K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOur RFE : If you have some tips and advice, we want them!! Thank you!

You can usually get credit card statements from your card online going back at least 12 months and often 3 years.  I printed the credit card statements from the month I was with my fiance, and circled/arrowed to the line items that showed purchases made in his town -- the statement even said the name of the store and the street and zip code, so I feel that was really solid proof.  Has your fiance looked for his statements online at his credit card company?

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-10 01:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOur RFE : If you have some tips and advice, we want them!! Thank you!

Chat logs are extremely weak evidence.  I would hardly even bother with them.  USCIS is not asking you to prove that you talked about coming to visit -- they are asking for SOLID DEFINITE PROOF that you were in the same place at the same time.  Focus on things that cannot be faked or manufactured after the fact: the stamps in your passport.  Your boarding passes.  Your credit card receipts and ATM withdrawals.  Forget most of the chat logs, although you could send a few small excerpts if you really want to.


Chat logs may be important LATER, at the interview in Manila.  There they will want to see that you have an ongoing relationship with your fiance.  At this state for USCIS I-129F, they hardly care about that at all.  They want facts, not feelings.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-10 00:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOur RFE : If you have some tips and advice, we want them!! Thank you!

In looking at your prior posts, I see that one of you has been divorced.  Make sure that you include a full divorce decree as well -- it's not mentioned in your RFE so maybe you already had it.  I don't know the details as neither I nor my fiance were ever divorced, but I know USCIS can be picky about PROOF that you are free to marry after your divorce.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-09 03:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOur RFE : If you have some tips and advice, we want them!! Thank you!
1) Pictures are only secondary evidence.  You probably don't need any more pics.  You need hard evidence of having been in the same place within the last two years (before you filed the petition).  The best things are passport stamps showing US citizen's entry into Phil (or Phil to the USA), as well as plane boarding passes/ticket stubs.  Itineraries ok, but not solid proof.  Credit card statements showing purchases made in the same place are good.  ATM statements showing withdrawals made in the same place are good.  Any other receipts from when you were in the same place together.
2) Have you seen VisaJourney's examples?  Just use the letter they have here: http://www.visajourn...ontent/examples (Fiance Letter of Intent), adjust it to your needs however you wish, but it's fine to simply copy and paste the basic structure!  Three sentences is more than enough.  One from each of you!  (Two total.)
3) You need two copies: one for each of you.  No idea what you filed before, maybe you filed one so they only sent a blank one for the one that was missing?
4) Just be sure to get the US sized passport photos (not sure what Philippines uses and if it's standard US sized).
5) Any other information you think is relevant to proving you are (a) free to marry and (b) have met within the last two years in person.  That will vary so much according to your individual situation.
It really sounds like you didn't follow the VJ guides at all, if you got an RFE for that much stuff.  And yet you've been a member here forever.  Make sure to follow the tips and suggestions here: http://www.visajourn...content/k1guide
Good luck and honestly, be glad you got an RFE.  It sounds like you were missing an awful lot and could have gotten a straight-out denial.  Glad you're getting an easy second chance!

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-09 02:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUrgent advice on I-134, sending package today

I don't think anyone knows absolutely the answers to your questions.  It all depends on the officer who looks at your papers at the interview, and if there are any local Spanish-Embassy "rules" or things they usually look for.


In general, an employment letter from March used at a May interview is NO PROBLEM whatsoever.  Many are several months old, as long as you have paychecks up until the form was signed and sent.  I think your idea of a personal letter about why your recent checks are smaller is okay, but maybe not even needed.


I like your idea of having a backup co-sponsor BUT I don't think you should state you are unemployed because right now, you are not!  That would be fraud and a bad idea.


They want the information that is true and accurate according to the date signed on the I-134.  If you state that you are unemployed and then sign today, you're not telling the truth.  The co-sponsor may still be required -- and it's good to have as a backup -- but just leave your original packet, accurate as of the day you sign the forms.


I see while I was typing that duraaraa said about the same thing.  Sorry for repeating but I just finished typing. :)

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-03 19:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow can my parents accompany me to states?

That is indeed a vistor or tourist visa (B1 or B2, I don't know the difference).


