United KingdomUK Police Certificate
I am just filling the form out now from http://www.met.polic...ction/forms.htm and I am wondering what address to send this too? I am not in London, so I guess my local police dept in my area up north? Is the correct?
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-28 09:08:00
United KingdomAnother interview approval!
Congratulations! Great news
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-05 08:09:00
United KingdomPlanning a trip to England in September!!
York is fantastic for history and beauty :)

My parents live in the lake district which is one of my favourite places in the UK :)
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-09 20:41:00
United KingdomAnother Police Check question
Thanks for the replies guys!
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-20 17:04:00
United KingdomAnother Police Check question
Thanks - I know it takes up to 40 days too :) Just wanted to make sure no receipt would be given :)
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-20 12:08:00
United KingdomAnother Police Check question
I sent out my police record check last week and was just wanting to confirm something.

As I am not in London, or ever lived in London, I was to send it to my local Police HQ, which is in Cumbira:

That was the right thing to do correct?

Do you get a receipt from them at all upon delivery?
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-20 11:00:00
United KingdomUK medical data advice

Yes - Rush tour this summer!! :D :D I already have my tickets. :lol: Chas and me (plus a girlfriend of mine) are meeting some other Rush fans down in San Antonio to see that gig together. Its on August 12th. We're so damn excited. Chas and I met on a Rush message board, so to be able to see them together? We're ecstatic about it.

Is it weird that I am doing that and foregoing a 'wedding'? :lol: (You are NOT required to answer that...!)


Seeing Rush is a perfect way to end the K1 part of the process :)
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-30 12:42:00
United KingdomUK medical data advice
I would also rather walk out of the embassy knowing... I can't wait for that day! So maybe I'll wait a little bit before sending it back... Am I right in saying that the packet 3 is sent back in 2 different parts? I am sure I have seen that question asked before but couldn't find it again - I think it was embedded in another topic somewhere!? The 2 parts being the DS Forms online, and then secondly when you have collected all the information required and are ready to schedule an interview?

I'm so glad things will move fast for you now Tracy - You derserve it. I see you're a RUSH fan? They are doing a World tour this summer aren't they...
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-30 12:34:00
United KingdomUK medical data advice
Just a quick question, if that's ok :)

I recieved my Packet 3 on Wednesday, but haven't been able to have a proper look until today. Given my current situation, I am very busy until the 30th April which is ideally when I would like to schedule the medical. Once scheduled, I will send back the packet on Monday and contact the Embassy regarding the interview date once it is recieved. Does the Embassy require a certain time have passed between the medical and the interview? Obviously they won't offer the visa until the medical checks out, but will they only schedule the interview say a month after the medical?

I have been searching to find the answer but get mixed results such as having the medical one day and the interview the next. Surely that is not enough time? Wonder if someone could clear this up?

Just trying to time plan the best I can for idea times :)

Thanks for any help and sorry if this has been asked over and over again

Tony and Dannie

(edit - I obviously am great at proof reading - the title was meant to say date - not data :wacko: :help: )

Edited by tonyeck, 30 March 2007 - 12:20 PM.

tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-30 12:18:00
United KingdomLondon Medical Fee increased!
:lol: :blink:
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-03 14:15:00
United KingdomLondon Medical Fee increased!
YEah when I booked they told me as of April 2nd the price has gone up to £170...
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-03 13:13:00
United KingdomOn the way!
I have no idea why it gets sent that way. The mind boggles :)

I got an e-mail from the NVC saying it was sent on the 15th, and then 2 actual letters, one saying the 16th and then another saying the 17th!

The first tracking number that fitted my criteria (London) was on the 18th... I got the 'packet 3' 10 days after that was delivered :)
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-30 12:56:00
United KingdomOn the way!
Is this you Tracy?

Posted Image
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-30 12:40:00
United KingdomPacket 4
Got my interview date today via packet 4 :)

May 29th

I did not put a wedding date or intended date to leave. I figure mine is a little later due to a later medical :)
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-17 07:58:00
United KingdomPacket 4

I'm waiting ..... sent back P3 last week and showing on Royal Mail that it was received today!! Waiting, waiting, waiting now ....

I'm the same as you :)

Mine was recieved at the embassy today - now waiting for PK4 :)

In fact - our dates are almost exact! Maybe I'll see you at the interview!

Edited by tonyeck, 10 April 2007 - 03:17 PM.

tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-10 15:15:00
United KingdomI've got my interview date!!
Awesome! Ours must be close too!
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-16 17:51:00
United KingdomUK police certificates
Hmmn, I sent mine on the 15 Marchth and heard nothing, no receipt nor has the cheque cashed... I sent it by post to the Met (I called and double checked that was correct)...
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-30 14:03:00
United KingdomQuick question while preparing for the London Interview
exactly what I thought.

Thanks for clearing that up for me :)
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-15 13:33:00
United KingdomQuick question while preparing for the London Interview
Hey, just a last minute worry!

