless pit that they ask you to fill in the hopes you fill it with the one thing they're looking for. Who knows what that one thing might be?

You did well in working with your Senator and attorney and perhaps if you posted your time line or story, some one here could identify with something and help you through that sticky portion. As for the name you chose, I'm thinking that you might be in Alaska. If you are, please let us know how he reacts to the whether once he reaches here. innocent.gif
Hugs to ya

chispasFemale02008-12-28 14:51:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMy Experience in the States
Hello All,
As the days go by, I ask where has Boye gone? Boye, if you still have an account here on VJ, It'll help to post your timeline.

chispasFemale02008-12-30 02:01:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMy Experience in the States
Sorry to hear of your trials. May all go well for you from here and out. Is your SO on VJ?
chispasFemale02008-12-22 13:01:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanhi there
QUOTE (babynursetobe @ Dec 29 2008, 12:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chispas @ Dec 29 2008, 03:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
More than Yum. Make sure when he comes, he stocks up with all of the yummy spices and brings them with him.

are they able to bring those through customs without a problem??

Yes, Food that is cooked is easier to bring through customs if it is meat products etc. I know people who have brought dried fish, lentils, those spicy powders, any food wrapped in banana or cassava leaves. Raw meat is a no-no. I brought back several dry leaves with me, something called baton du manioc, several concentrated soups, pepper, pumpkin seeds ............. I had to leave them in the garage until I found containers in which to seal the items, but I had not issues with those. However, leaving I was asked if I had wood carvings, which I didn't, and that's all they checked in my luggage in Africa. In the United States I walked through customs in S.F. and nobody opened anything that I had. My SO did go through customs in NY, but nothing was questioned.
chispasFemale02008-12-29 15:32:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanhi there
More than Yum. Make sure when he comes, he stocks up with all of the yummy spices and brings them with him.
chispasFemale02008-12-29 15:03:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanI neeed Help what to DO?
chispasFemale02009-01-10 17:43:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanFiance information-Please HELP
Hi Att.
I'd leave all as it is. If he went through school and everything else, I'd leave it alone. I know several people whose actual birthdates differs from their ID and they have not changed anything at all. Actually, the only one who knows for sure is passed on so there's no verification on that either.
Better to have all match up wrong than to have a "right" thing seem like he is trying to get away with something.

chispasFemale02009-01-21 16:42:00
May he grow up to be extremely successful, perhaps president of the US. Aquarius is a good sign to be born under, cough cough.
\ yes.gif
chispasFemale02009-02-11 13:53:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanBest of Nollywood
On a drive by posting here while one break. I liked the Ghanian movie (Beyonce the president's daughter) (Mama G goes to America) (Widow) (Angelica) to name a few
chispasFemale02009-02-05 14:20:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanLaptop power cord while in Africa
QUOTE (a&o @ Feb 10 2009, 05:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you want to make the adapter last (and the computer power supply), I would recommend a voltage regulator. I worked in IT in Ghana for a long time and computers have a short life if they are subjected to the ups and downs of the's just not as steady there (in Ghana, anyway, and I would assume other parts of West Africa). All the internet cafes and offices use them to protect their machines, plus heavy duty surge protectors. All of this equipment was readily available in Accra and not too expensive.

This is what was recommended when I went to Africa for the same reason.
chispasFemale02009-02-10 13:48:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMarried to a Nigerian and still together?
QUOTE (NigerLA @ Dec 31 2008, 07:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My wife and I have been married now for almost four years and it has been like any marriage. We've had great moments, terrible moments and trying times. Looking at everything in comprehensively, I still love my wife and would not trade her for any other woman.

The truth is that we are all different in our own way; Americans, Nigerians or wherever you are from. Nationality does in no way determine success in marriage. At the end of the day, we put all things in God's hands.

Happy New Year to everyone and may 2009 be a blessed, healthy and prosperous one for you and your families. smile.gif

Always great to hear from the guys in the forum. Thanks and Happy New Year
chispasFemale02008-12-31 13:24:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMarried to a Nigerian and still together?
Check with Zee. She started a Yahoo group, not sure if its what you're looking for, it might help some. There're too many old members who no longer come to the board, so its hard to tell who is married and who is not. I'm taking the position that yours will work out well so no worries. kicking.gif Marriage is marriage and there are hurdles, Nigerian or otherwise, so we'll pray for a healthy marriage for you. Take care
chispasFemale02008-12-28 15:32:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanGreat News
Congrats. At this point I'm sure you've already prepared everything for him to take with him. I think your presence there and making sure he is able to answer all their questions truthfully will be sufficient.
Have a great trip
chispasFemale02009-03-02 15:24:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanJust wanted to say hi :)
That was great to read. The way you say you husband has joined into your family, definitely shows that he is used to being part of a family and is your family. good.gif
chispasFemale02009-02-21 11:59:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanJust Wondering
Much success with the interview
chispasFemale02009-03-11 14:56:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHi Everyone!!!
Thanks for the update Moon. The magic word in your whole testimony is Jehova and to me that is key. Congrats
chispasFemale02009-03-11 14:55:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanTravel plans CHANGED
QUOTE (WhidbeyGirl @ Mar 1 2009, 09:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chispas @ Feb 28 2009, 09:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (WhidbeyGirl @ Feb 28 2009, 01:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am so excited!!!! I had to go get a tanning package today, I can squeeze in 8 sessions before I leave. Also bumped my haircut/color/highlight appointment up to the night before I leave. SO called me late last night and said, "I don't know if coming so soon will work, I don't have much money." Told him "Too late, ticket has already been purchased - we'll be fine I ALWAYS over budget for things so everything will work out." We may have to stay in a less expensive place but that is totally fine with me.

