K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Packet Questions
I agree with Bobby+Umit

1) We used the "canned example". (Later on for the interview I submitted a "Reaffirmation of Intent to Marry" for which I used more of my own wording.

2) Same - a few from each month over the time frame. (I dont recollect having any content in my emails that I was worried about anyone reading so I sent tham "as is".

3) We did a little frontloading so I included about 50 or 60 photos laid out in power point then printed onto paper with dates, places, people, events, etc...

4) I didn't number the pages but I did include a "Table of Contents" listing all the documents and the order in which they were contained.

If your wondering what frontloading is - is sending in more than the required info that established your proof of meeting. Some choose to also send in proof of ongoing relationship at the petition stage becuase it gets more info in front of the consulate prior to the interview. We felt it would be beneficial in our case since we were going through a particularly difficult consulate (Vietnam).

Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-03-26 12:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquestion
Not sure if it the same in all States so she will need to check this out but in some States she would just complete a Birth Certificate application form, list you as the father (and of course complete all the other required information and then have it signed and sealed in front of a Notary.

Just ask her to check it out! She may need nothing from you.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-03-26 12:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325a please help
Fill in your profile, type of visa and what stage of the process you are in - otherwise we have no clue what your doing.

If your filing a I129F petition - you need a G325A for yourself and one for your finacee. The form is now just one page. Make two copies (you keep one, one for your fiancee), the original goes to the USCIS with your petition.

You will send a copy of your birth certificate with the I129F petition also.

Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-03-27 09:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325a please help
Yep I agree. Visit the guides section, look through example forms and then visit the forum for the type of visa.

Maje sure as you go you fill in your timeline and profile and info so others know what is up.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-03-27 09:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I the Petitioner have to fill out this form?

My fiance filled out his own DS156 and DS156K... he is the one applying for the visa, it makes no sense to me to fill it out myself and just have him sign it. I don't know all his details, he does. This thread baffles me.

Dont know all his details? You might want to learn about them!!!!!!!!

In some of the more difficult consulates it is advisable that the petitioner and beneficiary know all of each others details. People have been denied for not knowing basic information - and that is all these forms are - basic information.

We did ours togeteher so we were both equally knowledgeable about all the information contained therin.

Personal preference
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-03-24 10:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-693 Report of Examination & Vaccination Record
HI Amanda,

You will only complete Part 1 of the I693 (BUT DO NOT SIGN IT).

We are preparing to do this also. My fiancee and I are getting married on the 31st of March, then she has a few more vaccinations to get before we can file the I693.

After her vaccinations are complete we will make appointment with the Civil Surgeon who will complete the form.

A new medical exam is not required as long as you are within a year form the date of the original medical exam (however I have read a lot of cases where the Civil Surgeon does not understand the process!!!!!!!!!!!).
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-03-22 07:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresREF HELP!
In this case the person handling your petition is not a "jerk", but doing his/her job correctly based on the information you provided.

You answer your own question in your post under "relationship", as "Birth Documents, Family Registries, Marriage Certificates".

Not sure how difficult it may be for you to obtain the pertinent background information to show these relationships, but it appears you have a bit of a challenge at hand.

Hopefully some others who have had a similar instance can provide some insight on what options you may have as far as providing other documents and what may be acceptable to show this relationship.

If you had selected "none" and a relationship issue came up down the road you would be stuck in the same boat and needing the documentation at the interview level. Better to address it honestly and correctly now to avoid potential issues down the road.

Because you have indicated that you are related they need to verify the degree of relationship. I believe from some resources that I read that all states in the USA permit the marriage of 2nd cousins - so that is not the problem. The problem is for you to prove the degree of relationship.

Hope everything works out.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-03-25 07:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOpinion - 10/10/10 Wedding Date possible?
That would be cool if it could work out for you! I have read alot about Montreal being backed up but you never know - there's always a chance!

