Asia: East and PacificSTL_HCMC's Interview Rally

It's great to double check......but do you ever actually practice face to face or "role play" the Q and As similar to the K1 interview (in English)?

Good Luck

It's definitely a relief and you can look forward to the future.
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-07-18 07:19:00
Asia: East and PacificMy fiancee and I are reunited.
I went to the local SS office and the whole procedure was different than I had read on the VJ site. Thuy and I also mixed in the SS office visit with some other things to make it an enjoyable, stress-free afternoon, not to mention going directly to the source, face to face with actual people who get paid to help you, an actual SS office worker, who could actually see my wife's visa in person and verify her situation, vs a telephone call or asking us? The FUN is just begining.
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-07-28 12:01:00
Asia: East and PacificMy fiancee and I are reunited.
Please keep us posted, or move to the "Living in America" Forum.

Regarding SS card, There is a SS office in most cities. Gosh, just go down to the office, take a number, hang out and chat with Anh, meet face to face with the SS people, show them her passport and ask them, "What do I need to do.....?" Think of it it as an adventure. My wife and I went on many small errands, roadtrips, visits, etc during her first 2 weeks in the states. Now, she knows much more than me?
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-07-27 13:09:00
Asia: East and PacificMigrate to Australia from Pakistan
Hey Qadir,

Visa Journey is usually for people trying to migrate into The United States of America. You may want to do some more internet searching specifically for "Australian Immigration' in order to find a better answer?

patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-08-01 11:16:00
Asia: East and PacificPhotos of Hanoi
Nice wedding Photos Charlie. Congrats!
Next time, you need to put on a traditional male "ao dai". My wife made me wear the traditional clothes and the people back in the states loved the special photos.
Good Luck on the Visa, it's sort of a journey..................:)
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-08-05 21:30:00
Asia: East and PacificHow much money do you send back to SE Asia
1.) Monthly payment
2.) For a family investment
3.) Medical emergency
4.) For Tet New Year

Any other reasons?

Gosh, I hope I can get some retirement care for this in the year 2035?
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-08-04 08:45:00
Asia: East and PacificIcarus Interview Rally!
Maybe American? :huh:
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-08-12 15:27:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview Date!!!
That's what I said......?

Plus, they didn't tell you, that's worse, Troi Oi (I would be pissed!) too bad for you..........however, very common theme in VN with foreigners (or wife of foreigner).

Typical situation dealing with with the VNs, everyone thinks they know what's best for you and things will go wrong, then they will say, "Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry, with a BIG smile".......Therefore, I hear "Yes", but I think "No"........or........One must really learn to read between the lines, they are cleaver little b-------! :) Every situation becomes a long drawn out process, like a game, and they try to wear you (foreigner) down., or make things uncertain for you (change the rules, etc). You really can't take the process serious, patience, patience, patience, easier said than done sometimes. (HCMC Consulate is actually better to deal with, in my opinion)
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-09-01 09:47:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview Date!!!
IOM removed the necessary papers, interesting huh?
They should've known better :(

Yea, my wife got so many different opinions from other local VNs while going through the visa process, fortunately, I could search the internet to distinguish between fact, fiction and myth and guide her. With that said, there were many times, while living in VN, when I was given the wrong info. Always, "Trust but Verify" when dealing with others in VN. (my personal experience)

Good Luck Mike.....
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-08-31 21:51:00
Asia: East and PacificCute vietnamese baby names
OK, since you'll probably be having a girl, I recommend the name "Minh", which can also be used as "Mindy" when she's hanging out state side.
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-09-07 07:25:00
Asia: East and PacificCute vietnamese baby names
Just don't name it "Roi Aggie"
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-09-06 22:21:00
Asia: East and PacificCute vietnamese baby names
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-09-05 20:28:00
Asia: East and PacificCute vietnamese baby names
Tora Tora Tora
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-09-05 17:46:00
Asia: East and PacificCute vietnamese baby names
gio lua....need tonal marks please

sausage or wind blowing curtains?
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-09-03 22:40:00
Asia: East and PacificThe big day is Saturday, but I am nervous. It's been tough.



MORE materialistic, confident, common sense, serious, body weight, powerful (within family), appreciative of VNs culture, and controlling of me:(

patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-08-21 17:56:00
Asia: East and PacificThe big day is Saturday, but I am nervous. It's been tough.
Now is when Matt needs a "rally" because this is the reality
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-08-17 09:09:00
Asia: East and PacificThe big day is Saturday, but I am nervous. It's been tough.
Yes, "Everything happens for a reason" is one way of dealing with it?