You'll probably want to browse this forum, regarding tourist visa procedures: http://www.visajourn...-tourist-visas/


I'm sure it varies by country, so you'll need to get replies from someone knowledgeable about consulate procedures in India.  That forum is your best bet.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-13 03:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow can my parents accompany me to states?

Are you asking how your parents can travel, as tourists, to visit you and/or attend the wedding?


Or are you asking how you can gain immigration / green cards for your parents?


The first relies on a vistor's visa, I don't know how difficult they are from India.  Some countries are easier than others, but you always need to have your parents prove strong ties to India and show proof that they will be returning.


The second, well, that is NOT the point of a K1 visa and there's a long wait ahead of you before you'd be able to petition for your parents, if that's even possible?  (I do not follow family-based visa issues so someone else would have to clarify that.)  There's no way to bring your parents WITH you to the USA for good, that would be absolutely crazy.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-13 02:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresinterview for K1

No, the foreign beneficiary does not have to have a job.  (The US citizen petitioner must, or at least have income/co-sponsor.)  The beneficiary is expected to LEAVE his/her country and therefore leave his/her job within days/weeks after the interview.  It is definitely not "bad" if they are not currently working because they will NOT be working in their native country or in the USA for many months.  It's totally normal.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-12 22:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdivorced 28 years ago and no records

I have to agree ... you need to get this resolved and find some sort of records.  European countries are actually pretty good about having centralized databases, so it's probably easier than trying to track down old records in the scattered USA counties which all have different levels of competence.  I would think that phoning or writing to the public registrar in whatever country you were divorced would yield fairly fast results.


Also, how did you remarry after that, were you not asked to provide proof of prior divorce then?


No one on this board, or anywhere else, will suggest that you LIE to immigration -- it's cause for serious trouble if you do, and they will find out.  It may take extra time and effort, but there must be records available, "Europe" is a pretty organized place.  (I will say it might help if you could be more specific about the country -- lots of people here might step in to give advice on who to contact!)

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-19 12:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 questions - Please Help

I think it would be wise to get a signed letter from the investment accounts, yes.  I did, because I know my financial manager personally, and he was happy to write an explicit letter fulfilling all the instructions on company letterhead -- I had more problem getting a letter from Chase for my tiny checking account, but the majority of my assets are in the investments so I feel that letter was very important.  To be extra safe, I'm including 12 months of statements showing that the balance doesn't change (or in fact grows) over time.


To be really extra extra safe because I am paranoid and a worrywart -- I'm having my parents prepare the I-134 as well as a co-sponsor.  We don't intend to use them, since my income and assets SHOULD satisfy the consulate, but I'd rather have the co-sponsor all ready to hand over IF there is any question about my finances, rather than risk a denial or 221G.  I don't think you NEED a co-sponsor, mind you.  I'm just a really "what-if" person and I want to be overly cautious.


As for that weird blank line, I DON'T KNOW EITHER.  It's been bugging me.  I was thinking of putting my initials there?  It's just a weird line and I think we can leave it blank.  Don't like it though, it looks so out of place!

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-20 14:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 questions - Please Help

I decided, based on advice here, not to use my house (valued at $300K no mortgage) because it's not a LIQUID asset.  The assets you put down must be available to use immediately, to sell/dispose of in order to have cash.  My income is barely above poverty level, but I have around $200K in investment/mutual funds and savings accounts that ARE liquid, so I'm providing extensive proof of cash assets.  I'm leaving the real estate line blank.


When I was thinking about using the house, we were thinking to submit a copy of the property deed, the property tax statement showing the valuation and no mortgage, and possibly a certified "no lien" letter to affirm that no mortgage exists.  But I never went that direction because my liquid assets are far more important and enough to qualify.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-20 13:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134, situational Questions

From what I've seen from other consulates, if they don't approve your I-134, then they will give you a 221G or some other form that gives you a certain amount of time to come back with a co-sponsor.  At least that's the usual route.  I feel like I have also seen cases of outright denials from more difficult consulates, but I think the standard response to insufficient financial support is "find a cosponsor and come back!".  I don't know the specific process or how long of a time-frame they give you.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-20 15:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134, situational Questions

Nobody WANTS a co-sponsor, I understand.  I'm in the midst of the process too, and having my parents as a backup possible co-sponsor, even though they are more than willing and we trust my fiance with everything -- just feels like a huge burden on them.  But they did volunteer and I'm grateful that they are there for me in case there is any doubt at the interview about my income.