We were through Vietnam and I mailed out petition on 6/15/09 and interview was 12/15/09 - 6 months on the nose! (Were getting married tomorrow :dance: )

Wish you the Best!!!
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-03-30 06:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 evidence questions
BY final packet I assume you are refering to preparing the I129F petition?

Hard evidence would be photos of the two of you togeteer with any supporting documents that can show time and place.

An itinerary generally does not show proof of anything however if you provide an itinerary and passport stamps that substaniate the itinerary that should be fine.

Letters are more towards "proof of relationship". Again they show no proof of meeting, only that you have maintained correspondance. They are good to have and cannot hurt to send some.

The goal for the petition is to prove that the two of you have met within the past two years in person. Providing additionl proof of ongoing relationship is good also. Many people provide varying amounts of "proof of relationship" at the petition stage. The bigger burden regarding proof of relationship will be at the interview.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-03-30 07:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Affidavit of Support form
Many people check do not intend and fill in as the sample form shows.

Many others have selected to check intend and put in some verbiage.

Everyone has their own opinion on this subject but I have not heard on any problems from chosing to do it either way.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-03-31 09:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI need a non criminal record from Korea?
Below was the statement from our packet 4 regarding foreign police certificates.
Did you reside in South Korea for mare than 1 year? July 2008 to September 2008 is only 3 months. What stage of the process are you in? Have you received packet 3 or 4 yet? You should fill in your timeline so others know what, when, where etc....

Foreign police certificates are required from all other countries where the applicant has resided for at least one year since the age of 16. You should contact with the Embassy or Consulate of the country, where you have resided for information on obtaining foreign police certificates.
?? The following countries require that you be physically present to be issued a foreign police:
Argentina, Albania, Brazil, Chile, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Mozambique, Paraguay, South Korea,
Suriname, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-01 07:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFeb filler
Probably not what you want to hear and there are a lot of inconsistencies but I was checking the latest data available at the USCIC website.

As a comparison - the VSC had a slightly higher overall volume compared to the CSC as reported through early January. Receipts of I129F's were about equal (within 100) but the CSC had processed a substantially higher number (800+) than the VSC.

It's hard to get real good data and averages can be very misleading.

Based on your submittal date your still quite early. Hang in there (we all know how much waiting sucks). Mentally prepare yourself for the expected wait of 3-5 months and if you receive it early it will be a pleasant suprise!
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-01 07:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust Starting

Yeah, you'll need to send in originals. Also, this may sound odd...but you might want to ask her to work on her signature. My girl didn't really have a signature as they don't really signatures out there for everything like we do here in the States. She practiced her signature for hours before she actually signed the 325 and letter of intent.

Not necessary - there is no requirement that forms be "signed" in cursize, this is only what most people typically expect. A "signature" can be printed in block letters!!! Or a scribble (this method usually requires the name to be printed next to the "scribbled signature". The "signature" should however, regardless of the type, use roman letters.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-03-27 09:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat if you don't get married?
Sure it's possible. I know of another case that involved Merrytooth from Singapore. She had to return to Singapore due to some emergency and they were able to get a reissue of the K-1. She just recently arrived back in the US and everything worked out!

Not sure what the timing of your circumstances but maybe if things are within the allowable timeframe that could be an option for you to look into. I dont know all the details, just that we tried to give her some moral support and everything ended up working out.

You may be able to do a search by posts from Merrytooth to find more info or possibly send a PM.

I hope everything works out for you both, I can imagine how difficult it was to make that decision after coming all the way. The good news is now that you;ve been through it once you know exactly what is involved and you were successful. Just keep maintaining all your proof of relationship as things proceed and our best wishes go out to the both of you!
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-03-17 06:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance's Birth Certificate
Sure - the beneficiaries birth certificate is not required until the interview so you'd have quite a few months to sort that out.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-02 09:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCorrect a mistake during the interview?

