K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCurrent total cost?

Although those fees are correct, I would hope anyone would know to budget generous additions for things like marriage licenses, certified copies of documents and marriage records, passport photos, extra vaccinations/doctor certifications, notarized copies, etc, in addition to the huge costs of travel expenses and moving.  This is a not a cheap process, and honestly, the USCIS fees have been the least of my worries!  It's the moving expenses, all the costs involved in setting up a new life together and adjusting to a new country, and many other day-to-day elements that seem to be eating away at our funds.  It's all worth every penny -- but it's not cheap! smile.png

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-11-22 23:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresco-spnsore Retired question help please

We can't answer for your friend because everyone has a different financial situation, and you haven't given many details.  Many retired people in the USA get a pension in retirement (monthly retirement checks) from the Social Security Administration, so I thought that's what you were asking about.  But I guess you weren't.


Is he going to use only assets, then?  Then he will need to show around $100,000 in assets (5 times the income guidelines).  He should still submit his tax transcript, but he will also need to supply proof of the value of his assets.  If it's a bank/checking/investment account, then he should get a letter from the bank stating the current balance and how long the account has been open, as well as the latest statement showing the current balance.


Don't forget that he also needs to show proof of US citizenship, such as a copy of his passport or birth certificate. Or if he is a legal permanent resident, then a copy of his green card.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-11-30 22:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresco-spnsore Retired question help please

Tax transcripts are always preferred over tax returns -- you can order the tax transcripts free online from the IRS, and that takes care of all the tax info you should need.  Strongly recommended.


As for proof of income -- it depends on what he has as retirement income, if any.  Does he have a Social Security pension?  If so, there should be a SSA-1099 form (I think that's the name) that shows his yearly or monthly pension payments.  If he has a private pension, then there should be a similar type of form (1099-R I believe).  If you don't have those, you may be able to get by with statements from his bank account showing the incoming monthly deposits.


If he has no income in retirement (or not enough to qualify based on income), then he'll need to use his assets such as his IRA and any savings/investment accounts he might have, which requires proof of totals as well as monthly statements.


If you need more guidance, you'll have to get more specific about his financial situation -- not every "retired" person has the same proof.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-11-30 20:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Interview after Wedding What do I do?

Work visas are not just handed out like Halloween candy, so unless you already have an employer lined up who is willing to sponsor you, I'd say no.


I would also beware of entering the USA on a work visa with the INTENT of getting married and staying.  You definitely cannot do that on a tourist visa, but I don't know if work visas are dual-intent or not.  Be very very careful, you don't want to deal with any possible visa fraud charges, especially since you've already got an approved I-129F.


I say: Change the wedding to a big party -- people still come, you can celebrate any way you like, but do NOT get legally married, no certificates, no legal ceremony.  Then you can have a small courthouse marriage once you've arrived in the US.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-12-11 13:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Interview after Wedding What do I do?

Umm.  K-1 is for UNMARRIED people only.  Why did you get married with a K-1 pending?


You can't get a K-1 if you are already married.  You will be denied.  I leave it to others to tell you how to withdraw or what you need to do at this point, but you definitely will not get a K-1 visa.


Unfortunately the wait times for spousal visas (CR-1) are through the roof, taking up to a year, so if you're already married, then you've really slowed yourself down.  If you haven't gotten married yet -- DON'T, and continue with the K-1.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-12-11 12:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSPONSOR, SELF-SPONSOR AND FINANCIAL INFO

You really should check the reviews for Naples, but I remember some horror stories last year coming out of Naples, that they were VERY strict on accepting only a good income from the US petitioner, that even co-sponsors were being denied.  I don't mean to scare you, but the reports were pretty intense around Spring of 2013, perhaps you can find some in the archives.


I hope they have calmed down by now, but I'm very sure you will not be allowed to self-sponsor -- that is unique to London.  Your fiancé will need to either reach the 125% poverty line on his own, or have a co-sponsor lined up.


But yes, transferring your assets to him will allow him to claim those assets to put him over the poverty limit.  Be aware that assets need to be at 3 times the income difference (e.g. if he is $2000 below the poverty limit, he will need $6000 in assets to make up for it).

