Asia: East and PacificHow much is enough?

I think that will be fine

This is the test
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-09 22:16:00
Asia: East and PacificHow much is enough?
quote and quote

quote Just remember when you actually quote it will be "[quote]" and not "[ quote]" with a space. quote

This is a test

Edited by Bruce_Han, 09 April 2006 - 10:13 PM.

Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-09 22:09:00
Asia: East and PacificHow much is enough?
[quote name='dalegg' date='Apr 9 2006, 09:33 PM' post='120317']
Look, here is an example of me quoting one of your earlier posts. I've put an extra space in front of each "[" so I can display the whole thing as it would look when you preview your post.

[quote name='Bruce_Han' post='120266' date='Apr 9 2006, 06:44 PM']
[ quote name='Bruce_Han' date='Apr 9 2006, 06:44 PM' post='120266']
I think that will be fine, as long as it is indicated that there is correspondence from both of you on the same letter. :yes:
[ /quote]

The bolded parts are the ones you must have in your quotes. As long as you have those parts, you can reuse or cut down the text as much as you want. Examples:

[quote name='Bruce_Han' post='120266' date='Apr 9 2006, 06:44 PM']
[ quote name='Bruce_Han' date='Apr 9 2006, 06:44 PM' post='120266']
I think that will be fine[ /quote][/quote]
[quote name='Bruce_Han' post='120266' date='Apr 9 2006, 06:44 PM']
I think that will be fine[/quote]


[quote name='Bruce_Han' post='120266' date='Apr 9 2006, 06:44 PM']
[ quote name='Bruce_Han' date='Apr 9 2006, 06:44 PM' post='120266']
I think that will be fine, as long as it is indicated that there is correspondence from both of you on the same letter. :yes: And by the way, don't you think that dalegg is one great guy [ /quote] [/quote]
[quote name='Bruce_Han' post='120266' date='Apr 9 2006, 06:44 PM']
I think that will be fine, as long as it is indicated that there is correspondence from both of you on the same letter. :yes: And by the way, don't you think that dalegg is one great guy :yes: [/quote]

Just remember when you actually quote it will be "[quote]" and not "[ quote]" with a space.

Thanks Dalegg, my brain is on Idle now, I will practice this later. Good job explaining this, you will see in future post that I have achieved the skills.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-09 21:55:00
Asia: East and PacificHow much is enough?
[quote name='dalegg' date='Apr 9 2006, 08:56 PM' post='120285']

To avoid these problems, preview your posts.

Make sure you don't have a "[/quote]" when you don't have a "[quote]" or "[quote='someone at sometime'] first. For every [/quote] there must be a [quote=] before it. No more, no less.

The beginning of the quote is: "[quote name=''Bruce_Han' date='Apr 9 2006' date=' 08:56 PM' post='120213'']" and the end of the quote is always "[/quote]".

When Bruce tried to quote Mike saying "I did send her a picture of my car a while ago, but didn't include it, lol" He forgot to leave in the beginning part "[quote name=''mike1972e' date='Apr 9 2006' date=' 06:14 PM' post='120229'']" and every quote after that got jacked up because of the one missing [quote=]. [/b]

This is a test

I still did it wrong. Man,,I work with computer everyday and thisone gets to me. I thought I was doing it correct with what Dalegg instructed, I am still missing the point I guess. Dalegg, can you dumb it down a notch please?
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-09 21:07:00
Asia: East and PacificHow much is enough?
I think that will be fine, as long as it is indicated that there is correspondence from both of you on the same letter. :yes:
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-09 20:44:00
Asia: East and PacificHow much is enough?
Seriously I did send her some pics of my car, house, and swimming pool so her parents and her could see where she would be living. I was just joking with you about the lol. :thumbs: :thumbs:

It's cool. You know I still connot figure out how to quote just part of a quote,
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-09 19:56:00
Asia: East and PacificHow much is enough?
I did send her a picture of my car a while ago, but didn't include it, lol.

