IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Yeah don't wait 6-8 weeks. They told me they got my file one day and said call in about 2 weeks. I called early the next morning and had a case number. I think that advice was given to skynaut too about calling in a couple weeks. He called the next day and had a case number too!

Same thing happened to me. Called a Monday, guy told me to call back next week. I called the very next day and got my case number. Their silly timeframes Posted Image
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-03-01 15:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

Just got my NVC # too. YEAAAAA


okay... need all your help. how do i email my choice of agent.

Read these instructions: http://www.visajourn...il_DS-3032_form
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-03-01 13:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Thank you Saylin, you always here for us. You are the best from the best, from the best... :) :) :)

Hehe, you're welcome :)

Time for me to eat lunch. So no Q&A period for me for about an hour :P
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-03-01 12:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Hi All,

I just called NVC the operator told me that they recently received my file no NVC case number yet and they will contact me in 6-8 weeks.

Should i just keep calling till i am gonna get the NVC#?

If they have your file, it might take a bit to input everything in their system. I'd trying calling again later tonight, and then again tomorrow if you still don't have it.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-03-01 12:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

I just got off the phone with the NVC. I got my NVC# and IIN#.

Congrats! Posted Image

We have our case number. :dance: :dance: Was entered into the NVC system on 28 Feb according to AVR. Let the step 2 begin. :dance: :dance:

Saylin please update us on spreadsheets.

Grats! Posted Image You're now purple! ;)
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-03-01 11:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Thanks for the quick answer.
Can Electronic Filing be the difference?

Finally today I received my first email from NVC :dance:
It is a little annoying not to get it immediately! Good Luck to all waiters.
Xelance will be next :P

My case was only considered EP on Feb 17, more than 2 weeks after I got a case number and paid my bills. So, no, EP wouldn't have made a difference at the beginning.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-03-01 00:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Best of Luck for all people made it to NVC stage :thumbs:

Is the below statement is still correct for paying IV fee?

"Do not pay the IV Fee Bill until you have received the bill, via email, from NVC. If you have not received an email within 1-2 days (after it displays as available to be paid), contact NVC to ensure the bill is ready to be paid."

Not that I have a IV fee to pay, but this process is so full of pot holes
that I am tring to prepare :wacko:

I never received any emails about paying bills. As soon as my husband saw them available, he paid. Didn't wait.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-02-28 23:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Hey Saylin,

Can you add me on the NVC # recieved sheet. i think i am not there.


Sorry about that, you're on it now. I've been concentrating so much on the TSC transfer spreadsheet, I've kind of fallen behind on the NVC processing one. Posted Image
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-02-28 19:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

They also told me 5-6 weeks but gets into the system in couple days.
Just call tomorrow, late is better since no wait and talk to operator.
You will get it this week. Prepare and send your DS-3032 email meanwhile.

Guys, do you right NVC case number on upper right with PEN or PENCIL?

You can write it with pen or pencil or even use sticky notes. Whatever you want to do.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-02-28 19:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Finally.... I got an NVC case #:dance:

Grats! Posted Image It's about time.


This is a stupid question. Can you please let me know what does SIF and CC mean?

Thanks for your help.....

SIF = Sign In Failed (It's when you can't sign into the payment portal anymore. Good indication that your case is complete at NVC)

CC = Case Complete (Your case is done with NVC and gets sent to the embassy/consulate in the foreign country)
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-02-28 16:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues


I called and after 15 minutes of wait, operator told me that they just started
processing these and it may take 1-2 weeks for AOS generated! I also
demand expedate and got NADA! So practically it may start working tomorrow
or 2 weeks later, who knows! Hope works tonite :crying:

At least operator told me that sending DS-3032 is okey now!

That is really f'ed up. It shouldn't take 1-2 weeks. It should appear within 3 business days. What is going on? Posted Image
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-02-28 14:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

I got approved from CSC. I see the same problem..

Hmm... that's weird then. Maybe it's just those sent to TSC originally that it's affecting which doesn't make any sense...
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-02-28 13:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

yep, I logged in around the same its all screwed lol, maybe its a NVC system wide problem

I don't think it is. Cause everytime I see someone mention they can't log in, I go to mine and can log in successfully. So it can't be system-wide otherwise everyone would be impacted. And unless no one else is talking about it, I've seen no one that were approved from CSC or VSC having the same problems as everyone else here from TSC.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-02-28 13:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

that is our expedite! We dont even have to do anything in NVC, we go right to the consulate that is why we are getting Sign in failed messages!!!! hahahaha if only that was the truth :)

Posted Image
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-02-28 13:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Thanks Saylin, I received my NVC thursday and still nada:
No email from NVC & not able to login to AOS fee site
The site is

Yes that's the right website.

For all of you that have been getting fake SIFs, have any of you tried calling an operator to see what's up? Cause it only seems to be you guys getting these fake SIFs and not anyone else. Just find it really odd...
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-02-28 13:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

my payment portal works, but the AOS bill is not invoiced yet...thought that part was pretty much instantaneous.

