IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Got email, Interview 4/25/11. excited!!

Oh wow, that's soon! Grats! Posted Image
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-14 12:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Got the interview date email. May 9th.

Interview Date 5/12/2011 :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Grats to both of you! Posted Image Posted Image
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-14 11:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

MAY 11; 6:30 A.M. !!!!! Saylin, Pls add us to the May interviews list. Thank God!

Grats! Posted Image Added you on the list ;)
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-14 09:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

May 17, 7:45 AM :dance: :dance: :dance:

that's the first thing I did after waking up, and this is what I heard from NVC operator :dance:

Grats! Posted Image
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-13 15:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Hi, peoples- my husband scheduled his medical exam for April 19th, which is two weeks before his interview. Is that enough time for the results to come back? How long does it usually take?
Thanks, y'all.

It should be enough time. I'm not sure about Paraguay, but in Canada the results are ready within 3 business days.

OMG may 12 2011 at 11 30 am! Than you god!

Yay! Grats! Posted Image

Edited by Saylin, 13 April 2011 - 12:47 PM.

SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-13 12:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

You wouldn't happen to know the best number to call at DOS would you?

202-663-1225. Press 1 for the main menu, then 0 to speak with a visa specialist. Tell them what you want and they'll then ask you for your case number.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-13 10:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Not a word since it was 'case complete' 2 weeks ago. Any suggestions on what I should do next?

Just keep calling NVC and DOS to get any news on your case.

Got an interview date on my Birthday-May 18!!!!!! :P :wow:

Grats! Great birthday present! Posted Image
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-12 16:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

My case been delivered at ISB consulate yesterday. Will they send me anything, I mean any letter or information.

Nope, you no longer get any correspondence from anybody.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-12 11:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

We got some good news on the AVR this morning...

"Your completed case was forwarded to the London consulate on 11th April 2011. (Yesterday). Please contact the consulate for any further questions".

So, my dear VJers, does that mean that our case LEFT the NVC yesterday, or does it mean they ordered the shipment from DHL for today? I can find no record of anything being shipped yesterday with it being Monday.

I want to track this, and would love to know when London has or will receive it.

Any ideas...anyone?:thumbs:

My case, like yours, was also forwarded on a Monday. And in the thread on how to track your case, you're supposed to use the day before as NVC orders the shipment the day before they ship it out and that's the reference number. But,as we know, NVC is not open on a Sunday (if only, right?). So, when mine was shipped, I tried the Friday before, but found nothing to Canada. I tried Monday, the day it left, and voila, there was a shipment heading to Montreal, Canada. So I'm guessing that cases with a Monday date, they must order the shipment with DHL the same day. Anyways, because your case was just shipped out yesterday, give it till later today or tomorrow and try the ref number EXP 11 APR 2011A as that should be your reference number on DHL. DHL might only update at a certain time.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-12 10:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

May 31 interview date. 2 days after my birthday. Congrats to all that got the interview date. We are a little bit disappointed because of this date but the most important is to be together with my wife. :)

Grats on getting the date! Consider it a late birthday present. You'll be together very soon Posted Image
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-11 22:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

What is a Priority Date?

Don't worry about it. That's only for those applying for visas that have a limited number given out per year. For IR-1/CR-1 visas, there's an unlimited number, so priority dates don't matter to us.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-11 22:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Yay good times! Good luck to you and to my husband!! :D

Thank you! I wish good luck to your husband!
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-11 20:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Just got an email from NVC! Interview date is May 3 @ 2 pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Grats! Posted Image Same day as me! :D
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-11 20:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Yes, you and many others have had their interviews scheduled during various times of the month! Not sure why they tell that to people, so let's see what they say as I call this week, the infamous "second week of the month"!! :D

The only reason I can think of for them to say it is to try to dissuade people from calling every day. Didn't work on me though. I called every single day until I had my date Posted Image
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-11 17:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Thanks for info. I am also planning to submit skype logs, wedding pics, car insurance, joint tax return and some emails. Saylin, You are very helpful. Thanks

You're welcome!

