IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC HELP


You rock !

Similar question to what I asked on your May NVC thread yesterday.

This is all so nicely laid out on VJ that I feel like I only complicated things by getting an immigration lawyer. So, he's doing electronic processing for us. We're all ready to fly through NVC just waiting for case number and to pay the fees.

My fear was that if I called and opted in for email that I would somehow undo what he's set up for electronic processing. So, I still need to give NVC my emails, he does the DS260 via electronic processing and all the other stuff by electronic processing.

Basically all the emails do is notify me when stuff is happening so I can keep on top of him ?

Please keep in mind, electronic processing (sending packages by email) is a completely different process than online forms (DS-260). For Canada, electronic processing is optional and you need to opt in, whereas online forms are REQUIRED. If you want to do electronic processing, either you or your lawyer has to opt in.

I strongly encourage you to read the wiki I wrote on those very two subjects (includes the optin email format). It's linked below in my signature.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-05-01 19:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC HELP

Saylin, thanks this is exactly the info I needed! :thumbs:

You're welcome ^_^
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-05-01 15:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC HELP

Hi all, I'm currently waiting for a case number for my wife's i-130 petition. I know mostly how the NVC process will work. I know what documents I need for the AOS package and for the IV package; but what I am confused about is that I have read many times that the NVC will mail a package to my wife's foreign address. However, I've also heard that all correspondence can now be done through email. Which is currently true? I thought that previously the NVC needed all original/certified copies of birth certificates, marriage certificates etc. How is it all done through email if original documents are required? I need some clarification so any seasoned NVC vets out there feel free to clear this question up for me! Please and thanks for your replies. :)


If you give both email addresses over to an operator upon getting a case number assigned, NVC will send all correspondence to the petitioner and beneficiary by email. If NVC does not have any email addresses on record, then they have no choice but to snail mail it. You're confusing Electronic Processing into the mix. This is when the petitioner and beneficiary can email packages to NVC. Indonesia is NOT an eligible country for this. But if you do the above (give email addresses over), you can at least RECEIVE correspondence by email. You still have to mail out packages.

Edited by Saylin, 01 May 2012 - 02:34 PM.

SaylinFemaleCanada2012-05-01 14:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy wife's been in the US with me for one year

Sorry guys, but I haven't visited this stuff or thought about it quite a while. She came from the Philippines on a CR-1. Doesn't that mean she is like a temporary resident now? Isn't there going to be another step at the 2 year mark or the 3 year mark before she becomes a permanent resident? I'm sure there is money inolved as well. Is this a process I can pay for and/or start early? TIA for the info folks, hope all are well. We never would have gotten this far without you guys.

First off, as soon as she went through POE, she became a permanent resident. A conditional one, but a permanent one nonetheless.

As for ROC (removal of conditions), it's done within 90 days of the expiration on the green card (typically 2 years from POE date). You can't start the process any earlier than 90 days otherwise they'll reject your package. And the price is currently $590.

Here's a ROC guide: http://www.visajourn...ontent/751guide
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-01-03 19:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMontreal interview: Should petitioner accompany?

I suspect the answer to my question is largely dependent on what location my spouse will be interviewed.
She is to be interviewed in Montreal next month.
I understand I cannot be with her at the actual interview session...correct?

Is it important for me to travel to Montreal and go with her to the consulate?
This is quite an expensive proposition for us. Is it really a deal breaker if I don't go?


You're wrong, you can actually accompany her inside the consulate as well as being inside the room where she's interviewed. At my interview, I was with another VJ member who accompanied her husband to the interview and they both went into the room together for the interview, so it's allowed at Montreal.

And no, it's not important to be there as the petitioner (unless your case seems rocky with red flags). I went by myself to my interview with my husband not bothering to come to Montreal. Not once was I asked why my husband wasn't there with me. I actually probably would have been more nervous if my husband was there. I was the one that took charge of this whole process, so I knew what to do, what papers to bring, what to say, etc. If it's not possible for you to go (money, job, etc), then don't stress about it as it's not a deal breaker if you don't go.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-01-04 12:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 Question 35 Issue

Ahhhh, okay everything is starting to make sense now. =D Haha, very true about the online system and the government I would imagine. Thank you very much again.

