Asia: East and Pacificyellow123 Interview Rally
Yes, I had to get an affidavit of support. The Fiancee visa can ONLY be filed from the USA; therefore, I filed a CR1 ( I was living in VN at the time) and actually it's a lot better because I could directly help her fill out the paperwork, and more importantly, my wife had her "green card" and "SS#" within 1 month of arrival in the USA.

However, before you can directly file the CR1 in HCMC, you must go to the Dept. of Homeland Security on the 9th floor Le Loi street and prove that you had been living and working in VN the prior year. Once my paperwork was sent to the (Dept. of State) US Consulate, then everything went very smoothly, I was quite surprised.
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-04-15 17:48:00
Asia: East and Pacificyellow123 Interview Rally
You scared me for a second !!!!

I did the same thing, I returned to the USA from VN to file the K1, and I quickly realized I didn't have the income or career credibility to do a Fiancee Visa from the USA. Therefore, I returned to VN, taught English, married my fiancee in VN, applied for a CR1 visa (took 4 months total) and returned to USA 18 months later.


Do what you have to do to get it done....................
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-04-15 17:05:00
Asia: East and PacificBlue slip on the horizon
I agree with Dalegg,

Money ALWAYS speaks inside Vietnamese dealings! If you (she) want(s) it bad enough, you'll get it.
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-04-19 19:46:00
Asia: East and PacificMy fiancee was just offered an amazing scholarship for her Masters
Why didn't she consult you? Good Question......? There were so many times in Vietnam, I asked WHY? What's "common sense" to you and I, isn't always "common" in Vietnam.
Welcome to Vietnam, you'll have a whole life time to figure it out, now that you're part of the family.

My wonderful Vietnamese wife has definitely taught me "patience"

Good Luck
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-04-25 17:54:00
Asia: East and PacificIt's been 1 year now :)
It was absolutely necessary for my wife to drive ASAP

First, I got a DMV driving book written in Vietnamese from Orange Co. Cali for her to study in VN before she came to America.
Then, I had her take muti-choice driving tests on line.
After that, she practiced in the community college parking lot with me upon arrival in the USA.

At that same time, I prepared myself that she will wreck the car and she will fail her first driving test, It's a given!

Yes, she drove the car into a ditch, no problem ($175 recovery fee)
Yes, she failed her first driving test because the women tester was "yelling" at her...PUT IT IN GEAR! etc..(she doesn't like emotional outbursts, something about "saving face", I don't know? ha ha)

Finally, I had to pay an instructor $35/hr to train her for real driving practice (total 4 hours)
(mind you, a husband shouldn't train his non native wife to drive) Not Good.......

She got her driver's license from a Vietnamese tester (Viet Kieu, overseas VNs) She drove around the block telling him about life in HCMC. She Passed, what a relief!

Today, no worries :)
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-04-27 18:01:00
Asia: East and PacificIt's been 1 year now :)
Very good Z-

Getting the visa is one challenge and then the next challenge begins. It feels a lot easier after the first year in America.

Regarding your insightful post:

After living in Vietnam, you soon discover "Jealousy" undertakes a whole new meaning, it's INTENSE!

I think she works for her Vietnamese family too, not just yours. When you marry a Vietnamese girl, usually, you marry the WHOLE family literally. ( I just smile when my wife sends money ) My conclusion, I'll retire there someday and hopefully they'll return the favor.

Don't let the small things get to you. I also fell into that trap and then I finally just ignored the small stuff, life is much better now.
Sometimes, I think my wife is homesick and she's just "acting out"

My wife:
Cooks awesome VNs soup
Drives well and doesn't get lost
Well respected at work
Very faithful, like "Yen is fiercely loyal"

I wish my wife:
Liked Mexican food?
Liked to go camping and the quiet outdoors?
Didn't watch so many VNs (Korean) films?

All and all, it's not easy sometimes but it's definitely worth it!

patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-04-26 12:45:00
Asia: East and PacificCashier's check or money order, how to buy one in HCM City, and how many more later on?
I applied in VN and never went through the USA offices. It sounds like you applied initially in USA; therefore, you'll probably need to have someone in the USA submit a check on your behalf? Since you're currently in VN, you may want to ask the Cons directly. I know HCMC-STL is currently in VN doing a K1?
HCMC-STL, how do you pay your bills fot the visa process if you're located in VN?

Just trying to help.....
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-04-29 10:08:00
Asia: East and PacificCashier's check or money order, how to buy one in HCM City, and how many more later on?
If you're in Vietnam, I doubt if you can get a US Dollar cashiers check. Check HSBC Bank near the post office and church. It sounds like this bill is payable in the States? Finally, when I filed in VN, I paid cash at the Consualte.
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-04-28 07:39:00
Asia: East and PacificHow should I take the engagement ring into Vietnam?
I hope it doesn't get lost in translation?

Just remember:
Khong Sao Dau
No Star Where
No Problem
"Come" "Sal" (like, SALly) "Doe" (like, Doe Ray Me)
Now, start practicing......Come Sal Doe, Come Sal doe, Come sal doe, etc...

It should make them laugh; it always worked for me............
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-05-04 21:29:00
Asia: East and PacificHow should I take the engagement ring into Vietnam?
Sorry, I'm Lost on the Lugguge tip........ 5 gallon buckets?
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-05-04 18:39:00
Asia: East and PacificHow should I take the engagement ring into Vietnam?
Troi Oi, the boys in green lifted the ban on imported autos. That's got Los Angeles/Bangkok gridlock written all over it! That's like 5 years ago, when the cheap Chinese motor bike imports invaded the market ($500). One day the school parking lot had 50 % motor bikes and 50% Bicycles, within a couple of months, there were about a total of 10 bicycles in the parking lot and the parking attendants couldn't find enough space for the motor bikes.

Yes, I remember the mask, rain "poncho" and my extra loud horn! Now, I have controlled interior comfort. But, I do miss the excitment of thinking to myself "Gosh I hope that other guy will stop while I go through this GREEN light" "I hope he's not drunk, etc"...........Oh life in VN?
patricksNot TellingVietnam2006-05-03 22:35:00