Oh, I remember some other things I have as evidence: I'm also submitting a copy of my husband's lease for an apartment he just got that is in both our names. As well, my husband has visited me here in Canada a few times, so I got him to take a scan of his passport with all the stamps he's gotten. I also have parking receipts from when I picked him up and dropped him off at the airport, as well as movie tickets when he was here.

And my husband just filed his 2010 taxes last month, and it was married filing jointly, so I have a copy of that. But I have to submit that as 2010 tax info will be required at the interview, so I can't use it as evidence. I suppose I could print out another copy, but I won't bother.

If you (and anyone else) wants to get ideas for evidence, please read this whole thread: http://www.visajourn...e-relationship/ It has a bunch of things listed and suggested.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-11 15:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

You mean there is someone else we can pester?

What is the contact number for the Dept Of State? I didn't know we could call there - do they have any different info - or is it the same PC screen they look at?:thumbs:

Yes, you can definitely pester DOS! Their number is 202-663-1225. Press 1 for the main menu, then 0 to speak with a visa specialist. Just state why you're calling, then they'll ask for your NVC case number. But remember, they're only available Monday through Friday from 8:30am - 5pm (EST). And on Wednesdays they're closed from 11am-noon.

I'm not sure if they look at the same screens as NVC. But it's always worth a shot calling someone different.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-11 15:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Thanks Saylin. How is your interview preparation going? What type of evidence are you planning to submit in embassy? thanks...

Oh, I have most of my interview preparation done. I did it like 2 months ago. I just have a few things to print out, but I'll do that in a few weeks; I'm in no rush.

Montreal rarely asks for evidence, but just in case, I'm bringing the following: call records from Skype, a few samples of conversations on our IM client, copy of my husband's car insurance which I'm listed under, I have a US phone underneath my husband's account, going to print a few pictures out, I have 2 or 3 holidays cards sent from my husband's mother and grandmother. I've also been keeping all text messages between my husband and I and backing them up to Gmail, so I'm going to print out the 3 or 4 pages on Gmail showing 100 text messages per each "email". I believe that's it. I don't have anything else, so that's all I have.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-11 15:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Can I call DOS even though my case has been expedited? Thanks

Yes, you can. Whether expedited or not, DOS has access to your case.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-11 15:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Yay awesome! :)

I called NVC on Friday afternoon and the operator was like, 'we schedule interviews during the second week of each month,' and I was like, 'you week?' and she was like, 'the second week of each month, so call back in a couple weeks.' She also mentioned that NVC will email the petitioner and beneficiary when the interview date is set- is that true?
Anyhoo, I'm calling every morning for the rest of week to see if I get some good news! :dance:

Please know that when operators say they ONLY schedule during the second week of each month that it's a lie. They schedule all month. If you want proof, look at my own signature; I was scheduled during the FOURTH week.

And yes, once an interview date has been scheduled, an email will be sent out to both the petitioner and beneficiary with an interview package attached.

Keep calling and good luck!
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-11 15:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Thank you! I finally got through to an operator, and it's been confirmed – cased completed today! No chance of an April interview (which I wasn't expecting anyway). I hope we get our interview date soon because we still have travel plans to confirm, and it's getting trickier as the days go on.

So tips for the next step – when should I start calling the NVC and DOS to ask about an interview date? And do I not try to track my package until the interview has actually been scheduled? Thanks, everyone! Feeling so much closer to the end now...

Grats on the CC! Posted Image

Once I heard of my CC, I continued calling every day to see if I had an interview date assigned. I called both NVC and DOS once a day. So you can start (or continue) to call NVC and/or DOS for your interview date. Once you do get the interview date, then you call an operator at NVC or DOS (or listen to the AVR) and ask when your package was shipped out. It's usually the day after your case has been scheduled an interview date. Then you can start tracking on DHL.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-11 14:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Great stuff on the medical Skynaut!

NVC confirmed today London are arranging an expedited interview date. The trouble is, there are SO many public holidays in the UK coming up.

