
Just an update to my earlier post...

I checked the website last night before going to bed...nothing. This morning I woke up and I checked again and it was already delivered to Halifax! According to the tracking stuff, it was picked up yesterday afternoon and was sent overnight. Clearly, DHL is super quick and is delivering these things overnight though how quickly they are processed by the consulate in Montreal is less certain.

Good luck everyone!

Check your VISA when you get it, it tells you when it was issued !!

MSRFemaleCanada2010-11-02 12:35:00
I'm going to get it today in about an hour :)
MSRFemaleCanada2010-11-01 14:02:00

I have been refreshing DHL, CSC and my email for two weeks straight now.

I would have liked to leave yesterday, but oh well....

It will come, i have no doubt............
MSRFemaleCanada2010-11-01 13:15:00

no I still havent received it...

I had to cancel my flight. Thankfully, the airline gave me credit.

that is truly bizarre

you checked DHL ???

Don't worry about being in AP, i highly doubt that you are.

Remain positive, it will come :)
MSRFemaleCanada2010-11-01 12:44:00

Hi there - we are now dealing with the same issue. Did you eventually get your package in time?

Our interview was a full week ago (Oct 25th). It is now Nov 1st and still no update on the DHL site when we put in the reference number.

Is there a wide range of timeframes for these things to get processed and posted?

Give it till friday and you "should" see something, for me it was 5 business days before i saw anything on DHL
MSRFemaleCanada2010-11-01 11:58:00
CanadaWhat did DHL website show when visa was ready?

I just checked the website and I found a reference number. I checked DHL website and If you put the number there is no result yet in either Waybill # or Reference #. When is it going to be updated?

It appears to actually show something once the Consulate ships it out. Mine was sent out on a Friday evening and it showed the following Sunday.
One more thing to add, Use only the Reference # field on DHL's website. :)

Edited by MSR, 23 December 2010 - 09:52 AM.

MSRFemaleCanada2010-12-23 09:51:00
CanadaWhat did DHL website show when visa was ready?

It said Undelieverable when it was ready for pick up at the local DHL place.
If you are talking about the other CSC visa site well there was nothing It did not change status till 2 days after I knew it was there.

From The site using the reference ID
View Status U.S. CONSULATE GENERAL MONTREAL s67547488 2010-10-21
when I click on view status it says
POD Shipment # Piece # Date Time Status City
View POD Shipment # Piece # Date Time Status City
View s67547488 s67547488
(ref:1456755) 2010-10-25 10:53 Successfully Delivered BRAMPTON
2010-10-25 07:07 Undeliverable BRAMPTON
2010-10-22 08:31 Undeliverable BRAMPTON
2010-10-22 04:07 Transit Through DHL Facility BRAMPTON
2010-10-21 22:26 Depart Facility DORVAL
2010-10-21 18:55 Processed at Location DORVAL
2010-10-21 18:38 Transit Through DHL Facility DORVAL
2010-10-21 18:16 Arrived at Delivery Facility DORVAL
2010-10-21 15:27 Picked Up by DHL DORVAL

See, I knew you would remember :)

I didn't even check CSC's site at all.

I think it should be ready for pick up today!!
MSRFemaleCanada2010-12-06 08:39:00
CanadaWhat did DHL website show when visa was ready?

A question for those of you who have picked up a visa at a DHL location...

When I checked the website Friday, it showed that the status of my reference number was that my visa had been processed at the facility then LEFT the facility on Friday. Can someone please tell me if that's all I'll see, or will it eventually show that it has ARRIVED at the DHL location I had chosen when booking my interview? We don't want to head out to pick up the visa unless it's actually there. Oh and will someone at DHL toll free number be able to tell me if it's arrived?

Thanks for any answers.

If i remember correctly, it is probably on its way to the DHL location nearest you. Check in the morning and you should see it there.
You can call the customer service people at DHL but i found them extremely unhelpful.


Canadiandggal may remember it better than i do......

Edited by MSR, 05 December 2010 - 11:14 PM.

MSRFemaleCanada2010-12-05 23:13:00
Canadais there another method of obtaining the waybill?


