VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

Matt, my fiancee Huong is the same way. She is worried about the interview because of her English. I tried to explain to her, the person interviewing her has interview probably thousands of Vietnamese people speaking broken English. I am sure that they are very familiar with hearing them speak English, so it should be no problem. We also wanted to wish you both good luck.

My fiancee was the same too. I encouraged her to break the ice just when she stepped up to the window and look the CO in the eye and say 'Good afternoon' or morning. Keep building her confidance up. After she said this the CO looked back and smiled and returned the compliment, then the translater left the window. Have her establish the fact that she speaks english at the very beginning, this will giive a good first impression.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-05-30 21:27:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

Well, I offered to send her money to make the deposit for the restaurant and for the photographer. She said she could probably pay for most of that , but would let me know if she ran into trouble.

I always used Western Union, 6 bucks for each transfer. Quick and secure.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-03 20:35:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

We are in the line up for our interview. The only thing I am most concered about is not having the formal Dam Hoi. We just had a very small get together at a resturaunt, We do have a few pictures, and she does have her engagement ring. It is certainly too late now to have one before the interview. Has there been a case when a blue slip was handed out because of the Dam Hoi lack of proof thing. I pray I will not be the first case.

Mmm, seems like this guy fastfred had the ceremony one day before the interview and he got a blue slip and put on AR for a month. It might be better not to have one than to have one a day before the interview.

I agree with you there, It would send the wrong message if I were to have the Dam Hoi just before the interview. We will just have to wait and see.

Matt_Stevens, I will be the Guinee pig on this one.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-03-29 23:32:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
We are in the line up for our interview. The only thing I am most concered about is not having the formal Dam Hoi. We just had a very small get together at a resturaunt, We do have a few pictures, and she does have her engagement ring. It is certainly too late now to have one before the interview. Has there been a case when a blue slip was handed out because of the Dam Hoi lack of proof thing. I pray I will not be the first case.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-03-29 22:52:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

One more thing to think about right now is how envious we all are of you- yes- even me having already passed this part. At what other point will you ever get to be this excited? All of the waiting and preparation is finally over. Not that I ever want to go back to those months of chatting on yahoo, but I really kind of miss that moment of waiting to hear the results of the interview.

In my case the answer was not good right away, but I still remember the excitement of the phone call. I was online with my friends and her friends in Vietnam. It feels like you're on stage and they are about to draw lottery numbers. I hate to say it, but there will never be a time you feel this excited again- except maybe when your children are born. So, I'm really kind of envious.

I completely echo you dalegg. I think the blind friendships that we develop on VisaJourney are a great benefit to all of us. While we may never meet in person, we've shared hard times through the process, helped each other with specific Vietnam related tips, rallied behind those with blue slips and delays and most exciting, we've shared together in the very excitement you reference in your post.

It is odd how we all just stumble upon this site. I can't even remember myself how I found it, but I'm more than happy I did. First you find the K-1 board, and then you are slowly steered to the Vietnam VisaJourney Members page; a wealth of information and page of new friends. I know for my situation - and probably many others just starting out - one could never imagine this process could be done alone without the guidance of another with experience or an immigration lawyer. However, VisaJourney puts those thoughts behind us all and gives us the confidence, knowledge and support to tackle the petition with our own bare hands.

I know the interview process is becoming closer for those like landy, yellow123, bruce_han, kvtran, myself, matt stevens and menyoo. Blue slip or pink slip for any of us, it doesn't matter. We've got a board of support to turn to no matter what color the interviewee is handed.


As Ben Franklin had said, We must all hang together or most assuredly, we will all hang seperetly!
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-03-27 23:06:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members
WOW, I am glad we are back online. :D What else is new everybody?
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-01-31 20:56:00
Asia: East and PacificPacket 3
Will my fiance need the original I-797 NOA2 at her interview in Ho Chi Minh City? I am just curious as to what is in packet 3.

Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-02-05 20:26:00
Asia: East and PacificI129F

hi ya
now ya got me wondering if mine will be ok...when i was over this time round i was looking at all the paper work that my robbie had sent in...i noticed he did the same thing but my year is wrong...but we also sent in a certified copy of my birth certificate and we were approved.. so we are assuming that with having my birth certificate enclosed in the packet they realised it was a typo ....

phew!!!! just looked at my packet 3 details and they have put my correct birthdate on it ...was a tad worried there for a bit...
take care
p.s. which date was placed on the cover letter from the embassey to her what her birthdate was...?

