IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions on the DS-260

We are in the process of completing and submitting the DS-260 online and have a question about how to answer one item. On the page titled: Mailing and Permanent Address Information, they ask the petitioner (intended immigrant/my husand), "Do you have an address in the United States where you intend to live?" This question is under the heading "Permanent Address." We are both living in Mexico so don't really have a permanent address in the US. Though I have maintained a mailing address which demonstrates that I have kept my domicile in the States. When we enter the US, we intend to live temporarily with my father until we get our own place. My father is also the joint sponsor (for meeting the I-864 requirements). Should we enter my father's address as the intended place to live/permanent address? Or do we simply answer No?

Any feedback is much appreciated!

They need an address in the US so your green card can be sent there. I'd say in your situation, use your father's address.

Remember, once you do move to your own place, the petitioner will have to file an I-865 and the beneficiary an AR-11. They're both changes of address forms. Don't delay sending these forms as the AR-11 needs to be sent within 10 days of moving. The I-865 needs to be done within 30 days. Both can be found on USCIS's site.
SaylinFemaleCanada2013-03-09 13:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS 230 Forms

Thanks all.


Yea-- I will have all those information ready-

Saylin- I think i prefer certified copy of the document i don't know how to get that in Nigeria but i am kinda reluctant to mail original documents to them

Yeah, obviously certified copies are better to send than originals. That's what I did for my documents. You'll have to go to the issuing agency for those documents to obtain certified ones, if they're available in Nigeria. Not all countries have/allow certified copies though, so.
SaylinFemaleCanada2013-03-10 21:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS 230 Forms

Thanks Saylin

So for the IV Package the required documents says original birth and marriage certificate.. wow, they need the original one

Now can send the AOS and IV Package at the same time ?

For the birth and marriage certificates, it's either the original or certified copy.

And yes, you can send the packages together.
SaylinFemaleCanada2013-03-10 21:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS 230 Forms

Thanks where can find the instructions or the links of the list of things to attached with DS230 Forms when mailing it back to them?

Please click on the last two links in my signature. The second post (a FAQ) lists all the documents for the IV package.


Do i just mail the DS230 Forms without supporting any documents then they will mail me a checklist of what i need to send to them? I am trying to be proactive since i heard they are asking for original documents not photocopies so want to ask my wofe to mail off the list of documents to me instead of doing one by one.

No, you mail the DS-230 along with the supporting documents all in one package (called the IV package).

Good on you for wanting to be proactive Posted Image

We have not paid for AOS fee. We just got approved on March 8th 2013 and i will be calling the NVC on Thursday to get the case number. I want to pay the AOS and for the choice of agent will be me and then i can mail things to her via DHL and she can mail it back to me.

You probably won't have your case number assigned by Thursday. It's taking nearly one month from approval to case number being assigned. You still have a few more weeks to go.
SaylinFemaleCanada2013-03-10 19:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS 230 Forms

I knew it wow

One more question so with DS230 form, i need to submit copy of police clearance record right?

Yes, but an original, not a copy.
SaylinFemaleCanada2013-03-10 16:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS 230 Forms

Thanks so much

Can i submit a completed and signed scanned DS230 FORM to save money with mailing this form to west africa ?

Unfortunately, no, it can't be scanned. It has to be the original form with the original signatures.
SaylinFemaleCanada2013-03-10 15:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS 230 Forms

Hello All,

Is this link the right form to use for

and does anyone have the link for I-864

I want to start filling this forms while i wait for NVC to assign a case number

Yes, that's the link to the DS-230.

The I-864 can be found here:
SaylinFemaleCanada2013-03-10 15:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresStrange question

My hair is quite long right now but I'm going to get it all cut off this weekend. I'm slightly worried it'll be a bad idea since then I won't look like my passport picture I sent in with the I130.

Am I freaking out over nothing?

