K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Hello May Filers!


Today was my Biometrics appointment... or so I thought! I stashed away my I-797C notification of my appointment, and took it out last night for today's appointment. Unfortunately the Biometrics appointment was for June 3 not June 6!!! I was a mess last night -- mad at myself for making such a mistake, so I immediately booked in Infopass Appointment -- the earliest available being on June 20.


Now, I was reading on forums about just being a walk-in without an appointment; however, the Seattle office didn't state they accepted walk-ins. Still, I had a lot to lose if I didn't at least try, so I drove down and arrived around 8am this morning. The staff were VERY friendly and helpful, and the first woman I spoke to at reception said they are usually pretty friendly and good about accomodating people like me. Phew!


I had to wait about 45 minutes, but USCIS did fit me in for Biometrics this morning... boy am I glad! I sure learned a lesson -- double check everything, and perhaps look at important documentation well before the night before!!


Anyways, I am glad I sorted things out -- and that our application is NOT considered abandoned (as the letter stated if the appointment was missed). 


I hope everybody is doing well and reunited with their loved ones!

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-06-06 12:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Let me just say, I hope for everyone in the May 2013 filers category that everything is going along well for you all!


We received the three receipts in the mail last week for the Adjustment of Status paperwork, and received the Biometrics appointment in the mail today. My Biometrics appt is June 6th!


Our journey has been tough (hasn't it been for all of us to some degree?), but being at this stage of happiness really erases almost all of the trying times we went through to get here!



sjs87FemaleCanada2014-05-15 21:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Hi May Filers!

I hope that everybody is doing well and things are moving in the right direction!


We mailed our AOS package off about 10 days-2 weeks ago, and noticed that the check has NOT been cashed yet. Has anybody from May 2013 already filed for AOS, and can give an idea of how long it took for their check to be cashed?



sjs87FemaleCanada2014-04-27 16:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Thanks for the feedback. We can't find the letter, but we did find an email from USCIS regarding initial approval back in August, and we will also include a few other emails/documents that will prove that we were approved (as if the visa in my passport wasn't enough...)


One question though. We know we have to include a check for $1070 for the Adjustment of Status fees, but it looks like the i-765 also has a fee of $380. Thus, do we include two checks, one in the amt of $1070 and one for $380?



sjs87FemaleCanada2014-04-11 10:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Hi Friends!


I've been in the U.S. for about 10 days now, and we had our civil ceremony this past weekend... yes, I know we moved quick! My grandma was visiting from another province, and so we wanted to have the civil ceremony while she was still visiting :). We filed our marriage license with the county I live in, so now we are officially husband and wife... hurray!


We are getting ready to file the Adjustment of Status paperwork, and I had a few questions stemming from when I entered in the US (and advice on what those of you who have filed for Adjustment of Status already would be much appreciated!)


We had an incredibly friendly CBP agent, who said we need to file for I-130. This is not a document on the VJ "Step by Step" guide for Adjustment for K-1... so, I do not believe I need to file for this? 


Also, he said we should file for I-131 "Advanced Parole" so I could have the option of leaving the U.S. I was considering filling this out, however, the I-131 requires a date and reason for travel of which I have none. Have any of you filed for this?


Also, we never received a paper NOA2 approval notice, only an email from USCIS, and the VJ Step by Step guide says we should submit a copy of this along with our application. Wouldnt it be obvious that we were approved initially, since we had an interview, I have a visa in my passport, and that I have already been admitted to the U.S.? I will contact USCIS for a copy of this letter if need be -- but I would hate to pay out of pocket for this letter, to the tune of over $400, even though we never received it in the first place!!



sjs87FemaleCanada2014-04-08 18:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Thanks Ozgirl! 

Yesterday's entry was probably THE easiest part of the whole immigration process!! I can't wait to unpack and help make our house a home!! Hope you are settling nicely into Washington state... maybe we'll cross paths someday :)

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-03-31 18:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Hello May 2013 filers!!


I finally arrived in the United States -- wahoo!! My fiance drove up to Canada, and brought his truck to help me move my belongings. We filled his truck bed and my car with boxes and crossed into the U.S. last night around 7:30pm. We had to go inside the customs building to pay some $6 fee, and everybody was incredible nice and helpful!