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-12-18 13:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Affidavit of Support --Question,Is it necessary to list all assets?

You don't sound like a jerk to me, don't worry ... there are lots of people in your situation and finances can be really complicated.  Especially so for well-established individuals who are marrying less-fortunate fiancees -- it just means you're aware of the disparity in your incomes/assets, but that is a good thing, not a sign of distrust.


Your first question is simple: if you make well over the poverty guidelines, then you do not need to list ANY assets on the I-134 or the I-864 (used later when filing for adjustment of status after your marriage).  That's easy.  Use your tax returns/transcripts to show your income, and leave the assets blank.


The harder issue is protecting your assets in the event of "things not working out".  Be aware that you are pledging that your fiancee will not receive means-tested benefits from the government -- and that the government could (in theory) sue you to recoup that money if she did try to get benefits.  In practice, this rarely happens, but it is what you're promising with the I-134 and I-864.


Even though you don't list your assets on the forms, you are pledging that you will "support" your fiancee and that she will not get mean-tested benefits from the government.  In the unlikely event that she does try to that and that the government sues you to recoup the money, you would need to repay them, whatever your assets or income, no matter what you actually listed on the form.


The I-134 and I-864 are not in any way connected to divorce or things "not working out".  In order to "protect" your assets in the event of a falling-out, you'll need to look into a prenup agreement, signed privately by you and your fiancee and lawyers.  That's not something the government is involved in, and in most cases, the I-134/I-864 don't really deal with division of assets after a divorce.  (There are rare exceptions from especially vicious divorce lawyers who try to use it as a way to get a larger divorce settlement, but that's a civil issue and not anything to do with the government.)


Please do inform yourself about what you will need to sign once you are married and filing the I-864 -- that is the more legally binding document, and you'll need to be comfortable with it.  But your larger question about protecting your assets is not affected by these forms -- you'll need to look privately at prenuptual agreements and discuss that with your fiancee.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-12-26 14:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 affidavit question

I went overboard because I was paranoid about any possible hiccups in our process, so I gave my fiance everything I could: three years of tax transcripts, W2s and 1099 forms, paystubs and letters from employers.  Because my income was only slightly over the poverty line for the current year (great in the past, but not this year), I even had my parents prepare a co-sponsor packet with all of their info (transcripts and 1099s etc), which we held in reserve and didn't submit, just had in case we were asked.


As it turns out, the embassy barely spent 5 minutes looking at my stuff, if even that -- my fiance handed the whole packet over and was called to the window 5 minutes later, and they did not ask a single question about any of the financials.  Never even showed them the co-sponsor stuff, so I passed their threshold on my own I guess.  Either I gave them more than enough (most likely!) or they don't really pay a lot of attention to it in Finland -- but you may get more scrutiny than we did, so I'd always advise giving them everything possible, to avoid any problems.


In the long run I'm glad I overprepared: it has made the AOS process here easier, because I had all of my tax / paystubs / information and just had to update with the last six months of things since the interview, it was all organized and easy to fill out the I-864.  So I'm glad I did and I'd suggest you do the same.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-12-29 12:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs Surgery really necessary ?

that she would need to do a mammography, a puncture aspiration with needles, and a biopsy in order to obtain a "good report".


You keep saying surgery, but the procedures you mention above usually don't involve any major surgery -- needle aspiration is usually just poking, and a biopsy can be done easily in an outpatient clinic while awake, no anesthesia necessary -- it rarely requires anything I would call "surgery" in a traditional hospital setting.


So to me, it sounds like her doctor is being cautious and telling her she needs to have the nodules TESTED -- which is not the same as telling her she has cancer and needs treatment.  I think you should go ahead with the tests, they sound relatively non-invasive and normal to me.  Then again I am in no way any form of doctor, so I cannot say for sure.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2014-02-08 20:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List

Although I understand your reasoning, Phred, and I won't argue against your right to use it -- I do think you may be in for a rocky road if you're currently in Singapore and don't have a residence in the USA.  I thought that filers who were abroad had to show "re-establishing" or "maintaining" residence in the USA before their fiance visas will be approved.  Good luck to you, but I hope you're well aware of that issue!