Mike, Help me out here. :(
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-09 19:36:00
Asia: East and PacificHow much is enough?

For those of you that have gone thru HCMC and those of you about to go thru HCMC, how many chats and emails are you presenting at the interview? Here is my situation: We met each other online in February 2005, and began communicating thru emails, chats, and talking on the phone.

How does HCMC feel about couples meeting online?

This is what I have as evidence of relationship that we will provide:
1. 40 pictures of us together, by ourselves, with family, and with friends.

2. 3 pictures for the engagement ceremony, 1 pic of a man representing my family speaking to her parents, 1 pic of me with a translator speaking to her family telling them I am sorry my family could not attend, as well as me thanking them for there blessing of their daughter, and 1 pic of her father speaking to me and given me permission to marry his daughter.

3. 6 pictures from studio showing her engagement ring wearing Veitnamese special dress as well as me, by ourselves, and with her son and parents.

4. Handwritten letters from her to me, to my kids, to my parents, and letters from me to her, to her son, and to her parents, and letters from her parents to my parents, as well as letters from my parents to hers.

5. Airplane stubs, receipts, Visa Stamps, Hotel receipts, train tickets, water puppet show tickets, etc.

6. Phone records for the duration of our relationship

7. Emails for the duration of our relationship (About 400)

8. Chats (Did not save all of them, because how is one to know you need to save everything)

9. Mail receipts

I may be forgetting some things. So how many emails and chats should be present with her at interview time? IF we print them all then, it will be challenging for her to look thru them all to find specific ones they request. Where do you draw the line? I feel we have enough evidence, but you know HCMC, you just don't know what they want, and expect. What are your thoughts as far as the evidence I am providing? You know, I just don't understand how one is to know that you must save ever little piece of evidence. If one was looking to commit fraud then they would know ahead of time to save everything, but for those who go into a relationship and don't know where it is going to lead to and are only it for love, you do not know that you need to save everything, so it seems like things are reversed. Sorry for rambling!!!!

Hey Mike,
You are doing a great job! My personal opinion is: Take as much as you can to the interview, But as Lan says (Andys fiancee): it is most important to have everything in very good order by date. send her some post it notes! You would want her to seperate all the correnspondence from the time the two of you first met up to the engagement and then from the engagement all the way up to the interview. I hope that makes sense. I also sent sent my fiancee a picture of my car with me standing next to it just for the heck of it. Did you send her the credit card reciepts for the plane tickets?
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-09 18:42:00
Asia: East and PacificThe K-1 and HCMC
How was that group hug?
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-11 11:43:00
Asia: East and PacificThe K-1 and HCMC

WOW, You sure do have control over your fiancee, Oh and, The consulate is run by a bunch of goons? Really? Do you really think it is because of friends like yours and the sham marriages? :blink:

Whoa there. Wait a minute. What's with that hostile response? I don't have "control" over my fiancee. If anything, she has control over me! For some reason she seems to want me to stop her from having a third drink. Something to do with her wondering if I would allow to get drunk and be a "bad girl" or something like that. Her respect for me grew after I said I didn't want her to have more than two drinks.

Also, none of my friends had sham marriages. My friend from Vietnam who lives in NYC has friends or knows people with sham marriages. Understand the difference?

And if we get approved first time at bat, yes, I will still think there are a lot of goons there. A number of people who very clearly love each other are being denied for no good reason using standards not in use at any other consulate. That's just not right.

I'm not sure why you, after being so friendly, have suddenly turned on me. I just stated my opinion based upon my observations. :(

Right you are, please accept my apology, It was not my intension to turn on you. I work with Algorithms and data structures at my job everyday and on this particular day my brain was fried by the time I got to reading your post. I mis judged your opinion. Now, with that said, If there are any question you have I will be happy to help. VJ would not be the same without you here!
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-10 22:29:00