The border guard at the booth outside that I drove up to even cracked a joke... I said I was entering on the K-1 visa, and that my fiance was behind me in his truck. He asked me if I'd like him (the customs agent) to give my fiance a bad time... I said sure, but not too bad :)


The agent inside who opened my K-1 packet was also really nice, he jokingly said "Now, before I open this envelope... are you SURE?" and we thought he was joking. And he kind of was, but he said there was a couple (or at least a beneficiary) who ended up backing out of the K-1 before he opened their envelope! Of course we were sure -- and was glad to be there with my fiance on this momentous day!! This agent asked us if we had worked with a lawyer, and I said we had for the first part but decided to do the rest without her... and he went on about how basically lawyers pass off these things to paralegals to do, and that they just look over the paperwork before anything is officially submitted. Without saying these exact words, the agent made it pretty darn clear that immigration lawyers, at least for the K-1, are a complete and total waste of money. Oh well :)


The border agent inside who took our $6 fee was nice, too. He looked through my packet of Adjustment of Status documents and wrote a few more items down on a piece of paper that I was apparently missing. 


All in all, a great experience and so happy to finally be at this stage of the journey! Today we are applying for a marriage license as we are doing our civil ceremony this Saturday!!

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-03-31 07:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Thanks, Ozgirl, for being logical and Googling my inquiry idea9dv.gif . I'll take a read and hopefully it'll calm my worries! (I had read on a forum somewhere to "NOT LOSE NOA2 LETTER", and I'm thinking, what if it was lost or undelivered for me lol). 


I live in British Columbia, which is the Canadian province just above Washington State (well, at least one of them) so I am used to the weather... I actually find it warm lol. Anytime there is sunshine and no rain, I'm a happy girl!




sjs87FemaleCanada2014-03-20 11:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Hey May Filers,


For those of you in the Adjustment of Status phase, hopefully you can help answer my question!


I am trying to prepare the i-485 packet before I move into the U.S., just for peace of mind. Aside from a couple of things left to do, we are ready ahead of schedule :)

Here's my situation/question: we never received a paper copy of the i-797 (NOA2). We did, however, receive an email stating our approval back in August. I know on VJ it says NOT TO LOSE this paper, but we have never received it!! I recall in my many hours spent pouring over things needed for the Adjustment of Status, we needed to include a copy of the i-797 somewhere... but I cant remember where!!


Can you let me know if/where you required to include a copy of this?


sjs87FemaleCanada2014-03-17 12:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Hey May Filers!


Congrats to Blakcajun on the visa issue (well, I am late on the congratulations -- oops!). I'm envious of those filers already in the U.S.!! 


In two weeks' time I will FINALLY be moving myself to the US, and am trying to get all my 'ducks in a row' meaning packing, paperwork, etc. I am sure there is a forum with this information but thought I'd ask my friends here. 


Aside from the "packet" of information (sealed) from the embassy and the passport w/ visa, what other paperwork did you bring with you upon entering the US? I am arriving by LAND (driving across the border from Canada), and as such I had to get special letters from the manufacturer of my vehicle stating it can be 'imported' or drive in the US. 


Congrats to all who are onto the better part of this journey :). I look forward to joining you soon!

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-03-15 17:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Hey May filers,


I Know this is a little off-topic but since some of you are probably working on your Adjustment of Status phase (or maybe you aren't but can still answer) here is a question for you:


On form I-485 (Application to Register Permanent Resident or Adjust Status), on page 2, it asks for a non-immigrant visa number. Which number is this?? When I log onto the CEAC website it says it's an immigrant number, so I am a little confused!


Thanks in advance for your feedback!

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-02-22 13:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers



Congratulations! I have a feeling (fingers crossed!) that the rest of this journey will go smoothly for you. It's sure a tough road to ride, but totally worth it! I look forward to hearing how the rest of your immigration journey with your fiance goes :)

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-31 23:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

I did my AOS myself you do not need a lawyer you can do it just follow the instructions and provide the evidence. No point in wasting more money and time with someone who didn't do a good job the first time. She surely didn't expect you would use her services again when she did a bad job the first time.

Knowing what we know now, I am 100% comfortable doing the Adjustment on our own. Especially with all the support VJ has given us - and will continue to give us :)

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-28 21:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Fingers crossed for you, Blakcajun. This process sure puts us through trials, but in the end everything works out! Your wedding plans sound just lovely!