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-11-23 14:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List

Contradicting info about RFE's. Some poeple are getting RFE for not submitting Affidavit of Support with I-129 packet and others are approved without it(providing it only at interview)......


Source or link, please?  I am quite sure that 95% of us do not file the Affidavit of Support with the packet.  It is in no way a requirement for the I-129f petition, although of course it's necessary at the interview.


I'm very curious why you think anyone would get an RFE for this -- is this a rumor or is there an actual post you're referencing?

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-15 12:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List



Got the RFE today!!! FINALLY!!!!!


have a question.... We sent his birth certificate that shows he was born in US. but one of the RFE says he needs to show them he is a Citizen what we should send???


You probably should paste the actual wording of the RFE here, because perhaps there's some detail that would help.  


Usually the birth certificate should be enough BUT ... did you copy both sides of the birth certificate, even if the back was blank?  Was there a seal/imprint showing it to be official?  Some states have "long form" and "short form" certificates and if they have both, USCIS usually wants the longer version.  Finally if all else fails, you can send a copy of ALL pages of his passport to prove his citizenship.


But please quote the RFE directly before doing anything rash -- sometimes they are quite picky about what they want and it's easy to misinterpret.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-03 17:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould I Ship, Or Should I Fax signed forms?

Alright, so I am trying to figure out what I should do. We just got approved for our NOA2 and I am getting stuff to send to her for her interview. I just don't know if I can fax the stuff to her or if it has to be shipped to her.


Mostly it is because of the signatures. I heard that they usually want originals, and not copies. I just don't know if that is for the I-129f forms. 


I need to send her affidavit of support forms with signatures, for example, but don't know if she needs the originals for the interview.


Any help is appreciated!



tscottNot Telling02014-02-12 21:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuick Approval but slow NVC? Also, Question about MOSCOW EMBASSY!

Oh Wow, that is pretty awesome! I heard they did packets, but that's even better if it can be done online. I guess after we do the finish the ds-160 and pay the fee then all we have left is the interview! That would be awesome!


How long after the interview did you get your visa?

tscottNot Telling02014-02-13 01:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuick Approval but slow NVC? Also, Question about MOSCOW EMBASSY!

Do I need to be there for her interview? I mean, of course I would love to visit her, but it is hard for work, especially since we want to take some time off after we get married, and I already just took a week off of work 3 months ago so we be together in mexico for a late birthday. 


Also, Russian Visas can always be a bit of a pain.

tscottNot Telling02014-02-12 20:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuick Approval but slow NVC? Also, Question about MOSCOW EMBASSY!

Thanks for the reply, I will try calling again next week. I hope it is just like ordering pizza, they say it will take an hour because they dont want you to keep calling, but it usually arrives in 30 mins.


Also, can you tell me how long after it arrived at the Embassy in your country that you could set up an interview?

tscottNot Telling02014-02-12 19:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuick Approval but slow NVC? Also, Question about MOSCOW EMBASSY!

Okay, so I was happily surprised that it only took 1 month to get approved for the k-1 Visa at USCIS. Everywhere I have read it has said it should take 5 months! but mine arrived on Dec. 30 and was approved Jan. 31! Sweet right? 


But then I called the NVC after 12 days to see if it has been forwarded there. I know people have been saying wait at least 2 weeks but I got a little excited. Unfortunately they said to wait at least 8 weeks!


Now I am getting a bit confused, most of the information I have read is that the USCIS approval will take a long time, but NVC will be fast. Has this happened to anyone else recently? A quick USCIS approval but called the NVC to find out it would take 8 weeks? Most of the information I have read so far has been at least 2 years old. so If anyone had some current information that would be awesome!


Next, for anyone to help me with the embassy (Especially those who went through Moscow!) Can you tell me how long after the Embassy receives the information that my Fiancee can set up an interview and how is the wait for an interview( 1 Month)? Anyone who has current information (within 6 months) will be especially helpful! but all information is thanked!I just know things change all the time. 