Called the visa hotline today and they said they have no waybill information for me. :angry:
They said they will do a follow up. They told me that I should expect a call from their supervisor within 1-2 weeks from now.
OMG!!! I am so mad and disappointed. Is there anyway I can speed this whole thing up? The only way for me to contact Montreal is through email (which sucks!).

please please help me~!

I'm sure you did this but thought i'd ask anyway,

did you provide your passport number etc to see if they had any record of it?

Have you emailed with a BIG BOLD SUBJECT LINE? ( not sure what would be said in it though :blink: )

I hope you hear something soon!!
MSRFemaleCanada2010-12-30 13:27:00
Canadais there another method of obtaining the waybill?

I kinda have a slight idea why it's delayed. When I did all my profile and processing, I used my Philippine passport. But when I got to my interview, the lady there saw my canadian passport which I barely got and took that instead of my philippine passport. She said it wouldn't take long because all they have to do was update their system. I have called visa hotline and have been telling them my situation but barely just now that someone did something. The person I talked to on the phone made me a new account on their website using my canadian passport number. so now, i got two profiles and two reference ids that i will use to check DHL. Although my visa was issued last Friday, December 17, could it be that they couldn't find my profile because the one I registered was my Philippine passport? But if the case number is the same then there shouldn't be a problem right?

Call this number back and give them your passport info

647-955 3736

MSRFemaleCanada2010-12-23 16:24:00
Canadais there another method of obtaining the waybill?

What number did you call for the " visa hotline " ? Maybe after you tell us that we can be of some help :thumbs:I'm sure you'll see it soon with Christmas it may be a bit slower but still :wacko: What city are you picking it up in?

Funny you should pop in Jaden :D.......Didn't you have a phone number that you called to obtain the "S' number? I tried to find your post on this to help out but was unlucky..........

Was wondering if you could help out .....

Edited by MSR, 23 December 2010 - 04:04 PM.

MSRFemaleCanada2010-12-23 16:04:00
CanadaMontreal Interview-Upcoming
I agree with philandjulie

I'm bringing anything and everything even though the application is mailed within the U.S.A.

We are bringing

voter registration
rental agreements
Bills etc
MVA stuff

If i think of it, i will bring it. You just don't know if the interviewer will ask...... Some have been lucky in that they were not asked for it, but i've read some who were asked for it. ( K1's )
MSRFemaleCanada2010-09-20 10:19:00
CanadaMontreal didn't give me a waybill number

Happy New Year everybody. hope best wishes for you and your family

with all God's blessings for you

me and mason


Any news on your visa?

I do hope you get it soon........ :D
MSRFemaleCanada2010-12-30 13:28:00
CanadaMontreal didn't give me a waybill number

well i just used the reference number on the canada.usvisa page and it finally showed up in DHL and says it is at the dhl facility which rocks!! so i suggest keep trying to use the reference number to track it at

Congrats and Merry Christmas!!
MSRFemaleCanada2010-12-23 14:44:00
CanadaMontreal didn't give me a waybill number


still waitingggggggg

My personal opinion on this is that there is a delay in printing and issuing it and that view has only been strengthened by the fact that others are waiting as well.

I highly doubt you are in AP. If you have received an approval letter from the consul at your interview and NOT a 221 g form, then from what i can you see, you were approved.
We are fast approaching the Christmas holidays and there may be a staff shortage at this time.

Good Luck :)
MSRFemaleCanada2010-12-23 14:21:00
CanadaMontreal didn't give me a waybill number

well i did what inky said and used the reference number on the canada.usvisa page but DHL said there was no record on the website. our visa was approved on the 14th which was 6 business days ago. when i called DHL they said they need some tracking number that started with S or something.

How things have changed since my interview, and that was only two months ago!! Check out the attached pic..... The "S" number will show up once your visa has been printed and issued.

Attached File  S number.bmp   358.53KB   27 downloads
MSRFemaleCanada2010-12-23 14:16:00
CanadaMaryland/Northern VA/washington people
Anyone? Anyone at all?? :D
MSRFemaleCanada2010-12-20 19:40:00
CanadaMontreal didn't give me a waybill number

Canadiandggal: Very true! I'm sure some DHL locations have more pickups than others.