- Michael

You're welcome :)

If you ever have any other questions, just ask me. I'm more than happy to help you!
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-01-10 20:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 Question 35 Issue

Thank you both very much for the helpful replies. =D Very good suggestions.


About the DS-260. I originally filled out a DS-3032, which they mailed me. They accepted it. So, I never filled out the DS-261 (I believe that is the online version of the DS-3032?). I thought I remembered reading that the DS-261 was a pre-requisite to the DS-260, but I definitely could be wrong.

UPDATE : Actually, I just logged into "Consular Electronic Application Center" and it indeed says to fill out DS-260 online (it is NOT grayed out or unlisted). So, I guess the DS-230 is not the way to go like you suggested. I suppose not filling out the DS-261 must have been okay? Especially since they did "snail-mail" me one in the first place, maybe they will accept that one by mail for a while longer or something.

Thank you again and you're right, I should fill out a time-line. I'm pretty new to the site so I never thought of it. =)

- Michael

Yes, they're still allowing the DS-3032 (over the online DS-261). But the DS-260 (online version of the DS-230) is REQUIRED. The DS-230 will not be accepted at NVC.

Just bring the copy of your DS-230 to the interview though as they're going to ask for it. Unless they've finally gotten used to the online system, but as this is dealing with the government, I highly doubt it Posted Image
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-01-10 08:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 Question 35 Issue

Hello Everyone =)

I have a question about Form DS-230 regarding Question 35 "List dates of all previous visits to or residence in the United States. (If never, write "never") Give type of visa status, if known.
Give DHS "A" number if any."

I am Canadian and my Wife is American. I visit my wife in the US frequently (2 or sometimes 3 days a week). But, being Canadian I have never needed a "Visa" or had my passport stamped. The only time I had my passport stamped in the last, say, 6 years is when I traveled to Europe and had to fly back into the US. Never worked or been a student in the US either.

I have read on the wiki : "For Q.35: List dates of all previous visits in US. within past 10 years Must list all visits stamped on the passport, even those that lasted one or two days. Pay close attention to the most recent 3 years."

So my question is, would I write "Never" for this question? Do my social visits have to be listed? Thanks in advance! =D

- Mike

I had the same problem as you as a Canadian. I had been visiting the US since I was a baby, never needed a visa (except for when I moved and lived in the US for 2 years), and couldn't possibly remember all the visits I had. What I would highly recommend doing is what I did. Write 'see additional sheet' on that question. Then, on an additional sheet, follow what I did here:

And by the way, as a Canadian, you should be filling out the DS-260, an online form. And on that form, you only need to list that last FIVE visits to the US (unless they've changed it since I filled it out last February). You should be bringing a DS-230 to the interview though, so this question might be about that point of the process. Hard to tell since your timeline hasn't been filled out.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-01-07 21:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV Contents Question

Yeah I was afraid thats what they many times as I see they have lost or misplaced documents, it really makes me uncomfortable. Thanks for the confirmation

Yeah, I would suggest sending certified copies over originals. If they do lose the certified copies, you can always get more. Plus you'd still have the originals.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-01-15 21:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIV Contents Question

After browsing thru http://www.visajourn...p/EZGuideSpouse (thank you Canadian_wife for the direct link) I see this

f. Original/Certified birth certificate of the beneficiary
g. Original/Certified marriage certificate of the beneficiary and the petitioner

Are they asking me to send THE original documents?? We both have certified stamped marraige and birth records (embassy and certified translation stamped) that I am not willing to send ANYWHERE. Won't certified copies be sufficient?

Also they want more of Saif's passport photos? I send 2 with I 130 and Saif has 3 for interview. Do I really need more?

If you read again what you quoted, it says ORIGINAL/CERTIFIED COPY of certificates. So of course sending certified copies are sufficient. A lot of people don't even have originals. I didn't of my birth certificate. As for the marriage certificate, I sent the certified copy one as well. All were accepted without problems.

And yes, they want two more passport photos of the beneficiary. In total, USCIS/NVC/consulate has 9 photos of me (2 for the I-130, 2 for the IV package, 3 for the medical, and 2 for the interview).
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-01-15 21:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPassport: Certified copy or just regular copy

Regular copy.

