IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-260?

going through montreal got a checklist to do the ds230 though we already did ds260? called to ask a csr and the guy said we were in eligible to do the ds260 since we did not enroll in EP and had to do a ds230, weve already submitted our documents via snail mail, im slightly confused?

edit: lol was waiting on hold for a different csr, the lady knew more of what i was trying to say and basically said same thing as another member, just wait a couple weeks and call again basically just waiting for them to review the ds260 and what not, phew was freaking out for no reason. lol

NVC seems to frequently send out checklists asking for the DS-230. They do this before checking to see if the person has already sent in the DS-230/DS-260. Everyone on VJ is just too fast for NVC :P
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-01-28 19:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-260?

Saylin to further prove what I was saying about EP and the DS260 stream lining the process, both myself and Heather and Matt got our interview dates in less than 24 hours from NVC completion.

Wow! I can't believe you already have an interview date! Plus it's not 5 months anymore. That's amazing.

I read your explanation above, and it makes sense now to me. I knew the DS-260 is electronic, but what I didn't consider was that there is less mail being sent to the Montreal Embassy. Thanks for clearing that part up for me.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-01-07 20:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-260?

Again to further Clarify. The DS260 is separate from the DS230 do not consider them one in the same. The DS260 is a necessary electronic document they are using to speedball the process of getting the documents to the Montreal Embassy. The DS260 is than electronically forwarded to the embassy ahead of all the paper work that is snail mailed. This way they are able to dish out Interview dates at a faster space and clear up some of this backlog. Regardless of what type of Visa you are doing when going through the Montreal Embassy you will have to fill out the DS260 form it is now mandatory. DS230 is a separate form and should not be considered in tandem with the DS260. Once you distinguish them as separate it is easy to understand.

How does the DS-260 help the Montreal embassy assign interviews faster if there's still the same amount of applicants, whether it's the DS-230 or the DS-260? *confused*
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-01-07 12:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-260?

Yes as all know we did EP.

We filled out ds230 sent it in and completed all paper work. They later sent us a checklist to fill out the DS260. We were told by a supervisor the DS260 is mandatory now for all applications going to Montreal Embassy. No matter what kind of processing you do with NVC you will have to fill out the DS260 before your actual case is sent to the Montreal office.

So the final say is, the DS260 is mandatory for anyone doing a CR1 type visa going to Montreal Embassy.

But that's weird since Heather&Matt filled out the DS-260 originally, but were then told to fill out the DS-230. And there's another VJ user I know of, phel, that just got a case complete by doing the DS-230.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-01-06 12:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-260?

Update about DS-260: we did not do Electronic Processing and we filled out the DS-230. They sent us a RFE (checklist) to fill out the DS-230, so it delayed our NVC process.

According to another VJer, they did EP and scanned the DS-230 as required as they weren't told anything different by NVC. After some time, they received a checklist to fill out the DS-260.

So I guess there is mixed messages about this form. My suggestion is that you contact NVC to make sure what form you should be filling out, making sure you specify if you are doing EP or not.

After filling out both forms...the DS-260 was much easier to complete even though there are a ton of security questions.

For the DS-230, I had to try and compile a list of visits to the USA. As my husband and I live 30 min from each other, it is near impossible to list EVERY visit to the US...considering I cross about 2-3 times a week to see him and have done so for 5 years (not to mention all the other trips to the US before we started our relationship).
There were no issues with the list I made of 6 months of visits, and included our situation and how it was impossible for me to list EVERY visit. The DS-260 was much easier with only listing the last 5 visits made.

You mean you filled out the DS-260 originally, right? Not the DS-230...
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-01-05 14:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-260?

It was like 20 or so pages, but some were pretty quick, others took a while. I'd already filled out a DS-230 on paper, so it took me an hour to find the additional information I needed for the DS-260 and fill it out.

Thanks again with the additional info. I already have the DS-230 filled out, so it shouldn't be that hard or long to fill out the DS-260.
SaylinFemaleCanada2010-12-23 14:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-260?