By the way, Tim/Erin, the person I spoke to on the visa info line told me that you need to select "reference number" not "waybill" for that reference ID to work. The person I spoke to at DHL told me that the reference ID wouldn't work, even when the package is available. Go figure.

Weird, that's what i used and it worked. When i went to pick up the visa's the lady at the office said the telephone inquire people are not really up to speed on things and may give you wrong information.

I think you will have them by Wednesday of next week. :thumbs:

Edited by MSR, 26 November 2010 - 09:10 AM.

MSRFemaleCanada2010-11-26 09:10:00
CanadaMontreal didn't give me a waybill number

Ok, did that, and it has my ref. number under "shipment #" and "piece #" and under "status" it says "shipment/waybill not found." There is nothing in the other boxes. I need one of you guys to assure me that DHL does indeed HAVE my waybill number. I'm assuming that nothing would show up in any of those boxes if they didn't have it.

give it about 5 business days to show up, i think that's a safe bet.

I'd say mid week of next week you should have it

Edited by MSR, 25 November 2010 - 11:22 AM.

MSRFemaleCanada2010-11-25 11:22:00
CanadaMontreal didn't give me a waybill number

Ok, I found my reference i.d. #. It's a 7 digit number. Do I enter it into the waybills, reference, or return authorization field?

I'm in such a panic right now. Too much stress these past few days. :( I appreciate your help.

MSRFemaleCanada2010-11-25 11:00:00
CanadaMontreal didn't give me a waybill number

What can I do today to find out if my visa is ready to be picked up? I just realized that Montreal Embassy did not give me a waybill number so I can track my delivery. I called DHL and they said they can't do anything without that waybill number. Tim and I would love to head home to the States as soon as possible, especially since the weather is supposed to turn nasty the next couple days. :( AND the Embassy is closed today for the Thanksgiving holiday. :crying:

they don't give you one
log in here


you will need your passport number , your date of birth etc

you should see a REFERENCE ID,

once you have that, go to
and enter your reference id in the reference field, it will let you know if it is ready to be picked up

mine took about 5 business days to get back

MSRFemaleCanada2010-11-25 10:40:00
CanadaToday's the Day!

Dear hubby got the 221g it is. It does seem incomplete...

Posted Image

Nah that is what they gave me, minus the AP part, the same part was checked off but instead of AP it said, DS 156 Daughter.

Other than that it was the same....

Just so bizarre given it's a CR1.....
MSRFemaleCanada2011-12-05 14:58:00
CanadaToday's the Day!

I just find it so hard to believe that these are the people tasked with facilitating my life and marriage.

The interview lady seemed confused that my husband only had one sponsor (me). She mistakenly thought the PC was expired (not even close). Did she even review the file before the interview? He said she barely looked at him and insinuated that it was convenient for him to find an American to date and marry. Lovely...

USCIS/I-130 is the time to validate our relationship and do background checks, no?
NVC is the time to ensure his financial support and make sure that all the documents for the interview are gathered, no?

They've known his family history since the G-325A was filed in April. They've known his travel and visa history since September.

What on earth have they been doing all this time?

It makes you wonder doesn't it? Judging by how she treated your husband, you should contact your senator/congressperson. I find that completely unacceptable. People meet their spouses all over the world, we don't pick and choose.. What bothers me more is that you are married! What more do they need? I came in on a K1, and my interview was pretty easy, the man was super nice. I can understand the wait for the green card once i arrived here, but from my understanding there's a lot more to it when you file for a CR1... These checks should have been completed if i'm not mistaken....
MSRFemaleCanada2011-12-05 09:48:00
CanadaToday's the Day!

BTW, when I called, I did not expect any status changes or anything, but I did just want a chance to ask these questions. She became more and more flustered as I asked more questions.

Seriously, if that's who they put on the phone for customer service, I'm a little nervous to see who her supervisor is.

Sounds like she became flustered because she didn't know what she was talking about.... The supervisor is a chance but you may have more answers as to what AP means exactly... You would hope that someone who has been there longer would know lol.

