K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!
Congrats on sending it in! I forgot it was a long weekend :( Presidents day right?
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-17 12:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!

I send out my K-1 package on the 3th of Feb, and got my check cashed on the 9th. How come i havent got my NOA1 in the mail?

Also how do you guys check the progress? Did they give you a registration number?

Its on the back of the check. Call your bank and see if they will send you a copy, or if you check online, depending on the service, you can see a scan of the cashed check
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-17 11:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!
Check was cashed yesterday, and NOA1 was sent on the 13th!
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-17 09:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!
Yeah it makes me concerned that I haven't seen mine yet in 5 days :D
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-16 21:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!
I imagine they cash the check before sending out the NOA1 right?
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-16 20:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!
Congratulations :)

Anyone had any checks cashed, NOA1's, NOA2's or any touches yet?


I have had none - maybe next week? Expected to have my NOA1/check cashed by now!
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-16 18:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!
Hmmn, I was hoping the VSC would purhaps cash our check today, then I could start tracking it! Maybe on Tuesday then!
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-16 13:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!
Click on my controls in the top right hand corner

In the left column, click "edit my signature"

Then manually add the details in yourself :)

Congrats on your NOA1 :)

Delivered today but no one was there to sign for it....big surprise, haha. This happens alot at the Texas center, right? I'm thinking it will be okay tomorrow.

I hear this happens alot at Texas. They will get it tomorrow :)

tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-15 20:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!
I know what you mean. I am pretty impatient during circumstances like this and I just try and deal with it the best I can. I don't get frustrated, but the process is always on my mind :)

I just want the VSC to cash my check, I feel that will calm me down a bit.
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-15 12:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!
Exellent. How long does it take for a cashed check to show up online? Does anyone know? Been eyars since we have used checks
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-15 11:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!
Ours was signed by "A.SCOT EMP" :) Must be the same person!

My folder was almost exactly the same :) Just black lol

I keep checking our online bank to see if there is any activity :( I really want the case number just to track!
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-14 11:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!
Ditto, I am hoping the same :)
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-13 17:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!
EPlum whose application arrived on the 31st Jan already has an NOA2 from VSC! Thats bloody quick!

Wonder if any early Feb'ers out there will also recieve this news from VSC:)
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-13 15:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!

Shannon sent me an SMS at 5am to say she had recieved NOA-1, utterly fantastic :)

Awesome! Thats a quick start :)

Keep us updated!
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-13 11:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!
Cool to see a few in Vermont.

Really can't wait to start seeing some NOA action in the next months
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-12 18:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!


Where have you filed?

Oh yeah, I guess I should update my info. I filed in Vermont.

Cool! Thats where mine arrived today :) Be interesting to compare...
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-12 16:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!

Where have you filed?
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-12 15:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!
Argh, after a slight delay mine wont arrive till Monday :)

Still got high hopes for a speedy process :)

Good luck everyone!
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-10 11:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!
Mine is due for delivery tomorrow! It took a little longer as we sent it from the UK!

Really excited now :)
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-08 15:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary Filers!
Ahhhh, finally....

Feels good to have it out the door and on its way to Vermont :)

I am pretty excited right now :)

Hope its a speedy process :)!
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-06 10:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresmsn chat log help
Are you sure you need chat logs? I haven't seen this come up before for removing conditions...
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-14 19:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI feel over whelmed and worried...

So you are getting married next summer?

If you do a k-1 visa (fiance visa...) you will have time to come into the country....and then once you are IN the country - 90 days to get married.

SO...even if you start NOW...let's say it takes 5-8 the earlest you're in March, latest (assuming all is well) June or so. That's TOTALLY guestimation on my part...but the point is, if you're planning on getting married next summer you'll need to start soon.

That is, of course, unless you're going a different route, get married and then file..and that's a different discussion :)

Thanks for that :) Gives me a good idea of when we can start

If we both have co-sponsors (both making over 125% than required), how much are we at a disadvantage when neither of us have incomes due to being a student... I am not clear on that I'm affraid...
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-10 19:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI feel over whelmed and worried...


-- snip for brevity--
I hope this doesn't come off as a Rant, I am just trying to explain a little...

Not at all, and my intent was not to offend. I, and others, have gotten flamed in the past for posting 'unsolicited advice', (not from any original posters), as some members have, or have had, a habbit if trying to tell others what they should be or should not be posting or respoding to on this forum. Thus the disclaimer :)

Best Wishes,


Thanks :)
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-10 14:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI feel over whelmed and worried...

Since you included alot of personal info, I am going to comment on the personal side of things and say "don't rush into a marriage situation just so that you can continue to be together". The time apart may well do you both good, especially at your ages.

If you are both really in love, and the timing just isn't right for a marriage, why not just wait? There is an old saying that 'absence makes the heart grow fonder' - I don't necessarily agree with that, becuase absence can also help determine if ones heart is true, IMHO.