Lastly, this is for everyone,I have a question about visa issuance. If she passes the interview, what are the chances she can get the visa the same day? I ask because she lives 2 days away by train, and if she could just get it same day that would be awesome! I have read on here it is possible but don't know percentages. But if she can not pick it up same day, will the send it to her home? Or can she have them send it to her hotel? It will be a pain in the butt to have her spend 2 days by train to get home so she can pick up a visa and then go back to Moscow and fly to the US. I really just hope she can stay in Moscow for a few days, have them send her her visa and then fly out from there.


Her birthday is April 14. just over 10 weeks from our approval date, and I know that the chances are pretty small, but i hope that maybe we can be together by then if we are lucky!


Any and all information is welcome!





tscottNot Telling02014-02-12 19:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support and other financial info timing

does anybody know the maximum time needed?

tscottNot Telling02014-02-20 22:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support and other financial info timing

Ok, So I got my NOA2 about 3 weeks ago, and now we are getting things ready for the interview. We haven't received anything from the embassy in Moscow yet but I would think it will not take longer than a month.


My biggest is, can i start getting my stuff ready now? For example, my letter from my employer and documents from my bank.


I don't know the amount of time that is allowed from the signature to the interview. Is 3 months from the interview as far as dates on the documents to much?


I know that the Russian Post takes a long time so i don't want to wait to much longer, also, I am going to be changing jobs in 9 days, and I want to get the letter from my employer before then. My salary will be the same, but i think it would look better showing I have worked at the same place for a long time as opposed to getting a letter from my job i have only been with for a few days.


So, can I start getting all my financial stuff ready now? even though it will probably 2-3 months before her interview?

tscottNot Telling02014-02-19 21:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRussian Police Background Check and Vaccination Certificate. Very Confused.

Thank you, It sucks that it normally takes 30 days but at least we are heading into the correct direction. Thank you for this info foxy!


and we are not talking about the actual medical exam before the interview, I am talking about the vaccination certificate that she must take to the medical exam.

tscottNot Telling02014-03-16 23:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRussian Police Background Check and Vaccination Certificate. Very Confused.

Ok, so my fiancee is getting all the information for the interview coming up soon, one of the things that caught us off guard was that she tried to get a police record the other day but they said that it will take them 30 Days. Is this a normal amount of time to get a police record? I mean, I would think it would be pretty darn easy. I am very curious, especially those working in Russia, if 30 days is a normal waiting time or if the police is just being hard to work with?


Also, she tried going into the doctors the other day to get a certificate of her vaccinations but her doctor was totally confused on what she was talking about. She doesn't know what to do and where to go to get her vaccination certificate if the doctor can not even help! 


She does not live in some super small town, she lives in a city of over 1 million so I would imagine that she is not the first girl to apply for a k 1 visa and need all this information. 


Any help is much appreciatied

tscottNot Telling02014-03-16 21:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNoa1 late released...

Well, that's actually good news.  I still have no idea why your NOA1 would have come in FEBRUARY since it appears they did receive your case in November.  But that means your approx. 6 month count should start in November, so you might just be able to get approval this month.  Maybe. :)

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-30 03:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNoa1 late released...

Yes we have the receipt for everything..we are still on the initial review status in uscis dashboard....hope they will consider the day we file ao that we can get our noa2 approval this coming may....too much to think in this matter..cant get enough sleep....whew!....


If you really want to figure out whether your petition was received on November 27, you should look at the text below the "initial review" graphic at the USCIS page.  For instance, I sent my packet on Nov 6, and my case status says "On November 7, 2012, we received this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E), and mailed you a notice describing how we will process your case".  Does yours say November 27 or some other date?


Your approval COULD come in May, but if your NOA1 was actually February, then I think your chances are very low.  Most likely it will take 6 months from your NOA1 date.  But your case appears to be weird (if your dates are correct), so no one can say for sure.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-30 02:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNoa1 late released...

Something seems very fishy there.  The quoted "date received in CSC" of November 27 was given by your lawyer?  Do you have any proof of that?  Because honestly to me, it sounds like your lawyer did NOT send in the paperwork until late January, and that he's lying to you to cover his mistake.


What does your case status say when you look up your case number (WACxxxxxxxxxx) on the USCIS dashboard at ?  If it was actually received in November it should say so.


Of course you could be the one exception and there could be something really weird about the way USCIS processed your case, but that is NOT normal in any way.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-30 02:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-134 evidence, determination of income

I would get a letter from the employer stating that he makes $xx,xxx a year based on his current salary and schedule.