Probably impossible to get a certified copy of a passport. Certified copies are as good as the original, so it's unlikely a peron can have a valid passport and a certified copy.

It's actually quite possible to get a certified copy of a passport. I needed to get one last year for my husband's US taxes so I could get an ITIN since I was still in Canada without a SSN. I just went to the Passport Agency for Canada, gave over my passport, and within a few days, I had my passport back with a certified copy.

But for the DS-230, just a photocopy is needed.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-01-15 18:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC

I just wish there was some rhyme or reason to it all. We watch the processing timelines and according to those, they are working on August 27, 2011 so a month past us.

Yeah, remember, those are just estimates based off VJ members' timelines who filled them out. There's still all the VJ members who don't update their timelines, plus all of the people not on VJ.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-12-27 16:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC

No, please don't tell me that. I can only hope that NVC is faster than USCIS has been....

The longest part of NVC is just waiting for the case number to be assigned. For the last few months, it's been taking around 3-4 weeks to get it. Once you have the case number though, the remaining time spent in NVC is mostly up to you to send in packages (and sending them in without mistakes).

So last year, was there a huge amount processed at the beginning of the year?

I don't remember to be honest. But my case was approved at the end of January and my husband sent the application at the end of August.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-12-27 16:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC

Have you contacted your Senator or Congressman yet? I was in touch with both about two weeks ago since the holidays were so close. The Immigration Specialist for my Senator's office was very kind and contacted USCIS on my behalf, since we were still in the five month window they wouldn't do anything. I am to email the Senator's Immigration Specialist on January 2nd and she is going to request that our file be pulled. I can only hope that this does something to speed up the process.

I watch Igor's charts and really it seems that anything after June of 2011 has been slow going, not really sure why that is. Can anyone shed some light on this??

Any words of advice would be greatly appreciated.

That happened last year as well. It seems there's an influx of applications in the late spring/summer so there's many more cases to deal with at USCIS, thus the slowdown.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-12-27 16:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC

Yes, I understand all this but it doesn't make it any easier with the waiting...unfortunately.

Yeah, sorry Posted Image Just hope your case is on the desk of an officer who is fast ;)
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-12-27 13:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC

I don't understand how it is that applications are being approved from November 2011 when June and July 2011 haven't all been approved. Everything says applications are handled in the order they are received, so how is this happenening? We hit our five month mark yesterday (December 26, 2011) and still nothing.

Sorry, just venting my frustration.

You have to remember that cases land on officer's desks and the officers process cases at their own pace. So if there's one slow officer and one fast officer, then it's "normal" for not all applications to be approved from the summer, and some that have been approved from November.
SaylinFemaleCanada2011-12-27 11:22:00

Hi Everyone, :help:

Can someone tell me if the Immigrant Visa Application is part of the packet that we email from here
when your I-130 is approved because then I will need to send it to him for his signature or can that
wait till I'am there for the interview in Cuba because I want to be prepared and have everything ready
and all forms filled out I don't want any surprises later that can delay the process. Also anyone
that just had a recent interview in Cuba with an I-130 how much is the Visa?, and whats going on now day with the Carta Blanca? I really appreciate any info or tips you can provide me.


After your I-130 is approved, you go to the NVC stage. At NVC, you pay two fees (AOS - $88, IV - $404). After those both appear as PAID on the payment portal site, then you snail mail the two packages, AOS and IV. In the IV package, you include the DS-230, the Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration form.

And there is no fee for an IR-1/CR-1 visa applicant at the consulate/embassy, just $88 and $404 at NVC and then the cost of the medical which varies by country.

Please read these guides to familiarize yourself with NVC:

SaylinFemaleCanada2011-06-13 12:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC has our 864 and DS-230, next step?

Well I called them. The operator sounded foreign and didn't speak great English. He said he had no way of seeing if anything has been reviewed and give them 20 business days. Pretty much it in a nutshell.

Just call them again tomorrow and hopefully you get someone who speaks English well and get good news :)
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-01-19 20:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC has our 864 and DS-230, next step?