No worries! You'll need to send more passport photos at the NVC stage (once your I-130 is approved), so those photos will be more up to date with your new hair cut. You'll also need more for your interview, so don't worry at all about coloring/cutting your hair. I dyed all my hair pink a few days before my interview and had absolutely no problems Posted Image
SaylinFemaleCanada2013-03-12 09:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTime Sensitivity


Well I certainly didn't mean to suggest fraud! I understand the problem, that's why I asked the question, but it all seems so Catch-22 to me. You're allowed to adjust your status, even if you're already married, but you're not allowed to have intended in the past to enter the U.S. with the intent to adjust your status. :blink:

It's not really a Catch-22. Typically, for AOS cases, it goes like this: the foreign spouse is visiting the petitioner in the US. They're either just a couple or engaged. They then decide on the spur of the moment to get married while the beneficiary is visiting. From that, since the beneficiary entered the country without the intent to marry, they're legally allowed to apply for AOS. So, you can only adjust your status when you're married from within the US. This doesn't work for couples who marry outside the US, like in your case.
SaylinFemaleCanada2013-03-13 09:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTime Sensitivity

Can you do a civil ceremony just to get the paperwork rolling and then do a ceremony with family and friends later?

Good suggestion! Posted Image
SaylinFemaleCanada2013-03-12 22:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTime Sensitivity

Hi, so, first-timer here with a lot of questions.

First, my situation: I am an American citizen. My fiancee is a Greek citizen. Our wedding has been planned for this coming June 15th since last year. I have been living in Greece on a student visa for the past year. In August, I will be starting a doctoral program in the U.S.

Our plan was to travel together from Greece to the U.S. in the summer. But I guess we were a bit... nonchalant about looking into the immigration situation; now we're in the initial stages of a freakout. Lesson learned.

Basically, the k1 visa doesn't look like an option. Her big extended Greek family is expecting a wedding, we've been planning a wedding, all the deposits are paid etc. But (as far as I can tell) you cannot file an I-130 without already being married; we won't be married until June; and we need to be in the States in August.

In short, I'm very concerned about her ability to stay in the U.S. Technically she can enter through the Visa Waiver Program, however from what I understand she would have to leave and re-enter before changing her immigration status. Is there any way she can stay in the United States while we wait for the paperwork to clear?

I've begun looking into Direct Consular Filing (which may be an option since I'm legally a resident of Greece) but I'm really at a loss. Can anyone help? Thanks a million in advance.

If you want any chance of being in the US by August, you'll have to do DCF. Get married first. The next day (or as soon as possible), send the I-130 petition through DCF to the embassy there in Greece. Their information is here: You may want to call them and ask about their process. I've noticed some places process things differently in the DCF process.

Now, normally, the non-DCF process takes 5 months at USCIS, around 2-3 months at NVC, and then another 2 months until the interview at the embassy. DCF cases usually go faster as they only deal with the field office. Depending on Greece's workload, it may go a lot faster than that. But it's still not certain that you'll get everything done within 2 months.

Is there any way you can change the date of the wedding to be sooner? That would give you some more leeway.

Once an I-130 petition is filed, it may be extremely hard for your wife to visit the US with you under the VWP. She may very likely get denied entry.

My suggestion is to get into contact with the Greece office and explain your situation. If possible, show up in person as it may be easier. They'll be able to tell you a lot better what their DCF process is (and how long it may take).

Thanks so much for the reply, and also for the insight about getting married first.

This doesn't seem possible judging from what you've said, but just in case, is it possible to file an I-485 together with an I-130 during her stay under the VWP? The instructions at USCIS seem to indicate that it is. But the whole thing is so confusing and ambiguous...

Filing for AOS (Adjustment of Status) within the US can only occur if you both got married within the US and neither of you were planning on it before getting to the US. What you're suggesting (travelling to the US after being married and then applying for AOS) is immigration fraud.
SaylinFemaleCanada2013-03-12 14:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS 3032 & AOS BILL

OH thank you so much for your fast reply..I will pay it now.. :dance:

Posted Image
SaylinFemaleCanada2013-03-13 13:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS 3032 & AOS BILL

We have received 2 emails..One is for the DS3032(Choice of Agent) & the other is for AOS Bill Invoice. My husband is still on the process of filling up the DS3032. Now my question is to we have to wait till the DS3032 is received by NVC before paying the AOS bill or I can do so now since they already had emailed me for it? Thanks in advance for any input from anyone who can help.

The DS-3032 is part of the IV track. The IV and AOS are two separate tracks at NVC and have nothing to do with one another (except that both need to be completed before your case is closed). So, to answer, you can pay the AOS bill now. Doesn't matter when you send the DS-3032 in relation to that.
SaylinFemaleCanada2013-03-13 13:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMaiden vs. Married name: Which will be on Green Card?

I married my wife in Japan and she legally changed her surname to mine. In all of my applications (I-130, I-864, ds-230, etc.) to the U.S. government I always listed her family name as mine. However, whenever I receive correspondence from them, it always refers to her by her maiden name, not mentioning her new surname at all. I believe this is because her passport still has her maiden name.

