K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with I-129F
Had the same instance (had some really bad luck with my choices years ago).

I put the most recent two and then added a supplemental sheet as follows.

I-129F Supplement, Part A, Item 9
Prior Spouses Information

To whom it may concern,

The following information is supplemental to Part A, Item 9 (Prior Spouses)

Names of Prior Spouses Date(s) Marriage(s) Ended
Jane Doe 11/17/19XX

My name here (signed and dated)

I also provided certified copies of all divorce decrees.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-06 11:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresconflicting info. on k1 vs k3/immigration visa

Yes and no but mostly correct. We've seen I-129F petitions filed from abroad be returned for the lack of a US address. So, while the petitioner need not either currently be present OR reside in the USA, they need an "address" in the USA, listed on the I-129F. That's the address NOA's will be mailed. Using a friend or parent's address is fine. Strangely, you'll find nothing indicating that in the instructions.

Sorry Paxy! I stand corrected. I'm getting practicality intermingled with tecnicality and that is not a good idea. You are correct that you are not required to currently reside in the US to file the I-129f.

I was incorrect. I apolgize to the OP for posting incorrect information.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-07 15:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresconflicting info. on k1 vs k3/immigration visa

No, not correct. A K-1 can only be submitted to a stateside USCIS service center but it does not require the petitioner to be in the US.

"Residing" in the US and and "being" in the US are two different things. While you do not have to be present in the US to submit the I129f, you must "reside" in the US.

It the OP does not have a current US residence, then he cannot file a I-129f.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-07 07:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresconflicting info. on k1 vs k3/immigration visa
You'll need to do your research on this one - even if a immigration lawyer tells you something you'll need to check and verify it.

DCF may not work - depends on the consulate, where you were married, what your status is in the country you are in, the country of origin of your spouse etc...lots of things to look into. While you may be able to get legally married where you are, you may not be able to file DCF.

K-1, its my understanding that you must be residing in the US to file the I-129f petition and that it cannot be filed while living abroad.

You've got a bit of a task in research to do to figure this out. Hopefully you can get some past experience here from a very similar situation to help out. This is way beyond by scope of knowledge.

I do wish you the very best!

(just a note on K-1 - we filed in June of 2009 and were approved in December 2009 - entered US in January 2010 due to some minor delay at the consulate) so our case was 6-7 months start to POE.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-06 13:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStudent marrying an Australian citizen
Hope this does not come across the wrong way but if you want to have hopes of hitting your December date you'll need to get on the ball quickly and get the petition submitted. Now this is going to sound like I'm contradicting myself because you also need to take your time and make sure everything is correct.

You should get started on the G325A and Letter of Intent from your finace since they should be originals signed and dated by him he will need to complete them and send them to you before you can submit the petition.

Have you checked out the guides here yet - it will be very helpful.

You can never be sure how quick or slow the processing will go but if used the three months average for NOA2 and submitted your petition right away you could be looking at sometime in August before he would be expecting to see packet 3 from the consulate. Just an example - cannot say this for sure.

Hope everything works out for you!
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-05 13:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThank you all!
Congrats and Best Wishes as you continue along your journey :thumbs:
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-10 06:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPay Stubs

Great Advice! If I bring the originals, will I get them back ? Or is it best to make copies?

You never know what they will keep of give back!
I took both originals and copies for my finacee. She gave the copies and they did not ask for the originals, but she had them just in case.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-11 09:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShoot.....ah Will this be a issue?....

it's on One of the forms,I think The DS-156,It asks if you have ever been Arrested "or" convicted for any offense or crime,even though subject of a pardon amnesty or other similar legal action...But don't sweat it,I had an arrest for causing a disturbance 27 years ago,but there's no court records of that arrest,and I was all paranoid and most people on here were telling me how I need court records and such,and It's going to be a problem for me...When I got to the interview,the lady just thanked me for bringing it to there attention and moved on....gues Its up to you if you wanna disclose it..

Apples and Oranges

The DS-156 would be applicable to the alien immigrant
The I129f would be applicable to the petitioner

Don't get them confused!
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-11 15:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShoot.....ah Will this be a issue?....
I don't think you should have any issues. I'm very sorry about what happened, that is horrible. Glad to see you are on a journey to happiness again.