I did receive a reply from the consulate. Here is what they said:

Dear Mr. Dougan:

Thank you for your information. We have fowarded your email to the Immigrant Visa Unit.


Info Unit Staff
Consular Section
U.S. Consulate General HCMC

So hats off to you scy. You hit it right on the head. You were very accurate in your responce to my question. Well now, So the consulate has forwarded my email to the immigration unit, whats next? will they just make the correction in the computer and thats it? Man my spelling sucks.

I will post what happens when it happens.

Thanks for your replies
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-02-19 23:30:00
Asia: East and PacificI129F

I have a situation, When I filled out the I129F, somehow I inadvertantly put my fiancees birthday wrong, I put 28/12/1978, her birthday is 24/12/1978. I don't know how I made this mistake, but I did. I found out about the error when my fiancee recieved her packet 3 from the consulate. I asked her to look over all the papers to see if everything looked ok. She told me that on the I129F that the birthday is wrong but on the G325A the birthday is correct. I decided to email the consulate and let them know that there had been an error made on the birthday, Here is what I sent to them:

Dear Info unit staff, Consular section,
I would like to inform you that there has been an inadvertant error on the I-129F regarding Le Ngo Ngoc Han's birthday showing her birthday as 28/12/1978. Her correct birthday is 24/12/1978. The G325A has the correct birthday. I would like to apoligize for the error.
Thanks for your time.

Bruce Dougan Jr.

Sort and sweet and to the point. I put all the petitioner and case number info at the bottom as they request when you email them.

I sent the email to them on February 10, 2006. I have not yet received a response. Any ideas on how this will affect the petition and the process ahead?


When NVC received the I-129F they ran security checks based on your fiancee's name and birthdate. When your fiancee apply for the visa, the consulate will notice the discrepancy on her birthdate. Then they will delay issuing the visa pending a redo of the security checks by NVC. The delay might be a week or longer.

There is nothing the consulate will do now until your fiancee has her interview. And always write dates in the MM/DD/YYYY format unless the form specifies otherwise.

Good luck.

Thanks for the reply,
So,,,will they do the security chechs after the interview? And really, how long could this take?

They already did the security checks but will now have to redo them base on the new birthdate. It could take a week or longer.

What you should do is confirm that the birthdate for your fiancee is incorrect in the consulate's computers. Call the visa office at 202-663-1225 and ask them what birthdate they have in their computers. If it's correct, then no worry.

And if it is incorrect in their computers, Do I give them the correct date or do I just wait it out?

Thanks for your valuable information
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-02-15 01:29:00
Asia: East and PacificI129F

I have a situation, When I filled out the I129F, somehow I inadvertantly put my fiancees birthday wrong, I put 28/12/1978, her birthday is 24/12/1978. I don't know how I made this mistake, but I did. I found out about the error when my fiancee recieved her packet 3 from the consulate. I asked her to look over all the papers to see if everything looked ok. She told me that on the I129F that the birthday is wrong but on the G325A the birthday is correct. I decided to email the consulate and let them know that there had been an error made on the birthday, Here is what I sent to them:

Dear Info unit staff, Consular section,
I would like to inform you that there has been an inadvertant error on the I-129F regarding Le Ngo Ngoc Han's birthday showing her birthday as 28/12/1978. Her correct birthday is 24/12/1978. The G325A has the correct birthday. I would like to apoligize for the error.
Thanks for your time.

Bruce Dougan Jr.

Sort and sweet and to the point. I put all the petitioner and case number info at the bottom as they request when you email them.

I sent the email to them on February 10, 2006. I have not yet received a response. Any ideas on how this will affect the petition and the process ahead?


When NVC received the I-129F they ran security checks based on your fiancee's name and birthdate. When your fiancee apply for the visa, the consulate will notice the discrepancy on her birthdate. Then they will delay issuing the visa pending a redo of the security checks by NVC. The delay might be a week or longer.

There is nothing the consulate will do now until your fiancee has her interview. And always write dates in the MM/DD/YYYY format unless the form specifies otherwise.

Good luck.