And I'm the petitioner, just so it's clear. My wife planned the wedding and I get to do the immigration paperwork. I think I still got the good side of the deal :lol: . I got a letter from the NVC, but she hasn't received anything in Canada yet.

Thanks for everything. There definitely do appear to be a few differences between the DS-230 and the DS-260. You mentioned it wasn't really 72 pages long, it's just showing possible questions depending how you answer. When you filled it out, do you remember how many pages it was for you? I'd like to just get a rough estimate. And how long did it take to fill out?

And you're right, the instructions don't say anything about sending in the I-864 and DS-230 civil docs by PDF, but rather say "mail". So it does appear you did the right thing by mailing in your I-864 package.

I'm the beneficiary, and I've taken over all this immigration stuff. I let my husband do his job and earn money, I spend my day on VisaJourney doing my "job" (aka learning all I can). :)

Again, thank you. Any other info you think would be helpful, I'm more than happy to hear!
SaylinFemaleCanada2010-12-22 23:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-260?

I'm basically between steps 6 and 7 right now. I sent the I-864 via express snail mail. My plan was also to snail mail the birth certificate, marriage certificate, etc. Maybe I was assuming too much, but based on the way the instructions are worded, I didn't think they want you sending PDFs like you used to do for the old electronic processing stuff. But, I realized that was a total assumption on my part. I never actually confirmed it with an agent at NVC.

One thing to note is that the DS-260 asks for some info that wasn't required on the DS-230. I'm going to put up a separate reply with that info.

Now I'm wondering... how can I check to see if the I-864 was received and processed.... Hopefully I did the right thing.

Anyone else out there been through the DS-260 process yet? Did you do snail mail or email for the supporting documents?

Thanks for replying.

To know if they got your I-864, you can call them up to see if they received it. And while you're talking with them, I'd ask if what you did was right or not.

And you mention instructions that you got, would you be able to copy and paste the instructions here? I'd like to give it a read while I'm waiting for the NVC stage.

I'll await your next reply with the added info on the DS-260.

Thanks a lot for all this information, it's really helping me understand this different process.
SaylinFemaleCanada2010-12-22 21:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-260?

I posted this on that other thread too, but for the benefit of people finding out they should fill out the DS-260 (like everyone in Canada filing for an IR-1/CR-1), when you call the NVC to get your invoice ID number, make sure to also ask for your beneficiary ID number. You'll need the beneficiary ID to be able to fill out the DS-261 (online choice of agent form).

I haven't reached NVC yet, so I have a few questions on this DS-260 business and hope you can answer. With this DS-261 (CoA form), you fill it out online and submit it, correct? There's now no need to opt in for EP and attach a DS-3032?

If that's correct, would this be the track to get through NVC?:

1-NVC receives case
2-Call up and give email addresses, ask for IIN and beneficiary ID
3-Submit DS-261
4-Pay AoS bill when it appears
5-When shown as PAID, submit the I-864 package as a PDF to NVCelectronic email
6-Pay IV bill when it appears
7-When shown as PAID, submit the DS-260 online form and submit the DS-230 docs as a PDF to NVCelectronic email
8-Wait for case complete

Am I understanding that correctly?
SaylinFemaleCanada2010-12-22 11:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-260?

so how do you know whether you're required to do the DS-260 form? We mailed our AOS and IV packages this past week and then today I went online to here: and found that a DS-260 had been generated for me (the beneficiary). What do I do? My husband has already mailed all our original documents to Portsmouth!

Yeah, I saw in another thread http://www.visajourn...-beneficiaries/ that it appears to be mandatory now. I'd call up an operator tomorrow and explain your situation to them and ask what to do.
SaylinFemaleCanada2010-12-21 22:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-260?
As far as I know, EP and the DS-260/DS-261 are two different paths, so the wiki that Darnell did won't help.

For EP, you fill out the DS-230 and scan it and attach it as an email. You do the same with the I-864.

The DS-260 on the other hand is a form filled out online. No scanning and emailing things. I know of one person who has done the DS-261 and DS-260 route: Heather&Matt. After you fill out the DS-260 online, you still have to send in the supporting documents (such as birth certificate, marriage certificate, PCC, etc.). And you would still have to mail the I-864 like normal.

