K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill Pregnancy affect K1

It won't be a factor if your application will be approved or not, it's just the hassle that it may bring (like being advised not to fly, sensitive pregnancies etc) and additional paperwork and expensesS if the baby was born before the beneficiary leaves for US.

Thank You, all good replies, just covering all the " what if's ". Things happen even when precaution is taken, and given we are already on month six in the K1 Process, I cant see it going another 9 months ( God I hope not ). But we just want to be covered thats all. Thank You Guys.
edwardteresa4everMalePhilippines2011-12-14 10:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill Pregnancy affect K1
We are almost 6 months into the K1, and should be receiving our NOA2 soon, we are wondering what if my fiance became pregnant, would this hinder the Processing of the NOA2, chances are better than good she would only be a few months by the time she arrived here, she is not pregnant now but we wonder about this since we do plan to have children in the very near future.
edwardteresa4everMalePhilippines2011-12-14 07:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresContacting Senators and Congress representatives about a case

I understand everyones frustration with this process. We got lucky when we went through it. My personal opinion is that the federal government should concentrate their resources on tasks like visa processing and others that they are constitutionally responsible for and spend less time telling me I can't talk on my phone in my car, buy an incandescent light bulb, or hauling baseball players before congress. Good luck with the bureaucracy.

Congresperson is a good start, but even then you have to be a constant pest, U.S. Senate if their is a problem that can not be resolved, either way your dealing with a pretty ineffecient system,almost better off hanging a calender on your wall and throwing darts at it to see where they land. Vote for Ron Paul he wants to tighten our borders and streamline legal immigration to a 30 day process, hes got my vote while we patiently go on month six next week with still no NOA2, Good luck to us all.
edwardteresa4everMalePhilippines2011-12-14 22:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFeeling of Solitude in a K-1 Engagement
Yep its really rough I am the petitioner and we are approaching month six with no noa2 yet. Somedays are good and somedays not we Skype , ym , phone , email a combination of those every single day. It's just hard and even though ill be there for Christmas what's rough is not knowing anything, no updates no accurate time lines etc. I disagree with anyone who finds any type of comfort in this process as when your truly in Lo e there is no comfort in being apart. We have just accept when it comes it comes. Nothing else we can do. It will happen.
edwardteresa4everMalePhilippines2011-12-05 19:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 question 11 and confused my last name

The name is not an issue. They will issue the visa in the name as in your passport.

Question 11 is not appicable to the K-1 visa. I answered "NA K-1 for permanent residence" You can just write that in if you want.

Ansother thing to keep in mind is that the I-134 is not a legal document and is not even required. It is a convenience form and basically a pre-printed "cover letter" for what you attach to it. The instructions state you must provide an "affidavit of support", you can write your own or use the handy dandy I-134. The I-134 is used for many visas and not every question applies to a K-1

(see VJ sample I-134 under sample forms)

You are good to go

Gary you are a wealth of knowledge :thumbs:

edwardteresa4everMalePhilippines2011-12-14 22:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrustration
Yep we hit 6 months today. We think it will come soon now. In the mean time I am as I write in the airport headed to the Phil for Christmas with my honey, if you can swing it a visit every six months till its complete helps with the frustration. Good luck to us maybe by the new year.
edwardteresa4everMalePhilippines2011-12-20 21:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReporting visa fraud

I guess I'll make a call to USCIS, it can't hurt, then drop the matter and as someone suggested, chalk it up to experience. And stay away from Colombia! I'll also warn the guy in FL if he isn't in on it but I have a sneaky suspicion he is. And yes, she is in the US.

I told her I wanted $1000 back immediately as a partial repayment of the money I gave her - I paid for her friggin' trip to the US unknowingly! She seemed scared and said she'd come up with the $$, but then again, she's an oscar deserving actress. Mind you, it's not blackmail, I didn't threaten her with anything if she didn't pay.