Everyone does this process a little different -- some scrape by with the minimum and others over-prepare.  I'm definitely in the over-preparing camp and therefore I recommend a co-sponsor.  Germany should not be a difficult consulate so you MAY be okay with the employment letter but ... I, personally, would not want the risk of denial.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-20 14:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134, situational Questions

I don't mean to get you down, but I was under the impression that your income in Germany will NOT be counted toward the I-134.  They are looking for proof that you will be able to support your fiance/spouse in the USA when you're together, and that German job will be gone.


I suspect you will need a co-sponsor if you do not have a solid employment letter stating a new full-time salary in the USA that is above the poverty level.  If you have that solid letter from a job in the USA, you should be okay, I think.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-20 14:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTax transcripts

Tracey & Greg -- first off, I'd try a different browser to make sure it's not a browser error you're getting on the IRS site.  I think the tax transcripts really are the preferred method, so it's puzzling you wouldn't be able to get them.  Mine and my parents (co-sponsoring) went through easily, each was received within 6 days of ordering.


However, I believe you can include the FULL TAX RETURN from TurboTax (the federal form, such as the complete 1099 or whatever form you filed), not the state/local one though.  It will be several pages long.


It's still better to get the tax transcript however, but a full complete 1099 plus any additional worksheets is supposed to be acceptable.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-20 13:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat needs to be notarized? Help!!

Since you mention NBI and Cenomar, I am assuming you're talking about the Philippines.  It's REALLY important to mention the country at the embassy stage, as every embassy follows slightly different rules and procedures.


Since other than recognizing Cenomar as a Philippine thing, I know nothing about the specifics there, I'll leave it to others -- but in general for most embassies, you need to send what VisaJourney indicates: NOA2 copy, financial support forms, and evidence of bonafide relationship (which may have been in your initial packet).  As far as I know, nothing needs to be notarized but that will VARY BY COUNTRY so wait for specific answers from your fellow country-people.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-20 02:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDenial decision

Since you filed in August 2012 and you say you lived together in 2011, you must have seen her in person within the two year period, so that sounds okay.  But we'll need more info on what you sent them as proof: boarding passes, passport stamps?  It's unusual, but not unheard of, to be denied at this stage.


If you only have the email notice now, then in a few days you will probably get a paper mail version with more explanation of why you were denied.  I hope.  I am sorry for your denial but you'll need to sort through what USCIS thought was wrong before you can file again.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-07 18:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDenial decision

So your denial came at the CSC stage, after your NOA1 for the I-129F petition?  Not at the consulate or interview?  I think that's unusual, because that tends to mean you did not meet the criteria for filing. 


(a)  did you meet your fiance in person within the last two years?

(b) are you both free to marry?


Those are the primary things you need to prove at the petition stage.  Without knowing more about your situation, we can't tell you what was wrong, but petitions are not denied on a whim.  What reason was given for the denial?

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-07 18:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Affidavit of Support

Okay, sorry ... as long as you are planning to meet before filing the petition -- just wanted to be sure you are absolutely clear on that. :)


Again, there have been cases of successfully using a co-sponsor while on disability/SSI, I remember having seen posts here about that.  However, Kenya is a pretty difficult embassy so you definitely need to be VERY careful in proving the bonafide relationship issue and making sure that there can be no doubts whatsoever about any aspect of your case.  Check to make sure Kenya accepts co-sponsors at all, since some embassies do not tend to.  I do wish you the best of luck, and be prepared for some setbacks, but with perseverance you should be able to overcome them!

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-20 23:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Affidavit of Support

Wait, John and Tracy ... have you not met your fiance in person in the last 2 years before filing?  If so, that is your major obstacle -- worry about the finances later.  You have to meet before you file the I-129F, there's just basically no chance of it being approved if you don't.  The waiver for meeting is almost never allowed, even in cases of disability and inability to travel.


The financial aspect is a separate issue entirely, I realize ... it seems to me that if co-sponsors ARE accepted for your embassy, that should be sufficient for your case if you have one.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-20 18:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOrganizing for Submittal

There are a million different ways to organize your packet: whatever works for you is generally ok BUT remember a few things:


No staples and I do not recommend any binder, no.  They will disassemble your packet and put it in acco fasteners, punched at the top of the page (2-hole like a hospital chart).  Any organization you have will likely be removed.  I did put small tabs on sections of my petition, to help them keep sections together, and I used paper clips, but I don't know if it helped or not.  Use post-its and tabs to label anything you feel is important.