Similar to dalegg, I used to say myself "Why am I aruging about this?", It's meaningless?

My suggestion: Do NOT over-react to her irrational statements. Just say...."Ok Anh", "sure honey" and move on to the next thing. Don't take everything she says so literal. If she's stubborn, then let her cry or do whatever? Don't over-react to her defiance, hug her and say "I understand" (she'll probably push you away)

I think, trying to overly control her won't help
" " " " answer her every wimp won't help.
" " " " logically expaining your yourself/actions in a "western" manner won't help. (at this time)

One day at a time.......................
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-08-17 08:54:00
Asia: East and PacificThe big day is Saturday, but I am nervous. It's been tough.
CB's #1 assessment is SPOT on!

An emotional teenager with minimal rational & logical capabilities living inside a beautiful ADULT body.

Many a foreign men living and working in VN discuss this concept frequently.

Not all VNs women have this characteristic, BUT a lot of them have these "non-western" characteristics.
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-08-16 18:29:00
Asia: East and PacificThe big day is Saturday, but I am nervous. It's been tough.
Matt, Matt, Matt............

I hear your pain, I lived in VN for 5 years.

I dated my wife 4 years before we finally got married.

I'm very very LUCKY but we still have communication problems.

My opinion, the Fiancee Visa with a SE Asian women can be very challenging.

Take a deep breath, don't over react to her statements, and think "one day at a time"........:)
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-08-16 17:45:00
Asia: East and PacificWe need some help in NON LEGAL TERMS on name change
Oh Matt, hang in there (easier said than done) I told you the fun would start when your significant other gets here. Remember, after 1 year, it'll all be down hill...........:)


Thuy choose to keep her Vietnamese name and so far we haven't had a problem with visa documents, taxes, car loan, credit cards, insurance, bank, W2s, job, classes, misc mail, etc...

Her actual first name with the gov't is "Minh Thuy"; however, it's usually just "Thuy" with all other paperwork.

"Minh Thuy" + Middle + Last: US Gov't

"Thuy" + Last or "Thuy" + Middle + Last: all other documents

Last name + Middle + "Minh Thuy": in Vietnam

I hope that helps

Anh has her SS card? Now, she can get a job to keep busy, correct?
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-09-10 22:55:00
Asia: East and PacificVietnam Police Records
My Vo says it depends when she moved to HCMC?

If before her 18th B-day, then NO in An Giang

If she departed An Giang after her 18th B-day, then she'll need to get both papers (An Giang and HCMC)

go figure.........?

Good Luck :)
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-09-24 20:07:00
Asia: East and Pacificcommunication test at HCM
Does the HCMC consulate evaluate the American petitioner's VNs language speaking ability?
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-09-23 11:09:00
Asia: East and PacificBeen TOUCHED!!! I feel so damn dirty.
Do you think Ms CB might have gotten a hold of the "Butcher Knife"?
cut cu............:(
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-09-26 19:02:00
Asia: East and Pacificviet nam
That's my point
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-09-25 21:16:00
Asia: East and Pacificviet nam
"as we were riding people would point and we was directed to a travel place"

What people?
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-09-25 18:38:00
Asia: East and Pacifici need your help&advice
Met Vietnamese women online AND argument about stupid stuff.........

Is there a correlation?

patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-09-29 07:44:00
Asia: East and PacificGoing through Immigration, What to expect?

I went through LAX with my wife too :)

So, you're back in the USA? just in time for the Fall Season & cold winter. Will you settle in St. Louis? Please keep us posted on your first few weeks/months (what are your fiancee's impression, etc) in USA because now is when the fun begins. Don't be a stranger.

Good luck

I rented a car and took my wife to Disney/Sai Gon Nho/Hollywood/the beaches/Temple/Vegas/desert, etc before flying back east and it was a great introduction (her first week) to America, she'll never forget it.
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-10-01 07:06:00
Asia: East and PacificThings have sped up I think
You bought the return flight tickets BEFORE the actual interview.....?
Are you a gambler Capt Joe?

They kicked me out of the waiting area during my wife's visa interview because I was the only white person sitting there, I obviously wasn't invited? I finally just waited outside with my Cafe Sua Da and the Le Duan Street traffic :)

patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-10-02 13:12:00
Asia: East and PacificCan't take the wait so I bought tickets!!!!
How much?
From what city in America?
What Airline?
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-07-15 10:12:00
Asia: East and Pacificvietnam
It took my wife 5 months to get a Driver's License. Now she drives a Rav 4!

We still eat mostly VNs food, my wife is making a big pot of Bun Rieu right now.