My situation was a bit different but similar (I am male). My wife was having an affair and wanted me to get out of the house. I refused to leave and tryed to talk her into marriage counseling. She refused. (She was a nurse and having an affair with a doctor - I was just a low life nobody - according to her - actually I was the Maintenance Supervisor at a health care facility which I thought was pretty respectable). Anyway - she went to the police and made up a story - one day the sherrif deputies came to my place of employment to serve me with a pfa. I was shocked and dumbfounded. The deputies were very nice - they didn't judge me and we talked quite a bit. They said this type of thing happens and they have to do their job. I understood and met them after work to get my belonging and moved to a hotel and then stayed with a friend and his family. When we had our day in court the judge threw me out of my own home - no evidence or proof of anything - just get out. I consulted a lawyer and he advised me not to fight it - he said he'd be happy to take my money but the chance was 99.9% we would lose because Virginia was a State "for the woman". About a month later I moved back to Pennsylvania and soon after the "ex" followed. We divorced and she married the scum bag she was having the affair with. While I was never convicted of anything and never arrested I was served with a pfa. That was back in the early 90's and when I filed my petition in 2009 I had forgot all about it. It never came up during the process. Actually I had forgotten all about it till I read your post! A time of the past I want to leave behind me and out of memory. I am happily married now (3-31-2010) to my wonderful and beautiful "alien".

Wish you the best on your journey :thumbs:
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-11 12:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to get hold of a copy of DS-2053 (Medical form)
Try contacting the panel physician who performed the medical exam and request a copy. I have heard some people have been successful in obtaining a copy from some physicians.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-11 15:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 visa filing abroad

Sorry I mispoke. I meant bringing her to the US after the K-1 Visa is approved and THEN getting married. But thanks for pointing out my error.

:thumbs: I figured that was what you meant but just wanted to be sure! We have actually seen couples get almost there and then get married and have to start all over :blink:
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-11 09:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 visa filing abroad

I am a USA citizen residing in Miami, Florida and I will be filing a K-1 visa so we can get married and I can bring her to the USA.

Just a note of clarification here too - you cannot file K-1, get married and then bring her to the US. You must file, get approved, bring her to the US, THEN GET MARRIED.

If you get married at any point before her entry to the US you will be starting all over with a CR-1.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-04 09:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Approved, But Few Doubts
I have seen this being mentioned more and more lately. Ours was completely sealed but things are not done the same way everywhere!

No worries for you - normal.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-12 06:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F question 18
Sounds like you got it covered.

I also sent a hotel receipts that showed I was in her city and some restaurant receipts that coincided with photos we took at places we ate. Also had some pics with her family and friends too.

I front loaded my petition because we were going through a high fraud consulate though.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-12 06:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOn the petition leaving the NVC
Hmmm, we only received one letter from the NVC - it said they have forwarded the petition to the designated consulate. Is it possible that you have misread it?

You can call the NVC and ask - they were very polite (very suprising!) when we called back in Sept 09.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-12 16:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of Intent
Definately yes - one from each the petitioner and the beneficiary with original signatures and dated.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-12 16:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa general help!!!!
While for many the "norm" has become sending 2 or 3 years tax returns the most recent years is the most relevant.

If you are concerned about the info contained in the previous years just send the most recent along with your most recent pay stubs, bank statements and Letter of Employment.

If its just the two of you a co-sponser would not be required based on the income you mentioned for last year (as long as that remains current).
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-12 11:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow To: get my filipina's visa approved, already been denied once
Did your fiancee ever send you the denial or any 221g's that were given.

Really need to know exactly what the verbage was on those documents so you can prepare and address them. Without knowing exactly why, it would only be speculation and guessing is certainly not a good way to approach a previous denial.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-12 06:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting Married with a K-1 Visa
Should not be a problem.

You may want to call the County or City Clerks office to find out exactly what you need to bring. Some places may require an appointment.

California requires a picture id such as Drivers License or other valid identification. Some counties recommend bringing certified copies of your birth certificates.
You do not have to be a resident of California to apply for a marriage license there.

Information you need to know before you start filling out the marriage license application:

•Where each of your parents were born (city and state)
•The names of your parents including your mother’s maiden name
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-14 15:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhich is our POE?

The first US City where the wheels touch the pavement.

Unless they suddenly close the terminal and reroute the flight :bonk:
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-14 14:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarrying and then living abroad on K-1

Darnell speaks the truth. :)

Yes - BUT - if you consider this route make sure you check on the residency requirements for the specific country you will be residing in and read up on DCF. Its not always just as simple as it sounds. Even though DCF is DCF the requirements are not equivalent in every US consulate in every country :wacko:
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-17 06:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProcessing Times for I-129F went up.

Whatever. :P Those processing times on the page you gave me are the same since... forever. I'm kidding, but it was December 2009 when I last cheked and it was the same '6 months', but petitions were approved in 3 months at VSC. And I know something about 5 months from as well -> Left column, Before I file -> Check Processing Times -> Left column -> Check Processing Times again and then 'page down'. But those are not the real processing times, they are just USCIS National Goal - 5.0 Month(s), USCIS National Average - 5.0 Month(s), Vermont Service Center - 5.0 Month(s). Like I said before, if your application remains pending beyond their processing times, you should call them. Otherwise, it's 2 months for CSC and 3, for VSC.