I Can only offer you a couple things, First I understand your anger and it sucks this happened to you, that being said holding on to resentment is like taking poison and expecting the other person to die from it, The best revenge is living well. I say let it go, Kharma will have its way with her. Just my two cents.
edwardteresa4everMalePhilippines2011-12-30 04:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlanning for a K-1 Fiancé visa
Love doesnt Require much, but the USCIS and Consulates do, as others have mentioned seeing each other in person is a requiremt unless you have verified/documented/allowable reasons specific to your case which they would allow for you not to have met in person. Others have mentioned tough consulates, I would find others who have been in or are in a smiliar situation to you and see what they did and if they were successful. Where there is a will there is a way, it just might be a very long way. Good luck on your quest.
edwardteresa4everMalePhilippines2012-01-28 19:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 question
I thought so long as my fiances kids ages 4 and 10 are listed on the form you only need one, now I'm reading you need one for each of them is that correct?? I filled out one I-134 only they are all listed on it.

Also, was laid off Feb 09 , resumed work again last year w2 shows 24k for last year with a gross income of 42k. It will be six figures this year am I ok on the family of 4 requirements?
edwardteresa4everMalePhilippines2012-02-11 12:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBackground check
I went throught the same thing, same canned answer we have 6 months to get back to you yadda yadda yadda. then low and behold we received our NOA2 ( SEE MY TIMELINE ), Dont stress, it will happen as so many others have said before can be 3 months can be 7 months, no rhyme no reason, but you should be fine. Somebody even said that it could be a name match, so they need to make sure your not thee " james bond" hehe, youll be fine. And yes agree in this day and age, this whole process should be no more than 60 days from start to finish.
edwardteresa4everMalePhilippines2012-02-18 16:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions on Filling out 1-129F
You should use the Address on her passport, but questions how long has she been in Korea? less than a year more than a year? Once you fill out the 129 paperwork you will need to list all addresses she has lived at for over a year, so if she has been in korea over a year you will need to list that address, but the address you list on your paperwork should be her permanent legal residence.
edwardteresa4everMalePhilippines2012-02-20 17:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions on Filling out 1-129F

I looked through the Step-by-Step guide and I didn't see anything pertaining to my situation (although I may have missed it) and

I was hoping I could get some help with some questions I had.

1. My Fiance is a Citizen of the Republic of the Philippines but she is working in Korea right now and will be there until at least May.

for her address do I put where she is at in Korea or her home in the Philippines seeing as shes not a citizen of Korea? (This questions pertains to

block 2 and block 15)

2. Also Since she is in Korea I was wondering if on block 20 since she is in Korea, I don't know whether or not the form will be completed by the time

she goes home or not. If I put the embassy in Korea would she still be able to apply at the embassy in the Philippines if the forms aren't approved in time?

Any and all help is greatly appreciated, thank you for your time :)

edwardteresa4everMalePhilippines2012-02-20 17:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoing K-1 ..I29-F / Convicted Felon
when you fill out your 129f, they ask if you have ever been convicted of the following crimes, if you have not ever been convicted of the crimes they list, then your fine. If you have been convicted of any of the crimes they list as the other OP said you will need more information. Good Luck
edwardteresa4everMalePhilippines2012-03-11 19:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFilling form I-134

There is no point in including anything extra if you make above 125% of the poverty guidelines with your income from your job. The rest of the form is for if you do not make it but want to use assets or savings in the bank or other things to qualify to sponsor without using a co-sponsor.

It will be all about your past 2 years Tax returns, if your above the 125% poverty level your golden.
edwardteresa4everMalePhilippines2012-03-18 18:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis true that as soon as you received the NOA2 approval...

What's an mnl???