I don't think so, being born in a city doesn't mean you lived there. I was born in City A but lived my whole life in small town B. I listed that on the paperwork (the small town B - no mention of City A except on my birth certificate) and there were no issues.

Good luck.

Two separate accounts from the question and your answer.

Most forms such as G325a, DS-230, etc... ask for Place of Birth in one section and Places you Lived in another section.

The Place of Birth should be as listed on the Birth Certificate however I do agree that this may not be a place where they ever lived.

For example: My fiancee was born in Phu Tho, Vietnam but moved from there as a small child. So Pho Tho, Vietnam is only listed in the sections where "Place of Birth" is requested but not anywhere in the fields where "Places you Lived" are asked. Most forms either request the latest 5 years or since the age of 16, neither was applicable to place of birth.

I don't how big a deal it is so to be safe as I don't know much about how prefectures, cities, provinces work in Japan. In Vietnam, in some cases there is no city, just a province and the country are listed.

In any event, I would be prepared to correct this just in case it is an issue. Maybe she can fill out new forms and have them with her if the subject comes up.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-01 06:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPictures to send with K-1 Visa
We sent about 70 pictures digitally printed onto 7 pages (covering multiple visits). Each picture (or group of pictures) noted the date, place, and who. I guess that might be considered a bit of "frontloading"!
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-03-31 07:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfiance hired a lawyer
I understand, this process can be frustrating enough without compounding it with an inept attorney!

Is you finace open to discussion on the subject? Have you informed him about the resources available here at VJ?

The initial I129F packet is really not very complicated and should not present too much difficulty to comeplete. Maybe he is just scared of the paperwork, happens all the time. Its like a Santa list, (he's making a list and checking it twice)

He really needs to do some research and understand the process and requirements. When you consider that it is the responsibility of the petitioner and beneficiary to provide all the information and to review and check all the work, it does not make too much sense to pay someone to fill out papers for you. Some people have unusual circumstances that may benefit from the advice of a good immigration attorney, but for most, the info, guides and friends available here are plenty to get on track and get it done.

Wishing you the best!
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-02 08:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfiance hired a lawyer
Sounds like he may have hired a lawyer that is not versed in immigration!

Hopefully he will see the light before too much money goes down the drain.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-02 08:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresletters of intent to marry!
Agreed with payxibka. I dont understand the question. What are you asking about waiting for?

If your petition has been sent, and you included all the information, then you will for sure be waiting for a number of months.

Please clarify!
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-01 07:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat are the K-1 visa medical questions form?
When your foreign fiance will receive instructions from the consulate to schedule a medical exam. They will take a chest x-ray, perform the medical examination, and ask health related questions. The results will be sealed and must be provided to the consulate.

Some places forward the results directly to the consulate, others allow you to pick them up and take them yourself. The package must remain sealed.

This information and instructions typically comes in packet 4 with the appointment letter. Some places send packet 3 and 4 together. Post in your regional forum for more specifics on your consulate.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-07 06:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNecessary to get SSN prior to wedding?
I'm not aware of any POE that will not allow the USC to enter through the noncitizen line with their fiance/spouse. We entered through Detroit and I went through that way with my finacee - no problem. I have not heard of anyone not being allowed.

As far as the SS# being needed before you apply for marriage liscence, it is dependant on where you live and apply. Contrary to some peoples opinions, there are localities that DO require the SS# when applying for a marriage liscence, so check with the local authority where you will be applying.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-03-19 11:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTimeline
Hmm - if your wedding is tenatively planned for May 2010 you are a bit late to be getting started!

Assuming you mean May 2011, I am not positive, but for some reason by belief leans towards that once the K-1 visa is issued "when he enters, its on the K-1" scenario.

However I may be completely wrong.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-07 11:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresletter intend to live in the US
Your saying a lot of unnecessary information. If this is the "Fiance Letter of Intent to Marry" you are planning on sending with your I129F petition then just state the simple facts. Below is an example.