I've made misakes. I scewed up part of my life, and so when I see posts like this I'm going to comment whether it is 'solicited' or not. I'd hate to see anyone else make the same mistakes I've made.



I really appreciate your comments, and I'd be saying the same thing when reading my comments! We both truely feel at this time that its what we both really want. After graduating, I have ideas I want to set up (working with clients around the world) and we both want to be part of that while being family. We honestly wouldn't be rushing marriage just to stay together, we are just both eager to be starting/continuing our lives together. We don't really want to delay that. Having spent 2 years together living together, we would rather continue that than have to be apart while we wait on something we know we both want. I hope this doesn't come off as a Rant, I am just trying to explain a little...

I do completely understand that this comes off as "young love" doesn't really know what they are doing. But I can't really describe it, but if you knew us as a couple it would be easier to understand.

Thanks for voicing your concerns Bill.
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-10 14:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI feel over whelmed and worried...

Good point about the self-sponsoring. (Don't think it's allowed universally, though.)

From what I've read, UK is okay about it.

See: http://www.visajourn...?showtopic=9573

Thanks for your help guys! very much appreciated.

Is there anything stopping us getting the ball started while she is in the UK with me on her UK student visa? Come August next summer, we want to be able to get married in as smoot a process as possible!

Does someone physcially need to be state side to start this?
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-10 12:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI feel over whelmed and worried...

You're not subject to the 2 year rule....and that's the main thing. You're very fortunate in that case. It's a tough rule.

I would think that if both parents are willing to sponsor you financially, ( that time you'd have a degree, so it's not like you wouldn't have some bright future prospects), I'd think you would be okay.

I know being separated for a while is tough.(when you apply for a k-1)...but that's our damn government at work. I wish there was another way too. A lot of us are going through it.

Good luck.

Yeah, on my DS 2019 I have the box checked for "not subject for to the two year residence requirement." I assume this was because I earnt a wage there and was not financed by government funds.

Its such a shame to have to go through separation. Its going to be very tough.

I appreciate your help
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-09 20:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI feel over whelmed and worried...

Your income, as the beneficiary, isn't taken into account for the K-1 fiancé visa; they'll look at hers and whomever she convinces to co-sponsor. So don't worry about being a newly minted uni grad.

You can check the timelines to see how long it will take a K-1 to process through the UK. Once you're here and get the paperwork in, you'll be authorized to work (roughly 4-6 months after the wedding.)

What if she does not have any income because of a student? The co sponsor will have plenty however...

So I cannot work for that amount of time? Thats interesting.... For some reason I was under the impression you can start work even under a K-1 visa? hmmmn Maybe I was wrong!
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-09 20:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI feel over whelmed and worried...

First you have to make sure you can even get an H1 visa for one thing. If you went to the USA on a j1, you might be subject to the 2 year HRR and have to either get a waiver for that rule, or serve 2 years in your home country before you can be eligible for any type of immigrant visa. (or the H-1). I assume you've looked into that, but just thought I'd bring it up.

One thing you should be careful about is that you are planning on marrying and immigrating to the USA. But since you want to have a job, as well as not be separated, you first intend to try for an H-1.

It's just not really the way things are done, and is technically illegal........because you are definately planning to marry a US citizen. (if you have definate plans to marry, you're supposed to apply for an immigrant visa, not work visa).

I'd be careful about the way you are planning on doing things, because it might affect your future AOS case.

I am not subject to the 2 year HRR rule, so thats ok. I may have got my wording mixed up, but let me try and re-phrase.

I want to marry my fiance. Thats the visa I want.

The reason I brought up the H1 visa was just incase we were not eligable, as I would have just graduated with a degree (thus having no income currently) and she is still at university. Both our parents are willing to sponsor us...

Does that clear things up a little? Sorry, I am just a little nervous. We have lived together for 15 months, and by the time she goes back to America it will be 2 years. It will be incredibly hard to let go
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-09 19:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI feel over whelmed and worried...
Hey there. I have been lurking for a few days looking for a few answers, but I wonder if you guys could help me or point me in the right direction at least!

So, my background... I am a UK citizen and student at University and spent from April 05 to September 06 on a J1 visa in the states working at a graphic design frim in Northern Virginia. Whilst there I met the girl of my dreams (way back in june 05).

She is currently studying with me in the UK as she is doing her second year at degree level, while I finish my final year and graduate in July 07.

We obviously want to stay together after I graduate, but she has to go back to the states to continue her studies in Virginia.

I am looking for my best option to return with her. I have had 2 job offers and are both willing to sponsor me (yet I don't really think they know what they are getting themselves into!). I was under the impression H1 visas are very difficult to get ahold of, and you need to be sorting that out right now. I don't think I can until I have my degree in hand, right?