Thanks for the reply,
So,,,will they do the security chechs after the interview? And really, how long could this take?
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-02-15 01:15:00
Asia: East and PacificI129F
I have a situation, When I filled out the I129F, somehow I inadvertantly put my fiancees birthday wrong, I put 28/12/1978, her birthday is 24/12/1978. I don't know how I made this mistake, but I did. I found out about the error when my fiancee recieved her packet 3 from the consulate. I asked her to look over all the papers to see if everything looked ok. She told me that on the I129F that the birthday is wrong but on the G325A the birthday is correct. I decided to email the consulate and let them know that there had been an error made on the birthday, Here is what I sent to them:

Dear Info unit staff, Consular section,
I would like to inform you that there has been an inadvertant error on the I-129F regarding Le Ngo Ngoc Han's birthday showing her birthday as 28/12/1978. Her correct birthday is 24/12/1978. The G325A has the correct birthday. I would like to apoligize for the error.
Thanks for your time.

Bruce Dougan Jr.

Sort and sweet and to the point. I put all the petitioner and case number info at the bottom as they request when you email them.

I sent the email to them on February 10, 2006. I have not yet received a response. Any ideas on how this will affect the petition and the process ahead?

Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-02-14 23:56:00
Asia: East and PacificIntel to invest $300m in Vietnam
Intel to invest $300m in Vietnam

Vietnam is South-East Asia's fastest growing PC market
US computer chip firm Intel is to build a $300m (£172m) factory in Vietnam.
It will be based in the Saigon Hi-Tech Park outside Ho Chi Minh City and will initially employ about 1,200 people.

It is believed to be the biggest investment yet by a US company in Vietnam, and will raise the country's profile as a hi-tech business location.

The plant will package chips into devices and test them before shipping them on. Intel has similar sites in China, Malaysia and the Philippines.

Expansion plans

Intel chairman Craig Barrett said the factory was only the first stage of his company's investment in the country.

The company already has a programme to provide computer training to more than 30,000 Vietnamese teachers and is helping the government set up wireless computer access to rural areas of the country.

The Vietnamese factory is part of a $6bn worldwide expansion programme Intel is rolling out this year.

Vietnam has been one of Asia's fastest growing economies in recent years, and has been trying to diversify its economy by attracting hi-tech investors.

But it has been criticised for its poor infrastructure, too much bureaucracy and widespread corruption.

Vietnam is opening up to world markets

It is currently negotiating to join the World Trade Organization and has taken steps to reform and open up its markets.

"We will do our utmost to create all the most favourable conditions possible so that projects like Intel will be successful," said Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung at an official ceremony to hand over Intel's investment licence.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-02-28 23:26:00
Asia: East and PacificK1 or K3

Sorry this may sound silly. i have been off and on in touch with a girl in VN. I am going over to visit in the next few months. If everything is real as it seem I want to propose to her. When I started talking to her I didn't keep any phone records and used calling cards becuase they seems alot cheaper. What can I expect getting into this? I am 31 and have been divorced before. I see that everyone seems to go over for month(s). I am a retail mgr and can only get limited time off. Any suggestions. I try to read all of the forums but it seems a little overwhelming. Can you use calling cards and show a cell phone bill with the 1800 access number to prove that you have been calling. And my girlfriend is having a hard time finding a computer to use in Cai Be, Tihn Tien Giang. Thanks ahead of time.

I agree, I have been to Vietnam for short visits, 1st time 2 weeks and second time 7 days. If you feel good about your love to each other and you decide to propose and you buy her a engagement ring, be sure to keep the reciep and you both sign itt. Also when you go, if you stay in a hotel, be sure to put her name on the reservation when you book the room. When you check out of the hotel you and your girl sign the invoice (reciept). This will be useful later in the visa process showing you were together. Take alot of pictures together not only with her but with her family as well. When you go to see her, you may want to look for a decent internet cafe near her house. With my fiancee, I bought her a cell phone and use Vonage to call her. It is the cheapest way and provides phone records, Also I do send a small amount of money to help offset the costs of the internet cafe. I wish you the best of luck.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-02-11 01:35:00
Asia: East and PacificIncome Issue

What? So I will automatically be denied? ####### is going on here?! I have to have a co-sponsor. It is a must. My writing provides pay at different periods, may times months apart. Great, so I am doing all of this for nothing?!!!!

THIS MAKES NO SENSE! The rules very clearly state that we can have a co-sponsor. It's in black and white, so how can this ONE single consulate say F YOU?