Fiancé Letter of Intent

[Your Name]
xxxx Brierwood Drive
Erie, PA. 165xx USA

United States Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

Vermont Service Center (use address of your service center)
Attn: I-129F
75 Lower Weldon Street
St. Albans, VT 05479-0001


Dear Sir or Madam:

I, [Petitioners Name], do hereby state that I am legally able and willing to marry [Beneficiaries Name], and intend to do so within 90 days of her arrival into the US using the K-1 visa and I do so out of love.

Yours truly,



When you get to the consulate phase your fiancee will complete a DS-230 Application for immigrant visa and alien registration. On that form question 10 will ask for the permanent residence where she will intend to live, if known, including the name of a person who curetnly lives there. You can worry about that when the time comes to complete that form.

Maybe by then you will have an apartment or place of your own (in preparation for your finacees arrival and your marriage). Just throwing some ideas out there.

Keep in mind that once you submit paperwork with your address, you will be required to keep it updated in the event that you move.

For now, I'd focus on the tasks at hand and not try to overthink things.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-08 06:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWow, it's over and done
Great News :dance: and Congratulations! :thumbs:

Wishing you a safe journey home and looking forward to hearing she is here with you soon!
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-02 10:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk-1 visa application
Clarification - the petitioner does not send any visa "application".

The USC petitioner submits a I129F Petition for Alien Fiance(e) and supporting documentation to the USCIS.

Upon approval of the petition the USCIS sends it to the NVC who in turn send it to the US Consulate.

The Consulate then send the foreign finace(e) instructions for filing the visa application along with other various forms and supporting documentation that will be required.

So the USC does not send any visa applications - only a petition for the approval for the foreign fianace to do so.

Just clarifying terms.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-09 07:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCouple of Questions
I did not send any letter from my bank. I did provide the most recent 6 months of bank statements with the I-134.

There is no right/wrong answer to question 11.

Some check yes and some check no.

I checked no and and wrote (N/A - K-1 visa process for permanent residence)

Hope that helps.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-09 15:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-765

Put wherever it was where you were when they stamped your passport as entering the US and took your POE packet. That's what port of entry means. That's what going through CBP means.

If you did that before boarding the plane in Calgary, that's what you put, If you did that somewhere else, you'll put that airport.

Yep - sorry - maybe I should have been a little more precise and said US Customs and Border patrol. Also noting where the passport was stamped and the packet surrendered makes it much clearer.

Have a nice weekend everyone!
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-09 16:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-765
Place of Last Entry into the US. This is not where you stayed but where you entered the US and went through CBP.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-09 15:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquiz about package 3
Well - Yes!

Unless your finacee is coming back to visit before the interview, then she could bring them in hand. Otherwise, some form of delivery service would seem to be the best option.

Someone mentioned once trying to fold them into paper airplanes but they never made it! Hope you dont mind a little humor on a Friday afteroon. Sorry if it came across as offensive :bonk:
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-09 16:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWould I be hurting our chances if I applied for a K-1 now?
Consider this:

You've been "together" for 18 months (about half of which you've actually spent togehter. That's a great start and has given you a general idea about each other, how intimate is really none or our business.

While you've been apart you have both had much time to consider your futures. That is a good thing. Obviously there is no rushing going on. While this time apart is difficult, it provides time for soul searching and part of that is searching in your hearts for just how strong your feelings and relationship is.

Sadly, there are members here who have been trying for years to be together. Some have fallen to the wayside and given up. Others have made the decision to be truly dedicated to each other no matter what the future holds. Some have moved to foreign countries to be togeher. Some wait daily for good news to break in their case.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is that if the love in your hearts is true, you will overcome any obstacles that may stand in your way, one way or another. During the time you are apart your love will either grow or fade. That in itself may answer some questions.