Check goes WITH the packet, paperclipped on top of the cover letter or at the front of the packet.


You can submit loose pics or put them in a plastic bag BUT I laid mine out in Word and printed them like individual scrapbook pages (3-5 pics per page), labeled with captions including full date and location and names of people.  I also wrote the full date and location on the back of each photo in sharpie pen, to be safe.


My packet was 56 pages total (including all forms and pictures) but that was on the upper end of the recommended.  I had about 6 pages of chat logs -- the rest were boarding passes, photos, credit card receipts, ATM withdrawals, full passport copies, and other hard evidence.


You should mention your country, because front-loading of the petition DOES depend which embassy you'll be dealing with.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-20 16:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSending K1 Application (1st step) - Attachments

Just to add my experience: I did put "footers" or rather, yellow "text boxes" with captions inside, at the bottom of the page explaining what each document was.  For instance on the copy of my birth certificate, which took about 3/4 of the page, at the bottom well removed from the certificate itself, I had a yellow text box and "Birth Certificate for (my full name) showing US Citizenship and Date of Birth XX-XX-XXXX".  I did that for nearly every document I copied, since I had scanned everything into my computer and assembled in a large Word file.  I did not want any confusion and wanted the person looking over my file to be able to quickly adjudicate it.


As for other things, I did not hole punch, I did not use any staples.  I did use a few paper clips, and I did use a large metal binder clip to hold the ENTIRE packet together inside the envelope.  I did put a few of those post-it TABS at the bottom of the pages for easy reference.  You can see some pics of my packet on my profile page.


No RFE, approved with no issues last week.  I'm NOT saying that my way is right -- I think they are totally human and flexible and there a million different CORRECT ways to present your packet to them.  It's up to you to choose a way that you're comfortable and confident about.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-22 14:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStockholm Consulate

There are a lot of Swedes and Norwegians over in the Scandinavians thread: http://www.visajourn...navians/page-89


I'd ask there for specific info, as the Stockholm embassy comes up a lot since Norwegians have to travel there too.  My fiance's glad that the Finnish consulate is still open, at least HE doesn't have to go to Stockholm too! :)

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-20 16:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport photo

I understand your worries!  My passport photos taken here in the USA at Walgreen's pharmacy had NO white border.  When my fiance sent his from Finland, they were exactly the same size picture, but his had a small white border around the outside.  I was concerned and almost cut the border off before sending it in, but wasn't sure whether mine or his were "correct".  So I sent mine with no border and his with a white border, and worried a bit for the six long months before my NOA2.


End result: I was approved without any RFE.  Evidently white borders don't matter one way or the other as long as the actual picture is 2x2.  At least that's my experience!

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-22 23:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI94

I hope more people report on this on the forums -- I was vaguely aware of it and saw one prior posting, but I'd love to know for reference how it's going to affect other things like getting the SSN and even filing for AOS.  My fiance should be arriving in August or September, so hopefully they'll have worked out the kinks by then!

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-27 15:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy case, need help

Ok, no worries, as long as you left before your visa expired you're fine!  (I did just want to check because many people overstay without mentioning or realizing it!)


Was the manager of your fiance's apartment aware you were staying there (did you sign a lease or get added to any forms)?  Perhaps they could get a letter attesting to the fact that you were there.  But mostly your passport stamps and airline ticket stubs should be enough!

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-28 16:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy case, need help

I am the beneficiary


We started dating in Feb 2011. I travel to U.S in Aug 2012 and live with him till Jan 2013 (6 months)



You don't mention it so I'd just like to make sure: were you legally in the USA for the whole 6 months?  What kind of visa did you enter on?  You may have been fine, that just seems like a very long visit unless you had some sort of extended visa to stay on.  And of course if you did overstay your visa, that will complicate matters.  Just want to verify that!