But the employer at a college who only gives a contract for one semester at a time WILL NOT give that letter.  I couldn't get it.  My letter (part time, semester-to-semester) from two different colleges states my current salary for the semester, my hourly wage of $65 something/hour, the fact that I am employed on a "semester to semester" basis, and that I am currently in good standing and still employed.  The college will NOT write a letter predicting Fall semester wages when they haven't even set their schedules and we are not under contract to teach yet.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-29 17:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-134 evidence, determination of income

My situation is somewhat similar.  I teach as adjunct faculty at two community colleges, and usually don't teach at all from June-September (no paychecks for 3 months).  Bearing in mind that I haven't gotten NOA2 yet and we're still in the preparing stage for the interview, here's what I'm doing to show income and assets.


First off, my income has fluctuated wildly in the last three years: from under poverty level in 2011 to way above (45K) in 2012 and now for 2013 it will be around 22K (comfortable but like you said, no paychecks during the summer to PROVE my income is ongoing).  So I have letters from both colleges stating that my employment is "semester to semester" but "currently still employed", and stating my current salary.  I also have paychecks up until the summer starts (we hope to have our interview in July so hopefully a June paycheck won't be missed.)  I also am planning to print out the college schedule to show that I am the instructor of record for the coming fall semester at both colleges.  If the colleges have generated their employment contracts by the interview, I will definitely include those, but they usually aren't available before the end of July.


Finally because I feel shaky about the whole PROVING aspect -- yes, I know what my income is and it's above 125% poverty level but I cannot prove that once the summer starts and I stop getting paychecks! -- I am backing everything up with ASSETS.  Investment accounts, savings, checking and retirement accounts totaling nearly 200K all in my name -- I can't believe they would find any fault with a marginal income and that amount of assets, and yet I'm still nervous.  So as a final absolute third backup, we have a cosponsor who is filling out all the support documents as well, and if at the interview the officer has any problem with my solo support, then we will submit the co-sponsor as well.  Finally, I plan to have a notarized letter explaining my financial situation in plain English, so there's a quick summary before the consular officer gets overwhelmed by bank statements and paychecks.


Maybe I'm being overcautious, but I've always been a "what-if" person, and I want those safety nets -- as part-time educators, we're in a unique situation and I am not sure if the consulate will understand that.  Therefore, assets and co-sponsor.  That's my suggestion anyway!

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-29 17:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 17 filer approved!!!

Excellent news, congratulations!  Please update your timeline as soon as you can -- most of us sit here waiting on pins and needles to see approvals showing up on Igor's List, and they only show there once you've updated your timeline! :)

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-29 22:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI just spoke with my congressional aide

The dream act has had no effect on work load at CSC in regard to K-1 applications. The increased load has come from an increase in K-1 applications being filed and the internal water problems.




As the backlog at CSC is moved down the line, processing times at NVC are expected to increase to 3 months. New policies require the Embassy to set an appointment date BEFORE the paperwork is sent from NVC. In my case appointments are being scheduled at Bangkok out about 3-4 months.  Which means after the appointment is set and the paperwork is forwarded, it will be an additional wait of 3 months. During that time she can get her physical etc.


In the opinion of this aide, with a January NOA1 she would expect us to have everything complete and ready to travel no earlier then January 2014. She said she could be wrong, but looking at her other cases and recent history, 12 months from NOA1 to completion is about what we should expect.


Some of this is clearly false information.  Other bits, I'm not sure -- some of it sounds plausible and logical.


As several posters back in March/April tallied, there are graphs that show that DACA did indeed have a HUGE effect on K-1 processing.  I strongly suspect they're just covering that up, but it doesn't really matter now, the DACA flood has slowed to a normal river, and they should be able to keep things at a normal pace, without creating huge backlogs again.  I hope!


12 months from NOA1 to visa-in-hand seems about right, imo, although I hate it and would hope that it could still go faster.  But yes, that seems likely given recent processing times.