I asked on here before if we should change her passport for this process, but someone said it wasn't necessary. They said her green card would have her new surname (i.e., mine) even though her passport had her old name, and she'd just need to carry around a copy of her marriage certificate whenever she traveled. Now I'm worried that this is not the case, and that she should've gotten a new passport right away.

We'd much prefer her green card was with her new surname. How can we ensure this will be the case? Her interview at the Tokyo embassy is on April 8th. Should she change her passport before then, or will that complicate things since all the documents we submitted to the government before (I-130, I-864, ds-230, etc.) had copies of her current passport page (i.e., maiden name)?

Like milimelo said, the visa (and subsequent green card) will come in whatever name is in her passport. So, if you both want it to be in her married name, get her passport changed pronto. Doesn't matter about the previously submitted copies of the passport page. They'll use whatever is presented at the time of the interview.

Edited by Saylin, 13 March 2013 - 09:51 AM.

SaylinFemaleCanada2013-03-13 09:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV-AOS invoice payment page problem?

Hi all...

I tried logging into the IV payment portal site (URL below) and getting the error "You have encountered the database error. Please try again later." Tried multiple browsers, and was able to login ok yesterday. Anybody else having issues?

I'm betting your IV bill is invoiced, so this is great news!

From my FAQ from the last link in my signature:

Help! I can't sign into the payment portal. Why?

If you're getting an error message ("Please be advised that the case that you have attempted to access is not eligible for further processing by the National Visa Center at this time?" or "This case is in the process of termination. Fee payments and online forms can no longer be accepted?" or "You cannot make online payments for your case at this time. Please contact the NVC if you have questions or need further information."), do NOT panic. This is actually good news! If you just got your case number, then this message means NVC is inputting your case in their system. If you get this message a few days after case number generation, then it's a good possibility that NVC is invoicing your AOS bill. And if this message appears a few days after DS-3032 acceptance, then there's a good chance the IV bill is being invoiced.

Edited by Saylin, 15 March 2013 - 10:52 AM.

SaylinFemaleCanada2013-03-15 10:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresChoice of Agent? AOS payment?

Thanks for your reply!
I'll take a closer look at your FAQs, but I have to admit, my head is spinning right now...
The instructions in the mail are so vague...

So... If I understand correctly, I first need to pay this AOS fee online, then email the DS-3032 using the template that you have linked to?

All that they have emailed me so far is Affidavit of Support (AOS) Processing Fee Bill Invoice and DS-3032 (Choice of Agent and Address Form), so this AOS package and IV package that need to be snail-mailed are still a ways off? I'm assuming that those are the next, next step and that they will contact me about those?

Thanks again!

The DS-3032 is part of the IV track. And the AOS and IV tracks are two separate ones at NVC. They have nothing to do with one another except that both need to be completed before the case is closed. So, as long as NVC has both your email addresses, the beneficiary can send the DS-3032 NOW. No need to wait until after you pay the AOS fee.

The AOS package is mailed after the AOS bill is paid and appears as PAID in the payment portal. The IV package is mailed after the IV bill is paid and appears as PAID in the payment portal. The IV bill only gets invoiced after the DS-3032 has been received, accepted, and added to the case file.

They may or may not send you correspondence about the package. I never received any information about the AOS package. But I didn't need it as I was already before I even got to NVC. Although I did get information on the IV package, like the AOS package, I didn't need it. Plus, the information packages don't really give a lot of information. They just tell you that you can now send the package, and they give you a link or two to go find the forms and what needs to be sent along with it. You can find all those links and information here on VJ, like in those last 2 links in my signature.

So, I suggest if you're not doing much this weekend, to read up on all the links applicable to you in the first post, and then go over the FAQ in the second post. You'll get a much better understanding of the NVC process, I assure you.
SaylinFemaleCanada2013-03-16 11:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-3032

Hi everyone, received the DS-3032 about a week ago. We've paid the AOS fee, but have a question about the DS-3032. My husband says that there is no need for me to list him as my agent, and that I should just have any relevant correspondence sent to my address in the United Kingdom. I, however, am not entirely sure what would be the best thing to do here, so I would be very grateful if you could share with me any experiences you all have of this? I would ideally like to mail my DS-3032 off by the end of this week. Thanks!