One day at a time...........:)
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-10-14 18:19:00
Asia: East and Pacificvietnam
Sorry to change the subject:

HCMC_STL, we're waiting for updates? How's your fiancee's first month in the USA?

Matt Stevens, where are you? Did you move to North Carolina yet? How about Phuong Anh?

patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-10-13 18:45:00
Asia: East and PacificPoor student living in Vietnam
I was a poor English teacher in HCMC and applied for a visa while living and working in VN.

I wasn't allowed to apply for a K-1 visa in VN, marriage visa only, which I'm glad we did.

Yes, I used an Affid. of Support from a Vietnam Vet friend with a limited income living in the USA.

I suggest you go to the Dept of Homeland Security in person and ask them directly, it's usually a quiet office on the 9th floor of the grey building on Le Loi and Pasteur Streets (has Maximart on 2nd floor). You'll need to go through them first before you can apply for a visa in VN.

All this info. is 2 years old, things do change.......

Good Luck!
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-10-26 18:23:00
Asia: East and PacificUPDATE: 221g from HCMC Vietnam Consulate
"Thanks to smart folks like you, this forum is a god-send for visa hopefuls, regardless of the complexities of their situation. I'm kicking myself now wondering why I hired a lawyer instead of coming on here and finding you."

I have additional no comments :)


Good Luck, because you're REALLY going to need it.

"Thanks to smart folks like you, this forum is a god-send for visa hopefuls, regardless of the complexities of their situation. I'm kicking myself now wondering why I hired a lawyer instead of coming on here and finding you."

I have no additional comments :)


Good Luck, because you're REALLY going to need it.
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-10-31 19:41:00
Asia: East and PacificUPDATE: 221g from HCMC Vietnam Consulate

"I'm here to tell you......."

When I hear statements like this, I feel that you've got strong convictions as to how things should operate at the HCMC Consulate so I'll just be quiet on this one......I'm not offended; it's a public forum.

"Regardless of whether you have a marriage paper "

It worked for us!

"Marriage visa...That's about another year-and-a-half process"


"lLackadaisical advice............perhaps even capricious"

No, it's not arbitrary/implusive feedback; The USCIS doesn't recommend a lawyer and many other successful petitioners who have gone through HCMC, including myself, didn't use a lawyer.

"There was no issue with the adjudication (referring to your own case)"

Then, why did their blue letter response ask you to call the ASC office?

patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-10-30 00:03:00
Asia: East and PacificUPDATE: 221g from HCMC Vietnam Consulate

Go ahead and call the ACS and let us know what their response is? Then ask them if you can re-apply for a marriage visa, If that would improve your eligiblity status given a newborn beneficiary? and then ask them what the requirements for a marriage visa are?

patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-10-29 14:47:00
Asia: East and PacificUPDATE: 221g from HCMC Vietnam Consulate
There are 3 variables:

Pregnant beneficiary with

no marriage certificate and

applying for a Fiancee Visa

He has contol to change the second two variables to improve his situation, and then the case may be eligible in the eyes of the HCMC Consulate.

DNA tests aren't acceptable and Federal Dist Court is a timely and costly option.

He can do all this on his own with no costly legal counsel.
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-10-29 08:04:00
Asia: East and PacificUPDATE: 221g from HCMC Vietnam Consulate
Hello 3AD,

"The consulate doesn't have a problem with it"

Obviously they do have a problem with it and your case was delayed for being ineligible. Now, the question is, what can you do within your control to improve your situation? My opinion, fire the lawyer because that didn't work because you can find all the info on the internet, have your fiancee investigate how do apply for a marriage license in VN (given her pregnancy) and re-apply for a marriage visa. Just an idea......

Any other creative ideas out there?
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-10-28 23:00:00
Asia: East and PacificUPDATE: 221g from HCMC Vietnam Consulate
Let me see:

Yes Marriage Ceremony

No Marriage Certificate

Pregnant Visa Applicant

Applying for Fiancee Visa

It just doesn't add up correctly?
Sorry, I think this delay can't be blamed on the Consulate
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-10-28 11:34:00
Asia: East and PacificHow to track DHL to Consulate

You got married on 11/22/06

Congratulations :)

Where will you go on Honeymoon?


Plus, we want pictures and a fiancee/wife adjustment to USA update?
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-11-23 21:01:00
Asia: East and PacificLater
Sorry, my wife is Buddhist......


I will have a couple glasses of wine with dinner before I drive home.

Thanks for sharing your beliefs and advice :)
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-11-22 13:45:00