However, that bit about appointment dates (you mean INTERVIEW DATES?) being scheduled before the petition leaves the NVC is clearly just wrong!  We have current filers right now going through the NVC stage and there is no indication of anything like what you're saying.  I haven't gotten to this stage myself, but that part of your aide's response sounds like utter nonsense to me.  I do believe there could be a backlog and delay at the NVC stage, but interviews are in NO way scheduled while the petition is still at NVC.  Sometimes they aren't even scheduled for MONTHS after the petition reaches the local consulate.  That still varies entirely by country and has nothing to do with the NVC forwarding the petition.


If I'm wrong about that, please correct me, but I can't see that NVC info being correct in any way at all.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-02 14:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA 2 October 9 CSC

Mine was a straight approval no RFEgoofy.gif


Excellent, that gives me a sliver of hope that CSC is still working on non-RFE cases then!


PLEASE update/create your timeline -- it's so easy and it helps everyone on this site to estimate times and waits and so much helpful information!


Congrats again!

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-07 02:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA 2 October 9 CSC

Excellent news!  Congrats but could you fill in your timeline, please!


I'm curious if yours was an approval after an RFE, the way everyone else for the last week has been?


I am happy for the RFE people but god, why can't they get back to processing late Oct and November filers (me!!! :P) in the middle of the RFEs?  So frustrating ...


Congrats anyway and if it wasn't an RFE, maybe there's hope for the rest of us!

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-07 01:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCall with Tier 2 Rep today

Although I think it's likely that you'll be hearing soon (given CSC's improved pace) ... I really doubt one part of what the rep said: it's my understanding that Tier 2 and Tier 1 reps have NO INSIGHT as to the RFE vs approval status of your case.  Unless the approval was already in the system, he would have no way of knowing whether you'll be approved or RFE'd -- that's not his job nor is his judgement any good, since he's not the officer reviewing your case.


I hope for your sake you do get approved soon, but I'd take that particular tidbit with a very large grain of salt, since that's not the way it works.  Unless there's a LOT we don't know about the system!


November 5-8 has been REALLY active today (I'm tracking about 40 WAC numbers) and I'm in there as well, so let's hope we both see some results VERY soon!

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-08 22:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOMG HELP

I have no idea about the city/region/country issues, so I'll only chime in on #3.  I think you were supposed to mark NO in #2 on that form, yes.  There are members here who have gotten an RFE for not checking anything.  However, I think there are also members who have been approved without it, so it may depend on how picky the officer reviewing your file is.


The decision is yours whether to try and send a revised form or simply wait for an RFE.  I don't know what I'd advise: the RFE wait could add some time but will not cause any problems, whereas sending a revised form could (and for some members, has already) lead to confusion at USCIS that would take a lot of sorting out.  If you like taking chances, send a revised form.  If you want security but a little longer wait, wait for the RFE.


Yet another example of a lawyer-caused problem.  So happy for VisaJourney and glad I didn't even think about getting a lawyer!

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-08 23:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportswaiting noa2!

You're in very good company, so I wouldn't stress too much (yet).  I'm almost exactly the same date as you, and I've been tracking WAC numbers the last couple days, there's been a LOT of approvals all around us.  But still only about 63% of cases between Nov 5 and Nov 8 are decided, so we're just -- you and me both -- in the 40% who haven't been touched yet.  If it gets to be 95 or 99% decided and we're STILL waiting, then I'll start shouting.


I admit I'm feeling anxious, and checking as often as I can to see if there are any updates, but I do suspect it will happen for us (and you) within the next few days.  I hope!


As for the country, at this stage that doesn't matter at all.  Finland, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, UK, it's all the same to USCIS when they send the NOA2.  It's the embassy stage later where the country becomes very specific.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-10 01:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSo, wager a guess as to what date CSC is going to claim they are working on?

I fully expect it to still remain July 18, or some July date at least.  The way they're working, it's pretty clear that they're trying to lower the AVERAGE processing time (by doing December and even January filers mixed in with Sept-Nov ones), so they can report "hey, look, we've met our goal of 5 months, everything's perfect!"  At the same time they'll leave that processing date where is it, so that they do not have to face the thousands of service requests from people left behind untouched in July, August, Sept, etc.


Yes, I am bitter.  It is unfair.  It is horrible and untransparent and not the way government should work.  :(

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-13 16:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDenied!!!