Hi Matt, Dont get too discoraged yet. I have been searching hi and low for any information regarding co sponsers denials in HCMC. So far I found nothing. I am not in need of a co sponser, but I have had some free time looking into this. There is one thing you can try though, you can email the Info Unit Staff, Consular section. Ask them about having a co sponser, and see what they say. But to get a response from them you will need to have all your ducks in a row. When I had an issue this is how i did it. Send your email to the Info Staff Unit , consular section. Keep it short and to the point, just ask them about having a co sponser and if the rules have changed. Then most important is to put all the relevent information regarding your case, see below. I think by doing this, you will get a straight answer. Good luck and let us know what happens.

Info Unit Staff
Consular Section
U.S. Consulate General HCMC
E-mail: (regarding visa issues)

Applicants name:
Date of birth:

Petitioners name:
Case number:
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-03-19 02:27:00
Asia: East and PacificFiancee's son?

Thanks for your support! He is 5 years old. This morning before I went to work, I had a chance to chat with my fiancee and her son, and he was so happy to chat with me and see me on the webcam. He asked me if i can come there for one day so we could play :crying: . Then he said he wants to come here so we can swim, and play. My nerves are shot now. I hope to change his mind!

Mike ,
I have been thinking about this for some time. I know this is a tough situation to be in. Keep your spirits up. Somehow you and your fiance need to convince the father that the child will be going to a good home. Did you meet the father when you visited your fiance? Maybe if you go again, could it be a good idea to meet him personally? I know you and your fiance knows best. I hope everything will work out. Good luck.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-03-26 00:12:00
Asia: East and PacificUS Consulate Staff in Ho Chi Minh City Under Investigation
I dont know if this story has any merit but, but still an interesting read.

US Consulate Staff in Ho Chi Minh City Under Investigation

March 08, 2006
By Dr Harold Mandel

The Mandel News Service is investigating the U.S. Consulate staff in Ho Chi Minh City,Vietnam for refusing my Vietnamese wife,My Dung Quach Thi,an immigrant visa to the United States after her papers were cleared for entry to the United States by the Immigration and Naturalization Service in Ho Chi Minh City years ago.

The State Department appears intent on using the Communists as proxy agents to cover up for wrongdoing in dealing with me years ago in China at which time I was kidnapped and thrown into Red Chinese mental hospitals in retaliation for my criticisms of the mental health-care policies of the United States and the Communist countries as reflecting brutal Nazism. The CIA and FBI,which work with the State Department,sold me out overseas when I went to China to study and work and thereafter in Vietnam in order to dilute the credibility of my reports about mental health-care abuses in the United States by having me railroaded into mental hospitals with false allegations it was me who was mentally ill.

The Bushs,who have close ties with the Red Chinese because President George Bush Sr was a liason to China,saw this all as a perfect opportunity to use me as a vehicle to further their political aspirations by moving forward with appeasement policies in dealing with Beijing by setting me up for "The Texas Brutality Case" wherein I was kidnapped,beaten and tortured after being lured to Texas and hit with a fixed civil mental health-care case falsely alleging that I suffer from manic-depression. This all lead to heavy Chinese support for the Bush presidencys with behind the lines hot Chinese money being funneled into the Bushs political war chests. The deal was the Bushs and Texans would take the position that China was not a human rights violator nation in the area of mental health-care with my case as evidence of that. Beijing was to of course understand that however at times the Bushs would have to make some anti-Communist comments in public in the United States to avoid a public outrage. The US feds,deeply concerned about what this all meant when no other states in the United States had any intentions of railroading me into mental hospitals pushed hard behind the lines for the Bush/Cheney ticket to make all of this appear justified and now the nation and the country are in ruins due to Texas policies. There have been attempts to murder me by the police to cover all of this up in the form of poisonings,beatings and hit and runs with moving vehicles.

When I visit Vietnam to see my wife and children I have been hit with intense electronic harassment,badgering,surveillance and blacklisting.

The same U.S. Department of State which has insisted that I do not have enough money to properly sponsor my wifes immigration request to the United States has been largely responsible for the backlisting of my vital financial interests in association with "The Texas Brutality Case". So,as the State Department speaks of its concerns over human trafficking my two charming young Vietnamese/American children,2 year old Christopher and 5 year old Katherine,along with my wife and I are being set up to become victims of human trafficking and torture if we run out of money someday.