Some moron there tried to say i couldn't send things to them and request a signature confirmation. It would appear that they think a lockbox is somehow different than a PO box, I tried to explain that because it is a gov't office that of course many things would be sent to them from petitioners or others that would require a signature. so yes there should be someone to pick it up. A PO box is in a post office for goodness sakes, so they merely have to walk over and pick it up LOL. He wouldn't have it, and was getting increasingly angry when i challenged him on his stupidity... I laughed, wished him a good day and hung up
MSRFemaleCanada2011-12-05 09:12:00
CanadaToday's the Day!

Called DOS this morning, and received the run-around, no answers.

"His case is in AP."


"Because they need to do AP."

What exactly is AP?

"AP is AP." (She said that, really.)

What are some common reasons cases go into AP?

"Most cases go into AP because they need AP. They should have told you at the consulate."

They didn't tell him at the consulate.

"Well, what did you expect? That he would be approved that day?"

YES! :crying:

OMG, really?? She then suggested I contact Montreal which we know is only by email and takes weeks to respond.

Super helpful :bonk:

I would have asked to speak to a supervisor, seriously. That is completely unacceptable. AP is AP? WTH? And yeah, after months, if not a year of gathering extensive paperwork, ensuring everything is in order, you would expect that any background checks would have been done in those months (year) so at the time of interview, you were approved for the visa.... Those people are morons, Yes i said it, they are MORONS!!!

Call back and request a supervisor.... so sorry you are going through this....
MSRFemaleCanada2011-12-05 08:52:00
CanadaToday's the Day!

No offense to my hubby, but this potential issue does not apply to him. Unless his vitae screams "harmless" so much that it's threatening.


Give it another week (if you can hold out that long) then get your Senator/Congressperson involved. :)

MSRFemaleCanada2011-12-04 11:41:00
CanadaToday's the Day!

One other possibility that has happened in the past with two other Canadian beneficiaries. . what does your fiance do for a living or what has he studied? Previous applicants who have had fairly high level technical jobs or advanced degrees have also been put into AP as their education or training was considered a possible security risk. The one I remember off hand was some sort of a researcher in bio chemistry, and I don't recall the other, but he had advanced degrees in technical sciences as well. Both were eventually requested to submit curriculum vitae and underwent a lot of additional scrutiny that way. As far as I recall both did eventually get their visas but it was very frustrating in the meantime.

Great point Kathryn! :)

MSRFemaleCanada2011-12-04 10:06:00
CanadaToday's the Day!

I've had our Senator's request for assistance formed typed up and ready to send since this began, just waiting if it was needed.

I think we're going to give it a little time at least, and see if they don't contact us to let us know what's up. We'll call DOS throughout next week to see if the status changes.

This is very disheartening. There's always something, no? It feels like we're being punished for not having RFEs or having the I-130 approved in 90 days...something will always catch up and bog this ####### down.

I hope you hear something soon..I am confident that it will be OK after all anyway....
MSRFemaleCanada2011-12-03 15:39:00
CanadaToday's the Day!

They were Egyptian. His father is now deceased, and his mother is a little old lady who drinks tea with her brother and shops for fresh fruit every day. A scary lot...

The form was white, and one box was checked: The one saying the case is now in AP. No other boxes were checked, nothing was written on it.

My husband called DOS yesterday, and he said the operator was really friendly ("Your interview went really well!") and that she seemed to try to be reassuring ("This happens a lot since 9/11.") and said they did not need us to submit anything.

Well, if it went so well, and they don't need anything, then #######? They've known his family history since we submitted the DS-260. THEY SAY THEY HAVE EVERYTHING! UGH. Sorry, when I get to thinking about it, I get all Hulk-y.

DOS, as i'm sure you are aware, don't really know a whole lot about what is going on. There is no detail in your case file when you phone so don't read too much into what they are saying..

I had a white form as well, however mine doesn't have an option for AP. Chances are, it's his family (as stupid and as crazy as that sounds).. They may want to verify some of the things about the family history despite the fact that it should have been done already...