I'll keep my first thought: Bernie knows better. ;)

As for the update, it says: Field Office Processing Dates for VERMONT SERVICE CENTER as of: March 31, 2010 just on top of the table.

My motto on USCIS timelines (and other sayings) - We don't know so we go with the flow! Expect the worst and hope for the best! Its better to get a pleasant suprise than be stressing endlessly (even though we all stress daily regardless). You can make me wait but you can't break my heart, my love is everlasting. I'm not to proud to cry but my tears shall water my soul and grow my strength. My hands my be tough and callused but when I hold you they will feel soft and gentle. hehe
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-17 16:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProcessing Times for I-129F went up.
Remember this is what they post as a guideline - when we applied the USCIS had 5 months posted which was what I planned for - it ended up 3 months to the day.

I always say - prepare for the wait and anything less is a pleasant suprise!
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-17 11:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmployment for the last 5 years
I would not list "under the table" jobs. Only a job that was held in an "official or legal" capacity that would have verifiable income.

Remember, this is only biographic background information. Your primary "job" has been as a student so it would not be abnormal for a student to not have a lot of work history.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-18 13:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresURGENT HELP PLS G-325A how many copies?
If your using the most recent version only one copy needs to be sent. If you use the previous version then there will be 4 copies.

Either way - make sure you make copies for you own records - they come in handy.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-18 12:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures129f approved before interview????
Nope - they never forgo the interview.

What this is telling you is that the I129F petition has been approved. Nowit will go to the NVC for a background check and then the NVC will forward it to the consulate. The consulate will contact the beneficiary and inform them what to do next (how to apply for the visa).

The interview will be scheduled later after the forms are completed and returned.

Congrats on your NOA2 (petition approval)!
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-18 12:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresam i out of status?

just for curiosity, why Bob doubt about a B1 visa. Would you mind trying to be a little more especific to see if a got you?
Thanks in advantages

Based on the "splitting hairs" comment I would assume its because it was probably not a B-1. It was more likely a B1/B2 hence the splitting hairs.

Could have been a B-1, might have been a B-2, most likely it was a B1/B2 :wacko:
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-19 15:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBeginning my journey
If your intent on getting married in Jakarta you basically have one option - or if your open to other possibilities you may have two.

Option 1 - You get married in Jakarta and then apply for CR-1 (or K-3). The only things you can do prior to being married in Jakarta are to learn about the process and accumulate proofs of your relationship from the beginning which will aid you through the rest. There is no way to speed up the process, you would have to be married before you can file.

Option 2 - Go the K-1 fiancee route - send in I129F petition and get married in the US. You could do this much sooner. If you've already been dating for 1.5 years you should easlily be able to meet the I129F requirements (proof of meeting in person within the past two years).

Using option 2 - you may still be able to have a traditional wedding ceremony there and not register the marriage. Some may advise against this - you would need to look into it as to how it is scrutinized there and what constitutes a "legal" marriage. Some have gone this route. We did in Vietnam and we had no problems - but I'm not saying its the thing to do.

You could also return to Jakarta and have a wedding there later so the other side could take part.

There is very much to consider. Hang around here and ask some questions - you'll be amazed at the variety of opinions you'll get. Everyone has had their own personal experience so take it all in stride and learn what you can.

Do lots of reading - VJ is a tremendous resource.

Best Wishes!
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-03-26 15:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressome friendly advice and reassurance?
Alright :thumbs:

Now its time to get to work :yes:

Study the guide and get very familiar with the process and you will do just fine. I get a sense that you have a good head on your shoulders so you should not have any trouble with the forms (of course you will have some questions).

Mentally prepare yourself becuase there is a lot of waiting that takes place in the process and it can be very frustrating at times.

Good Lick and Best Wishes on your journey!
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-21 06:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressome friendly advice and reassurance?
What a great story! Seems like destiny has its workings (and by the way - the two of you make an adorbale couple hehe).

Just be straight up and tell them (I can sense the butterflies fluttering) ;)

Youth should not always be measured in age but in maturity as well. Sometimes mom just does not want to let go (dad's too). The best thing you can do is show that you have the maturity and responsibility to take care of lifes adventure and that you are prepared to move forward with your hopes and dreams.

I wish you both the very best!
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-19 16:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAwaiting interview
Yes, that is not available at the USCIS website but at the Department of State website.