Clearly it is the U.S. feds and Texans who are insane for helping the Communists abuse me and my family. I also am deeply sorry to have to report that the entire U.S. Consulate staff in Ho Chi Minh City,along with the group of doctors in Texas who helped to mastermind "The Texas Brutality Case",appear to be as guilty of torture as the group of military people from the Abu Ghraib prison scandal.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-03-19 01:48:00
Asia: East and PacificWe got our pack 4 !!

Congrats!!! Now I'm worried. My packet 3 was sent in at the same time. The consulate has already received the packet 3 and I confirmed it, but my fiance hasn't seen packet 4 yet. What gives here. :unsure:


I suggest that you ask your fiancee to call in and ask about the interview date. In our case, the lady told us to call back in early April to find out the interview date. However, my fiancee could have called in about 2 weeks before that time and would have gotten an answer. If the Pack 4 is lost, just like our Pack 3 was, then by the time you inquire about the interview date you could have just a few days to prepare. Good luck and hope you'll find out your date on the call.

I just called the consulate in HCMC and they said I need to wait. Normally, they take 3 to 4 months after receiving the packet 3 forms to send out packet 4. Then she hung up on me. :angry: I guess I lucked out. Maybe, my fiance will get her packet soon.

I always foud it better to e-maile the consulate, Just be sure to give them the benificiaries name, address, birthdate, phone number, and give them your name and case number. I always received a positive reply back from them everytime.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-03-26 20:55:00
Asia: East and PacificWe got our pack 4 !!

Lien called me about 3 days ago 3 AM in the morning to tell me that we have just received our pack 4.
She told me that the paper tells her to go get her medical exam at least a week before the interview date (4-13-06) at Cho Ray hospital and Pack 4 is a lot thicker than Pack 3. The funny thing was that when I asked when is the interview date, she told me that she couldn't find the listed interview date anywhere. She then called the consulate and about 10 mins later called back to tell me the date. She later found the interview date in very small printings. I am so ecstatic and am counting down the interview date day by day now. :dance: :dance: :dance:

I am happy for you, Thats great news. Congrats!!!!
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-03-25 22:11:00
Asia: East and PacificWe got our interview date

We finally got our interview date!!! I thought this day would never come. I hope to have a real nice birthday present. I am keeping my fingers crossed. I just FEDEXed all the important papers to her this week(Proof of relationship, I-134 and everything else imaginiable. Our case has been pretty straight forward (No RFE's). Well, please wish us luck!, and thanks to all of you for your support!!! I will post the news when it comes.

Thanks to the lord!


You state that you sent important papers to her this week(Proof of relationship, I-134.....
Is it required to send it 2 times. When I did my I129f I sent the I-134 with it. I was told that all the paper work and proof of Relationship that gets filled the I129f will be at the interview and that I do not need to send anything else.

Robert & Van,
Dalegg is correct, You do need to send proof of relation just before the interview date. I see from your time line that you do indeed have plenty of time to collect communuication between you two. You should wait on the I-134 until she recieves her packet 3. Save all your reciepts from your trip over there and save your credit card statments that show you paid for the plane tickets.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-03-26 21:07:00
Asia: East and PacificWe got our interview date

I second that question. I'll have my fiancee do the same!

Ok here is the deal, I did not want to endorse the idea of telling you guys it was ok to hand deliver the packet 3 to the consulate without getting some more information first. First thing I asked hmy fiance was: Who and were did you take the papers to at the consulate? She said at the front enterance of the consulate building there is a window with a VN lady sitting there. Second thing I asked her was: How did they respond to you when you handed them the packet 3 papers? She said the lady was very nice to her and accpted the papers with no problems or questions.

I wanted to make sure that the consulate does not frown about the fact that benificeraries are hand delivering ther document in person. So I say go for it. I did save some time from the snail mail.

Please anyone, Correct me if you think this is a bad idea.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-03-26 02:28:00
Asia: East and PacificWe got our interview date

I know JOSmith2 has his interview coming up real soon too, but I'm not sure of the date.

That's kind of interesting that you got your Pack 4 only one month after sending back your Pack 3, or is that a typo in the date you returned pack 3. Hmm. Yeah, did you really wait 1 month before sending it back?

You're making kvtran jealous.

