CanadaGood Luck, Wyatt's Torch

Congrats. I find it so funny all of you get out so early... I was like in there ALL day! :lol:

It was so terrible... well worth it but I forgot one form and had to run around all over the place trying to find the internet so I could get it done within an hour.

Congrats Wyatt! I'm so happy for you! VJ'ers are 5/5 this week!! :thumbs:

We were in there what seemed to be all day! By the time I got back with the Expresspost envelope and handed it in it was just about noon! No one should know that stress of waiting and waiting and waiting some more...
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-03-05 10:42:00
CanadaPOE Thousand Islands

Welcome to the USA!

Say we plan to move the same way when our turn comes.
How did you get the u-haul discounts?

Thanks everyone! After another long day yesterday, the kitchen is officially co-mingled! Extra glasses are in storage and I now have a set of pots and pans and some silverware for camping! WOO HOO!!!

Hopefully he puts his clothes away today....

So for the Uhaul discount, it appears they offer those discounts to all one way travelers. I just called the 1-800-GO-UHAUL (1-800-468-4285) and asked for pricing first, then told them I would call back to book it, then she told me about the discounts. We were not ready to book it just yet, so when I called back 2 days later, we were offered the same discounts. I'm not sure but I don't think we would have gotten the same discounts if we booked online. So making a phone call saved us quite a bit of money. The gas cost us $140 for just over 500 miles, so all in all it was well worth making a phone call.
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-03-10 10:53:00
CanadaPOE Thousand Islands
Our day yesterday started with loading the U-Haul moving truck. We called to book it and got a 40% discount on the truck and a 30% discount on the car hauler so the total rental one way from Oshawa, Ontario to Lansdale, PA was under $400 including mileage and we got a free storage unit for a month which we needed, so that was a great deal!

So we picked up the truck around 10 am and started unloading his storage unit and loading up the truck. We finished loading around 1. Had to go back to the Uhaul dealer to put the car hauler on, so we finally started on the road about 2. My goal was to make it across the border by 4, yep, that didn't happen.

We finally pulled up to the border around 5:30. My hubby told them he was activating his CR-1 Visa and that he needed to import his car. So we were asked to move the truck to secondary and go in.

We went in and sat down and he was called up a few minutes later by Office Barkley who asked the hubby some questions (where do you live, what's in the truck, any alcohol, tobacco, firearms), had him read and sign a form about how to get the 10 year greencard, then asked for me to come up and read and sign the form. He asked us to take a seat, then he process more paperwork. Asked the hubbs to come back up about 10 minutes later, asked the hubbs to sign a paper that will be his signature on his green card, took his fingerprint with ink, then told him he could go use the washroom if he wanted to wash his hands. Had him sit back down. Called us both up again, asked a few more questions, he gave me a copy of the I-485 along with instructions and told me to hold onto it. He said we were done and we could go. I asked what about importing the car? Officer Barkley said "Well you could have told me THAT 45 minutes ago!" We apologized and said that we told the guy outside and thought he told you. So we started the import process, and he asked if the car had an EPA Compliant sticker or if we had a letter from the manufacturer. I told him we requested the letter, but that it didn't come in yet. He said well, you can come back and import it later if you want and said we could go to any border entry to do it and then he asked if the car had the sticker and we were not sure. He said, well I'm not going to go look for it, but if you want to go ahead and look and come right back, I'll do the paperwork. So we looked and found it under the hood (thankfully) and a guard outside confirmed that is what they needed to see, so Office Barkley went ahead and did the paperwork to import the car. He needed to see the title and asked questions about the car when he was looking up the value on Kelly Blue Book. He asked us if there was duty on importing a car, and I told them not in this case. He is allowed to import a car fee of duty with an immigration visa. After the paperwork was done, he told us that he still needs the letter from the manufacturer and when we receive it, we should mail the original to him.