You are not alone, comrade.


Not alone by a long shot.  It's taken me a while (I'm 41) but for the last few years I have finally been able to declare myself a socialist, and wish more people would own up to it.  I probably have been one since I was 20, just brainwashed by our culture into thinking I couldn't possibly be THAT since it was so clearly "evil".  Anyway, leftists / progressives of all stripes should be just as welcome as others to partake in our (very overloaded) immigration system, I hope everyone would at least agree with that!


Sorry for Off Topic, now back to sympathy for the OP's situation -- good luck with whatever works out, and my deepest sympathies for the frustrations of being apart for so long.  I know it's taking a toll on my relationship too, but we're nearing the end stretch soon and we'll be okay! smile.png

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-01 00:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOh No!

I've actually been tracking a lot of WAC numbers around mine (I'm really starting to worry -- 90% around me are DONE but mine is still sitting untouched, and I'm worried that it's lost somewhere!!!) so I can say:  I've seen exactly that happen on other WAC numbers, and later be resolved with no issue.  My guess is this: they update the database that there will be an RFE, then they actually get the RFE ready to send, at which point the database gets RE-updated but sometimes not at the right time -- then later it will show a new date for the RFE which is the day they actually send it out.


I wouldn't worry -- it's happened to about 5 cases I've tracked, and within 2 days it's showing normally again with a newly-issued RFE date.  Don't panic!


I might start to panic if I don't see any decisions today/tomorrow though ... 90% all around me decided, and not a single TOUCH to mine.  Is it even on a desk anywhere??  SO SCARED!

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-13 15:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIgors list

I believe it's possible to have a timeline without having a VJ username/account.  Never investigated really, but I assume that those unclickable people simply have a timeline that they can edit/follow, but they cannot post on VJ forums nor do they have any public profile page.  They are essentially anonymous and not real VJ users, just timeline-entered data.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-16 16:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 this morning on a Saturday! From CSC, November 7 filer

After a painful three weeks of seeing every single other petition around me get approved, and a long wait since November 6 when we sent the packet ... I woke up this morning to find text and email from USCIS that we have been approved!  (No RFE.)


It came at 6:30 on a Saturday morning, which I find REALLY strange, but obviously they didn't do their normal update on Friday night.


Because I really felt I had been skipped (all the WACs around me already done last week or before), I had contacted my senators and congressman on Thursday.  The senators did not respond, but my local congress rep did send an email saying "we have inquired at CSC about your case and will let you know of any information."  I don't know and will probably never know if that did it, finally -- if CSC felt pressure or if it was just random luck -- but thank heavens and I cannot believe how relieved I am.


Thank you all and good luck to anyone still waiting!

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-18 12:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA 2!!

CSC has been working so well.


Ummm.  No.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-16 03:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRFE? Already supplied but they want more?

Passport stamps are your biggest help, as they are the best proof that you were in the same country together with no doubts.  Focus on things that like that really can't be faked.


Please don't stress too much about the pictures -- they're nice to include as secondary evidence but you don't need more than a few (2-3) at all, as long as you have the other evidence.  (Do be aware that you can add the time-stamps in any photo-editing program or simply write them on the back -- USCIS doesn't really require the burnt-in time stamp on a negative or anything like that.  All I did for my photos was put captions underneath stating the full date and location and names of people in the photos, and write the same information in sharpie-pen on the back side.  No RFE.)


But consider finding other types of hard evidence as well -- perhaps credit card statements showing purchases made in the same town at the same time period.  ATM withdrawals -- I printed my bank statement from the month I spent with my fiance and circled the ATM withdrawals I made in his town.


However, in re-reading your post, it might be helpful if you post the actual wording of the RFE.  Something strikes a warning bell: you say they ask for "circumstances under which we met and established our relationship" -- they MIGHT be asking how you initially encountered each other.  Was it online, a website somewhere, did you study together, were you introduced by family friends, what?  Have you explained how you first met your fiance, in addition to your physical presence with him?  You do need to explain BOTH how you initially got to know each other, as well as provide proof of meeting in person in the last two years.  Make sure you've covered both of those and you should be ok!


LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-18 22:48:00