I was waiting for this question to come up. We did wait 1 month before sending packet 3 back to the embassy. When her packet 3 came in the mail it was burried under some other papers and not found untill my fiancee discovered them 2 weeks later. Dodged a bullit there. So after it was found she filled out the forms and hand carried them to the consulate (She lives 5 min. away). I was suprised myself that Packet 4 came so soon and that the interview was comming so suddenly. I guess that since she hand carried the packet to the embassy, that eliminated the snail mail time and therefore everything happened much quicker. So to sum it all up, the dates are correct in the time line. We just got lucky I guess.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-03-25 01:08:00
Asia: East and PacificWe got our interview date
We finally got our interview date!!! I thought this day would never come. I hope to have a real nice birthday present. I am keeping my fingers crossed. I just FEDEXed all the important papers to her this week(Proof of relationship, I-134 and everything else imaginiable. Our case has been pretty straight forward (No RFE's). Well, please wish us luck!, and thanks to all of you for your support!!! I will post the news when it comes.

Thanks to the lord!

Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-03-23 21:28:00
Asia: East and PacificGot my passport back from Vietnamese Embassy

No, you misunderstand, I *WILL* have the engagement ring for her. I am bringing it with me in May. It is just the Dam Hoi that will take place later. I simply could not afford both. It was impossible.

And now I can spend more on the ring. I wanted to get her a ring that was worthy of her.

I am going about it the same as you are. We bought a ring together when I was in HCMC and then I proposed to her, and we did have a small get together at her families house. We took some pictures of the small party, nothing fancy. I did not even know what a Dam Hoi was at the time. So we have the ring and some pictures at her families house ,,thats all.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-03-26 17:27:00
Asia: East and PacificGot my passport back from Vietnamese Embassy

This is very important, If you stay at a hotel, book the room for you and your Fiance in advance or they wont let her into your room.

Are you telling me this is all I had to do to avoid the panic I went through every time I was there???!! We stayed at a willing hotel, but without fail every time I was there at least once a week there would be police doing a random inspection and I tried desperately to sleep without dreaming of being hauled off to a Vietnamese jail showing them pictures of our engagement ceremony and bribing them to get me out!!! fortunately they never checked our room. :bonk:

Besides, it doesn't matter. We learned in another post that Matt's fiance is saving herself for marriage :innocent: , so I'm sure she will never be in his room

Actually, according to Vietnamese law, the foreigner has to be married to the Vietnamese citizen in order for them to be allowed in the same hotel room. So being engaged doesn't count. And yes, they could have hauled you off to a jail if you're found to not be married to the woman staying in your room. But I'm sure a little bribe will go a long way towards resolving any problem.

I guessed I dodged another bullit then. When I made the hotel reservations, my fiance said to be sure to list her name on the reservation. So thats what exactly what I did. Thanks for that correction, because my facts were off. I really thought this within the law.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-03-26 00:20:00
Asia: East and PacificGot my passport back from Vietnamese Embassy

This is very important, If you stay at a hotel, book the room for you and your Fiance in advance or they wont let her into your room.

Are you telling me this is all I had to do to avoid the panic I went through every time I was there???!! We stayed at a willing hotel, but without fail every time I was there at least once a week there would be police doing a random inspection and I tried desperately to sleep without dreaming of being hauled off to a Vietnamese jail showing them pictures of our engagement ceremony and bribing them to get me out!!! fortunately they never checked our room. :bonk:

Besides, it doesn't matter. We learned in another post that Matt's fiance is saving herself for marriage :innocent: , so I'm sure she will never be in his room

Thats for sure, If you book the room as a couple, they cant touch you.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-03-25 23:51:00
Asia: East and PacificGot my passport back from Vietnamese Embassy

My fiancee and I met in person twice in Europe when she was researching universities, so this will be my first trip to her home country of Vietnam and my first time meeting her parents.

Sent my passport to the Vietnamese Embassy in DC last week and received it back today, with the Visa. :)

47 days and counting. :thumbs:

This is very important, If you stay at a hotel, book the room for you and your Fiance in advance or they wont let her into your room. If you do stay in a hotel, have her sign the reciept too. Take alot of pictures with her parents and her friends and have them dated. Save every reciept you get. Make sure to keep the credit card statments for the airline tickets. Take as much proof of relation stuff (ie printed emails, Greeting cards, IM log chats, Photos of you and your parents and family, Pictures of your car, you cant bring to much with you, (this will save you some time and money down the road. Just keep your baggage under 70 pounds though. Well, good luck, have fun, If you have a gameboy you will need it for the flight.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-03-25 22:30:00
Asia: East and PacificAnother case denied in HCMC.