Link to the visa forms page at
My link
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-21 11:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat vaccines are needed for I-693?

My wife already had her medical exam in her home country and now we are trying to get her vaccines done here in America. Does she just need an MMR and TD vaccine in order to process the I-693, or does she also need varicella/chicken pox (she already had chicken pox as a child)? Thanks!

She is required to have the age appropriate vaccinations per the CDC recommended guidelines.
See link below for Vaccination Requirments for AOS for US permanent residence: Technical Instructions for Civil Surgeons

My link
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-21 16:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespoverty guidelines
When filing the I-864 at AOS she would no longer be your fiancee but your wife so it still applies!
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-21 15:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTravelling While K1 in Process

I think i will take the chance

:thumbs: Go for it! Just cover your butt as MrStrain14 mentioned!
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-04-15 07:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2 Month visit
Former exchange student
Played football
Returning for a few summer months to visit friends AND girlfriend

I dont see anything that sounds suspicous
In fact it sounds completely and perfectly normal to me

So your from Holland right? Not a high fraud country.

It doesn't sound like you should have any problem. May want to check into what documents you can gather that show strong ties to you home country just to be on the safe side.

Wish you the best and hope you have a great visit. Assuming all goes well - good luck with you K-1 journey when you ready to start that too!
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-11 06:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresproblems w overstay

<!--quoteo(post=3491231:date=Nov 15 2009, 07:49 AM:name=moonstone 85)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (moonstone 85 @ Nov 15 2009, 07:49 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=3491231"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->hey guys,

I'm new here so sorry if this topic was already somewhere around and i didnt see it.
here my story..
I met my fiance last year November while in the states as an au pair w a J1 visa.
My au pair organisation offerd a "travel month" visa was good for 12 month but I took the offer and staied 4 weeks longer.
We filed for K1 in july, got approved in October and my case arrived in Frankfurt, Germany..
They sent me an RFE about my J1 it showes on the DS 156 that i staied 13 months in the US but my Visa was just good for 12.
I wrote my au pair organisation asking to write me something that this 13th monts was part of the program and i didnt stay just over illegaly.
Do you think i will have any problems to get my Visa there??
Thanks for the help<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Doesn't matter. A 30 day overstay is not an issue in any case. You do not start accumulating any bans until 180 days.

Apparently is does matter as the OP stated they received an RFE.

To the OP - What exactly does the RFE say? The RFE will have to be addressed but without knowing exactly what is says its hard to know what to advise.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-20 12:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTwo year home country residence clause?
Where are you reading this from?

There is a two year home residency requirement with some US J-1 visas but that does not sound applicable since you never mentioned him being here in the US.

Need a little clarification on your subject to determine exactly what is going on!
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-17 11:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Meeting
As an example, here is what I sent (I frontloaded by the way),

Copies of passport pages showing visas and entry/exit stamps
Copies of boarding passes and itinerary
Receipts showing payment for flight tickets
Receipts from hotels in Nha Trang
Receipts from restaurants
Receipts from places we visited (when available)
Receipts from the photographer we hired to take our picture day photos and video
Receipts from the restaurant we rented
Receipts for material purchased and from the tailor who made traditional gown

Photos of the two of us together at varoius locations and events, with immediate family, with other relatives and with friends, co-workers and her managers from work.

Photos were printed onto 9 pages (about a 12 per page) with captions including, who is in the photo, when the photo was taken and where the photo was taken.

Emails, cards and letters.

I think that covers most of it.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-24 13:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTourist/Fiancee visa at the same time?
Hi Jay - a few things to think about and consider.

I don't know your financial situation or if it is a concern but just thought I'd bring up a few things to think about.
If she WAS able to come here on a tourist visa and had the baby here, I would assume there would be no provision available for her to have insurance. Do you have any idea what it costs to have a baby in a hospital in the good ole USA? This would have huge financial implications and create a tremendous amount of stress for you.

If she WAS able to come, she would HAVE to return home for the interview which is no cheap date either, and then turn around and fly back again after approval.

Visitor visas are very difficult to come by in Ghana (at least from all I have read).

There is nothing "legally" that prohibits a K-1 applicant to apply for a visitor visa during processing, however we all know that quite frequently they are denied, especially when dealing with certain countries as mentioned previously.

I wish you both the best and we will say some prayers for you for a healthy baby and a union of your family as soon as possible.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-24 13:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSigned Documents
Definately by the most reliable and trused service you have (not familiar with regular mail in Italy and its relaibility)

I prefer to use Fed-Ex but I am dealing with Vietnam where regular mail goes missing far to often.
Bernie CMaleVietnam2010-05-24 09:00:00