Ideally, we want to get married. I am going to be 24 when I graduate, and she will be 21, going on 22. We obviously wont have any income because we are full time students. Her mother and would sponsor us financially, plus I have jobs waiting...? Does this help?

Help! I am so confused at what is the best solution. I am really dreading having to leave my loved one and I know most of you have had to do this at some point. It breaks my heart. All we want is to be together!

I would really appreciate any feedback or advice.

Thanks for reading
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-09 16:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLawyer Nightmare!!!.....RFE
Hi there sorry for your troubles :(

Which lawyer did you use and who are you using now? We are making a decision soon about who to use so any recommendations would be great :)
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-14 00:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAbout to start K1 Journey - Attorney question
No, no sorry. I really want to return to the USA, just not the job :)
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-15 19:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAbout to start K1 Journey - Attorney question
Anyone able to help with the above question?

Thanks :)
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-15 18:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAbout to start K1 Journey - Attorney question
Oh, also I wanted to add another reason why I am wary of our case is that I have worked in the US before under a J1 visa and I do not want any one to think that would be the reason I am wanting to go back! (trust me, never want to go back there!!)
tonyeckMaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-14 18:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 Post Decision

Hi, my wife filed for me permanent resident petition beginning of May and I got receipt numbers and my finger print done but  yesterday when I checked online my case status on I-485 I got same kind of info and don't know what to think about it, I showed it to three different Lawyers and they didn't have any clue. I called 1-800-USCIS they said they don't know anything about it suggested me to wait for the mail. Can you tell me what does it mean? I also checked the online status on I-130/I-765 they are in INITIAL REWIEW.


On May 21, 2013, we mailed you a notice terminating your status. If you havenot received the notice within 30 days of the date above, please call customer service at 1-800-375-5283 for further assistance. If you move, please use our Changeof Address online toolto update yourcasewithyournewaddress.

During this step the formal decision (approved/denied) is written and the decision notice is mailed and/oremailed to the applicant/petitioner.You can use our current processing time to gauge when you can expect to receive a final decision.


YoungTurkMaleTurkey2013-05-22 12:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

few cc this week.... i'm getting depressed! i hope june can be done asap so they can move to july... 


for the 60 day email I think it's for those who just sent the doc to NVC. if you sent long time ago, it's probably under review. 


cause many people who got 60 days email got CC this week, their scan date is all june 20ish...  :clock:  :clock:  :clock:

what is the scan date for your IV package? I aso got issues IV bill on the 30th of June.

ameriturkMaleTurkey2014-08-07 17:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014


Ahhh, that's harsh.  All evidence suggests that the NVC is VERY quota oriented and that workers are constantly pushed to review more cases.  I don't think they are standing around the water cooler laughing as the files pile up around them.  I think that they are busting their humps and being pushed by management to exceed quotas.  There just isn't much you can do when volume doubles, triples and more.  The solutions take at least a few months to implement.  Stay positive, they will catch up soon just like USCIS did!!

Sure they wlll catch up.But it will be over for us by than and will have NO value...Just like USCIS  catching up actually CRIPPLING "OUR" processing times at NVC. 


Personally, I am NOT grateful at all and infact UPSET that USCIS caught up. Because if they were JUST 1 more month  delayed, I'd be done w/ NVC stage 2 months ago as I predicted total NVC process taking 4 months taking the statistics into account.

ameriturkMaleTurkey2014-08-06 16:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

Just got off the phone, JIM said they will be working overtime, including saturdays. Also said processing times HAVE NOT changed. Its just that people were getting confused w/ 30 business days, now they just say its 60 days total.


I dont know how much of it is true but  he said another 2 weeks before I can expect anything(IV scan date july 9th)

ameriturkMaleTurkey2014-08-06 16:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

Here is an article about the most recent problems that are leading to the biggest processing delays at the NVC this month: http://www.computerw...ort_visa_delays




There is now a backlog, and government officials "were working through it," said Harf. "We ask people to be patient."




They should admit they are ALL lazy workers who ONLY care to do MINIMAL work each day, just to relax while working and extend their stay at whatever position they work at.

Edited by ameriturk, 06 August 2014 - 04:31 PM.

ameriturkMaleTurkey2014-08-06 16:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

Seems like they are doing EVERYTHING but  doing final reviews for CC. Really upset here. Been a month since they got my IV package.

ameriturkMaleTurkey2014-08-06 13:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

Thanks sweet heart, I didn't sleep well last night and was at the consulate at 6:30. Everything went well and your prayers helped!   :luv:  :luv:  (F)

Thank you so much, finally ready to move on with my life...a year took this process.  Best of luck for you too!   :luv:



May I ask how you got your interview date moved ahead?

ameriturkMaleTurkey2014-08-05 10:38:00