A better idea than mailing would be to follow the email template found here on VJ: http://www.visajourn...il_DS-3032_form

And remember, if you give both email addresses to a NVC operator, then all correspondence is sent by email, so trying to figure out who to choose for an agent is a moot point as both of you will get the emails.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-10-26 15:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPaid AOS Fee, what is next?

So they will not send me the list of what exactly they want me to include in the AOS package. I saw this list on this website but i was wondering if there may be something specific for everybody.

Thank you both for your help! :)

I never received any instructions about the AOS. You can get all that information from USCIS and NVC.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-09-27 15:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPaid AOS Fee, what is next?


Just this morning I received two emails from NVC. One stating my case number and Invoice # and second asking me for $88. I paid the fee and I will email the DS3032 form tonight - what do I do after that? Will they send me another request for Affidavit of Support? When do I pay the second fee (more expensive one)? Please help!

Once the AOS fee appears as PAID in the payment portal, you send the AOS package.

The $230 fee is invoiced after the DS-3032 has been accepted and added to the casefile. Once that fee appears as PAID, you can then send the IV package.

I suggest you click on the last 2 links in my signature and do some reading :)
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-09-27 15:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about opt-in for electronic processing

Hi all,
I'm a USC currently living in Montreal with my husband (a Russian citizen). A few weeks ago, I emailed the Affidavit of Support package to the NVC. I received an email today saying they couldn't process the documents since I hadn't opted-in for electronic processing, but that I could opt in if I wanted to. I sent the opt-in email, but was wondering if I have to resubmit the Affidavit of Support package after I receive confirmation?

any help would be greatly appreciated!

Yes, you'll have to re-send the AOS package once you get the acceptance that your optin was successful.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-09-27 17:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAOS package and DS230 submission question

Hello all,

I have already paid AOS fee online and the status is PAID. Also, I am about to pay IV fee online. My question is once the IV fee shows PAID, is there a sequence i need to follow in terms of sending AOS and IV to NVC? can these be sent together in one mail to NVC? please suggest.


The AOS and IV are two separate tracks at NVC. They have nothing to do with one another (only that both need to be submitted for a case complete). You can send them separately (doesn't matter which one first) or together. Up to you.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-09-27 20:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV reciept

is this cover sheet the same style as the AFFIDAVIT OF SUPPORT cover sheet

Yes, if you look at both cover sheets from the payment portal, they're very similar. But you need the AOS one for the AOS package and the IV one for the IV package. Don't cross them over.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-09-27 21:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV reciept

what do i do with this receipt? do i mail it in with my dos?

The IV receipt isn't needed in any package. You do need the IV bar-coded cover sheet from the payment portal though for the IV package.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-09-27 20:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS 230 parts I and II

Hi All

Just like some confirmation

The DS-230 parts I and II forms

Its my understanding that only my Thai wife who is immigrating must fill these out... Is that accurrate?

We are filing for a CR-1 visa so it is also my understanding that both parts are completed but part II is left unsigned

Thanks all

Yes, exactly.

-Both parts are filled out.
-Only part 1 (one) is signed. Part 2 (two) is signed at the interview in front of an officer upon approval.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-09-27 21:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC sent case to embassy, but no interview date yet.

Hi all,

My husband's CR-1 case was completed at the NVC in July 2012. His case was sent to US embassy in Armenia today, but we still do not have an interview date yet. Is that normal? Do they first send out the case and then give us a date for the interview????

When I asked the operator at NVC, she said it is up to the embassy as to when they will give us an interview date, but they are going to send our case to them today!

Please help and let me know if this is the normal procedure for NVC? Has anyone else gone through this??

Unless Armenia is different from all the other countries in the IR-1/CR-1 process, NVC schedules the interview date first and only after that do they send the case abroad.

I'd suggest calling up another operator and asking about your case. Sometimes operators give out bad info.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-09-14 10:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhy was my case transfered?

Thank you Saylin and Clowy for answering my question. Saylin, what do you mean they might have doubts due to red flags? Can you perhaps give me an example? Thanks!

Red flags can be various things: large age difference, short courtship, only met once or twice before marriage, etc etc. Some things can be normal in some countries but be red flags in others.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-08-31 23:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhy was my case transfered?