Denial, delay. Whatever. That blue slip means 1/2 a year to a years additional wait. Basically, asbolute torture for the couple involved. It will be very hard on a relationship to be thrown into limbo like that.

In my case, I really think I am screwed. Not only did I officially make no money last year, but I am moving this Summer and that means looking for a job. Worse, my mother, who is my co-sponsor is also moving and that means she will be switching jobs!

I realized you have alot of concerns right now. You need to better position yourself if you do get a delay because of having a co-sponser. What I mean is you need to find a job this week. You still have a few months to go before the interview and by having a job (now or very soon), in 1 or 2 months you can have the employer work letter and other supporting documents that they may request with getting the blue slip. Post your resume on, Look in Craigs lists. Their are alot of jobs out there that will put you above the poverty limit.

Good luck
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-02 11:28:00
Asia: East and PacificWorried about K-1 Visa App for Vietnam

I seem to recall an old post here on VJ, where HCMC was asking for the birth certificates of the ex-wifes's parents!, or some totally crazy thing like that. Anyone remember that? I've seen posts where they ask for some pretty crazy information concerning ex-spouses.

As I recall, someone posted that they asked for the Ex-spouses current address. I am sure their have been some pretty crazy requests.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-02-28 23:47:00
Asia: East and PacificVietnamese Translation

None of those certificates need to be sent back when you send in your visa application after pack 3. The only thing you need to send back are the forms in that packet.

Interesting. So the I-134's and all my evidence does not have to be in that when my fiancee returns it? She just needs it for the interview?

How close to the interview should the I-134 be notarized? Bank statements, etc... ???

I just sent mine over 1 month before the interview. If you time it right you can send it within 1 week of the interview.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-02 21:29:00
Asia: East and PacificGot my interview date

:D Finally, my fiance has her interview date. May 12th, 2006. So what do I need to do to prepare?

All right, it's about time!
You will need to get I-134, work letter, Bank letter, W2, 1040 for the last 3 years and all the proof of relation you can come up with, Latters, emails, credit card statments showing you paid for your plane tickets, pictures. You can see more reading the threads.

Good luck to you
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-05 22:37:00
Asia: East and PacificHow do I describe my very strange employment situation?

Thanks. Is this the correct email address:

ANOTHER disaster has hit me. Because I am dyslexic, or maybe because I was so panic sctricken and nervous, I put down my fiancee's birth date as being in 2006 instead of 1980! NOW WHAT?!?!?! How could it get this far with such an error.

I am ready to have a heart attack. I am so stressed out over this that I am sich to my stomach. It should not have to be this way. :(

No Matt,
The e-mail address is (regarding visa issues)

Look at my post above this one and you will see in their signature what address to use.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-05 16:48:00
Asia: East and PacificHow do I describe my very strange employment situation?

I alomost all of that same information. But what is Quan?

Thanks :)

Quan:12 = District 12
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-05 16:31:00
Asia: East and PacificHow do I describe my very strange employment situation?

I have no idea because they won't answer my email. :(

How did you address your email to them? You need to supply the information below. As you can see in the email I sent to them. They responded back to my in one day. Try it again with all the proper information. If they dont respond, you can have your fiancee go to the consulate to pick up Packet 3 . But she should only go there if 1 month has passed since they sent it out.

I would like to know if you recieved our case file from the NVC. Also has the Packet # 3 been sent out to my fiance?

Thanks for your time


Applicants name: XXXX XX XXXX
Date of birth: XX/XX/XXXX
Quan: 12
Thanh Pho: Ho Chi Minh City

Petitioners name: XXXX XXXXXXX

[u]This was there reply[/u]

Dear Mr. Bruce,

We sent your fiancée an Instruction Package (Packet 3) on January 12 to the following address XXXX XXXXXX XXX XXX, Your fiancée is requested to return the completed DS-230 Part I to us as soon as possible. We will schedule your fiancée for a visa interview after we receive this form. If your fiancée has not yet received the packet within one month of the mailing date, she can come to our office to pick-up a packet in-person or contact us to request that we mail another packet.

If you have further inquiries, please do not delete your original email with all correspondence.