The OP is going through the philippine consulate, MNL is ther Manila case number, which will be given to them once the NVC has received their case.
edwardteresa4everMalePhilippines2012-03-18 17:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis true that as soon as you received the NOA2 approval...

i heard that after the nvc gets the file and sends it on to the embassy but before you receive writen conformation of the embassy receiving it that you can start the process by calling for your mnl number from the nvc and using it to do your online paper work like the156 k156 157 but so far that is all i herard was wondering if that where true because it wont be long and i will be going through this as well anyone out there know

Heres what happens once you get your NOA2 it is forwarded to the NVC, quickly I might add, they will have it in about 7 or so days, then its forwarded to the embassy, but heres what you do rather than waiting for papers, once the NVC has it you will get a case number, you can call the NVC and they will give it to you, once you have your case number you can sheduale your medical ( having already paid your BPI) you can also sheduale your interview, if you need more info just message me. we shedualed our medical and interview all with just having our MNL CASE number, we didnt wait to receive any papers, my honey will be here wednesday.
edwardteresa4everMalePhilippines2012-03-18 17:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinally NOA2 Approved
Congratulations :)
edwardteresa4everMalePhilippines2012-03-18 17:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK2 follow-to-join process for US embassy in manila,philippines???

they can come with their mom. been there, done it. :thumbs:

Thank You Sun and Moon :thumbs:
edwardteresa4everMalePhilippines2011-12-12 19:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK2 follow-to-join process for US embassy in manila,philippines???

Children's names are NEVER on the NOA2 (approval) call themn back and get someone that knows what they are doing and schedule your appointment. You should be able to do it just with the MNL number. Of course you have a copy of the I-129f because NO ONE would ever send that without a making a copy and from that you can see that your son is listed because you had to list ALL childrfen whether they were coming with you or not and regardless of age.

we are in a similar situation, does this mean my fiances 2 little girls cant come with her when we have our NOA2, we are hoping she can come with them?? They are listed on the 129f and they both have their passports, ages 3 and 9.
edwardteresa4everMalePhilippines2011-12-12 19:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 visa process for nigerians

can anyone tell me, what are the red flags, I keep seeing them spoke about, but have not yet seen a list of them?


OladanaFemaleNigeria2013-07-10 10:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1, aos in process now how do we bring his son
Thanks! I had know idea where to start with this part!
OladanaFemaleNigeria2014-09-13 10:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1, aos in process now how do we bring his son
Ok, we did the k1, got approved then married, we are waiting on the AOS to complete, my question is how do we bring his son? We put him down on the k1, and they called his sons name at the interview, but he didn't take him with him. His sons mother has now agreed to let him come here to live! How do we go about it?
OladanaFemaleNigeria2014-09-12 10:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa evidence: Translation

I have gathered some evidence, such as chat logs (which are in Russian, since both of us speak Russian and its our native language) and engagement ring receipt (which was purchased in Russia, and therefore the receipt is in russian, as well as currency) Do I need to translate our chat logs/engagement ring receipt? Also, I heard some people write place and date on the back of the photographs as part of the evidence, is that necessary or optional?

Thank you so much in advance!


dmitriy_zolotovNot Telling02013-07-14 12:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresrequest for evidence
Hi Steve,

Unfortunatley it is really unpredicatable as to how long you may be delayed. As far as the RFE - until you receive it you wont know exactly what it is for. Maybe time to review everything you sent to see if there is any obvious oops.

Did you include your I129F, check and the G325a's for each of you. I know it sounds stupid to even ask but it has happened!

Just an FYI - if this was the initial petition you didn't need to send bank statements and only the BC for the USC.

Its highly likely that the lawyer made an error - happens all the time. Did you review all their work before the package was submitted.

Let us know what the letter says when you receive it and best wishes!
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-15 11:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarried in other country and want apply K1,K3 or just get married...
Discuss the possibility of filing a divorce in absentia with your attorney. There are ways to deal with your situation but it requires the services of a good and knowledgable divorce attonney. Somtimes these cases can be quite lenghty and I am not familiar with divorce laws in Canada.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-15 12:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStart K-1 process before or after traveling to US?

