United KingdomOk..i've not stressed till now
Calm down! my visa took a few days to come to my house, I received a text message as to the estimated day it will come, but he is in the system, it will come!

Please calm down! don't worry!

LisaxFemaleEngland2008-05-22 10:08:00
United KingdomVisa Delivered
Congrats! kicking.gif just remember don't open the envelope! tongue.gif wink.gif
LisaxFemaleEngland2008-05-21 09:50:00
United KingdomI got an interview
Congratulations and good luck!! kicking.gif good.gif
LisaxFemaleEngland2008-05-14 12:09:00
United KingdomDo we have to notify anyone?
If you go to live or work abroad and become non-resident in the UK, you might still have to pay UK tax - but only on your income from the UK. If you do need to pay, you may need to complete a Self Assessment tax return.

You don't need to do anything unless you still have ties with the UK, like you have to pay a bank money, or you have a business in the UK, anything money related to do with the UK, if that doesn't apply to you, you don't have to worry about anything.

LisaxFemaleEngland2008-05-29 10:07:00
United KingdomDo we have to notify anyone?
I don't think so, I didn't notify anyone blush.gif

Anyone else have an answer? tongue.gif
LisaxFemaleEngland2008-05-29 06:56:00
United KingdomInterview nervous....
Good Luck! I was nervous when I had my interview, but when I came out, I was like, that was it?? blink.gif I was in and out within less than half an hour, I was lucky because my number got called really quickly, literally as soon as I sat down. It really is nothing to be too nervous about, relax, be yourself, and you'll be fine.

LisaxFemaleEngland2008-06-02 14:12:00
United KingdomBig Brother 2008
That show seriously should never be aired again, the show is pathetic. headbonk.gif
LisaxFemaleEngland2008-06-02 11:40:00
United KingdomEnd up moving to the UK
Thats one thing that doesn't make no sense to me, why would you move over to the UK????? from here? huh.gif do people read the newspapers? do people realise how bad and expensive it's getting there? have people seen the price of gas? blink.gif it makes absolutely no sense to me. I'm not saying America is the most perfect country in the world, cos it's not. But I think England is so much worse. It's like you really need some good luck. ph34r.gif
LisaxFemaleEngland2008-06-08 14:16:00
United KingdomHad my medical in london on Monday
Thats the technologist fault they cut the side of your lungs out! I'm going into x ray school in a few weeks and my husband is a x ray technologist and it sounds like the technologist did a crappy job. Just make sure the technologist covers you with lead from the waist down. The technologist should have checked your x ray before you left, then you wouldn't have the trouble of going back to the doctors office to get a repeat. blink.gif
LisaxFemaleEngland2008-05-21 14:47:00
United KingdomHad my medical in london on Monday
I had the female Asian doctor and she messed up my arm really bad when she took blood. After she pulled the needle out, my arm ached for days and turned, green, yellow, purple, all the colors under the sun, it looked like someone had severely punched me in the arm! mad.gif
LisaxFemaleEngland2008-05-21 14:42:00
United KingdomWhy USA and not UK?
QUOTE (Krikit @ May 21 2008, 03:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Poiteen @ May 21 2008, 02:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
but you just do it in your bedroom?

Well, yeah. There's that too. laughing.gif It's just that there's no mirror in my bedroom and the plug's behind the bed. It's just "easier" to stand outside the bathroom door. dry.gif

QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ May 21 2008, 03:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm a loser. Even though I now have access to power points a-plenty in the bathroom here in the US, I still dry my hair in another room. Don't even get me started about not being able to switch stuff off at the mains! Bruce is so nervous that I'm going to blow up the house if I leave my hair iron plugged in but not on. Yes, it is switched off, but not on, and still he sees it as a hazard. This also goes for cell phone chargers, but curiously not for his laptop. He knows very well that the current is much weaker, but still, he persists.

I'm a loser married to a neuro!

That's another thing! My sister follows behind me and turns off the plugs. I don't get it. There's nothing plugged in or on.... what's the worry? Will lightening bolts fly out at random? *GASP* ohmy.gif I think I've just solved the mysterious deaths from spontaneous combustion problem! idea9dv.gif

She probably has OCD - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
LisaxFemaleEngland2008-05-21 15:35:00
United KingdomWhy USA and not UK?
QUOTE (Krikit @ May 21 2008, 01:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rkl57 @ May 21 2008, 12:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The no electrical outlets in the bathroom in the UK is really annoying!