The total process took about an hour and a half and was fairly painless. My hubby was extremely grateful that he got his car imported and didn't have to worry about a 6 hour drive at another time to import it. And don't you know, the email came over with the letter from Mazda at 5:45 pm lastnight... right when we were in Secondary! We even said that to the Officer when he asked why we didn't get it yet when we requested it almost 3 weeks ago. What a fiasco!

We finally made it home around 1 am... What a long day it was, about 12 hours on the road! Its pretty bad when you are driving on the highway up a hill and you are getting passed by all kinds of tractor trailers cause the darn thing won't go faster then 45 up a major hill with all that weight in it!

Now comes the real fun part. Co-mingling of the belongings! Wish us luck!
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-03-09 14:28:00
CanadaGot my Passport Back!
Congrats and have a safe POE. We did it yesterday and I'm so exhausted! I should have taken today as a vacation day too, but I only took half so that I could help hubby unload the truck and move the heavy stuff...

I'm so happy that its almost done.... Now to clean the stuff out of the cars and to start sorting and tossing.... Then life can begin!

Best of luck on your trip and hey, the DC area isn't all that far away from me, so who knows we may be able to meet one of these days after all!
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-03-09 14:38:00
CanadaWhy Canada Sucks....
A few more reasons my husband is now extremely happy to be in the US:

His old storage unit cost him about $100 per month + 15% tax
His new storage unit is costing him about $60 per month + 6% tax

Car insurance:

In Canada for his 2004 Mazda cost him $156 a month for basic coverage
In PA, same coverage on my policy (with my discounts) his coverage will cost us $229 for 6 months or about $40 a month.


Yep, he's a happy camper!
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-03-10 13:53:00
CanadaWhy Canada Sucks....

First off I'm Canadian. I live in the US and couldn't be happier. The only thing I miss really are the friends and family that are living up there. The Canadian Government has removed it's grip from my balls and it feels great. Here's a little list or the things I love about the American way of life, compared to that of the Republic of Soviet Canuckistan.

1. Did you enjoy paying $40 for a case of Bud Light? No, I'd much rather go to walmart and pay $11.99.

2. Did you like paying $35 for a round-trip from Toronto to Niagara and the 407? No, considering I can do the same trip here in Illinois for about $5.

3. Is it fair that Rogers can charge a $400 Early Termination Fee to cancel a cell phone plan? No, when the most they can charge here is $175.

I could go on for days but I think you get me point. Canadians (myself included) take it up the #### on a daily basis. And what do we do, sit back and take it, because the government has our best interests in mind, right?

Any other Canadians with me here?

You sound just like my husband. We can't buy beer in stores like Walmart or the local supermarket in PA, but after 9 or 10 pm when the beer stores close and you find yourself in need of beer, you go to the local bar and you can buy 6 packs until 2 am. Liquor, your out of luck after 9 pm.
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-03-05 15:10:00
CanadaBringing my stuff across the border


We just did this a few weeks ago. We had no problems with the Uhaul at the border, but I do suggest that you don't use old bottled beer (24) case boxes for your belongings. They opened the truck up and asked us "how many cases of beer did you say you have?" (we bought 2-24s of Keith's at the border and when asked claimed them) He then asked about the Labatt Blue boxes in the truck. I quickly explained that we reused those boxes for kitchen items since we ran out of boxes. He seemed to be satisfied with that answer.

I did not do a manifest of what was in the boxes, nor did they ask for one. We ran out of time when we were loading the truck and wanted to get on the road, so I took a chance and would have winged it at the border had they asked. They just mainly asked about alcohol, tobacco, firearms and asked a quick question about what was in the truck to which my hubby answered all of his personal belongings including the liquor from his bar.

Just be honest and you should have no issues whatsoever.
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-03-17 10:57:00
CanadaComplicated situation

Wow fast response!! Great help thank you

a few posters asked if I had a special visa as an airline pilot. To be honest, I am not sure. I don't carry any special personal paperwork with me to fly to the US. I think the situation is similar to a Canadian business man going to the us for business.

Neiks and Steve;

It sounds like in some ways, my situation is similar to yours.