Easter, Royal Wedding and May Day - who knows, I may be tagging along to see WIlliam & Kate....

Ohhh, take pictures of the wedding if you do :)
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-11 14:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

And it means I'll still get a paycheck next week! (and may be an interview date!)

Posted Image That too. So, you're a gov't employee?

And good luck on getting an interview date soon ;)

Edited by Saylin, 09 April 2011 - 05:07 PM.

SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-09 17:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

naw...nothing packed lol. She just got a wisdom tooth taken out so we are taking it easy for now, we will prob start working on that late next week :) Yep, you will be just fine...I know it! We looked over all those pages of interview questions, and were asked two from the list: When did we meet and how did we meet? lol. I guess it is better to be safe than sorry though !

Hope your wife feels better. Taking teeth out is never fun, had that done myself a few years ago.

Wow, I'm not moving till next month, yet I've been pretty much packed for weeks now Posted Image

I'll be going over a bunch of interview questions as well. Although, from reviews I've read about reviews, they just ask basic questions, like the ones you got asked. So, I'm not stressing out that much. Not yet anyways. Posted Image

SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-09 16:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

you will be just fine! My wife had 2 tourist visa denials, and they didnt ask a single question about it. Yeah, our POE is on April 22nd, less than 2 weeks away...crazy. Im so happy the govt. didnt shutdown, what a mess that would have been.

I'm sure I'll be fine too. It wasn't visa denials though. (I actually had a L2 visa before and lived in the US for 2 years). My denials were at POE when I went to try to visit my husband last year. After the second denial, I quit trying.

Oh boy, less than 2 weeks! Have everything packed and ready to go yet?

And I'm so relieved the gov't wasn't shut down either. I had a feeling it wouldn't, but I feel a lot better knowing 100% it won't shut down now.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-09 16:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

That's great news!!Saylin, good luck with the interview, it's coming really soon for you, i'll keep my fingers crossed for you guys!
Xelance, congrats I suppose you'll be the first @ POE! Do you have a date for that?
We should open a "POE / family reunion" thread soon ;)

Thanks! Only 23 days, 15 hours and 34 minutes till my interview. But it's not like I have a countdown on my desktop or anything Posted Image

I believe xelance is moving in 2ish weeks.

You guys need to start another thread. The first one was for CSC/TSC. The second one (this one) is for NVC. You guys need a third one for the last phase (interviews and POE). And then in 2 years, start another one for ROC :P

Hope you get an interview date assigned soon! Posted Image
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-09 15:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Hello everybody!!
Just checking in after a long brake. We got Case Complete as of last week!!! wooohooo!!!So now what's the next info? How long before the embassy gets it?!
Any news, changes anyone?..... I've only missed like, +30 pages :rofl:

How many have interview dates? Good luck to all of us!And have a great weekend!

Grats on your CC! Posted Image

In the next few days or weeks, an interview date will be scheduled for your case. Once that's done, the case is then shipped to the US Embassy or Consulate which usually takes a few days, depending on where it has to go.

And in the last 30 pages or so you've missed: many people have gotten expedites approved, gotten CC's, had interview dates scheduled, and there's even been one person (xelance) who has had their interview already!
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-09 12:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

I have seen it first time and i found it very usefull. best of luck for the interview and do share the questions which CO will ask. i am sure it will be breeze for you. :thumbs:

Seeing interview questions and prepping for them are very useful. I'll be going over all the questions I have a few days before the interview and make sure I know all the answers.

I'm sure my interview will be easier than yours. Usually those interviewed in Montreal only get a couple of questions, just basic ones, and that's it. Although, I've had 2 previous denials to the USA, so that might come up and make it less easy Posted Image
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-09 09:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

I found this interview questions link very useful. ? http://www.visajourn...rview_Questions

Oh, nice wiki. At first, I thought I've never seen it and was going to bookmark it, then I realised I had already bookmarked it Posted Image I need to go over those questions and see if anything's missing from my 7-page document I already have saved to my computer full of interview questions.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-09 09:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues


:dance: :dance: :dance:

For those of us waiting for interviews, the US Embassies and Consulates stay open too ;) Posted Image
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-09 08:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Question: If one has a SIF, (but not a CC yet) does the NVC wait until an interview date is scheduled before they mail the packet to the Consulate? Or do they mail it to the consulate and continue to work with them until they get an interview date, then send the CC email?