I was going to comment on exactly the same thing! Every time I'm there I have to stand outside the bathroom door at my sister's house with my hair dryer and curling iron and no mirror. Stupid bathrooms. laughing.gif

laughing.gif thats what I had to do back in England!

QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ May 21 2008, 03:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm a loser. Even though I now have access to power points a-plenty in the bathroom here in the US, I still dry my hair in another room. Don't even get me started about not being able to switch stuff off at the mains! Bruce is so nervous that I'm going to blow up the house if I leave my hair iron plugged in but not on. Yes, it is switched off, but not on, and still he sees it as a hazard. This also goes for cell phone chargers, but curiously not for his laptop. He knows very well that the current is much weaker, but still, he persists.

I'm a loser married to a neuro!

Even with it plugged in, and turned off, it's still using 40% power, so probably unplugging, may help on the electric bill even if it's only a little bit.
LisaxFemaleEngland2008-05-21 14:49:00
United KingdomWhy USA and not UK?
QUOTE (Nich-Nick @ May 21 2008, 06:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just noticing this post. We've been making up silly things to tell the embassy folks in answer to this question.
1. We own a cat and he lives in the US
2. The refrigerators are so tiny in the UK
3. There are no electrical outlets in the UK bathroom which throws off her hair-do routine.
4. She's a millionaire in the US and would only be half of one in the UK.
5. Americans hear the British accent and swoon. Being popular rocks!

Actually he is anxious to live in America. He likes the friendly people and the good customer service he observes. I have a house with no mortgage and he doesn't, so it will be easier to get settled and get on with our lives together. We will visit England several times each year.

laughing.gif god the refrigerators are sooo tiny, I don't know what I would do without the big one we have in our apartment right now and the electrical outlets in the bathroom, so true! lol

4. She's a millionaire in the US and would only be half of one in the UK.
5. Americans hear the British accent and swoon. Being popular rocks!

laughing.gif so true. I've never been so popular!
LisaxFemaleEngland2008-05-21 09:53:00
United KingdomWhy USA and not UK?
Even though I moved here, I am close to my family, but I know they are going to visit every year or me and my husband visit there, whichever is easiest, plus the internet and phone, which makes it all easier to keep in contact. My parents though, if they had the opportunity, they would love and would much prefer to live over here in the USA than UK.

Anyone else have family members who would love to move out here? and if they did would you try to help them to move over here?
LisaxFemaleEngland2008-05-19 05:57:00
United KingdomWhy USA and not UK?
Yeah, in England your most likely not paying for health insurance, unless you go private, but all those huge taxes people are paying over are for the health care system. So not only are you paying for everyone in the UK to get health care, that also includes all the hundreds of thousands probably millions of illegal immigrants who are trying to get free health care as well. So in actual fact it probably is better to have health insurance, reason being with how much your paying in taxes over there.
LisaxFemaleEngland2008-05-19 05:52:00
United KingdomWhy USA and not UK?
Who wants to deal with paying $11 dollars a gallon for gas over in the UK?! and the price is still going to rise according to my Dad over there. Very serious illegal immigrant issues over there. Tax continuously keeps getting higher and higher and higher over there. I really don't get why people would move from here over to the UK, it's like stepping back in time moving to the UK, why would you want to do that? I'm so glad I moved from the UK and found my husband here. If anyone has an opportunity to get out of the UK, I would do so as quickly as possible.
LisaxFemaleEngland2008-05-19 04:41:00
United KingdomWhere in the UK are you?? (or you other half)
I'm originally from Essex.

LisaxFemaleEngland2008-06-02 11:12:00
United KingdomHow did everyone meet?
QUOTE (ginger1981 @ Feb 6 2008, 12:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I met Nicky on a message board for Doves (the Manc band) who we are both huge fans of. We are also huge fans of the band U2, and he mentioned on the board he was basically coming over to the US for a bunch of shows. I messaged him and asked if he was coming to the show in Omaha, Nebraska (I'm originally from Nebraska and only moved up to Chicago a couple years ago) and at the time he wasn't, but changed his mind (he was originally going to go to the shows before and after Omaha). So we made an arrangement...if he gave me his presale code, I would get the tickets for us. So did that, he came over for the show and stayed with me (and about 6 other U2 buddies of mine) in my apartment in Lincoln. That also happened to be a few days before my birthday, so I had a birthday party at a local restaurant and later drinks at a martini bar called Doc's.