IMO, it would be faster not to do the DS-260 route since you can't pre-fill out the form like you can with the DS-230. If you do the DS-230 beforehand, as soon as the IV appears as PAID, you print out the barcode sheet and can mail the package off right away, but with the DS-260, you'd have to go through all the pages and fill them out and then send in the IV package.

Hope this clears things up a bit about the new online form.

Edited by Saylin, 12 November 2010 - 11:36 PM.

SaylinFemaleCanada2010-11-12 23:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow long i could wait before leaving after geting CR1 visa

hey Saylin, happy to hear from you, i was looking for your news, just to know how you are doing since your last post about you and..... i have to tell you that you have been so helpful to me on this website i follow the april nvc filler that you created and other good advices from you, humm thanks again. ok about the visa it will expire on january 2013 so i think i have time.

If your visa expires in January, then leaving in August should be no problem whatsoever Posted Image

And I've been doing good ;)
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-07-20 10:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow long i could wait before leaving after geting CR1 visa

i pick up my passport stamped with CR1 visa today and the big yellow envelope. i want to know if there is a deadline or a timeframe because of medical. i want to stay one more month here to complete my contract and to leave on august 20th. thanks

As long as you leave by the expiration on the visa, you're fine. Some people do stay longer due to work or other obligations and have no problems. Typically, the visa is good for 6 months, but check with your own visa to be sure.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-07-19 19:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Case Completed

How do you know the embassy has received your case from NVC, I have the date that NVC sent out the case but have not received anything that the embassy has it.

For IR-1/CR-1 visa applicants, you don't receive any correspondence from the consulate/embassy. The last piece of correspondence you receive is from NVC with your interview date. (And maybe something from the courier service about your visa after an approved interview).
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-07-21 22:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC help needed please
Moved from K1 thread to IR-1/CR-1 thread as OP is filing for an IR-1/CR-1 visa.

I know this may be a silly question, but I haven't been able to find a clear answer so I will ask anyway. Now that we have our NOA2 and our case is being sent to NVC. I'm curious how NVC will send it's correspondence. My NOA2 letter states that the NVC will contact my foreign spouse and I'm wondering how they will make contact with him. Your help is greatly appreciated!!

If you wantNVC to send all correspondence to you and your wife by email, then as soon as a case number is assigned (find out by calling NVC), give over to the operator both of your email addresses. If you don't do this, then correspondence will be sent by mail, which can take many weeks to receive.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-07-24 10:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Clearance Certificate Question

Our I-130 got approved and we are getting the required documents together required for NVC. My wife studied and lived in the US for a few years before we got married last year. She is now currently in India as her work visa expired. Does she need a Police Clearance Certificate from the US because she resided in the US for more than 6 months? Did anyone face such a situation? We don't know if they require it but just want to be prepared.

Nope, no US police certificate is needed. They can do their own background checks.

This same situation applied to me. I lived and went to high school for two years in Florida. No police certificate needed.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-05-01 11:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInstructional Package

I was looking at the timeline and one of the inscription says received instruction package. Please can someone explain what that means. What is the difference between that and packet 3 and packet 4?

The instructional package is referring to the DS-230 package that is received from NVC.

Packet 3 and 4 are for K1 visas. In essence (if you're curious):

Packet 3: similar to the AOS and IV packages submitted to NVC, but theirs are combined in one package, with different forms, and sent directly to the consulate/embassy.
Packet 4: interview letter

Technically, IR-1/CR-1 visa applicants receive packet 4, but we just call it the interview letter package.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-05-02 10:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhen to expect interview notification from NVC

Dear VJ members. I just want to know how long does NVC usually take to send an interview date confirmation. I know it first schedules the interview with the country's consulate which depends on the consulate's load. But is it true that we have to followup and remind NVC and even call DOS for scheduling the interview date.

You don't need to follow up or remind anyone. Your interview date will be scheduled once the consulate/embassy has room. NVC will then assign it, and generate an interview letter package for you.