My fiance and I decided to 'rate' our lawyer on (a website to give feedback about lawyers). Needless to say we did not submit a positive review, but we did it anonymously. Our lawyer obviously gets notification via email when reviews are made, and she sent us a rather pointed email response admonishing us for our review. She pointed out to us what she thought were holes in statements made, but continued to completely ignore the biggest issue I brought up, which was the missing affidavit of support. Once we got our approval, we emailed her to inform her we would be continuing to do the Adjustment without her services, and posted the review after we relieved her of representation.


Needless to say she was very upset, but we felt like we had to make our feelings known because of our dissatisfaction with how things happened. 


Anyways, enough about that. I am going to celebrate all the approvals for May 2013 filers!!

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-28 18:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Well, an update from me at least.


Moved over okay on the 17th, been here just over a week now. Got my SSN sorted today, that'll be with me soon hopefully. Wedding is scheduled for April 5th at the local courthouse. So it's all coming along nicely.

Glad you made it, Wheatley!


Too funny -- we are getting married on April 5th at the courthouse, too! (Only we probably aren't being married at the same courthouseoops8rh.gif )



sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-27 20:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Woo hoo we are approved. So happy and relieved.

Woohoo, SO happy for you, Ozgirl!! That's incredible news!!


When are you going to try and make the big move over to the U.S.??


Again, congratulations!!

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-27 20:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

I hear you, Nurseling. I know staying "home" will be tough; I am usually a go-getter so to be unable to work is going to be difficult. Fortunately our finances will be comfortable due to my fiance's job... it's more my boredom I'm concerned about. I figure I'll join a gym, volunteer if possible, of course be busy with AOS paperwork and getting my Washington State driver's license and a few other loose ends tied up. 


Otherwise how are you adjusting to life in the US? For me, life in the US probably won't be much different than the one I live here in Canada, and moving to Washington State is SO similar to where I'm from. I think the big difference will be culture and a few other things, but nothing I can't handle. 


I'm excited for the day that I do get to move down and we are finally living with each other!

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-27 17:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Congrats suspect your on your way now. Glad you got it all sorted finally.

Hi Nurseling,


Sadly no I am not "on my way" to the U.S. Reason is, we planned a Canadian 'wedding' thinking I would have been move down already. But then the issue with Adjustment of Status came up, and seeing as this visa is a one-time-entry only, we are delaying my entry until after our Canadian wedding. It isn't easy, but it's the best thing for us... plus, by doing that we were able to drop our lawyer as we'd been having too many problems with her!

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-27 16:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

I guess it pays to live quite near the consulate -- my passport was overnighted, and I just picked it up this afternoon! I had to stare at the visa and feel it to believe that this is all true. Yes, it's true! 


Looking forward to hearing updates from fellow May 2013 filers :)

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-24 16:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

The courier company, Loomis, sent me an email letting me know my passport has been picked up from the consulate and gave me a tracking number. According to the tracking number, my passport with the visa in it, is already ready for pick-up here where I live!!


Even though my fiance and I are through the toughest part of the process so far, I will continue to be active on VJ for a little bit. 


Ozgirl, I am so excited that your interview is in just a few days! I truly cannot wait to hear how it goes. I'll be curious to know if you beat me to Washington State oops8rh.gif .

Blackcajun, I hope all the things you are having to deal with are settling. How is it going?

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-24 09:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

So happy for You.. You have done extremely well. Sit back and just breathe for now. Dont think, let this great news settle in for 24hrs or so. Cry, laugh, dance.. You have so earnt it. Well done !!!!!!!!dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif

I am so happy, truly I am, I am basking in this moment... but for some reason all I can do is cry happy tears! 

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-23 17:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Oh May Filers, I am crying tears of happiness right now!


Yesterday status changed to ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSING...



Application ID or Case Number:   Case Creation Date: 21-Jan-2014 Status Updated Date: 23-Jan-2014    


Your visa is in final processing. If you have not received it after more than five (5) working days, please visit to track your courier waybill, to check your profile at the appointment website, or send an email to to determine the status of your passport.

For more information, please visit U.S. Consulate General Vancouver.
My fiance and I still have a tough decision to make about when I move down. Originally we wanted me to move right away, but we planned a wedding (non-legal, simply a 'ceremony' and reception) in Canada for March, and if I moved right away we would have to go through re-validation. I am not feeling very strongly about re-validation -- I feel that it is too risky -- but to know we are APPROVED and a visa is coming my way is the best feeling in the whole world.
To think about where we were a year ago -- not even yet started this process -- to where we are now, makes every struggle, frustration, and even happiness SO worth it.


sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-23 17:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Yeah I was just getting excited. It's nice to see things moving along! Hopefully by Friday we see 'issued' and then next week it'll be delivered!