It took two days for our AOS bill to appear as invoiced.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-02-28 12:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Thanks, Saylin! It's so annoying... haven't we been screwed over enough already? If I'm not able to sign in by tomorrow, I'll send NVC an email to ask about it.

Yeah, just as you think you're away from all the craziness, you find more of it at NVC. I wouldn't suggest emailing them, you won't hear a response for awhile. I'd talk to an operator about it. If they can't help, ask to talk with their supervisor.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-02-28 12:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Are people still having trouble signing in to the payment portal? I just called the NVC to make sure they had our email addresses and ask for the IIN. I got the IIN, but can't sign in yet. I know others were having problems before, and I wanted to see if/how they worked it out. Sorry if I missed something, but I've been crazed with work lately and haven't been able to read the threads as thoroughly as I normally would!

Also, is it OK for my husband to go ahead and email his choice of agent (following this template) even though I haven't received any emails from NVC yet, and when I call the AVR, it doesn't say anything about the DS-3032 having been generated?

Thanks so much, guys. I've been reading up on this stuff for months and months, but it's kind of hard to know how it all works until you're actually going through it!

There do seem to be a few TSC refugees still having problems with the payment portal. It's odd that it's only you guys. I haven't seen anyone else having problems from other service centers, and I haven't had any problems either. I think only time can fix the problem. Hope you and everyone can log on soon to start paying bills!

Yes, it's ok for your husband to send the email for CoA.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-02-28 12:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Don't worry Saylin! You'll get the good news soon. For all the help & good work that you've done, GOD will surely help you! :innocent: :thumbs:

I hope I hear soon! Thanks!

Maybe tomorrow????

That'd be great :D

We are still waiting for the interview date. NVC operator tols us twice already to call them on the 2nd week of April for interview date in MayPosted Image Posted Image... oooohhh the waiting continues...

I actually got, for the first time last night, an incredibly rude operator who told me to stop calling and wait until the second week of April to call to see if I've gotten an interview date for May. One rude guy is not stopping me. I'm calling again today and every day after to see if an interview date has been assigned.

Sign in failed on NVC payment portal! Does it mean i am near of case complete?

Good news! Call an operator up and ask if your case is complete! As soon as I got SIF, I called an operator and they told me my case was complete. Although, according to the AVR, it was only the next day that our case was officially completed.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-03-22 10:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

What is the e-mail address where I will pay AOS fee?

You pay fees on an online site ( not through email.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-03-21 21:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

I believe their server allows up to 15 meg,,, I will put the PDFs together to see what size mine comes out to

Yeah, I don't know their exact size, but aiming for around 10MB or below would be good. If it's bigger, you can always reduce it through Adobe Acrobat (if you have it) or scan documents at a lower dpi.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-03-21 19:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

I wanted to get the folowing information regarding Form DS 3032 --- CHOICE OF ADDRESS AND AGENT

1.What is the email adress to send the form?

2.What is the postal adress where we can also mail the form ?

The email address is I'm not sure about the mail address though. I didn't have to fill out the DS-3032, so not sure. I'm sure someone else here that mailed it can help you.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-03-21 17:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

I have a question regarding EP. Do I put the whole AOS pages in ONE pdf file or put them in several? Same with the IV package, do I just make ONE pdf file?

Exactly as Lita said, one PDF file for each package.

And try to get the PDF files 10MB or lower. Any higher and they may not make it to the server. The IV package shouldn't be a problem as it's only a few pages (mine was only 8 I believe). The AOS might be larger though (ours came out to 31 pages). Originally, my husband's AOS was 21MB, but we were able to reduce its size through Adobe Acrobat to 8MB.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-03-21 17:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

How long it takes to get CC and SIF (if no rfe) after submitiing AOS and IV documents? Thanks

About 2-3 weeks. Depends on NVC's workload.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-03-21 16:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues


Sadly, Jasmine (the operator) didn't have good news for me. Well, there's still about 6 hours left, so I can still get an interview date assigned today. It'd be nice if it got assigned today as it's my 10 month anniversary :D It'd be a nice present from NVC Posted Image
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-03-21 16:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

hey saylin,

any news on interview date ?

xelance - > any update on your expedite ?

xelance - > any update on your expedite ?

Nope, no interview date assigned yet. I'm hoping when I call the NVC operator in a few minutes that he/she will have good news for me Posted Image
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-03-21 15:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Is NVC verify your income as per 1040(Tax return) with IRS?

You have to send in with your AOS package either tax transcripts OR 1040s and W2s. NVC then checks the numbers put on the I-864 (the question about previous 3 years of income) with the numbers on the tax returns to make sure they're both the same.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-03-21 15:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Florida is SO unbearable during the summer - oh for the happy medium!! Posted Image

Oh, but I loved the heat! The only time it got unbearable for me was when it went to 100 degrees and over.