Do we need to present form I-864 or for I-134 for the affidavit of support at the interview? The guides seem to hint more at the I-134 but the generic interview letter does not state the I-134, just the I-864

tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-15 12:08:00
United KingdomAnyone from the UK bring their US wife/husband to the interview?
I am attending the interview with my USC fiancee :)
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-15 11:52:00
United KingdomLondon K-1 Interview
Thanks everyone :)

Visa arrived by courier today... Only took 2 days!
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-31 15:44:00
United KingdomLondon K-1 Interview
Our visa journey!

So, the 29th May was our big day. One we had waited for since we decided in September 06, when Dannie came to the UK while she studied at university with me, that come July 07 we didn't want to part ways after living together for 2 years. We were lucky enough to be able to file at Vermont, not knowing at first it was quicker than the others and was pleasantly surprised to see all these quick NOA2's from them!

I had already applied for the Police certificate, and we had all the paper work for the interview sorted before packet 3 arrived and as soon as it did, I booked my medical and I made sure was all right and turned it right back to them with everything they needed.

The Police Certificate took exactly 39 days to arrive and got it a few days before the medical. By this time I had my interview date with packet 4. I have to say I was most nervous about the medical for some reason. I knew I wouldn't have anything wrong with me, but I was always afraid of some sort of illness not allowing us to be together. Throughout this whole journey I hated the fact that someone else could control your future... That thought always scared me. Anyway, the medical was easy, didn't need any injections, the x-ray was as simple as standing there, and the actual medical was fairly painless, apart from being poked and prodded. The blood taking was ok however, but we had troubles with my right arm which left me with a massive bruise for over a week! After the medical I kept my phone on me at all times, paranoid that someone would call and tell me there was a problem, but, nope :)

Next was the interview. We made an exact replica of the original petition, got some new photos printed, got some more evidence of continued relationship, such as mail, transcripts from our uni, rent payments for our place etc. I made copies of all the paper work I sent with packet 3, and got all the evidence of support together, along with the police certificate and copies, plus birth certificate and copies.

The evidence of support was interesting. Dannie's parents would be our co-sponsors as Dannie is currently not on a wage due to being a full time student. Regardless, she filled out the I-134 with the word that she could get it notarized at the embassy. She got copies of her bank statements, her transcripts for university and her last 3 tax returns. Her parents both filled out the I-134 and got it notarized, so essentially we had two co-sponsors. Her mother and father supplied us with a copy of shared bank statements, house deeds, property tax, 41k financial details and shared tax returns. Her father also supplied wage slips, a letter from his employer, while her mother, who runs her own business, supplied tax returns from the business plus business bank statements. All that was complete, and we hoped it would be enough.

So the day of the interview arrives. Luckily as Dannie was with me, we went together which made me feel much less nervous than I think I would have been. My brother lives in London, so we were lucky enough to have accommodation and we stayed for the long weekend where it rained constantly :( The appointment was at 10.30 and we arrived at 9 so we could get Dannie's I-134 notarized. As she is a USC, she walked right in only to find the notary office was closed till 2! Panic! We began to get a little nervous now, however, I had read in the reviews section of people not even bringing the I-134 in and still had the interview but just had to send it in at a later date. We said this would be worst case scenario, infront of being denied of course!

With this is mind, we nervously queued up at 9.45 to be around 14th in line. We were given a bag to put our wallets, money, belts etc in. There was the line already filled with plenty of people all quiet and keeping themselves to themselves. By 10.30 there was still around 20 people from being let in and they only began letting us 10.30'ers in at 11.10! We presented the interview letter, my UK passport and Dannie's US passport and we left our cell phones with security. We got through security and went to the front desk in the embassy and handed over our letter and was given a number for 'immigrant' which was number 18. We went and took a seat and both were still fairly on edge, ready to get this done with. I personally am very nervous in these situations even though this was my third time at the US embassy (2 prior J1's).

We were called up within 10 minutes of entering to desk number 14 where we met this really nice guy who joked with us a little bit and talked about the process. He asked for my birth certificate and copy, my police certificate and copy. Then he took my passport and 2 photos. Then came the affidavit of support....

I came out and said, "as Dannie is a student we have a co-sponsor" and handed him both her mum and dad's I-134's. Dannie then said "I have also filled out the I-134, but I could not get it notarized today" but he said, "it's ok, we don't need it if you have a co-sponsor." JOY! We both smiled and felt relaxed for the first time in the day. He then looked over the I-134's and asked for any supporting evidence we had. I handed over the letter from the employer and 3 pay stubs, and he said thats all they would need. He took the copies and gave me back the originals. I had a whole case of bank statements, tax records etc! Ah well :) He then asked when I intended on leaving the UK and I said July.

I paid the fee (£53.34 (thank you exchange rate)), did the finger prints thing, and he said good luck and told us we would be called for the interview in 30 mins or so. He also mentioned Dannie could come to the window but may not be allowed to speak.

As soon as we sat down, thats when the fun started. A loud alarm went off, and everyone looked confused, especially the ones behind the desks. Then a voice came over the tannoy:

"Everyone duck and cover, move away from the windows, this is not a drill".

Everyone looked even more confused. A few people moved, a few people got down. Most just looked like this was normal! Then all the employees got under their desks and people then began realize, this could be real. Then a security guard came in and said:

"Everybody quick, follow me into this room, this is not a drill, head down and keep down."