One of my concerns is having to many belongings in the USA right now. I own part of a house, a boat and a car down there. In Canada I rent a room in a house, bank accounts, credit cards and more importantly I have my Job. But it looks like you both had some belongings in the US while the process was going through. Any problems with that in respect of them thinking that you might be trying to establish residence in the USA ahead of time?

I have been shopping for a lawyer getting free consultations and we are trying to decided if it's worth the 2500$ that most of them charge. So far with the consultations they all say I have 2 choices. After I get married, apply for the CR-1 from the US or from Canada. Drawback from the us application is that I would have to stay in the US for a few months without leaving the country before I can resume travels. I could get a leave of absence but that would be expensive. The Canadian route, although longer would "allow" me to travel to the US at the discretion of the border agent.

Even though I don't personally know the customs officers like Neiks does, when I travel in my pilots uniform the attitude of the officer is different. Almost a sense of being on the same team. So I think that might help a little when I go back and forth.

Question...... in order to apply from Canada, does your American spouse need to have legal residency in Canada? looking through the guide for Canadians I ran across something that suggested this. but when I asked the firms during consultations, they said no.

Anyway, I see why this site is called the Visa "Journey". By finding this site, I think our journey might be a little easier thanks to you.

Thanks Again!!


It sounds like to me that the attorneys are maybe suggesting (and wrongly so) that you get married in the states and adjust status? In that case you can't leave the US and its not the proper way to immigrate because you would have to prove that you didn't plan on getting married and staying, and since you are partial owner of a house and boat, that just wouldn't work for you.

If you do the CR-1 route, the paperwork is filed with the USCIS here in the states, and then after the brief stop at the NVC, your interview will be in Montreal. After you file the paperwork, you can still travel back and forth, as long as the border patrol let you in. Seeing as your are a pilot, I don't see you having any issues with this at all, but you never know. When I filed my paperwork, my husband was here for a slightly extended visit because he was unemployed. He never had a real issue crossing, nor was he ever denied entry. Granted, we don't own a house or anything together, but we had a smooth immigration experience.

Good luck to you and we are always here to help!
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-03-16 17:06:00
Congrats! Great news!!!
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-03-16 16:01:00
CanadaPOE Review - an account of my drive across America!
Wow! What a story! Glad you made it ok.

Welcome home!
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-03-17 11:38:00
CanadaWaiting, waiting and still...

Hope you get it soon, Froggie! I'm twelve days behind you. :)

They gave me my Virginia driver's license with only my passport stamp as proof of permanent residency, so that's a good sign in MY case at least. Are there places not letting you use that I-551 stamp as proof? It really is a de facto green card!

As for the SIN, that's MY biggest concern too. I've been applying to jobs etc., but I'll feel MUCH more comfortable when I get that SIN in the mail.

A lot of States will not issue a Drivers License without a Social Security Card. You can have all the proof in the world that you are a resident or even a US Citizen, but without that card, no drivers license.

Got my fingers crossed for ya lgg!
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-03-18 15:00:00
CanadaWhy all the fuss about the 2010 Census
Some people just don't like to give out their personal info I guess. I filled mine out, it took no time at all and its in the mail already. All done. Next project!
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-03-19 14:00:00
CanadaGot my Green Card today!
Hubby got his Welcome to America letter today! Woo Hoo!!! He asked my why did they send us two in the same envelope? We looked at it and saw that it belongs to someone else in this area. Guess their automatic paper folder doesn't work so well.... WHOOPS! :bonk: I'll be sending this one that doesn't belong to me out tomorrow. I would hope someone did the same for me!
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-03-22 19:12:00
CanadaGreencards came in today.

Yeah...not to worry you any more, Froggie, but I have a feeling (totally unfounded...just a hunch) that it would be more common for an airport POE to drop the ball in terms of paperwork / filing etc. than a land crossing. Definitely go to the SSN office a.s.a.p.!