No doing private/informal English lessons while on the visa waiver.

If she tells CBP that's what she'll be doing, she'll get bounced for sure.

If she gets in by omitting that fact, but engages in lessons, that's against the terms of the VWP.

All depends on whether this statement is in regards to receiving or giving.
If receiving - no problem
If giving - potential problem. There is nothing that disallows someone from engaging in providing enlish lessons if their is no monetary compensation received.

I was however a little confused when I orignally read that, I guess I went with the assumption that it was receiving since in most cases that would make more sense, however I see where it could apply to someone who has a good command of both languages to engage in the teaching or tutoring of others.

Maybe better to answer "What will you do" with - Everything I possibly can in the time I have available, baseball, hot dogs and apple pie! Make sure she roots for the Red Sox and not the damn yankees too :rofl:
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-16 15:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStart K-1 process before or after traveling to US?
Unfortunatley there is no way to predict what might happen at CBP. So much is left at the discression of the officer. The best bet is to try and show strong ties to her home counrty. Sometimes they dont as much and sometimes they are real ball busters.

The fact that she has visited multiple times before I would think are a plus but I don't know how much they factor that in.

I delayed our filing so I could have another visit and strengthen our case but that wouldn't apply to you, sounds like you've got that well covered and the two of you just want to be together (I understand that completely :thumbs: )

If you file and then she comes - just be completely upfront.

Wish you all the best and hope everything works in your favor :yes:
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-16 12:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStart K-1 process before or after traveling to US?
I dont think there is any relavance if you are applying for the California Bar, no more than if you were already an attorney which is "none".

File when your ready, it sounds like you are already familiar with the process and the rules. No sense delaying based on speculation.

It's really your decision. Is she from a country from which the US typically scrutinizes things more? There is no gaurantee with any visa waiver country and long visits typically are given more scrutiny than short visits.

Has she been here before? Any problems or issues? How long were the visits?

As Bobby+Umit said - answer everything honestly and show strong ties.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-15 13:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresplane tickets/boarding pass
:blink: What is in the back? Unless there is some useful information there its not necessary. I pulled a bunch of boarding passes out of my desk and the backs are blank!

I never copied the back side of any of my tickets or boarding passes but if there is info in the back you certainly can.

Hmmm, I just remembered something funny - I did copy MY backside once :rofl:
Sorry - inappropriate content :blush:
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-16 12:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresconfused...

tnx once again bernie...hope to hear some more from u guys regarding this matter.

Hi curlytops (I assume you must have curly hair hehe - cute)(sometimes they call me curly even though I'm almost bald :rofl: )

I'm trying to get an understanding of your current situation pertaining to the Labor Certification process and where it may stand. You mention it is pending since 2008. What is your job and do you know what EB classification it falls under.

Without knowing any more information I would assume you fall under EB3 as that seems to be the most likely category or possibly EB2.

In any case, after doing some reading (still need to do lots more :wacko: ) I have not found anywhere that would indicate there would be a problem with your finace filing a petition for alien fiancee (I-129f). It looks to me like if you followed the K-1 process and entered the US as a fiancee you would marry, Adjust Status, apply for EAD and follow the normal K-1 process.

What I was investigating, was trying to determine based on the preference status and the I-140, where you might be based on the date the applications were submitted, the Service Center etc..
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-15 07:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresconfused...
Thats very good information to know! Much better scenario than if the pending application was for a previous fiancee visa!!!

I am not familiar with the Labor Certification Process and whats involved in applying for a visa and/or AOS within that process.

Sounds like you've got someone else who is in the same boat and maybe some more will come along and chime in as far as how long things take and such.

Good luck and hope it all works out with either or both :blink:
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-14 11:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresconfused...
There is nothing that prevents a USC from "applying" for a petition for fiancee whether there is one pending or not.

However whether that petition is successful may depend on who, what, where, when related to the existing applcation.