Whatever decisions the two of you make, I hope it works out best for the both of you. Its wonderful to be in love and even more so when it grows each day over time and forever. It takes two to be in love for love in itself is not so much a feeling in your heart but a willingness to be a part or each others lives. When two people care for other and put forth the effort and dedication to meet and share in each others needs, then the result and the feeling you have each and every day are love.

Sorry if I'm just rambling on - wish you all the best!
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-08 16:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes he intend to work at the US?
I believe that Bursa is also the name of the provence in which the City of Bursa is also located.

You may want to verify that but I think the answer to your question is
City - Bursa
Province - Bursa
Country - Turkey
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-12 12:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWedding after visa in hand
Ditto - no marriage prior to POE unless you are asking for trouble and reapplying for spousal visa after denial at entry.

Unless of course you want to go somewhere and have a big wabash with no legal ceremony.

If your legally married prior to entry to the US the K-1 is null and void.

With the current economy you might be suprised with the "all inclusive" deals you might find within the confines of the US.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-12 13:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDenied in other contry
1st and foremeost, lets sort a few things out.

1) Are you the USC or the beneficiary?
2) Were you charged with any crime by the police?
3) Has a petition been filed by you or for you yet?

Need to establish some basic facts here.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-12 13:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWedding Date Set and No Visa - We need Help! Please.
Your list of circumstances is a bit over my wealth of knowledge (or should I say lack of)!

However - what is your resident status, ie.. have you established a "permanent resident status" of greater than 6 months at the location where you are living outside the US.

It may be possible for the two of you the get married there and file DCF/CR-1. I really don't know enough about the residency requirements so maybe someone else more familiar with your situation can advise.

I can tell you that if you just filed a K-1 it is highly unlikely that you'd get through the process and make it to the US before September.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-12 13:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestime running out for vaccinations
All shots in a vaccine series are not required to be completed prior to AOS.

As long as you have received the age appropriate vaccinations prior to AOS and the minimum time interval between shots has not passed you will be fine.

If the minimum time interval passes prior to AOS then you need to get the next vaccine, otherwise you just get it when it comes due.
If your going back for your 4 week 2nd series you should be good, as long as you have all the age appropriate vacccines covered.

My wife only had the Td vaccine prior to entering the US. She had a series of vaccinations last month at the local health department and is going this week to get the remaining ones.

We will then take the vaccination records to the Civil Surgeon.

Am I making sense?
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-13 10:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa
You sent the I-129f petition in February, take a few deep breaths and try to relax a little.

You can expect a bit more waiting before you will hear on the NOA2. Be prepared for 3-5 months wait from submittal. I mentally prepared myself for a 5 month wait and got our NOA2 in three so it was a nice suprise.

In the mean time, it sounds like you had lots of visits. You can use your time constuctively and start preparing the proofs you already have and organizing them.

I separated things by visit, date, place, etc, including boarding passes, receipts, photos.. Also, start reading and reviewing about what to expect next. You have time to start learning and preparing (not sure how familiar you are with the process).

If you have questions along the way, drop in and ask, VJ family here (especially the VN family as that is your consulate if interest) will be glad to share our experiences with you in hopes of providing some help :thumbs:
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-14 13:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTwo Quick Questions
Agreed - dates should not be a problem. I had Doan sign papers when I was in Vietnam in April 09 and did not send the petition until June 09 so there was a few months between - not a problem for us.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-14 14:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWRONG DATES
Not a problem for misrepresentation - your clear there

If a particular CO wanted to be a phoo phoo he could bust your chops about it but it should not be a problem.

Very easy to explain if it did ever come up.

When you prepare for interview just work on getting the dates correct and in agreement with each other on things like engagement date, etc...
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-15 12:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk-1 visa one more question
We did not have many cards and letters and were never asked for any.

However, I would recommend that if you have them, take them. You never know what or how much they want to see so its best to have all the "ammo" you can (as Dakine said).

She won't have to "send" them back after the interview, she can stuff them into her suitcase and bring them along for the ride!
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-15 16:08:00