LGG, I have a feeling Wyatt may be onto something here. Everyone who entered the US after you was via land and not air. I know it is frustrating, this whole process of hurry up and wait. I really hope your paperwork comes in soon! And you never know, your welcome letter may have gotten stuck to someone else's like what happened to me and the hubby yesterday. Someone elses letter was right behind ours. It shows how well this system works, I got someone elses welcome e-mail from the NVC, now we get someone's Welcome letter...

Congrats sdw!!!
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-03-23 10:06:00
CanadaWhen SSN is coming?

Ah, really? I already done some calculations myself, I don't think I owe. Not with the insane amount of interest I'm paying on stu loans...

Well, the wife's green card came today. That was quick. But I don't really care about that so much, we want the SSN lol Well we do, but now we want the SSN. As soon as that comes in, time for the wife to get a NY drivers lic. Can my wife carry around her Ontario and NY drivers licenses? I know in NY, you can't carry around another NY license but what about an Ontario one too...

I believe they will either make her surrender her Ontario license or punch a hole in it which renders it invalid. From what I read on the DMV site in PA that is what they do, but I'm sure someone else will be able to confirm.

redmen I see your interview was the 1st - did your SS card come yet?

The hubby's SS card didn't come in yet. Just the welcome letter yesterday... He's getting impatient since he's been on a few interviews already...
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-03-23 10:11:00
CanadaWhen SSN is coming?
I checked with my tax accountant. She said (paraphrasing of course) If you are getting a refund, you can pretty much file when you want, (within reason, I mean why would you want the government to keep your money???) If you are getting a refund, you do not have to have your taxes filed by April 15th. That is the deadline if you OWE money.
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-03-22 14:29:00
CanadaAuto Insurance in the U.S.

I wonder... Will I need a U.S. driver's license before I get insurance? I was thinking I'd do the inspections, get the insurance, then hit the DMV to get the title and registration along with my new DL.

How does the SSN issue play into this? Are there any of these points where I'll NEED my SSN? I suppose I could stick it out and wait for my SSN to arrive before I change everything over (technically I'll have one month to do it...), but I'd rather get everything done a.s.a.p. while I have the time.

Here in PA you can't get your license until you have a SSN. I'm not sure how it is in VA.
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-02-23 14:21:00
CanadaAuto Insurance in the U.S.
I added my hubby to my Allstate car insurance policy in PA right after we got married to get the additional discount. All they needed was his driver's license info. I just called my Agent to see if they will need his driving record when he comes down. I was told since his name is already on my policy they have already ran his license and have that info already, so I'll just need to call and add his car to my policy. One less thing to worry about... Now I just need a bill or something in his name sent to our place so that he can get his license here next month.... UGH!!!
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-02-23 13:22:00
CanadaAuto Insurance in the U.S.
Make sure you check with the DMV in DC to see what the requirements are. Here in PA, you need to have a SS card before you can get your license. To get your license, you need the SS card, and a few other pieces of id. You can't register your car or get your tags until you have your license and getting tags will take 2 weeks since they have to send the paperwork to the State Capital for review before they are issued. You also need to show proof of insurance when you go to register the vehicle. After your car is registered, then you have 10 days for the safety and emissions inspection. But luckily in PA there is no tax for his car since its over 2 years old.... he's still debating on whether he should sell his car in Canada or not. :wacko:
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-02-03 00:16:00
CanadaInsurance Question for new PR's of the US

When is your company's next Open Enrollment for benefits - you know, the time of year when can enroll family members. If that is coming up shortly you could wait til then.

Since I deal with insurance stuff in my current job, I can tell you that Life events wouldn't include 'a visa status change'...usually, marriage, divorce, birth of a child etc.....However, your husband moved here and lost his former job (and therefore probably benefits) right? Our company considers a spousal loss of job a 'life event', that may work for you as well....You may want to explain to them that Canadians don;t get a letter from the gov't saying we're no longer eligible :) You just aren't covered if you don't live in the province. perhaps you could point them to the website for Ontario's health care eligibility or print them off something from it?