Now, what happened next just proves that Nicky is indeed truly in love with me!

So we were drinking and doing shots, and my friends wanted me to demonstrate a certain flaming shot called "The Statue of Liberty." Basically, you take a shot of rumplemintz, dip your finger in the shot....light your finger on fire, then take the shot. Once you have the shot down your gullet you put your finger in your mouth to put out the flame. Theoretically, this is all supposed to happen so fast that only the alcohol on your finger burns, and not your flesh.

So anyways, a bunch of us all thought it would be a good idea to make the Brit do the "Statue of Liberty." So Nicky nervously dips his finger in the shot, lights his finger on fire...and goes to take the shot. Now, instead of it ALL going down his gullet he splashes some of the booze on his face, and when he goes to put out his flaming finger he accidently lights his face on fire.

I'm not kidding you, poor Nicky had a flaming face.

To my embarrassment (and my friends embarrassment) we were all so shocked we sat there like idiots with our mouths open for a few seconds, including my friend who is a trauma nurse. One of my other friends (who happened to be an ex-flame...pun not intended) had his wits about him, looked around the table for water...and seeing that it was all booze decided to blow out his face. He just leaned over and "pfff pfff pfff" and put Nicky's face out.

Thankfully, other than a small bit on his cheek it was alcohol that burned, and my trauma nurse friend stepped into action.

As you can imagine, I felt BAD about it, and after he left we lost touch for a while. However, a few months later I was planning a backpacking trip to Europe and I got back in touch with Nicky, and we started talking about backpacking Scotland and Ireland. After leaving Paris I met up with him in Newcastle, and we finally had our first kiss several days later in Glasgow. And from there on out it is history.

So anyways, that is the long winded...and fiery version of us first meeting!

laughing.gif I'm sorry I couldn't help but laugh. Glad he was ok!
LisaxFemaleEngland2008-06-02 14:17:00
United KingdomTo the Brits - do you think everything here in the US is too sweet?
I also agree with many of you guys aswell, Heinz baked beans are waaaay much better than the beans over here, I'm so glad I can get them in the Stop and Shop over here in the international section, go nice with a toasted bagel with butter. :D another thing, also miss Clover aswell.
LisaxFemaleEngland2007-03-09 00:51:00
United KingdomTo the Brits - do you think everything here in the US is too sweet?
Try italian bread, I'm not all that keen on the regular bread over here, do miss a nice loaf of bread from Hovis, but anyways, try Italian bread from supermarkets or an italian bakery if you can find one, I think it's the closet to what the bread is like back in england, tastes much better than the regular bread over here.
LisaxFemaleEngland2007-03-09 00:48:00
United KingdomBrits in the USA
LisaxFemaleEngland2007-03-21 21:12:00
United KingdomBrits in the USA
lol, I guess so :lol:
LisaxFemaleEngland2007-02-17 20:48:00
United KingdomBrits in the USA
RHODE ISLAND - Lisax - ( from Essex, England now RI) - Jon (Rhode Island)

lol, am I the only one on here from Rhode Island??
LisaxFemaleEngland2007-02-17 16:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI HAVE IT PACKET 3!!!!
Good Luck!! :thumbs: is all worth it in the end!
LisaxFemaleEngland2007-04-06 11:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNot going to be with fiance during interview......
Of course it's fine! my fiance wasn't with me and many many others don't have theirs with them! don't worry! good.gif yeah, thats good for evidence.
LisaxFemaleEngland2008-05-22 05:05:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionSentence question at naturalization interview?
LOL, thats crazy! :blink: at least I know that part will be easy peasy! :lol:
LisaxFemaleEngland2007-03-09 01:24:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionSentence question at naturalization interview?
So, do they just give you a sentence to read back to them, so they know that you can read, speak, breathe english? :blink: lol
LisaxFemaleEngland2007-03-09 01:00:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionSentence question at naturalization interview?
Just a quick question, I was looking through some of the topics on this forum and some of you mention about sentences you have to say or write at the naturalization interview? whats that about, sorry if it's a stupid question, was just curious. :)
LisaxFemaleEngland2007-03-09 00:36:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMy today's Naturalization Interview experience...!

