Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionQuestion--Involving in Removing Conditions...

I'm sure others more knowledgeable will chime in, but immediately: I don't see joint tax returns/transcripts listed on your checklist, so do make sure you have those!


As for the reasons you're not living together, you seem to have plenty of documentation and I would expect that as long as you EXPLAIN that fact, in a typed explanation/letter laying out the timeline and reasons for your separate residences, that then they would understand your proofs and documentation and accept it.  I hope!  But do make sure to explain it clearly to them -- the documents alone might be confusing, so a written explanation will go a long way in helping them understand.


I'm sure others might come along with more suggestions though!

LynkaliFemaleFinland2014-03-01 19:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSubmitted I-129F finally, now the waiting starts!
We (Nancy in USA, Mikko in Finland) filed our I-129F on Tuesday (Nov 6, happened to be election day!) and are now waiting for the NOA1, so there's nothing yet to report, but I just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone on this forum. I've been browsing and learning for nearly two months now, using the search feature almost every day to answer questions that occur to me, and I really am so thankful that a resource like this exists!

I did use ExpressMail and got delivery notification, so I'm not worried at all, the packet arrived promptly in Texas and now it's just the short wait for the NOA1, and the very long wait for the NOA2 with hopefully no RFEs ... at least I'm in California, so I'm just hoping the CSC doesn't slow down too much over the holidays.

Ideally, if all goes well, it would be wonderful to have Mikko interview in late Spring, and move here in the early Summer (2013), but we're flexible and realize it may be sooner or later and is out of our control.

Because I had so many questions (in my mind) about how to assemble the packet properly, and what kind of evidence to include, I did want to just post a link to the pictures of my final assembled packet, for anyone who wants to look (now or in the future). I'm pretty happy with it, and the organizational ideas all came from other users and posters here, so thanks again for the help in clear presentation and assembly!

So if you'd like to see how my actual packet did look when I sent it off, there are some pictures at the link on my profile page. (Guess I can't post links in the forum yet!) I realize I probably went overboard on organization, but that's just how I am in most things I do, so I can't feel too bad! :no:

I'll probably post some Finland-specific questions in the future, regarding necessary vaccinations, other medical questions, and things like that: am I correct in assuming those types of questions should go to the Regional:Europe forum? I see there are at least a few active Finnish VJers, so if any of you would like to advise me on ANYTHING, I'd love any contact. Even in Finnish if necessary, I'm reading at about a 3rd grade level now after my recent month-long visit there! :dance:

Thanks again to everyone here, and I'm sure I'll be asking more in the coming months.

- Nancy and Mikko.
LynkaliFemaleFinland2012-11-09 19:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa Approved and in hand!
Huge congratulations and I'm so glad to see it was approved WITH a co-sponsor ... those couple of denials from Italy were scaring me, but looks like Finland is still accepting co-sponsors quite easily. Yay!

Have a great trip and an easy POE, I hope!
LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-01-07 16:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNEW reason for delay at CSC - 48,000 files damaged
As a followup to the general email that many of us are sending to the ombudsman, I got a response saying they are realigning resources. I then immediately responded asking him to confirm or deny the water damage, and this is the response I just received a few minutes ago:

"Although the center was closed for 2 days, there was minimal down time and all files affected by the water damage are available for staff to work in date order."

So evidently there really was water damage. They just won't say how bad it was and what we're supposed to do about it, if anything. :(
LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-03 13:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved!! Woohoo!!

I just called every week and kept putting in Service requests to give me an updated status. I did not expedite or write my congressman (yet). Hopefully there is more and more movement for all of you. I would say keep calling the reps and demand you talk to tier 2 and ask questions.

You were able to put in Service Requests even though you filed in November and the processing date is way back in July 18?

I haven't even tried calling (Nov 6 filer) because I have heard so many people say that I can't. Is it worth trying, will they actually make a service request for November filers? So confused! I'd love to get any update on ANYTHING but from what I hear they won't do anything yet?
LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-04 15:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved!! Woohoo!!

I can't believe but my NOA2 text came in and I am finally moving on! Just keep waiting and finally one day you will get the surprise of your life :dance:

That is AMAZING news coming from CSC given you're a November filer -- like me, and now you're getting my hopes up. Congratulations but could you please tell us if you did anything special such as contacting your congresspeople or expedite requests?