Open enrollment is in October, and I'll be laid off by then. My job is being outsourced to Ireland.... He was laid off last May, and was living off his severance package, then EI kicked in, so loss of job won't help us either. So I'm now looking at the OHIP site and trying to find something on there that I can use for loss of insurance, but all I keep finding is Long Term Care stuff. The search continues... Thanks for the suggestions!
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-03-23 15:35:00
CanadaInsurance Question for new PR's of the US
Has anyone had issues adding their new PR spouse to their health insurance with their employer? I just tried to add my husband to my insurance with my employer using his visa status as a life change and they told me that "unfortunately becoming a permanent resident is not a life event". But that if I can find proof that he is no longer covered under OHIP, then I can have him covered. Where can I find something that says this? I told them I can pretty much guarantee that I won't get a letter from the Canadian government saying that. But was told that if I find something official stating that he lost his coverage, then I can add him.

I am beyond ticked off right now! Oh, and I only have until April 8th to prove it... GRRRRRRRR
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-03-23 14:21:00
CanadaGood Luck, La Souris
Good luck!!!!
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-03-22 21:45:00
CanadaGood News!
Thanks everyone!

Great news! Congrats to you and your husband.

Has your husband gone to the local SS office to apply for his card?

Not yet. He POE'd on March 8th, so I'm going to tell him if its not here by Monday that he should go. He drove by the SS office yesterday when he got lost coming home, so he knows where it is now.

Congrats! My husband lost his job when I moved here, and has been looking for over 2 and a 1/2 months now. :( you guys are lucky! Good luck with a speedy SSN lol :)

Oh no!!! That's horrible! Good luck to you both in finding something.

Edited by redmen99, 25 March 2010 - 12:17 PM.

redmen99FemaleCanada2010-03-25 12:16:00
CanadaGood News!

That is good!! Yay!! When does the job start? Maybe the SSN will be in before then.

Where's he working?

He starts next Tuesday. He's working for an agency who placed him in a Computer Operating job near King of Prussia, PA. Hopefully his card will be in before that, but if not, I'm sure they can come to some sort of arrangement.
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-03-24 16:24:00
CanadaGood News!
My hubby had an interview today and he got the job! He's extremely excited especially considering he's only been here just under 2 weeks. Now if his SS Card would come in, he can get paid..... :clock:
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-03-24 16:06:00
CanadaCr1 Visa fee

I haven't even received my Noa2 yet but I just started think about the upcoming costs and wanted to know forsure what the
fees when I get to the interview will be. Like to get the visa at montreal, I think i saw it was something like $130.
Please just let me know

No fees at the interview for a CR-1 visa. Those charges are included in your fees at the NVC stage. Only K-1 and DCF visas have fees at the interview.

Good luck!
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-02-03 14:00:00
CanadaMedical in Toronto

so they don't do a 'full' physical exam then?

Nope. they may peek in her undies to make sure she really is a she, but no internal exam at all.
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-02-23 15:19:00
CanadaMedical in Toronto
My hubby is at his medical at Medisys Montreal as we speak. He's not a big detail guy, so I'll see what he comes back with. So far he got there at 1:15 (appointment at 1:30) there was 10 people in front of him to check in, but names are being called fast. His biggest complaint so far, is that parking is $3.50 every 20 minutes $20 Max. I told him to go early to find good parking... :whistle:
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-02-23 13:39:00
CanadaAny early March POE-er's get SSN yet with going to SSA office?
My hubby got 2 welcome letters, 1 early last week, 1 last Friday, got his greencard on Friday, but no SS# yet. He drove to the SS office today in the pouring rain and they told him he should have it in 2 weeks. Hope it comes soon, he's starting his job on Friday, and he has to write them a letter for their file stating that he understands he will not get paid for any hours worked until he shows them his Social Security card... Oh what fun!