Other posters' advice about not needing too many photos and relying on hard evidence like passport stamps and credit card receipts, ATM withdrawals, any third-party documents that show you were in the USA at that time -- those are the most important.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-28 15:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAN DIEGO as POE

Christmas 2011 was the last I met international arrivals ... was that before or after the terminal expansion?  It seemed like the normal area, downstairs with a few hard couches outside to wait on, and janitor and restroom doors and service corridors everywhere .. not exactly WELCOME TO AMERICA but it was easy enough!  May be different now though, I'm not sure!

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-06-09 23:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAN DIEGO as POE

Please make sure to leave a review when you do -- there aren't many there, and my fiance will use San Diego as his POE in August or September, so I'm curious how it goes for you on K-1. :)


I've come through SAN several times from London (that's a nice flight, I really prefer that one for EU trips), but of course I'm the USC so it's not the same.  He's come through once or twice as a regular visa waiver visitor and had no issues.  But of course K-1 will be quite different, so we'll see!

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-06-08 00:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuick leave after marriage

The I-134 that you have to file at the interview asks you to prove your income that will support your future spouse ONCE YOU LIVE IN THE USA.  You are not going to be able to prove income in the USA, since your income comes from China and will stop once you move to the USA.  (This is why I don't think you can pass the interview -- it's going to be very clear to them that you are NOT moving to the USA at all!)


Therefore you will not qualify as the sponsor.  You therefore need a co-sponsor who has USA income sufficient to support your fiance in the USA -- usually a parent, but any US citizen or legal resident will do.


I don't see how you can go through with the K-1 when it's very clear that you won't be moving to the USA.  It verges on fraud -- I'm not saying you're guilty, just that you made an innocent misunderstanding, but it doesn't seem possible to get the final approval given your situation.  But who knows, stranger things have happened and I definitely wish you the best of luck, whatever you decide to do!

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-01 04:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuick leave after marriage

That's just a really bad idea, I'm afraid.  AP takes way more than 3-4 weeks and yes, if she leaves before her AP is in hand, she will NOT be able to return without starting all over with a spousal visa, which takes even longer than the K-1 process these days.


I do not think she can receive her AP *after* she leaves the USA -- I'm no expert but I believe you have to be in the country at the time?


I suggest you rethink your China trip, because otherwise that's ... just ... BAD.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-29 04:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPRENUPTIAL AGREEMENT


Tell him you're willing to consider signing an agreement but that you want your own lawyer to look at it and add your own terms. If he doesn't readily agree to that then I would be insulted as well. 


At least here in California, you must have two separate lawyers involved in a pre-nup.  One for the husband and one to represent the wife's interests.  If the same lawyer tries to represent both, there is a huge conflict of interest and that isn't allowed or advisable.  I am in the process of trying to find a second lawyer for my fiance, while he's still abroad, and that's a little difficult because he can't consult with them until he's here.  But it is the way to go, absolutely!


I've never been married before and have NO plans on divorcing, but my fiance and I are in the process of drawing up a pre-nup -- we BOTH want it, it is in both of our best interests and it will protect both of us from any unforeseen future problems.  I find it absolutely normal and I wish everyone would have one: it is something you create while you are in love, caring and looking out for each other's best interests, in order to protect EACH OTHER.  I also think it's very common in the USA and not looked on as something bad at all.


I actually find it romantic.  Maybe I'm weird.  smile.png  But I see it as: I care SO MUCH for my fiance and want him to be safe and happy and protected in case anything goes wrong.  By feeling that now and drawing up an agreement for any future issues, I am promising to do well by him forever.


A prenup does not in any way mean that you do not trust or love each other.  On the contrary, I treat it as an act of love and care.  It's like taking out an insurance policy: does that mean you think you're going to be hospitalized?  Of course not, but it's worth having in the chance of something going wrong.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-06-08 17:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about Form I-134 Affidavit of Support

I am just about to ship off my I-134 and documents.  I also work two jobs, neither one SINGLY is above the poverty level but taken together I'm safe ($28K).  I put the more permanent / longer lasting job on the actual I-134 form -- and then I attached a supplemental "explanation of income" letter which explains my two jobs and salaries; I did also have that supplemental sheet notarized, to be safe.  And of course I have employer letters, paystubs, W2's and checking account deposits from both jobs.


So basically, I chose one job because the I-134 form only had space for one, but I explained and provided supporting docs for both jobs in detail.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-06-11 02:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support (I-134)

What is the value of the home that you owe?