The time frame for this will always vary by country. I suggest you study other people's timelines going for the same visa and through the same country. You can then get a very good idea of what the average time frame is.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-05-02 08:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuick DS-230 Question

Dear all, I would greatly appreciate your help!

I need a clarification with regard to question 29 of the DS-230 (part 1) form. I have two children from my previous marriage (21 and 16) who are US citizen and live in US permanently. I live in Moscow and plan to immigrate to USA together with my current family (wife and two kids). As my US children are US citizen and do not need visa I have not included them in the initial DV lottery application. Should I include them along with my Moscow children under bullet 29 in the DS-230 form? I am tempting to include as it is required to indicate ALL Children.

Please clarify.

Question 29 isn't referring to just children who are immigrating, it's just asking for information of ALL children, whether immigrating or not.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-05-03 08:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuick DS-230 Question

Hello everyone, I have a really quick question about the form DS-230. On Part 1 of the DS-230 question 31a it asks:

31a. Person named in 14 and 29 who will accompany you to the United States now.

Questions 14 is the USC/LPR and question 29 is the children. I wanted to know if you write down that the USC/LPR and child(ren) will be accompaning the beneficiary on the trip here if in fact they get their visa, if the USC/LPR can not make it to accompany them at the time they get it can someone else go instead? I have already sent it in but when they get their visa do they have to mention that someone else will pick them up or do they just want to know that someone will bring them in? This question has been bothering me because I know someone that petitioned for her husband and her husband wanted to come to the US alone, at that time, but they told him he can not travel unless his wife is with him.

Has that happened to anyone?

Question 31a is referring to people who will be IMMIGRATING (on a visa) to the US with them, not just simply travelling with them back to the US.

And I don't know where you read that you can't travel alone. MANY people do. I was one of them. My husband stayed at home while I crossed the border and drove across the US. Had zero problems at the border.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-04-22 10:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOPTIN EMAIL

HA!! You JUST beat me to it, Saylin!! I was trying to recruit another follower for Guru Saylin's NVC filers topic! :lol:

Bluebell, I highly recommend reading Saylin's wiki for Montreal Beneficiaries. I even printed it out and have highlighted sections as well. It's been incredibly helpful. :yes:

Sorry for beating you to it :P And thanks for recruiting ;) Posted Image
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-05-03 22:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOPTIN EMAIL

My husband and I got our NVC case number and all that today. We sent the OPTIN email and got a response (not the automatic one) saying they're received it from us.

I didn't send the DS-3032 ... Do I have to email it to them? Or is this the same thing? I've been reading the NVC guide for Montreal but can't find the info on the ds-3032

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

For Canadians, we submit the DS-261 online, not the DS-3032. Have you read my wiki?
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-05-03 22:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDidn't write down my birthdate on the form (split topic)

Thanks for the reply. I'm hoping it will be just fine and papers won't go back since it got away from the USCIS without an RFE.

The papers will definitely not be returned to USCIS. You'll just need to send in proof of the actual birth date.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-05-05 08:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDidn't write down my birthdate on the form (split topic)

Hi, I didn't receive an RFE but here goes my problem:

I overlooked my birthday on the I-130 form that we sent, it's July 1st on the paper but it should be July 11. Will I ever bump to some problems(i hope not)? How can I correct it now that my papers are now in the NVC.

You'll probably have to email them a copy of your birth certificate or passport to prove your birthdate. As soon as you have a case number, ask an operator what you should do to correct it.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-05-03 15:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC: Waiting for Case Number

Thanks 'Saylin' you are probably right, bcos I just got off the phone with NVC and was told to check back between May 14th - May 29th, but trust me I will be calling twice every day.

But I noticed some people have been so lucky with the transition from the service centers to NVC and when they actually get their case #s. According to research and most people's post they usually take less time, than they do now.

I just have to keep praying and calling, I really want my husband here b4 our 1st anniversary which is next month - June. :( :unsure:

Unfortunately, since it's now taking 4+ weeks to get a case number, you probably won't get yours for another 2 weeks. This time frame is always fluctuating so there will be people who got their case number in a week, others a month or more. It always varies.