You only get a CC email if you do electronic processing. The next (and last) correspondence you'll get is the interview package. NVC only ships the case to the US embassy or consulate once an interview date has been assigned, and that's only done once the case is complete.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-08 17:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

SIF today! :dance:

Grats! Posted Image Call an operator and see if you have a CC!
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-08 14:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

LOL, well, ironically - the AVR actually now says we need to provide the same evidence we already provided before the case was closed.

Not panicking though - YET! I emailed London asking them to be on the look out and to let us know when it arrives....

Would the AVR actually tell us it has been shipped?

Yes, the AVR should. Not sure if it will since you were expedited. But the last AVR message should be: "NVC has completed the processing of this application and has forwarded it to the embassy or consulate in Montreal on March 28th, 2011. Please contact the embassy or consulate for further questions." (That was mine anyways, the underlined parts will be different for yours). Have you tried calling DOS and seeing what they say?
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-08 14:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues


Two operators say our case has been shipped to London.

One operator says it hasn't.

Odds anyone?

Well, 2 out of 3 say yes, it's been shipped. I'd go with the odds. You can always call again, make it 3 out of 4 ;) Has the AVR updated yet saying your case has been shipped?
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-08 12:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

I got SIF yesterday
I just called the AVR and got My case completed on April7, 2011.
its happened very quickly just 9 days since receiving my 2 packages on 30/3
that sounds good,, wish the assignment of interview date will be the same..since Cairo embbassy is reopend and resume working
Thanks 2 every one here in V.J 4 helping me..
Sayliiiin plz change the speader sheet (F)

Grats on your CC! Posted Image Spreadsheet has been updated ;)
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-08 09:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

The AVR just says my case was completed on 3/28/2011 and to allow 8 weeks. So I guess my case has not yet been forwarded.

No, your case hasn't been forwarded yet. If your expedite request gets approved, then your case will be forwarded. If it's not approved, then you have to wait for an interview date to be assigned, and then the case will be shipped.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-07 14:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Where are you guys accessing this DHL log?

Read this thread: http://www.visajourn...nvc-to-embassy/
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-07 14:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

who give the interview date.ISB embassy or NVC give it to ISB embassy

If expedited: case is shipped and then US embassy schedules interview date
If no expedite: NVC schedules interview date and then case is shipped
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-07 14:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Case Left NVC today, I searched On DHL but no record! i guess might they use some other services.

If the case left today, then you have to use the reference code for yesterday's date, so EXP 06 APR 2011A. If that doesn't work, try for dates around the one your case left on.

EDIT: Found one with reference number EXP 06 APR 2011A heading to Pakistan. The tracking number is: 8770507130

Edited by Saylin, 07 April 2011 - 01:13 PM.

SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-07 13:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

I was expecting OPTIN to be accepted yesterday but it wasn't so I gave them a call and they told me to resend it and I did. Well, today I received the OPTIN from the previuos one. It took 14 business days. I guess I should have waited another day to call lol. I resent my AOS package and I am still waiting for a police cert to come in snail mail. Once that comes I can send the supporting documnet for the IV.

I had seen that your name was Lindsay and I was still calling you Saylin all this time. Hey you can always have it as a middle name. :D Although we are coming to the end of our visa journey (at least the green card part), should we keep calling you Saylin or change it? :lol:

Grats on finally getting your optin acceptance!

And no, please keep calling me Saylin as I prefer that name to my real one Posted Image
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-07 13:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

What is a "visa specialist"?

A "visa specialist" is what they call operators at DOS.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-04-07 12:29:00