Info Unit Staff
Consular Section
U.S. Consulate General HCMC
Tel! : (84-8) 822 9433 - ext 4636
Fax: (84-8) 824 5572
E-mail: (regarding visa issues) (regarding services for U.S. citizens)

Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-05 15:56:00
Asia: East and PacificHow do I describe my very strange employment situation?

That's me. Mr. Positive. :D

Did your petition arrive to HCMC yet? It should be there by now.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-05 14:05:00
Asia: East and PacificHow do I describe my very strange employment situation?

What sucks is that were this a case in any other country, my co-sponsor would be all that's needed. But because it is HCMC, Anh and I are pretty much ******. How we will handle a seperation that could last to late 2007 or MORE is beyond me. :(

I've made good money all of my life, but starting with my divorce I decided to make changes in my life and go for my dream and it's coming along, but slowly. And as a result I may end up keeping the love of my life stuck in her home country for a very long time.

I wish I had an idea of when her interview would be. How many months would I need a so called "REAL" job so that they can see I am "stable" enough to pay for my fiancee's needs?

I dont know if you need show how many months you are working, you just need to prove the fact that you "ARE" working and making the requierd amount that shows she will not be a public charge. I believe that the more supporting documents she has in her hand when she walks into that interview will be much stronger than not having anything but just a co-sponcer and no job. You can send her paycheck stubbs, employee letter, and save what you can then send her the bank letter. You still have about 2-3 months possibly before her interview. It's better than nothing, but you need to act fast about getting "Real" job.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-02 15:36:00
Asia: East and PacificNVCs rec'd letter has Fiancee name in wrong order! Problem?

Hey all-

Just got my receipt letter from the NVC for my I-129f with my case #, but I noticed something that made my heart skip a beat...

My fiancee's name is out of order! :o She has 4 names (as is common in VN) and they switched her first name with a middle one. I double checked the NOA2 approval and they got it right on that one.

SO, I'm left wondering is this an error I need to correct and if it is, who do I contact? Or is this letter unimportant in the bigger scheme of it all??

I would not worry about it. I believe the consulate goes by the NOA2 approval letter and not the receipt letter NOA1. Can you confirm that the name is in the correct order on the I-129F? and the G325A because they will look at those document for sure.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-08 18:22:00
Asia: East and PacificMade a mistake on my K-1

here are a few photos of the Nova

Let me guess, The 62 Chevy goes to the daughter Right?
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-09 01:27:00
Asia: East and PacificMade a mistake on my K-1

Well after reviewing some more information I think that I will be ok. I did not list any of my assets on the I-864. Anybody knows-- I know that there was a formula to find out if my assets were enough to sponsor for a K-1 but I not for Sure how that works.

Annual income with No OT 27,000.00

Family of 4 125% Minus My Son Due to age and Not living with me 25,000.00
Would make the min requirement

Family of 5 125% Added My Son even Though he will be 18 29,250.00
So that would put me 2,250 short of the min requirement

My house is apprised at 180,000
I Owe on 1st 119,000
I Owe on 2nd 20,000

Equity 41,000

99 Nissan Value at 4,500
62 Chevy Nova apprised 14,800
Savings 5,200

Total Assets 65,500.00

Hi Robert-

Looks like we'll probably be in HCMC at the same time, it'd be great to meet up with a fellow VJ'er. This will be my 3rd time in the last 15 months (for a total of 3 months!) and I can't wait to go back!! I haven't gotten any info on interview date, but looking at everyone else, I'm anticipating an early July target date.


Hey yea we should get together if we are there the same time. let me know when you are going I will give you Van's cell # so you can call and we can meet.

I would like to see what that 62 Nove looks like. Low miles or what?
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-04 20:42:00
Asia: East and PacificHow much is enough?
[quote name='dalegg' date='Apr 9 2006, 10:30 PM' post='120390']
[quote name='Bruce_Han' post='120378' date='Apr 9 2006, 08:16 PM']
This is the test

[quote name='dalegg' date='Apr 9 2006, 10:30 PM' post='120390']
now [/quote]
[quote name='dalegg' date='Apr 9 2006, 10:30 PM' post='120390']
[quote name='dalegg' date='Apr 9 2006, 10:30 PM' post='120390']
test [/quote]
[quote name='dalegg' date='Apr 9 2006, 10:30 PM' post='120390']
breaking it up.[/quote]
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-09 23:00:00
Asia: East and PacificHow much is enough?

I think that will be fine

This is the test
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-09 22:16:00