Congratulations and good luck on the next stage!
LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-03 15:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC approval after just 4 months!

Telling Bayareaguy to look at the timelines :rofl:

LOL no kidding! :D
LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-11 00:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCalled the Senators office..

I have nothing else that I can do. I've done everything I possibly can.

This message makes me want to hug you, if you are one who likes hugs. Please know that all of you July/August filers are in our thoughts, and that we are rooting for the quickest possible solution for you. It is EXTREMELY UNFAIR and USCIS is basically lying to us, but there's nothing we can do. I am "only" an early November filer but I can already see myself in your shoes, and I've shed a few tears already as well -- I can only imagine the crying will become far more frequent unless things change.

I have no suggestions, simply sympathy and milk and cookies and support. Good luck!!!!
LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-12 16:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober I 129F filer. CSC delayed.

As an October filer, I feel like I'm stuck on this long, painful bus ride. The bus driver has blocked the front door so all of the July/August filers at the front of the bus are stuck. The emergency exit at the back of the bus has been snuck open, and all of the November/December filers are jumping off. I'm stuck in the middle, and the bus just keeps taking me further and further away from the man I love.

That is the best analogy I've heard yet. As a fellow middle-bus-rider, I feel your pain and I woke up crying this morning. I don't know how much longer I can deal with the absolute insanity of these approvals, and the thought that if they do start working from July forward NOW, we still have months and months of waiting ahead of us. Good luck to us all at bearing up on this bus ride!
LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-16 13:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAbandoning the K-1

If nothing's changed, he'd fly back to the US with me and we'd get married here and refile.

If you do that, he cannot stay in the USA past the normal 3-month ESTA/visa waiver allowance. You can marry, yes! But he will have to return to The Netherlands after the 90-day visa waiver is over, and then you will be in the same situation as now: separated and waiting for a visa which is now further away because you've started fresh.

I'm in the same boat and it's incredibly frustrating, but my advice is to stay K-1 -- otherwise you are starting all over and won't have any difference in the living situation.
LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-16 14:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJust Called USCIS October Filer

Second question. Has anyone reviewed the form I-134, affidavet of support form. It does scare the ####### out of me a little bit. I am 55, retired early and not my first rodeo, as I am sure is the same as others. This form pretty much has you signing off on the "sounds" like fact you are going to be responsible for financials of fiance and daughter. That is fine, but what if you get divorced. Any input on this would be grealy appreciated.

No one plans on getting divorced but as noted, not my first rodeo and have worked hard my entire life to only lose half of it as I did in first marriage in States due to divorce. We are planning on living in SD. I have a solid retirement and investments that I want to protect in case of divorce., in second marriage to an American, I had a solid prenup that covered my assets that I already had before marriage and pretty clean divorce in keeping them when we divorced.

You really should make your own new thread to discuss this, as it isn't relevant to this particular discussion, however, here's my basic understanding:

1. The I-134 and the followup 864 (when you adjust status) are both used to prevent your fiance/spouse from getting GOVERNMENT assistance, i.e. welfare and food stamps. That is what you're guaranteeing and pledging, that if your spouse reaches that level of need, that you will provide a minimum level of support. And in fact, it actually would take the government suing you to enforce the I-134 provisions, so in most cases it never comes to that. It does not end upon divorce -- even if you divorce, you are still required to ensure that she does not receive welfare. It DOES end after she has worked 40 quarters and qualified under her own terms, or if either of you die, or if she gives up her residency and returns to her native country. I have heard rumors of the I-134/864 being cited in divorce proceedings but in followup, those cases have almost never come to fruition and it cannot/should not be used against you when dividing assets/alimony. If anyone has a solid factual citation of it successfully being used to determine alimony, I want to see it, because I have not yet run across it.

2. There is no harm in having a prenup. There are many people here on the forums who dislike them, so you're bound to hear opposing views. I personally live in a community property state, and we are in the process of getting a prenup ready -- my fiance is completely 100% on board with it, we both think very realistically and want to protect not just our own, but each other's well-being. And we're doing it in love and respect and it is full of romance and I dare anyone to say otherwise! Your details of course, are up to your lawyer and you to discuss.