Thanks for the info....should I start calling as early as today?

Most definitely!
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-01-19 15:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC has our 864 and DS-230, next step?

Hello all. I confirmed today that the NVC received my wife's DS-230 and someone did have to sign for it. They have had my I-864 for a couple of weeks now. All fees of course have been paid. What's our next step? Wait for contact from them by email about RFE or interview?

You should be calling NVC every single day to get an update on your case (whether the packages have been reviewed). Once they've been reviewed and accepted, then NVC will close your case (case complete). An operator can tell you if this is the case. Once your case is complete, it will go into the queue for an interview date to be scheduled. Depending on the beneficiary's country, this wait time will vary. If you fill in your timeline and information, then more members can help you. And once an interview date has been scheduled, your case will be forwarded to the consulate/embassy.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-01-19 15:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-3032 does hubby have to put an actual signature? or just print his name on the email?

i am wondering , got the request for the DS-3032 and i need to know......... do we need to put an actual signature on it? or just type his name there????

im ready to send now, just waiting on confirmation from anyone. plz

ps i do have a scanner but then am not sure what type of attachment i should send if i need an actual signature on there.

No need to scan the DS-3032. Just follow the email template here: http://www.visajourn...il_DS-3032_form
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-01-19 21:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPROBLEM WITH ONLINE PAYMENT

Hi have you been able to pay yet? I have been trying since friday...

Hi have you been able to pay yet?? I have been trying since friday and still nothing.

Please remember that it's the weekend and NVC does NOT work on weekends. The earliest you'll see change to the payment portal would be on Monday.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-01-22 09:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPROBLEM WITH ONLINE PAYMENT

It is jan 21 and It has not been working for me either! I tried IE, safari, google chrome and mozilla and nothing is working. My fee is generated and the select box is not letting me select anything!!!!

Just wait a day or two.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-01-21 17:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPROBLEM WITH ONLINE PAYMENT

Yes I did. I also tried Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, none of it worked. :( I will check tomorrow. Hope it gets fixed.

Don't bother with the others. Just stay with IE. It might be a day or two until you can pay properly. Just keep checking as often as you can.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-01-19 22:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPROBLEM WITH ONLINE PAYMENT

Hello Vjers,

Did anyone have difficulty paying online? My invoice for IV bill has been generated today but I could not select the box for the fee so I can pay it. It won't allow me to. Anyone had this experience before? What did you do? I am getting anxious.


Are you using IE?
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-01-19 21:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWTF Now that our DS-3032 has been accepted the nvc payment portral now is not recognizing our number.!

i just logged into the payment portral and is saying

before a couple of day after we got our invoice number And i signed in there was showing that it needed to be paid! *AOS* the only thing i can think of is possibly ...they just accepted our ds-3032 yesterday.

what is the deal??? are we gona get a new number or something?

and am i supposed to sign in as principal applicant? or petitioner? i thought petitioner, but i tried both and i get the same error msg.

plz help

Don't worry it's normal! They're probably invoicing your bill! This is GOOD news!

And you only get ONE number at NVC, so keep using it. You should be able to log in soon once they're done invoicing the bill.

As for how to sign in, if you're the petitioner, sign in as petitioner. If you're the beneficiary, sign in as principal applicant. Although, I never noticed the difference between the two when I was at NVC.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-01-23 22:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhen case gets forwarded to Consulate

I just called again and they said that NVC schedules interviews during the second week of every month. So they will be scheduling my wife's interview during the 2nd week of February. He said the interview will necessarily be in March at the earliest. Does this sound right? It sounds like a completely crazy system to me- have they never heard of scheduling software? After all the waiting, we have to wait some more. Sigh. I am still going to call them every few days.

The operators are lying when they say they only schedule during the second week of each month. They schedule ALL month long! Want proof? Look at my own signature. My interview date was scheduled during the FOURTH week of the month. And this happens a lot. Just look through the monthly NVC threads and you'll see people getting interviews in EACH week of the month, not just the second.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-01-25 12:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhen case gets forwarded to Consulate

I read somewhere that NVC is waiting for the Consulate to notify them of an appointment date, so we are in some queue now in Moscow waiting for an appointment that will hopefully not be more than a month off! This whole thing takes forever.