Hey everyone! I would like someone to help me answer the following question. It would be greatly appreciated :). I am a U.S Citizen and my husband is an Indian citizen. I sent in my I-130 on August 20, 2012 which was received to the Chicago Lockbox on August 22, 2012. I got the e-notification which said they have accepted my I-130 and is at the Vermont Service Center. A few days later, I checked my case status which stated that on August 28, 2012, my I-130 has been transferred to another office because they now have jurisdiction over the case. What does that mean?

If someone can tell me in detail how all this works, please let me know.

It might be referring to your case being transferred to a local office, which means there will likely be a local interview because they doubt your case due to red flags.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-08-31 08:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAOS - online?

Hello all,

I am applying for my wife in mexico. I sent in the AOS form via mail, however it was returned. I was supposed to submit it electronically.

I simply re-sent it via email, as they noted. How are you submitted your AOS and support documents?? Via email or someother link?

I may have lost a month due to this error.

Please read the link here: http://travel.state..../info_5165.html

Some countries are eligible for EP (electronic processing). Of those, some it's optional (like Canada) and for the rest it's required (like Mexico).

Unfortunately, all I can say is you should have done your homework...
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-09-18 16:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV package - travel documents

Hello Board

Question. We need to submit the IV package (travel documents). on our document it says we should file electronically, or are we supposed to mail this in? If this should be electronically, how can we mail in passport photos?

This is the list of the items i intend to send in, please let me know if i am missing anything. we are applying in mexico

Birth certificate - applicant (my wife)
birth certificate - petitioner (mine)
marriage cert - copy
passport bio page - applicants
passport photos - applicant

Whether or not you're eligible for EP (for Mexico) is dependent upon your case number. Is it CDJ or MEP?

CDJ = NOT eligible for EP

Source: http://travel.state..../info_5165.html [table at bottom]

In either case though, the DS-260 is REQUIRED.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-10-03 22:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS 3032 Hard Copy

Hi All

I am the beneficiary in the U.K and my Wife is the U.S Citizen living in the U.S. We have got as far as paying for the AOS and she had received her invoice for it via email on the 28th August. She also received a copy of the letter that they had posted to me on on the same date asking me to choose an agent (DS3032) She emailed me the copy of my letter and I have filled it in and sent it off.

As of yet, I still haven't received the hard copy of the letter and it has been 16 days!

My question is; How long does it take for U.S mail from the NVC to reach the U.K? I know the address is correct and I am worried that so much time is wasted with applications and replies travelling in the post.

My second question is; Does the NVC email copies of hard copy postal mail to the beneficiaries in the UK and petitioners or is that only for certain other countries which qualify for electronic visa submissions?



If NVC has your email address, you do NOT get hard copies; just emails.

Regardless if you're eligible for EP or not, if NVC has your email address, they'll email you the following: initial information package that contains your NVC case number among other things, DS-3032 form, DS-3032 acceptance reply (if the DS-3032 was emailed), invoices, checklists (if applicable) and interview date.

The only thing those doing EP get in addition is a case complete email (and sometimes an email indicating that the AOS/IV package was received and under review).

Thats right, it doesn't matter whether I get the hard copy of the DS3032 or not, I am hoping that all the rest of the commumications from the NVC is done by email too. I didn't want to wait another 16 days or more for the visa invoice and DS230 visa application instructions to come through by mail and then mail them back with all the required documents which takes another 12 days (28 days turnaround!)

I have actually now decided to fill in a blank DS230 and send it to my wife with all the required documents now. Then by the time she gets it, hopefully the visa invoice would have been generated and paid for and all she has to do is date the form, add a cover barcode and case number and then overnight it to the NVC.

Can anybody see a problem doing it this way? Am I missing anything or is there another easier way?


The IV invoice ($230) does NOT get invoiced until NVC has received, reviewed, accepted, and added the DS-3032 to your case file.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-09-13 23:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOT HAPPY!!! look at the picture!!!! website not working.......WTH???

yeah is is MEP. Thanks

This is what they sent me after the application.

All applicants must:
1. Obtain and submit required supporting civil documents.
2. Obtain and submit photographs that meet the Department of State's visa requirements.
3. Review the information specific to U.S. Embassy/Consulate General where your visa interview will occur.
If you have not already collected and submitted the required documents to the National Visa Center then you should do so at this
time. If the documentation you have submitted is either insufficient or incomplete you will be notified by the NVC. Your visa
interview cannot be scheduled until your supporting documentation is complete and correct.

It was obvious on what i needed to do, but not obvious on how to actually do it.Thanks for your help.