What type of application is pending. Why are you no longer pursuing that application. What is the actual status of the pending application.

You provide very little information that would aid in advice to your situation.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-14 07:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk-1 visa original documents
Send Originals of the I129F, G325A's (both petitioner and beneficiary), Letters of Intent to Marry (both petitioner and beneficiary).

Other documents and things at this stage can be copies.

You should make copies of all originals you send (x2) one copy for you and one copy for your finacee.

Later for the interview you will want to have originals of all personal documents such as birth certificates, divorce decree (if applicable), etc...
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-18 11:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew to Processing K-1 Pls advice
A cople of the early posts (the first 2) are misleading. Start with Otto & Karins and Johnny and you'll get started right.

G325A (petitioner)
G235A (beneficiary)
letter of intent to marry (petitioner)
letter of intent to marry (beneficiary)
Birth Certificate (Petitoner)
Passport Copy (Petitoner)
Proof of having met in person within the past two years
Proof of ongoing relationship (optional - some recommend it depending on consulate)

Go the the guide section here on VJ and it will answer alot of your questions.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-18 11:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhich Embassy/Consulate to use?
It looks like it should go to Dakar, Senegal.

If your going to wait till you get back to file, you may want to send an email to verify that is correct:

Have a great and safe trip!!!!
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-18 11:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWEDDING
We just recently had a civil ceremony at a district judge. We originally had wanted to do soemthing more but weeks flew by so fast we just wanted to get it done and keep everything legal. We are still going top be a little late applying for AOS since we just completed vaccinations on 90th day. A soon as we visit the civil surgeon we will complete and send AOS.

We did have a traditional ceremony in Vietnam with lots of guests (about 350) so we are now just planning on having a big party here to celebrate with my family and friends (once the weather gets better).

Lots of ways you can go about it - its all up to you!
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-18 10:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBlue or black ink ?
It shouldn't matter. I made it a point to sign all our forms, or have her sign them, in blue ink, only for the reason that I had read in a few instances where some were given the 3rd degree because the CO could not tell the difference between a photo copy and the original signature in black.

If you had the original and the photo copy the difference should be distinguishable (not sure if that is even a word :wacko: ) but in the event there is only one copy some CO who wants to make a bad day for someone could pull this trick.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-19 12:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHoping to figure out the best way...
Have you discussed the possibility of obtaining a cosponser. Your journey does not end because he got laid-off. Maybe he has a family member who would be willing to co-sponser.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-20 07:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 POE
You didnt metion your POE so you'll likely get a multitude of answers, some good, some bad and some indifferent.

My fiancee POE was Detroit in January (I was with her). It was very uneventful. Waited in line for about 30 minutes, got to the CBP counter, handed over the sealed packet. The officer opened it and looked through it a few times (really looked like he was a newbie hehe). Asked if we knew we had to be married in 90 days - we answered yes. He attached the I-94 and stamped it, wrote on her passport (1 of 1) and circled the "1" on the K-1 visa. Said welcome to the US and we were off to gather luggage.

At Customes, the officer asked a few questions, when did you meet, when is the wedding, then just typical questions like we always get when reentering us. Then, welcome to the US.

For us it was a snap - I'm sure you'll hear some of the bad side too.

Good Luck and Best Wishes!
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-19 12:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1- NOA2 approval wait?
I know it can be frustrating but try not to focus on others dates except for very general guidelines. There is so much inconsistency, even within the same service centers, so try not to let it drive you batty! Your still well within the time frame.

When I filed our I-129F I fully expected to wait 5 months as the USCIS had posted at that time - so I was very pleasantly suprised when I retuned home from a visit to Vietnam and found our NOA2 in the mailbox at exactly 3 months!

After that the next three months blazed by and we were together again for the interview. Now getting ready to apply for AOS.

Keep the faith and Best Wishes!
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-09 10:21:00