Because of this backlog, and the usual one or two months to pay bills and send documents, you probably won't be done with NVC until June. And I don't know the time frame for Nigeria, but I'm guessing it's at least 2 months from case complete to interview (average time frame), so you probably won't get your interview until around August.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-05-04 19:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC: Waiting for Case Number

Hello All,

I am new here and this is my 1st post, please I need your help.

I am a USC, my husband is a Nigerian, but resides in Malaysia, so we are going through the Kuala Lumpur Consulate.

I am now at the NVC stage. I called NVC several times and finally got a positive response on the 30th April 2012, I was told NVC has received my Case from the California Service Center CSC, But they do not have a Case number for me yet. It hasn't been keyed into their system.

How long does it take to get a Case number?

How long will it take me to get the fee bills ans submit my documents?

Mailed I-130 Package - 10th Nov. 2011
USCIS Received Package and my Priority Date is - 14th Nov. 2011
Notice Date: 16th Nov. 2011
NOA2 - 14th April 2012 (exactly 5months)
NVC received case - April 30th 2012

You've probably got about another 2 weeks before getting a case number. It's currently taking about 4+ weeks to get one assigned from NOA2 date. Check out my spreadsheet (linked in my signature below) to see others' timelines for NVC.

Thanks 'samy + janet aly', I truly appreciate your response.

I sent in a mail to add my email address and that of my spouse and we sent the Agent Choice form via email even though we haven't gotten a Case number yet. I know its early but I don't mind resending the form via email after we have been issued a case number. I called just now, still no case number.

I contacted the Senate - Dianne F. on this also, I just want my case number on time.

I will also prefer to pay all my fees online, I feel it will save time, than if I mail it in. I hope I can print out a confirmation after paying and attached with my applications - AOS and DS 230?

First off, the things you mailed to NVC will not be added to your case. They only accept intake once a case number has been assigned. Don't try again until one has been generated.

As for the bills, you don't need to include confirmation with the packages. You just have to print out the bar-coded cover sheet from the payment portal once you pay online.

I highly suggest you click on the last two links in my signature. They'll direct you to guides here on VJ about the NVC process, which you need to learn about.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-05-03 19:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS 230


First off, writing in all caps on a forum means you're yelling. So stop.

To answer your question, read the second post here: http://www.visajourn...s-expire-today/
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-05-05 21:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresi-864 and government benefits

do u need to file a i-864 for a cr 1 visa and what if u dont make to much income or no co sponsor will them denied the cr 1 spouse visa and u can denied it the nvc or the us embassy....

The I-864 gets sent to NVC for IR-1/CR-1 visa applicants. You case will not be completed at NVC until the AOS package has been turned in. If you don't do this step, your case won't even make it to the consulate/embassy.

If you don't make sufficient income for your household size, then you'll need a co-sponsor. If you can't find a co-sponsor, then you need to find a better job as you won't get your spouse to the US.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-05-05 16:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEmailing I-184 TO NVC

What is I-184 form for?

The OP made an error; they're referring to the I-864.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-05-09 21:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEmailing I-184 TO NVC

Thank you to everyone for all your help so far!!

I'm compiling my documents to email NVC my I-184 but I'm a bit stumped. Do I attach every document separately in the email or is there a better way to do it? I'm just thinking that with all the transcripts, bank statements and pay stubs there will be a lot of attachments.

Any help would be appreciated! Thank you in advance!


You compile all the PDFs into one large PDF. You then send that one PDF to NVC. I have instructions on how to do this in my wiki (linked below in my signature).
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-05-04 19:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV fee reduction?????

I think there are schools that offer online classes/programs for that.
I think ... not 100% positive though :thumbs:

Didn't know you could learn legal stuff online Posted Image Thought that would be strictly an offline course online. Now, if only it were free since I'm already paying for school :P

I'll look into it though. Thanks for the link! It's been bookmarked :)
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-05-10 11:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV fee reduction?????

Ok... Just one more silly question and I should be good unless I get an REF..... Asks for my annual income.... Right now I am only getting child support. Should I tally up how much I would get for the year and use taht or should I use income from last year Tax return?