The prenup issue is contentious so I'm sure you'll get an earful. But a prenup will have no impact on the visa stage and is truly a protective measure for those of us who live in the real world and have a significant imbalance in assets.

Good luck and move this to a new thread, I think!
LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-10 23:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNeed some advice, PLEASE!
I'm not sure I understand your reasons for needing to be married in the USA, since your marriage in China will still be recognized in the USA later and you can do a name change at any time once you return to the USA. But ok, you say it's necessary to marry in the USA.

Then you CANNOT do this:

- wait for the K1, use the visa to come to the US and get married, then return to china.
But if we do this, could it jeopardize the CR1 later?
Also, can the K1 be approved if I’m out of the country?

Without abandoning the beneficiary's K1 status and AOS -- fiance needs to remain in the USA after marriage until at least the Advanced Parole comes through (3-4 months). In addition the fiance needs to maintain residency in the USA for the permanent green card down the road -- visits to China would be fine, but moving back for more than six months-a year throws the whole thing out the window.

I suppose you could marry in the USA after the K1, then leave entirely and drop the whole process abandoning any AOS at all -- and start ALL OVER AGAIN by filing a CR1 ... but that seems like needless wait and horrendous fees and paperwork when you can get married ANYWHERE YOU WANT.

Your K1 can be approved while you're VISITING out of the country, but not residing. You will need a US mailing address at the very least and ways to get any mail that is sent to you. Beyond that, once you're to the embassy stage, it doesn't matter where the US citizen is, the visa is given to the fiance in China.

Sorry if everyone here is telling you the same thing ... it's just that we can't understand the need for a USA wedding when it is far simpler to do it elsewhere.
LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-24 12:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWell, well, well

Oh, I guess I should update my timeline.

Awwww, I am so happy for you! You have worked so hard on all of the CSC delays and been so informative ... couldn't be more deserving and LONG overdue. Congrats and good luck on the next steps!
LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-20 01:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusQuestions for K-1 Visa For Russia

Awesome for the information! One new question after reading all of this.


Do they mail her the visa? Or can she pick it up at the embassy? 


I have heard the Russian post is terrible and want to stay away from it as much as possible. So if she could pick it up from the embassy that would be awesome. She could also just fly from there pretty easy too.

tscottNot Telling02013-09-06 00:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusQuestions for K-1 Visa For Russia

Hi, I'm new here and me and my fiance are currently getting ready to start the k-1 visa process in the next month or so. But we had some questions that maybe someone could help us with. I have read a lot of the forums so far and I'm trying not to repeat, so I am sorry if I ask a common question I missed. But here are my questions.


1. What cost should we expect for her medical exam?


2. Can She do the medical exam in Ufa (Her home city)? Or does she have to do it in Moscow?


2. What is the interview like for her? Specifically, how good does her English need to be? She is not great in speaking English, and gets really nervous around people she doesn't know. Can she do the interview in Russian?


3. She is living in Ufa now, and how much time will she have to spend outside of Ufa for traveling for the visa? So far, she will have to travel for the interview and the medical exam it seems. Will she have to travel for anything else?


4. Can she set up her interview online or does it have to be by post?


5. Can the interview be done in St. Petersburg as well as Moscow?


6. How long after the interview until she gets her Visa? 


7. Will there be any costs for translation documents or anything? What documents will need to be translated?


Sorry again if I have asked the same questions as someone before. But any help would be really great!



tscottNot Telling02013-09-04 23:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDoes The Embassy Check Your Employment and other financial stuff? PLEASE HELP!



March 5th - Moscow finished processing petition, my fiancee is able to fill out ds-160 and sign up for interview, probably the second week of April.

March 10th - had letter signed from employer and sent off all financial info to my fiancee. 

March 15th - Offered a new job, which will start in end of March.




And, I know that they can of course check out all the information, I am just thinking about the chances of that happening? 


From what I hear, she is supposed to turn in the information the day of the interview, and then she is supposed to get an answer a few hours later at the end of the interview. So I was wondering the chances of them actually looking much deeper into it because it sounds like there is only a few hours in-between turning in the info and her getting a yes or no.