Have a great trip and enjoy yourself while there. Perhaps you could stay with his family some of those nights and really save money. I'm sure they'll appreciate any food or stuff you buy for them while there. It'll beat the price of a hotel any day. good.gif

Unfortunately his family lives in Lagos. He has a few friends in Dakar we might stay a night or two with them, but we would really rather be alone wink.gif.

It would be nice if you could meet his family, it sort of solidifies the relationship in their eyes. Also, those types of questions are the kinds that interviewers may ask when he goes for the interview.
chispasFemale02009-03-11 14:59:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanTravel plans CHANGED
QUOTE (WhidbeyGirl @ Feb 28 2009, 01:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am so excited!!!! I had to go get a tanning package today, I can squeeze in 8 sessions before I leave. Also bumped my haircut/color/highlight appointment up to the night before I leave. SO called me late last night and said, "I don't know if coming so soon will work, I don't have much money." Told him "Too late, ticket has already been purchased - we'll be fine I ALWAYS over budget for things so everything will work out." We may have to stay in a less expensive place but that is totally fine with me.

Have a great trip and enjoy yourself while there. Perhaps you could stay with his family some of those nights and really save money. I'm sure they'll appreciate any food or stuff you buy for them while there. It'll beat the price of a hotel any day. good.gif
chispasFemale02009-03-01 00:54:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanpolice certificates for all places lived since 16
I had to do the same thing, and went from country to country obtaining the certificates. Whichever countries he lists on the application as having been, he'll need a certificate from there if he had been there from age 16 forward. So if he left Nigeria and went to Senegal at age 16.5 he'll also need a certificate from Nigeria too.
chispasFemale02009-03-18 13:05:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMS and Immigration
Hi All,
I was watching the Oprah Winfrey show online and was struck by the video I'm attaching of Montel Williams. While going through the whole immigration debacle I put my health status on hold, in my head, and focused on that green card and the trials it brought. I'm sharing this video and information for all and any subbies who've had to health issues and struggle with the immigration process. I gave up my health insurance to join my SO's and right now can't get back on mine even though he is on his own way to living his American dream. Well, this video kind of brought my focus back to where I should have had it and all along. I hope those of you with physical or financial issues can benefit from my wake up call. Ciao

chispasFemale02009-03-18 12:55:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHubby on his way to U.S. now
I'm just now reading this thread and wishing you a belated congrats.
chispasFemale02009-04-10 22:53:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanIs it possible Bamako embassy doesn't process K-1?
QUOTE (Haole @ Apr 11 2009, 08:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tamirpcv @ Apr 10 2009, 01:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Someone just told me that the Bamako Mali embassy doesn't conduct interviews and medical exams. They said my SO will have to go all the way to Dakar to get it done? Could this possibly be true? What if he doesn't have a way to get all the way to Dakar? Plus if it is true, can he possibly get it done in Ouagadougou? It would be an easier option that Dakar.

I haven't even sent my docs out and I'm already freaking out.

He will find a way to get to Dakar if it means getting a "ride" to the US!

Sorry Haole,
I didn't get what you meant.
chispasFemale02009-04-19 02:45:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanRegistry Wedding In Lagos, Nigeria
QUOTE (IamGodsProperty @ Apr 21 2009, 11:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (idocare @ Apr 20 2009, 03:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Welcome to the boards Natalie!!!

What tribe is your fiancee from? I'm African American also and I already went thru bringing a man from Nigeria to America. Please feel free to PM me with any question you might have. My ex-husband is from the Igbo tribe; I'll be happy to share any information I can.

What does it matter what tribe he's from? Washington does'nt ask about tribes unsure.gif

I don't think she intended to imply that Washington cared what his tribe is from. I understood it to be more of a personal/ cultural/ getting to know you question.

Edited by chispas, 21 April 2009 - 02:16 PM.

chispasFemale02009-04-21 14:15:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanCan someone explain this to me???
I filled out the 1864 for the K-1 for my then SO which the consulate asked for. He didn't have an AOS interview and I don't know if that had anything to do with it being taken prior.
chispasFemale02009-04-22 12:31:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSupport Group
QUOTE (Bassi and Zainab @ Dec 17 2008, 08:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm so there. I think I may have the tears under control. Sweetie shoveled this morning, warmed up the car and made me tea. I think he's apologizing again. I love my sweet pookie bear! (today)


Anyone who's prepared to be supportive and share is welcome.

Hugs Zee, Many Hugs
chispasFemale02008-12-19 12:35:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanUpdate
Hi Girl,
Glad to know all is well and that you guys are looking at the long-term success of the relationship and family ties. Citibank is one bank that I know of that does transactions in some parts of Africa, but some branches may require that you maintain a very high balance. I've learned of some cases where the bank manaager takes the money away from you if you don't continue to put money in there so be watchful of that. With a bofa ATM card, you can put money in an account and send them the ATM card. Put just what amount they'll need, and they can withdraw the funds for the prices of the bank fee.

For the student VISA thing, go down to Chico's Internation student department and see what they say. The University may issue an I-20, but its up to the consulate to award the visa. So even if they are admitted into a school here, and you pay your portion of the tuition. The visa can still be denied in Nigeria.


chispasFemale02009-04-28 10:53:00