If it is 5 times the difference between 125% of the federal poverty threshold for your household size (including your fiance and her daughter) and your household income then you will meet the requirements and do not need a co-sponsor.


It's my understanding based on many posts here, that real estate (a home) cannot count as assets unless it is a SECOND home that you can readily sell for cash.  Your own home that you live in cannot be converted to cash without putting you out on the street and/or forcing you to rent, so it does NOT count as an asset for these forms.


I could be wrong, but dozens of posts on the forums here, as well as common sense when considering what is a "liquid asset" (as stated in the form instructions), lead me to think that the house does not count.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-06-09 13:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinally!!!, NOA-2 approved!!! and Proof of assets for affidavit

I've never heard of anyone including their credit score, and I think it would be quite unnecessary because they're looking primarily for INCOME, secondarily for assets, and don't care a bit about your credit.


As for the assets: it depends if you make above the poverty line.  If you have a comfortable margin on INCOME above the poverty line, then there is absolutely no need to provide any information on your assets.  You can just leave it blank.  You will need to prove your income with employer letter, paystubs and/or deposit statements, and your most recent (2012) tax transcript and W2.


If your income is marginal, unsteady, or below the poverty level, then yes, you do need to provide substantial proof of assets.  I had my brokerage account manager write a letter stating the cash balance, stocks and mutual funds balance, deposits, and date opened.  In addition I'm providing 12 months of statements (just the summary page that shows overall deposits/withdrawals/balance for each month).  Note that I'm relying a lot on my assets since my income is a little unsteady (some years way above poverty, other years below).

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-06-11 16:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa DENIED - Public Charge - pretty outraged.

Wait a second. You made above the 125% mark, and they can still reject you for that reason?

It's my understanding that they can reject you even then, yes, because consular officers have complete discretion to reject or approve your visa, and because there are no hard-and-fast rules for the I-134, only general non-enforceable guidelines (the I-864 however has rules, I believe).

It worries me A LOT as well, going into next year for our interview ... I meet all the recommended guidelines: my income will be only slightly above the 125%, but I have a seriously large investment account (enough that income shouldn't even matter) -- but I keep freaking out when I read about these denials, because there's just no way of knowing what the CO might find wrong. Now to find out they're rejecting co-sponsors too, when I was reserving that as a backup plan .... I'm about to stop reading VisaJourney just because it's seriously causing me mini-panic-attacks! :(
LynkaliFemaleFinland2012-12-06 16:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat constitutes as supporting documents for I-134????

if your answer is no, co-sponsor should use form -864 and you fill up form I-134 goodluck


I really think that's wrong, Fight For Love.  It's my understanding that at the embassy stage, the sponsor and any co-sponsor BOTH use the I-134, two separate forms but each use the I-134.  The I-864 is used when adjusting status, not at the embassy stage.


Obviously there may be regional, embassy-specific variations so you should always check with your local consulate to verify that.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-16 20:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAFFIDAVIT OF SUPPORT FORM I-134 OR I-864

Several years ago it used to have to be notarized.  Now it does NOT need notary.  Some lawyers and many older references still refer to the notarization, and it certainly never hurts to notarize it, but there was a reform in (2008? 2009? sometime) that changed the form and it does not need notarization these days.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-23 18:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAFFIDAVIT OF SUPPORT FORM I-134 OR I-864

I believe that it can depend on the embassy -- it's their discretion how to evaluate the Affidavit of Support and what forms to require.  You should probably contact/email the embassy directly to ask whether they'll accept the I-134, or wait for other recent Jamaica filers to chime in.  Most embassies use the I-134 but I'm pretty sure I've heard of a few exceptions -- Jamaica might be one, or they might have made a mistake.

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-05-23 18:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCurrent total cost?

Although those fees are correct, I would hope anyone would know to budget generous additions for things like marriage licenses, certified copies of documents and marriage records, passport photos, extra vaccinations/doctor certifications, notarized copies, etc, in addition to the huge costs of travel expenses and moving.  This is a not a cheap process, and honestly, the USCIS fees have been the least of my worries!  It's the moving expenses, all the costs involved in setting up a new life together and adjusting to a new country, and many other day-to-day elements that seem to be eating away at our funds.  It's all worth every penny -- but it's not cheap! smile.png

LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-11-22 23:51:00