What happens is that each consulate/embassy sends NVC a schedule of open dates. It's then NVC's job to schedule the cases for an interview accordingly.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-01-24 17:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhen case gets forwarded to Consulate

Hi Darnell- why do you say calling important? It was important for me to know the case is completed, so in that emotional sense it was very important, agreed! But why call every few days to check if an interview date is set, if I will already get an email? Of course, I am dying with anticipation and hope it does not take them too long!

You have to remember, the email server is slow, so it might take a few hours/days to receive the email after a date has been scheduled. When I was at NVC, I was calling every single day, once to NVC and once to DOS. I found out on a Friday afternoon of my date. I only got the interview email Saturday morning. It's not a HUGE deal waiting for the email, but I wanted to know right away!
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-01-24 16:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhen case gets forwarded to Consulate

But your timeline says you received a Case Complete email... were you EP?

Yes, I did electronic processing and online forms.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-01-24 12:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhen case gets forwarded to Consulate
Usually only those doing EP get case complete emails. I have seen a few non-EP folk get the email though, but don't count on it. The best way to know if your case is complete is by calling NVC and speaking with an operator. You could also call the AVR, but they're usually a few days behind.

Once you do have a case complete, the case is put into queue for an interview date to be scheduled. The waiting time varies by country, depending on the back log. Unfortunately, I don't know the wait times for Russia. Either way, both the petitioner and beneficiary will receive an email when the interview date has been scheduled. But to find out faster, I'd suggest calling operators at both NVC and DOS. The AVR will also tell you, but again, it's a few days behind.

And then once an interview date has been assigned, a few days later, typically, the case gets shipped to the consulate/embassy. No email is sent out about this. Again, there's two ways to find out: either call an operator or call the AVR.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-01-23 22:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA social security number

Hello All,

So me and my hubby are getting close to the end of the yellow brick road in terms of getting a visa. We're due to get a confirmation of an interview any time now.

My question is: On all job applications they want a SS#. On our tax forms they want one too.
Will my husband have a SS# when he gets a visa? How will the "SS#" dilemma work out?

If you checked off on the DS-230 that you want a SSN assigned to you, then you might get it after POE. But this is unfortunately a hit and miss. Even though I checked it off, it did not arrive within 3 weeks of my POE. It's suggested here on VJ that if 3 weeks have passed and no SSN has arrived, then you go to a local SSA office and apply in person (or you can send the documents and application by mail). That's what I had to do and ten days later, I had my SSN.

Also, Posted ImageIt helps everyone :)

Edited by Saylin, 25 January 2012 - 10:00 AM.

SaylinFemaleCanada2012-01-25 09:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurescase closed at NVC>WHAT NEXT?

My case was closed last week at the NVC after one year and one day! I know that they schedule the interview with the embassy in Georgia, then they contact my husband, but what do I do in the mean time? Aren't they supposed to let me know when the interview is as well? I asked for an expedite so the interview can be in Feb, and they emailed me back saying my request is in review, aren't I supposed to get something in the mail as well about the case being closed?

For the case complete, typically it's only those doing EP that get an email saying the case is complete. There have been a few cases of non-EP folk getting a case complete email, but don't rely on it. If you've confirmed with an operator that your case is closed, then it's complete.

Your case is now in queue for an interview date to be scheduled. The time for this to happen varies by country. Sometimes you find out a few days later, other times it's a few weeks, and then for the really backlogged countries, even months. As far as I know, Georgia isn't backed up, so it should just be a few days/weeks. When an interview date is scheduled, an email is sent out to both the petitioner and beneficiary (if you gave both email addresses to an operator at the beginning of the NVC process). But I would suggest calling NVC and DOS every single day to find out faster. The email servers are delayed by a day or two (I've even seen a week).

And until the date is scheduled, there's really nothing you can do except prepare for the medical and interview.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-01-25 13:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-260 and I-864 forms

We are planning on sending the forms via electronic processing. Thanks everyone, you all have been so helpful. Without all your response, we would still be confused and stressed!! Thanks for all your help. Hopefully, our case will be completed soon. :)

Make sure you send in the optin form if you want to do EP! Otherwise the packages will be rejected.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-01-30 14:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-260 and I-864 forms

Thanks for the info, Saylin. What's an EP?