Others may want to chime in here, but have you thought of contacting a Senator or Congressperson? I can't say whether it is too early to do so, but it certainly is an option...
MSRFemaleCanada2011-12-03 10:01:00
CanadaToday's the Day!
I don't want to pry here but would you mind sharing where his parents are from? I find it really odd that they didn't mention on the 221 what was needed... Something on the form is checked off on it indicating the reason.... What color is the paper? From what i recall, there are different ones...Have him scan and send to you so you can have a look... I'll do a search to see if i can find you what they look like (if you don't already)
MSRFemaleCanada2011-12-03 09:23:00

And why is that bad and why does it bug you? I'm perfectly fine with people thinking all Canadians are polite and outgoing. I have to laugh when they always say how 'clean' Canada is and then they tell me they've been to Toronto :) I've been to TO a million times, but 'clean' wasn't necessarily one of the adjectives that jump to mind first :)

I was in D.C. on Friday and a man asked me if i was from Toronto, LOL. He said he could tell because i said sorry in the form of a question... When people figure out i'm from Canada, they always mention Toronto, they don't mention any other city. Is Toronto the only city they know? hehe... (i'm kidding obviously) but i do get a good chuckle from it.

MSRFemaleCanada2011-12-13 08:18:00
" I miss my family. I miss Canada. I miss my friends (though some of them have moved elsewhere as well, so that will never be the same). I miss snow, I miss Tim Hortons, I miss hockey, I miss the Canada flag, I miss people being polite, I miss french signs (go figure), and bilingual packaging. And yes, hearing the national anthem almost makes me want to bawl like a baby. lol"

I can COMPLETELY relate to how you feel! This is exactly what I had been trying to say but failed so terribly! We get snow here, but it doesn't feel the same :wacko: , the "polite" factor is huge with me... And the french signs and packaging. I'm actually quite good now with French now that i've left Canada, go figure!!

Great post!
MSRFemaleCanada2011-11-29 18:49:00

lol I'll warn my fiance not to panic if he finds me one day, curled up in a ball sobbing to "O Canada"....

:devil: :lol:

Don't make me post that video!! LOL. :rofl:
MSRFemaleCanada2011-11-15 22:19:00

lol.. I thought this was so funny and cute! :blush:

I think once you settle in and get a job/daily routine the homesickness will go away. I've never been super attached to my home or being near my family (I know it sounds cold, but I have my reasons) so I'm not sure if I will get super homesick or not. I always miss being around my mom but I've only seen her about once a year for the past 5 years so it won't be much different for me. I definitely won't miss my job and most of my friends live all over the world so not many are left here. I'm in kind of a weird limbo living here and I'm excited to start my life in the US with my fiance!

I'm serious LOL... It bothered me tremendously to listen to it..... I have never been the emotional type but this bugged me, haha. I don't miss my job, but i do have friends back home I miss.
MSRFemaleCanada2011-11-15 17:38:00
Let me tell ya.... You are NOT alone!! When I first arrived and for a few months after, I thought i was going to lose my mind.... I was VERY homesick.. It was awful. I cried (something I rarely do in all honesty), I couldn't sleep, etc etc. It's normal though, I don't think that feeling every really goes away. Canada is our home, or the home in our hearts if you will... In time, it will get easier. I went out and bought a treadmill lol, that helped me a bit; and I also went to EVERY museum in D.C. and spent days there. I really love it there now, :) Do something you enjoy doing, I think that's important.. Whatever you do, DON'T listen to our National Anthem, LOL. Sounds weird, but you will be bawling like a baby..... I didn't think it was possible, I mean, how many times have we heard it right?

Again, find something you like doing and immerse yourself in that.

You will be fine.. It gets easier...

Take care
MSRFemaleCanada2011-11-15 17:09:00
CanadaAdministrative processing?!

Hello, on February 7, my husband received an email from the Consulate requesting his passport for processing. We believe that means AP is over for us. We won't know for sure until he submits his passport, and he's decided to wait a little while because he wants to join some planned family trips at the end of this month.

That would mean our AP ended after 65 days. We hope anyway.