They told me 2 weeks for my new card when I changed my name, but I got it in 2 business days tops.
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-03-30 16:31:00
CanadaWhere to donate a used 55" tv? any ideas?
You might want to try lowering the price. For $500, someone can get a real nice brand new tv and not one that is 5 years old with no warranty.... The hubby and I recently purchased a 3 y/o HDTV for $300, I can say, we really overpaid for that tv and looking back we both said we should have bought brand new.... but if the price was lower, we wouldn't mind so much...

Just a suggestion.
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-03-31 10:27:00
CanadaAnother SSN Follow Up for my fellow early March POE'ers and accepteds
My husband went to the SS office last Tuesday as well, very close to closing time. His card was in the mail this morning.
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-04-05 21:23:00
CanadaQuestion on Custom House

I have used CH since 2005 with NO problems. Most of my transaction shave been under $1000, but have had a few in the big buck range,lol thats how much I trust them! I used them for the first time since being acquired by Western Union a few weeks back prior to heading back to Canada on a short visit. Still the exact same process, but i thought (maybe) the exchange rate was a tad less than what it had been in the past!!

There are NO fees if you do it Electronically (EFT), takes around 4-7 BUSINESS days for the transaction to take place. Thays from the time you initiate the exchange, until its in the desired bank account. On average for me, i would say 4 days, but that depends on both of ur banks.

Very easy to set up, it doesn take a bit of time to initially set up the account, as you have to provide them some info that requires verifying, such as ur ID and ur bank info. You can get that info to them by a few different methods 1)snail mail 2)fax or 3)scan and email it in thru their secure email! I scanned/emailed it in. For ID I believe you can use ur passport, drivers license and birth cert. Not sure, but u may have to provide 2 sources. If u can email or fax it, you can have the acct set up pretty quick, same day or next. As well they call you (at ur desired time) to verify the info! At least they did back in 2005!!

I have always found them extremely friendly, but trailmix did find 1 grumpy guy,lol I ran by their head office in Victoria BC many times when I resided there!

As wel they offer a wire service for same day $$$ transactions, but they do charge a fee AND i believe your bank MAY charge a fee as well! Good for emergency cases!

But so far so good under Western union, in short no fees if ya do it EFT.

They will walk you step by step thru the trades, its very easy! You see the exchange rate, so its not a suprise. You can almost make it a casino game as you can either 1)accept the exchange rate 2)just cancel the transaction or 3) hit the refresh button by the exchange rate and try ur luck, it may go up, down or stay the same!! Of course the rate doesn't jump a whole lot, but if ur dealing with big $$$$,it can make a difference.

I did have 1 minor problem, but it wasn't with CH, it was when I added a new bank to my account. CH had sent the bank a fax, but the bank didn't respond. So CH initiated a 3 way call between me, my bank and them, and within minutes the problem was solved, excellent service!

As well I think you can put in a rate your looking for, and if the rate ever gets that good, it will send you an email, but I have tried it that way!

Wow! What a review! Thanks for your time in typing all that. It is very much appreciated. After reading that to my hubby he feels a bit better about using them.
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-04-18 15:57:00
CanadaQuestion on Custom House
My hubby, being the procrastinator that he is, has finally realized that he needs to get money into his Canadian account to pay his bills and he is looking for the cheapest way to get money up there. I found a thread on here about Custom House and know quite a few of you use the service. I went to the site and see that they are now a Western Union Company. Has their service changed any since they switched over? Do they charge any fees to transfer your money to Canada? Is it still as easy to use as it was previously? Do you still pick a rate to transfer your money? Any info would be most greatly appreciated...

redmen99FemaleCanada2010-04-18 12:54:00
CanadaFaxed copy of the Compliance Letter for Vehicle Import

i did tell them i wanted to import it and they didn't do anything, i gave them the letter i had from Kia and everything and like i said they just walked around with it LOL one of the officers just told me that all they could do was just stamp it that they saw it and it was ok but nothing to do with the importation of it mind you now it was a Saturday and the "guy" who does it wasn't there but i figured someone would have looked it up to do it. By the sounds of it from the DMV they just do a check on the Vin and issue the tags but i don't know if thats the correct way for me to do it, Just trying to do things right.