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-22 20:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Yet another change in status late this afternoon!!!

U.S. Department of State
Administrative Processing
Application ID or Case Number:   Case Creation Date: 21-Jan-2014 Status Updated Date: 22-Jan-2014    


Your visa case is currently undergoing necessary administrative processing. This processing can take several weeks, or longer. As explained on the day of your interview, if further information is needed, you will be contacted. If your visa application is approved when administrative processing is finished, you will receive notification to collect the passport with the visa from the Loomis branch you selected when you booked your appointment.

For more information, please visit U.S. Consulate General Vancouver.


sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-22 20:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

I know this isn't the proper forum to discuss Embassy related things, but I really am looking for an answer and hoping some May 2013 Filers can help!

Please follow the link to see my question smile.png




Hi VJers,

There have been plenty of views but no insight or advice as to what my situation is. When I checked my status on the CEAC website this morning, things were a little different.


For the past two weeks (Post interview), my status has said "Ready" to schedule an interview at the consulate. However, seeing as I've already had my interview, I knew that any 'case status updates', along with a new date, were just signs the consulate was working on our case.


Upon checking my CEAC status this morning, the message was somewhat different, and I am trying to figure out what it means:


Application ID or Case Number:   Case Creation Date: 21-Jan-2014 Status Updated Date: 21-Jan-2014    


Your case is open and ready for your interview, fingerprints, and required documents. If you have already had your interview, please check your status after two business days.
Does this mean that in two days time I should be able to find out whether or not the K-1 Visa has been issued? I suppose on the flipside it could also mean our visa could be denied but I really doubt that to be possible. The consulate has everything they need to make an approval for us.
Your insight will be much appreciated!

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-21 19:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

I know this isn't the proper forum to discuss Embassy related things, but I really am looking for an answer and hoping some May 2013 Filers can help!

Please follow the link to see my question :)




sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-21 13:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

I am so happy for you and your fiance, Bamellis! I am sure your whole family is really excited to meet your fiance and that is why they want to visit so often. However, you are going to have to make some boundaries with them. If they continue to bombard you and your fiance with visits, it'll become stressful & unpleasant. 

You might gently say to them that you're glad that they are as happy and excited as you are about your fiance being there, but you really need to have some time with him, too. Mention you are still working to get him acclimated to his new home and surroundings, and that you'll need some time (alone) to accomplish this. Hopefully your family is understanding and give you a little bit of space :)

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-21 12:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Yes he was interviewed in November and received a 221g temporary denial based on paternity. He his bringing his 3 kids with him and they are making him do a DNA on 2 of them. Since thisbhappened so close to the holiday, we decided to wait until after Christmas to continue. Hopefully, it won't be much longer.

How's your visa journey coming alone?

It's coming along slowly but surely. Was interviewed on January 2, but I knew there was a problem in what I call "pre-screening" where a non-interview staffer looks through the documents to make sure everything is there. First of all, they never received the Packet 3 checklist from our lawyer, to indicate we were prepared. Then, the Affidavit of Support (I-134) was not received. So I knew right then I wasn't getting approved... plus, I brought the wrong birth certificate, but that was the least of my concerns, since there was a bigger problem of missing affidavit. 


I still interviewed -- that was easy and went well -- but we had to send them the I-134. Keep in mind, we are working with a lawyer so everything should have gone well and been done right... WRONG!

Turns out our lawyer had my fiance sign the I-864 (a different affidavit for the Adjustment of Status phase) so yet another delay! We are actually going to fire our lawyer due to her incompetence (in our opinion).


Anyways, consulate has the proper forms now, just waiting on a decision. I emailed them yesterday and they said that a consular officer was working on reviewing our case and they would notify us as soon as the process is completed... and by "process is completed" I hope they mean an APPROVED case dancin5hr.gif 

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-17 17:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Blackcajun, I was wondering how things were going for you! You hadn't been here in awhile -- glad you're still alive dancin5hr.gif . I sure hope the DNA testing can be done in quick time so you can get on with your life with  your fiance! Are you guys still waiting for your interview?