Also, I guess they couldn't even call my company due to the time difference. of California and Moscow


I hope I am over reacting a little bit, but I just don't want to delay this any longer! I am already going insane! I just want to be with her! And I am also afraid sending even more information will only add to more time on their part to decide to what to do.


So, what do you think I should do? Do you think I shouldn't be worried?

tscottNot Telling02014-03-16 21:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDoes The Embassy Check Your Employment and other financial stuff? PLEASE HELP!

So, I am making more than enough money at my current job and I already sent pay stubs, a signed letter from my employer, and all the other financial stuff I need for the interview to my fiancee. The issue is that I was approached by another company and was offered more money to come work for them and they want me to start right away. But it will be before my fiancee has the interview. I really want to take this job, but by the time she does the interview, that signed letter from my employer will not be true since I will have changed jobs, and it will be at least 1 month to get 2 pay checks them. So I am just worried that that this will screw up the whole interview and delay it by a few months, but this new job would be a great opportunity for me and I don't want to screw it up.


So can anyone please tell me if they actually check the information? Or do they just see all the information when you turn it in and say you are good to go?


I am afraid they will call my work and see I no longer work there and think something is wrong and deny the visa. 

tscottNot Telling02014-03-16 21:12:00
USCIS Service CentersHow many supporters are here?
I sent my letter today, postal mail, to Donald Neufeld and also one to the USCIS Ombudsman. I don't think I will email, as it has always been my impression that paper letters make a much bigger impression and email just goes to the junk folder right away.

Thanks for getting us all involved at the same time. I really hope that a pile of 50+ letters is waiting on Mr. Neufeld's desk by Friday -- at least he'd have to read them just to figure out what was going on, even if he takes no action.
LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-01 23:41:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC some sign of life

from December to April? 4months approval? maybe those were expedite? :P we'll let's not lose hope. we will receive our NOA2 soon!!!!!

At least two of the four have posted here saying they were NOT expedited and did not do anything special and were quite surprised by the fast approvals.

I really don't know what to think about the December approvals ... other than the possibility with the flooding ("plumbing issues") if they moved stacks of applications around in a hurry to prevent damage, then it's possible that some officer simply grabbed the topmost stack, or that the files are now completely chaotically arranged?

Not that there can be anything more chaotic than CSC already was!
LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-10 02:30:00
USCIS Service Centerstrying to understand the CSC
I fully agree and am just at a complete loss to understand what's going on. I'm so happy for those getting approved, I'm so SAD for those left behind in a developing black hole, and being right on the edge of the recent approvals means I'm also suddenly full of hope that I might get "lucky".

I am exhausted from this emotional roller-coaster. :(
LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-10 13:58:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC I-129F Processing Delay Calculator...
Amazing work, thank you so much for this, even if it is horribly depressing. If things don't pick up, looks like I'll be waiting until January 2014 -- 511 days from filing. Has anyone ever waited 500+ days? There might be a lot of us if this situation doesn't change.

Even the best case scenarios are longer than I like to see, but at this point I still am holding out hope for a July approval.

Again, thank you for all your hard work!
LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-07 18:26:00
USCIS Service CentersI-129F Delay at the CSC: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Data

I wonder if there is a media story in this? Could it be worth getting this information and analysis to a journalist interested in DACA?

I would strongly recommend getting the media involved, yes! On a local level I've had success with media intervention for dealing with bureaucratic and systemic issues (unrelated to visa things!), and it really does help. If anyone has media contacts, PLEASE show them this thread and ask them to consider an investigative report!
LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-03-25 19:30:00
USCIS Service Centersnew letter-writing campaign to Ombudsman?
Well, I just got a response to my email from yesterday.

On Apr 16, 2013, at 08:24 , OLUInquiries <> wrote:

We were able to locate the issue that may have caused a few days’ worth of cases to be worked out of order. This was a result of the flood at the CSC a few weeks back. The cases in their file room were wet, and the whole file room was relocated. As a result, they didn’t have access to every case during that time. They believe they have now resolved that issue and are back on track starting today.

I don't know whether to believe that or not. Call me cynical, but it sounds like a cover story, with maybe a grain of truth embedded in it somewhere.