Electronic Processing. As a Canadian, you're eligible to email both packages (AOS and IV). This way, you won't have to submit the original/certified copies of certificates. You just have to bring it to the interview for them to verify and they return them to you. Plus, you'll save a lot on postage and envelopes.

I highly suggest you read the wiki I wrote (specifically for Canadians!) that will help you with EP and online forms. It's linked in my signature below.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-01-30 12:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-260 and I-864 forms

Hi, we are in the process of completing our DS-260 and I-864. We, my husband and I, are getting a little confused with all the civil documents we need to send. For the DS-260, does he need the long form birth certificate copy? Also, as a proof of marriage, does he also need the original copy of the marriage certificate? If so, would I also need to send in the original of the marriage certificate when i submit my I-864 documents? Hope someone can help us :)

You have to send in the long form BC as it has the parent's names, and that's one of the requirements on NVC's website about birth certificates.

And the marriage certificate only has to be sent with the IV package, not the AOS package.

Are you doing EP?
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-01-30 10:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI864P

Please bear with me. I read that the Poverty Guideline for form I864P for (2)Two people is $18,387.00. Is that per person or for both together?
Thanks for looking.

It's just the petitioner that has to meet the income requirements. The beneficiary's income doesn't matter as it most likely won't continue when they move to the US. So, if your household size is 2, then the petitioner has to make $18, 387 or more per year.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-01-31 12:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to do for getting Skype records and its chat logs ?

i would like to know how to get the option to print out the chat logs of skype and how to show the video calls, because most of time we talk by using video calls (cam to cam) ... so how to print it out and show it as proof of our daily contact ?
thank you guys.

Please see this thread: http://www.visajourn...kype-chat-logs/ (post #3)
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-02-08 17:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864... 2010 or 2011?

For tax year 2011, I'm intending to file a joint return with my husband, since we got married in June. However, since he doesn't have a social security number yet, we'll have to file for an ITIN, which could take a while. I'm not sure we'll have it all ready in time to submit the I-864 (assuming we get NOA2 soon).

The wording of question 25 on the I-864 asks for "my total income as reported on my Federal tax returns for the most recent three years". I take that to mean last three years in which I have already submitted my tax returns... so not 2011 (my most recent tax year)?

The reason I ask is because I was a student in 2008, and so if I don't include 2011, then my earnings are roughly:

2010 - 29,000
2009 - 17,000
2008 - 7,000

Which (I assume) doesn't look good, since my income isn't remotely consistent (well, except that it's consistently increasing). In 2011, I earned about 38,000 because of a series of raises. Can I include 2011, or no? What should I do?

(I should note that our household size will be 2)

On the I-864, I would just state 2008-2010 incomes (unless you get 2011 taxes filed and received your refund by then).

And don't worry about the low numbers. When I was at NVC last February, my husband hadn't filed his taxes at that time and his last three years were very low as well:

2007 - $5400
2008 - $10,000
2009 - $20,000

His numbers were lower than yours and we got approved with ZERO issues.

Then for the interview, I brought his 2011 tax transcript (which was for $40,000) as he had filed in March and my interview was in May.

Remember, NVC really only looks at the most recent tax year (2010 in your case) as well as the current year (2011), and for a household size of 2, you're well over the poverty line, so you should be approved, no problem :)
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-02-09 13:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Madness! Please help!

My husband and I have submitted all of the required documents to the NVC for the immigrant visa application and civil documents but they keep sending us CHECKLISTS for these items we have already submitted saying they are missing. I feel like we are going crazy!!

Has this happened to anyone else?

I have called and emailed them and all I get are canned responses.

It's as if they haven't actually looked at the package of documents we sent.

We are very confused and concerned since we don't want our application to be delayed.

We appreciate any information or advice!!

Thank you!

Don't worry. Those are called false checklists. Lots of VJ members receive them.

Just keep calling NVC and asking if your packages have been reviewed yet.
SaylinFemaleCanada2012-02-09 17:45:00