You need to scan all the appropriate documents (they're listed in the first two posts in the NVC October thread). Then email them off to NVC at the email address above. Like I said in the October thread, there are TWO links on the first post specifically about electronic processing. I suggest you read them.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-10-08 21:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOT HAPPY!!! look at the picture!!!! website not working.......WTH???

Sorry for the re-post i didnt see your reply. What email address do i send it to?


Yes, if your case number starts with MEP, send the AOS and IV packages to that email address.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-10-08 21:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOT HAPPY!!! look at the picture!!!! website not working.......WTH???

now it says...

You have successfully submitted your DS-260 to the National Visa Center (NVC). If you need to update your immigrant visa application, please contact the NVC.

If you have not already done so, submit your supporting documentation (as listed on the Documents The Applicant Must Submit web page) to the NVC. Upon receipt of your supporting documentation, the NVC will review your DS-260.

I have all the documents ...............but i have no freaking clue as to how to submit them. This is really pissing me off and when i try the link they gave me i get an error message thuis is the page................ I am confused

What are the first three letters of your case number?

If it's CDJ, you MAIL the documents to NVC.
If it's MEP, you EMAIL the documents to NVC.

Either way, you do NOT submit the documents online. You only submit the DS-260 online.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-10-08 16:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOT HAPPY!!! look at the picture!!!! website not working.......WTH???

you are a freaking LIFE SAVER!!!!!!!

Worked ...i was doing this while i was tired. Thankssssssssssss

You're welcome :) Glad that was the problem and easily fixed.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-10-08 15:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOT HAPPY!!! look at the picture!!!! website not working.......WTH???

I am trying to complete the DS-260 online application. It is mandatory for juarez mexico.

If I remember correctly, on the last page, you need to view a document about Selective Service. It won't allow you to submit until you view this document. Make sure you read EVERYTHING on that page...
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-10-05 23:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Time

Cool. I sort of figured as much but needed to hear from an expert :). I did sign up for the loomis courier. Tomorrow I'll call the physician group in Toronto. I'm 3/4 prepared just have a little more organization to do. According to the email i received I basically only need to bring the medical and my passport every other item has the "letter" associated with it tha that's one way or another completed.

Thanks so much for the taking the time to respond. Your notes have been great.

I'm a tad nervous to some degree but another part of me thinks just go with the flow.......We're a very middle aged couple so we've certainly tried to figure out what is best for the younger ones involved. I'm more worried about finding new digs i'll like so we can begin new memories and obtaining a job with hopefully so sort of benefits. It's quite expensive to purchase benefits.....I can't wait until the US has a universal healthcare in swing like we have with the Ministry of Health.

i'm going to hunt the notes for a hotel.

What's required for the interview:
-interview letter
-DHL/Loomis confirmation page
-medical results
-2 passport pictures
-original AOS and IV packages (if you did EP)

Optional, but recommended:
-copy of I-130 package
-NOA1 and NOA2
-print out of all NVC correspondence
-DS-261 confirmation page
-DS-260 review pages
-DS-260 confirmation page
-receipts of paid bills
-copy of AOS package
-copy of IV package

Somewhere between required and optional:
-proof of relationship evidence
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-10-08 22:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Time

Okay I'm not sure I'm even doing this right but here goes. Well finally I just got an email with my Interview time which is November 5th in I'm excited beyond belief. Ah but the question for the experts ....

After finally submitting the last requirements a month ago the case at NVC New Hampshire was completed. I was waiting at that point to receive an email or something and after two weeks decided to call as per numerous comments on visajourney. AH ha the lady told me the case was completed on September 12th and I had no interview appt yet and was to call her back after Oct 18th. For whatever reason I dialed into our joint email to check and presto there was my 5 page pdf document saying i had an interview. I called my husband and could barely speak i was so excited. We went through it together and he said did you receive a packet 3 or 4 (he remembered that most people get this and then the interview)---No I said. It just tells me to bring the results of my medical exam, photographs (yet again) and my passport.

So to the experts ..(and let me say thank you to everyone who documents their steps it really makes the journey less lonely :) ) (a) the only other step it said was "for additional interview information and document preparation guidelines please visit the U.S. Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Mission website, and select CANADA:Montreal

?ok so what am i looking for
(b) how does a packet 3 or 4 arrive normally mail, email?