I guess we'll see whether they actually start processing July cases in the next few days or not. Either way, looks like us Oct-Nov filers are in for a LONG wait still.

Congratulations to the lucky December people, I just hope they realize how incredibly insanely LUCKY they were. :(
LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-16 11:20:00
USCIS Service Centersnew letter-writing campaign to Ombudsman?
As happy as I am, truly, for all of the December and late November filers who are currently being approved at CSC, the unfairness of the situation -- the huge black hole of petitions left stranded between July and November -- makes my blood absolutely boil.

I am truly thinking that our letter-writing campaign a few weeks ago added to the pressure CSC must already have been feeling, and that we therefore unknowingly contributed to their idiotic decision to process filers from only 4-5 months ago -- to bring down their AVERAGE processing time and thus show that they are working efficiently. It's absolutely sickening.

At the beginning of April I had sent a very informative letter both to Donald Neufeld but also the USCIS Ombudsman (paper and email copies both). The email to the Ombudsman got a reply, from an actual human, as several of us reported. I then followed up to that reply and got this further confirmation, back on April 3, about the water damage and situation at CSC:

On Apr 3, 2013, at 11:18 , OLUInquiries <> wrote:

Although the center was closed for 2 days, there was minimal down time and all files affected by the water damage are available for staff to work in date order.

Given that reply and the absolute FALSE claim that CSC is working in date order, I replied this morning yet again to the Ombudsman. I pointed out the current situation of December filers being approved quickly, the huge increase in processing and therefore the staggeringly WRONG average that will be reported in the coming weeks. I specifically linked to Igor's List because I want them to see that we KNOW what is going on. I did not even mention my case number, because this is not about me -- this is about the ridiculous manipulation of ALL of our petitions.

I have not yet received any reply. My earlier emails (on April 2-3) were answered within an hour, so I don't know why there has been no answer after a full day.

I would urge ALL of you who are outraged by recent developments to email the Ombudsman, where we know they at least read (and sometimes reply!) to our correspondence. The email address is OLUInquiries <>.

I hope that another deluge of emails will force them to at least acknowledge the situation, if not change it.
LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-15 23:32:00
USCIS Service CentersWaiting - how do you manage your fiancee's expectations?

I'm just wondering how everyone who's been waiting a long time has been managing their fiancee's/fiance's expectations? We'll be coming up on 5 months in a couple if weeks and so far I haven't said anything about the delay because I was off VJ for a few months and didn't realize there was a problem until recently. Today my fiancée asked me directly about when we'll get to the next step so I felt I had to mention the delay. I did soften it by mentioning the December approvals but I also let her know it could be 2-3 more months. This was by email so I don't yet know her reaction but I hope it doesn't disappoint her too much. Thankfully I'll be seeing her in a week so we can discuss this in person. Any suggestions for keeping her spirits up?

I can't imagine leaving my fiance out of the loop on this, it's far too important for both of us to know exactly what's going on. I share every single day any news that I find out, so he's completely up to date on the horrendous problems at CSC, the developing black hole of July-Nov, everything. I've linked Igor's List and various posts here far more times than I can count.

What amazes me is the calm he has -- I'm the one going out of my mind, and yet he's the one who is facing the most tremendous upheaval: shipping and/or selling all of his belongings, leaving his work and family, going through scary interviews and medical approvals, tracking down his vaccinations, police clearances, everything -- and yet he's calm as can be and simply says "we'll see what happens next!" Of course, that's one of the reasons I fell in love with him, he's always been my rock and helps keep me grounded, so ... no complaints from him or me other than we both wish this separation will end soon!
LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-16 17:44:00
USCIS Service Centers2nd Quick Response from Ombudsman

Wow. The information received from Ombudsman seems solid and accurate. First, they said they are aligning their resources to work on K1 and they actually did after a few days. Secondly, they explained the reason why the approvals are out of order (December filers getting their NOA2) and they will start approving K1 petitions sequentially in order starting July and they did again.