Oooh actually he is now in tallahassee joined a school, but by the end of this year we will move to Estero very near to naples his family is there..
wish to meet u :)

Oh, yes, I know of Estero, used to go there every now and then for shopping at the Miromar Outlets.

Too bad my husband doesn't live in Florida. Seems like so many VJ members are in Florida!
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-03-20 13:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

South Dakota winters are rrrough :( You guys can always visit Florida when it gets really bad :thumbs:

The winters are definitely rough. My husband, throughout the winter, kept telling me how much snow they had gotten overnight. Sometimes, it wasn't even in inches, but feet! Posted Image And I hate the cold. That's why I loved living in Florida, no snow at all. Thank god I love my husband so much I'm willing to move to South Dakota for him Posted Image And I'm definitely planning on visiting Florida during the winter. I won't be able to put up with South Dakota's constant below 0 temperatures. Brrrrrr. Unfortunately, my husband can't bear Florida's heat, so I won't be visiting often. Well, not with him anyways. I'm willing to go alone to see some palm trees and bask in the 90 degree heat. Posted Image
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-03-20 10:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

hey vj family haven't check in for a while congrats on the cc's !!!!!!!!!
wade keep ur head up !!!!!!!!!!

As for me i've sent in my aos and iv on 03/17/11 i got a email from nvc and i called nvc because the email said that they received my aos and that something was missing or incomplete so was like "great here we go". so i called to see what was missing or wrong and they told me nothing it was just a way to send me a checklist of things for iv so i told them that i had already sent it 3 days after aos so they told me to forget about the email. so i felt better. but then on 03/19/11 i called nvc to see if they received my iv and avr said that on 03/18/11 a package was generated but that it was missing something or incomplete. does any one have a clue what is going on or has any had the samething happen?
any advicefam ???????

The first was a false RFE for your DS-230. But if you got a second one, then that might be an actual RFE. Call an operator up on Monday and ask about it.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-03-19 23:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Thank you so much Saylin! California guy and I, going same pace,almost everything is same day.I thought he sent something ahead of me and I didnt :rofl:

Posted Image Nope, don't worry about it. Canada has a different process than other countries.

when I call Monday to give operator our e-mails,do I have to wait to send Choice of Agent?

You can send the Choice of Agent form, but it won't be accepted until NVC is ready to receive it. When NVC sends out the initial information package to the petitioner and beneficiary, that's when you know they're ready to receive your Choice of Agent form.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-03-19 22:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Case number assigned 03/18,will call Monday and will give e-mails to operator.

Grats on getting your case number! Posted Image
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-03-19 22:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

What is OPTIN?

OPTIN is for those doing EP (electronic processing). Only a few countries are eligible for this and to do EP, you need to send an optin email to a separate NVC email.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-03-19 22:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

where in florida husband in florida too

I used to live in Naples (south-west Florida), near Fort Myers. Haven't been to Florida since May/June 2009 though. I do miss it.

Where in Florida is your husband?
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-03-19 18:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Yeah thats what I was thinking as well, just wanted to be reassured :)
OPTIN sent

Grats on sending it :)
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-03-19 16:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

I think you will be leaving the chilly Montreal very soon, and you will be enjoying FL sun, you also live in FL?

Yes, I'll be leaving Montreal sometime in May, depending when my interview date is. And I wish I was moving to Florida. My husband lives in South Dakota where the weather is even worse than Montreal Posted Image

When I called the automated system this morning the NVC number was assigned (March 18). I will call Monday to give them e-mails and get the Invoice and the Beneficiary numbers. Should I send the OPTIN or should I wait till I give them our e-mails?

You probably don't need to wait. They won't get to your optin email for about 2 weeks. Took 16 days for me. So, by the time they get to yours, they'll have your email addresses on file.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-03-19 15:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Thanks you guys :) Things are chill, the hospital's almost got me burned out- I'm thinking of going for a 5 hour drive (to the first Florida Key and back) right about now :)

How are you guys doing??

Oh man, I miss Florida. I used to live there for 2 years. I miss the weather so much :( Although the snow here in Montreal is finally starting to melt, so that's a good sign.

I'm doing good. Posted Image Just patiently (aka, going crazy) waiting for an interview date to be assigned to me.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-03-19 12:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

For those of you who grew up in the '90s, the following post may make sense.

My friends and I were huge fans of the video game Mortal Kombat growing up. One of them sent me the following link- I couldn't help but think how APT the song in the video would be if it were to replace the hold music at the TSC

I'm not sure people would want to speak to an operator after the hold music starts. I'd want to keep listening to it Posted Image
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-03-19 12:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Happy Saturday my super-duper VJ fam :thumbs:

And a happy Saturday to you too! Posted Image
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-03-19 12:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Guys how do u make one of those time line thing under ppl account... u know where it shows on all post they make? :wacko:

On the top right of the page, click on 'Settings'. Then click on the header for 'Profile' and then the sub-header for 'Change Signature'. Then just input what you want and hit the button 'Save Changes'. :)
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-03-19 11:27:00