I was laid off this is why I need a sponsor.. But I just finished a medical assistant course and am now doing my externship (200 hours which I don't get paid for :unsure: ) god willing I will be working by mid june. Where I live my rent goes according to my income... So right now my rent is zero. Would it be a good idea to include a letter explaining my current situation?

For the question about CURRENT ANNUAL income, you have to put your total income that you'll have earned at the end of 2012. So, you can't use last year's tax return. So, if all you're getting is child support, put that. Tally up how much you'll have gotten from that by the end of this year. Since you have a co sponsor, this amount won't be a big deal as you're not going to be supporting your spouse solely.

And yes, I'd definitely include a paragraph or two in the cover letter explaining your situation. Not sure if they'll read it, but it'll at least be there Posted Image

Edited by Saylin, 10 May 2012 - 11:13 AM.

SaylinFemaleCanada2012-05-10 11:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV fee reduction?????

You should look into becoming a paralegal :thumbs:

I'd love to help people out full-time as a job, but there's no law school here in town or anything, so I wouldn't be able to get the certificates/degrees needed to legally be allowed.

But if anyone wants to offer me money or stuff, I won't say no :P Posted Image

Ok thanks a bunch... Really don't know what I would do with out you... You have been the most helpful :D

Hehe, no problem ^_^ I love helping people out when I can! That's why I'm still here, a year after moving to the US!
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-05-10 10:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV fee reduction?????

Ok.... so it looks like I printed the wrong form :bonk:
Now my question is..... Even though I need a sponsor I still need to complete the I-864 form as well correct???? And If I have to complete the form how should my self and my sposor answer question # 8????

That would explain why that question wasn't familiar to me Posted Image

Yes, even if you have a co-sponsor, the petitioner STILL has to fill out an I-864. No I-864 from the petitioner, no case complete at NVC. It's required, whether you make no income or not.

For question 8, you'd both check the box off, as well as the box saying 'yes' right below it.

And if I am to complete the form .... For question 21 should I leave "C" blank since I have to enter 1 for "A"?????

Although it sounds weird, yes, you leave C blank as the spouse has already been counted for in A. And you do NOT count anyone twice on this question.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-05-10 10:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV fee reduction?????

Hummm... Maybe I printed the wrong thing :wacko: I will get back to you on that :blush:

Yes please :P

Gotta make sure you're submitting the right form ;)
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-05-10 10:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV fee reduction?????

1 more question for you Saylin.... On the sponor form which box should the sponsor check at the end.... The one that says they intend to give the sponsee money and then list an amount they plan to give and how often or would it be ok to check the one that says they don't intend to give the sponsee money??????

Um what question number are you referring to? There's no such question on the I-864....
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-05-09 21:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV fee reduction?????

You don't need any kind of special certificate to give advice on the immigration process in return for money (see what I wrote above). HOWEVER, you would have to clearly state that you are not an attorney and cannot give legal advice. Additionally, you would probably have to obtain a license to run the business (as prescribed by applicable state and local statute).

Yeah, I figured I needed a disclaimer of some sort. As I obviously don't have any legal training, I would just be basing my advice on my own personal experience and research.

Never thought about a business license though...
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-05-08 15:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV fee reduction?????

You should look into it..... When I first started on this journey I came across a guy who was doing a prep service. He preped the papers or helped you do it or whatever... But he wanted a fortune... Not sure if he was a lawyer. But I do remember him saying he got into it after going through the process of bringing his wife from China....

Hmmm. I'm certainly qualified in the sense that I went through this process and know much about it. I just don't know if I'm legally allowed to give this advice in return for money without some kind of certificate. And I would not know even where to start to looking into it if I can or not.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-05-07 14:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV fee reduction?????

For sure it is something you should consider... You are very good at it......

Thanks ^_^

My only concern is that I'd need some kind of certificate from law school allowing me to do this or something.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-05-07 13:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV fee reduction?????

I am sure of it :D

And I'd be cheaper. No way would I charge thousands of dollars. I'd let the client choose the price Posted Image
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-05-07 13:35:00