I agree that I am both cautiously optimistic, and SHOCKED that perhaps the Ombudsman got a truthful answer out of USCIS. We all know there are many untruths being told (saw a post just today from someone whose senator said that DACA had no effect whatsoever on CSC, which made me spit out my coffee!). But with the two significant changes we've seen -- first the huge increase in processing, even if it was December filers mostly, then yesterday's gradual move back to July and August ... a very small bit of faith has been restored. I remain convinced that our letter writing and complaints really did have some positive effect on the situation. So let's not anyone say we should all just "calm down" -- it looks like citizen engagement and action-taking really can have an effect!

Of course, this could all change next week if they come to a complete standstill or, god forbid, start processing Jan-Feb petitions! :P
LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-17 18:43:00
USCIS Service Centers2nd Quick Response from Ombudsman

I also want to mention the quote in my previous post was the exact response I got. Please feel free to make your own inquies to the Ombudsman.

I got exactly, word for word, the same response this morning, as mentioned in the other thread about the Ombudsman. Now the question is whether to believe it or not!
LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-16 11:56:00
USCIS Service CentersNew Youtube video

I know myself, speaking as a farther-left-than-Obama liberal, would be uncomfortable posting it because of that part of the message, and I doubt most of my friends and family would share it for the same reason.


Thanks for your hard work on this!

You are braver than me -- I wanted to post exactly this but held off. I am extremely liberal/progressive/socialist. I am furious at the CSC processing. I believe the CSC is mishandling and manipulating petitions to save face. The fact that I vote and want progressive liberal policies, and my outrage against the CSC are not correlated in any way. Mixing politics into this just seems like a complete mistake to me -- this is in no way a partisan issue.

I like your video without the politics but I won't be sharing it with anyone because of that. We ARE all in this together and I appreciate your hard work!
LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-16 14:17:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC Finally moving

I'm ecstatic to see the kind of movement they are doing, one yesterday was completed and one today in my 'group'
WACxxxxxxxx71 Y Y 09/13/2012 I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)
WACxxxxxxxx72 N N 09/13/2012 I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)
WACxxxxxxxx73 N N 09/13/2012 I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)
WACxxxxxxxx74 N N 04/17/2013 I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)
WACxxxxxxxx75 N N 04/18/2013 I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

I am curious ... did you add those WAC numbers to your portfolio? Even though they're not actually your own petition? I've been hesitant to try that since that seems a bit ... weird. Mostly I've just been checking the WAC numbers manually and keeping my own notes/record of a few K-1's near me. But your paste there looks a lot like the portfolio layout .... so is it okay to add WAC numbers that are not your own? And is there a limit on how many you can add?
LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-19 00:06:00
USCIS Service CentersWhat happened to CSC new approvals have come in :(

Has anyone been approved today? Did CSC stop again. :crying:

It's only 11:30 in the morning here? And at least for the past week or two, nearly EVERY approval seems to come after 4:00 pm -- I leave for work every day at that time, and usually there are 1-2 scattered approvals, but by the time I get home at midnight there are 15. So hold on, they'll come in a few hours ... I hope!
LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-18 13:37:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC any approvals today?

My number ends with 069971 and when I get to 070000 is comes up with no case. Any idea on how to keep researching the upper end? I found the boundry on the lower end.

Looks like you're late October, so I probably can't help, but: the farthest back I looked for myself was November 5, and this was a valid EAD from that time period: WAC1390147722. It's not MINE, mind you, just the earliest one I researched in looking for ones around me. So possibly change your 070000 to 100000?
LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-19 21:44:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC any approvals today?
Do be aware that you may have to go through A LOT of numbers. I started a week or two ago trying to find other I-129F's around my date. So far I've gone through 450 numbers and found only 4 other I-129Fs -- all of the others are DACA and EAD. I got tired and may go back and try more, but I'd say you'd need to try a minimum of 500 numbers, if your date is anything like mine.
LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-19 20:39:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC any approvals today?
There were also VERY few (if any) last Friday (4/12), or any Friday in recent memory. I kinda suspect they are either furloughed on Fridays (a lot of California state offices are closed on Fridays now, due to to budget issues -- admittedly this should be a Federal office so I'm not sure?) or simply assigned to deal with other casework on Fridays. I'm not panicking because I think it's relatively normal. But I sure will be watching to make sure the pace keeps up next week!
LynkaliFemaleFinland2013-04-19 20:20:00