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-17 17:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

My fingers are crossed that you get the "ISSUED" status very soon 

Thanks, me too, Ozgirl!

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-16 19:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Bamellis, by now you and your fiance should be reunited... congratulations!! 


I checked our status on the CEAC website this morning, and the status previously 'updated' on January 3. Actually it didn't change at all, but that did happen to be the day after our interview. I checked again this afternoon and the website said the status 'updated' today. Again, there was no status update, but the date changed. So, I emailed the consulate and inquired, and this was the response:

Good afternoon,


Your case is being reviewed by the consular officer and as soon as we complete the process, we will advise you.

Thank you for your patience.


K Visa Unit

Vancouver, BC

OP 4


Gosh, I hope we get some good news soon! The wait is near killing me!


sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-16 18:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

My fiance sent the I-134 off to the consulate this morning via email, and they've already sent a "receipt" and response stating they have it, and that it has been forwarded to a consular officer. 


I am so glad this journey -- well, the most difficult part of this journey -- is almost over. I would do it all over again knowing my fiance and I will be married and be together for the rest of our lives... there are some things I wish I could change, particularly the lawyer problems, but at the end of the day none of that has, nor will, affect our relationship with each other. 


Man, I'm sure hoping for some positive news by the end of this week or at the very least next week!


Bamellis, you sure must be getting excited to see your fiance so soon! I can't wait to hear all about how it went!!

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-15 14:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Yeah.. sack your lawyer.. You wont need anymore lawyers as VJ tells you how to do it all. Research about your next steps and you'll be able to do it. We are and you can too. 
The I-864 comes later on during AOS stage I believe. Not once did I think about filling that one in or getting my fiance to do it as the steps in VJ ask for and also packet 3 asks for the I-134 only, not I-864. I would be asking for money back from your lawyer. Sorry you had to go thru that. 

And I'm not sure you can delete the previous posts. You could try messaging a moderator with the post number and ask them to delete thou. 

Once again, I'm sorry you have had to deal with this. This process is hard enough without the hassles that some go thru such as yourself. Being away from your loved one is the worst. It'll be 1 yr tomorrow since I have held my fiance in my arms crying.gif I miss him so much. 
Keep your head high and dont look back. You can do this !!!!!!!


Thanks, Ozgirl. I don't purposely come on VJ to sound like a complainer, but it's certainly nice to have the support of fellow VJers. I have learned SO MUCH by being a part of VJ, and feel completely prepared to finish off the rest of this without a lawyer. You're right, to deal with this on top of the stress of everything else certainly isn't easy (I've had emotional meltdowns multiple times with regards to the lawyer problem), but we keep trying to remember what its for. To be married to him will be the most incredible day of my life!


And now reading that you and you fiance haven't been with each other for a year makes me realize, hey, maybe I don't have as much to feel upset about. For us we are lucky, because he lives in the U.S. (obviously) and I in Canada, and we live very near eachother, where either driving, taking a ferry boat, or a small plane is convenient. 


I'm excited to hear about the result of your interview in a few days time, Ozgirl! The reunion with your fiance will be most incredible I'm sure!

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-15 11:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

My fiancee and I just finished our last conversation on Skype!! He's so nervous about the flight because he couldn't check in online. It seems to print a boarding pass, you have to have a round trip ticket. He's worried he will have problems at the airport. He's afraid his bags are too heavy. I keep telling him not to worry. I know that everything will go fine but I will be happy when he sends me a message and tells me that he is checked in. He's giving himself 5 hours at the airport. His flight leaves in 17 hours!!! In about 33 hours forever begins!!!

Bamellis, this is so exciting! I am so happy for you and your fiance!

I think this whole immigration process -- from initial I-129F application until now -- is nerve-wracking! I can't wait to hear about when he officially arrives in the U.S. so you can begin your happily ever after together!! 

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-15 02:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

We did both just to be safe. No lawyer. They gave the i864 back. You don't need it. That immigration lawyer is an idiot!

You're telling me! I told her MULTIPLE TIMES before the response from the consulate that they did not have the I-134 but she printed this one off (I-864). It's BEYOND FRUSTRATING to know that we have wasted our hard earned money on such a useless service. I have learned SO MUCH from being a part of VJ and I know when we do the AOS we will be able to do it on our own!


Thanks for the advice, Bamellis!

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-15 01:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Hi again,


I must seem like a crazy person -- and in a way I feel it because of my utter disappointment with our immigration lawyer -- but I digress.