© i think i read someplace there was a doctor's group in Toronto. will need to revisit ( my old laptop crashed and all my documents that were not in an email as well are lost forever and pictures.......oh that's another topic, haha)

ANYWAY can anyone guide me? I've got now less than a month to arrange the medical, book a train and hotel and time off at work and to really get myself organized. Help, I'm so excited.

Packet 3 is for K1 visa applicants. Ignore this as you're an IR-1/CR-1 applicant.

Packet 4 is the interview letter, and you apparently have received this already!

And yes, before the interview in November, you need to get a medical done. There are a few available: Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal. Pick the best one for you and get it done. Make sure you bring the medical results with you to the interview.

Besides the medical, all you have to do is prepare for the interview (make sure you have all documents needed) and sign up for DHL/Loomis on the CSC site (found here: http://usvisa-info.c...country_welcome). Once you've signed up, print out the applicant summary page as you NEED proof of DHL sign-up. If you don't have this at the consulate, they will NOT let you through the doors.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-10-08 13:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Questions

Hello all,

I am new here but have been using the site as a resource since filing my wife's I-130 four months ago. It is definitely a great resource and thanks in advance for your help. My situation is that my wife is a Canadian Citizen and I filed her form I-130 approximately four months ago. It is is still in initial review, but my understanding is that once approved, I will get a notice from the NVC and she will have to fill out some forms and send in documentation (Birth/Marriage Certificates, Photocopy of passport,police certificates, etc.) and that I will need a form showing that I can support her financially. My questions are:

1) Should I have her get her police certificates now in order to save time? How long are police certificates valid for someone still residing in that country?

2) Is it correct that the only consulate you may schedule interviews in is Montreal (this seems to be the case)?

3) I am not at this step yet, but I want to be prepared....Since she does not live in a city with a certified physician for the medical exam, and there is one in Montreal, should she schedule a medical exam for a day or two before the interview? Or would she have to make separate trips for both the interview and medical exam?

Thank you.

1. Since you're close to the average 5 months, yes, you could start looking into getting the police certificate for Canada. I believe for Canada, the PCC is valid for a year.

2. Yes, Montreal is the only consulate/embassy in Canada that does IR-1/CR-1 visa interviews.

3. There's three cities with panel physicians: Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal. She can either get the medical done ahead of the interview (but after getting an interview date assigned as the interview letter is required), or she can spend about a week in Montreal, starting with the medical and ending the week with the interview. The place in Montreal takes 3 business days to process the medical.

And I have to second that wiki ;) Posted Image
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-10-14 15:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresproccess after sending ds-3032, ds230 and i-864

i just sent NVC DS-3032,DS-230 and i-864 after paying 88 dollar fee and with the receipt now what should i expect next to happen and how much longer should it take to get the interview date?

Have you looked at one of the flowcharts available on VJ? There's two tracks at NVC:


-pay $88 fee
-send AOS package


-send DS-3032
-pay $230 (once invoiced)
-send IV package

Did you do ALL five things above?

And please fill in both your profile and timeline. It's hard to give exact information without having these filled out.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-10-15 08:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJust received NVC case Number & IIN

Our I-130 petition was approved last week. I called NVC this morning and received the case number and Invoice identification number. But the NVC rep. told me that I can't do anything with these numbers at this time and I would to wait until I receive an email from them later this week. After looking at other forums on VJ, my understanding was that we can pay AOS fee ( for I-864) as soon as we get the NVC case #/IIN # and email DS-3032 (choice of agent form). Should I wait for NVC to email me or should I proceed with AOS fee payment and sending in DS-3032? Thanks.

Grats on your recent I-130 approval! Posted Image

Don't listen to the rep. You can send the DS-3032 by email (follow the wiki template on this site!!) now. Be warned though, it may be rejected for sending it too early, but you can then just re-send it. This way, you're not wasting any time.

As for the AOS payment, if you can log on and see the AOS invoiced, then by all means, pay it! You don't need to wait for NVC to tell you to pay a bill.

Wait it is all a process they will request everything plus the DS 3032 and AOS can be digitally scanned and emailed back to them it speeds up the process only the visa petition requires original forms and supporting documents. Even after you pay for the AOS and visa you have to wait for a receipt to show proof of payment if asked at the consulate. Just be prepared when they ask for everything.

Good luck

Only the DS-3032 can be emailed by everyone. The AOS package can only be emailed with those in the EP (electronic processing) program. Neither you nor the OP are eligible for EP.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-10-15 08:57:00