Hi Everyone!
I would like to share my todays interview experience.I came to the interview with my husband ,the officer didn't let him in with me to the conversation room,so he was left in the lobby.
I was held in the conversation room for for 40 minutes where the officer asked me a tones of interesting questions :) In the begining, i thought my aplication is gonna be denied because the officer told me it was filed 2 days earlier then it supposed to be and i didnt count the days correctly as February has 28 days, though i was actually filing on January.
So,i was about to cry there and very stressed and really thought thats it and will have to refile again.
The officer went to talk to the lawyer next door or somewhere over there and came back with the good news that everything is fine.
I was happy to hear that! Then,i ve been asked to provide different types of evidence,as recent bills,recent pictures of my husband and i togehter,tax returns for the year of 2004,2005 and especially for the year of 2006,different questions were asked about my life with my husband and etc..
Well,that was a pleasure to talk about it as i didnt have anything to hide and was telling what it was and we ended up with conversation about my parents .
I have been also asked to write a 3 sentences in English,then read another 3 sentences in English and then i signed the New Test taking form ,consisting form 145 questions and the officer asked me just 10 questions and i scored 100%.
So ,finally i was approved and my Oath Ceremony going to take place at the end of June ,according to the words of the officer.
So,2 more month to wait till to become a Citizen!
Ok i'll end it here.
Best wishes. (F)


What were the 10 questions you were asked in your interview, from the 145 questions?

LisaxFemaleEngland2007-05-05 12:41:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHow long are you going to wait before you apply for citizenship...
As soon as I'm allowed to!, even though I've only just got my CGC, I like to think ahead, I'm looking forward to becoming a citizen! :D
LisaxFemaleEngland2007-04-04 07:01:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionInterview today
Good Luck!!
LisaxFemaleEngland2008-05-15 10:26:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMy Interview
QUOTE (ives_damian @ May 14 2008, 09:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rclouse @ May 13 2008, 05:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

3. what is the most important right given to a u.s. citizen

That question is awfully subjective. What answer did you give, and was it judged "correct"?

it was the right to vote!!
i brought with me tons of paperwork, from k1 to the citizenship paperwork but the officer never asked to see anything else except my GC. not complaining, though.

thanks guys!!!

QUOTE (Lisax @ May 13 2008, 02:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Cool! thanks for the insight into the interview! doesn't seem too bad!


no, it wasn't so bad at all. i thought the interview for AOS was way harder!! i hope you have a nice experience too!

Thanks! smile.gif I will be removing conditions at the end of this year. Then once I'm done with college in 2 years time, I'm going to start the process of becoming a citizen. biggrin.gif can't wait.
LisaxFemaleEngland2008-05-14 12:15:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMy Interview
Cool! thanks for the insight into the interview! doesn't seem too bad!

LisaxFemaleEngland2008-05-13 14:08:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMy Interview
well done on the questions! Congrats! I can't wait to get that process started, but I'm going to wait a few more years before I start the naturalization process.


Edited by Lisax, 16 May 2008 - 11:02 AM.

LisaxFemaleEngland2008-05-16 11:01:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionCONGRATULATIONS!!!

kicking.gif good.gif
LisaxFemaleEngland2008-05-22 07:25:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionI'm having my interview in a couple of days!!
Good luck!

LisaxFemaleEngland2008-06-03 12:24:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMy journey is over :)
Congrats! I can't wait till I become a citizen! have a little while to go yet!

LisaxFemaleEngland2008-06-01 12:10:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionCard Production Ordered!
Yay! Congratulations!
LisaxFemaleEngland2007-04-05 11:45:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionCost of removing conditions?
QUOTE (eau_xplain @ May 12 2008, 01:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hopefully there won't be any fee increases for a while.

I'm hoping so too! is a lot of money, but totally worth it. star_smile.gif
LisaxFemaleEngland2008-05-12 14:21:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionCost of removing conditions?
QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ May 12 2008, 07:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
$545 for both the application fee and the biometrics together. You can send one cheque.

Thank you! much appreciated!


QUOTE (Staashi @ May 12 2008, 09:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
An arm and a leg. jest.gif Had to do it...I couldn't resist. wink.gif

LisaxFemaleEngland2008-05-12 09:29:00