Our lawyer is claiming the I-864 "Affidavit of Support" is required by immigration. It may be, but the consulate directly requested that we send the I-134, basically saying the I-864 was not the correct affidavit. Did any of you or your fiance(e)s fill out the I-864 version of the affidavit, either instead of, or in addition to, the I-134? 

When I go to the "Form Downloads" section of VJ for the K-1 visa, nowhere does it make mention of the I-864 form.


Anyways, my fiance and I are dealing with this messy situation ourselves, though our lawyer says she'll "follow up" with the consulate. Quite frankly, I don't care what she does -- after talking tonight, my fiance and I agreed that we are going to look to work with a different lawyer instead of our current one. The ONLY reason we are wanting to continue to work with a lawyer, rather than go it alone, is because we are hoping  to do the re-validation process for me in April. We are going to consult with a different lawyer about the re-validation (it was an option presented to us by our current lawyer). Because we have been burned so often by our current lawyer, we aren't confident in what she is telling or suggesting to us. If a new lawyer advises against revalidation, then I will not end up moving down to the U.S. until April. 


We are preparing ourselves for all options at this point, and trying to stay positive while doing so! 


PS: I would like my other 2 or 3 posts before this one deleted/removed (because I found my own answer)-- how do I do it? Suggestions?

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-15 00:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

I relied on my own intuition to search VJ for more info about this, and I found it!

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-14 21:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Oh VJers, if I could wind back the clock I would, and NEVER EVER have gone with an immigration lawyer. There have been so many mistakes along the way, with the most recent one being RATHER THAN PRINT AND SUBMIT THE I-134, SHE PRINTED I-864 instead!! I only found this out because I emailed the consulate where I was interviewed to ask if they were working on our case, and they mentioned in their reply they received the wrong forms. $&*Q^#&**&(*&(*^*^%!!!!! Needless to say, I am DONE working with our lawyer. WE are filling out the I-134 ourselves.


BUT, this brings me to a question:


#10 on I-134 form asks 
"I have submitted a visa petition  to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration services on behalf of the following person(s)".


IT ALSO GOES ON TO SAY "If 'none', state 'none'".


MY QUESTION IS: Because my fiance HAS submitted a visa petition for me, should he fill out MY name in this section?


Thanks for your continued support and help. 

#11 also asks about making contributions (or not) to the person named in item 3. That person would be me. 

Obviously he plans to financially support me until I get my AOS and green card at which time I will gain legal employment. But I am confused about what he should fill out for this section. It asks for specific amounts and for how long... 


Suggestions please :)

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-14 21:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Oh VJers, if I could wind back the clock I would, and NEVER EVER have gone with an immigration lawyer. There have been so many mistakes along the way, with the most recent one being RATHER THAN PRINT AND SUBMIT THE I-134, SHE PRINTED I-864 instead!! I only found this out because I emailed the consulate where I was interviewed to ask if they were working on our case, and they mentioned in their reply they received the wrong forms. $&*Q^#&**&(*&(*^*^%!!!!! Needless to say, I am DONE working with our lawyer. WE are filling out the I-134 ourselves.


BUT, this brings me to a question:


#10 on I-134 form asks 
"I have submitted a visa petition  to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration services on behalf of the following person(s)".


IT ALSO GOES ON TO SAY "If 'none', state 'none'".


MY QUESTION IS: Because my fiance HAS submitted a visa petition for me, should he fill out MY name in this section?


Thanks for your continued support and help. 

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-14 20:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Yeah.. CEAC is generic, a catch-all for all the different visa types. Stick to looking for what I said:


1) Your "Case Updated" field changes - that means they've logged the affidavit.


2) A status change to AP - That means it's all finished up and they're just doing some last checks.


3) A status changed to Issued - Visa's printed, in the passport and on its way to the courier.


Thankfully though, Loomis seems to be working for you as far as taking in documents. DX Secure over here in the UK is messing someone around about taking his documents and passport in (despite the fact the Embassy has said they're to be used for this) and keep telling him they don't do it. Nearly at my wits end since London changed their bloody procedures..

Atleast the CEAC is back up and running. When I log in it still says "Ready" to book an interview at the consulate. Yep, still not looking at the documents or logging the affidavit. Oh well!

sjs87FemaleCanada2014-01-10 11:38:00