You're right to be concerned. My husband was born and raised a Canadian citizen although his parent were born Egyptian and became Canadian PRs, so maybe, just maybe, that is why we got the short end. I don't know. We'll probably never know. Even with all our ducks in a row, we couldn't have predicted AP. However, many individuals do not go into AP regardless of their circumstances. I'm sorry you've even been waiting so long for your NOA2.

This looks like good news.. Congrats! I hope this mess is FINALLY over! :)

MSRFemaleCanada2012-02-16 18:44:00
CanadaAdministrative processing?!

I was an immigrant, yes, so I suppose that could be it. But what can they possibly need to check for? I was very young when I moved here. Do you have any idea how long it will take? I thought I'd be with my fiance for Christmas and New Years, and now I don't know if I will be. It's extremely upsetting.

Wait, did you get a 221 g form from the consulate when you went for your interview??

MSRFemaleCanada2011-12-08 17:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Calling DOS

DOS is the only source for any information on our case.

The Montreal consulate does not accept phone calls or faxes, and they'll answer your email in about a month and only if they feel like it. You are instructed, "DO NOT send inquires about the status of the case" nor are you to send the same question more than once.

The DOS operators go from zero to RUDE in about sixty seconds. I'm calm and I feel like I'm asking reasonable questions. I only call weekly to check on status.

Today after she told me the case was still pending AP, I asked her a question I already knew the answer to, but I was hoping to engage with her more and see if she say anything but "your case is pending." Before I even finished my question, she huffed a big sigh, and raising her voice, said, "I do not know that!!" As if I was so stupid to think she could answer any questions. I guess it is stupid to expect anything from my government at this point...

But, how am I to know, if I didn't have VJ? I would think DOS could answer some simple questions. We have nowhere to ask these questions if we didn't know the answers already. The consulate is a big blank wall. And this "customer service" at DOS is joke.

My fear is that I get a black mark on the file for being rude, when it is them who are so quick to raise their voices and seem so put out by my mere existence.

Anyway, you don't need to tell me this is all a big waiting game and that DOS is useless. I just needed to vent. I freaking hate this...

There's got to be a complaint number somewhere for them.. Some of them are horrendously rude and useless... I found a webmail form but no phone number as of yet. Most of them behave like you are interrupting their day.. Isn't it their job to answer our questions? If they are so hard pressed to do so, perhaps they should give those jobs to people who actually want to help....

I hated calling there....

I hope you hear something soon ...
MSRFemaleCanada2011-12-30 15:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionpacket 3 confusion!!!! montreal canada!

I'm so confused!!! :'(

I got packet 3.. and it makes no sense to me

what exactly do I have to send?
ds-230 part 1
confirmation recipt ds-16

I know I have to send the obvious said forms... but do I just have to send the checklist itself. copies of the things on said checklist????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

also.. the checklist says "MEDICAL" but the medical section in the back of the packet which gives the physicians to call to book an appointment says "please state that you are an applicant for an immifrant or k visa, as the case may be, and provide the date of your isa interview"

this seems confusing to me. they want medical checked off yet dont want you to book it until u have your interview date. can i book it b4 i get my interview date or will they send me more info on medical exam with the interview date....

bahhhh why can't they be more specific :'(

also... whats in packet 4 then?

Hi there

I just sent back my packet 3, i included the forms you mentioned :

ds-230 part 1
confirmation receipt ds-160

and the checklist

I tried to book my medical yesterday, we need the Interview letter before we can book our medical. Just check off that you have everything. The lady at the medical place said they are quick with making appointments, you will have your medical complete at the time of the interview.

Packet 4 is the interview letter!!!

Montreal is back to normal processing times as well, they WERE severely backed up according to DOS, however when i spoke with them, they said they are back to normal, which is good news for us.
MSRFemaleCanada2010-07-14 08:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS-160

What is the DOS website?

We filed for a K1 visa as well, Although i go through Montreal. The DS 160 was included in my packet 3, it's probably different for you in Vancouver. However, i would fill it out and bring it with you just in case.

Good Luck on your interview!!
MSRFemaleCanada2010-07-18 16:41:00