When I called the auto tag place and told them we were importing a car from Canada and asked what we needed to register the car, they specifically said that they needed 2 copies of the paperwork from customs (or the 2 copies of the carbon form if they used it) along with the letter from the car manufacturer. I was told that in PA, they send all the paperwork to Harrisburg, and it may take up to 2 weeks for us to get the new tags for the car.. which is fine for us, that gives us more time to have it inspected.
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-04-21 13:23:00
CanadaFaxed copy of the Compliance Letter for Vehicle Import

sorry to be bumping an old thread but when i crossed last saturday nothing was done with my car they looked at it and said go to the dmv in the state and if anything declare it at customs at the nearest airport, what was supposed to happen at the POE? i had a compliance letter that i showed them and they walked around with it for a while and that was that. the officer that activated my visa did take the make model and Vin # so i'm stuck as to what to do now since i can't do anything until my SSN card gets here, Ohio requires it for license and tags/registration of my car. Technically if i go to the DMV they do an out of state inspection and call it done but the problem is the car was never "officially" imported to my knowledge anyways. I don't want to encounter problems visiting Canada and what not.

When you register your car, you need to have the documents that they give you when you imported it. So you need to go to your nearest customs place and have them fill out the paperwork. This all should have been done when your visa was activated. Did you tell them that you wanted to import your car?

My husband's letter didn't come in on time when we crossed, but we were able to import his car when he entered because fortunately, his car had the proper sticker under the hood. The officer asked that when we got the letter from Mazda to mail him the original. Since we had ours emailed to us, there was no original, so I mailed him a printed copy of the emailed letter. We haven't heard anything back from them, so I guess it was ok. I guess we'll find out when he goes to register his car this week....

Thanks for bumping this thread cause it reminded me that we need the letter from Mazda to register his car! I would have totally forgotten all about it...
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-04-21 10:57:00
CanadaKeeping Bank Accounts & Credit cards after move to USA?

They advised over $2800 in fees to move my balances over to a US account (which was way over what I was expecting to have to pay)

Perhaps that was for a same day transfer? They do not charge for eft transactions (takes a few days for your money to get to your other account), but if you want your money transferred within 24 hours, they do charge a fee.
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-04-21 13:18:00
CanadaKeeping Bank Accounts & Credit cards after move to USA?
One of my husband's credit cards was just "closed" because they thought his recent transactions were possibly fraudulent. He never told them he was moving to the US. So when he called they told him that they are going to issue him a new card and send it to him here in the states. So if you have credit cards that you still want to use, I suggest giving them your change of address. It would then be up to them if they will allow you to keep the card or not.

As far as a bank account goes, as long as you have enough money in there to cover the fees, they can't close it on you.
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-04-21 10:44:00
CanadaGetting a US credit card (For TD Canada Visa holders)
Sam&Ben, thanks for that info! My husband still banks with TD and has a credit card with them in Canada. He really wants to get a US card so there will be less fees and that is really invaluable information for him.

Thank you so much for sharing!
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-04-23 13:21:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Why is it your fault when someone gets lost driving when you gave them 3 sets of directions to choose from? Not my fault you can't follow them and you missed your exit! GRRRRR
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-03-18 15:07:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
2 years ago I had a massive ear infection and after 2 rounds of treatment, I was sent to an ENT doctor for a check up... They did a hearing test and at that point I had lost some of my hearing in that ear and was suffering from tinnitus. The doc gave me a supplement that helped stop the ringing in my ear and it worked and eventually 90% of my hearing loss came back. Now the tinnitus has come back and its annoying the ####### outta me. Not too long ago I threw out the remaining supplements I was given because they were old and now I wish I kept them or at least wrote down the name of them so I could by them again... this ringing is driving me nuts!!!!! :angry:
redmen99FemaleCanada2010-02-03 01:03:00