Everyone ran! Right into the room where there are more interview windows, but away from the main hall. Doors were closed and locked. Again over the tannoy a voice was heard saying, "this is not a drill, please stay down."

Now we were freaking out a little. As were most people. We could see right into the office where all the workers were hiding under their desks. This was pretty scary. Police cars could be heard outside so we just kept sitting and thinking what was going on!? 10 minutes later, another announcement saying all radio's are being turned off for security. Then nothing.... No one knew what was going on. Were we under a threat? Did someone have a bomb? What was going on!!!

10 minutes later, the voice returns saying, "thank you for your co-operation, this was a drill in our continuing mission to better our security."

#######! That did not help the nerves.... AT ALL!

As soon as we got back to our seats we were called right up for the interview! We both got there and were met by another really nice guy, this time American. He joked around about the drill saying he had no idea either, it was the first one they had done. :) He took my finger prints again, then I swore under oath :) HE joked around and asked how we met, when we started dating, then asked Dannie how long she has been in the UK. Then he said "great, I am happy to tell you your application is approved, congratulations." We both smiled, hugged and kissed :) He said "awww, you guys will be happy together." It was a nice thing to say as were definitely surprised with how nice they were. He then explained the AOS stage and when my visa will be delivered. He also went over the "do not open" letter and explained how he heard stories of people being sent home after opening it before the POE. He then congratulated us again and sent us to pay for the courier.

All in all, great day. We celebrated with a nice meal and relaxed in London for the rest of the day before heading home. We couldn't have been happier and both agreed the whole process wasn't as scary as we both thought it had been. We were very happy with the embassy trip and thought everyone was very nice and helpful.

When we got home, we got our invitations ready and the flights booked.

America, here we come! :)
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-30 17:17:00
United KingdomBaltimoreBrits
Am brit, and will be moving to Falls Church, 9 miles out from DC! There are alot of brits around, I imagine it's because its a government area...

We used to go to Baltimore quiter often!

Edited by tonyeck, 01 June 2007 - 02:13 PM.

tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-01 14:10:00
United KingdomShipping Companies
I used and they have been fantastic. I shipped 3 Big boxes with a total weight of 56kg. For 2 day air freight it cost me 215 quid :)
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-17 20:21:00
United KingdomPAL-NTSC converter
If you mean games, I'm afraid one does not exist without having to modify your console sad.gif
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-11-15 13:37:00
United KingdomUK student loans
I'm in the same situation :(
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-04 07:11:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007

This is a great feeling :)
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-29 09:03:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007
I'm in London now waiting for tomorrow morning :) Pretty excited
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-28 14:52:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007
Ours is on the 29th May at 10.30 :)

Edited by tonyeck, 08 May 2007 - 04:15 PM.

tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-08 16:14:00
United KingdomBrits in the USA
Can we be added?

Tony(UKC) & Dannie(USC) - Northern Virginia (Arlington)


Edited by tonyeck, 21 February 2007 - 06:45 PM.

tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-21 18:45:00
Asia: SouthFilers from india, nepal and south asia
There are forums for specific regions too :)

tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom3/7/2007 11:35
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Getting NVC notice

Congrats for what? This thread was asking a question....

congrats :)

:lol: :blink:
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-17 23:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLast question today, I promise!
I was under the impression that a police record was only needed for the interview? Well, at least if you have no convictions to show during the I-129f
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-17 13:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAttend interview together - does it help?
With my fiancé studying with me in the UK at the approx time I expect my interview I am going to binrg her along :)

Do they interview you together then? Surely that would help?
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-18 22:28:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)91 Days & Still No Interview...

Feeling so dejected...


NVC tells me to simply call back "next week" and to just wait.  (I call twice a week.)

U.S. Embassy in Phnom Penh tells me nothing can be done until NVC sets the interview date.  (They're apologetic & much nicer than NVC.)


13 months since I-130 sent; 91 days since case was completed at NVC.




I received a email saying" the NVC has received the information you submitted and placed it in your case file. You will be contacted when your petition is sent to the US Embassy or Consulate for further processing."


What this mean ? Do I getting a interview call soon ?

kash1966Not TellingPakistan2013-07-23 10:40:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)People that still waiting for NVC case number

Thanks anil, hope i receive it this evening

Hi jrh39.

I am sure you will be receiving your case this evening now it just a matter of time.

I did able to pay my AOS few days ago and still showing process. Hope will be cleared by this evening.
kash1966Not TellingPakistan2013-04-12 10:42:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)People that still waiting for NVC case number

Hello My people just to give an update, i just called and in my case i havent receive any case number yet :crying: will try on monday though !!

I just get my case # from NVC.

PD 9 July 2012

NOA2 :19. March 2013
kash1966Not TellingPakistan2013-04-05 19:47:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Help!!!! Fee payments and online forms can no longer be accepted
Almost raged so hard and had a heart attack!!!! Love google search :))
ameriturkMaleTurkey2014-05-28 16:41:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)nvc phone lines down?

welcome to NVC 

ameriturkMaleTurkey2014-09-02 10:52:00